

发布时间:2024-07-13 14:53:32


题目:With regard to criminal law theory in the understanding of a flagrant crime正文:Flagrant crime as a general social phenomenon, has been in existence for thousands of years of social history; including, in particular the concept of school as a flagrant crime committed, it can be said with the general sense of the crime have simultaneously; the concept of criminal law as a flagrant offense, has historically existed in thousands of human Openly committed as a criminal and the negative cultural expressions, whether it is the specificity of the Criminal Code norms on moral values or the reverse, and are worthy of criminal law theory researchers to explore in However, for a long time, China's Criminal Law刑法理论界on the "objective elements constitute a crime," the study focus, multi-objective aspects of running an essential element, that is against the act, against the findings and results of behavior and the causal relationship between on; for the crime as an objective choice of the implementation of elements of the crime the way, but rarely get In this paper, exploring a flagrant crime, not only confined to the study of criminal law perspective, but also learn from the crime, ethics, sociology, such as the perspective of the norms of a flagrant offense, the nature of black social evil, the negative value and its comprehensive evaluation Author惟愿through so many levels, multi-angle discussion to a more deepening and comprehensive three-dimensional interpretation that the truth will be openly committed to maximize the show in the face of social and readers, so expect it to for the development of China's Criminal Jurisprudence criminal applications of the research on the subject domain, to make its own modest 摘要的英文是:Abstract关键词是:Key words内容是:Flagrant;Flagrant crime

Abstract Punitive damages is designed not only to compensate the victim completely but also to punish the offenders and deter them from similar But when it is settled in our legal system and social surrounding, the above functions are unimportant and even It is not salutary to establish a punitive system in product liability of our The punished guilty relevant regulations about producing, selling the fake and common products of the Criminal Law includes both acts which result in product liability and probably result in product So other laws have not to and should not punish persons who have these The enterprise who obtains the illegal sales amount that under 50,000 Yuan would be punished by the existing civil compensation system, for its loss which caused by compensating the victim subtracted from its gain is Therefore our country present legal framework repels the punitive function of punitive Furthermore, by dint of the moral damages in the present civil compensatory system, the function of compensating completely could be Obviously, constructing punitive damages to realize this function is not In our country, punitive damages in contract responsibility mainly in the interest of consumer's benefits, but it is not On one hand, because legislators traced the transact course insufficiently, the law can not protect consumer's benefit well; On the other hand, although the original intention of legislation is prevent fraud, it has encouraged another kind of fraud because of the unapt In summary, considering our surroundings of law and economy, punitive damages should not build in the systems of product liability and contract

The emergence of the institution of compensation for mental injury indicates the development of social civilization development has reached a new With the development of society, the increasingly rich material life, people pay more attention to the spirit realm of life, civil main body their personal rights are infringed upon by requiring the infringer remedies by property compensation civil legal system has been the world wide approval, at present our country's spiritual damage compensation system is still exists serious defects, based on the concept of the institution of compensation for mental injury, scope and some legal provisions in China was analyzed, institution of compensation for mental injury problems and to perfect the institution of compensation for mental injury provide constructability Suggestions, making it a better protection of the legal rights of the Keywords: Spiritual damage compensation Legislative defects perfect State compensation

The subject is: a blatant crime on the criminal law of the theoretical knowledgeAbstract: a flagrant crime as a general social phenomenon, has been in existence for thousands of years of social history; including, in particular the concept of school as a flagrant crime committed, it can be said with the general sense of the crime have simultaneously; the concept of criminal law as a flagrant offenders has also been historically exist in human society a thousand Openly committed as a criminal and the negative cultural expressions, whether it is the specificity of the Criminal Code norms on moral values or the reverse, and are worthy of criminal law theory researchers to explore in However, for a long time, China's Criminal Law on the "objective elements constitute a crime," the study focus, multi-objective aspects of running an essential element, that is against the act, against the findings and results of behavior and the causal relationship between on; for the crime as an objective choice of the implementation of elements of the crime the way, but rarely get In this paper, exploring a flagrant crime, not only confined to the study of criminal law perspective, but also learn from the crime, ethics, sociology, such as the perspective of the norms of a flagrant offense, the nature of black social evil, the negative value and its comprehensive evaluation Author through so many levels, multi-angle discussion to a more deepening and comprehensive three-dimensional interpretation that the truth will be openly committed to maximize the show in the face of social and readers, so expect it to for the development of China's Criminal Jurisprudence criminal applications of the research on the subject domain, to make its own modest Key words: flagrant flagrant crime



