

发布时间:2024-07-07 15:33:25


南怀瑾的《周易杂谈》,现代最权威著作。另外还有01、《周易g注》,上海古籍出版社,排印,书脊用线重装订,30元 02、《易集注》,上海辏坝濂堂刻本,30元 03、《周易集解》,中辏坝」锰K喜墨S遇蜱局,30元 04、《周易集解纂疏》,中A郑庞。迦耸]疏,50元 05、《周易述》,天津市古籍辏坝W海堂解本,30元 06、《周易康成注》,影印四部部5元 07、《河洛精N》,W苑出版社,排印,25元 08、《河洛精N》,_澄淞瓿霭嫔纾坝∏】瘫荆50元 09、《古本周易⑼跫罚虾9偶霭嫔纾坝。30元 10、《大易f》,上海古籍出版社(四易W部15元 11、《伊川易/易翼鳌罚虾9偶霭嫔纾ㄋ易W部15元 12、《周易要x》,清・宋R纾庞。25元 13、《周易象理C》,天津市古籍辏坝∶U印本,25元 14、《周易Wf》,R振彪z著,花城出版社,排印,40元 15、《易W俊罚R纾庞。35元 16、《易W群阶h》,北京大W出版社,排印,30元 17、《x易提要》,潘雨廷z著,上海古籍出版社,40元 18、《文Yw四全目》(部),上海古籍出版社,50元 19、《周易占筮c破解》,中州古籍出版社,排印,5元 20、《杭氏W易P七N》,九州出版社,排印,30元 21、《周易AyW》,邵トA,百花文出版社,排印,书脊用线重装订,5元 22、《周易AyW指南》,廖墨香,中AS出版社,排印,书脊用线重装订,10元 23、《中g蹈庞^・卜筮卷》,中霭嫔纾庞。15元 24、《_透解》,中州古籍出版社,排印,10元 25、《纳甲筮法》,齐鲁书社,15元 26、《筮学指要》,中州古籍出版社,15元 27、《周易正义》,中国书店,50元 28、《五行大义》,武陵出版社,20元 以上仅供参考,不过我强烈推荐南怀瑾!!

The Book of Changes 《周易》,《易经》。《易经》,被称为“诸经之首,大道之源”,其内容包罗万象,涉及哲学,政治,文化,艺术,天文,地理,占卜,风水,解梦等等,可谓无所不能。《周易》博大精深,浩瀚无边,就算穷极一生,终究无人能掌握透彻。究其原因,就是《易经》的精髓在于一个字: 变。穷则思,思则通,通则变,变则久。万物皆流,无物常驻。物是人非,物变我思。八卦演变,六十四卦小成,三百六十五周转一年,变化周天,如环无端,无前无后,无始无终。风起云涌,变化无穷。本象乱象,难辨雌雄。真相假相,众说纷纭。易者,变也。变亦变,不变亦变。不变有界,变化无穷。以变应变,以不变应万变,万变不离其宗。《周易》者,大道之源,万变之宗。翻译《易经》,怎么能离开changes ?!


有是有 但我还想说几句我一直推崇中国古典文学以文言文形式展现给世人文言文真的很有韵味 英语单词固然简便 可它永远无法诠释汉字之美


[Abstract]: With the increase in trade volumes of China's merchandise exports and the rise in world exports standings, Chinese-made products in the international market, to suffer more and more anti-dumping investigations, the Chinese products are more and more anti-dumping resistance. Articles After the introduction of the concept of dumping and price competition, based on a detailed analysis of the dumping and importing countries of China's economic development hazards. And from China's export enterprises in foreign trade cause their own problems starting to explore a number of companies over a competitive market in order to maintain or expand its market share taken by low-priced dumping on the negative impact on the development of China's foreign trade. To further address the above reasons, adjust and optimize the export mix from the efforts to reverse the "non-market economy" status, to maintain order and protect the legitimate export trade, changes in marketing concepts and models, and take diverse routes and strengthen the market industry associations and government in merchandise exports The most used methods such as put forward in governance.

