

发布时间:2024-07-03 04:36:22


摘要:《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉·勃朗特的唯一一部小说,其内容和形式都十分独特。在呼啸山庄中极多的意象,都有着丰富的意蕴。其中,“窗子”这一意象,具有强烈的、深刻的象征意义。本文从两代人与窗子这一象征的联系之中对这部作品进行分析,探讨丰富的象征内涵,尤其是对两代主人公命运轨迹和内心情感变化的象征意义。  关键词:艾米莉·勃朗特;呼啸山庄;象征;窗       艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》被戴维·塞西尔认为是“唯一一部没有被时间的尘土遮没了的光辉的杰出作品”,其内容和形式都十分独特。小说中的象征、隐喻等手法,将一部暴风骤雨式的小说主题烘托的无比浓烈,显示出独特的魅力。     韦勒克、沃伦在《文学理论》中曾经指出:“一个意象可以被转换成隐喻一次,但如果它作为呈现或再现不断重复,那么它就变成了一个象征,甚至是一个象征系统的一部分。而作为背景的意象很容易具有象征性,甚至会变成‘气氛’、‘情调’,进而会被看做是人物的转喻性或隐喻性表现,或一个人的意志的表现”。《呼啸山庄》里的各种象征,或许是主人公内心心境的外化,又或者暗示着情节的突变。在呼啸山庄中有着极多的意象,有着丰富的意蕴。其中,“窗子”这一意象,具有强烈的、深刻的象征意义,巧妙地暗示着主人公命运轨迹和内心情感的变化,对情节的发展起着重要的作用。 一、第一代人与窗 窗子作为一种禁锢的象征,它隔断着象征文明的画眉田庄和象征原始的呼啸山庄,窗子的打开,象征着这种禁锢的松开。在第一代人凯瑟琳和希思克利夫的爱情命运和人生轨迹中,伴随着非常多的“窗子”的象征。 希思克利夫和凯瑟琳隔膜的开始,便是二人跑去画眉田庄透过窗户偷窥,凯瑟琳被窗户里那个温暖文明的世界所吸引,而希思克利夫曾表示“就是再让我活一千次,我也不要拿我在这儿的地位和埃德加在画眉田庄的地位交换”。从此,一扇大玻璃窗将“野小子”和小姐分离开来。凯瑟琳渐渐变得举止文雅而外表整洁,男女主人公第一次感到了地位上的差异。这扇窗使希凯的爱情命运发生变化,而这时候的凯瑟琳走向了与自己天性和内心相背离的文明一方。当希思克利夫回来的前夕,凯瑟琳透过画眉田庄窗户看见呼啸山庄隐藏在银白色的雾气中。银白色的雾气象征着凯瑟琳内心的彷徨和迷茫,她在文明与原始之间不知何去何从。而这扇窗子,使凯瑟琳看不见呼啸山庄,象征她无法追求自我的原始本性。 凯瑟琳生病时,精神已经失常的她坚信:“只要让我一到那些小山上的石楠丛中,我马上就会恢复到我本来的样子。再把窗子打开,开大!把打开的窗子钩上!”病重的凯瑟琳竟然挣扎着下床,把窗子一把推开,然后大口大口的呼吸起从荒原刮来的凛冽的寒风。凯瑟琳此时认识到了自己的原始本性,她渴望重回呼啸山庄,挣脱文明的束缚,获得灵魂的自由。如艾米莉·勃朗特诗中所写,“我若祈祷/那唯一启动我双唇的祷文只有/请别扰乱我心/给我自由”。  为凯瑟琳守灵之夜,希思克利夫通过内莉的帮助,从一扇窗子里跳进画眉田庄,去见凯瑟琳的遗容,做最后的告别。在这里,窗子不仅是一个象征或隐喻,同时还有着作为窗子本身的现实功用。窗子的敞开终于消泯了希思克利夫和凯瑟琳肉体的距离,但实际上,此时二人之间却已经又竖起一道生与死的障碍。  凯瑟琳死去之后,成为孤魂野鬼,一直想进呼啸山庄而不得。小说开篇,洛克伍德夜宿山庄,暴风雪使得树枝不停敲打窗户,他打碎玻璃,想要去抓树枝,却握到了一只冰凉的小手,一个声音呜咽着说:“让我进去——让我进去吧!”二十年来,凯瑟琳一直在荒原上游荡,而她想要回到呼啸山庄,追求自由原始的渴望总是被阻隔。 而在小说的结尾,希思克利夫死亡之后,窗子的意象又再次出现,“我根本没有想到他会死去,可是他的脸上,咽喉上,全都淋满雨水,床单也在滴水,他却一动不动。窗子来回摇摆,刮着了他搁在窗台上的一只手,可是刮破的皮肤上不见渗出血来。”希思克利夫在死之前,打开窗子,消除了窗子对凯瑟琳的阻隔,至此,自由与禁锢的冲突,生与死的障碍,都消失不见,凯瑟琳和希思克利夫的灵魂终于重新在一起,都回归到了自由的荒原之上。   二、第二代人与窗  相比较第一代人,第二代人故事的叙述中并没有太多的象征,但是,我们可以发现,窗子这个意象依旧被延续着。 在小凯瑟琳被希思克利夫软禁起来之后,凯瑟琳迫切想见濒死的父亲一面,在她的苦苦哀求之下,良知未泯的小林敦将她偷偷放走。凯瑟琳溜进母亲小时候住的那个房间,悄悄从窗子钻出,回到了画眉田庄。这里的窗子同样有着象征意义与现实功用。小凯瑟琳更向往文明,而不是原始的野蛮。这是她与上一代人不同的地方。她被禁锢在呼啸山庄,凯瑟琳囿于画眉田庄,于她们,都是与内心的渴望追求相悖的。 而当小说的结尾,洛克伍德最后一次访问呼啸山庄之时,山庄里门户大开,畅通无阻,空气中传来花朵的芬芳,一派文明景象。这与希思克利夫在世时的门窗紧闭的阴郁场景完全不同。窗子打开,象征着古老的呼啸山庄接纳了文明的画眉田庄,敞开了通向文明之窗。文明与原始的冲突,也随着第二代人的对文明的自觉选择而消失殆尽。自此,窗内窗外终于和谐统一,无论是活着的或者死去了的灵魂都自由无拘。   参考文献:[1]艾米莉·勃朗特著.宋兆霖译.呼啸山庄[M].中国书籍出版社,2005.                      [2]杨静远.勃朗特姐妹研究[M].社会科学出版社,1983.                       [3]张静波.《呼啸山庄》中窗的意象[J].世界文化,2007.                      [4]张帆.窗内与窗外的世界——《呼啸山庄》中窗的意象解析[J].大家,2012.

