

发布时间:2024-07-05 10:52:23



LARGE food companies have long been among the world’s most solid, with reassuringly consistent returns even in hard times. None would seem steadier than Nestlé, based in the Swiss town of Vevey, on a lake near snowy peaks. For its 150th anniversary in 2016 it opened a new museum filled with corporate heirlooms (传家宝,祖传遗物): the first written notes about a new product called milk chocolate, laid out in black cursive (草书,手写体); an old tin of Nescafé, used by soldiers as a stimulant in the second world war; and an early can of Henri Nestlé’s infant formula, which in 1867 saved the life of a premature baby.大型食品公司长期以来都属于世界上最坚实的企业之列,即使在艰难时期也有令人安心的稳定回报。似乎没有哪家企业比总部位于瑞士雪山湖畔韦威镇(Vevey)的雀巢公司更稳固了。2016年雀巢成立150周年之际,其新揭幕的博物馆展示了众多“传家宝”:有关新产品“牛奶巧克力”的首份书面记录,用黑色草体书写;一罐陈年的雀巢咖啡,在二战时士兵们曾用它来提神;还有一罐早期的亨利雀巢婴儿配方奶粉一一它在1867年挽救了一名早产儿的生命。 It has come a long way (取得很大进展) since then. It sold goods worth nearly $90bn in 189 countries in 2015. Of the 30,000 cups of coffee sipped (抿,小口喝,中文里说的“品茶”的“品”,也可以用这个动词) around the world each second, Nestlé estimates, one-fifth are cups of Nescafé. But the industry it presides over is in upheaval (剧变). On January 1st a new chief executive, Ulf Mark Schneider (pictured), took over. He is the first outsider to get the top job since 1922, and his background—running a health-care firm, not selling chocolate bars or frozen pizza—suggests the main source of worry for the business. 自那以后,雀巢已有长足发展。2015年,该公司在189个国家的销售额近900亿美元。雀巢估计,全球每秒有三万杯咖啡被人们捧到嘴边,其中五分之一是雀巢咖啡。但是,其主导的行业正经历巨变。1月1日,雀巢新首席执行官乌尔夫·马克·施奈德(Ulf Mark Schneider,见图)上任。他是自1922年以来首位担任这一最高职位的外部人士,而他之前管理医疗保健企业(而不是卖巧克力棒或冷冻披萨)的工作背景是导致人们忧虑雀巢前景的主要原因。 More and more consumers are snubbing (冷落) packaged food’s sugar, salt and unpronounceable (难以正确发音的 ) preservatives (防腐剂). Meanwhile, swarms of (大群) smaller firms, emboldened (使大胆) by the ease of peddling (沿街叫卖) goods online, are touting (招徕顾客) supposedly healthier options. From 2011 to 2015 big sellers of consumer-packaged goods, mainly food and drink companies, lost three percentage points of market share in America—a lot in the industry’s context—according to a study by the Boston Consulting Group, a consultancy, and IRI, a data provider. 包装食品中的糖、盐以及各种名称拗口的防腐剂正受到越来越多消费者的冷落。同时,大批小公司借助网络销售之便,推广据称更为健康的食品。据波士顿咨询公司及数据提供商IRI的一份研究,从2011年到2015年,包装消费品的销售大户(主要为食品及饮料公司)在美国的市场份额损失了三个百分点,这对该行业来说相当可观。 As super-sized companies swat (重拍,猛击,比如She swatted him over the head with a rolled-up magazine. 她用一本卷起来的杂志猛敲他的头。) at such tiny attackers, another foe is gaining ground. 3G, a Brazilian private-equity firm, likes to buy big, slow-growing food and drinks companies and slash their costs. Targets have included Kraft and Heinz, two giants which 3G helped merge into one group in 2015, as well as several of the world’s biggest brewers. Other food companies are scrambling (仓促行动) to make cuts of their own, lest they become 3G’s next meal. That has prompted a debate over whether such cuts wreck firms’ growth prospects even further, or whether, in fact, they are best off (最好做某事) wringing out (绞出,扭干) profits and accepting that robust expansion is a thing of the past. 巨头企业在大力回击这些小型袭击者之时,另一个敌人也开始抢占地盘。巴西私募股权公司3G喜欢购入增长缓慢的大型食品及饮料企业,并削减它们的经营成本。其目标包括卡夫及亨氏量大巨头(2015年,3G促成这两家企业合并为一个集团),还有几家全球最大的啤酒公司。其他食品公司正在争相自行削减成本,以免成为3G的下一个猎物。这引发了一个争论:这样的成本削减会不会进一步破坏公司的增长前景,还是说,强劲扩张已经过时,企业最好能接受这一点并挤出利润。 Nestlé is not immune to such pressures. In recent years it has often missed its goal of 5-6% sales growth. Excluding acquisitions, its numbers have not met investors’ expectations for 11 of the past 17 quarters. In the most recent quarter, the firm registered organic sales growth of . 面对这些压力,雀巢也未能幸免。近年来,该公司经常达不到销售增长5%至6%的目标。不包括收购,在过去17个季度中,该公司有11个季度的增速没有达资者预期。最近一个季度,雀巢的有机销售增长率为。 Changing consumer tastes explain some of these shortfalls. So does a shifting retail landscape. Managing a giant portfolio of brands, from KitKat and Nespresso to DiGiorno pizza and Purina dog food, has become harder. Mr Schneider will have to master online ways to market and deliver its well-known brands. The firm needs to coax (哄诱) customers to pay more for premium products as ordinary ones get commoditised, and discounted by firms such as Germany’s Lidl and Aldi. 