

发布时间:2024-07-02 23:26:22


《VISION青年视觉》杂志是国内大型时尚艺术生活杂志,也是全部内容为原创的国际化杂志。六年来,杂志发展稳定,声誉良好,因业务规模扩大,现诚聘精英人才,欢迎符合下列条件者加入我们的团队:基本要求:本科及以上学历,人品端正,性格好,少是非,负责任,肯吃苦,富有团队合作精神,有独立工作能力。诚聘岗位:编辑主管(1名):有时尚或图片艺术类杂志工作经验,并有一定的编辑管理经历,有广泛的国际文化艺术兴趣,熟悉或了解时尚、艺术潮流,眼界开阔,性格开朗,沟通能力强,最好有国外学习或工作经历,年龄36岁以下,有良好的中英文表达能力。编 辑(2名):能以外语(至少英语)进行采访和书信沟通;有一定的编辑和采访能力,有优秀的文字表达能力;喜欢时尚、艺术。本次重点招聘人文版编辑和科技版编辑。年龄30岁以下。流程编辑(1名):负责杂志的编辑与设计、出版等各部门协调工作及资料整理等编辑事务的管理和服务。细心周到,性格稳重,责任心强;若拥有平面、网络媒体流程编辑或外企助理、文秘工作经验者可予优先考虑。 概述有基本的英语交流能力。高级客户经理(2名):职位要求:1) 两年以上杂志媒体广告工作经验,熟悉传媒特别是杂志媒体行业的广告市场,对高端品牌和4A公司有深刻的了解和认知;2) 具有优秀的沟通和谈判能力、解决和分析问题能力、策划能力,客户开发能力,拥有较丰富的广告客户资源。3) 具有一定的英语会话能力,有杂志媒体特别是时尚类杂志媒体的广告管理、销售经验及丰富的客户关系,特别是国际国内大品牌客户关系者优先;客户经理(2名):职位要求:1)一年以上媒体广告工作经验,熟悉传媒特别是杂志媒体行业的广告市场,对高端品牌和4A公司有较深刻的了解和认知;2)具有一定的英语会话能力,优秀的沟通和谈判能力、解决和分析问题能力、客户开发能力;媒介助理(1名):职位要求:1)对杂志与广告行业有一定了解,工作踏实细致,开朗大方,能够协调完成杂志周期性事务。2)具备一定的英语会话,读写能力,独立完成小型策划方案和一定的文案撰写能力,对重点客户进行日常维护,协助广告总监完成其他相关工作。媒介策划(1名):职位要求:熟悉杂志媒体广告市场,熟悉品牌环境,对各类媒体有深刻了解及广泛接触,具有相关从业经验;良好的英文读写能力,善于沟通,思路敏捷清晰;熟练运用PPT等相关软件,能够独自进行丰富的媒介策划案撰写,具备独立的提案能力;《VISION青年视觉》为你提供机会,请你来展示才能。联系方式:请将你的简历及照片寄至:朝阳区东三环中路39号建外SOHO B座1805室《青年视觉》杂志社行政事业部李先生收。邮编:100022。电话:58696038-217或将简历及照片发至:


其实专业什么不重要,重要的是你有没兴趣进入这个圈子。基本上你选择就读一些传媒类、公关类的科系就行了,但在实际应用中,你的具体专业可以是很模糊的,更重要的是你本身所具有的素质,例如进外企就会对你的英语有很高的要求,这些都是需要在学校练一个基础出来的。 另外这个行业真的是一个看起来光鲜亮丽,背后辛酸很多的行业,并且在选择实习生、助理等职位的时候,帅哥美女一般都会得到更多的青睐,如果你立志进这行,那就要在学校期间打好基础。而且根据我们现在的情况,一般杂志社招人学历要求都在研究生的基础上,不过这也不是硬性规定。 你可以先留意你喜欢的时尚杂志有没有在招助理或者实习生的职位,一般各个网站上都会有更新的,祝你好运了。

做编辑,至少需要文学、新闻等专业的本科文凭,发展得好有可能成为主编;做广告业务员的条件是能拉到业务给杂志社赚大钱;或者学好化妆技艺,去应聘做造型师;或者身材棒,经过模特培训,去杂志社做平面模特。赞同1| 评论


WANTED: Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at123456招聘: 你喜欢遇见许多有趣的人?你擅长写文章吗?你想周游世界吗?你喜欢收集新闻?你喜欢报纸或杂志工作?我们为你提供一份记者的工作。请拨打123456找我