The Love and Hate in Wuthering HeightsShi Xueping1. IntroductionWuthering Heights, the great novel by Emily Bronte, though not inordinately long is an amalgamation of childhood fantasies, friendship, romance, and revenge. But this story is not a simple story of revenge, it has more profound implications. As Arnold Kettle, the English critic, said," Wuthering Heights is an expression in the imaginative terms of art of the stresses and tensions and conflicts, personal and spiritual, of nineteenth-century capitalist society.” The characters of Wuthering Heights embody the extreme love and extreme hate of the Introduction of the autherEmily Jane Bronte was the most solitary member of a unique, tightly knit, English provincial family. Born in 1818, she shared the parsonage of the town of Haworth, Yorkshire, with her older sister, Charlotte, her brother Branwell, her younger sister, Anne, and her father, the Reverend, Patrick Bronte. All five were poets and writers; all but Branwell would publish at least one was the Bronte children's one relief from the rigors of religion and the bleakness of life in an improverished region; they invented a series of imaginary kingdoms and constructed a whole library of journals stories, pomes, and plays around their inhabitants. Emily's special province was a kingdom she called Gondal, whose romantic heroes and exiles owed much to the poems of stays at several boarding schools were the sum of her experiences outside Haworth until 1842, when she entered a school in Brussels with her sister Charlotte. After a year of study and teaching there, they felt qualified to announce the opening of a school in their own home, but could not attract a single 1845 Charlotte Bronte came across a manuscript volumn of her sister's poems. She knew at once, she later wrote, that they were "not at all like the poetry women generally write... they had a peculiar music-wild, melancholy, and elevating." At her sister's urging, Emily's poems along with Anne's and Charlotte's, were published pseudonymously in 1846. An almost complete silence greeted this volume, but the three sisters, buoyed by the fact of publication, immediately began to write novels. Emily's effort was WUTHERING HEIGHTS; appearing in 1847, it was treated at first as a lesser work by Charlotte, whose JANE EYRE had already been published to great acclaim. Emily Bronte's name did not emerge from behind her pseudonym of Ellis Bell until the second edition of her novel appeared in the meantime, tragedy had struck the Bronte family. In Septermber of 1848 Branwell had succumbed to a life of dissipation. By December, after a brief illness, Emily too was dead; her sister Anne would die the next year. WUTHERING HEIGHTS, Emily's only novel, was just beginning to be understood as the wild and singular work of the Introduction of the storyThe beginning of the story was Mr. Lockwood’s visiting of Wuthering Heights. His amazement of Heathcliff's surliness and curiosity of beautiful Catherine's rudeness urged him to listen to a very strange and frightening love story from Nelly Dean. In the summer of 1771 Mr. Earnshaw brought home an orphan later called Heathcliff he had found in Liverpool. This waif was persecuted by young Hindley, but deeply loved by his daughter Catherine. So there was contradiction between Hindley and Heathcliff since childhood. After the death of their parents and his own marriage, Hindley treated Heathcliff as a servant, but this was relieved by the pleasant times with one of their expeditions they reached Thrushcross Grange where she stayed as the Linton’s guest for several weeks. When she returned to the Wuthering Heights, she was altered a lot: she had been deeply attracted by the dress, luxury of the Lintons, especially the handsome and gentle Edgar Linton. Although she still loved Heathcliff she could not compare Heathcliff’s snobbishness with the gentility of her new friends. Heathcliff was even more badly treated by Hindley after his wife’s death, which increased Heathcliff’s more anger. After overhearing part of Catherine’s conversation with Nelly that she would marry Edgar, Heathcliff could not bear the indignation and degradation and left Wuthering ’s conversation with Nelly was that if Heathcliff could remain, even though all else perished, she should still continue to be. She and Heathcliff belonged to the same kind. But Heathcliff didn’t hear it. So after Heathcliff’s leaving, Catherine was desperately ill and recovered by the care of Linton couple. Three years later Catherine was married to months later, Heathcliff, a different man, appeared. Catherine was so pleased at the news. But out of her surprise Heathcliff took on his two-fold revenge, first on Hindley who had treated him so badly in the past, secondly he threatened Catherine to marry Edgar’s sister Isabella fell in love with Heathcliff and Heathcliff married her out of love, but for the property of Thrush cross Grange. At the same time Catherine locked herself in the room because Edgar refused Heathcliff. The she became delirious from illness and had brain fever. Eventually she recovered but remained delicate. Edgar worried too much about Catherine’s health and Heathcliff and Catherine met again. There was a terrible scene between them. Both of them showed their anger and love to each other which worsened Catherine’s health. Then two hours after her daughter — Cathy’s birth Catherine died. When Heathcliff got the news he was desperately Catherine’s death Isabella returned to Thrushcross Grange after three months with Heathcliff. Hindley died and Heathcliff took Wuthering years later Isabella died, leaving her son Linton to Heathcliff, a weakling boy. Then Edgar Linton and young Linton died and so Heathcliff, Cathy and Hareton, an ill-assorted trio, were left at the Heights; while Thrush Grange was left to Lowood, to whom Nelly told the story ended with the death of Heathcliff and the marriage of Hareton and Cathy. This was two generations’ love story. The first generation’s love was transcendental and the second generation’s love was Introduction of social backgroundIn Viction's period, the rich are enormously proud of their success and property; the secular sense of hierarchy penetrates into the daily life of common people; money and property is nothing but everything. In literature, the smoky, threatening, miserable factory-towns were often represented in religious terms, and compared to hell. The poet William Blake, writing near the turn of the nineteenth century, speaks of England’s “dark Satanic Mills.” Therefore, under the control of this concept, the spirit of human is vehemently suppressed, and the humanity is cruelly twisted and deformed. At this time, Emily who has great rebelling spirit and strong desire of freedom, wrote WUTHERING HEIGHTS, disclosed the evilness of society. The work depicts how humanity was twisted, broken, band destroyed under the hand of violent devastation. But the great death is the steady faith of and yearns for happy life. In the world reined by Heathcliff, the bud of love, coming from Hareton and Cathy, broke through the hard soil of hatred. The betrayal of love brings the twist of humanity but pure love cures the wound, consoles the injured heart, and saves the degenerated soul. Emily shows her positive attitude to the pure love and their destructibility of Theme of the novelWuthering Heights, the creation of Emily Jane Bronte, depicts not a fantasy realm or the depths of hell. Rather, the novel focuses on two main characters' battle with the restrictions of Victorian Society. Social pressures and restrictive cultural confines exile Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff from the world and then from each other. Hate can't make love disappear, and love is stronger than . LoveWuthering Heights is a love novel. It has praised human’s moral excellence, has attracted the will of the people’s darkness, unfolding the human with the common custom life and pursueing the fine in the novel is manifested in many Earnshaw's love for HeathcliffForty years ago Wuthering Heights was filled with light, warmth and happiness. , a farmer, lives happily with his boisterous children Catherine and Hindley. However, being a kind and generous fellow, he can’t help rescuing a starving wretch off on the streets of Liverpool, a gypsy child named Heathcliff. In time Heathcliff becomes one member of the family, loved by all except Hindley (who nurtures the feeling of being usurped). Thus it can be concluded that Earnshaw's love for Heathcliff stems from Catherine' love for HeathcliffAs a child, her father was too ill to reprimand the free spirited child, ‘who was too mischievous and wayward for a favorite. (P46). Therefore, Catherine grew up among nature and lacked the sophistication of high society. Catherine removed herself from society and, "had ways with her such as I never saw a child take up before; she put all of us past our patience fifty times and oftener in a day; from the hour she came downstairs till the hour she went to bed, we had not a minute’s security that she wouldn’t be in mischief. Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going--singing, laughing, and plaguing everyone who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was--"(P51). Catherine further disregarded social standards and remained friends with Heathcliff despite his degradation by Hindley, her brother. ‘Miss Cathy and he [Heathcliff] were now very thick; ’(P46) and she found her sole enjoyment in his companionship. Catherine grew up beside Heathcliff, ‘They both promised to grow up as rude as savages; the young master [Hindley] being entirely negligent how they behaved, ’(P57). During her formative years Catherine’s conduct did not reflect that of a young Lady, ‘but it was one of their chief amusements to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, (P57). Thus, Catherine’s behavior developed and rejected the ideals of an oppressive, over-bearing society, which in turn created isolation from the institutionalized world. Therefore, Catherine's love for Heathcliff is pure, and Heathcliff's love for Catherine is tinged with danger and Isabella's love for HeathcliffThe first time when Isabella sees Heathcliff, attracted by the charming man, she falls in love with him. No matter how Catherine persuades her, she makes her mind to get married with Heathcliff. Her love for Heathcliff is pure. While, Heathcliff just uses Catherine's sister-in-law Isabella Linton as a weapon, caring not for the poor Catherine's love for EdgarWhen Catherine and Heathcliff exist their private island unchecked until Catherine suffers an injury from the Linton's bulldog. Forced to remain at Thrushcross Grange----the Linton's home, which isolates Catherine from Heathcliff and her former world of reckless freedom. Living amongst the elegance of the Lintons transforms Catherine from a coarse youth into a delicate lady. Her transformation alienates Heathcliff, her soul mate and the love of her life. Catherine fits into society like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. However, she feels pressure to file her rough edges and marry Edgar Linton. All in all, it is the social pressures and restrictive cultural confines that force Catherine to pretend to fall in love with Edgar. However, Edgar loves Catherine with gracious and transquility.


























