之所以增长乏力,消费者口味改变是部分因素,零售业大环境的转变也是原因之一。要管理包含KitKat巧克力、Nespresso咖啡、DiGiorno比萨、普瑞纳狗粮在内的庞大品牌组合已变得愈加艰难。施奈德必须掌握线上手段来营销和传达公司的知名品牌。在普通产品被德国连锁超市Lidl及Aldi等公司变成日常商品又折价销售的情况下,雀巢公司需要劝诱客户为高端产品支付更高的价格。 The firm can still boast impressive staying power—its global market share across its entire range of products has remained near 20% for the past decade. François-Xavier Roger, Nestlé’s chief financial officer, points out that the group’s sales growth in the first nine months of 2016 was among the fastest of the top ten biggest food and drink companies. Yet a detailed examination of its position by Sanford C. Bernstein, a research firm, shows that when growth from acquisitions is excluded, it lost share in all but three of its top 20 product categories between 2007 and 2015. Some of its core offerings, such as bottled water and single-serve (单杯式) coffee, fared (vi. 经营) the worst. 雀巢仍能以其持久的实力为傲一一过去十年间,其全线产品的全球市场份额一直保持在接近20%。首席财务官弗朗索瓦-泽维尔·罗杰(Francois-Xavier Roger)指出,雀巢集团在2016年前九个月的销售增长是全球十大食品饮料企业中最快的。但市场研究公司盛博(Sanford C.Bernstein)对该公司的详细研究表明,除去收购带来的增长,2007年至2015年间,集团最大的20个产品品类中仅有3类的市场份额未下跌。瓶装水和单标咖啡等一些核心产品表现最差。雀巢咖啡包产品的劲敌Keurig在美国抢占了份额。 Such results are likely to attract particular censure (责难) from investors because of Nestlé’s past heavy emphasis on growth and market share which sometimes came at the expense of (以……为代价)lower profits. In 2015 its operating-profit margin was 15%, better than the 13% at Danone, a French competitor, but far below the 21% at Kraft-Heinz. Shareholders in the firm are waiting to see whether Mr Schneider will shake things up (使振作,shake up其他含义见注释). Some want him to sell off businesses that seem most at risk of long-term decline, such as frozen food, as shoppers look for fresher fare (食物,这篇文章之前也出现了一个fare,那个是做不及物动词,表示经营). 这种业绩很可能会惹来投资者的指责,毕竟雀巢过去强调增长和市场占有率,有时还不惜为此牺牲利润。2015年,它的营业利润率为15%,优于其法国对手达能公司的13%,但远低于卡夫亨氏的21%。雀巢的股东们正在观望施奈德能否改变现状。有人希望他卖掉业绩最有可能长期下滑的业务,例如冷冻食品,因为消费者如今偏好更新鲜的食品。 shake up 1.摇动;混合;摇匀: Shake up before drinking. 服用前摇匀[药瓶说明用语] 2.使感到震动;使震惊(或慌乱): What you said has shaken me up! 你刚才说的话令我十分震惊! 3.改组,使重新组合: I have to shake the Sales Department up. 我得对销售部进行改组。 4.抖摇(靠垫、枕头等)使之恢复原形: She shook up the pillows, and then lay down in bed. 她把枕头抖摇膨松后,躺在了床上。 5.[口语]把…摇醒;使振作: What could shake him up? 什么才能使他振作起来呢? 6.[常作 shake it up][口语]赶快,快点: Shake it up, we'll be late. 快点儿,咱们快晚了。 7.[废语]责备;申斥: The student was shaken up by his mother. 那个学生被他母亲申斥了一顿。 Food for life? 生命之食? For now, Nestlé is defiant. “We started 150 years ago having a product that actually—there’s symbolism there—saved the life of a child,” says Paul Bulcke, the outgoing (即将离职的) chief executive and likely new chairman. He and his colleagues say that investment in health and related innovation will produce strong growth for years to come. Mr Schneider, who used to run Fresenius, a German firm that offers kidney-dialysis products and services, will certainly emphasise that message. Nestlé differentiates itself from 3G, with its keen focus on cuts. Mr Roger says he respects what 3G does, but that “they have a strategy which is very different from ours.” 目前来看,雀巢并不服气。“我们始创于150年前,当时的一款产品实际上救了一个孩子的命,这是有象征意义的。”即将离任的首席执行官保罗·薄凯(Paul Bulcke)说道。他和同事们表示,投资于健康及相关创新会为公司未来带来强劲增长。施奈德曾掌管提供肾透析产品及其他医疗服务的大型德国企业费森尤斯(Fresenius),他肯定会强调这一点。雀巢将自己与专注削减成本的3G区别开来。罗杰表示,他尊重3G的做法,但“他们的战略和我们的相去甚远”。 Still, few observers would call Nestlé a health company. Many of its products are perfectly healthy, including bottled water and coffee. Many are not—milk chocolate and ice cream, to name but two. And for now, the purest forms of Nestlé’s focus on health contribute relatively little to its sales. A business unit called Nestlé Health Science, for example, sells nutritional products for medical needs, such as vitamin-packed drinks for the elderly and for cancer patients. It contributes less than 5% of revenue. 然而,少有观察者会认为雀巢是一家保健公司。它有很多非常健康的产品,包括瓶装水和咖啡。但也有许多产品并不健康,在此只举两例:比如牛奶巧克力和冰激淋。而现在,雀巢最纯粹专注健康的业务对销售额的贡献相对很少。例如,名为“雀巢健康科学”的业务部门销售面向医疗需求的营养产品,比如供老年人和癌症患者饮用的富含维生素饮料,而该部门贡献的收入还不到5%。 