

发布时间:2024-07-02 14:02:33


Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?  With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at   College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a   Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep


[题目] 中小科技型企业创业融资障碍分析 The Analysis of Financing Barriers for Small and Medium-sized Scientific and Technical Enterprises [摘要] 中小科技型企业比大企业更有活力,发展中小科技型企业对于促进我国国民经济的发展有非常重要的作用。 Abstract: Because small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) are more energic than big-sized enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises(SMSTEs) plays an important role in the promotion of China's national 但是随着经济的发展,中小科技型企业在发展中的一些问题也逐渐显现出来,其中最为突出的就是融资问题。 However, with the development of economy, some problems of SMSTEs has been emerged gradually, among which the financing problem is the biggest 如何为中小科技型企业创造一个好的融资环境和通畅的融资渠道成为促进中小科技型企业健康快速发展的关键问题。 How to create good financing environment and free financing channels for SMSTEs, which becomes a key issue to boost the healthy and rapid development of SMSTEs 本文着重从多方面分析当前中小科技型企业在发展过程中融资难的原因,并提出了相关的对策建议,以期对解决中小科技型企业融资难的问题有所启示。 The paper focuses on analyzing the current reasons of hard financing in the development of SMSTEs from various aspects and brings forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions in order to solve the problem of hard financing for SMSTE [关键词] 中小科技型企业;融资;障碍;对策 Key words: Small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises(SMSTE), Financing, Barriers, Countermeasures 人工翻译的。你自己安排一下格式就好了。题目和关键词中的大小写不要变。文中的small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises简称是SMSTEs,只要在第一处用上全称并在括号里表明它的简称,后面表述中就只要用简称。



Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?  With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at   College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a   Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep

[题目] 中小科技型企业创业融资障碍分析 The Analysis of Financing Barriers for Small and Medium-sized Scientific and Technical Enterprises [摘要] 中小科技型企业比大企业更有活力,发展中小科技型企业对于促进我国国民经济的发展有非常重要的作用。 Abstract: Because small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) are more energic than big-sized enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises(SMSTEs) plays an important role in the promotion of China's national 但是随着经济的发展,中小科技型企业在发展中的一些问题也逐渐显现出来,其中最为突出的就是融资问题。 However, with the development of economy, some problems of SMSTEs has been emerged gradually, among which the financing problem is the biggest 如何为中小科技型企业创造一个好的融资环境和通畅的融资渠道成为促进中小科技型企业健康快速发展的关键问题。 How to create good financing environment and free financing channels for SMSTEs, which becomes a key issue to boost the healthy and rapid development of SMSTEs 本文着重从多方面分析当前中小科技型企业在发展过程中融资难的原因,并提出了相关的对策建议,以期对解决中小科技型企业融资难的问题有所启示。 The paper focuses on analyzing the current reasons of hard financing in the development of SMSTEs from various aspects and brings forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions in order to solve the problem of hard financing for SMSTE [关键词] 中小科技型企业;融资;障碍;对策 Key words: Small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises(SMSTE), Financing, Barriers, Countermeasures 人工翻译的。你自己安排一下格式就好了。题目和关键词中的大小写不要变。文中的small and medium-sized scientific and technical enterprises简称是SMSTEs,只要在第一处用上全称并在括号里表明它的简称,后面表述中就只要用简称。

摘要。本文比较和评价三主,当代创业决策-新古典理论,奥 地利学派和行为。我们采用可在弗里茨马克卢普的理论评价标 准(1967)的著名文章在坚实的替代理论。本文认为,行为 治疗理论的序列的个人创业者达到两个层面的决策:OPP或利 润的机遇和剥削他们的发现。我们也考虑每个理论刻画了企业 家的决策过程与行为的其他电子商务o-nomic假定剂的对比。 奥地利学派的理论适用于解释首次报道,在发现阶段的冒险行 为。在新古典主义和奥地利机会开发的算法是一个单一的剧 目 优化准则 新古典主义理论是坐落在无摩擦 原子和强调数学Trac瓦尔拉斯市场能力。奥地利和行为的理论构想创业行 为发生在市场的过程理解为复杂的组织现象。有较强的理论性 和行为方式之间的奥地利;这两种方法的价值descriptiv精 度,