Macroeconomics is a sub-field of economics that examines the behavior of the economy as a whole, once all of the individual economic decisions of companies and industries have been summed. Economy-wide phenomena considered by macroeconomics include Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and how it is affected by changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, and price levels. In contrast, microeconomics is the study of the economic behaviour and decision-making of individual consumers, firms, and industries. Macroeconomics can be used to analyze how to influence government policy goals such as economic growth, price stability, full employment and the attainment of a sustainable balance of payments. Macroeconomics is sometimes used to refer to a general approach to economic reasoning, which includes long term strategies and rational expectations in aggregate behavior. Until the 1930s most economic analysis did not separate out individual economics behavior from aggregate behavior. With the Great Depression of the 1930s, suffered throughout the developed world at the time, and the development of the concept of national income and product statistics, the field of macroeconomics began to expand. Particularly influential were the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, who formulated theories to try to explain the Great Depression. Before that time, comprehensive national accounts, as we know them today, did not exist . One of the challenges of economics has been a struggle to reconcile macroeconomic and microeconomic models. Starting in the 1950s, macroeconomists developed micro-based models of macroeconomic behavior (such as the consumption function). Dutch economist Jan Tinbergen developed the first comprehensive national macroeconomic model, which he first built for the Netherlands and later applied to the United States and the United Kingdom after World War II. The first global macroeconomic model, Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates LINK project, was initiated by Lawrence Klein and was mentioned in his citation for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1980. Theorists such as Robert Lucas Jr suggested (in the 1970s) that at least some traditional Keynesian (after British economist John Maynard Keynes) macroeconomic models were questionable as they were not derived from assumptions about individual behavior, although it was not clear whether the failures were in microeconomic assumptions or in macroeconomic models. However, New Keynesian macroeconomics has generally presented microeconomic models to shore up their macroeconomic theorizing, and some Keynesians have contested the idea that microeconomic foundations are essential, if the model is analytically useful. An analogy might be that the fact that quantum phisics is not fully consistent with relativity theory doesn´t mean that realtivity is false. Many important microeconomic assumptions have never been proved, and some have proved wrong. The various schools of thought are not always in direct competition with one another - even though they sometimes reach differing conclusions. Macroeconomics is an ever evolving area of research. The goal of economic research is not to be "right," but rather to be accurate. It is likely that none of the current schools of economic thought perfectly capture the workings of the economy. They do, however, each contribute a small piece of the overall puzzle. As one learns more about each school of thought, it is possible to combine aspects of each in order to reach an informed synthesis. The traditional distinction is between two different approaches to economics: Keynesian economics, focusing on demand; and supply-side (or neo-classical) economics, focusing on supply. Neither view is typically endorsed to the complete exclusion of the other, but most schools do tend clearly to emphasize one or the other as a theoretical foundation. • Keynesian economics focuses on aggregate demand to explain levels of unemployment and the business cycle. That is, business cycle fluctuations should be reduced through fiscal policy (the government spends more or less depending on the situation) and monetary policy. Early Keynesian macroeconomics was "activist," calling for regular use of policy to stabilize the capitalist economy, while some Keynesians called for the use of incomes policies. • Supply-side economics delineates quite clearly the roles of monetary policy and fiscal policy. The focus for monetary policy should be purely on the price of money as determined by the supply of money and the demand for money. It advocates a monetary policy that directly targets the value of money and does not target interest rates at all. Typically the value of money is measured by reference to gold or some other reference. The focus of fiscal policy is to raise revenue for worthy government investments with a clear recognition of the impact that taxation has on domestic trade. It places heavy emphasis on Say's law, which states that recessions do not occur because of failure in demand or lack of money. • Monetarism, led by Milton Friedman, which holds that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. It rejects fiscal policy because it leads to "crowding out" of the private sector. Further, it does not wish to combat inflation or deflation by means of active demand management as in Keynesian economics, but by means of monetary policy rules, such as keeping the rate of growth of the money supply constant over time. • New Keynesian economics, which developed partly in response to new classical economics, strives to provide microeconomic foundations to Keynesian economics by showing how imperfect markets can justify demand management. • Austrian economics is a laissez-faire school of macroeconomics. It focuses on the business cycle that arises from government or central-bank interference that leads to deviations from the natural rate of interest. • Post-Keynesian economics represents a dissent from mainstream Keynesian economics, emphasizing the role of uncertainty and the historical process in macroeconomics. • New classical economics. The original theoretical impetus was the charge that Keynesian economics lacks microeconomic foundations -- . its assertions are not founded in basic economic theory. This school emerged during the 1970s. This school asserts that it does not make sense to claim that the economy at any time might be "out-of-equilibrium". Fluctuations in aggregate variables follow from the individuals in the society continuously re-optimizing as new information on the state of the world is revealed. Later yielded an explicit school which argued that macro-economics does not have micro-economic foundations, but is instead the tool of studying economic systems at equilibrium. 宏观经济学是一种分场经济学的行为,研究是在整个经济中,一旦所有的个人的经济决策,为公司和产业被。宏观经济学认为经济现象包括国内生产总值(GDP)以及它是如何变化影响失业的国民收入的)经济成长率、价格水平。相反,微观经济学研究的就是经济行为和决策的个体消费者,公司和行业。宏观经济学可以用来分析如何影响政府的政策的目标,比如经济增长,价格稳定,充分就业和获取可持续国际收支差额。宏观经济学有时用来指一个经济理论的主要途径,包括长期战略的期望和理性综合行为。直到30年代为止,大部分的经济分析没有独立的个人经济综合行为举止。与1930年代的经济大萧条,遭受了在所有发达国家,发展国民收入的概念和产品的统计数据,但是研究领域的宏观经济学开始扩展。具有特殊影响力的想法是,约翰•梅纳德凯恩斯理论,努力向他们解释制定了经济大萧条。在那时候,综合国民经济核算,如同我们知道他们今天,是不存在的。经济学的一个挑战是一场斗争调和宏观经济政策和微观经济政策,模型。开始于20世纪50年代,macroeconomists发达micro-based模型的宏观经济行为(如消费函数)。1月Tinbergen荷兰经济学家第一个全面发展国家宏观经济模型,该模型他第一次建成为荷兰和后应用于美国和英国二战之后。第一个全球宏观经济模型,沃顿计量预测伙伴联系工程项目,发生在劳伦斯发起克莱恩和被提及他的嘉奖经济学诺贝尔经济学奖1980年。理论家如罗伯特·卢卡斯认为(是在上世纪70年代),认为至少有一些传统的凯恩斯(英国经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯)宏观经济模型都是可疑的,因为他们不是来源于假设的个人行为,虽然现在还不清楚这些失败在微观经济的假定,或是对宏观经济模型。然而,最新凯恩斯主义的宏观微观模型提出了大致以支持他们的宏观经济理论有争议,一些凯恩斯主义者的想法,微观经济基础是必要的,如果模型是分析有用的。打个比方可能是,这样的事实,即量子phisics并不完全符合相对论´,并不代表没有realtivity是假的。许多重要的微观经济假设从来没有被证明,而有些人的证明是错误的。各种各样的思想学派并不总是在彼此的直接竞争,尽管他们有时会达到不同的结论。宏观经济学是一种前所未有的领域的研究。研究经济学的目标不是"正确",而是是精确的。很有可能是学校目前尚无一个经济思想完全捕捉运作方式的经济。不过,他们的贡献每一小块整体难题。当你学会更多关于每个思想学派,它能把方面的每一个为了达到一个通知的合成。传统的区别是留给经济学两种不同的方法,重点凯恩斯经济学和供方需求;(或古典)经济学、关注供应。也都是典型的观点完全排除其他,但大多数学校都往往清晰地强调一个或另一个是的理论基础。•凯恩斯经济学交融在总需求,以解释失业率和商业周期。商业周期波动,应减少通过财政政策(政府花费或多或少根据实际情况)和货币政策。早期凯恩斯主义的宏观经济学是“活动家,定期使用《召唤的政策稳定资本主义经济,虽然有些凯恩斯主义要求使用收入政策。•供给的经济学的作用很明显地在当前货币政策与财政政策。关注于货币政策应该是完全对价格的钱所确定的货币供应的需求的特点,为了金钱。它提倡货币政策,直接目标钱的价值,不目标利率。典型的钱的价值在于用参考金或其他参考。财政政策的重点是提高政府农业投资价值的收入为一个明确的认识税收的影响在国内贸易。它设置了过度强调了说的法律,它表明不会发生经济衰退需求下降、因为没有缺钱。•货币主义的带领下,由弗里德曼,认为始终通货膨胀是一种货币现象。财政政策拒绝,因为会导致“挤退”的私人生活。此外,它不希望对抗通货膨胀或通货紧缩采用主动需求管理在凯恩斯经济学,通过货币政策规则,即坚持的增长速度恒定的钱。凯恩斯•新经济发达的部分原因是为了适应新古典经济学、致力于提供凯恩斯现代经济学的微观经济基础显示出了市场的不完善就能名正言顺的需求管理等。•奥地利经济学是个自由放任主义的学校的宏观经济。它侧重于商业周期,而政府或中央银行的干扰导致偏离自然失业率的兴趣。•Post-Keynesian经济学所代表了凯恩斯经济学主流的作用,强调历史过程中不确定性和宏观经济。•新古典经济学。原理论动力的费用是凯恩斯经济学缺乏有效的微观经济基础——亦即其断言不成立于基本经济理论。这所学校出现在20世纪70年代。这所学校断言它是没有道理的主张经济会随时out-of-equilibrium”。波动的总变量遵从的在这个社会的个人不断re-optimizing新信息的状态的世界就会显现出来。后来取得了一个显式学校一样,认为宏观经济学没有微观经济基础,反而学习经济系统的工具在平衡。