The firm has a research institute devoted to studying food’s role in the management and prevention of disease—for example, better understanding nutrition’s ability to promote brain health. It may deliver growth but probably only in the long term. Nestlé has also invested in young drugs firms, including one that is testing a treatment for ulcerative colitis (溃疡性结肠炎). 雀巢设有一家研究所.专门研究食物在管理和预防疾病中的作用,例如要更好地了解营养物质如何能够促进大脑的健康。这也许会带来增长,但可能要许久才能见效。雀巢也与一些新兴制药公司合作,包括一家正在测试某种溃疡性结肠炎疗法的公司。 More immediately rewarding may be its efforts to make best-selling but unhealthy foods a bit more wholesome (有益健康的). In November the company said it had created hollow (空心的) sugar crystals that taste sweet but contain fewer calories than the usual stuff. It will begin to put the new ingredient in its chocolate in 2018. 雀巢还努力将旗下畅销但不健康的食品改良得相对健康一些,这也许更有可能带来立竿见影的回报。去年11月,该公司表示已创制出一种空心的糖晶体,味道甜但含卡路里较常规糖晶体低。公司将在2018年采用这一新原料制作巧克力。 It is also proud of changes to the millions of frozen dinners it sells every week in America. Shoppers had been avoiding the frozen-food aisle (走廊,通道). Nestlé first tried discounts, and then in 2015 introduced new versions of its Lean Cuisine products, stripping out (去掉) unpalatable (难吃的) ingredients and replacing them with organic ones. At Stouffer’s, another frozen brand, Nestlé decided to target men with easy, protein-packed meals that are more nutritionally valuable. It worked—its frozen-food sales in America grew faster. In November 2015, they were 6% above what they had been a year earlier. But Bernstein’s Andrew Wood points out that the revival of frozen food now looks wobbly (不稳定的) again. 雀巢另一项引以为豪的改变是冷冻快餐(在美国每周卖出数百万份)。之前,冷冻食品受到消费者冷落。雀巢先是尝试折价促销,然后又在2015年推出新版的“瘦身特餐”(Lean Cuisine)系列,以有机食材替换掉之前难吃的成分。对于旗下另一个冷冻食品品牌Stouffer,雀巢决定针对男性消费者推出富含蛋白质、更具营养价值的速食简餐。这些努力取得了成效一一其冷冻食品的销售在美国增长加快。2015年11月的销售额同比增长6%。但盛博的安德鲁·伍德(Andrew Wood)指出,冷冻食品的复兴如今似乎又变得摇摆不定。 Nor is Nestlé ignoring 3G’s strategy entirely: it is trying to trim expenses. “We are very much in an investment position, not in a cost-cutting exercise,” says Mr Roger, “but that doesn’t mean that we don’t want to be cost-efficient in what we do.” One effort, which includes trimming waste at factories, is credited with (credit相关词组见注释) saving about ($) a year. Last year Nestlé announced organisational changes, such as consolidating procurement, which will save about SFr2bn each year from 2020. 雀巢也没有完全忽视3G的战略:公司正努力缩减支出。“我们的战略是投资,而非削减成本。”罗杰说,“但那不惠昧着我们不想在经营中实现成本效益。”一项包括工厂减少浪费在内的改革一年为公司节省了约15亿瑞士法郎(15亿美元)。去年,雀巢公布了一系列组织变革,如采购整合,将从2020年起每年为公司节省约20亿瑞士法郎。 1、Get the credit for sth. 因某事受到褒扬,比如: We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame. 只要我们不挨批评,谁受到表扬我们都不在乎。 2、A credit B with sth. A把某事归功于B,也可以说:sth. is credited to B 某事归功于B,比如: The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe's life. 海斯能得救全体人员都归功于他。 3、Be credit to sth./sb. 给……增光,比如: He is one of the greatest players of recent times and is a credit to his profession. 他是近年来最棒的选手之一,是为他的职业增光的人。 4、Give sb. Credit for sth. 相信某人有……,比如: Bratbakk had more ability than the media gave him credit for. 布拉特巴克有比媒体所宣传的还要强的能力。 5、To one’s credit 值得赞扬,比如: She had managed to pull herself together and, to her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience. 她努力使自己振作起来,并且值得称赞的是,她一如既往地积极面对人生。 Whatever else Mr Schneider has on the menu for Nestlé, radical changes may be somewhat limited by the fact that so many of those who built it into what it is now are sticking around (逗留,在附近徘徊。此处意译为“留在公司内”). Mr Bulcke is expected to become the firm’s chairman. The outgoing chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, a former Nestlé chief executive, may become honorary chairman. Mr Bulcke, for one, seems sure that the company should maintain its emphasis on the long term. He taps his hand on the table, rattling (使发出嘎嘎声) some Nespresso cups, as he insists that growth is still the key. 无论施耐德还将为雀巢准备怎样的菜单,彻底变革也许多少都会受到限制,因为令雀巢发展到如今这模样的人大多还留在公司内。薄凯预计会成为集团的董事长。即将离任的董事长、雀巢前首席执行官包必达 (Peter Brabeck-Letmathe) 则可能成为名誉董事长。薄凯似乎确信雀巢应保持着力于长远发展。他手敲着桌子,震得一些Nespresso杯子当当作响,坚称增长仍是关键。


