

发布时间:2024-07-04 05:43:18



A college students, and the concrete meanings of self-employedCollege students' autonomous venture is change employment idea, use your own knowledge, talent and technology with self-raised funds, technology and contribution, seek cooperation way to create new jobs, namely graduate does not do existing jobs competitors, but for yourself and for social more people to create In the vast majority of people's ideas, from primary school to college graduate most key issue is to find a high salary, position the stable However, the social existing jobs is limited, China's ministry of education in school-age population enrollments that by 2010 close to 15%, (now 6 %) So officials expected: the 21st century will be primarily the unemployed army college If they just wait for the arrival of the employment opportunities, will be intelligence resources that it is difficult to estimate the Therefore, college students and social forces, working with family, working with students cooperation to create their own industry or social new industry, is not only a kind of may, and is also a Two college students, and the social basis of the self- The current employment market situationOur country economy since 1997 since the second half total social relations between demand and supply happened two consecutive years of historic transition, inflation and deflation alternative production material the overall price index has dropped 30 consecutive months, other payments, economic growth as such indexes shows that our deflation is "The biggest problem facing China's economy is the employment problem" began to become a Nearly 1 million urban unemployment and potential unemployed population, rural surplus labor and more than 100 Meanwhile, Labour growth level also not low, the national economy overall labor productivity is high, make labor market employment pressure continued Look again at talent market, while China's higher education is still underdeveloped, talent scarce, but in the long run the country under the planning economic system, college graduates mostly state-owned enterprises, institutions, to choose only appeared in recent years, private foreign, proprietary non-state While in government efficiency, enrollment of students in colleges and universities, depletion of non-state-owned economy development not optimistic circumstances, the demands of the society for talents growth increasingly Talent market oversupply increasingly prominent contradiction between up and the difference of economic development education and employment of At this moment, can provide the right knowledge workers, appear "jobs less educated unemployment" Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou and other big cities already has the demand for graduates to If Beijing 1993 supply and demand in 3,1994 rate is 1:1:2,1995 years is is 1:126, 1996 is 1:1, from 1997 to 1999 all in one: 6 With unemployment crisis, the western economists has consistently advocated the government take financial policies to expand domestic demand to increase employment Our government for this by adjusting the individual income tax, wage increase, the collection