

发布时间:2024-07-07 22:13:30


In this opera, Alfredo and Eisenstein the vocal duet which sing by波尔卡the rhythm "And I Comes the Supper < Komm mit mir zum Souper> to be extremely splendid Together" The orchestral music Alfredoinstigates his friend for the song in to deceive the wife the speechaccompaniment, the vocal duet by to be joyful "Pulls, Pulls, Pulls,Pulls" ended, they already imagined own as if at the dance party bygroup of peerless beautiful women's One of this light operamost splendid scenes is "This Posture Is really natural < DieserAnstand so manierlich >" this The Alfredo design lets Rosalindeenter in the dance When the Eisenstein attempt entices ownwife, the theatrical nature achieves the "Suor Angelica > By Giacomo Puccini alone curtain opera In theplay a male angle, all roles all have not been the female Twosentiments have not liked each other the love scene, this creates infront of Puccini's opera is The entire play is covering by thedim Is quite mystical expresses feelings the By Engelbert Humperdinck this opera regards as the German modern timesopera the celebrated work, the prelude by second center Henry Syre andstandard Lai 泰尔 "the prayer subject" is a center, by the Frenchhorn tranquil 四重奏 start, after changes over to the allegro, isthe trumpet "relieves the black magic motive" After department by thethird children replied said "is the wind" the motive and the livelyhalf scale carry on, appears the stringed instruments brightly "themorning subject", then the wooden pipe prompt "the joyful song", "themorning subject" reviews a time, "the prayer subject" enters thedevelopment department from the The development department stilltake "the prayer subject" as the center, after joins "the joyfulsong", becomes the orchestral music instrumental ensemble, includes"the morning subject" 3 subjects push to the high Aftergradually tranquil, is the tail playing -like France type "the prayersubject" By Stephen Sondheim this is frightened the musical, the storyprototype is a 19th century London half-crazy barber's real story,when an evil judge turns barber's 妻儿, he completely fell into hasbeen He and the liquor bar girl 拉维特 cooperation haslaunched own revenge plan, he cuts open visitor's throat, 拉维特uses him the visitor to make the entire London most delicacy the The entire play covers in the atmosphere which darkconstrains, a not less than spirit experiences dangers 我给您翻译得怎么样?有的人名我不会翻译,请原谅,谢谢。


In this opera, Alfredo and Eisenstein the vocal duet which sing by 波尔卡the rhythm "And I Comes the Supper < Komm mit mir zum Souper > to be extremely splendid Together" The orchestral music Alfredo instigates his friend's for the song in to deceive the wife the speech accompaniment, the vocal duet by to be joyful "Pulls, Pulls, Pulls, Pulls" ended, they already imagined own as if at the dance party by group of peerless beautiful women's One of this light opera most splendid scenes is "This