法律伴我成长 老师们、同学们: 大家好! 随着改革开放地深入发展,信息革命地日新月异,我国社会体制也正进一步地完善,但同时不可避免地受到国外颓废文化思想的侵蚀,加上一些不负责的传媒和商业影片过分渲染暴力、色情等不良信息,国内拜金主义、读书无用论及封建迷信思想的影响,导致社会出现了人生价值的多元化选择。特别是我们青少年正处于人生观、价值观尚未完全确立、并且易变时期,对社会当前存在的不良因素及诱惑难于辨别而且缺乏足够的自觉抵抗力,因而对人生感到迷茫和困惑,人生价值取向失衡,思想产生偏激和叛逆,出现厌学、逃学、整天沉浸在游戏机厅、网吧里,甚至在与社会正轨相背驰的道路上越走越远、越陷越深,最终不能自拔,走上违法犯罪的道路。 青少年时期是一个人成长的关键时刻,辨别是非能力薄弱,有强烈的好奇心,另外青少年模仿能力很强,易受到外界的影响。有这样的一个少年犯张XX,16岁,是看了很多港台警匪战片和武侠小说,对其中“老大”的任务和打打杀杀的场面很羡慕,总想着几个人组成团伙,占领一条街,称王称霸,一次竟在光天化日之下拦路抢劫,结果被判4年 学习法律知识是善于运用法律武器保护自己的合法权益,敢于同违法犯罪行为做斗争的需要。有些青少年由于不懂得法律,当自己的合法权益受到伤害的时候,不能运用法律武器来维护自己的合法权益,而是用“私了”,或者采用违法犯罪的手段来维护自己的权益例如,有的人一辆自行车被人拦路抢走了,这个人不去向公安机关报案,而是叫上了几个朋友去向坏人索要,并将对方打伤致残,结果这个青少年倒犯了故意伤害罪。 此外,学习法律知识也是强化社会主义道德意识,提高道德修养,促进自己健康成长的需要。道德是人们关于善与恶、美与丑、正义与邪恶、公正与偏私、光荣与耻辱、诚实与虚伪等观点,以及与此相适应的行为规则的总和。道德和法律是相互作用、相互影响、相互渗透、相互补充的两类社会规范,都是调整人们行为的规则和尺度,也是广大青少年必备的基本要素。 我国法律的实施一方面要靠国家的强制力,另一方面也要靠人民群众的自觉遵守。自觉遵守宪法和法律是每个公民的基本义务,也是做一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的好公民的起码条件,每一个公民都要自觉遵守宪法和法律。 要遵守宪法,首先要学习法律,了解法律,提高法律意识,增强法制观念;不懂得法律,没有法律意识和法制观念,不但不能自觉地遵守法律,而且还会做出违反法律甚至违法犯罪的事情来。由于我国青少年违法犯罪的人数急剧增加,其中一个重要的原因就是许多青少年不懂得法律。例如有的青少年交朋友、谈恋爱,当对方不愿意并提出中断恋爱关系时,他就不择手段地威吓甚至用暴力来伤害对方,这明明是违法犯罪的行为,他反而认为是在谈恋爱。这些例子是由于他们不懂得法律而走上犯罪道路的。 因此,所有的青少年学生应该自觉提高自身综合素质,提高政治思想觉悟,提高明辨是非的能力,增强法制观念和法律意识,从身边发生的违纪行为导致处分、或一些因违法导致铁窗生涯而悔恨终身的案例中吸取教训。青少年应坚定崇尚科学、追求真知的信念;树立远大理想,确立人生的奋斗目标,牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;勤学苦练,认真学习科学文化知识,用党的方针路线指引自己,用优秀思想文化影响自己,激励自己;认真学习法律知识努力提高知法、用法、守法和护法的水平,让法律一直随着我们成长。________________________________________________法律在人们心中的形象是严厉、冷酷、无情或其他的一些类似不尽人情的形容词来描述。但我们的老师却把课堂气氛调节的十分活跃,使同学们可以畅所欲言,发表自己的想法、看法。在不受条条框框的约束下,同学们的思想更开放,思路更清晰和活跃,大家学会把一个案例从多方面去考虑,我们经常在课堂上争的面红耳赤,大家争相发表自己的观点,再结合老师的指引,我们对法律知识有了更理性的认识和理解,对于法律本身的影像也更加深刻了。课堂教学中各个案例的选择,不仅针对所学知识,而且很贴近我们学生生活,所以针对性较强,我们理解起来也更便捷和透彻,真正调动起我们学习法律的热情和积极性。 法律不但保护了我们的合法权利和利益,而且即使对罪犯的惩罚,也是一种警摄和教育的作用。法律就像一个程序,只要人们按照这一程序运行,生活就会更加安定和谐,社会经济也才会更加有序发展。 “没有规矩,不成方圆”,但对不遵守规矩的人,法律也会有网开的一面。比如,对于犯罪后主动自首或检举其他犯罪现象的,尽量使自己给社会造成的不良影响降到最低,那么,法律在某种程度上也会给予一定的减轻或从軽处罚。这样,才更能体现法律“教育为先,惩罚在后”的理念,也才会让犯错误和违法犯罪的人有悔过自新的机会,使一部分违法犯罪的人能向好的方面发展,为社会造福。 当然,法律对那些严重危害人们生命财产安全和破坏经济发展的人的打击又绝不留情。这样一方面维护了法律的尊严,另一方面,对人们的生命和财产安全又提供了更加强有力的保证。比如,像杀人、抢劫等对社会造成及其恶劣影响的犯罪行为,法律都施以重刑,甚至是死刑,给罪犯以严罚,同时给众人以警世! “有法天下和”。法律是社会重要的组成,是一个准绳,通过法律去规范人们的行为,去造福社会。所谓: “ 法有严格条, 律有人性规, 人守法而高, 情通法更贵! ”