interest, but boost domestic demand means such as little In certain period of deflation and no big change, rely on the government to create jobs to solve talent market, short-term inside the contradiction between supply and demand is College students' autonomous entrepreneurial cater to the industrial development to "knowledge economy" trendWith the knowledge economy in China, the budding economic growth to talented person's demand also gradually from the simple type steering by knowledge to compound, The high-tech industry, the third industry and private economy will be talent demand new growth But from the national economic development view of the industrial structure, including research and development, education, information and high technology industries, the knowledge industry in the national economy development level is knowledge industry development degree is still If the United States for a current level measured in 1 develop standards, China only if 26, is less than the level of the United States during the This and the development of the Chinese economy, but historical starting point about worker quality low is also important Encourage college students' autonomous business, break traditional college students committee of talents and went phenomenon, make high consumption may engage in knowledge technology industry practitioners percentage increase greatly, stimulates knowledge industry development degree, thus make scarce climbed higher use human resources play, as far as possible to avoid talent resources value because of the irrational distribution will produce marginal Three college students, and the education base of self- University education training mode changesComprehensive quality education reform ideas already thorough popular feeling, many universities around the personnel training mode, combining the characteristics of their discussions on campus, almost all the colleges and universities are put through discussion of cultivating students' innovative spirit in the very prominent Tsinghua university in 1997 started over two months of big discussion, called outlet "in recent years education thought revolution", once its first breakthrough it is carrying out a creative cultivation plan; Shanghai jiaotong university in managerial requirements "high starting point, strict based thickness, weight, on the basis of the practice", emphasizing innovation spirit and innovation The school leaves taking source vice President pointed out: "today's college students if not in their own innovation achievements made beneficial for society, it is not a unique contributions outstanding college " Because of the school from top to issued at this consensus, attaches great importance to innovation talents to stand out good atmosphere, thus for students' science and technology innovation, technology incubation provides a rare