Posture Is really natural < Dieser Anstand so manierlich >" this The Alfredo design lets Rosalinde enter in the dance When the Eisenstein attempt entices own wife, the theatrical nature achieves the "Suor Angelica by Giacomo Puccini alone curtain opera In the play a male angle, all roles all have not been the female Two sentiments have not liked each other the love scene, this creates in front of Puccini's opera is The entire play is covering by the dim Is quite mystical expresses feelings the By Engelbert Humperdinck this opera regards as the German modern times opera the celebrated work, the prelude by second center Henry Syre and standard Lai 泰尔 "the prayer subject" is a center, by the French horn tranquil 四重奏 start, after changes over to the allegro, is the trumpet "relieves the black magic motive" After department by the third children replied said "is the wind" the motive and the lively half scale carry on, appears the stringed instruments brightly "the morning subject", then the wooden pipe prompt "the joyful song", "the morning subject" reviews a time, "the prayer subject" enters the development department from the The development department still take "the prayer subject" as the center, after joins "the joyful song", becomes the orchestral music instrumental ensemble, includes "the morning subject" 3 subjects push to the high After gradually tranquil, is the tail playing -like France type "the prayer subject" By Stephen Sondheim this is frightened the musical, the story prototype is a 19th century London half-crazy barber's real story, when an evil judge turns barber's 妻儿, he completely fell into has been He and the liquor bar girl 拉维特 cooperation has launched own revenge plan, he cuts open visitor's throat, 拉维特 uses him the visitor to make the entire London most delicacy the meat The entire play covers in the atmosphere which dark constrains, a not less than spirit experiences dangers

"Die Fledermaus> this opera, Alfredo Eisenstein and the quartet sang to the rhythm Polka "and I have dinner together" K omm mit mir zum Souper>> extremely Alfredo orchestral song to the accompaniment encouraged his friend to deceive his wife, a happy quartet "Latin America, and Latin A Latin America, and Latin America, "the end, as if they had to imagine themselves in dance by a group of the world's sex This and light opera is one of the most spectacular scenes "This gesture really sporty" Dieser Anstand so man ierlich>> Alfredo designed for Rosalinde into the Christmas When Eisenstein attempts to seduce his own wife, dramatic "Suor Angelica" by Giacomo Puccini-act No one plays male angle, all players are the The love scenes not sexual gratification, in the Puccini opera before it is a unique The audio was unclear over the Lyric opera is a very "Hansel and Engelbert Humperdinck this Gretel>by German opera as a modern opera China and Gelaitaier Hengsaier Prelude to Act II of "prayer theme" at