

发布时间:2024-07-08 11:11:22



The theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor It predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of locally abundant factors and will import goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally Empirical problems with the H-O model, known as the Leontief paradox, were exposed in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States tended to export labor intensive goods despite having a capital


学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)



题目不要太大,也不要太小,太大了面太广容易泛泛,小了就无材料可查,没东西可写。写你熟悉的 资料好查的 参考


International trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international boundaries or [1] In most countries, it represents a significant share of GDP While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of International trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their own International trade is in principle not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade does not change fundamentally depending on whether trade is across a border or The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly than domestic The reason is that a border typically imposes additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system or a different Another difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of production such as capital and labor are typically more mobile within a country than across Thus international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services, and only to a lesser extent to trade in capital, labor or other factors of Then trade in good and services can serve as a substitute for trade in factors of Instead of importing the factor of production a country can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of production and are thus embodying the respective An example is the import of labor-intensive goods by the United States from C Instead of importing Chinese labor the United States is importing goods from China that were produced with Chinese International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch of international ModelsSeveral different models have been proposed to predict patterns of trade and to analyze the effects of trade policies such as [edit] Ricardian modelMain article: Ricardian modelThe Ricardian model focuses on comparative advantage and is perhaps the most important concept in international trade In a Ricardian model, countries specialize in producing what they produce Unlike other models, the Ricardian framework predicts that countries will fully specialize instead of producing a broad array of Also, the Ricardian model does not directly consider factor endowments, such as the relative amounts of labor and capital within a [edit] Heckscher-Ohlin modelMain article: Heckscher-Ohlin modelThe Heckscher-Ohlin model was produced as an alternative to the Ricardian model of basic comparative Despite its greater complexity it did not prove much more accurate in its However from a theoretical point of view it did provide an elegant solution by incorporating the neoclassical price mechanism into international trade The theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor It predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of locally abundant factors and will import goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally Empirical problems with the H-O model, known as the Leontief paradox, were exposed in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States tended to export labor intensive goods despite having a capital [edit] Specific factors modelIn this model, labour mobility between industries is possible while capital is immobile between industries in the short- Thus, this model can be interpreted as a 'short run' version of the Heckscher-Ohlin The specific factors name refers to the given that in the short-run specific factors of production, such as physical capital, are not easily transferable between The theory suggests that if there is an increase in the price of a good, the owners of the factor of production specific to that good will profit in real Additionally, owners of opposing specific factors of production ( labour and capital) are likely to have opposing agendas when lobbying for controls over immigration of Conversely, both owners of capital and labour profit in real terms from an increase in the capital This model is ideal for particular This model is ideal for understanding income distribution but awkward for discussing the pattern of trade![edit] New Trade TheoryMain article: New Trade TheoryNew Trade theory tries to explain several facts about trade, which the two main models above have difficulty These include the fact that most trade is between countries with similar factor endowment and productivity levels, and the large amount of multinational production (ie foreign direct investment) which In one example of this framework, the economy exhibits monopolistic competition, and increasing returns to [edit] Gravity modelMain article: Gravity model of tradeThe Gravity model of trade presents a more empirical analysis of trading patterns rather than the more theoretical models discussed The gravity model, in its basic form, predicts trade based on the distance between countries and the interaction of the countries' economic The model mimics the Newtonian law of gravity which also considers distance and physical size between two The model has been proven to be empirically strong through econometric Other factors such as income level, diplomatic relationships between countries, and trade policies are also included in expanded versions of the [edit] Regulation of international tradeTraditionally trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two For centuries under the belief in Mercantilism most nations had high tariffs and many restrictions on international In the 19th century, especially in Britain, a belief in free trade became This belief became the dominant thinking among western nations since then despite the acknowledgement that adoption of the policy coincided with the general decline of Great B In the years since the Second World War, controversial multilateral treaties like the GATT and World Trade Organization have attempted to create a globally regulated trade These trade agreements have often resulted in protest and discontent with claims of unfair trade that is not mutually Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful nations, though they often engage in selective protectionism for those industries which are strategically important such as the protective tariffs applied to agriculture by the United States and E