

发布时间:2024-07-06 21:10:21


Divorce, another injury to a childIn recent years, China's divorce rate was gradually rising trend, accounting for about marriage a few of 10%. Children of divorced parents on psychosomatic health can not be ignored negative impact. A related study shows that: 54% of divorced families of the children in emotional and emotional problems, manifested as depression little Huan, easily angered, and the tense relations between the same age children, and even heap, psychological and behavioral deviations. How to help children adapt to life after the divorce of their parents, will not affect the healthy development of their personality, psychologists recommended: Grasping her own feelings: divorce, the vast majority of couples are not a happy thing. Abandoning the child as "punching bag" and venting their emotions, divorce is not the child's fault. We should continue to give their children a warm and caring can help children grow up. To live together with their children: some divorced couples to take their children to the custody of their elders or other relatives, their only map where he considers safe. This will have the children feel abandoned by their parents, have inferiority and resentment, pessimistic turn hostile society. His father or mother after the divorce party should assume the obligation to bring up children, create a harmonious family home atmosphere. Not that spouses坏话: Most of the children after their parents divorce, hope that they can reunion between, and is willing to maintain good relations with them. However, if the dependent child's party vandalism parent-child relationship, often in front of the children said that the former spouse坏话, not conducive to the cultivation of mental health, this will affect their future happiness of love and marriage. Communicate with your child: before and after the couple divorced in, we should talk more communication with their children, why should tell his parents divorce, the marriage to have a correct understanding of the objective, and not simply as which side is wrong. If the lack of communication, some children of divorced parents will be attributed to them, there can not悦纳themselves, the loss of self-confidence, and other psychological crisis, vulnerable emerging extreme acts. Do not deprive parents love: not by blood between husband and wife, although the divorce, but parents and children of the parent-child relationship will never change. Some people, after divorce, child custody prohibit their former spouses and relatives between the exchanges, forcing kids do not recognize this gate relatives, to express their grievances, all of which are undesirable. After the divorce both parents should not be lightly denied the integrity of the children's love, perfect for the child's personality can be more caring. The child is innocent, the divorced parents should love to give them a little care, do not let children have been hurt by divorce. Even when one of remarriage, should also regularly visit the children, sharing family happiness.有两处中文自己解决下吧。

