

发布时间:2024-07-05 10:59:51


International trade for economic growth and development are the essential driving force for many of the world's countries and regions through rapid development and expansion of foreign trade In the course of economic development, foreign trade can be optimized through a combination of factors of production and the allocation of economic resources, can be converted form of commodities and value in kind of value-added, and other sectors of the economy of foreign trade with the special functions can not be And the level of foreign trade dependence is to measure a country's external trade position in the national economy In general, the higher the degree of dependence on foreign trade, indicating that the economic development of the country's dependence on foreign trade bigger, but also show that foreign trade in the country the status of the national economy, the more With the economic globalization, foreign trade in the countries the proportion of the economy are on the From 1980 to 2000, world trade in goods reached an annual average growth rate of 1 percent, while the world economic growth rate of 4% According to the WTO and IMF data, the world's dependence on foreign trade in 1960 to 4% in 1970 to 9% in 1990 rose to 7 percent in 2000, rose to 7 percent in 2003, nearly 45% China, as a large developing country in transition, foreign trade has gradually increased the degree of

International trade is an important drive power in the growth and development of national Many countries and regions in the world are developed rapidly on the basis of international In the process of economic development international trade can optimize the combination of production elements and the configuration of economic resources, also can transfer the object form of the commodity and promote the value added, therefore international trade has a special function which other economic department can not replace And the degree of dependence on international trade is a criterion to measure the position of international trade in a country’ national Generally the higher the degree of dependence on international trade, the greater the national economy depends on international trade, in addition it implies international trade owns more important position in the national economy of that With the economic globalization, the proportion of international trade in national economy of all countries in the world is During 1980~2000, the annual increase speed of global commodity trade volume was up to 1%, while the annual increased speed of global economy was 4% According to the calculation of WTO and IMF, the global degree of dependence on international trade was 4% in 1960, 9 in 1970, 7% in 1990, 7% in 2000, and in 2003 it was near 45% As a large developing country in economic transition, China’s degree of dependence on international trade is also increasing

Summary this text carries on a study through the basis, scope and procedure of the law to register for the record the direct to pertaining to crime, putting forward the object that the pertaining to crime registers for the record direct not only is public security official's organization and check a organization, but also should include court of the people, jail and national security organization, analyze people to check the shortage that the hospital registers for the record to inspect organization existingly and people to check inner part in the hospital to establish a problem from the direct corpus of the case, argument provides pertaining to crime to register for the record a direct guarantee the necessity of the measure from the law;Register for the record a few problems in the direct work to carry on an analysis to the pertaining to crime, put forward perfect pertaining to crime to register for the record a direct mechanism of what time

The international trade and economic growth and development is an important impetus, many countries and regions in the world is through foreign trade grows In the process of economic development, through the foreign trade can optimize the combination of factors of production and economic resources allocation, can convert the physical form and the value of goods, the value of other economic sectors of foreign trade has irreplaceable special While foreign trade dependence is one measure of foreign trade status in the national Generally speaking, foreign trade, the higher the dependence on foreign economic development that the country's dependence, also shows that the foreign trade in the position of the national Along with the globalization of economy, the foreign trade in the proportion of the world economy is on the Between 1980 and 2000, world trade in goods to 1 per cent, with an average annual growth rate and the world economic growth rate for 4% According to WTO and the IMF hen, 1960, the global trade dependence to 4 percent in 1970 for 9%, 1990 to 7%, 2000 to 2003, has close 7% 45% China as a developing country, in the transformation of foreign trade depends also increased year by


Social security prevention and control system is to safeguard its national security and social stability of a basic engineering, because our country in the social transition period of institutional transition and perfect social security prevention and control, social security system, and strengthen comprehensive governance, launch intensive activities, improve and enhance urban community policing work shall, according to law, prevent and combat illegal and criminal activities, safeguard the people's lives and property safety work in constructing the harmonious society and the construction of well-off society has a pivotal The construction of social security prevention and control system with the guidance of the scientific development concept, according to a comprehensive fortification, effectively control and operation, and the requirements of precision strikes, Point, line and plane combination, online and offline, civil air defence system combined with the authors, combine the three-dimensional DaFangKong, integrated operation of social security prevention and control system, and realization of social security of multi-level and full time And adhere to the "party leaders, combine to make scientific planning, overall prevention, advancing with The Times, reform and innovation, adjust measures to local conditions, the basic principles of effectiveness" to effectively control the DaFang each link organically, and realize the integrated operation, in order to maintain the stable social