法律伴我成长 老师们、同学们: 大家好! 随着改革开放地深入发展,信息革命地日新月异,我国社会体制也正进一步地完善,但同时不可避免地受到国外颓废文化思想的侵蚀,加上一些不负责的传媒和商业影片过分渲染暴力、色情等不良信息,国内拜金主义、读书无用论及封建迷信思想的影响,导致社会出现了人生价值的多元化选择。特别是我们青少年正处于人生观、价值观尚未完全确立、并且易变时期,对社会当前存在的不良因素及诱惑难于辨别而且缺乏足够的自觉抵抗力,因而对人生感到迷茫和困惑,人生价值取向失衡,思想产生偏激和叛逆,出现厌学、逃学、整天沉浸在游戏机厅、网吧里,甚至在与社会正轨相背驰的道路上越走越远、越陷越深,最终不能自拔,走上违法犯罪的道路。 青少年时期是一个人成长的关键时刻,辨别是非能力薄弱,有强烈的好奇心,另外青少年模仿能力很强,易受到外界的影响。有这样的一个少年犯张XX,16岁,是看了很多港台警匪战片和武侠小说,对其中“老大”的任务和打打杀杀的场面很羡慕,总想着几个人组成团伙,占领一条街,称王称霸,一次竟在光天化日之下拦路抢劫,结果被判4年 学习法律知识是善于运用法律武器保护自己的合法权益,敢于同违法犯罪行为做斗争的需要。有些青少年由于不懂得法律,当自己的合法权益受到伤害的时候,不能运用法律武器来维护自己的合法权益,而是用“私了”,或者采用违法犯罪的手段来维护自己的权益例如,有的人一辆自行车被人拦路抢走了,这个人不去向公安机关报案,而是叫上了几个朋友去向坏人索要,并将对方打伤致残,结果这个青少年倒犯了故意伤害罪。 此外,学习法律知识也是强化社会主义道德意识,提高道德修养,促进自己健康成长的需要。道德是人们关于善与恶、美与丑、正义与邪恶、公正与偏私、光荣与耻辱、诚实与虚伪等观点,以及与此相适应的行为规则的总和。道德和法律是相互作用、相互影响、相互渗透、相互补充的两类社会规范,都是调整人们行为的规则和尺度,也是广大青少年必备的基本要素。 我国法律的实施一方面要靠国家的强制力,另一方面也要靠人民群众的自觉遵守。自觉遵守宪法和法律是每个公民的基本义务,也是做一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的好公民的起码条件,每一个公民都要自觉遵守宪法和法律。 要遵守宪法,首先要学习法律,了解法律,提高法律意识,增强法制观念;不懂得法律,没有法律意识和法制观念,不但不能自觉地遵守法律,而且还会做出违反法律甚至违法犯罪的事情来。由于我国青少年违法犯罪的人数急剧增加,其中一个重要的原因就是许多青少年不懂得法律。例如有的青少年交朋友、谈恋爱,当对方不愿意并提出中断恋爱关系时,他就不择手段地威吓甚至用暴力来伤害对方,这明明是违法犯罪的行为,他反而认为是在谈恋爱。这些例子是由于他们不懂得法律而走上犯罪道路的。 因此,所有的青少年学生应该自觉提高自身综合素质,提高政治思想觉悟,提高明辨是非的能力,增强法制观念和法律意识,从身边发生的违纪行为导致处分、或一些因违法导致铁窗生涯而悔恨终身的案例中吸取教训。青少年应坚定崇尚科学、追求真知的信念;树立远大理想,确立人生的奋斗目标,牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;勤学苦练,认真学习科学文化知识,用党的方针路线指引自己,用优秀思想文化影响自己,激励自己;认真学习法律知识努力提高知法、用法、守法和护法的水平,让法律一直随着我们成长。