A Dream's Worth, Lesson on Psychology of DreamsA picture is worth a thousand words. You've heard it so many times that it sounds trite. But a picture really IS worth a thousand words. And if a dream is a very special kind of picture, how much is IT worth? Maybe more? What about very simple pictures and very simple dreams? No doubt they're worth a little bit less than complex, elaborate ones. Or are they? In my psychotherapy course one day, I presented my undergraduate students with these questions. "Here's a very simple dream from a psychotherapy client I worked with years ago. I won't tell you anything about the client. I'll just tell you his dream, and then lets see what we can discover about him by exploring it...... Here's the dream:" "I was wearing a white shirt and a purple tie." The students just stare at me, expecting more to come. "No," I explain, "that's it. That's the dream. Now let's start to explore it." I then lead them through a group process of free associating to the dream (much like I describe on the Working and Playing with Dreams Page). "Just let your imagination go. Take every element of the dream and just let your mind wander on it. Whatever comes to mind. Don't censor anything, that's important. There is no right or wrong. It can be a fun, playful exercise - although the results sometimes may be serious and powerful. Freud thought that free association bypasses the defenses of rational, logical thinking and unlocks deeper links within the unconscious. It opens one up to fantasy, symbolism, and emotion - the very place from which dreams spring." Here is a list of some of the associations the students come up with. For the purpose of this article I've organized them somewhat, whereas during the actual exercise the ideas surface in a much more freewheeling stream of consciousness: PURPLE .... royalty, bruises, choking, holding one's breath, grief, a combination of blue and pink, goes well with black, The Color of Purple TIE .... formal attire, going to work, phallic symbol, tied up, being tied to something, chokes the neck, confining PURPLE TIE .... unconventional, stands out, rebellious, showing off WHITE .... clean, pure, unstained, "good," light SHIRT .... the top part, covered up, tucked in, stuffed shirt, where are the pants? WHITE SHIRT.... conventional, boring, going to work, going to church, corporate America WHITE SHIRT AND PURPLE TIE.... unusual combination, contradictory combination, very unconventional, tie really stands out DEPLETION?.... there's nobody else in the dream, it's so static, there's nothing happening, where are the feelings? After we finish this free associating, I then describe the client to the class. At the time Dan had the dream, he was 23 years old. I would describe him as a quiet, held-back person who was very confined (the tie) in how he talked, behaved, and felt towards others. Put bluntly, people found him rather boring to be with (white shirt). His emotional and interpersonal life were choked (the tie). He had almost no friends and felt little connection to his family (the tie again). Other than going to his tedious job (white shirt) as a low level technician for a computer company, essentially nothing was happening in his static, uneventful life (depletion). Dan was also very limited in understanding anything but the most surface, top-level (shirt) characteristics of his personality. Although outwardly conventional in how he dressed and acted at his job (white shirt), secretly he felt rebellious against authority (purple tie on white shirt) and generally superior (purple) to most people. He liked to think of himself as a political activist who firmly believed in the rights of abused (purple) people and felt more tied to them than anyone else. Comparing outside to inside, he was a bit of a contradiction (white shirt on purple tie). But none of these issues is what consciously drove him to therapy. What he most desperately needed to discuss and resolve was the fact that he was homosexual (purple tie). Yet he didn't know whether he wanted to come out of the closet or not (the tie). Part of him wanted to let everyone know, to even show off and parade the fact that he was gay (purple tie on white shirt), to escape the feeling that his identity was being restrained and choked (more tie). His rebellious, unconventional side liked that idea. He sometimes did indeed bravely experiment with revealing his gay identity by wearing a purple triangle, which to him symbolized being homosexual (a combination of pink and blue). But another side of him (purple tie versus white shirt) was afraid to come out. He sometimes felt dirty, tainted, sick, for being gay. That part of him wanted to be somehow cleansed and redeemed (white shirt). Part of the problem was that sex in general was a very unpleasant issue for him. When he was young he had had surgery on his genitals. He still felt insecure and "bruised" (purple) down there. He was so conflicted about sex that I sometimes wondered if he had been sexually abused as a child (purple tie?, suffocating tie?). A dream, even a simple one, is worth at least a thousand words. Freud thought that there was no limit to how much you could analyze a dream. You can always go further and further into the symbols, the links of associations, the memories that generate a dream. At some deep unconscious level, any dream fans out into the infinite horizon of emotion and thought that constitute the individual psyche... that even transcends the individual psyche and constitutes us all. 920字左右,觉得不够你还可以再在开头或者结尾加一小段。本片小论文短小精悍,包括了理论与案例分析。觉得还能用的话希望能尽快加分:)

Education and educational psychology is the study of the educational process, educators and the educated and the phenomenon of mental activity and change of generation branch of psychology. It is a range of education, science and interdisciplinary between Psychological Science. It is mainly teachers and students context of teaching and learning interaction between the psychological process of teaching and learning in the process of psychological Psychology in the late nineteenth century became an independent discipline, but in the history of many educators have been able to practice in education based on the psychological state of the targeted teaching. For example, the ancient Chinese educator Confucius asked: "Do not anger does not start, do not but can not speak does not send" heuristic teaching method. Socrates also made in ancient Greece: "I am not giving knowledge. But knowledge generated by their own midwife" This Educational Psychology. The production of educational psychology, is the combination of psychology and education, and gradually form an independent branch of the historical in the nineteenth century German psychologist Herbart clearly on the first teaching and learning of psychology as a theoretical basis. He will be a combination of psychology and education, educational psychology attempt to have played a larger role in promoting. His book "General Education" and other books on education set up to explore the role of generation of experimental psychology as an independent discipline of educational psychology is another important condition, which led to the emergence of experimental education, experimental pedagogy is a pioneer in educational psychology, experimental psychology and pedagogy is a product of integration. Psychological Testing and the birth of educational psychology provides a theoretical and method in psychology, the process of formation and development of law played an important catalytic role. How to adapt to individual differences and individualized, is the common task of pedagogy and psychology, intelligence tests and educational tests is to understand the mental state of students and the teaching effect 1903, an American psychologist Thorndike wrote, "Educational Psychology", which later expanded to three volumes of "Educational Psychology", published in 1913 -1914, which established the educational psychology as a the status of independent subjects, marking the official birth of educational psychology. In this book, including human nature, learning psychology, individual differences and the reasons of three parts. His study of three law (law of effect, reserve ratio, practice law) and individual differences theory, after 20 years of educational psychology as an important research the development of education, social development, to meet the needs of educational development, educational psychology, the task of increasing study also expanded the scope and depth. Europe and the United States is to study the general characteristics of child development, special children's mental activity, learning psychology, learning methods, learning counseling and mental health, mental structure and mode of learning, education and psychological measurement and evaluation of teachers in psychology. The development of modern science, especially in modern biology, anthropology, sociology, medicine and the development of psychiatry have an impact on educational psychology, prompting it constantly updated to meet the requirements of social development. United States, "Annual Review of Psychology" comprehensive agreement on all aspects of comparison that the educational psychology research tasks and targets should include eight items: education evaluation and measurement; the characteristics of child development; special children and their education; about learning psychology educational methods; special subjects of study; study counseling and mental health; teachers, staff and teachers to promote learning behavior; educational psychology psychology research methodology is observation, investigation and interview, natural experiment, laboratory experiment and so the basic observation is the educational psychology research methods, experimental method is more practical research , the world As regard the important role of education, more emphasis on education of their children grow. And a higher education requirement, due to fast development of society, from which reflected individual differences and diversity has become increasingly evident, with many new things and subjects, and this also suggests a greater education challenges. So I think for the study of educational psychology has a very broad prospects and challenges, so I am very willing to join the educational psychology of learning and study, want to learn, they can on this subject a deeper understanding, and can the knowledge applied to work in the future to serve the community which