1 曹召伦,李晓明;医学心理学的新发展[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2002年04期 2 邹颉;;复仇者的同与异:希思克利夫和仇虎——《呼啸山庄》和《原野》中男主人公之比较[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2006年06期 3 王喆;;《呼啸山庄》中窗意象的文化解读[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2008年06期 4 张舒予;论伍尔夫与勃朗特的心灵与创作之关联[J];安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版);2003年03期 5 刘俊;;爱与恨的复合体——浅析希克厉这一人物形象[J];安徽文学(下半月);2006年09期 6 叶琴;刘爱花;;从阿德勒的人格理论谈心理健康与治疗[J];安徽文学(下半月);2006年09期 7 王华颖;;回归家庭——女性悲哀和幸福的双重所在——对《简爱》结局的新解读[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年01期 8 肖晶;;心理学视角下的凯瑟琳·恩肖形象再议[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年02期 9 唐正;;试分析艾米莉在《呼啸山庄》中的个性体现[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年06期 10 唐正;;试分析《简·爱》中独特的女性主义声音[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年07期



The Love and Hate in Wuthering HeightsShi Xueping1. IntroductionWuthering Heights, the great novel by Emily Bronte, though not inordinately long is an amalgamation of childhood fantasies, friendship, romance, and revenge. But this story is not a simple story of revenge, it has more profound implications. As Arnold Kettle, the English critic, said," Wuthering Heights is an expression in the imaginative terms of art of the stresses and tensions and conflicts, personal and spiritual, of nineteenth-century capitalist society.” The characters of Wuthering Heights embody the extreme love and extreme hate of the Introduction of the autherEmily Jane Bronte was the most solitary member of a unique, tightly knit, English provincial family. Born in 1818, she shared the parsonage of the town of Haworth, Yorkshire, with her older sister, Charlotte, her brother Branwell, her younger sister, Anne, and her father, the Reverend, Patrick Bronte. All five were poets and writers; all but Branwell would publish at least one was the Bronte children's one relief from the rigors of religion and the bleakness of life in an improverished region; they invented a series of imaginary kingdoms and constructed a whole library of journals stories, pomes, and plays around their inhabitants. Emily's special province was a kingdom she called Gondal, whose romantic heroes and exiles owed much to the poems of stays at several boarding schools were the sum of her experiences outside Haworth until 1842, when she entered a school in Brussels with her sister Charlotte. After a year of study and teaching there, they felt qualified to announce the opening of a school in their own home, but could not attract a single 1845 Charlotte Bronte came across a manuscript volumn of her sister's poems. She knew at once, she later wrote, that they were "not at all like the poetry women generally write... they had a peculiar music-wild, melancholy, and elevating." At her sister's urging, Emily's poems along with Anne's and Charlotte's, were published pseudonymously in 1846. An almost complete silence greeted this volume, but the three sisters, buoyed by the fact of publication, immediately began to write novels. Emily's effort was WUTHERING HEIGHTS; appearing in 1847, it was treated at first as a lesser work by Charlotte, whose JANE EYRE had already been published to great acclaim. Emily Bronte's name did not emerge from behind her pseudonym of Ellis Bell until the second edition of her novel appeared in the meantime, tragedy had struck the Bronte family. In Septermber of 1848 Branwell had succumbed to a life of dissipation. By December, after a brief illness, Emily too was dead; her sister Anne would die the next year. WUTHERING HEIGHTS, Emily's only novel, was just beginning to be understood as the wild and singular work of the Introduction of the storyThe beginning of the story was Mr. Lockwood’s visiting of Wuthering Heights. His amazement of Heathcliff's surliness and curiosity of beautiful Catherine's rudeness urged him to listen to a very strange and frightening love story from Nelly Dean. In the summer of 1771 Mr. Earnshaw brought home an orphan later called Heathcliff he had found in Liverpool. This waif was persecuted by young Hindley, but deeply loved by his daughter Catherine. So there was contradiction between Hindley and Heathcliff since childhood. After the death of their parents and his own marriage, Hindley treated Heathcliff as a servant, but this was relieved by the pleasant times with one of their expeditions they reached Thrushcross Grange where she stayed as the Linton’s guest for several weeks. When she returned to the Wuthering Heights, she was altered a lot: she had been deeply attracted by the dress, luxury of the Lintons, especially the handsome and gentle Edgar Linton. Although she still loved Heathcliff she could not compare Heathcliff’s snobbishness with the gentility of her new friends. Heathcliff was even more badly treated by Hindley after his wife’s death, which increased Heathcliff’s more anger. After overhearing part of Catherine’s conversation with Nelly that she would marry Edgar, Heathcliff could not bear the indignation and degradation and left Wuthering ’s conversation with Nelly was that if Heathcliff could remain, even though all else perished, she should still continue to be. She and Heathcliff belonged to the same kind. But Heathcliff didn’t hear it. So after Heathcliff’s leaving, Catherine was desperately ill and recovered by the care of Linton couple. Three years later Catherine was married to months later, Heathcliff, a different man, appeared. Catherine was so pleased at the news. But out of her surprise Heathcliff took on his two-fold revenge, first on Hindley who had treated him so badly in the past, secondly he threatened Catherine to marry Edgar’s sister Isabella fell in love with Heathcliff and Heathcliff married her out of love, but for the property of Thrush cross Grange. At the same time Catherine locked herself in the room because Edgar refused Heathcliff. The she became delirious from illness and had brain fever. Eventually she recovered but remained delicate. Edgar worried too much about Catherine’s health and Heathcliff and Catherine met again. There was a terrible scene between them. Both of them showed their anger and love to each other which worsened Catherine’s health. Then two hours after her daughter — Cathy’s birth Catherine died. When Heathcliff got the news he was desperately Catherine’s death Isabella returned to Thrushcross Grange after three months with Heathcliff. Hindley died and Heathcliff took Wuthering years later Isabella died, leaving her son Linton to Heathcliff, a weakling boy. Then Edgar Linton and young Linton died and so Heathcliff, Cathy and Hareton, an ill-assorted trio, were left at the Heights; while Thrush Grange was left to Lowood, to whom Nelly told the story ended with the death of Heathcliff and the marriage of Hareton and Cathy. This was two generations’ love story. The first generation’s love was transcendental and the second generation’s love was Introduction of social backgroundIn Viction's period, the rich are enormously proud of their success and property; the secular sense of hierarchy penetrates into the daily life of common people; money and property is nothing but everything. In literature, the smoky, threatening, miserable factory-towns were often represented in religious terms, and compared to hell. The poet William Blake, writing near the turn of the nineteenth century, speaks of England’s “dark Satanic Mills.” Therefore, under the control of this concept, the spirit of human is vehemently suppressed, and the humanity is cruelly twisted and deformed. At this time, Emily who has great rebelling spirit and strong desire of freedom, wrote WUTHERING HEIGHTS, disclosed the evilness of society. The work depicts how