

发布时间:2024-07-11 19:39:29


植物plant 树叶leaf


I plan to write an article about plants


There is a plant that is used for almost every It is used in construction, used for making yarn and fabric, jewelry, tools and other implements, pulp for paper, medicine, used as food and even use to make musical Not only this, it is the fastest growing woody plant on E Yes, it is There is rather a kind of grass called B It has been clocked surging skyward as fast as 121 cm (6 inches) in a 24-hour period and can also reach maximal growth rate exceeding one meter (39 inches) per hour for short periods of Many prehistoric bamboos exceeded heights of 250 Bamboos play an important role in local economies throughout the world and are of major national and international commercial importance in the Asia-Pacific It is estimated that 5 billion people depend on or use bamboo materials valued at US$ 7 billion per There are more than 70 genera divided into about 1,000 They are found in diverse climates, from cold mountains to hot tropical They occur across East Asia, from 50°N latitude in Sakhalin through to Northern Australia, and west to India and the H They also occur in sub-Saharan Africa, and in the Americas from the Southeastern United States south to Argentina and Chile, reaching their southernmost point anywhere, at 47°S

为你奉上,请参考!  Trees help to stop the When there are no trees, the wind blows more strongly over the Strong winds can hurt the they can aslo blew away the Heavy rain can aiso carry away the Trees help stop When there are no trees, the heavy rain carries a lot of soil into the When this happens,the rivers become full ,the land becomes poorer and it becomes harder to grow things  汉语翻译结果:  是树可以停止风。当没有树的时候,风会吹的更加猛烈。猛烈的风可以伤害植物,也可以吹走泥土。暴雨也可以带走泥土。树可以帮助阻止。当没有树的时候,暴雨会带走很多的泥土到河里面。当发生这种情况,河理会充满泥土,土地会变贫瘠,种东西变的越来越困难。


Plants Plants are very important living Life could not go on if there were no This is because plants can make food from air, water and Animals and man cannot do Animals get their food by eating plants and other Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, Therefore, animals and man need plants in order to If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of Some plants are large while others are Most plants are There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering Flowering plants have roots, stems①, leaves, flowers and Almost all the trees around us are flowering You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees, mosses, liver-worts, algae and You cannot see many nonflowering plants around Most plants do not grow from They grow from Spores are very, very Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the We may say that spores are quite similar to When these spores fall on wet and shady② places, they usually grow into new   望采纳!

为你奉上,请参考!  Trees help to stop the When there are no trees, the wind blows more strongly over the Strong winds can hurt the they can aslo blew away the Heavy rain can aiso carry away the Trees help stop When there are no trees, the heavy rain carries a lot of soil into the When this happens,the rivers become full ,the land becomes poorer and it becomes harder to grow things  汉语翻译结果:  是树可以停止风。当没有树的时候,风会吹的更加猛烈。猛烈的风可以伤害植物,也可以吹走泥土。暴雨也可以带走泥土。树可以帮助阻止。当没有树的时候,暴雨会带走很多的泥土到河里面。当发生这种情况,河理会充满泥土,土地会变贫瘠,种东西变的越来越困难。