说到法律,大家应该都不陌生。因为我们生活中有许多事情和法律有关。可以说,我们生活在一个法律社会,因为法律、法规的约束,才得以让我们生活地如此安定。 比如说:与我们小学生有关的有《未成年保护法》;消费者有关的有《经济法》;与环境有关的有《环境法》;与结婚有关的有《婚姻法》;除此之外,驾车、交通等都与法律有着直接的关系。 去年9月5号是我姑姑大喜的日子。所以姑姑宴请了许多亲戚朋友。他们有很多是家里有车的,但那天却为了防止酒后驾车没有开车来。开车来的几个人都自觉地在自己的杯中倒满了饮料,没有一个人倒酒,因为大家都知道,喝过酒的人是不能开车的。交通法有规定:酒后驾车最轻处以200元的罚款,重则被扣分甚至刑事拘留。虽然有些司机明知故犯,知法犯法,内心存在侥幸心理。可是他们却不是这样,因此,不管别人怎么劝,他们都坚决不喝,一个劲的和劝他喝酒的人打圆场,最终真的是滴酒未沾,我真的打心眼里佩服他们——这是对自己、对家人、也是对他人负责的一种积极的表现,可见这些叔叔阿姨们肯定是无论做啥事都会很负责的。我为姑姑有这样的亲戚朋友而感到自豪! 然而,同样是交通规则方面,不同的人却有不同的表现。我每次去龙泉,都会看到很多人“闯红灯,横穿马路……”,爸爸妈妈都会再三叮嘱我:“千万不要乱闯红灯,你看,多危险呀!出了交通事故最受伤的日呢还不是你自己!” 除此之外,学校也给我们看了许多因为违章造成严重交通事故导致家破人亡的案例。无数事实证明,一个国家,只有法制全,人民才能安居乐业,社会才能文明进步!我们今天是未成年人,明天就是祖国的栋梁之才,我们从小就要学法、懂法、守法,将来才能依法治国。