The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were both strong advocates of free trade when they were economically dominant, today the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan are its greatest However, many other countries (such as India, China and Russia) are increasingly becoming advocates of free trade as they become more economically powerful As tariff levels fall there is also an increasing willingness to negotiate non tariff measures, including foreign direct investment, procurement and trade The latter looks at the transaction cost associated with meeting trade and customs Traditionally agricultural interests are usually in favour of free trade while manufacturing sectors often support This has changed somewhat in recent years, In fact, agricultural lobbies, particularly in the United States, Europe and Japan, are chiefly responsible for particular rules in the major international trade treaties which allow for more protectionist measures in agriculture than for most other goods and During recessions there is often strong domestic pressure to increase tariffs to protect domestic This occurred around the world during the Great D Many economists have attempted to portray tariffs as the underlining reason behind the collapse in world trade that many believe seriously deepened the The regulation of international trade is done through the World Trade Organization at the global level, and through several other regional arrangements such as MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States, Canada and Mexico, and the European Union between 27 independent The 2005 Buenos Aires talks on the planned establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) failed largely due to opposition from the populations of Latin American Similar agreements such as the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) have also failed in recent [edit] Risks in international tradeThe risks that exist in international trade can be divided into two major groups

The theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor It predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of locally abundant factors and will import goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally Empirical problems with the H-O model, known as the Leontief paradox, were exposed in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States tended to export labor intensive goods despite having a capital


1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧4、商标名称的翻译与策略5、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧6、商务谈判中的语言艺术7、商务谈判的文化障碍8、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用9、商务英语函电翻译技巧10、商务谈判中英语的重要性11、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法 12、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用13、浅谈涉外合同英语特色14、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策15、商务谈判的艺术性16、跨文化的商务谈判