the center, quiet Horn Quartet, into Allegro, is the tiny "magic lifting " After the children replied that the Department of Act III "is" is a lively and chromatic motive, String appeared bright, "Good morning theme," and then woodwind suggested "Happy Songs," "Good Morning theme," recalls one bass from the "prayer theme of" entering D Development is still "subject to pray" for the center, adding "Happy Songs", has become the orchestra and ensemble to include "Good Morning theme," the three themes to a Gradually calmed, is the tail of France played "theme " "This is a Sweeney Todd> horror by Stephen Sondheim Banfeng prototype is a story of the 19th century London barber's story When a wicked judge scroll wife abducted when he plunged into a completely Lovett and the bar girl he launched a cooperation plan their revenge, he slit the throats of the Lovett has spent his entire foreign guests to make the most delicious meat Perhaps shrouded in a dark and oppressive atmosphere, a spirit of good A看看准不准


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《季羡林谈佛(典藏本)》(季羡林)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:3atn    书名:季羡林谈佛(典藏本)作者:季羡林豆瓣评分:9出版社:当代中国出版社出版年份:2015-2页数:184内容简介:季羡林先生是国内外公认的佛教研究权威,一生对佛教研究倾注了大量的心血。季羡林从语言学、社会学、历史学等切入,修正了原来的很多假设,考证了佛教是间接传进中国来的。全书收录了季羡林先生经典的佛教研究文章,旨在反映季羡林先生重要的佛学研究成果,呈现季羡林先生在佛教研究中体现的思想和文化观。作者简介:季羡林,生于1911年8月6日,山东清平人。1930年入清华大学西洋文学系专修德文。1935年入德国哥根廷大学主修印度学,先后掌握了梵文、巴利文、佛教混合梵文、吐火罗文等古代语言。1946年被胡适聘为北京大学教授,主持创办东方语言文学系。1956年当选为中国科学院学部委员。1978年后曾任北京大学副校长、中国社会科学院南亚研究所所长等职务。季先生是中国著名的文学家、语言学家、教育家、社会活动家、翻译家和散文家。学术研究领域主要有印度古代语言、中印佛教史、比较文学、文艺理论、东方文化、敦煌学等。范围之广,国内外罕见。


文言文翻译的方法: 文言文翻译是一种综合性练习,它既能考查文言文基础知识的运用,又能提高文言文阅读能力和学生的书面表达能力。 文言文翻译要求字字落实,以直译为主,意译为辅。要尽量保持原文的语言风格。文言文翻译的步骤,首先要通读全文,把握文章大意,做到心中有数,切忌一上来就匆匆忙忙翻译。在翻译时,遇到疑难词句,可暂时放过,等译完上下文,再进行推敲。译完全文后,再通读一遍,检查校正,以防误译、漏译和曲译。 文言文翻译基本方法:直译和意译。 文言文翻译具体方法:留、删、补、换、调、变 文言文翻译的要求 文言文翻译 要做到“信、达、雅”三个字。“信”是指译文要准确无误,就是要使译文忠于原文,如实地、恰当地运用现代汉语把原文翻译出来。“达”是指译文要通顺畅达,就是要使译文符合现代汉语的语法及用语习惯,字通句顺,没有语病。“雅”就是指译文要优美自然,就是要使译文生动、形象,完美地表达原文的写作风格。 文言文翻译的原则 在文言文翻译过程中,必须遵循“字字有着落,直译、意译相结合,以直译为主”的原则。这就要求我们,在具体翻译时,对句子中的每个字词,只要它有一定的实在意义,都必须字字落实,对号入座。翻译时,要直接按照原文的词义和词序,把文言文对换成相应的现代汉语,使字不离词,词不离句。如果直译后语意不畅,还应用意译作为辅助手段,使句意尽量达到完美。 文言文翻译的方法 文言文翻译是一种综合性练习,它既能考查文言文基础知识的运用,又能提高文言文阅读能力和学生的书面表达能力。 文言文翻译要求字字落实,以直译为主,意译为辅。要尽量保持原文的语言风格。文言文翻译的步骤,首先要通读全文,把握文章大意,做到心中有数,切忌一上来就匆匆忙忙翻译。在翻译时,遇到疑难词句,可暂时放过,等译完上下文,再进行推敲。译完全文后,再通读一遍,检查校正,以防误译、漏译和曲译。 文言文翻译基本方法:直译和意译。 文言文翻译的基本方法有直译和意译两种。 所谓直译,是指用现代汉语的词对原文进行逐字逐句地对应翻译,做到实词、虚词尽可能文意相对。直译的好处是字字落实;其不足之处是有时译句文意难懂,语言也不够通顺。 所谓意译,则是根据语句的意思进行翻译,做到尽量符合原文意思,语句尽可能照顾原文词义。意译有一定的灵活性,文字可增可减,词语的位置可以变化,句式也可以变化。意译的好处是文意连贯,译文符合现代语言的表达习惯,比较通顺、流畅、好懂。其不足之处是有时原文不能字字落实。 这两种翻译方法当以直译为主,意译为辅。 二、文言文翻译具体方法:留、删、补、换、调、变。 “留”,就是保留。凡是古今意义相同的词,以及古代的人名、地名、物名等,翻译时可保留不变。 “删”,就是删除。删掉无须译出的文言虚词。比如“沛公之参乘樊哙者也”——沛公的侍卫樊哙。“者也”是语尾助词,不译。 “补”,就是增补。(1)变单音词为双音词;(2)补出省略句中的省略成分;(3)补出省略了的语句。注意:补出省略的成分或语句,要加括号。 “换”,就是替换。用现代词汇替换古代词汇。如把“吾、余、予”等换成“我”,把“尔、汝”等换成“你”。 “调”就是调整。把古汉语倒装句调整为现代汉语句式。