humanity was twisted, broken, band destroyed under the hand of violent devastation. But the great death is the steady faith of and yearns for happy life. In the world reined by Heathcliff, the bud of love, coming from Hareton and Cathy, broke through the hard soil of hatred. The betrayal of love brings the twist of humanity but pure love cures the wound, consoles the injured heart, and saves the degenerated soul. Emily shows her positive attitude to the pure love and their destructibility of Theme of the novelWuthering Heights, the creation of Emily Jane Bronte, depicts not a fantasy realm or the depths of hell. Rather, the novel focuses on two main characters' battle with the restrictions of Victorian Society. Social pressures and restrictive cultural confines exile Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff from the world and then from each other. Hate can't make love disappear, and love is stronger than . LoveWuthering Heights is a love novel. It has praised human’s moral excellence, has attracted the will of the people’s darkness, unfolding the human with the common custom life and pursueing the fine in the novel is manifested in many Earnshaw's love for HeathcliffForty years ago Wuthering Heights was filled with light, warmth and happiness. , a farmer, lives happily with his boisterous children Catherine and Hindley. However, being a kind and generous fellow, he can’t help rescuing a starving wretch off on the streets of Liverpool, a gypsy child named Heathcliff. In time Heathcliff becomes one member of the family, loved by all except Hindley (who nurtures the feeling of being usurped). Thus it can be concluded that Earnshaw's love for Heathcliff stems from Catherine' love for HeathcliffAs a child, her father was too ill to reprimand the free spirited child, ‘who was too mischievous and wayward for a favorite. (P46). Therefore, Catherine grew up among nature and lacked the sophistication of high society. Catherine removed herself from society and, "had ways with her such as I never saw a child take up before; she put all of us past our patience fifty times and oftener in a day; from the hour she came downstairs till the hour she went to bed, we had not a minute’s security that she wouldn’t be in mischief. Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going--singing, laughing, and plaguing everyone who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was--"(P51). Catherine further disregarded social standards and remained friends with Heathcliff despite his degradation by Hindley, her brother. ‘Miss Cathy and he [Heathcliff] were now very thick; ’(P46) and she found her sole enjoyment in his companionship. Catherine grew up beside Heathcliff, ‘They both promised to grow up as rude as savages; the young master [Hindley] being entirely negligent how they behaved, ’(P57). During her formative years Catherine’s conduct did not reflect that of a young Lady, ‘but it was one of their chief amusements to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, (P57). Thus, Catherine’s behavior developed and rejected the ideals of an oppressive, over-bearing society, which in turn created isolation from the institutionalized world. Therefore, Catherine's love for Heathcliff is pure, and Heathcliff's love for Catherine is tinged with danger and Isabella's love for HeathcliffThe first time when Isabella sees Heathcliff, attracted by the charming man, she falls in love with him. No matter how Catherine persuades her, she makes her mind to get married with Heathcliff. Her love for Heathcliff is pure. While, Heathcliff just uses Catherine's sister-in-law Isabella Linton as a weapon, caring not for the poor Catherine's love for EdgarWhen Catherine and Heathcliff exist their private island unchecked until Catherine suffers an injury from the Linton's bulldog. Forced to remain at Thrushcross Grange----the Linton's home, which isolates Catherine from Heathcliff and her former world of reckless freedom. Living amongst the elegance of the Lintons transforms Catherine from a coarse youth into a delicate lady. Her transformation alienates Heathcliff, her soul mate and the love of her life. Catherine fits into society like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. However, she feels pressure to file her rough edges and marry Edgar Linton. All in all, it is the social pressures and restrictive cultural confines that force Catherine to pretend to fall in love with Edgar. However, Edgar loves Catherine with gracious and transquility.

这网站我以前写报告一直用...里面很多东西...还有一个叫 Heights, which has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature, seemed to hold little promise when it was published in 1847, selling very poorly and receiving only a few mixed reviews. Victorian readers found the book shocking and inappropriate in its depiction of passionate, ungoverned love and cruelty (despite the fact that the novel portrays no sex or bloodshed), and the work was virtually ignored. Even Emily Brontë’s sister Charlotte—an author whose works contained similar motifs of Gothic love and desolate landscapes—remained ambivalent toward the unapologetic intensity of her sister’s novel. In a preface to the book, which she wrote shortly after Emily Brontë’s death, Charlotte Brontë stated, “Whether it is right or advisable to create beings like Heathcliff, I do not know. I scarcely think it is.”Emily Brontë lived an eccentric, closely guarded life. She was born in 1818, two years after Charlotte and a year and a half before her sister Anne, who also became an author. Her father worked as a church rector, and her aunt, who raised the Brontë children after their mother died, was deeply religious. Emily Brontë did not take to her aunt’s Christian fervor; the character of Joseph, a caricature of an evangelical, may have been inspired by her aunt’s religiosity. The Brontës lived in Haworth, a Yorkshire village in the midst of the moors. These wild, desolate expanses—later the setting of Wuthering Heights—made up the Brontës’ daily environment, and Emily lived among them her entire life. She died in 1848, at the age of witnessed by their extraordinary literary accomplishments, the Brontë children were a highly creative group, writing stories, plays, and poems for their own amusement. Largely left to their own devices, the children created imaginary worlds in which to play. Yet the sisters knew that the outside world would not respond favorably to their creative expression; female authors were often treated less seriously than their male counterparts in the nineteenth century. Thus the Brontë sisters thought it best to publish their adult works under assumed names. Charlotte wrote as Currer Bell, Emily as Ellis Bell, and Anne as Acton Bell. Their real identities remained secret until after Emily and Anne had died, when Charlotte at last revealed the truth of their novels’ , Wuthering Heights has a secure position in the canon of world literature, and Emily Brontë is revered as one of the finest writers—male or female—of the nineteenth century. Like Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition of the late eighteenth century, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear. But Wuthering Heights transcends its genre in its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety. The novel has been studied, analyzed, dissected, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective, yet it remains unexhausted. And while the novel’s symbolism, themes, structure, and language may all spark fertile exploration, the bulk of its popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters. As a shattering presentation of the doomed love affair between the fiercely passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.