学术堂精心整理了五十个新颖并好写的商务英语专业毕业论文题目,供大家参考:  1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧  2、商务英语函电翻译技巧  3、商务英语信函的语体分析  4、浅谈商务信函的文体特征  5、商务英语学习方法探究  6、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养  7、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素  8、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突  9、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异  10、商务谈判中的语言艺术  11、商标名称的翻译与策略  12、广告英语的分类与分析  13、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用  14、商务英语听力策略研究  15、商务英语写作问题研究  16、商务英语考试技巧研究  17、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策  18、国际商务英语信函话语分析  19、商务英语发展现状浅祈  20、商务英语翻译技巧  21、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探  22、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践  23、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用  24、中英文广告标题的共同点  25、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题  26、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示  27、商务英语翻译标准初探  28、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧  29、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略  30、商务函电翻译的用词技巧  31、商标名称的翻译与策略  32、商务谈判中的语言艺术  33、商务谈判的文化障碍  34、商务英语课程设置的探讨  35、商务谈判中英语的重要性  36、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养  37、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突  38、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系  39、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的运用  40、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译  41、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位探讨  42、浅谈高职学生英语听说技能的培养  43、文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响  44、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用  45、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法  46、制单工作在国际结算中的地位  47、国际商务单证的作用和种类  48、浅析海运提单的风险及防范措施  49、如何翻译好日常商务文书  50、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素

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survey / sE:5vei/ 调查;测验 add / Ad/ 添加,附加,掺加 add up 加算,合计 point / pRint/ 指向小数点;要点;分数;尖端,尖 upset / Qp5set/ 使不适, 使心烦混乱 ignore / ig5nR:/ 不顾,不理,忽视 calm / ka:m/ 平静的 calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 have got to 不得不;必须 concern / kEn5sE:n/ 关心,挂念,关系 be concerned about 关心,挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose / lu:s/ 宽松的;自由的 cheat / tFi:t/ 骗取,哄 行骗 reason / 5ri:zn/ 理由;理性推理劝说 list / list/ 名单;列表;目录列出 share / FZE/ 分享,共享份额,股份 feeling / 5fi:liN/ 感情,感觉,知觉 go through 经历;完成;检查 Amsterdam / 5AmstEdAm/ 阿姆斯特丹 Netherlands / 5neTElEndz/ 荷兰,地区名 Jewish / 5dVu(:)iF/ 犹太人的 German / 5dVE:mEn/ 德国的 德国人 Nazi / 5na:tsi:/ 纳粹分子 纳粹党的,纳粹的 hide away ⑴ = HIDE out set down 记下;登记;放下 series / 5siEri:z/ 连续;系列 a series of 一系列,一连串 Kitty / 5kiti/ 小猫,全部赌注 outdoors / 5aut5dR:z/ 在户外户外 crazy / 5kreizi/ 疯狂的 nature / 5neitFE/ 大自然;本性 spellbind / 5spelbaind/ 吸引,迷惑� purpose / 5pE:pEs/ 目的,意图 on purpose 为了;故意地 in order to 以便,以…为目的 dare / dZE/ 敢,竟敢 thunder / 5WQndE/ 雷打雷吼出 entirely / in5taiEli/ 完全地 power / 5pauE/ 能力;电力;权力 face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地 according / E5kR:diN/ 根据 according to 根据…所说;按照 accordingly / E5kR:diNli/ 因此,依照 trust / trQst/ 信任 ,依赖信任;委托 indoors / in5dR:z/ 在室内,在屋里 suffer / 5sQfE/ 遭受,忍受受害,受损失 teenager 青少年 get along with 走开 gossip / 5gRsip/ 闲谈,碎嘴子,漫笔 fall in love 爱上某人 advice / Ed5vais/ 劝告,忠告,意见 questionnaire / kwestFE5nZE/ 问卷 quiz / kwiz/ 测验 situation / 5sitju5eiFEn/ 处境,形势 editor / 5editE/ 编辑,编者 communicate / kE5mju:nikeit/ 通讯,传达,传播 join in 参加(活动) habit / 5hAbit/ 习惯,习性 include / in5klu:d/ 包括,包含 role / rEul/ 角色 play a role(in) 在中担任角色;在中起作用 because of 由于,因为 international / 5intE(:)5nAFEnl/ 国际的 native / 5neitiv/ 本土的本地人 elevator / 5eliveitE/ 电梯,升降机 flat / flAt/ 一套房间,单元住宅 apartment / E5pa:tmEnt/ 一套公寓房间 rubber / 5rQbE/ 橡皮,橡胶橡胶的 petrol / 5petrEl/ 汽油 gas / gAs/ 煤气,气体 modern / 5mRdEn/ 现代的 come up 