主谓倒装句、宾语前置句、介宾后置句、定语后置句等翻译时一般应调整语序,以便符合现代汉语表达习惯。 “变”,就是变通。在忠实于原文的基础上,活泽有关文字。如“波澜不惊”,可活泽成“(湖面)风平浪静”。 文言文翻译“四重奏” 最近两年高考对文言文翻译的考察由选择正误改为笔译。这就增加了答题难度,而且所出试题均出于课外,仿佛无迹可求,无从下手。其实,还是可以讲究一点技巧,从以下四个方面着手,奏一曲美妙的“文言文翻译四重奏”: 翻译要注意补充省略的句子成分。文言文中省略现象大量存在,有省略主语、省略谓语动词、省略介词、省略宾语等。在大家做翻译题时,一定注意先把原文省略的句子成分补充完整,否则译文易句意不清、不通。 翻译要注意调整语序。文言文中变式句时常出现,有主谓后置、定语后置、介词结构后置、宾语前置等四种类型。翻译时调整好语序,才能便于翻译,否则译文易颠三倒四,给人“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”的感觉。 翻译要注意活用现象。文言文中的某些实词可以在一定的语言环境中临时改变它的词性和用法,这就是活用。主要有动词、形容词、名词的使动用法,形容词、名词的意动用法,名词用作动词,名词作状语等。翻译时要抓住词语的临时含义。 翻译要抓住关键词,联系语境,重点突破。在文言文阅读中,有些句子往往因为个别词而影响全句的理解。这个词就是一个关键词。对于它,我们要联系语境去理解、参悟。 综上所述,文言文翻译,只要平时努力,并注意以上四点,加以灵活掌握,要翻译正确是不难的。 文言文翻译得分点把握技巧 2005年语文考试大纲将“与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”列入了高考考试范围,对这一知识点的考查,最大的可能是在翻译题中体现,因此,如何做好文言文翻译题已成为考生们关注的焦点。 一、看词性——从词类活用现象方面把握 备考对策:词类活用是2005年高考的选考内容。它是文言文中特有的语法现象,主要有名词、动词、形容词等的活用。翻译时,对活用的词要善于通过分析句子的语法结构来确定它的词性及词义。 二、观句式——从文言句式特点方面把握 备考对策:文言句式已纳入2005年高考考查范围,这就要求我们必须掌握好文言句式的不同特点,特别要掌握好判断句、被动句、省略句、宾语前置句。而这些句式一般说来都有语言标志,因此,可以通过对这些语言标志的识别,来判断它们是属于哪种句式特点。 三、悟词义——从关键实词意义方面把握 备考对策:所谓关键实词,就是指那些在句子中起关键意义的、解释通常与现代汉语不同的或有多个义项的词语。句子中的关键实词,以动词最多,形容词、名词次之。另外,也要注意句子中的通假字、古今异义词等。 四、辨用法——从主要虚词用法方面把握 备考对策:虚词是句子构成中一个不可或缺的部分,考试大纲18个文言虚词中经常考的有“而、以、于、因、用、乃、其、为、则、之”等,考前应当注意把它们的用法进行归纳并强化训练以加深印象。翻译时,要做到“词不离句,句不离段”,注意上下文的关系,注意意思的衔接和连贯。 所以,在文言文翻译中,一定要注意通过看词性、观句式、悟词义、辨用法等方法,敏锐地发现这些得分点并准确地把它们翻译好,翻译得通顺流畅。这样,才能在文言文翻译中得到高分。

《阅世心语》(季羡林)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: og9j    书名:阅世心语作者:季羡林出版社:京华出版年份:2019-3页数:313内容简介:《季羡林散文集:阅世心语》收录了季羡林先生关于人生、治学、生活等方面的文章,从中可以窥见国学大师的生活态度,耄耋老人的人生感悟、对于人生意义与价值的追寻、缘分与命运、做人与处世、容忍、成功、知足、朋友、毁誉、压力、长寿之道、伦理道德等方面。是学术大家季羡林先生结合自己九十多年的生活体验,对于人生和世事的感悟的集大成之作。作者简介:季羡林,字希逋,又字齐奘,语言学家、文学家、教育家、翻译家和社会活动家。历任中国科学院哲学社会科学部学部委员、北京大学副校长、中国社会科学院南亚研究所所长等职。在学术领域颇有建树,自言“梵学、佛学、吐火罗文研究并举,中国文学、比较文学、文艺理论研究齐飞”,著有《中印文化关系史论丛》《佛教与中印文化交流》等学术专著。学术研究之余,其在散文创作方面也成就斐然,文章情感真挚,文笔朴实,具有浓厚的文化底蕴,代表作有《牛棚杂忆》《留德十年》等。




文言文翻译的方法: 文言文翻译是一种综合性练习,它既能考查文言文基础知识的运用,又能提高文言文阅读能力和学生的书面表达能力。 文言文翻译要求字字落实,以直译为主,意译为辅。要尽量保持原文的语言风格。文言文翻译的步骤,首先要通读全文,把握文章大意,做到心中有数,切忌一上来就匆匆忙忙翻译。在翻译时,遇到疑难词句,可暂时放过,等译完上下文,再进行推敲。译完全文后,再通读一遍,检查校正,以防误译、漏译和曲译。 文言文翻译基本方法:直译和意译。 文言文翻译具体方法:留、删、补、换、调、变 文言文翻译的要求 文言文翻译 要做到“信、达、雅”三个字。“信”是指译文要准确无误,就是要使译文忠于原文,如实地、恰当地运用现代汉语把原文翻译出来。“达”是指译文要通顺畅达,就是要使译文符合现代汉语的语法及用语习惯,字通句顺,没有语病。“雅”就是指译文要优美自然,就是要使译文生动、形象,完美地表达原文的写作风格。 文言文翻译的原则 在文言文翻译过程中,必须遵循“字字有着落,直译、意译相结合,以直译为主”的原则。这就要求我们,在具体翻译时,对句子中的每个字词,只要它有一定的实在意义,都必须字字落实,对号入座。翻译时,要直接按照原文的词义和词序,把文言文对换成相应的现代汉语,使字不离词,词不离句。如果直译后语意不畅,还应用意译作为辅助手段,使句意尽量达到完美。 文言文翻译的方法 文言文翻译是一种综合性练习,它既能考查文言文基础知识的运用,又能提高文言文阅读能力和学生的书面表达能力。 文言文翻译要求字字落实,以直译为主,意译为辅。要尽量保持原文的语言风格。文言文翻译的步骤,首先要通读全文,把握文章大意,做到心中有数,切忌一上来就匆匆忙忙翻译。在翻译时,遇到疑难词句,可暂时放过,等译完上下文,再进行推敲。译完全文后,再通读一遍,检查校正,以防误译、漏译和曲译。 文言文翻译基本方法:直译和意译。 文言文翻译的基本方法有直译和意译两种。 所谓直译,是指用现代汉语的词对原文进行逐字逐句地对应翻译,做到实词、虚词尽可能文意相对。直译的好处是字字落实;其不足之处是有时译句文意难懂,语言也不够通顺。 所谓意译,则是根据语句的意思进行翻译,做到尽量符合原文意思,语句尽可能照顾原文词义。意译有一定的灵活性,文字可增可减,词语的位置可以变化,句式也可以变化。意译的好处是文意连贯,译文符合现代语言的表达习惯,比较通顺、流畅、好懂。其不足之处是有时原文不能字字落实。 