法律伴我成长 老师们、同学们: 大家好! 随着改革开放地深入发展,信息革命地日新月异,我国社会体制也正进一步地完善,但同时不可避免地受到国外颓废文化思想的侵蚀,加上一些不负责的传媒和商业影片过分渲染暴力、色情等不良信息,国内拜金主义、读书无用论及封建迷信思想的影响,导致社会出现了人生价值的多元化选择。特别是我们青少年正处于人生观、价值观尚未完全确立、并且易变时期,对社会当前存在的不良因素及诱惑难于辨别而且缺乏足够的自觉抵抗力,因而对人生感到迷茫和困惑,人生价值取向失衡,思想产生偏激和叛逆,出现厌学、逃学、整天沉浸在游戏机厅、网吧里,甚至在与社会正轨相背驰的道路上越走越远、越陷越深,最终不能自拔,走上违法犯罪的道路。 青少年时期是一个人成长的关键时刻,辨别是非能力薄弱,有强烈的好奇心,另外青少年模仿能力很强,易受到外界的影响。有这样的一个少年犯张XX,16岁,是看了很多港台警匪战片和武侠小说,对其中“老大”的任务和打打杀杀的场面很羡慕,总想着几个人组成团伙,占领一条街,称王称霸,一次竟在光天化日之下拦路抢劫,结果被判4年 学习法律知识是善于运用法律武器保护自己的合法权益,敢于同违法犯罪行为做斗争的需要。有些青少年由于不懂得法律,当自己的合法权益受到伤害的时候,不能运用法律武器来维护自己的合法权益,而是用“私了”,或者采用违法犯罪的手段来维护自己的权益例如,有的人一辆自行车被人拦路抢走了,这个人不去向公安机关报案,而是叫上了几个朋友去向坏人索要,并将对方打伤致残,结果这个青少年倒犯了故意伤害罪。 此外,学习法律知识也是强化社会主义道德意识,提高道德修养,促进自己健康成长的需要。道德是人们关于善与恶、美与丑、正义与邪恶、公正与偏私、光荣与耻辱、诚实与虚伪等观点,以及与此相适应的行为规则的总和。道德和法律是相互作用、相互影响、相互渗透、相互补充的两类社会规范,都是调整人们行为的规则和尺度,也是广大青少年必备的基本要素。 我国法律的实施一方面要靠国家的强制力,另一方面也要靠人民群众的自觉遵守。自觉遵守宪法和法律是每个公民的基本义务,也是做一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的好公民的起码条件,每一个公民都要自觉遵守宪法和法律。 要遵守宪法,首先要学习法律,了解法律,提高法律意识,增强法制观念;不懂得法律,没有法律意识和法制观念,不但不能自觉地遵守法律,而且还会做出违反法律甚至违法犯罪的事情来。由于我国青少年违法犯罪的人数急剧增加,其中一个重要的原因就是许多青少年不懂得法律。例如有的青少年交朋友、谈恋爱,当对方不愿意并提出中断恋爱关系时,他就不择手段地威吓甚至用暴力来伤害对方,这明明是违法犯罪的行为,他反而认为是在谈恋爱。这些例子是由于他们不懂得法律而走上犯罪道路的。 因此,所有的青少年学生应该自觉提高自身综合素质,提高政治思想觉悟,提高明辨是非的能力,增强法制观念和法律意识,从身边发生的违纪行为导致处分、或一些因违法导致铁窗生涯而悔恨终身的案例中吸取教训。青少年应坚定崇尚科学、追求真知的信念;树立远大理想,确立人生的奋斗目标,牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;勤学苦练,认真学习科学文化知识,用党的方针路线指引自己,用优秀思想文化影响自己,激励自己;认真学习法律知识努力提高知法、用法、守法和护法的水平,让法律一直随着我们成长。________________________________________________法律在人们心中的形象是严厉、冷酷、无情或其他的一些类似不尽人情的形容词来描述。但我们的老师却把课堂气氛调节的十分活跃,使同学们可以畅所欲言,发表自己的想法、看法。在不受条条框框的约束下,同学们的思想更开放,思路更清晰和活跃,大家学会把一个案例从多方面去考虑,我们经常在课堂上争的面红耳赤,大家争相发表自己的观点,再结合老师的指引,我们对法律知识有了更理性的认识和理解,对于法律本身的影像也更加深刻了。课堂教学中各个案例的选择,不仅针对所学知识,而且很贴近我们学生生活,所以针对性较强,我们理解起来也更便捷和透彻,真正调动起我们学习法律的热情和积极性。 法律不但保护了我们的合法权利和利益,而且即使对罪犯的惩罚,也是一种警摄和教育的作用。法律就像一个程序,只要人们按照这一程序运行,生活就会更加安定和谐,社会经济也才会更加有序发展。 “没有规矩,不成方圆”,但对不遵守规矩的人,法律也会有网开的一面。比如,对于犯罪后主动自首或检举其他犯罪现象的,尽量使自己给社会造成的不良影响降到最低,那么,法律在某种程度上也会给予一定的减轻或从軽处罚。这样,才更能体现法律“教育为先,惩罚在后”的理念,也才会让犯错误和违法犯罪的人有悔过自新的机会,使一部分违法犯罪的人能向好的方面发展,为社会造福。 当然,法律对那些严重危害人们生命财产安全和破坏经济发展的人的打击又绝不留情。这样一方面维护了法律的尊严,另一方面,对人们的生命和财产安全又提供了更加强有力的保证。比如,像杀人、抢劫等对社会造成及其恶劣影响的犯罪行为,法律都施以重刑,甚至是死刑,给罪犯以严罚,同时给众人以警世! “有法天下和”。法律是社会重要的组成,是一个准绳,通过法律去规范人们的行为,去造福社会。所谓: “ 法有严格条, 律有人性规, 人守法而高, 情通法更贵! ”