WANTED:Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at*******招聘:你喜欢遇到很多有趣的人吗?你擅长写文章吗?你想周游世界吗?你喜欢收集新闻吗?你喜欢为报社或杂志社工作吗?我们有份工作给你当记者,请打电话********给我。

Reporter WantedOur school broadcasting station needs several little reporters. You must be the students in our school. You must study very well. Especially you must speak very good Putonghua. And you must write articles very well. If you want to be a reporter in our school, please call Miss Li at ________ (Telephone number)for more information

WANTED:Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at*******





Position: Front desk agent(we need two)

华夏酒店 HuaXia Hotel Work Place: Amoy area,XiaMen City


1、 Female,The preferred ages are 20-28 yrs

2、University graduate or above

3、 Excellent proficiency in Chinese, speak sensibly andwell

4、 Good team player and corporate attitude;

5、 Relevant working experience is preferred

Interview time: to ,20xx

Please send us your resume in both English and Chinese with a copy of your academic diploma and ID card, a recent photo and expected salary via fax/ mail/ e-mail ADD:,LUJIANGDAO ROD,AMOY AREA,XIAMEN CITY

TEL(FAX):0593-666888 CONTACT:Mr. CHAN

Expressways Resin

Expressways Resin is a growing international plastics and rubber distribution business that is part of a pan-Asian network of sister companies. We are the leading thermoplastic raw material distributor in Asia, and our customers and suppliers represent China’s leading blue chip manufacturers. We are an owned subsidiary of Taiwan Plastics Company, Inc.

Expressways Resin为一快速成长中的国际塑胶暨橡胶批发公司,在泛亚网络中尚 有许多姐妹公司。我们是亚洲的热塑性原料领导者,客户和供应商亦为中国顶尖的'蓝筹股制造业者,而且是台湾塑胶公司的子公司。

We have positions available in both our sales and logistics departments. We seek ambitious,team-orientated, university graduates to join a dynamic, growing company. Successful candidates will need to have a business degree, be interested in technical sales, and have some sales and marketing experience. Interest in-or past experience with- inventory management is a plus.

我们的业务部和物流部均有空缺,征求有上进心、喜欢团队工作的毕业生加入我 们充满活力、不断成长的公司。应征者需具备商学学位、对技术性业务有兴趣,有售货和行销的经验而且对库存管理也有经验和兴趣。

We desire applicants who are motivated by the challenge of constantly learning new skills in all aspects of the business, and who are excited by opportunities for career compensation package is among the best in the industry and reflects our commitment to nurturing talent.


Successful candidates will undergo an individual training and development program, personalized to reflect his or her needs. These programs are designed to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the position. Training and development needs will be discussed at regular reviews.


Please send a cover letter and CV to: xxxxxxx


The Oriental scientific instrument import and export group co., LTD is a large holdings of the Chinese academy of sciences professional foreign trade group co., LTD., founded in October 22, 1983. Company scale has amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars in the current year and for many years is listed as one of the largest 500 import and export enterprises in China.

Now we welcome chemical instruments a salesman. Your responsibilities are in charge of regional market development and sales, familiar with uv, HPLC, GC, LC/MS, GC/MS and other biological scientific instruments. You will need to have at least a bachelors degree in chemistry, biology, food, environmental protection, medicine and other relevant

professional and work background is preferred. You should have good interpersonal communication and language expression ability, good

English reading and writing ability and skilled computer operation ability. If you are interested in the job, Please send your resume to our company.

WANTED: Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at123456招聘: 你喜欢遇见许多有趣的人?你擅长写文章吗?你想周游世界吗?你喜欢收集新闻?你喜欢报纸或杂志工作?我们为你提供一份记者的工作。请拨打123456找我

Reporter WantedOur school broadcasting station needs several little reporters. You must be the students in our school. You must study very well. Especially you must speak very good Putonghua. And you must write articles very well. If you want to be a reporter in our school, please call Miss Li at ________ (Telephone number)for more information

WANTED:Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at*******招聘:你喜欢遇到很多有趣的人吗?你擅长写文章吗?你想周游世界吗?你喜欢收集新闻吗?你喜欢为报社或杂志社工作吗?我们有份工作给你当记者,请打电话********给我。


做编辑,至少需要文学、新闻等专业的本科文凭,发展得好有可能成为主编;做广告业务员的条件是能拉到业务给杂志社赚大钱;或者学好化妆技艺,去应聘做造型师;或者身材棒,经过模特培训,去杂志社做平面模特。赞同1| 评论



具备一定的时尚杂志编辑及撰稿工作经验 熟悉时尚行业具备优秀的视觉策划能力和文字表达能力,独立完成杂志整体策划及执行具备耐心、细心及责任心