The Business Case for Career Development By Dan KingFrom: [url][/url]If you’re not talking with your people about their careers, you can bet somebody else probably In today’s workplace, your top performers are the very ones that are most marketable to the They are poised to be prime targets for headhunters in this rebounding economy -- and there will be plenty of organizations ready and willing to lure them away when the time is So if you’re waiting for the annual performance review to discuss employee career goals, you could well be headed for Not so long ago, the annual performance review could double as a career development Performance and career development were linked: if employees’ performed well, their careers grew through a series of promotions and salary This model no longer Employees today are looking for more than simply an assessment of their Sure, you want to maximize their performance, but they are more interested in maximizing their careers -- and these goals are not one and the A career development discussion differs from a performance review in that it focuses on the skills and abilities needed to achieve personal career goals in the A broad-ranging discussion has an unlimited timeframe -- it can (and ideally should) occur ongoing several times throughout the year -- and it is not tied to Compare this to a performance review which focuses on an employee’s past performance over a period of time, emphasizing results or accomplishments relative to specific job standards set by the Most employees expect it to be tied to compensation -- and it generally Years of restructuring, reengineering and rightsizing have caused people to take a more active role in managing their work Managers, individual contributors and support staff alike face career decisions on a daily basis: should I stay or leave? change careers? pursue new projects? And in a work environment where technical skills frequently supersede people skills, the answers are not quickly That’s why a focus on career development is so important To help protect human assets, organizations today must provide the tools and resources employees need to manage their careers, to align individual visions of career success with strategic business goals and It’s not just a “nice” thing to do -- it’s a business If you’re convinced your organization is ready for a career development initiative, here are five suggestions for getting started:•Conduct a career development audit to assess career development needs and organizational climate -- and identify any existing career development tools such as job posting, tuition reimbursement, competency profiles, training courses and other programs that may be marshaled into a focused •Develop a preliminary career development statement for the organization which addresses the needs, priorities and rationale for committing to a career development •Convene a career development project team; comprising a diagonal cut through all levels of the organization, including representation from support staff, counselors/professionals, managers/directors, human resources, and others, to fine-tune the career development statement, generate ideas and approaches for services, and assess organizational goals, timetables and •Select components for the career development program looking at such possibilities as career management workshops, career workbooks, private professional consultation for employees, career coaching workshops for managers, career ambassadorships for informational interviews, success teams for peer coaching and support, mentoring, job shadowing/in-training, skills databases and on-line career •Present introductory career development information sessions to provide an overview, answer questions and communicate goals and objectives to all levels of the Emphasize anticipated benefits, including improved person-job match, communication about career opportunities, larger talent inventory for special projects, and clarification of career options and If this is new territory for you, before you implement your program, try starting with a pilot This way you can build buy-in and offset any obstacles that may hamper your program’s But be prepared for questions that arise, like: “how can I find time to talk to people about their careers with everything else I have to do?” or “if we start talking to people about their careers, aren’t we encouraging them to leave?” You can counter with: “on the contrary, they’re more likely to leave if you don’t start talking about their careers -- and by spending time now for informal career discussions, you’ll save the expense in time and dollars later to replace key ”When your top performers entertain a job offer from another company, they’re often fraught with anxiety and uncertainty about the They need a supportive process to help them decide the best future But all too often, while the other company is wooing them with future possibilities -- money, advancement, challenge -- their own company remains It’s this uncertainty about the future that often drives people Sometimes they just need a good reason to stay, but without a healthy organizational climate for discussing career issues, they’re not likely to find one!

大学生自主创业论文导读:随着大学扩招,毕业生的迅速增加,社会需求基本上保持再扩招前的水平,而用人单位大多希望是要有几年工作经验的“成手”,毕业生就业压力越来越大。面对这种形势,选择自主就业既可以为自己 随着大学扩招,毕业生的迅速增加,社会需求基本上保持再扩招前的水平,而用人单位大多希望是要有几年工作经验的“成手”,毕业生就业压力越来越大。面对这种形势,选择自主就业既可以为自己寻找出路,又是为社会减轻就业压力。 当前,想要开始自主创业的人并不少,这方面的意识越来越明显,大学生们不再依赖家长、学校,而是主动发现、寻找机遇,其实“创业”本身就是一种职业,替别人打工不如为自己打工,为自己的做事,做起来会更有工作激情,更投入,从而更容易成功。这种成功是属于自己的;另一方面,就算失败,也是自己造成的,不会去怪别人,不会感到遗憾。创业是最好的就业 大学生的创业是指大学生新创公司或企业,自己是企业或公司的主人。专家指出,大学毕业生自主创业不仅解决了自己的就业问题,而且还给别人提供就业机会和岗位。对当代大学生来说,自主创业是一条光明之路,希望之路。 当前的就业形势要求更多有条件的大学毕业生选择创业之路。众所周知,劳动力过剩,就业难在我国是一个非常突出的问题。随着大学扩招,毕业生的迅速增加,而社会需求基本上保持在扩招前的水平,而且许多单位希望应聘者都能有几年的工作经验,毕业生的就业压力越来越大。面对这种形势,受过高等教育并具备一定创业能力的大学毕业生,选择自主创业既可以为自己寻找出路,又是可以为社会减轻就业压力。 大学生自主创业面临着良好的环境。目前,从中央到地方到各个高校都热情鼓励,支持大学生毕业自主创业,各级政府为大学毕业生创业制订了一系列的优惠政策,各高校为大学生创业也积极创造各方面的条件,对有条件的大学生来说,自主创业已经具备了难得的机遇。 大学生创业的路子 _3167_html

摘要。本文比较和评价三主,当代创业决策-新古典理论,奥 地利学派和行为。我们采用可在弗里茨马克卢普的理论评价标 准(1967)的著名文章在坚实的替代理论。本文认为,行为 治疗理论的序列的个人创业者达到两个层面的决策:OPP或利 润的机遇和剥削他们的发现。我们也考虑每个理论刻画了企业 家的决策过程与行为的其他电子商务o-nomic假定剂的对比。 奥地利学派的理论适用于解释首次报道,在发现阶段的冒险行 为。在新古典主义和奥地利机会开发的算法是一个单一的剧 目 优化准则 新古典主义理论是坐落在无摩擦 原子和强调数学Trac瓦尔拉斯市场能力。奥地利和行为的理论构想创业行 为发生在市场的过程理解为复杂的组织现象。有较强的理论性 和行为方式之间的奥地利;这两种方法的价值descriptiv精 度,

Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?  With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at   College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a   Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep



A college students, and the concrete meanings of self-employedCollege students' autonomous venture is change employment idea, use your own knowledge, talent and technology with self-raised funds, technology and contribution, seek cooperation way to create new jobs, namely graduate does not do existing jobs competitors, but for yourself and for social more people to create In the vast majority of people's ideas, from primary school to college graduate most key issue is to find a high salary, position the stable However, the social existing jobs is limited, China's ministry of education in school-age population enrollments that by 2010 close to 15%, (now 6 %) So officials expected: the 21st century will be primarily the unemployed army college If they just wait for the arrival of the employment opportunities, will be intelligence resources that it is difficult to estimate the Therefore, college students and social forces, working with family, working with students cooperation to create their own industry or social new industry, is not only a kind of may, and is also a Two college students, and the social basis of the self- The current employment market situationOur country economy since 1997 since the second half total social relations between demand and supply happened two consecutive years of historic transition, inflation and deflation alternative production material the overall price index has dropped 30 consecutive months, other payments, economic growth as such indexes shows that our deflation is "The biggest problem facing China's economy is the employment problem" began to become a Nearly 1 million urban unemployment and potential unemployed population, rural surplus labor and more than 100 Meanwhile, Labour growth level also not low, the national economy overall labor productivity is high, make labor market employment pressure continued Look again at talent market, while China's higher education is still underdeveloped, talent scarce, but in the long run the country under the planning economic system, college graduates mostly state-owned enterprises, institutions, to choose only appeared in recent years, private foreign, proprietary non-state While in government efficiency, enrollment of students in colleges and universities, depletion of non-state-owned economy development not optimistic circumstances, the demands of the society for talents growth increasingly Talent market oversupply increasingly prominent contradiction between up and the difference of economic development education and employment of At this moment, can provide the right knowledge workers, appear "jobs less educated unemployment" Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou and other big cities already has the demand for graduates to If Beijing 1993 supply and demand in 3,1994 rate is 1:1:2,1995 years is is 1:126, 1996 is 1:1, from 1997 to 1999 all in one: 6 With unemployment crisis, the western economists has consistently advocated the government take financial policies to expand domestic demand to increase employment Our government for this by adjusting the individual income tax, wage increase, the collection interest, but boost domestic demand means such as little In certain period of deflation and no big change, rely on the government to create jobs to solve talent market, short-term inside the contradiction between supply and demand is College students' autonomous entrepreneurial cater to the industrial development to "knowledge economy" trendWith the knowledge economy in China, the budding economic growth to talented person's demand also gradually from the simple type steering by knowledge to compound, The high-tech industry, the third industry and private economy will be talent demand new growth But from the national economic development view of the industrial structure, including research and development, education, information and high technology industries, the knowledge industry in the national economy development level is knowledge industry development degree is still If the United States for a current level measured in 1 develop standards, China only if 26, is less than the level of the United States during the This and the development of the Chinese economy, but historical starting point about worker quality low is also important Encourage college students' autonomous business, break traditional college students committee of talents and went phenomenon, make high consumption may engage in knowledge technology industry practitioners percentage increase greatly, stimulates knowledge industry development degree, thus make scarce climbed higher use human resources play, as far as possible to avoid talent resources value because of the irrational distribution will produce marginal Three college students, and the education base of self- University education training mode changesComprehensive quality education reform ideas already thorough popular feeling, many universities around the personnel training mode, combining the characteristics of their discussions on campus, almost all the colleges and universities are put through discussion of cultivating students' innovative spirit in the very prominent Tsinghua university in 1997 started over two months of big discussion, called outlet "in recent years education thought revolution", once its first breakthrough it is carrying out a creative cultivation plan; Shanghai jiaotong university in managerial requirements "high starting point, strict based thickness, weight, on the basis of the practice", emphasizing innovation spirit and innovation The school leaves taking source vice President pointed out: "today's college students if not in their own innovation achievements made beneficial for society, it is not a unique contributions outstanding college " Because of the school from top to issued at this consensus, attaches great importance to innovation talents to stand out good atmosphere, thus for students' science and technology innovation, technology incubation provides a rare


