

发布时间:2024-07-07 07:50:32



Images are cicadas in the past works of literature the most important one of the insect imagery, its meaning and significance have been many studies, but the people of the focus was concentrated in the Tang Dynasty poem Yong cicada cicada image of the Wei, Jin Literature in the Northern and Southern Dynasties cicada image is less Based on the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period cicada as a key image, then with the background of the times, ideological trend and the mentality of its connotation of the Cicada on the first part of the natural Images on the second part of cicadas in the literary works in the formation of the The third part of a detailed analysis of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Shifu cicada image The most important three points: First, the poet Chan Ming embellishment common view, table of seasonal change; Second, the poet used to express Beiqiu cicada feelings and personal tragedy in which寓; Third, the cicada with multiple symbolic significance, is Yung-Chi poet important Part IV discusses the cicadas in the Tang Dynasty literary image of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Shifu cicada in the inheritance and development of ≥▽≤




Images are cicadas in the past works of literature the most important one of the insect imagery, its meaning and significance have been many studies, but the people of the focus was concentrated in the Tang Dynasty poem Yong cicada cicada image of the Wei, Jin Literature in the Northern and Southern Dynasties cicada image is less Based on the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period cicada as a key image, then with the background of the times, ideological trend and the mentality of its connotation of the Cicada on the first part of the natural Images on the second part of cicadas in the literary works in the formation of the The third part of a detailed analysis of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Shifu cicada image The most important three points: First, the poet Chan Ming embellishment common view, table of seasonal change; Second, the poet used to express Beiqiu cicada feelings and personal tragedy in which寓; Third, the cicada with multiple symbolic significance, is Yung-Chi poet important Part IV discusses the cicadas in the Tang Dynasty literary image of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Shifu cicada in the inheritance and development of ≥▽≤

Abstract: Since at the end of 1990s, have emerged one batch in China's literature market take Han Han, Guo Jingming, Zhang Yueran, the spring tree, Li Sha have been kept waiting after representative's 80 writing, after as soon as they appear had then demonstrated 80 takes the literary arena most younger generation the threatening point and the arrogant person imposing Their work repeatedly creates the sales miracle in the literature market; Their fact is carried on article after article by each big media the report; Even their life path and the life style also yearns for by the massive middle-school students with the This article after 80 after basic creation characteristics, the network will be the opportunity as well as the market impetus which 80 writes supplies portably affects three aspects to obtain, after analyzes 80 literatures the reason which is all the rage in the literature 或:“The Deserted City”is a legendary novel which was published in the Since it came out, the discussion over“The Deserted City”has never quietened This paper will rule out the possibility of a variety of community media bias, scan it from the scientific point of view, and explain the literary achievements in Jia Pinwa's novel--“The Deserted City”,which both inherits and betrays China's traditional True to form, “The Deserted City”continues the path on which Jia Pinwa tracks the traditional culture, and at the same time, Jia Pinwa has had a new innovation in art, that is to say, he betrays China's traditional culture

LiuJi into the double tragedy and Abstract: abandon yuan Ming is cast LiuJi life important point, this is a choice of life to the fate of the tragic fate, this is personal character tragedy and society under the dual role It is in this double tragedy, LiuJi his attitude and style are fundamental This change reflects the political environment and complex Ming took the subtle Keywords: LiuJi、 The Ming choices、 Character tragedy、Hua yi of the judge、Adherents mentality


晕。。中国式英语Classical Chinese Literature

LiuJi into the double tragedy and Abstract: abandon yuan Ming is cast LiuJi life important point, this is a choice of life to the fate of the tragic fate, this is personal character tragedy and society under the dual role It is in this double tragedy, LiuJi his attitude and style are fundamental This change reflects the political environment and complex Ming took the subtle Keywords: LiuJi、 The Ming choices、 Character tragedy、Hua yi of the judge、Adherents mentality


Abstract: Since at the end of 1990s, have emerged one batch in China's literature market take Han Han, Guo Jingming, Zhang Yueran, the spring tree, Li Sha have been kept waiting after representative's 80 writing, after as soon as they appear had then demonstrated 80 takes the literary arena most younger generation the threatening point and the arrogant person imposing Their work repeatedly creates the sales miracle in the literature market; Their fact is carried on article after article by each big media the report; Even their life path and the life style also yearns for by the massive middle-school students with the This article after 80 after basic creation characteristics, the network will be the opportunity as well as the market impetus which 80 writes supplies portably affects three aspects to obtain, after analyzes 80 literatures the reason which is all the rage in the literature 或:“The Deserted City”is a legendary novel which was published in the Since it came out, the discussion over“The Deserted City”has never quietened This paper will rule out the possibility of a variety of community media bias, scan it from the scientific point of view, and explain the literary achievements in Jia Pinwa's novel--“The Deserted City”,which both inherits and betrays China's traditional True to form, “The Deserted City”continues the path on which Jia Pinwa tracks the traditional culture, and at the same time, Jia Pinwa has had a new innovation in art, that is to say, he betrays China's traditional culture