请稍等一下 现在帮你查找我曾经试图去模仿自己所羡慕的所有的人,甚至想抛弃自己的性格、特长完全成为别人。我错了,我的模仿行动都失败了。我彻底绝望了,当时我觉得自己一无是处。我什么也没有了,失去了自己独有的个性、风度、性格、魅力、思想,失去了这些的结果是什么,有什么收获吗?没有,我承受的是更可怕的代价,我浪费了自己的时间、精力,我比以前变的更糟。我希望我的失败能给大家一些启示,请大家不要在犯这些低级错误了。最近看了2006年陕西卷的高考作文题,我忽然发现自己也曾经是高考作文中的那只乌鸦。  我介绍我的经历,不是完全否定模仿别人的效果。我只是认为某些模仿不仅不会为我们带来积极作用,而且有时还会埋没我们其他方面没有被发现的优势。高考作文中的这只乌鸦!我很希望你是我的朋友,刚开始看到你的经历,对你确实有一些嘲笑和遗憾,可后来仔细一想,你的执着的确很令我佩服,我不得不在众说纷纭中悄悄的向你伸一伸大拇指。  如若你不嫌弃我这个刚认识的朋友,恕我直言,你和高空雄鹰的差距太大,你和雄鹰的能力并不在一个档次上。乌鸦和老鹰一样搏击长空,这才是天方夜谭。由于羡慕,我们试着彻底的改变自己以赶上别人,结果却都是付出了成倍代价却徒劳无功。  邯郸学步,学习别人走路,可结果呢?自己爬着回去的。这就是盲目崇拜偶像的代价。因羡慕别人而彻彻底底的否定自己值得吗?我觉得一点都不值得。偶像只能起模范带头的作用。我们在学习的同时应该认真、仔细的衡量自己的能力,在学习别人的同时注意自己的个性。我们应该从自身的优势出发,发展自己。不是吗?我想谁都不愿意做那个乌鸦?在童话中乌鸦这个形象不是被骗,就是盲目的学习他人而最终死去。这乌鸦怎么一点个人的思想、主见也没有,我看它是另类的变色龙一点也没有错。我们是世界上独一无二的个体,我们应该为自己而活,应该走自己的路,从自己的优点出发创新,而不是重走别人的成功路。  乌鸦用自己的生命向我们诠释了盲目模仿他人的代价,希望人们能够彻底的醒悟,我们可以继承乌鸦执着的精神,但是不能沿袭它的盲目。我们应该认真总结经验教训,不要让乌鸦的悲剧重演,让我们摆正位置,确定目标,发展自己。


议论文:创新塑造成功 (高中的)

一般先写自己的感悟,然后写创业的过程,最后写自己学到的东西并且总结自己的感悟。范文如下:我的创新创业感想总的来说,这也是我第一次做创新创业。所以在第一次接触到听到“创新创业”的时候也是有很多的困惑。因为一听到“大学生创新创业计划”以为是与就业方面有关的。其实这是一种误读,学校里面的“创新创业”说得不那么神秘一点其实就是做课题。与大家所做的暑期社会实践有很多相似之处,但是创新创业相对来说更加学术和专业一点点,形势更加多样化,可以做成实践的形式,也可以是理论的形式。俗话说“不打无准备之战”,要做项目,必须扎扎实实做好充分准备和知识的不断积累。做创新创业,非常重要的一点就是选题。选择自己比较感兴趣的课题或者是与专业相关的课题,关键在于新颖,创新,或者也可以是借鉴别人做过的课题,但有一点必须注意的就是,不是按部就班,而是必须突出自己课题的创新之处,从新的切入,也就是所谓的旧瓶装新酒。课题一旦定下来之后就开始组建你的团队,大家共同找资料,合理分工,开始写创新创业立项申请书。通常包括“立项的目的与基本思路”“国内外研究现状”“项目的科学性和创新性” 和“项目的实际运用价值和现实意义”等等这些方面。接下来就是去找导师,和导师的沟通根据指导老师的意见建议修改创新创业申请书。在课题申请立项之后,就按着你们计划的时间表去做你们的项目。就从自己的个人经验来说,做这个创新创业特别偶然,反正就是有点歪打正着的意味,这次创新创业的课题成功结项关键是团队成员以及其他同学付出了很大的努力,给了很大的帮助。因为我们的课题是以兰州高校为例,所以我们的课题大部分都在在兰州进行。在做总体规划的时候,我们更加注重理论方面的规划,做调查问卷是必不可少的,在问卷的设计上我们花了比较长的时间,一份可行度、效用比较高的问卷有着重要的作用。可以进行过程中,团队成员之间要相互协调,共同讨论,团队精神很重要,而且在课题中要主动联系指导老师,不能忽视导师的指导意义,指导老师的一些建议可能会给你“一语惊醒梦中人”的效果。在课题的进行中,难免会遇到一些问题,学会在挫折失败中成长,往往都要“见了南墙挖洞也要过去”的信心。充分的准备和不断地学习尝试,就能够在很大程度上减少这种概率所起的作用。与此同时根据实际情况不断调整原计划方案,遇到难题可以换个方式和方法继续前进,经历过一个“死而复生”的过程,就能在未来的发展中脚步更加坚定。永远要记住一点:信心和坚持是迈向成功的阶梯。创新创业课题进行时间跨度通常为一年,时间最好提前规划好,合理分配。避免最后出现手忙脚乱的情况,尤其有做实践的同学,要好好利用暑期时间。通过创新创业,我学习了很多的东西,尤其是很团队成员的交流中学习很多的知识。一次尝试,增加了自己的大学经历,外在压力增加时,就会不自觉的增强内在的动力,我觉得这是大学里面必不可少的一堂课。在这次的课题中我自己感受最深刻的就是:不一定每一个人都能成为领导者,但是必须还是要学习领导力,还有一点就是征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。人之所以能,是相信能。每一个成功者都有一个开始,勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。建议大家能够积极地加入创新创业计划活动中,因为,你总能收获很多,它绝不会叫你失望的。


1、Among various aspects of the quality education implemented in China, building the innovative capability of students is highly The reason behind is that it is the basis for creative And either innovative capability or creative ability is crucial for the effective learning of everybody and for their further developments in To begin with, we should make clear of the conception of innovative It means your ability to do things in a new, original, or advanced It is different from creative ability, but the two are And there are many misconceptions about Creativity, which is no holy gift that some people have and others do not, is only a thought that is new to an And all of us have different creativity However, creative ability is not born with us and it can’t improve unless we take There are some tips to enhance your creative First, be open-minded to Secondly, pose new questions to yourself every Thirdly, engage in creative And finally, and most importantly, have courage and build self- 2、在素质教育实施的各个方面在中国,建筑高度强调学生的创新能力。背后的原因是,它是创新能力的基础。和创新能力或创新能力是至关重要的对每个人的有效的学习和生活中他们的进一步发展。 首先,我们应该明确概念的创新能力。这意味着你做事情的能力在一个新的,原始,或先进的方法。它不同于创新能力,但这两个是相互关联的。有很多误解的创造力。创造力,这是神圣的礼物,有些人没有和其他人不这样做,只是认为是新的一个独立的个体。和我们所有的人都有不同的创新能力。 然而,创新能力不是与生俱来的,它不能改善,除非我们努力。有一些技巧可以提高你的创造力。首先,开放的思想。其次,每天对自己提出新的问题。第三,从事创造性的爱好。最后,最重要的是,有勇气和建立自信。