这两种翻译方法当以直译为主,意译为辅。 二、文言文翻译具体方法:留、删、补、换、调、变。 “留”,就是保留。凡是古今意义相同的词,以及古代的人名、地名、物名等,翻译时可保留不变。 “删”,就是删除。删掉无须译出的文言虚词。比如“沛公之参乘樊哙者也”——沛公的侍卫樊哙。“者也”是语尾助词,不译。 “补”,就是增补。(1)变单音词为双音词;(2)补出省略句中的省略成分;(3)补出省略了的语句。注意:补出省略的成分或语句,要加括号。 “换”,就是替换。用现代词汇替换古代词汇。如把“吾、余、予”等换成“我”,把“尔、汝”等换成“你”。 “调”就是调整。把古汉语倒装句调整为现代汉语句式。主谓倒装句、宾语前置句、介宾后置句、定语后置句等翻译时一般应调整语序,以便符合现代汉语表达习惯。 “变”,就是变通。在忠实于原文的基础上,活泽有关文字。如“波澜不惊”,可活泽成“(湖面)风平浪静”。 文言文翻译“四重奏” 最近两年高考对文言文翻译的考察由选择正误改为笔译。这就增加了答题难度,而且所出试题均出于课外,仿佛无迹可求,无从下手。其实,还是可以讲究一点技巧,从以下四个方面着手,奏一曲美妙的“文言文翻译四重奏”: 翻译要注意补充省略的句子成分。文言文中省略现象大量存在,有省略主语、省略谓语动词、省略介词、省略宾语等。在大家做翻译题时,一定注意先把原文省略的句子成分补充完整,否则译文易句意不清、不通。 翻译要注意调整语序。文言文中变式句时常出现,有主谓后置、定语后置、介词结构后置、宾语前置等四种类型。翻译时调整好语序,才能便于翻译,否则译文易颠三倒四,给人“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”的感觉。 翻译要注意活用现象。文言文中的某些实词可以在一定的语言环境中临时改变它的词性和用法,这就是活用。主要有动词、形容词、名词的使动用法,形容词、名词的意动用法,名词用作动词,名词作状语等。翻译时要抓住词语的临时含义。 翻译要抓住关键词,联系语境,重点突破。在文言文阅读中,有些句子往往因为个别词而影响全句的理解。这个词就是一个关键词。对于它,我们要联系语境去理解、参悟。 综上所述,文言文翻译,只要平时努力,并注意以上四点,加以灵活掌握,要翻译正确是不难的。 文言文翻译得分点把握技巧 2005年语文考试大纲将“与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”列入了高考考试范围,对这一知识点的考查,最大的可能是在翻译题中体现,因此,如何做好文言文翻译题已成为考生们关注的焦点。 一、看词性——从词类活用现象方面把握 备考对策:词类活用是2005年高考的选考内容。它是文言文中特有的语法现象,主要有名词、动词、形容词等的活用。翻译时,对活用的词要善于通过分析句子的语法结构来确定它的词性及词义。 二、观句式——从文言句式特点方面把握 备考对策:文言句式已纳入2005年高考考查范围,这就要求我们必须掌握好文言句式的不同特点,特别要掌握好判断句、被动句、省略句、宾语前置句。而这些句式一般说来都有语言标志,因此,可以通过对这些语言标志的识别,来判断它们是属于哪种句式特点。 三、悟词义——从关键实词意义方面把握 备考对策:所谓关键实词,就是指那些在句子中起关键意义的、解释通常与现代汉语不同的或有多个义项的词语。句子中的关键实词,以动词最多,形容词、名词次之。另外,也要注意句子中的通假字、古今异义词等。 四、辨用法——从主要虚词用法方面把握 备考对策:虚词是句子构成中一个不可或缺的部分,考试大纲18个文言虚词中经常考的有“而、以、于、因、用、乃、其、为、则、之”等,考前应当注意把它们的用法进行归纳并强化训练以加深印象。翻译时,要做到“词不离句,句不离段”,注意上下文的关系,注意意思的衔接和连贯。 所以,在文言文翻译中,一定要注意通过看词性、观句式、悟词义、辨用法等方法,敏锐地发现这些得分点并准确地把它们翻译好,翻译得通顺流畅。这样,才能在文言文翻译中得到高分。


O Henry's life and creation time, is developing rapidly American capitalism and go on the imperialist stage of capitalism, the highly centralized, the lower people's lives increasingly poor, and in the face of such real life American text, from Romanticism early transition gradually austere As born in the typical historical environment of realism and humanitarian writer, O Henry is rooted in life and face the reality of But the trend of popular culture becoming vulgar and curry favour by claptrap social reality also let writers recognize, publishers and magazine boss need to mass culture curious stories, jokes and even vulgar society gossip, is the end to surprise, give a person happy fast food Art for the survival, to the pursuit of art, it will force the writer in the novel writing technique with some effort, to against the demand for skills training to adapt This steering results and adaptation of creation, art is a brand-new Henry 1, soluble and criticism as curve display realistic writer O Henry, in his short novels mainly lies in the criticism, even suffering little description of characters, or the performance of human virtue their affliction, or expose them deep-rooted bad habits, is also aimed at