《经济学人》(英文名:The Economist,中文名又叫:经济学家)于1843年在英国伦敦建刊,以独立和全球化的视角著称。《经济学人》每周四晚上在世界六个地方同步印刷,每周六全球同步出版,同时于当天晚些时候在网上更新最新一期的内容,4-5期/月。《经济学人》是一本完全国际化期刊,其中80%的发行量来自英国之外。 自建刊以来,《经济学人》一直秉承其创建者James Wilson的办刊原则。在创刊计划书中James Wilson写到:“我们真诚的相信,自由贸易和自由交往在全世界传播文明和道德的作用是其他任何现有的媒介无法比拟的” 。但杂志的第三任主编Walter Bagehot才是使《经济学人》杂志发扬光大的人。他使杂志的触角向政治问题延伸。现在,《经济学人》的文章不仅涉及时势、商业、金融和经济,还涉及到科学、技术和艺术。无论主题是什么,《经济学人》的独立、坦率、简练和尊重事实的品质使其与众不同。 《The Economist》字体底色鲜红,客观公正是《经济学家》杂志的的生命所在。公司的构成禁止任何组织或个人获得杂志半数以上的持股权。该杂志所有的文章都不署名,皆由集体创作,就象它的主编们认为的那样:写出什么样的东西,比出自谁的手笔更重要。 《经济学人》文章除了一些我们不熟悉的题材外,其中的大多数文章写得机智、幽默、有力度。这些优点是任何一家英文主流报刊所不能比拟的。只要你有4000左右的词汇量,读起来都不会有太多的不适应感。官方网址为:。另外,最重要的是历年考研英语阅读真题很多文章来自《经济学人》杂志,这点对要参加考研词友而言太关键了。点击下载:2007年07月21日《经济学人》The Economist原版英文杂志下载注意: 1、以上内容每周一定时更新,更多内容请到这里去下载。 2、以上文件都是PDF格式,需要Adobe Reader 以上版本才能打开,如果打不开说明你的版本太低,点击这里下载Adobe Reader 最新版本!