哥特式小说是西欧文学花园中的一朵奇葩。它充满着神秘与恐怖,给人以独特的心灵震撼和审美感受。它盛极一时,许多作家都受到过它的影响,直到今天,哥特式手法都以其极强的表现力和感染力而得到作家们的青睐。哥特式小说源远流长,本文试从其起源、发展、演变及对后世的影响来揭示:在西方文学中一直有这样一股“哥特传统”的暗流,它时隐时现,与“两希”源头并存,可谓 西欧文学与文化的第三条源流。 关键词 :哥特式,神秘,恐怖,第三源头 近 20 年研究综述 一. 哥特式小说的特征和文学史地位 布兰丹 ·亨尼塞在 《哥特式小说》一书中总结了哥特式小说的特征: “哥特式” 这个术语有三种主要含义:野蛮,好像中世纪的哥特部落;中世纪,和与之相联的城堡、带甲武士和骑士精神;超自然,和随之而来的恐怖、未知与神秘。 《牛津简明英国文学史》中说:哥特式小说拒绝平淡,偏好峭壁和悬崖、折磨与恐怖、巫术、恋尸癖以及心神不定。它沉浸于鬼魅出没、突然死亡、地牢、妖术、幻觉和预言之中。这一批评式术语涵盖了大量的反常性作品,这些作品表现了自然力和超自然力的聚合与冲突。这类小说在18世纪的最后几年进入繁荣期,它的影响的余波,它的耸人听闻的手法的重要方面,从勃朗特到狄更斯时期直至当代的英语文学,可以连续的被感受到。 美国评论家赖特认为:要了解近两百年来的文学,必须具备一定的哥特式小说的知识。 肖明翰、刘新明等人也认为:哥特小说自 18 世纪中期从英国诞生以来,一直拥有广泛的读者,不仅在英国确定了自己的地位,而且还影响到其它一些国家,特别是德国和美国的文学创作。它吸引了各时期、各流派的作家,将哥特小说的手法大量运用于创作以安排情节,深化主题,增强作品的效果,取得了很高的艺术成就。二百多年来,在英美不仅通俗作家热衷于哥特作品的创作,而且许多第一流的诗人和作家,如英国的司各脱、柯勒律治、拜伦、雪莱、济慈、狄更斯、勃朗特姐妹、康拉德、福斯特、戈尔丁和美国的布朗、华盛顿·尔文、爱伦·坡、霍桑、马克·吐温、詹姆斯、福克纳、奥康纳、莫里森等人都要么直接创作过脍炙人口的哥特故事,要么把哥特小说的手法大量运用于创作之中,使哥特小说从通俗小说这一文学领域的“边缘地位”得以进入文学的中心和文学发展的主流,从而在英美文学中逐渐形成了十分突出的哥特传统。 二、解读“哥特”一词 人类学意义上:哥特是所谓的蛮族之一。古代欧洲的一个民族。他们住在日尔曼部落的最东部,占据南多瑙河盆地和黑海沿岸的土地,被第聂伯河划分成东哥特和西哥特,两个独立的部落。西哥特人善于移动,攻下罗马,最终被同化到已在西班牙建立起的罗马文化中, 8 世纪时被摩尔人征服,同伊比利亚的拉丁成分混为一体。东哥特人穿过巴尔干到意大利,公元 493 年占领了意大利,公元 555 被吸收到拜占庭帝国中 。 艺术风格上:出现于十二世纪晚期,主要体现在建筑与绘画上,起源于法国的巴黎附近。从来源上看,哥特式美术和建筑借鉴了罗马技术,但是把它们置于与前辈完全对立的一种革新的美学观点。哥特式风格在建筑上主要是运用了飞檐扶壁,这样可以使墙体的负担大为减轻,使在墙面上开出大幅的玻璃花窗成为可能,同时使建筑的整体具有强烈的向上的特征。这样,从视觉角度来看,建筑——主要是教堂——具有高耸入云的外观,而其内部空间则在大幅的彩色玻璃花窗透射出的迷离光线和更高的中庭的双重作用下给人强烈的升腾感,同时又优雅纤细。 主要用于建造教堂和城堡。法国的巴黎圣母院和英国的圣·保罗大教堂堪称代表性建筑。这种建筑的特点是高耸的尖顶,厚重的石壁,狭窄的窗户,染色的玻璃,幽暗的内部,阴森的地道甚至还有地下藏尸所等。在那些崇尚古希腊古罗马文明的文艺复兴思想家眼里,这种建筑代表着落后、野蛮和黑暗,正好是那取代了古罗马辉煌文明的所谓“黑暗时代“( the Dark Ages )的绝妙象征;因此,用那个毁灭了古罗马的“野蛮”、“凶狠”、“嗜杀成性”的部落的名字来指称这种建筑风格自然就再适合不过了。这样,在文艺复兴思想家们的影响下,哥特一词逐渐被赋予了野蛮、恐怖、落后、神秘、黑暗时代、中世纪等多种含义。 哥特式作为恐怖、黑暗的代名词则成为小说这种叙事艺术中的一种风格。恐怖的、黑暗的、怪诞的、野蛮的,就像“拜占庭式”意指了不必要的繁复那样,哥特式( Gothic )成为了一个形容词。 到了 18 世纪后期,哥特一词又成了一种新的小说体裁的名称。这种小说通常以古堡、废墟或者荒野为背景,故事往往发生在过去,特别是中世纪;故事情节恐怖刺激,充斥着凶杀、暴力、复仇、强奸、乱伦,甚至常有鬼怪精灵或其它超自然现象出现;小说气氛阴森、神秘、恐怖,充满悬念。 三. 哥特式小说和运用了哥特式手法的代表作家作品 1764 年,《奥特朗托堡》诞生,作者是英国的荷拉斯 · 沃尔浦尔,这是哥特式小说的开山之作。 其他的代表作有: 英国理查生的《克莱丽生》 英国 克拉拉·利弗的《年老的英国伯爵》 英国安娜 · 拉德克利弗的《乌多尔弗之谜》、《意大利人》 英国威廉 · 贝克福德的《瓦塞克》 英国马修·刘易斯的《修道士》 ( The Monk , 1796 ) 爱尔兰马图林的《漫游者梅尔莫斯》 英国詹姆士 · 郝格的《一个已开释的罪者的自传和忏悔》 英国司各特的《玛米思》 英国玛丽 · 雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》 德国霍夫曼的大部分作品 英国 B ·斯托克的吸血鬼小说 美国爱伦坡的大部分作品 运用了大量哥特式手法的作品: 英国狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》,《远大前程》 英国勃朗特姐妹的《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》 英国哈代 英国罗特特·布朗宁 法梅里美的《维纳斯雕像》、《熊人洛奇》 美国福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》、《去吧,摩西》、《我的弥留之际》、《圣殿》、《押沙龙!押沙龙!》、《坟墓的闯入者》、《纪念爱米莉的一朵玫瑰花》 美国霍桑的《红字》 美国费兰纳里·奥康纳的《妇人难寻》 美国特鲁曼·卡波特的《别的声音,别的屋子》 美国卡森·麦卡勒斯的《伤心咖啡馆之歌》、《金眼睛中的映像》 美国查德·赖特的《土生子》、《吸血鬼访谈录》 英国班布里奇的《裁缝》、《到瓶子工厂游玩》 英国 达夫妮 · 杜穆里埃的《蝴蝶梦》 美国斯蒂文金 四. 哥特式小说的心理和美学基础 哥特式小说的心理基础是人与生俱来的恐惧感。在阅读哥特故事时,我们既感到强烈的恐惧,同时又确信自己的安全,我们既能在幻觉中置身险境,但又从心底知道危险不会真的降临在自己身上,这时,我们就能感到一种强烈的愉悦。 哥特式小说的美学基础是和恐惧相关的壮美。 18 世纪时,英国美学家伯克( Edmund Burke )在讨论壮美时,就已经谈到人类最强烈的情感是恐惧,并且把壮美同恐惧联系起来。他把美分为秀美( the beautiful )和壮美( the sublime )。一般来说,秀美的事物小巧、精致、和谐,并且为人们所熟悉,它们在观赏者心中所引起的是甜蜜、温馨、热爱、安全的愉悦和激动。与之相对,当面对峻峭高山、滚滚大河、亘古荒原、莽莽林海、古老废墟或者雷鸣电闪时,我们似乎体验到一种神秘的超验力量,心中不由充满敬畏甚至恐惧。 如果我们仔细研究这些场面,我们会发现,它们全都是有关光明与黑暗、善与恶之间的冲突。从基督教的观点来看,这种冲突归根结底是上帝与魔鬼之间的永恒冲突。而这种光明与黑暗、善与恶、上帝与魔鬼的冲突是哥特小说最突出、最普遍、最持久的主题,它贯穿了哥特小说发展的整个历史。 五、哥特式小说的源头和它出现的原因 肖明翰认为:虽然哥特小说与哥特人毫无关系,但日尔曼民族(即条顿民族)中所流传的极为丰富的民间传说,以及以这些传说为素材的中世纪浪漫故事,是哥特小说的一个重要源泉。哥特小说的另一个重要源头是英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧。这时期的英国戏剧深受古罗马剧作家塞内加的影响,充满复仇、阴谋、暴力和凶杀,甚至还有鬼魂出没,因此情节惊险刺激。特别是莎士比亚的剧作和詹姆斯一世时期的悲剧,对哥特小说的出现与发展更是产生了巨大影响。 作者: 雾中寻你 2007-4-28 16:44 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 【资料】从哥特式小说看西欧文学中的哥特传统 (某学生毕业论文) 《圣经》和基督教传说也是哥特小说的重要源泉。《圣经》里面有许多极为恐怖的场面,而基督教传说也一直在极力渲染地狱的恐怖。这方面最突出的当数《启示录》,里面描写了天使同撒旦的战争,地上的屠杀、瘟疫、灾难和饥荒,以及其它大量关于末日审判的神秘而可怕的征兆。《启示录》因其生动的语言、奇异的想象、丰富的象征、鲜明的意象和震撼人心的气势,具有很高的文学成就,对西方文学产生了重大影响,从密尔顿的《失落园》到今天的许多恐怖电影都直接取材于《启示录》或者受到它的启示。哥特小说中的许多典型人物类型,比如魔鬼、恶棍英雄、“流浪的犹太人”等,都能在《圣经》中找到他们的原型(撒旦、该隐等);而兄弟相残、夺人之妻、仇杀、强奸、乱伦、同性恋等等哥特小说中的通常主题,都无不在《圣经》中反复出现。至于哥特小说里最突出、最普遍、最持久的主题:善与恶之间永恒的冲突,那就更是一部《圣经》从头到尾的主线。 哥特小说之所以产生和繁荣于 18 世纪,最重要的是浪漫主义对理性主义的挑战。文艺复兴运动使人文主义得到空前发展,宗教改革运动与人文主义结盟终得以摧毁罗马天主教的一统天下,然而人文主义的大发展却反过来沉重打击了教会势力,并且使以上帝为中心的传统的基督教意识形态处于解体之中。到了 18 世纪,欧洲进入理性时代,启蒙运动思想家们热情讴歌、极力弘扬人的理性,却忽视并压抑情感、想象、直觉,否认神秘和超自然现象。席卷欧美的浪漫主义运动就是对理性主义和新古典主义的逆反。哥特小说是浪漫主义文学的一个特殊流派,被评论家们称为“黑色浪漫主义”( dark romanticism )。它的所谓“黑”,主要表现在两个方面:在情节上,它浓墨重彩地渲染暴力与恐怖;在主题思想上,它不是像一般浪漫主义那样侧重于正面表达其理想的社会、政治和道德观念,而主要是通过揭示社会、政治、教会和道德上的邪恶,揭示人性中的阴暗面来进行深入的探索,特别是道德上的探索。 肖明翰 教授还提出了一个新观点,那就是,哥特小说在英美和德国这样一些国家最繁荣、成就最高,而这些国家正是最主要的新教国家,其中英美更是长期为清教主义所统治。清教主义是基督教里的原教旨主义,它是新教的一个比较极端的重要流派。清教徒信奉加尔文主义,把《圣经》里的每一个字都看成上帝的话。 尽管在哥特小说兴起之时,对天主教徒和各种男女“巫”的残酷迫害已经成为过去,但其影响仍然十分明显。早期的许多哥特小说,比如前面提到的《奥特朗托城堡》、《乌多芙堡之谜》、《意大利人》、《修道士》以及爱伦·坡的名作《陷阱与钟摆》等等,都是以意大利、西班牙或者法国南部这样的天主教国度为背景,而且大都是在暴露天主教及其教士的邪恶。