exposing and criticizing capitalism social Social reality requires him to try various devices to use euphemism, to cater to the publisher and editorial requirements and through the examination of system Marx once pointed out: "now a batch of outstanding novelist, they vividly described the book reveals to the world political and social in their superior truth, than all the politicians, statesmen and occupation moralist in more with the" (5), Henry as American critical realistic writer in this respect, wisdom, courage and artistic achievement, can Pi Mei and the O Henry is good at creating the structure of the novel, can make originally appears to be flat, thin story plot, by increasing the swing of the characters and broaden the story for the novel brought changes, let readers have a kind of aesthetic surprise, will change unpredictably aesthetic moment into the reader's mind, comedy and tragedy is the combination of to achieve the unity of form, the writer's skill is a covert critical The characters in his novels the characters often comic make sacrifice oneself, want to do good but get the opposite of what one wants, causing the However, often humorous performance of the hero in the tragic experience Out of the Blue revealed the human, thus has the In the "two gentlemen" Thanksgiving in the peel and "police and hymn" in the soapy, this is the year of youth, American millions of the ranks of the unemployed suffer hunger and cold, struggling in the line between life and death, this is their common tragedy, social But their tragedy is the relatively independent comic form: a prominent hunger, another prominent cold, yet in the end are the same, a death, a prison, the novel also returns to the tragic The writer not only make use of comedy to show Men's feelings are , is good at with the tragedy revealed non humanity; not only good at comedy deepened tragedy infection, but also good at permeability of comedy in The comedy of the forms to express the tragic content, the tragic story to contrast with the effect of the combination of comedy, comedy and tragic, formed the dialectics of O Henry's artistic creation, aesthetic counter function, received the pungent satire and subtle critical effect, this is the magical writer writing technique

Economic Achievements and Current Challenges Since initiating the reforms and open policy, China has achieved tremendous Growth of about 9% per annum since the late 1970s has helped to lift several hundred million people out of absolute poverty, with the result that China alone accounted for over 75% of poverty reduction in the developing world over the last 20 Between 1990 and 2000 the number of people living on a dollar per day fell by 170 million, while total population rose by over 125 Besides raising incomes, China's market-oriented reforms over the last two decades also dramatically improved the dynamism of both the rural and urban economies and