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我给大家推荐eco中文网论坛,论坛里有很多喜欢这本杂志的网友翻译讨论每期的每篇文章,每周论坛还会更新The Economist的电子版和官方音频版(这个是极好的),我每周都会下载来听,内容和纸质版一样,还能锻炼听力。我发现时真是相见恨晚,你一定会喜欢的。

iOS经由App Store可直接订阅,但是相比其它订阅方式贵很多。有国际支付功能的信用卡也可以订阅。下载网上流传的PDF是盗版行为,还是支持创作吧。


Calibre抓取。不得不赞一下这个超级牛逼的软件,其他功能不说,单说抓取新闻。Calibre可以自动抓取很多新闻,很多国外主流媒体都在抓取之列,当然因为天朝强大的“万里长城”有些资源会抓取失败,比如NYtimes,但是经济学人是可以顺利抓取的,在抓取那里订阅之后,只要你电脑联网,每周固定时间,Calibre会自行下载。你就再也不用到处求人了。自力更生万岁,欧也!抓取的时候可以设置格式,mobi,epub,pdf都有,看你想要什么格式!2:音频获取。经济学人官网有开源,Audio Edition开源代码。MMDD为每周发行日(周六)的月份与日期,比如最近这期,就是1109,Issue后面的****为8798+该周六距离2012年8月18日的周数,这句可以不要理,我已经算好了,那期的****相应为8860,那么各周,在上面依次加就是,本周的****就是8861.下一周的8861+1, 这时候打开迅雷,复制代码,迅雷会自动探测到,然后就开始下载了。