A college students, and the concrete meanings of self-employedCollege students' autonomous venture is change employment idea, use your own knowledge, talent and technology with self-raised funds, technology and contribution, seek cooperation way to create new jobs, namely graduate does not do existing jobs competitors, but for yourself and for social more people to create In the vast majority of people's ideas, from primary school to college graduate most key issue is to find a high salary, position the stable However, the social existing jobs is limited, China's ministry of education in school-age population enrollments that by 2010 close to 15%, (now 6 %) So officials expected: the 21st century will be primarily the unemployed army college If they just wait for the arrival of the employment opportunities, will be intelligence resources that it is difficult to estimate the Therefore, college students and social forces, working with family, working with students cooperation to create their own industry or social new industry, is not only a kind of may, and is also a Two college students, and the social basis of the self- The current employment market situationOur country economy since 1997 since the second half total social relations between demand and supply happened two consecutive years of historic transition, inflation and deflation alternative production material the overall price index has dropped 30 consecutive months, other payments, economic growth as such indexes shows that our deflation is "The biggest problem facing China's economy is the employment problem" began to become a Nearly 1 million urban unemployment and potential unemployed population, rural surplus labor and more than 100 Meanwhile, Labour growth level also not low, the national economy overall labor productivity is high, make labor market employment pressure continued Look again at talent market, while China's higher education is still underdeveloped, talent scarce, but in the long run the country under the planning economic system, college graduates mostly state-owned enterprises, institutions, to choose only appeared in recent years, private foreign, proprietary non-state While in government efficiency, enrollment of students in colleges and universities, depletion of non-state-owned economy development not optimistic circumstances, the demands of the society for talents growth increasingly Talent market oversupply increasingly prominent contradiction between up and the difference of economic development education and employment of At this moment, can provide the right knowledge workers, appear "jobs less educated unemployment" Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou and other big cities already has the demand for graduates to If Beijing 1993 supply and demand in 3,1994 rate is 1:1:2,1995 years is is 1:126, 1996 is 1:1, from 1997 to 1999 all in one: 6 With unemployment crisis, the western economists has consistently advocated the government take financial policies to expand domestic demand to increase employment Our government for this by adjusting the individual income tax, wage increase, the collection interest, but boost domestic demand means such as little In certain period of deflation and no big change, rely on the government to create jobs to solve talent market, short-term inside the contradiction between supply and demand is College students' autonomous entrepreneurial cater to the industrial development to "knowledge economy" trendWith the knowledge economy in China, the budding economic growth to talented person's demand also gradually from the simple type steering by knowledge to compound, The high-tech industry, the third industry and private economy will be talent demand new growth But from the national economic development view of the industrial structure, including research and development, education, information and high technology industries, the knowledge industry in the national economy development level is knowledge industry development degree is still If the United States for a current level measured in 1 develop standards, China only if 26, is less than the level of the United States during the This and the development of the Chinese economy, but historical starting point about worker quality low is also important Encourage college students' autonomous business, break traditional college students committee of talents and went phenomenon, make high consumption may engage in knowledge technology industry practitioners percentage increase greatly, stimulates knowledge industry development degree, thus make scarce climbed higher use human resources play, as far as possible to avoid talent resources value because of the irrational distribution will produce marginal Three college students, and the education base of self- University education training mode changesComprehensive quality education reform ideas already thorough popular feeling, many universities around the personnel training mode, combining the characteristics of their discussions on campus, almost all the colleges and universities are put through discussion of cultivating students' innovative spirit in the very prominent Tsinghua university in 1997 started over two months of big discussion, called outlet "in recent years education thought revolution", once its first breakthrough it is carrying out a creative cultivation plan; Shanghai jiaotong university in managerial requirements "high starting point, strict based thickness, weight, on the basis of the practice", emphasizing innovation spirit and innovation The school leaves taking source vice President pointed out: "today's college students if not in their own innovation achievements made beneficial for society, it is not a unique contributions outstanding college " Because of the school from top to issued at this consensus, attaches great importance to innovation talents to stand out good atmosphere, thus for students' science and technology innovation, technology incubation provides a rare

Possible version: The diagram shows us the comparison of English materials purchase made by the senior students in our school in the early 1990s and in In 2005 there were more new choices for students, like Internet (10%) and CD/DVD (28%) While in the early 1990s there were only tapes (33%) and reference books (67%) At the same time, the average expenditure on English materials has increased from 60 yuan in the early 1990s to 210 yuan in From these, we learn that there are more choices of materials on English learning and that students spend more money on Some reasons can explain this (phenomenon) First, many students realize the importance of learning E English is widely used all over the Second, since China entered WTO, learning English has become more Third,as science and technology have been developing so fast / with the development of science and technology, these latest English learning facilities have already been proved far more useful and effective than traditional Build a Harmonious SocietyDear fellow students, Our government is going to build a "harmonious society" I think it is everyone's duty to work hard to achieve As high school students, what should we do ? First of all, we should love our Let's take a GREat interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school's Secondly, let's fill the world with We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our We should also care for each other and help those in Most important of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily Finally, let's work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the Dear fellow students, let's start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute! Li Xiaoping From Jiangsu HighSchool


科技创新论文和智能计算论文 :计算智能原理对创新模式的探索 摘要:科技创新能力培养是本科生培养的一个重要方面,在国家大力提倡科技创新的背景下,加强大学生科技创新具有重要的意义。培养有创新能力的人才是高等学校建设的中心。本文基于计算智能原理与方法,结合指导的国家大学生创新项目的实践,就建设高效的创新团队的方法进行了初 探。 关键词:计算智能;科研训练;创新团队 0引言 目前,我们要提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家。高等教育担负着培养创新型人才的重要责任。学生科技活动对于提高学生科技创新能力,培养拔尖创新型人才具有重要意义。而构建了一批锐意进取、大胆创新的大学生创新团队,对提高学生的创新能力和团队协作能力就显得特别的重要。目前就团队理论的研究还有待与深入,用计算智能的基本理论原理与方法来指导建设大学生创新项目团队,是一种跨学科研 究的新尝试。 1计算智能的基本理论与方法简介 计算智能由美国学者James CBezedek1992年首次给出其定义,广义的讲就是借鉴仿生学思想,基于生物体系的生物进化、细胞免疫、神经细胞网络等某些机制,用数学语言抽象描述的计算方法。是基于数值计算和结构演化的智能,是智能理论发展的高级阶段。计算智能的主要方法有:人工神经 网络、模糊系统、进化计算等。 1模糊计算 模糊系统以模糊集合理论、模糊逻辑推理为基础,它试图从一个较高的层次模拟人脑表示和求解不精确知识的能力。在模糊系统中,知识是以规则的形式存储的,它采用一组模糊IF—THEN规则来描述对象的特性,并通过模糊逻辑推理来完成对不确定性问题的求解。模糊系统善于描述利用学科领 域的知识,具有较强的推理能力。 2人工神经网络 人工神经网络系统是由大量简单的处理单元,即神经元广泛地连接而形成的复杂网络系统。在人工神经网络中,计算是通过数据在网络中的流动来完成的。在数据的流动过程中,每个神经元从与其连接的神经元处接收输入数据流,对其进行处理以后,再将结果以输出数据流的形式传送到与其连接的其它神经元中去。网络的拓扑结构和各神经元之间的连接权值(Wi)是由相应的学习算法来确定的。算法不断地调整网络的结构和神经元之间的连接权值,一直到神经网络产生所需要的输出为止。通过这个学习过程,人工神经网络可以不断地从环境中自动地获取知识,并将这些知识以网络结构和连接权值的形式存储于网络之中。人工神经网络具有良好的自学习、自适应和自组织能力,以及人规模并行、分布式信息存储和处理等特点,这使得它非常适合于处理那些需要同时考虑多个因素的、不完整的、不准确的信息处理问题。 3进化计算 自然界在几十亿年的进化过程中,生物体己经形成了一种优化自身结构的内在机制,它们能够不断地从环境中学习,以适应不断变化的环境。对于大多数生物体,这个过程是通过自然选择和有性生殖来完成的。自然选择决定了群体中哪些个体能够存活并繁殖:有性生殖保证了后代基因的混合与重组。进化计算受这种自然界进化过程的启发,它从模拟自然界的生物进化过程入手,从基因的层次探寻人类某些智能行为发展和进化的规律,以解决智能系统如何从环境中进行学 习的问题。 2计算智能原理在创新团队实践中的启发 从系统论的视角看,创新团队的建设问题是一个复杂系统的优化和控制问题。复杂系统具有:1)自适应性/自组织性(self-adaptive/self-organization)。2)不确定性(uncertainty)。3)涌现性(emergence)。4)预决性(Finality)。5)演化(Evolution)。6)开放性(opening)。而计算智能的这些方法具有自学习、自组织、自适应的特征,创新团队的建设是具 有一定的研究价值的。 1在专家指导下的自学习、自组织、自适应计算 智能特点提到,模糊系统善于描述和利用经验知识;神经网络善于直接从数据中进行学习,把人工神经网络与专家系统结合起来,建立一个混合的系统,要比各自单一地工作更为有利。