The theory of criminal law of shallow understanding irrtumslehreLegal irrtumslehre, namely, refers to the illegality mistake for own behavior in law, whether what crime constitutes a crime shall be punished by, or what is wrong, is to oneself the legal nature of the action of meaning or Legal irrtumslehre usually includes three conditions: (1) the actor's behavior in law does not constitute a crime, the offender and constitutes a crime for which imaginary guilty, (2) the behavior in law constitutes a crime and does not constitute a crime, the offender mistaken assumptions that innocent, (3) for his act constitutes a crime shall be convicted and punishment in light of the existing errors, misunderstanding or Due to the legal irrtumslehre, only to the behavior of the offender is not correct understanding of the legal assessment, and for their actions in fact correct understanding of the situation is still there, so its act constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility is and how it is not usually (1)Imaginary innocent treatment principleThe principles for imaginary innocence, whether it involves a deliberately Foreign criminal law theory basically has the following kinds:1)Should know that don't speak, just for criminal facts have Canada criminal code article 19 regulation: "the ignorance of the law excuses and crime can be ShuZui " Motto: "Roman law and legal disclaimer" somehow also expressed a principle, namely: "in the crime as subjective FanYi established condition, not request to recognize his behavior of richtswitrig"2)Should know the reason, according to two: moral responsibility theory, personality responsibility Moral responsibility theory emphasizes on the rationality of free will blame illegal conduct, is considered to be objective 3)That said, the possible illegality of responsibility for deliberately, at least to the possibility of understanding While in China mainland, the introduction of the concept of crime has another concept -- social consciousness that harm to discuss richtswitrig already Because the deliberate crime according to law condemn the illegality of the offender is not known, the law itself is not damaged, the law of the social consciousness is Social harm consciousness is the essential contents of the crime, illegal consciousness is the legal form of social Therefore, our country law more emphasis is on the rationality of essence, which is harmful to the society Just because of its social harmfulness, with a social moral evaluation colour, easier for people to grasp and Therefore, the author thinks that, in general, the person need to recognize his behavior may be the result of inevitable or harmful to the society, and has already With intentionally But in fact, the forbidden by law and mass that is harmful to the society in our country nowadays the behavior under the constitution should be consistent, in other words, know the social harmfulness also know the possibility of illegal, but know the possibility of illegal is inevitable should also realize social harmfulness, both are Therefore, it is generally thought that the law is no excuse, the reason of law does not exclude the misunderstanding in principle, but can be culpable for deliberately (2) Misunderstandings treatment PunishmentWe might as well so the essence of blame for his due: the crime in the subjective should blame or blame, for the intent or negligence If the offender because of misunderstanding that legal person feels very innocent, lack of this should blame or condemning sexual, from the fundamental measure, blame is absolutely not consider Especially in the modern society, the legal category SAN marino, legal entry in different fields and different levels of books, recognized, comprehend legal apparently endless and same, so the person of law and misunderstandings, not Now, both in theory and practice, the method not cling to forgive "seems to have in Therefore, to a certain extent, can also think admits exceptions excusable is legal misunderstanding of criminal law is an important symbol of In addition, it was not in the act of which is prohibited by the laws and regulations, especially after a circumstance, should have knowledge of richtswitrig actor, constitute the understanding of deliberate point of view, with the attitude of this understanding, of course, that is not the illegality or by the simple statement The author thinks that the only when the legal establishment of may, FangKeZu but The fact mistakeThat mistake, is to determine its subjective behavior nature and the criminal responsibility of the relevant facts wrong From the wrong reasons and phenomenon of angles, generally known that there are several mistakes:(1) Object irrtumslehreThe object is known for errors, whether there is objectively error It includes actor in the implementation of the existing criminal behavior of the hazards for the object and actually does not exist, or for criminal object and actually does not exist, or infringe a criminal object and actually invaded another crime The object of objects is usually known errors caused by mistake, but the object of different social relationship reflects Evil doer of objects and actual expected in fact not only harm object does not agree, and in the nature of law is not Therefore, the object irrtumslehre may affect the form of sin, crime accomplishment, and may even attempted to influence the For example, in view of the circumstances, not a thought before the enemy, and a party came to stick, afterwards just know the ox was A thought of damage is "people", and the actual wounded is "cow", do not belong to the same laws of the Similar situation and will generally be mistaken for drug trafficking items, Actor will stolen items in the theft of guns in stealing This object from the subjective errors, see, is a kind of mistake, From the objective, because the mistake crime to no avail, where the criminal attempted 1)Object mistakeObjects can be generalized mistake, including object mistake to belong to the object know mistake is inevitable object These include, is known to be wrong object of legal property of the same object mistake and legal properties of different objects, namely the object irrtumslehre In order to distinguish with the object mistake here, the cognition to the same object only mean error between the different objects, namely the misunderstanding of the evil doer expected objects and actual harm to the object, but not in fact in the legal nature of the same This object mistake again say things on purpose mistake not criminal As a reserve, killing b shall be killed as b and c, do not affect a This is the need to consider that a kill b behavior "mistake" cause others (c), belong to an intentional crime (b) "death", for the excess result, according to the results, which determine the ordinary mail of death was deliberately recognized for deliberately, to the death of the fault is propylene, identified as negligence, according to the intention or negligence of the general mark recognized FanYi or state of mind, not applicable rules of the 2) Behavior irrtumslehreBehavior mainly includes two kind of mistake: first, the behavior nature That actor has to its social harm nature, such as understanding not imaginary Behavior nature mistake might affect the form of sin, and may also affect Second, the behavior tools (methods) That person to use when the conduct of tool (methods), which affects not correct understanding of harm results, behavior tools (methods) mistake can affect crime or attempted was founded, also can affect crime or belongs to the incident, a typical for murder on hazardous substances, because the drug failure and failed to kill people, can think method or tools for error doer of consciousness beyond reason not to And as actor see armour, second coming together, hence shot to play, but can't hit by the party Look, this is from the phenomenon of an object, or the final results for the mistake, but this error is based on the fact that the wrong doer identify offender is carefully identify to begin, can think recognize is accurate, errors in ChaWu The solution to this situation, "said", its legal with qualitative and recognize wrong object is consistent, namely directly recognized as an intentional homicide The death of a person is directly intentionally to b, death is the indirect intentional, just for a to b is attempted, Additionally, if in daily life because misidentification object and damage of consequences, the crime itself is not just any criminal negligence because of 3)Causality irrtumslehreCausality mistake, is on his behavior and harmful results of actual connection between Generally include: first, not some harm result, as has happened This generally constitute a Second, has certain harm result, but not for actor or for his behavior is caused, and does not affect crime Third, really happened, the offender is aware of its behavior, but with the actual development between the harm to the process or a mistake, general to punish crime In theory, the offender is not only a crime, but continuous movement, this several continuous action is not a few crime, but a In this sense, doesn't exist on the results of the Legal irrtumslehre and facts mistake and proceduresDomestic scholars in fact know mistakes and errors between the issue legal representative views mainly include:(1)For own behavior whether in law constitutes a crime, criminal or what kind of criminal punishment shall be under the incorrect understanding is legal irrtumslehre for his behavior on the implementation of the incorrect understanding is the fact that mistake,(2)The objectivity of crime is a false understanding of crime, that mistake of objective facts have clear understanding, only to act in the evaluation of existing laws on the concept of law is not correct mistakes。(3)Actor known facts and actual fact don't agree is wrong, the person that judgment and objective law is law of illegal inconsistency These ideas basically could in theory and legal irrtumslehre fact distinguish mistakes, it is important to emphasize that:1) With the conviction that the so-called irrelevant, as this mistake to hit each other, the shooting head caused the death of heart, without vision of research into 2) Study of the theory of error, error occurs when the purpose, but whether to intentionally resistance, reduce plots affected only the wrong cognition, natural sentencing nor will it into the error theory 3) This does not constitute a crime and actor for crime, and for their behavior in the criminal law on the crimes and how to apply for criminal punishment on such specific knowledge error, conviction according to Based on this, the author thinks that, at the fact that criminal law is only to know wrong doer of elements to know the so-called objective facts constituents of mistake is the fact that the legal irrtumslehre error refers to the legal action is illegal and the evaluation of the From the theory of facts and legal irrtumslehre error, but the problem is in the law, criminal elements to the facts and law closely combined circumstances (like some administrative crimes and economic crimes), or is in a fact itself contains certain laws of evaluation content, to distinguish with a mistake is the fact that mistake or legal wrong, is often If the property of his humanity and obscenity obscenity, administrative rules and regulations, JinYuOu, disrupt public until its precondition of the legitimacy of the public, and legal irrtumslehre facts wrong intertwined, and this is what we distinguish facts and legal irrtumslehre errors will solve the In some cases, the defendant should know that because of the lack of knowledge, and not to the behavior of social harmfulness, so that the defendant is not "knowledge they will entail harmful consequences to society, and hope or allows such results" and deliberate crime, the burden of proof is only FanYi prosecution, in addition, prosecution without proof the defendant not normal, but normal mental and spiritual normal presumption defendant directly if the defendant that his spirit is not normal, it shall provide necessary evidence by himself to Thus, the author, on legal irrtumslehre processing, can adopt the presumption of ways to Which country presumption every normal citizens are known, unless the law can put forward defense "advantage prove" above, or the evidence rebut these presumption is From the efficiency of lawsuit, said the country is impossible to prove the defendant is known of the