可以订阅经济学人商论APP,付费之后可以学习里面的双语文章,一年500元。也可以看一些平台的学习笔记更新,比如高斋外刊双语精读,定期也可以经济学人原文和笔记。比如这种:经济学人18年2月期 No ordinary Zhou非凡人物周小川China’s formative central banker is about to retire, but his influence will live on.为中国央行奠基立业的行长即将退休,但他的影响将一直持续原文:WHEN Zhou Xiaochuan took the helm of China’s central bank 15 years ago, the world was very different. China had just joined the World Trade Organisation and its economy was still smaller than Britain’s. Foreign investors paid little heed to the new governor of the People’s Bank of China. He seemed safe to ignore: another black-haired, bespectacled official whose talk was littered with socialist bromides.官方译文:周小川15年前执掌中国央行时,世界与现今迥然不同。当时中国刚刚加入世贸组织,经济总量仍低于英国。外国投资者没把中国人民银行的这位新行长当回事。看起来,忽视他也没什么风险:这不过是又一位黑头发、戴眼镜的官员,一张嘴便是社会主义惯用的陈词滥调。 第一句:WHEN Zhou Xiaochuan took the helm of China’s central bank 15 years ago, the world was very different. 周小川15年前执掌中国央行时,世界与现今迥然不同。一、《经济学人》中是如何介绍人物的?the world was very different:《经济学人》在介绍人物时,前半句一般是“介绍人物+所做重要事件+时间”,后半句用“the world was very different”、“the world was a different place”等类似表达。在平常的英语写作中,可以借鉴类似表达,提升语言张力。比如在介绍马斯克的时候这样说:WHEN Elon Musk started Tesla in 2003 the world was a different place.伊隆马斯克2003年创办特斯拉时,世界与现在大不同。二、“执掌...”英语怎么说?take the helm of:比如金融时报这样说:Guo Shuqing, who took the helm of the CSRC in late October, said in a first public address this month that he wanted to clean up 月末开始执掌中国证监会的郭树清,本月在第一次公开讲话中表示,他要清理市场。第二句:China had just joined the World Trade Organisation and its economy was still smaller than Britain’s.当时中国刚刚加入世贸组织,经济总量仍低于英国。一、“经济总量”怎么说?在经济学人中,表达“经济总量时”,往往直接使用“economy”即可,而不使用“the amount of economy”、“economy aggregate”等。二、过去完成时的结构以及用法过去完成时表示过去某一时间之前完成的动作或发生的情况,句子谓语形式由had+动词的过去分词构成,通常表述为“过去的过去”。也可以跟有一定的时间状语,如by, before等介词或连词。“had just joined”:文章中第一句第二句所表达的思想为“周小川15年前执掌中国央行时,当时中国刚刚加入世贸组织......”。第一句中所使用的时态为一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作。从第二句“当时中国刚刚加入”这一动词我们可以判断出“加入世贸组织”是先于“周小川15年前执掌中国央行”的时间,因此本句中的时态应为“过去的过去”,因此采用了过去完成时这一语法结构。三、“所有格所修饰的名词”在什么情况下可以省略?its economy was still smaller than Britain’s(economy):所有格修饰的名词有时可以省略,这主要见于以下情形:(1) 、承前省略:即根据前文语境省略后文中所含的不言而喻的名词。Lily’s book is more interesting than Lucy’s (book). 莉莉的书比露西的书更有趣。(2) 、习惯性省略:当所有格所修饰的名词表示教堂、商店、诊所、某人家、某人办公室等时,所有格后的名词有时可以省略。如:I've got an appointment at the dentist's(dental clinic)at 11:15.我已预约11时15分到牙医诊所看病。第三句:Foreign investors paid little heed to the new governor of the People’s Bank of China. 外国投资者没把中国人民银行的这位新行长当回事。一、“没当回事”怎么说?pay little heed to: 比如金融时报这样说:For its first eight years in India, M& S, the mainstay of the British high street, paid little heed to this.在印度的头8年,作为英国大众消费市场支柱的玛莎百货几乎没有留意这一点。二、“行长”怎么说?Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, recently called for a "public and informed debate" on the issue.英国央行行长默文-金(MervynKing)近日呼吁就此问题展开“开诚布公的讨论”.取自经济学人的文章:No ordinary Zhou非凡人物周小川第四句:He seemed safe to ignore: another black-haired, bespectacled official whose talk was littered with socialist bromides.看起来,忽视他也没什么风险:这不过是又一位黑头发、戴眼镜的官员,一张嘴便是社会主义惯用的陈词滥调。一、“s+v+adj.+to do”结构中,如何用 “不定式的主动形式表示被动含义”?seemed safe to ignore:忽视他也没什么风险其中需要满足两种条件:(1)表语是性质形容词;(2)主语是to do 的逻辑宾语。拓展:The book is interesting to read. 这本书读起来很有趣。二、“:”的解释说明作用在本句中,“:”前后是两个独立的句子,“:”前的句子表达了作者的情感态度,即周小川很容易受到忽略。而在“;”的后面进一步对于周小川的形象做出了描写,具体解释说明其容易受到忽视的理由。三、“,”在并列句中表示强调在英语句子中,通常用and连接两个并列成分,在此句中“black-haired”,和“bespectacled”之间用 “,”代替了“and”,起到了一种强调的作用。四、“官员”怎么说?"Our general objective is going to be what is good for the system, " the seniorofficial said. "We want the system to have enough capital. "“我们的大目标将是什么对整个系统有利,”这位高层官员表示。“我们希望整个系统有充足的资本金。”五、“充斥”、“比比皆是”怎么说”?be littered with:比如金融时报这样说:Furthermore, luxury remains an unpredictable industry at the best of times, littered with monster egos and family feuds.此外,即使在形势最好的时候,奢侈品也是个难以预测的行业,充斥着极度膨胀的自我意识和家族纷争。History is littered with conflicts that, in retrospect, look inexplicable but at the time seemed unavoidable.各种看上去无法解释,但当时似乎不可避免的冲突,在历史上比比皆是。六、“陈词滥调”怎么说?比如金融时报这样说:What replaces it, apart from feel-good bromides and political stitch-ups?那么,在泡沫破裂后,除了聊以自慰的陈词滥调以及政治撮合,取而代之的是什么呢?七、“whose”引导的定语从句whose 是定语从句中一个常用的关系代词, 它是关系代词who的所有格,在从句中作定语,也就是说当先行词与从句中某个名词有所属关系,表达“……的”意思时,用关系代词whose 引导定语从句,它既可以指代人,也可以指代物,既可引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。比如金融时报这样说:In the court next to me was a man whose business collapsed not long ago, after it had borrowed billions of pounds.隔壁球场有一位男士在打球,前不久他的企业由于数十亿英镑的贷款刚刚倒闭。It would only shift the surplus to the commodity exporters, whose propensity to consume out of additional export revenues may be very low.这将只是把盈余转移给大宗商品出口国,而这些国家将额外出口收入用于消费的倾向可能非常低。