走近;(从土中)长出 culture / 5kQltFE/ 文化,文明,教养 AD / Ad/ =advertisement 广告 actually / 5AktjuEli/ 实际上,竟然 present / 5preznt/ 目前的;出席的;礼物,赠品现在赠送;呈现 rule / ru:l/ 统治,支配统治;规定 Shakespeare / 5FeikspiE/ (人名)莎士比亚 vocabulary / vE5kAbjulEri/ 词汇表 usage / 5ju:zidV/ 用法 Noah Webster 诺亚韦伯斯特 identity / ai5dentiti/ 身分,相同 确定身份 government / 5gQvEnmEnt/ 政府 such as 象…那样的,诸如 Singapore / 5siNgE5pR:/ 新加坡 Malaysia / mE5leiVE/ 马来西亚 rapidly / 5rApidli/ 迅速地 phrase / freiz/ 短语,习惯用语 candy / 5kAndi/ 糖果 lorry / 5lRri/ 卡车 Lori 罗丽 command / kE5ma:nd/ 命令,指挥,控制 request / ri5kwest/ 请求,要求请求,要求 retell / 5ri:5tel/ 复述,再讲 polite / pE5lait/ 有礼貌的,有教养的 boss / bRs/ 老板,上司 指挥 standard / 5stAndEd/ 标准,规格标准的,权威的 dialect / 5daiElekt/ 方言 midwestern / 5mid5westEn/ 美国中西部的; 有美国中西部特性的 southern / 5sQTEn/ 南方的,南部的 Spanish / 5spAniF/ 西班牙的西班牙人 play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与 eastern / 5i:stEn/ 东方的,朝东的 southeastern / sauW5i:stEn/ 东南方的 northwestern / 5nR:W5westEn/ 在西北部的,西北方的,来自西北的 recognize / 5rekEgnaiz/ 认出,识别 Houston / 5hju:stEn/ 休斯顿 Texas / 5teksEs/ 德克萨斯州 accent / 5AksEnt, Ak5sent/ 口音,腔调,重音 Buford 布福德 Lester / 5lestE/ 莱斯特 catfish / 5kAt5fiF/ 鲶鱼 lightning / 5laitniN/ 闪电 direction / di5rekFEn/ 方向,指导 ma'am 夫人;女士;小姐 subway / 5sQbwei/ 隧道;地铁 block / blRk/ 街区 堵塞,拦阻 journal / 5dVE:nl/ 日报,杂志,日志 fare / fZE/ 车费,船费,票价 transport / trAns5pR:t/ 运输运输 Vientiane / 5vje5tja:n/ 万象(老挝首都) Laos / lauz/ 老挝国 Phnom Penh 金边(柬埔寨首都) Cambodia / kAm5boudjE/ 高棉;柬埔寨 Ho Chi Minh 胡志明 Vietnam / vjet5nAm/ 越南 Mekong / 5mei5kRN/ 湄公河 finally / 5fainEli/ 最后,不可更改的 cycle / 5saikl/ 循环 persuade / pE:5sweid/ 说服 stubborn / 5stQbEn/ 顽固的;顽强的 insist / in5sist/ 坚持,坚持要求 source / sR:s/ 源泉;出处 proper / 5prRpE/ 适合的,正当的 properly / 5prRpEli/ 恰当地 detail / 5di:teil/ 细节 determine / di5tE:min/ 决定,决心 determined / di5tE:mind/ 决定性的 change one's mide 改变主意 altitude / 5Altitju:d/ 高,高度,高处 give in 投降;交上去;听任 atlas / 5AtlEs/ 地图集� glacier / 5glAsjE/ 冰河 Tibetan / ti5betEn/ 藏族的; 藏人 rapids 急流 valley / 5vAli/ 山谷,流域 waterfall / 5wR:tEfR:l/ 瀑布 plain / plein/ 平原平坦的;朴素的;平常的 delta / 5deltE/ (河流的)三角洲� attitude / 5Atitju:d/ 态度,看法,姿势 shorts 短裤 camp / kAmp/ 野营,营地,兵营 canyon / 5kAnjEn/ 峡谷� record / 5rekR:d, ri5kR:d/ 记录,档案;履历;唱片记录;录音 afterthought / 5B:ftEWR:t/ 事后才有的想法,追悔,再思 topic / 5tRpik/ 题目;论题,话题 familiar / fE5miljE/ 熟悉的 brave / breiv/ 勇敢的 shake / Feik/ 摇动摇动 right away 立刻,马上 well / wel/ 井 rise / raiz/ 起立;升起;上涨;起义上涨;起源,发生 crack / krAk/ 裂缝,裂纹 爆裂 smelly / 5smeli/ 有使人难受的气味的,臭的 pond / pRnd/ 池塘 pipe / paip/ 用管道输送管子,导管;烟斗 burst / bE:st/ 使爆裂 爆炸 at an end 结束;终结 canal / kE5nAl/ 运河,沟渠,管 steam / sti:m/ 蒸汽蒸发蒸煮 dirt / dE:t/ 尘,土,污垢 ruin / 5ruin/ 毁灭;废墟毁坏 injure / 5indVE/ 伤害,损害,损伤 survivor / sE5vaivE/ 生存者,残存者,幸存者 destroy / dis5trRi/ 破坏,消灭 brick / brik/ 砖块 dam / dAm/ 水坝,障碍物 useless / 5ju:zlis/ 无用的,没有价值的 steel / 5sti:l/ 钢 shock / FRk/ 冲击;震惊;电击震动 quake / kweik/ 颤动;震动 rescue / 5reskju:/ 援救,营救 electricity / ilek5trisiti/ 电,电流 disaster / di5za:stE/ 灾难 army / 5a:mi/ 军队,陆军 organize / 5R:gEnaiz/ 组织,编组 dig out 掘出;挖掉 bury / 5beri/ 埋葬,埋藏 coal / kEul/ 煤,煤块 mine / main/ 我的矿,矿山;地雷,水雷开采 coal mine 煤矿 miner / 5mainE/ 矿工 shelter / 5FeltE/ 掩蔽处遮蔽,掩护 fresh / freF/ 新的,新鲜的 a (great) number of 许多;大量的 give out 分发;发出(气味等) percent / pE5sent/ 百分比,百分数 speech / spi:tF/ 言语;演说 judge / dVQdV/ 法官,裁判员 honour / 5RnE/ 光荣 prepare / pri5pZE/ 预备准备 Europe / 5juErEp/ 欧洲 thousands of 数千的 Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊曼德拉 hero / 5hiErEu/ 英雄,勇士,男主角 quality / 5kwRliti/ 质量;特性 willing / 5wiliN/ 心甘情愿的 active / 5Aktiv/ 活跃的,积极的 lose heart 灰心,泄气 in trouble 处于不幸中, 在监禁中 William Tyndale 威廉廷代尔 Bible / 5baibl/ 基督教《圣经》 invader / in5veidE/ 侵略者 republic / ri5pQblik/ 共和国 principle / 5prinsEpl/ 原则,原理 nationalism / 5nAFEnElizm/ 民族主义,民族之特性 livelihood / 5laivlihud/ 生计,谋生之道 Gandhi / 5gAndi:/ 甘地 fight / fait/ 打(仗),斗争 peaceful / 5pi:sful/ 和平的;平静的 prison / 5prizn/ 监狱,监禁 prisoner / 5priznE/ 囚犯 Elias / i5laiEs/ 伊莱亚斯 period / 5piEriEd/ 时期;句号 law / lR:/ 法律,法令 advise / Ed5vaiz/ 劝告,建议,通知 continue / kEn5tinju(:)/ 继续 fee / fi:/ 费,酬金,赏金 gold / gEuld/ 黄金 金制的 passbook / 5pAsbuk/ 银行存折 Johannesburg / dVou5hAnisbE:g/ 约翰内斯堡 worry about 忧虑 out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 ANC 非国大 youth / ju:W/ 青春;青年 league / li:g/ 同盟,联盟 Youth League 青年团 stage / steidV/ 舞台;阶段,时期 vote / vEut/ 选举,投票 position / pE5ziFEn/ 位置;职位 accept / Ek5sept/ 接受,同意 violence / 5vaiElEns/ 猛烈;暴力 as a matter of fact 事实上 blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸 in prison 把投入监狱 equal / 5i:kwEl/ 相等的,平等的 Robben Island 罗本岛 blanket / 5blANkit/ 毯子 degree / di5gri:/ 程度,度,学位 guard / ga:d/ 守卫,看守 卫兵 educated / 5edVukeitid/ 受过教育的,有教养的 come to power 当权;上台 terror / 5terE/ 恐怖,惊骇 fear / fiE/ 害怕,担心 害怕 cruelty / 5kruElti/ 残忍;残暴 reward / ri5wR:d/ 报答;报酬报答;酬金 right / rait/ 正确的;右边的对;正好;径直正确;权利;右面 criminal / 5kriminl/ 罪犯 leader / 5li:dE/ 领袖,首领 president / 5prezidEnt/ 总统,校长 Transkei 特兰斯凯 set up 开办;建立;设立 anti- 反;抗;阻 anti-black 反黑人的 sentence / 5sentEns/ 判决;句子宣判,判决 be sentence to 被判处(徒刑) sincerely / sin5siEli/ 真诚地

英语本科学位论文选题 国别文学研究和地域文学研究(如:英国文学、美国文学、澳大利亚文学、加拿大文学、新西兰文学/西方文学、大洋洲文学) 文学流派研究(如:浪漫主义、现实主义、自然主义、超现实主义、存在主义、黑色幽默、意识流、女性主义文学等) 作家研究和文本分析(如:阿瑟·米勒研究、海明威研究、狄更斯研究、论莎士比亚的“威尼斯商人”等) 中外比较文学研究(如尤金·奥尼尔和曹禺戏剧作品之比较) 语言学研究(如:语言研究、文字研究、词汇研究、短语和句子研究、语篇研究、语言与文化等) 语言教学研究(如:语言研究与语言习惯、教学方法和技巧研究、教材分析和评估研究、测试与评估研究、课堂教学管理研究、教育技术的使用与开展研究) 翻译学理论研究 翻译方法个案研究(如:“从海明威的短篇小说《一个干净、明亮的地方》看简洁句的翻译”) 中外翻译比较 文化与外语学习 中西方文化比较 地域文化研究(如:“美国20世纪60年代的摇滚学――社会的晴雨表”) 国外教学法研究 教学方法和技巧研究(如:语法教学就一定枯燥无味吗?交际教学法和学习效果的探讨研究) 教学管理研究 学生个体差异研究(如:不同性格的学生的口语能力有何不同?) 其他(如:国际关系类论文等)


survey / sE:5vei/ 调查;测验 add / Ad/ 添加,附加,掺加 add up 加算,合计 point / pRint/ 指向小数点;要点;分数;尖端,尖 upset / Qp5set/ 使不适, 使心烦混乱 ignore / ig5nR:/ 不顾,不理,忽视 calm / ka:m/ 平静的 calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 have got to 不得不;必须 concern / kEn5sE:n/ 关心,挂念,关系 be concerned about 关心,挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose / lu:s/ 宽松的;自由的 cheat / tFi:t/ 骗取,哄 行骗 reason / 5ri:zn/ 理由;理性推理劝说 list / list/ 名单;列表;目录列出 share / FZE/ 分享,共享份额,股份 feeling / 5fi:liN/ 感情,感觉,知觉 go through 经历;完成;检查 Amsterdam / 5AmstEdAm/ 阿姆斯特丹 Netherlands / 5neTElEndz/ 荷兰,地区名 Jewish / 5dVu(:)iF/ 犹太人的 German / 5dVE:mEn/ 德国的 德国人 Nazi / 5na:tsi:/ 纳粹分子 纳粹党的,纳粹的 hide away ⑴ = HIDE out set down 记下;登记;放下 series / 5siEri:z/ 连续;系列 a series of 一系列,一连串 Kitty / 5kiti/ 小猫,全部赌注 outdoors / 5aut5dR:z/ 在户外户外 crazy / 5kreizi/ 疯狂的 nature / 5neitFE/ 大自然;本性 spellbind / 5spelbaind/ 吸引,迷惑� purpose / 5pE:pEs/ 目的,意图 on purpose 为了;故意地 in order to 以便,以…为目的 dare / dZE/ 敢,竟敢 thunder / 5WQndE/ 雷打雷吼出 entirely / in5taiEli/ 完全地 power / 5pauE/ 能力;电力;权力 face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地 according / E5kR:diN/ 根据 according to 根据…所说;按照 accordingly / E5kR:diNli/ 因此,依照 trust / trQst/ 信任 ,依赖信任;委托 indoors / in5dR:z/ 在室内,在屋里 suffer / 5sQfE/ 遭受,忍受受害,受损失 teenager 青少年 get along with 