同样,“清巫”事件也被广泛运用于文学创作,这在美国文学中特别突出,比如 1692 年在塞勒姆发生的大规模残酷迫害所谓女巫的事件。几个世纪以来一直刺激着文学家们的艺术想象力,从约翰·尼尔、霍桑到现代剧作家亚瑟·米勒、当代作家斯蒂芬·金等许多文学家都以塞勒姆事件为素材创作出了气氛恐怖、寓意深刻的作品。 六、哥特式小说的发展 18 世纪末和 19 世纪初,浪漫主义成了文学的主流,哥特小说也进入最繁荣的时期,几乎所有主要的浪漫主义诗人和作家都创作了哥特故事或者使用了哥特手法并且推动了哥特文学的进一步发展。在一定意义上讲,所有浪漫主义者都是现实的叛逆者,但主流浪漫主义文学的核心在于理想化,而哥特小说却意不在此。尽管哥特小说中也有一些理想化人物,而且也在间接表达理想的价值观念,但其重点从来就是暴露罪恶与黑暗。 到了维多利亚时代,现实主义在文学中成为主导,但现实主义作家们并没有拒绝使用哥特手法。在这些作家笔下,哥特故事的背景从遥远的过去和古老的城堡搬到了现实中的工业化大都市。在维多利亚时代,哥特小说的一个重要发展就是社会化和现实化。 作者: 雾中寻你 2007-4-28 16:44 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 【资料】从哥特式小说看西欧文学中的哥特传统 (某学生毕业论文) 虽然哥特小说在英国产生和繁荣,但 19 世纪 20 年代以后,哥特小说发展的中心移到了美国。哥特小说能在美国迅速繁荣、持续发展有着深刻的历史、文化和文学根源。来到美洲的早期移民经历了饥饿、寒冷、瘟疫和死亡,一部美国史可以说就是他们在一个陌生而危险的环境中不断探险、冲突和征服的历史;而且美国小说兴起之时正好是哥特小说在英国和欧洲其它国家最繁荣的时候;不过,最重要的原因还是美国历史上和美国文化中极为突出的清教主义传统。 美国第一位有影响的作家查尔斯· B ·布朗在 18 世纪末推出的几部作品都是阴森恐怖并且充满血腥的小说,而第一个享有国际声誉的美国作家欧文在司各脱和德国作家的影响下创作出了《睡谷》等哥特故事。美国小说一开始就具有哥特色彩。 七、哥特小说不会消亡 人们对于这些罪恶往年视而不见,习以为常,甚至以恶为善,这在当今世界更是如此。所以,当人们问奥康纳,她为什么在作品中那样大量使用哥特手法时,她回答说:“对于那些听觉不灵的人,你得大声叫喊;而对于那些快失明者,你只能把图画得大大的。”也就是说,只有借助于哥特小说所特有的那种震撼人心的力量才能使人们认识到那些罪恶和危险。因此,只要有使人堕落或者践踏人性的罪恶存在,哥特小说就会继续发展。

1 曹召伦,李晓明;医学心理学的新发展[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2002年04期 2 邹颉;;复仇者的同与异:希思克利夫和仇虎——《呼啸山庄》和《原野》中男主人公之比较[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2006年06期 3 王喆;;《呼啸山庄》中窗意象的文化解读[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2008年06期 4 张舒予;论伍尔夫与勃朗特的心灵与创作之关联[J];安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版);2003年03期 5 刘俊;;爱与恨的复合体——浅析希克厉这一人物形象[J];安徽文学(下半月);2006年09期 6 叶琴;刘爱花;;从阿德勒的人格理论谈心理健康与治疗[J];安徽文学(下半月);2006年09期 7 王华颖;;回归家庭——女性悲哀和幸福的双重所在——对《简爱》结局的新解读[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年01期 8 肖晶;;心理学视角下的凯瑟琳·恩肖形象再议[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年02期 9 唐正;;试分析艾米莉在《呼啸山庄》中的个性体现[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年06期 10 唐正;;试分析《简·爱》中独特的女性主义声音[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年07期

The Love and Hate in Wuthering HeightsShi Xueping1. IntroductionWuthering Heights, the great novel by Emily Bronte, though not inordinately long is an amalgamation of childhood fantasies, friendship, romance, and revenge. But this story is not a simple story of revenge, it has more profound implications. As Arnold Kettle, the English critic, said," Wuthering Heights is an expression in the imaginative terms of art of the stresses and tensions and conflicts, personal and spiritual, of nineteenth-century capitalist society.” The characters of Wuthering Heights embody the extreme love and extreme hate of the Introduction of the autherEmily Jane Bronte was the most solitary member of a unique, tightly knit, English provincial family. Born in 1818, she shared the parsonage of the town of Haworth, Yorkshire, with her older sister, Charlotte, her brother Branwell, her younger sister, Anne, and her father, the Reverend, Patrick Bronte. All five were poets and writers; all but Branwell would publish at least one was the Bronte children's one relief from the rigors of religion and the bleakness of life in an improverished region; they invented a series of imaginary kingdoms and constructed a whole library of journals stories, pomes, and plays around their inhabitants. Emily's special province was a kingdom she called Gondal, whose romantic heroes and exiles owed much to the poems of stays at several boarding schools were the sum of her experiences outside Haworth until 1842, when she entered a school in Brussels with her sister Charlotte. After a year of study and teaching there, they felt qualified to announce the opening of a school in their own home, but could not attract a single 1845 Charlotte Bronte came across a manuscript volumn of her sister's poems. She knew at once, she later wrote, that they were "not at all like the poetry women generally write... they had a peculiar music-wild, melancholy, and elevating." At her sister's urging, Emily's poems along with Anne's and Charlotte's, were published pseudonymously in 1846. An almost complete silence greeted this volume, but the three sisters, buoyed by the fact of publication, immediately began to write novels. Emily's effort was WUTHERING HEIGHTS; appearing in 1847, it was treated at first as a lesser work by Charlotte, whose JANE EYRE had already been published to great acclaim. Emily Bronte's name did not emerge from behind her pseudonym of Ellis Bell until the second edition of her novel appeared in the meantime, tragedy had struck the Bronte family. In Septermber of 1848 Branwell had succumbed to a life of dissipation. By December, after a brief illness, Emily too was dead; her sister Anne would die the next