《经济学人》是由英国经济学人集团出版的杂志,创办于1843年9月,创办人詹姆士·威尔逊。 杂志的大多数文章写得机智、幽默、有力度、严肃又不失诙谐,并且注重于如何在最小的篇幅内告诉读者最多的信息,是全球阅读量最大的时政杂志之一。




《经济学人》还以发明巨无霸指数(Big Mac Index)而闻名,他们通过比较麦当劳在各国的快餐店销售巨无霸的价格来比较国与国之间的购买力平价。这个指数不仅有趣,而且被证明是十分准确的计算购买力评价的方法。


Calibre抓取。不得不赞一下这个超级牛逼的软件,其他功能不说,单说抓取新闻。Calibre可以自动抓取很多新闻,很多国外主流媒体都在抓取之列,当然因为天朝强大的“万里长城”有些资源会抓取失败,比如NYtimes,但是经济学人是可以顺利抓取的,在抓取那里订阅之后,只要你电脑联网,每周固定时间,Calibre会自行下载。你就再也不用到处求人了。自力更生万岁,欧也!抓取的时候可以设置格式,mobi,epub,pdf都有,看你想要什么格式!2:音频获取。经济学人官网有开源,Audio Edition开源代码。MMDD为每周发行日(周六)的月份与日期,比如最近这期,就是1109,Issue后面的****为8798+该周六距离2012年8月18日的周数,这句可以不要理,我已经算好了,那期的****相应为8860,那么各周,在上面依次加就是,本周的****就是8861.下一周的8861+1, 这时候打开迅雷,复制代码,迅雷会自动探测到,然后就开始下载了。




1、经济学人 官方APP

可以在App Store搜索 “The Economist” 或者 “经济学人商论”,都是可以下载到的。说一下区别哈,商论是从《经济学人》周刊的商业、金融和科技版精心挑选的内容,也就是精选过题材的内容。



经济学人集团也就是 官方的公众号,经济学人商论是商业题材为主的内容。经济学人考研英语是考研题材相关的内容。大家可以各取所需。





But the article is to ask others to translate my classes, teachers do not mind!



PS: Many thanks to one of my friends in London who recommended this article to me.



In the article it said that kids used to see bubbles forming from the dirt and would throw rocks at it to try and pop it.



6 Check out his article for a more detailed discussion than I provide here.



For all the anxiety the declining dollar drew from China this week (see article), it has no serious rival as the world's reserve currency.



Article Shareholders are not allowed to withdraw their investment after the registration of the company.