The introduction of our school This is something about the vivarium in my It is in the south-west of my president's The area of arboretum is about 1000 square And the school is The vivarium is used for fun and It established 20 years And rebuilding in I'm looking forward to play in it more [校长西南角。面积一千平方米。美化校园。研究植物场所。休闲之地。二十年的历史。2008年重健 ] 植物 【内容提示】 根据下面内容要点写一篇有关植物分类的文章: ①植物是非常重要的生物;没有植物,生命就无法维持。动物和人的食物来源于植物和其他动物。 ②植物可以利用空气、水和阳光制造养料,而人和动物则不能。 ③植物的种类繁多,但主要可分为两大类,即开花植物(flowering plants)和不开花植物(nonflowering plants)。 ④开花植物有根、茎、叶、花和果。我们周围所有的树木大都是开花植物。 ⑤不开花植物在我们周围见不到多少,它们是些针叶树、苔藓、欧龙牙草之类。 ⑥多数植物不是由种子而是由孢子长出来的。孢子和种子非常相似,落到潮湿背阴处就长成新的植物。 以下词语供参考: 1.coniferous a.针叶树的 2.moss n.苔藓;地衣3.liver-wort n.欧龙牙草 4.algae n.水藻;海藻 5.fungi n.真菌 6.spore n.孢子 【作文示范】 Plants Plants are very important living Life could not go on if there were no This is because plants can make food from air, water and Animals and man cannot do Animals get their food by eating plants and other Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, Therefore, animals and man need plants in order to If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of Some plants are large while others are Most plants are There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering Flowering plants have roots, stems①, leaves, flowers and Almost all the trees around us are flowering You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees, mosses, liver-worts, algae and You cannot see many nonflowering plants around Most plants do not grow from They grow from Spores are very, very Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the We may say that spores are quite similar to When these spores fall on wet and shady② places, they usually grow into new 【词语解释】 ①stem [stem] n. 茎;(树)干;(叶)梗 ②shady[’sheidi] a.背阴的;阴凉的 During millions of years of evolution2, ants have developed intriguing3 relationships with many different kinds of Most of these associations4 are loose ones -- the ants find dwelling5 places on the plants,while bringing neither harm nor benefit to Often the ants live in hollow dead stems or small pockets of soil that accumulate6 on Thus ants inhabit trees over our heads and herbs at our feet,carving out living chambers7 and foraging8 for As many as 72 different species of ants have been found living on one tree in Peru's Amazon Basin 注释: 1.profitable adj.有益的,有用的 2.evolution n.[生]进化,进化论 3.intriguing adj.引起好奇心(或兴趣的),有迷惑力的 4.association n.友谊,伙伴关系 5.dwelling n.住处,住宅,寓所 6.accumulatevt.堆积,积聚 7.chambern.室,寝室 8.forage vi.搜寻 经过几百万年的进化,蚂蚁与多种不同植物形成了十分有趣的关系。其中大多数关系并不紧密:蚂蚁在植物上寻找居所,而并不给植物带来利和害。蚂蚁经常栖于中空的植物枯茎或枝干上堆积的小土坑中。因此,我们头顶的树木和脚下的草丛中都住着蚂蚁,它们在那儿建造居室或搜寻食物。仅在秘鲁的亚马逊流域,一棵树上住的蚁类就达72种之多。 Dear Editor; We often say such a word: Life comes from And as is known to all, we mostly live on the sea, which ,for human, is a most important resourse of both food and However, it is obvious that every year various sea living things are getting less and less in large Some species have died out and some are coming to What causes this? The overusage of the resourses and the pollution of the waters should account for that, I If we don't yet do anything to deal with these, we'll be sure to lose at least half of our So I expect the whole world would pay more attention to the problem of sea 现象:海洋动植物的数量正在减少,有些物种甚至灭绝了 原因:过度利用 水质污染 结论:海洋环境问题亟需关注



Plants are a very important part of the ecosystem, widely distributed in land, rivers, lakes and They use photosynthesis to absorb nitrogen dioxide and release oxygen; produce organic matter, which is an important part of the food chain; transpiration of plants is a part of the earth's water cycle; at the same time, they also have the functions of preventing wind and fixing sand, reducing surface runoff, reducing noise and retaining Therefore, plants play a key role in the ecosystem, material circulation and energy flow of biosphere

Go with Green First, let`s talk about the importance of green Green plants, through the photosynthesis turn solar energy into bio-energy。 And environment to constitute the organic matter of the The green plant is the foundation of energy transformation and material circulation of the earth biosphere and it is the direct source of materials and energy needed in the existence and development of human beings and other living Therefore, to maintain the each ecosystem, improve the living environment of human beings and guarantee the continuous development of the We should conserve the natural green plants and make them The reduction of the green plant deteriorates the environment, causes mere drought, storms, and serious soil erosion and make the greenhouse effect a mere serious 自己找自己能用的吧。



这么短。。。 自己翻译就行。。。