用笔写啊 采纳我的 我是鞠

象——父子三人既是开基创业的帝王又是文名卓著的文学家,还竟然开创 了一个时代的文学——建安文学。 南唐末代皇帝李煜,诗词达到一个高峰。作为退职的帝王却抹不去帝 王的烙印,但在诗歌中也就没有了忠君爱国的传统和偏狭的政治志向,以 致于上升到人生悲剧的哲理境界。由于帝王大都是出类拔萃的人物,只要 他们认真去创作,其诗文同样的超拔也就是顺理成章的事了。 尽管如此,由于种种原因,帝王文学在中国古代文学史上无意中形成 了一种被人们敬而远之的现象。人们不大愿意也不大敢于玩赏和评议帝王 文学。帝王文学那股唯我独尊、凌驾群伦的雄风和霸气,使得处于弱者地 位的人们在本能上就已经产生排斥拒绝的心理。而封建等级观念重重束缚 的臣民更不敢公开地指点评论,须知“大不敬"的罪名是要受到株连九族 的处罚的。这就是帝王文学之所以没有得到正视的突出原因。 但是,模糊了帝王文学这一有机组成部分的中国文学,不是完善的文 学系统。因而中国人的心理世界的反映也就明显地缺少一个重要组成部 分。仅拿创作观念和主导思想来说,恰恰是帝王文学很少存在那种以孔孟 之道为指导的封建观念。这样,人们常用不同的称呼的“龙凤文学"、“天 子文学"、“政治文学"、“圣哲文学",其实也就是帝王文学,就不能不引 起我们的正视了,进而还应认真地剖析它的本质。 二、畸形的阳刚文学的产生 在中国历史上,所谓帝王这些极其重要的几百个人物,统治了世世代 代的亿万臣民。以他们的名字作为皇朝的代号,本身就是文学研究中的一 个重要的社会因素课题。而他们的文学作品,也成为一种独特的景观,需 要认真对待。可以说,不认识中国帝王文学,便无从把握中国文学,也就 无从深入地探究中国人的内心世界,无从建构新的中国文学和中国人的精 神世界。笔者认为,中国帝王文学是一种畸形的阳刚的文学,其产生是一 种中国社会特有的现象。 帝王文学反映了一种人类个体和群体生命所独有的精神现象。从精神 上进行心理分析,凌驾群伦的帝王文学表现了帝王作为个体对于群体无以 复加的高傲心态,也集中反映了中国人心理深处本能极度膨胀而又与封建 理性高度统一的意识。古代中国政治心理的特点,是一种二律悖反,一方 面是常规的理性即儒家的教化——对于帝王来说只是治理他人的工具,另 一方面是政治中心首脑的权力的无限制发挥和本能的极度发泄。与之相 对,臣民只能有阴柔女性的态度,只能在自虐的俯首贴耳中产生“移情" 式的或者阿Q式的精神满足。帝王则在俯视芸芸众生中得到人生无与伦 比的快感。 刘邦的回归诗句“大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡",宋太祖的 咏月诗句“未出海底千山黑,才到中天万国明",曹操的“日月之行,若 出其中",等等,都形象地说明了这一点。帝王都是要统一天下的,正所 谓“天下一家",而且都憧憬着“系之万世"。“率土之滨,莫非王臣",任 何他们所知道的大地上的生物都要受到帝王的统治和宰割。在人类历史 上,他们居然也能长达数百年地做到这一点。这样少见的古代文学所反映 的心理现象,难道不应当进行认真的分析吗!须知,由中国特有历史性条 件所决定的这种心理所影响的群体心态,今天仍然在中国人的意识中根深 蒂固。 中国帝王文学有着一致公认的理论基础即孔孟之道。如果寻找中国帝 王文学在理论层面的东西的话,那么只能说孔孟之道是其集中的发展形 态。而反映帝王心态深处最本真的法家的帝王之道,在帝王的口头上也在 文学的主张中一般是不会被明白道出的。尽管孔孟之道实际上只是帝王教 育之道和辅弼帝王之道,但它确实是一种居高临下的封建观念系统,如“内 圣外王"等。封建帝王是很乐于表白自己符合这一儒家教条的。其实,真 实的帝王之道是“道儒法并举"、“霸王道杂之"。道儒法的理论深处都存 在着高人一等的统治、制约、教导民众的圣王心态,都属于统治阶级的意 识形态。 中国封建社会特定的经济、政治、地理等条件产生了帝王文学。封建 社会的生产方式是自耕自足的小农自然经济,但因此也就需要一个中央集 权专制的皇帝来保障统一,消除战争。于是,帝王应运而出,他们的志向 都是统一天下,传世无穷。他们的文学主要表达这种志向。在帝王之下, 一切人都成为被统治的和被宰割的,包括文学家。这些文学家,都只能在 作品中表达自己的臣服忠诚心理,或者只能在这种心理的前提下抒情言 志。尤其是男性的文学家大都是如此。倒是个别的女作家,由于没有了政 治发展的可能而注重人生的欲望和情性,反倒写出更多真实情性的日常生 活题材的作品。 无论如何,应当承认中国古代帝王文学有充足的理由作为一种独特的 文学类群受到重视。 三、帝王文学的特征 中国古代帝王文学有着显著的区别于其他中国古代文学的特质。当 然,有的特点和一般文学的特点有相同之处,如政治性,但即使是政治性 在帝王文学中也是更为突出的。 (一)政治化极强的文学内容。 这一点,与一般中国文学是相同的,只是帝王文学所反映的政治内容 处于最高层次,无人敢于摹仿效法。帝王文学是社会政治需要即中央集权 专制的政治愿望和统治内容的表达。“普天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨, 莫非王臣。"早在黄帝时代就有了天下一家的政治主张。“大风起兮云飞 扬,威加海内兮归故乡。"刘邦的诗歌,是当时任何人也不敢唱出来的。 这种帝王政治,正如王夫之所说“天假其私以行其大公"。越是独裁专制, 求采纳