Summary this text carries on a study through the basis, scope and procedure of the law to register for the record the direct to pertaining to crime, putting forward the object that the pertaining to crime registers for the record direct not only is public security official's organization and check a 察 organization, but also should include court of the people, jail and national security organization, analyze people to check the shortage that the 察 hospital registers for the record to inspect organization existingly and people to check inner part in the 察 hospital to establish a problem from the direct corpus of the 侦 case, argument provides pertaining to crime to register for the record a direct guarantee the necessity of the measure from the law;Register for the record a few problems in the direct work to carry on an analysis to the pertaining to crime, put forward perfect pertaining to crime to register for the record a direct mechanism of what time

Abstract: The safety of human survival and development of the most basic requirements of life and health is the basic Safe production is the protection of workers health and safety, to ensure sustained Along with China's national economy and the rapid development of industrial production, the production of the safety of frequent accidents and occupational hazards of a serious threat to the lives and health of workers, the impact of the country's image and social stability, the credibility of enterprises and at the same time to the people and property causing enormous economic Construction safety production management has been in production management in the national security of a large proportion of the reasons lies in the construction industry has a number of safety management, and widely distributed, multi-level characteristics, making the Government the difficulty of construction safety management is different from the general production In this study, through the status quo of China's construction safety analysis, the cause of the accident theory and the theory of system theory, the impact of security incidents from a major factor in starting the process of analysis of the construction of the people, things, environment, construction, quality and other factors on the impact of construction safety, to improve the strategies and recommendations for the establishment of a safety management in line with the construction of the system, to provide some reference and

电池是我们日常生活中最常用的商品之一,照相机、录音机、MP3、CD、DV、门铃、遥控器等,都离不开电池。我国是民用干电池的生产和消费大国,年产量达150亿只,消耗量达到了80亿只,主要为锌锰和碱性锌锰电池,平均每个中国人一年就要消费5只电池。随意丢弃电池,不仅严重污染环境,危害人体健康,而且浪费了国家有限的资源。以每生产100亿只电池计算,全年将要消耗6万吨锌、6万吨二氧化锰、2080吨铜、7万吨氯化锌、9万吨氯化铵、3万吨碳棒;我国锌矿资源逐渐枯竭,产能逐量下降,按目前开采进度,专家测算,只能开采19年了!也就是说,再过20年,我国将变成无锌或贫锌国家。节约型社会建设,这就要求我们必须重视对废电池进行资源化利用! 目前环境问题以及循环经济的可持续发展问题,已成为全球关注的焦点,包括废电池在内的工业废弃物的再生资源已引起了世界各国的重视,再生资源利用行业已成为世界看好的阳光产业,也就成为各国关注的紧迫课题。 对于废电池的回收利用,吉林省率先在全国拟出台条例禁止随意丢弃废电池。在今年7月25日召开的吉林省十届人大常委会第二十一次会议上,吉林省人大环资委副主任委员寇承甫先生建议,在《吉林省危险废弃物污染环境防治条例(草案)》中明确规定,禁止随意丢弃废电池。前不久,欧盟委员会也通过了一项关于制定废电池回收、再利用的新指令,该指令要求在欧盟出售的所有的电池,必须予以回收和循环再利用。 “世界上只有放错地方的资源,而没有不能利用的废弃物”。废电池利用是个世界性的课题,但迄今还没有一种得到普遍接受和运用的、经济型的综合利用工艺。现有的一些方法,比生产电池本身还要复杂,工本费也比生产电池还高,经营者无利益驱动,缺乏积极性。特别是有些工艺在解决了锌、锰的回收率和出路时,对剩余物质的处理研究不够,经济上不合算,技术上限制了其推广应用,综合利用无从谈起。这样,废旧电池一般作为生活垃圾被丢弃,当电池壳体破裂后,汞、锌、锰等金属物就污染水源、土壤,亦通过食物链进入生态环境,造成区域性的严重生态环境污染。 建设节约型社会,就要依靠科技进步和科技创新;废干电池也是“放错了地方的资源”,是完全可以变废为宝的。据测算:1吨废干电池可回收131公斤钢,160公斤锌,375公斤二氧化锰。这些金属的再生要比矿石中提取容易得多,同时又能消除对环境的污染。因此,对废干电池进行资源化利用,是利国利民、一举多得的好事。


International trade is an important drive power in the growth and development of national Many countries and regions in the world are developed rapidly on the basis of international In the process of economic development international trade can optimize the combination of production elements and the configuration of economic resources, also can transfer the object form of the commodity and promote the value added, therefore international trade has a special function which other economic department can not replace And the degree of dependence on international trade is a criterion to measure the position of international trade in a country’ national Generally the higher the degree of dependence on international trade, the greater the national economy depends on international trade, in addition it implies international trade owns more important position in the national economy of that With the economic globalization, the proportion of international trade in national economy of all countries in the world is During 1980~2000, the annual increase speed of global commodity trade volume was up to 1%, while the annual increased speed of global economy was 4% According to the calculation of WTO and IMF, the global degree of dependence on international trade was 4% in 1960, 9 in 1970, 7% in 1990, 7% in 2000, and in 2003 it was near 45% As a large developing country in economic transition, China’s degree of dependence on international trade is also increasing

Excerpt: Handling the climate change,low carbon development has been a mainstream opinion and urges The article analyses the essence of LC economy,the necessity and urgency that China faces as well as four problems ,so as to set some practicable suggestions about the operation of China's LC Keywords:low carbon,economy,climate,change

The international trade and economic growth and development is an important impetus, many countries and regions in the world is through foreign trade grows In the process of economic development, through the foreign trade can optimize the combination of factors of production and economic resources allocation, can convert the physical form and the value of goods, the value of other economic sectors of foreign trade has irreplaceable special While foreign trade dependence is one measure of foreign trade status in the national Generally speaking, foreign trade, the higher the dependence on foreign economic development that the country's dependence, also shows that the foreign trade in the position of the national Along with the globalization of economy, the foreign trade in the proportion of the world economy is on the Between 1980 and 2000, world trade in goods to 1 per cent, with an average annual growth rate and the world economic growth rate for 4% According to WTO and the IMF hen, 1960, the global trade dependence to 4 percent in 1970 for 9%, 1990 to 7%, 2000 to 2003, has close 7% 45% China as a developing country, in the transformation of foreign trade depends also increased year by

This article through this has the dispute question theory and the actual two aspect analysis to the international law and the national law relations, from our country's angle inspection international law in our country domestic being suitable, and unifies the Marxist philosophy theory, proposed that individual view, proposed finally to the Chinese future trend of development will revise the constitution, to join in each relevant law is suitable the international convention the provision, the formulation to legislate specially and so on several suggestions and to future


Excerpt: Handling the climate change,low carbon development has been a mainstream opinion and urges The article analyses the essence of LC economy,the necessity and urgency that China faces as well as four problems ,so as to set some practicable suggestions about the operation of China's LC Keywords:low carbon,economy,climate,change

With the development of computer technology and network technology, network security issues, today has become one of the most attention to the problem of the network world Many factors, which endanger the safety of the network, they mainly attached to the various malware, including viruses and trojans is most general Internet users are familiar According to these harmful factors, network security technology rapid development, it also greatly improved the security of the Aiming at network security situation now, on the company's network information security are analyzed and put forward the improvement Keywords: physical security, intrusion detection, firewall, switch, router


The puuting into action of low-carbon development for the sake of coping with the climate change has become the main stream and the joint action of the international This article tells us what is meant by low-carbon economy and what makes it necessary and urgent for China to carry out low-carbon development ,and offers further discussions about the four major problems it faces and thus puts forward workable suggestions about low-carbon activities in C Key words:LC(Low Carbon)、Economy、Climate、Changes



This article through this has the dispute question theory and the actual two aspect analysis to the international law and the national law relations, from our country's angle inspection international law in our country domestic being suitable, and unifies the Marxist philosophy theory, proposed that individual view, proposed finally to the Chinese future trend of development will revise the constitution, to join in each relevant law is suitable the international convention the provision, the formulation to legislate specially and so on several suggestions and to future

传统的国家安全观着重强调的是政治安全和军事安全,它的安全对象基本限定在以国家为主体的政治、军事安全事物上,防御的是境外的军事威胁,以拒敌于国门之外为目的,准备战争和赢得战争是国家安全工作的中心。 从1980年至今,中国已经有24年的和平时期。林东博士指出,和世界上很多处于和平状态的国家和民族一样,“我们都有一个通病,那就是除了国家和军队要准备战争,因而具有强烈的国家安全意识之外,地方政府、企业、大众与国防之间的心理距离、物理距离都很远,国民的国家危机意识淡薄”。 “然而,席卷全球的第三次信息革命浪潮改变了这一切。”林东认为,因为世界各国面临的安全环境发生了很大变化,所以,当今世界,国家和人民对国家安全的需求不仅大大超出战争和政治、军事安全范畴,而且对传统的政治、军事安全也提出了新的要求。一国安全的威胁不仅来自外部,更来自内部。冷战结束以来,全球转入和平与发展的轨道,大国间战争风险明显下降,世界大战和国家集团之间的大规模战争乃至大国之间的大决战时代消退,甚至大国之间的大规模军备竞赛这样的危险游戏也大大降温。因此,“传统安全观下的国防呈现战略松弛现象”。 “然而,这种松弛是非常危险的”。因为“大国间的争斗并未消失,而是改变了形式,寻求以武力为基础的和平演变方式来谋求政治、经济利益,也就是外部对你施以军事威胁,内部对你制造经济危机、社会危机和文化危机,综合起来破坏主权、蚕食领土、控制资源,甚至颠覆政权”。 以恐怖主义为代表的非传统威胁兴起,这使各个国家面对新的敌人,恐怖势力从社会内部发难,通过制造社会危机来实现他们的政治目的。“虽然目前恐怖袭击的破坏力还没有达到战争损失的程度,但是它所造成的社会心理震撼和公众安全感的丧失已经不亚于战争时代。每个国家的社会安全都前所未有地面临严峻挑战,社会安全已成为国家安全的重要组成部分。”在国家安全形势发生如此巨变的今天,林东认为,树立新的国家安全观“重要而急迫”。 林东说:“‘新国家安全观’将社会安全、经济安全、科技安全、文化安全、信息安全都纳入职责范围,极大地开拓了国防的历史使命,而这些领域都是与老百姓的生活密切关联的。可以说,今天的国防不是同老百姓疏远了,而是拉得更近了。” 他打了个形象的比喻,如果国家安全是个木桶,“新国家安全观”中的各个部分就是木桶上的木板,哪块木板低都会影响整个木桶的盛水量。“但是,非常重要的一点就是国家安全既离不开军队,也离不开政府、企业和大众,国家安全就是每一个公民的安全。这要求每一个公民必须从思想上实现从旧的传统安全观向拓展了的‘新国家安全观’转变,居安思危,心中长存忧患意识。”经济全球化正深刻改变着社会进步的方式和人类文明的发展方向,成为影响国家行为的一个重要因素,国家安全所处的背景、影响因素和实现手段都发生了变化。 从政治方面来看,全球化进程使国家及国家主权的内涵发生了重大变化。国家相互依赖程度的加深,使人们以绝对主权来衡量国家安全的做法出现了变化。从经济方面看,全球金融、贸易和服务市场的监管体系更多的是以市场为中心,国家的经济面临着更大的风险和挑战。从文化方面看,发达国家在文化信息的传播中占据了主导地位,它们传播和推行自己的价值观,对他国原有的社会文化基础产生冲击。从军事方面看,军事安全仍是国家安全的基本内容,军事仍将是维护国家安全的基本手段。 随着全球化进程的发展,人们的国家安全观也在不断变动和调整。总的说来,一是安全主体观发生了重大变化,安全主体不仅包括国家,而且向下延伸到了个人,向上延伸到了群体和国际(人类)。与此相对应,对国家产生威胁的主体也呈现出多元化特点。 二是国家安全从绝对变为相对,安全状况始终处于变动之中,国家安全程度的实现与国家实力并不存在必然的联系。“9·11”恐怖袭击事件就是一个有力的例证。 三是国家安全观正在由重视影响国家安全的外部因素向重视内部因素转变。冷战后,随着国际机制的成熟与健全,合作成了处理国家间关系的主要选择。从现实看,一国吞并他国领土的情况已比较少见,但一些国家因内部问题引起社会矛盾激化,给国家和地区的安全与稳定造成威胁,进而引发国际社会介入的事例却越来越多。 四是从提倡硬实力到提倡软实力。二战以前,军事、人口、资源等硬实力因素是影响和决定国家安全的主导因素,现在,民族凝聚力、国家体制、科技、文化、信息等软实力因素在国家安全中的作用和比重越来越大。 中国是少数几个完全靠自身力量维护安全的国家,这决定了,领土、主权和军事等方面的安全仍是当前我国国家安全的主要内容。但我们也要看到,“9·11”后,传统与非传统安全问题正处于此涨彼消的变动之中,因此,我们也要重视把握好非传统安全问题,未雨绸缪,从长计议,注意掌握国家安全的主动权