创新团队在相关专家的指导下,突出学生自由组建、自主管理、自我服务的特色。在明确团队任务的前提下对团队人数、组成人员条件及内部控制制度做些原则性的规定,赋予团队负责人充分的权力如决定团队成员构成、支配内部经费、对团队成员进行分工和考核等,保证其对团队工作直接 有效的管理。 2合作与竞争意识 计算智能特点提到,进化计算善于求解复杂的全局最优问题,具有极强的稳健性和整体优化性。种群的进化过程就是优胜劣汰的自然选择过程。团队建设的基石是合作与竞争理论。Deutsch早就指出,如果人们处于散乱的、互不相干的独立竞争关系,认为双方目标之间没有关系,那么,在资源有限的情况下,人们会表现得更为自私,彼此之间的利益存在冲突,这种关系会引起组织内耗和人际关系紧张,最终导致低生产率和低创造率。Dcutsch认为,应该使人们在组织中具有共同目标,在共同目标下合作共事。具有合作关系的人们会相互尊重、共享信息和资源,他们会将他人的进步看成对自己的促进,并交流意见和取长补短,现代科学的进步表明,今天每一项科技成果的取得,差不多都是多学科协同作战的结果。大学科研团队的建设就是要很好地贯彻这种理 念,在适度的竞争与合作之间构建这种理念。 3融入计算智能思想的协同学习 团队人们在研究人类智能行为中发现,大部分人类活动都涉及多个人构成的社会团体,大型复杂问题的求解需要多人或组织协作完成,师生之间的关系也更强调合作和共同发展。随着计算机网络、计算机通信和并发程序设计的发展,分布式人工智能逐渐成为人工智能领域的一个新的研究热点,它是以智能Agent概念为研究核心。虽然每个智能Agent都是主动地、自治地工作,多个智能Agent在同一环境中协同工作,协同的手段是相互通信。计算智能与分布式人工智能结合则是研究在逻辑上或物理上分散的智能动作如何协调它们的知识、技能和规划,求解单目标或多目标问题,因此这也为设计和建立大型复杂的智能系统或计算机支持的协同学习 工作提供了有效途径。 4选好综合能力强的团队带头人 计算智能特点提到,对复杂系统的控制,要用处理各种不确定的智能方法,这就要求团队带头人有处理复杂问题的综合能力。科技创新团队应是由不同类型的人为实现特定的目标组成的群体。激励和聚合大家的力量,负责内部的计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制等方面组织工作,必须要有一位核心人物,即学术带头人。优秀的学术带头人是高校科技创新团队必备的要素。团队的带头人处于沟通、协调团队内外的中心位置,是团队其他成员获得工作方向、具体任务、工作目标等信息的主要来源,是团队维持士气、活力、凝聚力的中心环节和纽带,在很大程度上决定了整个团队的学术水平、科研风格和文化氛围。同时对团队整体加强协调与组织,提 高团队的内部凝聚力。 5加强交流,资源公享计算 智能特点提到自适应,进化机制,是建立在信息传输基础上的。团队成员之间进而形成了彼此间紧密合作、资源共享的伙伴关系。通过彼此间的紧密合作,使团队成员不再是一个独立的个体,而是共同承担责任、积极面对挑战的一个集体。在这个集体中,团队成员的合力要远远大于每个成员能力简单相加的总和。因此,在科研团队的建设中,良好的沟通渠道能促进成员之间的团结合作,使组织中的每个成员都为组织的发展倾尽所有。团队成员之间进而形成了彼此间紧密合作、资源共享的伙伴关系。通过彼此间的紧密合作,使团队成员不再是一个独立的个体,而是共同承担责任、积极面对挑战的一个集体。在这个集体中,团队成员的合力要远远大于每个成员能力简单相加的总和。因此,在科研团队的建设中,良好的沟通渠道能促进成员之间的团结合作,使组织中 的每个成员都为组织的发展倾尽所有。 6配备优势互补的成员 在计算智能机制的调控,非线性复杂系统有涌现性特征。所谓涌现性,就是肩负不同角色的组件间通过多种交互模式、按局部或全局的行为规则进行交互,组件类型与状态、组件之间的交互以及系统行为随时间不断改变,系统中子系统或基本单元之间的局部交互,经过一定的时间之后在整体上演化出一些独特的、新的性质,形成某些模式,这便体现为涌现性。子系统之间的相互作用,可导致产生与单个子系统行为显著不同的宏观整体性质。涌现性也体现为一种质变,主体之间的相互作用开始后,系统能自组织、自协调、自加强, 并随之扩大,发展,最后发生质变,即发生了涌现。 3结束语 计算智能理论对处理复杂系统的优化和控制问题是有效,计算智能原理在创新团队实践中的启发是多方面的。目前就团队理论的研究还有待与深入,利用计算智能原理与方法来指 导建设大学生创新项目团队,是一种新的思路。 参考文献: [1]王海鹰基于多智能体协同进化机制的学术团队建设中国 校外教育2010, [2]Wang HCooperative agent-based evolutionary mechanism of the management team of Enterprise innovation[C2010 IEEE International Conference on AdvanceManagement Science(IEEE ICAMS 2010)2010- [3]李慧波团队精神新华出版社


生命因创新而轻舞飞扬当今社会,缺乏创新者总是会被时代遗忘,善于创新的人总是被尊以高位。年轻的牙膏厂经理只将牙膏口扩大一毫米,便让销售业绩大大增加这样的人谁会不赞叹羡慕呢?但是,赞叹中的人,只要将传统思维抛到一边,或许,就可以让生命轻舞飞扬。创新始于观察。在早期,笔与墨水是分开的。人们写字时,便把笔伸到墨水中,这种情况持续了很久,但谁也没有在意。后来,一个机灵鬼发现了这种问题,便将二者融合为一体,这样, 自来水笔 就诞生了。为何以前人们都没有发现呢?是因为他们缺乏对生命的关注与审视,也就缺少了细心观察的眼睛。观察是创新时必不可少的品质,而拥有这一品质的人就拥有比其他人更多的创新机会。如果对身边的事物视而不见,就是缺乏创新力的表现,他们便会与创新之神失之交臂,他们也就丧失了铸就绚烂人生的机会。创新需要积极的心态。众所周知, 齐白石 是我国著名画家。然而面对成功,他并不满足,而是不断改进作品风格。相传 齐白石 曾五易画风。正是因为这种积极的心态,不屑于作画,所以晚年的绘画就更加行云流水,而被世人所尊重。但如果他成功后自满于曾经的辉煌,只在原来的风格中打转,很难想象 齐白石 日后的成就。如果你消极对待生活还奢求创新,对不起,创新的位置只能留给别人。它只属于具有 积极心态 的人。在岁月的长河中,我们要以积极的心态面对人生,用创新的力量填充生命的蓝图。创新也需要继承。有人就问了,继承前人的经验不就没有自己的创新了吗?不, 陈东生 就是一个很好的例子。他虽然有着 武汉大学 的文凭和创业经历,但1996年当他站在保险业的大门口时,还只是一个“学生”。但是,他走访了21个世界顶级保险集团,所有见闻都被他带了回来。率先继承让他站在了保险业的制高点上,而他率先创新的经营模式也使之闻名于中国。当今世界的很多人违背规律,按自己的意志行事并标榜为创新,结果磕得头破血流。继承说白了就是借鉴,就是用一种独特的方法为自己的创新铺平道路。借鉴是量,创新是质,一定量的积累,最终量变必将引起质变。继承不过是一种手段,真正的目的是创新。创新并不是所谓的闭门造车,不是靠自己的主观臆断去随意瞎编乱造,而是要注意继承前人的优秀成果,在别人的正确引导下创新才显得更有意义。永葆一颗向往创新的心,细心观察,保持心态,善于继承,去创造属于我们自己的神话。这样,我们的生命才会因创新而轻舞飞扬。