论述大众创业 万众创新的重要性选择好行业、实践活动、参加的项目创新创业面临的困难、解决的方法也可去创新创业服务平台去查看更多创新创业政策、技术、创业等资料

创业是创业者对自己拥有的 资源或通过努力对能够拥有的资源进行优化整合,从而创造出更大经济或社会 价值的过程。今天为大家准备的是大学生创新创业的论文,希望能满足大家的阅读需求。  大学生创新创业的论文  雨果说;“即使你成功地模仿了一个有天才的人,你也缺乏他的独创精神,这就是他的天才。我们来赞美大师吧,但不要模仿他们。还是让我们别出心裁吧,如果成功了,当然很好,如果失败了,又有什么关系呢?”创新,是大学生未来的导航灯。大学生要想在人生中有一番作为,就必须及时地给自己注射新鲜的血液与生机勃勃的活力,因为与时俱进的生命就在于不断创新。  创新是民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,现在充满竞争并飞速发展的21世纪更是一个发挥创造性与创造性思维的时代。著名教育家泰勒说:“创造力不仅仅对科技进步有影响,更对国家乃至全世界都有重要的影响。哪个国家能最大限度地发现、发展、鼓励人民的潜在创造性,哪个国家在世界上就处于十分重要的地位。”由此可见,在知识经济的时代,创新才是灵魂和支柱,离开了知识创新和技术创新就不会有知识经济。对一个国家来说,培养大批创造型人才是社会发展的关键。  有了创新能力,才可以谈创业。创业是促进社会协调发展的有益实践,是时代发展的一种必然要求,对社会进步起着巨大的推动作用。以促进就业来说,创业是就业的基础和前提,创业已成为促进就业最积极、最有效的手段之一。  创业是人们开创事业的实践活动,是一种个性化的创造型社会行为,是把人生理想转化为社会现实、实现自身全面发展的有效途径,其最大特征是创新和创造价值。  创业是新理论、新技术、新知识、新制度的孵化器,也是新理论、新技术、新知识、新制度形成现实生产力的孵化器。  创业是一个复杂、艰难、和极富挑战性的过程,是人们自立、自强的实践活动,对创业者的锻炼和素质提升大有裨益。其中蕴含着开拓进取、奋发向上的积极人生态度。  创业并不神秘。创业不一定要创造全新的生意,也不是学历“多”、知识“深”、智商“高”者的专利。重要的是,创业者对市场必须有充分的了解,必须专心投入。创业的核心是如何把市场需求和你要做的产品或服务结合起来。要自主创业,建议多从服务行业出发考虑。随着人民生活水平的提高,人们对服务性行业的要求也不断提高,而这也正是自主创业者的特长所在,即符合创业者资本小、力量弱的特点。另外,社会进步及科学技术的发展,也为创业者提供了更多、更新的创业模式,如电子商务(或网络商店)等。  现在国家大力鼓励大学生自主创业,其中的含义是很丰富的,政府也相继出台了相关的政策来扶持、支持大学生的创业。大学生创业群体主要由在校大学生和毕业生组成,由于大学扩招引起大学生就业等一系列问题,一部分大学生通过创业形式实现就业,这部分大学生具有高知识高学历的特点,但是由于大学生缺乏相对应的社会经验,所以需要全社会的关注和帮助。大学生创业逐渐被社会所承认和接受,同时也肩负着提高大学生毕业就业率和社会稳定等的历史使命。在高校扩招之后越来越多大学生走出校门的同时,大学生创业就成为了大学生就业之外的一个社会新问题。  大学生创业面临着良好的政策环境。目前,从地方到地方到各个高校都热情鼓励、支持大学生毕业自主创业。各级政府为大学毕业生创业制定一系列的优惠的政策,各高校为大学生创业也积极创造个方面的条件,对有条件的大学生来说,自主创业已经具备了难得的机遇。  创业的路子相当的广泛。许多大学生创新意识强,有自己的专利或开发项目,创办高科技企业,是创业的一条理想之路。除此之外,还有许多创业之路可供选择,比如,一些毕业生运用自己的专长、特长,个人或合伙开办软件公司、电子商务公司、服装设计公司、技术研发公司、文化艺术宣传公司以及餐馆、书店等等。  自主创业的途径:(1)加强阅读。信息来源一是靠纸质媒体,如《经济日报》、《21世纪经济报道》、《IT经理人世界》等;二是靠网络媒体,如政府门户网站、行业协会网站、媒体网站、企业网站等。以增加对创业及市场的全面认识。(2)广泛交流。寻找你生活周围有创业经验的亲戚、朋友、同学网友、老师,甚至还可以通过E-mail或参加一些活动约访企业家或商业人士进行咨询,以得到最直接的创业技巧与经验。(3)实习锻炼。一是在学校学习期间要注意提早参加社会实践,如借助周末、寒暑假等时间兼职打工、求职体验,到相关企业实习,学习企业管理经验、开拓市场经验、风险防范经验、财务管理经验等。二是参加模拟训练。包括校内外举办的各类大学生创业大赛、创业计划书大赛、设计大赛、情景教学训练等。三是实践演练。如试申请办公司、试申请专利、试办著作权登记、试办商标申请、开设电子商务网站、策划组织活动等。四是下到单位或企业实习,在实体单位锻炼一段时间,积累市场经验和实战经验。(4)寻求支持。与当地创业中心、创新服务中心、大学生科技园、留学生创业园、科技信息中心等机构建立联系,研究当地政府机构的扶持政策,寻求创业扶持,特别是资金、税收减免等方面的支持。