我们一天天长大,也懂得了许许多多的道理。可就在那一天我终于明白了什么才是真正的坚强。    我坐在教室里,望着窗外纳西淅沥沥的雨滴,心情糟糕透了。放学后,我独自撑着伞走在回家的路上,因为工地施工,我只得小心翼翼地从堆满石子的路上走过。    突然,从后面传来了“扑通”一声,我循声望去,呀,是个小妹妹摔倒了!我毫不犹豫地快步走到她面前,伸手正要扶起她时,一个稚嫩的声音打破了下雨时的宁静:“姐姐,谢谢你,但是我要自己来!”我的心震撼了:一个这么小的女孩,居然能这么坚强!一般的孩子,都依赖着父母,是家里的小王子、小公主;就连我们有时都没有这么坚强。她竟然……我打心眼里佩服她,于是,我决定在旁边看着。    她双手撑在地上,屏住呼吸,用尽全力爬起来,可是每到她快要站起来的时刻,脚下一滑,有重重的摔倒在地,脸上、手上、衣服上……都沾满了淤泥。    我注意到了她的异常,便担心地问:“小妹妹你的脚是不是扭到了?需不需要我扶你起来?”    “大姐姐,我没关系的,我可以自己来!”    “可是……”我的话刚到嘴边又咽了回去,因为我知道,小妹妹是令人佩服的,应该锻炼她的意志!    小妹妹再一次试着爬起来,她坚信“世上无难事,只怕有心人”。终于,在一次次地摔倒,一次次的疼痛中,她爬了起来,她胜利了!这一次,我看清了她的面容:在她那面如桃色的瓜子脸上,两只黑亮的眼睛荡漾着微波,高高的鼻梁下面,嵌着一张樱桃小嘴。就是这样一个楚楚动人的小女孩让我们明白了坚强的含义。    小女孩走了,我望着她那瘦弱的背影,再一次想到了她说的那句话:“姐姐,我自己来!”就是这样一句简洁的话,让我蓦然间明白了:不论遇到什么困难,都要向小女孩一样,有打不垮的信念。只有学会坚强、勇敢,希望女神才会来关注你!这个雨天,我的心情不再糟糕,因为小女孩的话照亮了我心中最黑暗的角落。

I think ,the responsbility comes with life,all of us have our own goals,we could not be satisfied with our comfortable life and we should struggle on our own we should try to realize our own However,in the development of the socialist market economy condition,some people often put material wealth of life as the only standard to measure the value of life So,whether to be a rich man is equivalent to have realized the value of life

Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the It has a population of over twelve hundred Beijing is its We Chinese people are brave and We have a glorious revolutionary We drove out all the In 1949 the People's Republic of China was Since then great changes have taken place in our Now our country is getting stronger and We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland” In our country children are taken very good care Special laws have been issuedto protect Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright