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[2] 许明. 口译认知过程中“deverbalization”的认知诠释[J]. 中国翻译. 2010(03)

[3] 李忠陈. 中英互译交替传译笔记难易分析及结构符号设计教学解决方法初探[D]. 上海外国语大学 2009

[4] 刁洪. 交替传译中停顿现象的减少策略[D]. 四川外语学院 2011

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[8] 孙晓芳. 《自传:那些只向朋友讲述的事》(2-4章)翻译报告[D]. 河南大学 2014

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[10] 李素奎. 《驯马记》(第一章、第二章节选)翻译报告[D]. 河南大学 2014

[11] 武微. 交替传译的特点与策略对译者要求探析[D]. 辽宁师范大学 2013

[12] 潘梦云. 房地产董事长年会致辞交替传译实践报告[D]. 河北师范大学 2013

[13] 熊玮. 交替传译的认知研究及其对口译训练的启示[D]. 武汉理工大学 2004

[14] 赵军峰. 论口译的翻译单位[J]. 中国科技翻译. 2005(02)

[15] 仲伟合. 口译训练:模式、内容、方法[J]. 中国翻译. 2001(02)

[16] 北京市翻译工作者协会编,吕国军主编.口译与口译教学研究[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2005

[17] 李越然. 充分发挥口译的社会功能[J]. 中国翻译. 1987(02)

[18] Gile, the Deverbalization Approach in the Interpreting and Translation Classroom. Forum . 2003

[19] Gentile A,Ozolins U,Vasilakakos Interpreting: A Handbook. Journal of Women s Health . 1996

[20] Larson, Translation. . 1984

[21] Gentile, Interpreting or Not. The Critical Link:Interpreters in the Community . 1995

翻译是跨学科的,注定要采取多学科的视角研究翻译现象和翻译问题。一、选题范围 1、翻译与文化:可以从宏观和微观两个方面考虑。宏观方面,一般从翻译在目的语社会文化中的生产、接受、翻译在目的语社会文化中所起的功能等角度讨论,可以从社会、文化、历史、交际的...1、选题意义和背景。随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国企业的对外联系也日益增多。中国企业要想打入国际市场,提高在国际市场上的知名度,企业网站或宣传册上的企业简介扮演着十分重要的地位。通过阅读企业宣传资料,读者可以看出企业外宣材料既有关于企业的基本信息介绍,也有企业所做的文字上、句法上、结构上的这染来达到推广企业、大市场的目的。汉语企业外宣材料的翻译在英译过程中会涉及到与目的语不同的语言习惯、行文方式以及文化因素、社会政治因素、心理因素和审美因素等,这就需要译者对原文本做出适当调整,从内容和形式上对语篇进行重构,以此实现对交际意图的顺应。根据赖斯的文本类型说,本文有三种类型,分别是“信息型”、“表达型”和“诱导型”.笔者认为,企业外宣翻译属于“信息型”和“诱导型”文本兼而有之,而且更侧重于“诱导型”.因此,外宣翻译要更加注重文本的交际功能,要更多的考虑如何使译文所传递的信息更便于目的语读者理解和接受,并让读者产生共鸣,继而付诸行动,实现译文预期的功能。比利时语用学家维索尔伦(Verschuem)提出了顺应论,将语言的使用过程看做语言为顺应不同的交际目的和交际对象进行动态选择的过程。因而可以从顺应论的视角研究语言使用。翻译作为一种特殊的交际方式,也可以从顺应论的视角对其进行研究。优秀的企业宣传材料不仅会提高企业的知名度,还会为企业带来不可估量的经济效益,因此任何一个想打入国际市场的企业务必在其外宣材料的翻译上做足功夫。由于中西方文化背景、历史渊源、生活环境的不同,译者在翻译企业外宣材料时为了获取目的语读者的认可并激发他们付诸行动,就要顺应目的语读者的阅读习惯、审美习惯以及心理因素、文化因素等对原文做出形式上和内容上的调整,而这一顺应的过程也是语篇重构的过程。本文突破性的将顺应论与语篇重构结合起来,并结合西麦克展览公司宣传材料和海天调味食品股份有限公司宣传材料及其翻译,试图从顺应论的视角分析企业外宣翻译中的语篇重构现象。2、论文综述/研究基础。1987年维索尔伦(Verschueren)提出顺应论之后,在语用学界引起了很大反响,不久国内学者就将其引进到中国来。国内学者不仅从理论层面对顺应论进行研究和探索,而且将顺应论应用到翻译理论和实践、外语教学、二语习得、文化传播等领域。在这些领域中,成果最大的当属顺应论对翻译理论和其应用的研究。我国真正将顺应论引入翻译研究开始于21世纪初希望能帮到你




The progress of economic globalization has greatly hit the social life.

Advertising has become an important way of modern marketing and has attractedmerchants and the company. As people's consciousness worldwide enhances, manyproducts and services of advertising will be translated into other languages forpromotion to explore overseas markets. Advertising, as an effective way ofdisseminating brand information, has penetrated into many aspects of social life, andit plays a bridge role in connection and communication. Since China's accession tothe WTO, its connection with the world gets even closer. More and moreinternational enterprises and product brands come into China's huge market.

Translation of products and services for overseas consumers is not only the functionof promoting consumption, but also the effect of external publicity. In the globalmarket, advertising translation not only brings an opportunity for advertising, butalso has brings the huge challenge. Therefore, mastery of both Chinese and Englishadvertising translation is particularly important.

Skopos theory is the foundation and the core theory of functionalism. Skopostheory holds that the process of the whole translation behavior is determined to thepurpose of translation action, that is, the end justifies the means. The purpose of thetranslation behavior is the core element which determines the translation process.

Advertising translation has a strong purpose. What is more important toadvertising translation is whether translation can convey the purpose of source textand achieve the anticipated target of the source text, so as to attract the attention offoreign customers to induce their consumption desire, eventually to incur purchasebehavior.


1 Advertising Translation Studies in the West.

Advertising translation was mentioned in translation studies for the first time inHurbin's (1972) article “Peut-on traduire la langue de la publicé” (Can OneTranslate the Language of Advertising?)。 At that time, linguistics was the dominanthumanistic discipline, meanwhile, linguistics made translating a code-switchingoperation. Equivalence-based linguistic approaches mainly focus on the source text.

Hurhin argued that for one source text, there are several translations, and thetranslators chose which translation is the most appropriate one. Hurbin also pointedthat if glossaries of advertising language is compiled, this was made easier. So thetranslators will be easy to find the most appropriate equivalent expressions betweenthe source and the target text.

In Candace Seguinot's (1995) article “Translation and Advertising: GoingGlobal in Cultural Functions of Translation”. The main opinion of which is thatacross cultural boundaries, there is an understanding of culture and semioticsappearing in the marketing of goods and services. It goes well beyond both languageand design.

Another representative article “Advertising: a five-stage strategy for translationin Translation” as Intercultural Communication which is edited by C. Nord et al. Thearticle is published by Smith & Klein-Braley (1997)。 In this article, they conduct acontrastive analysis of English and German advertising. Then they developedtaxonomy of strategies for the analysis of advertising translation.