year. WUTHERING HEIGHTS, Emily's only novel, was just beginning to be understood as the wild and singular work of the Introduction of the storyThe beginning of the story was Mr. Lockwood’s visiting of Wuthering Heights. His amazement of Heathcliff's surliness and curiosity of beautiful Catherine's rudeness urged him to listen to a very strange and frightening love story from Nelly Dean. In the summer of 1771 Mr. Earnshaw brought home an orphan later called Heathcliff he had found in Liverpool. This waif was persecuted by young Hindley, but deeply loved by his daughter Catherine. So there was contradiction between Hindley and Heathcliff since childhood. After the death of their parents and his own marriage, Hindley treated Heathcliff as a servant, but this was relieved by the pleasant times with one of their expeditions they reached Thrushcross Grange where she stayed as the Linton’s guest for several weeks. When she returned to the Wuthering Heights, she was altered a lot: she had been deeply attracted by the dress, luxury of the Lintons, especially the handsome and gentle Edgar Linton. Although she still loved Heathcliff she could not compare Heathcliff’s snobbishness with the gentility of her new friends. Heathcliff was even more badly treated by Hindley after his wife’s death, which increased Heathcliff’s more anger. After overhearing part of Catherine’s conversation with Nelly that she would marry Edgar, Heathcliff could not bear the indignation and degradation and left Wuthering ’s conversation with Nelly was that if Heathcliff could remain, even though all else perished, she should still continue to be. She and Heathcliff belonged to the same kind. But Heathcliff didn’t hear it. So after Heathcliff’s leaving, Catherine was desperately ill and recovered by the care of Linton couple. Three years later Catherine was married to months later, Heathcliff, a different man, appeared. Catherine was so pleased at the news. But out of her surprise Heathcliff took on his two-fold revenge, first on Hindley who had treated him so badly in the past, secondly he threatened Catherine to marry Edgar’s sister Isabella fell in love with Heathcliff and Heathcliff married her out of love, but for the property of Thrush cross Grange. At the same time Catherine locked herself in the room because Edgar refused Heathcliff. The she became delirious from illness and had brain fever. Eventually she recovered but remained delicate. Edgar worried too much about Catherine’s health and Heathcliff and Catherine met again. There was a terrible scene between them. Both of them showed their anger and love to each other which worsened Catherine’s health. Then two hours after her daughter — Cathy’s birth Catherine died. When Heathcliff got the news he was desperately Catherine’s death Isabella returned to Thrushcross Grange after three months with Heathcliff. Hindley died and Heathcliff took Wuthering years later Isabella died, leaving her son Linton to Heathcliff, a weakling boy. Then Edgar Linton and young Linton died and so Heathcliff, Cathy and Hareton, an ill-assorted trio, were left at the Heights; while Thrush Grange was left to Lowood, to whom Nelly told the story ended with the death of Heathcliff and the marriage of Hareton and Cathy. This was two generations’ love story. The first generation’s love was transcendental and the second generation’s love was Introduction of social backgroundIn Viction's period, the rich are enormously proud of their success and property; the secular sense of hierarchy penetrates into the daily life of common people; money and property is nothing but everything. In literature, the smoky, threatening, miserable factory-towns were often represented in religious terms, and compared to hell. The poet William Blake, writing near the turn of the nineteenth century, speaks of England’s “dark Satanic Mills.” Therefore, under the control of this concept, the spirit of human is vehemently suppressed, and the humanity is cruelly twisted and deformed. At this time, Emily who has great rebelling spirit and strong desire of freedom, wrote WUTHERING HEIGHTS, disclosed the evilness of society. The work depicts how humanity was twisted, broken, band destroyed under the hand of violent devastation. But the great death is the steady faith of and yearns for happy life. In the world reined by Heathcliff, the bud of love, coming from Hareton and Cathy, broke through the hard soil of hatred. The betrayal of love brings the twist of humanity but pure love cures the wound, consoles the injured heart, and saves the degenerated soul. Emily shows her positive attitude to the pure love and their destructibility of Theme of the novelWuthering Heights, the creation of Emily Jane Bronte, depicts not a fantasy realm or the depths of hell. Rather, the novel focuses on two main characters' battle with the restrictions of Victorian Society. Social pressures and restrictive cultural confines exile Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff from the world and then from each other. Hate can't make love disappear, and love is stronger than . LoveWuthering Heights is a love novel. It has praised human’s moral excellence, has attracted the will of the people’s darkness, unfolding the human with the common custom life and pursueing the fine in the novel is manifested in many Earnshaw's love for HeathcliffForty years ago Wuthering Heights was filled with light, warmth and happiness. , a farmer, lives happily with his boisterous children Catherine and Hindley. However, being a kind and generous fellow, he can’t help rescuing a starving wretch off on the streets of Liverpool, a gypsy child named Heathcliff. In time Heathcliff becomes one member of the family, loved by all except Hindley (who nurtures the feeling of being usurped). Thus it can be concluded that Earnshaw's love for Heathcliff stems from Catherine' love for HeathcliffAs a child, her father was too ill to reprimand the free spirited child, ‘who was too mischievous and wayward for a favorite. (P46). Therefore, Catherine grew up among nature and lacked the sophistication of high society. Catherine removed herself from society and, "had ways with her such as I never saw a child take up before; she put all of us past our patience fifty times and oftener in a day; from the hour she came downstairs till the hour she went to bed, we had not a minute’s security that she wouldn’t be in mischief. Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going--singing, laughing, and plaguing everyone who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was--"(P51). Catherine further disregarded social standards and remained friends with Heathcliff despite his degradation by Hindley, her brother. ‘Miss Cathy and he [Heathcliff] were now very thick; ’(P46) and she found her sole enjoyment in his companionship. Catherine grew up beside Heathcliff, ‘They both promised to grow up as rude as savages; the young master [Hindley] being entirely negligent how they behaved, ’(P57). During her formative years Catherine’s conduct did not reflect that of a young Lady, ‘but it was one of their chief amusements to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, (P57). Thus, Catherine’s behavior developed and rejected the ideals of an oppressive, over-bearing society, which in turn created isolation from the institutionalized world. Therefore, Catherine's love for Heathcliff is pure, and Heathcliff's love for Catherine is tinged with danger and Isabella's love for HeathcliffThe first time when Isabella sees Heathcliff, attracted by the charming man, she falls in love with him. No matter how Catherine persuades her, she makes her mind to get married with Heathcliff. Her love for Heathcliff is pure. While, Heathcliff just uses Catherine's sister-in-law Isabella Linton as a weapon, caring not for the poor Catherine's love for EdgarWhen Catherine and Heathcliff exist their private island unchecked until Catherine suffers an injury from the Linton's bulldog. Forced to remain at Thrushcross Grange----the Linton's home, which isolates Catherine from Heathcliff and her former world of reckless freedom. Living amongst the elegance of the Lintons transforms Catherine from a coarse youth into a delicate lady. Her transformation alienates Heathcliff, her soul mate and the love of her life. Catherine fits into society like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. However, she feels pressure to file her rough edges and marry Edgar Linton. All in all, it is the social pressures and restrictive cultural confines that force Catherine to pretend to fall in love with Edgar. However, Edgar loves Catherine with gracious and transquility.


呼啸山庄由四场斗争组成, 你选取一个你喜欢的角色,然后从他的角度讨论一下他在每场斗争中的策略和他心中的仇恨就可以了,比如说你写Nelly Dean。 提纲可以是这样: 1.人物Nelly生平概述,Nelly和夏洛特·Bront以及简爱的联系,以及和都铎王朝的关系。以及作家三姐妹笔名的由来。 2.着重分析Nelly在第一场的表现3.着重分析Nelly在第二场的表现 4.着重分析Nelly在第三场的表现5.着重分析Nelly在第四场的表现6.赞美一下叙事风格和故事情节的旋律美。 如果你选择其它人物的话也可以参照以上格式顺序,比如Catherine和Isabella.

可以写人与人之间的关系 比如 恨 和 爱恩萧先生,呼啸山庄主人 对 希克厉 一个养子的关爱 希克厉和卡瑟琳对彼此的爱 小卡瑟琳和哈里顿 的爱 还有就是 希克厉 对别人的恨 对享德莱 对哈里顿 等等我觉得 呼啸山庄 就像是情感大剧,结尾我很喜欢,不是很沉重 后一代没有重复上辈的悲剧而是幸福的在一起 很好啊 这就说明人与人之间有爱才会和谐 论文我还没到写的时候,不知道怎么弄写写比如恨永远比爱多一点 我们不能让仇恨蒙蔽了双眼啊善良是化解冰山的好办法 呵呵 希望帮到你


索尼论文网上关于呼啸山庄的论文题目呼啸山庄中的爱与仇呼啸山庄中Heathcliff 性格分析开题报告文献综述论文参考资料 英文论文呼啸山庄环境分析 开题报告文献综述论文参考资料 英文论文论呼啸山庄中卡瑟琳的婚姻论《呼啸山庄》的哥特式风格