走开 gossip / 5gRsip/ 闲谈,碎嘴子,漫笔 fall in love 爱上某人 advice / Ed5vais/ 劝告,忠告,意见 questionnaire / kwestFE5nZE/ 问卷 quiz / kwiz/ 测验 situation / 5sitju5eiFEn/ 处境,形势 editor / 5editE/ 编辑,编者 communicate / kE5mju:nikeit/ 通讯,传达,传播 join in 参加(活动) habit / 5hAbit/ 习惯,习性 include / in5klu:d/ 包括,包含 role / rEul/ 角色 play a role(in) 在中担任角色;在中起作用 because of 由于,因为 international / 5intE(:)5nAFEnl/ 国际的 native / 5neitiv/ 本土的本地人 elevator / 5eliveitE/ 电梯,升降机 flat / flAt/ 一套房间,单元住宅 apartment / E5pa:tmEnt/ 一套公寓房间 rubber / 5rQbE/ 橡皮,橡胶橡胶的 petrol / 5petrEl/ 汽油 gas / gAs/ 煤气,气体 modern / 5mRdEn/ 现代的 come up 走近;(从土中)长出 culture / 5kQltFE/ 文化,文明,教养 AD / Ad/ =advertisement 广告 actually / 5AktjuEli/ 实际上,竟然 present / 5preznt/ 目前的;出席的;礼物,赠品现在赠送;呈现 rule / ru:l/ 统治,支配统治;规定 Shakespeare / 5FeikspiE/ (人名)莎士比亚 vocabulary / vE5kAbjulEri/ 词汇表 usage / 5ju:zidV/ 用法 Noah Webster 诺亚韦伯斯特 identity / ai5dentiti/ 身分,相同 确定身份 government / 5gQvEnmEnt/ 政府 such as 象…那样的,诸如 Singapore / 5siNgE5pR:/ 新加坡 Malaysia / mE5leiVE/ 马来西亚 rapidly / 5rApidli/ 迅速地 phrase / freiz/ 短语,习惯用语 candy / 5kAndi/ 糖果 lorry / 5lRri/ 卡车 Lori 罗丽 command / kE5ma:nd/ 命令,指挥,控制 request / ri5kwest/ 请求,要求请求,要求 retell / 5ri:5tel/ 复述,再讲 polite / pE5lait/ 有礼貌的,有教养的 boss / bRs/ 老板,上司 指挥 standard / 5stAndEd/ 标准,规格标准的,权威的 dialect / 5daiElekt/ 方言 midwestern / 5mid5westEn/ 美国中西部的; 有美国中西部特性的 southern / 5sQTEn/ 南方的,南部的 Spanish / 5spAniF/ 西班牙的西班牙人 play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与 eastern / 5i:stEn/ 东方的,朝东的 southeastern / sauW5i:stEn/ 东南方的 northwestern / 5nR:W5westEn/ 在西北部的,西北方的,来自西北的 recognize / 5rekEgnaiz/ 认出,识别 Houston / 5hju:stEn/ 休斯顿 Texas / 5teksEs/ 德克萨斯州 accent / 5AksEnt, Ak5sent/ 口音,腔调,重音 Buford 布福德 Lester / 5lestE/ 莱斯特 catfish / 5kAt5fiF/ 鲶鱼 lightning / 5laitniN/ 闪电 direction / di5rekFEn/ 方向,指导 ma'am 夫人;女士;小姐 subway / 5sQbwei/ 隧道;地铁 block / blRk/ 街区 堵塞,拦阻 journal / 5dVE:nl/ 日报,杂志,日志 fare / fZE/ 车费,船费,票价 transport / trAns5pR:t/ 运输运输 Vientiane / 5vje5tja:n/ 万象(老挝首都) Laos / lauz/ 老挝国 Phnom Penh 金边(柬埔寨首都) Cambodia / kAm5boudjE/ 高棉;柬埔寨 Ho Chi Minh 胡志明 Vietnam / vjet5nAm/ 越南 Mekong / 5mei5kRN/ 湄公河 finally / 5fainEli/ 最后,不可更改的 cycle / 5saikl/ 循环 persuade / pE:5sweid/ 说服 stubborn / 5stQbEn/ 顽固的;顽强的 insist / in5sist/ 坚持,坚持要求 source / sR:s/ 源泉;出处 proper / 5prRpE/ 适合的,正当的 properly / 5prRpEli/ 恰当地 detail / 5di:teil/ 细节 determine / di5tE:min/ 决定,决心 determined / di5tE:mind/ 决定性的 change one's mide 改变主意 altitude / 5Altitju:d/ 高,高度,高处 give in 投降;交上去;听任 atlas / 5AtlEs/ 地图集� glacier / 5glAsjE/ 冰河 Tibetan / ti5betEn/ 藏族的; 藏人 rapids 急流 valley / 5vAli/ 山谷,流域 waterfall / 5wR:tEfR:l/ 瀑布 plain / plein/ 平原平坦的;朴素的;平常的 delta / 5deltE/ (河流的)三角洲� attitude / 5Atitju:d/ 态度,看法,姿势 shorts 短裤 camp / kAmp/ 野营,营地,兵营 canyon / 5kAnjEn/ 峡谷� record / 5rekR:d, ri5kR:d/ 记录,档案;履历;唱片记录;录音 afterthought / 5B:ftEWR:t/ 事后才有的想法,追悔,再思 topic / 5tRpik/ 题目;论题,话题 familiar / fE5miljE/ 熟悉的 brave / breiv/ 勇敢的 shake / Feik/ 摇动摇动 right away 立刻,马上 well / wel/ 井 rise / raiz/ 起立;升起;上涨;起义上涨;起源,发生 crack / krAk/ 裂缝,裂纹 爆裂 smelly / 5smeli/ 有使人难受的气味的,臭的 pond / pRnd/ 池塘 pipe / paip/ 用管道输送管子,导管;烟斗 burst / bE:st/ 使爆裂 爆炸 at an end 结束;终结 canal / kE5nAl/ 运河,沟渠,管 steam / sti:m/ 蒸汽蒸发蒸煮 dirt / dE:t/ 尘,土,污垢 ruin / 5ruin/ 毁灭;废墟毁坏 injure / 5indVE/ 伤害,损害,损伤 survivor / sE5vaivE/ 生存者,残存者,幸存者 destroy / dis5trRi/ 破坏,消灭 brick / brik/ 砖块 dam / dAm/ 水坝,障碍物 useless / 5ju:zlis/ 无用的,没有价值的 steel / 5sti:l/ 钢 shock / FRk/ 冲击;震惊;电击震动 ……更多就在