1、认真学习基本理念,积极参加社会实践。 政治小论文总的要求是要求能运用思想政治课上学习的马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的基本观点,去分析现实生活中遇到的实际问题,以提高分析问题和解决问题的能力,提高思想认识和觉悟。因此,要写好政治小论文,一方面要紧密结合思想政治课教学,认真学习基本理论,掌握基本观点;另一方面要走出课堂,积极参加社会实践、社会思潮及其变化,深入工厂、农村、商店参加社会实践,进行调查研究,从社会生活中寻找和提炼材料,掌握丰富的第一手素材,从中汲取营养,获得灵感,这也是小论文创作的唯一源泉。 2、紧跟形势,独立思考,写出小论文的新意。 在小论文写作过程中,要善于对平凡的事情进行深入分析,寻找出其不寻常之处,要重视小论文的新意。所谓新意,就是指小论文的观点要富有时代气息和现实意义,有自己的独立见解。要写出有新意的小论文,首先要认真学习思想政治课的理论知识,党和国家的路线、方针、政策和当今国内外的时事形势,积极投身形式多样的社会实践活动,只有这样,才能使自己和集体、国家以至世界的命运联系在一起,和时代的脉搏一起跳动,才能亲身感受到富有时代气息和现实意义的新人、新事、新思想,进发出有自己独立见解的思想火花。同时,要独立思考,善于从现实生活中发现问题,寻找素材,抓住不放,深入调查,分析研究,逐步从外部行为摸清的思想根源和实质,从表面现象透视问题的实质,分析研究,逐步从外部行为摸清事情的思想根源和实质,从表面现象透视问题的实质。如在撰写关于国企改革与发展的小论文冒,除了要认真学习书本上关于企业改革与发展的基本知识外,更重要的要了解党和国家现阶段企业改革与发展的路线、方针、政策,紧跟当前国企改革的形势,深入分析、认真思考,才能找出富有时代气息和现实意义的切入点。 3、以小见大,材料精要,语言简练。 短小精悍是小论文的一个显著特点。小论文的题目要小,力求以小见大,更有利于全面、深入、透彻地把问题分析清楚。相反,如果题目太大,写多了就长,写短了就空,很难符合要求。写作小论文,需要作深入的调查研究,细心观察,占有尽可能丰富而又合乎实际的材料,民时,要用科学的思维方法对所获得的材料进行认真的分析整理,选用典型而又具体、生动的材料,选材要精,才会恰到了处。小论文的语言要精练、简明,初稿写完后,要多看几遍,仔细推敲,反复修改,做到文句通顺、条理清楚、语言简练。 最重要是要有时间地点人物不可缺少