Kangaroos and the cage(袋鼠和笼子)One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problem--how to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise it from one to two meters high. But the next day the kangaroos were still at large and they again raised the cage to three beyond their expectation the next morning they saw the kangaroos still free to go about. They were alarmed and determined to go to all the length by raising the cage to the height of ten a giraffe, while chatting with some kangaroos, asked them, “Do you think they will go on raising your cage?”“Hard to say,” said a kangaroo, “if they continue forgetting to fasten the cage door.”(What we can learn from the story is this: Everything has different aspects--one is fundamental and others are incidental; some important and others less important; some urgent and the rest can wait. In this case to fasten the door is fundamental and to raise the cage incidental. Preference for the latter will no doubt lead nowhere)有一天,动物园的管理员们发现袋鼠从笼子里跑出来了,于是开会讨论,一致认为是笼子的高度过低,所以他们决定将笼子的高度由原来的1米加高到2米。结果第二天他们发现,袋鼠还是跑到外面来,所以他们又决定再将高度加高到3米。 没想到隔天居然又看到袋鼠全跑到外面,于是管理员们大为紧张,决定一不做二不休,将笼子的高度加高到10米。 一天,长颈鹿和几只袋鼠在闲聊,“你们看,这些人会不会再继续加高你们的笼子?”长颈鹿问。 “很难说。”袋鼠说,“如果他们再继续忘记关门的话!” 心得:事有“本末”、“轻重”、“缓急”,关门是本,加高笼子是末,舍本而逐末,当然就不得要领了。

I like home office. A home office can be a space within an individual's personal residence that is used for business purposes. It may be a corner of a spare bedroom equipped with nothing more than a desk, or, it could be one whole floor of a house filled with the latest in computer and communications devices. Whatever its size and composition, however, the home office is increasingly common today. A majority of the people who work from their homes are self-employed small business owners. In addition, many professionals maintain two offices too, and a growing number are equipping their home computers with broadband connection that allows them access to their office computer files. Many large corporations are also expanding experiments in "telecommuting", which enables employees to work from home, using computers with Internet access, just as they would in the office. Working from home can be a joy, You may love the idea of the freedom, the flexibility, and the relaxed atmosphere your home office will have. You may relish the idea of working in your bunny slippers and bath robe. You can always take full advantages of working at your home office, even on workdays. Mixing my work with my home life is exciting. You can like a place where you could get down to business, but also surf in the web, listen to music, play a video game and basically just be myself. In reality, working from home can be great, but it can also be just as frustrating as working in a traditional office. You have to set it up right and set some rules for yourself. The rules you set must be based on your situation, what works for you personally, and the type of work you are doing. Thos,you can enjoy the style of the home office and also succeed in your career . I like the home office and enjoy it very much。 我喜欢家庭办公室,家庭办公室可以是一个用于商业目的独立个人居住空间,它可能是一个空闲的卧室一角,配备只不过一张书桌,或者也可能是一充满了最新的电脑和通讯设备的整层房子。无论其规模和组成,家庭办公室今天是越来越常见。大部分在家里工作的人都是所谓“自我雇佣”(self-employed)个体小企业主。此外,许多专业人士和也喜欢拥有两个办公室,越来越多的家用电脑装备可以与宽带相连接,使他们得以远程进入其办公室的电脑档案。因此许多大公司也在扩大实验“远程办公” ,这样可以使得员工在家工作,使用电脑上网,就像他们在办公室里上班一样。 事实上,在家工作是一种乐趣,你会喜欢那些自由的念头和家庭办公室中的那种灵活,轻松的氛围。你也许会穿着兔子拖鞋和浴衣津津有味地构思你的工作计划。即使是在工作日你也可以充分利用在家庭办公室工作的长处,把工作与家庭生活混合在一起的确令人振奋。你可以在你喜欢的地方脚踏实地地做业务,同时在网上冲浪,听音乐,玩视频游戏。 在现实生活中,在家工作可以很顺利,但它同样也可能像在传统的办公室上班那样碰到麻烦。所以你必须把一切布置得井井有条,并为你自己设置一些规则,这些规则必须适合你自己的情况。适合你个人工作的,适合你正在从事的工作类型。这样你就会在家庭办公室中不但得到乐趣,而且使你事业成功 我非常喜欢家庭办公室,并享受这种生活。 (又改过了,几乎是重新写的,320单词,花了不少时间,多给点分吧)