resulted in substantial improvements in human development Official estimates of the adult illiteracy rate fell by more than half, from 37% in 1978 to less than 5% in 2002, and, indicative of health indices, the infant mortality rate fell from 41 per 1,000 live births in 1978 to 30 in Nevertheless, substantial challenges More than 135 million Chinese, many in remote and resource-poor areas in the western and interior regions, still have consumption levels below a dollar per day, often without access to clean water, arable land, or adequate health and education /1 The rate of poverty reduction has fallen since the mid-1990s, as the country tackles remaining, and often more intractable, sources of poverty, including poverty concentrated in geographically disadvantaged regions and the emergence of increasing urban China also faces ongoing and emerging challenges related to its continued rapid growth – growing income inequality, economically lagging western and northeast regions, unsustainable resource exploitation, and issues related to growing regional and global economic Many of these challenges require action on complex systemic issues - like the financial sector and the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) - in order to spur greater efficiency and innovation while maintaining macroeconomic Addressing disparities in human development between regions and particular counties will also require better targeted and higher quality service Further, while China's environmental program has had notable successes, for example, in reducing industrial air and water pollutant emissions and reversing deforestation, two decades of phenomenal growth have taken a serious toll on the rural natural resource base and the urban China's rapidly growing and industrializing economy has increasing implications for the region and the globe, including China's export competitiveness, expanding trade integration, ability to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), and demand for imports of commodities and 尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们、先生们, 中国是一个有着五千多年悠久历史的文明古国。长期以来,中国人民以自己的勤劳智慧创造了灿烂的中华文明,为人类文明进步作出了重大贡献。北京就是一座有3000多年悠久历史的文明古城,800多年前北京开始建都。离今晚会场人民大会堂不远的地方,就是举世闻名的故宫。故宫始建于600年前,是世界上现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。 从历史悠久的北京和建筑精美的故宫这些缩影中,人们就能够生动地感受到中华文明源远流长、博大精深的深厚底蕴,感受到中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进的壮阔历程。 19世纪中叶以后,由于列强的野蛮侵略和封建统治的腐败无能,中华民族陷入了丧权辱国、民不聊生的悲惨境地。面对内忧外患,中国人民不懈抗争,终于在中国共产党领导下建立了新中国。 新中国建立以来,特别是1978年实行邓小平先生倡导的改革开放政策以来,中国发生了前所未有的深刻变革。从1978年到2004年的26年间,中国国内生产总值从1473亿美元增长到16494亿美元,年均增长4%;进出口总额从206亿美元增长到11548亿美元,年均增长超过16%;国家外汇储备从67亿美元增长到6099亿美元;农村贫困人口由5亿人减少到2600万人,中国的综合国力显著增强,人民生活不断改善。中国人民在继承和发扬古老文明的基础上创造了新的历史。现在,13亿中国人民正万众一心地在中国特色社会主义道路上开拓前进。

在中国文化走向全球化中的作用,的英文翻译是:The role in the globalization of Chinese culture文化(culture)言简意赅的说,“文化”是一种变成了习惯的生活方式和精神价值,最后的结果是形成了一群人的集体意识。文化的定义文化的定义:文化是相对于政治、经济而言的人类全部精神活动及其产品。