The subject is: a blatant crime on the criminal law of the theoretical knowledgeAbstract: a flagrant crime as a general social phenomenon, has been in existence for thousands of years of social history; including, in particular the concept of school as a flagrant crime committed, it can be said with the general sense of the crime have simultaneously; the concept of criminal law as a flagrant offenders has also been historically exist in human society a thousand Openly committed as a criminal and the negative cultural expressions, whether it is the specificity of the Criminal Code norms on moral values or the reverse, and are worthy of criminal law theory researchers to explore in However, for a long time, China's Criminal Law on the "objective elements constitute a crime," the study focus, multi-objective aspects of running an essential element, that is against the act, against the findings and results of behavior and the causal relationship between on; for the crime as an objective choice of the implementation of elements of the crime the way, but rarely get In this paper, exploring a flagrant crime, not only confined to the study of criminal law perspective, but also learn from the crime, ethics, sociology, such as the perspective of the norms of a flagrant offense, the nature of black social evil, the negative value and its comprehensive evaluation Author through so many levels, multi-angle discussion to a more deepening and comprehensive three-dimensional interpretation that the truth will be openly committed to maximize the show in the face of social and readers, so expect it to for the development of China's Criminal Jurisprudence criminal applications of the research on the subject domain, to make its own modest Key words: flagrant flagrant crime

Abstract Punitive damages is designed not only to compensate the victim completely but also to punish the offenders and deter them from similar But when it is settled in our legal system and social surrounding, the above functions are unimportant and even It is not salutary to establish a punitive system in product liability of our The punished guilty relevant regulations about producing, selling the fake and common products of the Criminal Law includes both acts which result in product liability and probably result in product So other laws have not to and should not punish persons who have these The enterprise who obtains the illegal sales amount that under 50,000 Yuan would be punished by the existing civil compensation system, for its loss which caused by compensating the victim subtracted from its gain is Therefore our country present legal framework repels the punitive function of punitive Furthermore, by dint of the moral damages in the present civil compensatory system, the function of compensating completely could be Obviously, constructing punitive damages to realize this function is not In our country, punitive damages in contract responsibility mainly in the interest of consumer's benefits, but it is not On one hand, because legislators traced the transact course insufficiently, the law can not protect consumer's benefit well; On the other hand, although the original intention of legislation is prevent fraud, it has encouraged another kind of fraud because of the unapt In summary, considering our surroundings of law and economy, punitive damages should not build in the systems of product liability and contract

去这里 自己慢慢找吧

From this the mid 80's in century, China big six method educational circleseses started culture to the law of People start noticing at the time of strengthening system structure, searching the importance of the spirit of At the our country, although drew up one large quantity law, sound the all levels each kind of law organization and organization, the implement condition of law combine the disregard think, the law hasn't sliced to get into a role actually, developing it should have of function, carry out the value of its The power is big in there is method outside the method, 律 , have a method not to depend on, enforce the law not strict, wind up a lawsuit to procrastinate, avoid to tell phenomenon of fearing the 讼 different degree ground to still exist;Strive for by method private, the affairs followed feeling to abuse law have occurrence;With speech generation method, discard the habit of method by speech to still have corrupt practice;Many citizens haven't known right why thing and how the exactitude exercise right, protecting an own legal Investigate its reason, in addition to some irregularities of political setup and law system, citizen and the officials' cultural mental structure mainly ising because of ising a law and operating corpus in still the degree exists a whereabouts differently outworn law idea behind, value standard and thinking behavior This makes we should dispassion ground thinking at system level back perplex idea of law implement and execution, value, mental factor, undertake the history mission which enlightens since the law