Up to now, the book which maybe the only one published exclusively onadvertisement translation is Translation Practices in International Advertisingwritten by Mathieu Guidere (2001)。 This book mainly talks about various aspects ofadvertising translation in international market and mainly concerns the globaladvertising of multinational companies, because they need to translate their productsinformation into other languages. The author analyzes some examples in advertisingtranslation and he shows readers some essential problems in current translation ideas.

This book introduced the strategies of translation which are implemented by the multinational firms to break into new markets.

2 Advertising Translation Studies in China.

Domestic advertising translation studies officially started in 1990s. In terms ofresearch contents, the initial studies mainly focused on the discussion about specificadvertising translation of idioms and the existing problems in Chinese-Englishadvertising translation. That was the primary stage. Years later, advertisingtranslation principle and criteria became the research themes. People hold the viewthat, advertising translation should give attention to in many aspects, such as text,language beauty, consumer psychology. Researchers illustrated their respectivepoints of view from different angles. Since the late 90s, although the discussion oftranslation principle and criteria were still mentioned, the researchers' attention weregradually focused on translation of difficult parts in advertising, such as therhetorical devices, emotional transmission, brand image and trademark reproduction ,etc. In terms of research methods, domestic advertising translation study mainly usesthe inductive method and the case study. Nevertheless, in recent years, researchersbegin to use the theory achievements of pragmatics and other related disciplines toanalyze different kinds of problems in advertising translation, and then put forwardsome translation strategies.

As early as xx, Li Fan proposed the development of the advertising languageposed a severe challenge to advertising translation. The artful advertisings require thetranslator to break hard the tradition of the original, boldly innovate, and improve thequality of translation. There are three reasons for flexible advertising translation: 1)the purpose of advertising is to induce consumer to purchase products. Text is justmeans, so translations do not have to stick to the text equivalent; 2) the feature ofadvertising language is vivid, which is the essence of advertising language. If thetranslation is not bold to change, there will be no magic translation; 3) formulaicexpressions are common use in advertising, if not alternative, it may be translatedinto foreign stereotyped writing (黎凡 xx:29-31)。 At the same time, researchersthought in terms of some specific advertisements, flexible translation seems to be theonly way, especially in the four kinds of advertising: 1) advertising used of witty and polished words; 2) advertising used of brand name; 3) advertising used of puns; 4)advertising with strong national culture color.

In order to achieve concise expression, attract more readers' attention, facilitatereaders recognize and remember, advertising writing should follow the KISSprinciple, namely, “keep it short and sweet” (郭可 1992:57-64)。 A great number ofstudies on advertising translation are associated with concise problem. Ding Shude isdedicated to his studies. He holds that: 1) Chinese advertising often uses modifiers toemphasis, product characteristics, while English advertising is simple words, mainlywith oral type. a lot of subject-predicative phrases in Chinese can be directlytranslated into adjectives English , such as 速度快、效率高、行动灵活 can betranslated into “fast, efficient and handy”; 2) There are a large number of the fourwords in Chinese advertising structure, which bring parallelism and overlapping tostrengthen language, but there is no such characteristic in English. InChinese-English translation should hold the center, around the center word leads toall aspects; 3) there are often loose sentences, which express a large amount ofinformation in Chinese advertising. Translation should be concise and compact,strengthen the logic; 4) Chinese advertising commonly uses formulaic expressions.

Translation should be fascinating, considering the overall rhetorical, but not stackrhetoric. Good English advertising language is not many words, but it is impressive(丁树德 xx: 42-43)。 Cao Shunfa also takes a large number of examples of bothEnglish-Chinese translation two aspects show that based on the principle of simple,the translation of advertising language should strive to use the most simple languageto express the most complex meaning, to make it easy to be remembered (曹顺发xx: 43-45)。

Equivalence theory is based on Nida's equivalence translation theory. On thisbasis, some researchers point out that commercial advertising translation is mainlyon the equivalence of semantic, social and cultural, and stylistic aspect. 1) Thesemantic equivalence. This is the most basic and important equivalence. From wordto chapter, in order to achieve the semantic equivalence, the first thing to thetranslator is that he must determine the meaning of the translation unit in context.