Hello, Mr. Kubat. I am glad to meet you here at the fair. 你好,Kubat先生,很高兴在交易会上见到你。 Likewise. Take a seat, please. How about a cup of tea? 我也很高兴。请坐,喝杯茶好吗? Sure. Thank you. It seems your business is prosperous. There are many customers here. 好,谢谢。看起来生意很兴旺,这么多客户光临。 Yes, it's not too bad. Our sales are going up year after year. And we still have a large potential production capacity. 是的,还可以。销量年年递增,我们的生产潜力还很大。 Well, what do you think of choosing a commission representative or agent abroad to promote your sales? 哦,你们是否想在国外选择一家代办商或代理人为你们推销产品? That's a good idea. So far, we have several agents abroad. 这个主意不错。不过,目前我们在国外已有几家代理人。 We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools. What do you think? 我们愿意在泰国做你方的手工工具代理人。不知你们意下如何? That sounds good. 听起来不错。 A: Then, what's your usual commission rate for your agents? 那么,你们通常给代理人的佣金率是多少? B: Usually, we give a commission of 3% to our agents. 通常给百分之三。 A: 3% is too low, I think. You see, we have a lot of work to do in sales promotion such as advertising on radio or TV, printing booklets, leaflets, catalogues and so on. It all costs money. 3% is not enough. 我认为百分之三太低了。你知道,为了推销你方的产品,我们要做很多工作。比如,在电台或电视上做广告,印刷小册子、传单和商品目录等。这一切花销,百分之三是不够的。 B: Don't worry. We'll allow you a higher commission rate if your sales score a substantial increase. 别担心,如果你们的销量大幅度增长,我们会给予更高的佣金。 A: You mean to say… 您的意思是…… B: Now, if you sell US$ 2 million worth of hand-held tools annually, we can only allow 3% commission. If the annual turnover exceeds US$ 5 million, you can get 5% commission. What do you think of that? 如你方手工工具的年销量为二百万美元,我们只能给百分之三的佣金。如果年销量超过五百万美元,你就可得到百分之五的佣金,你看如何? A: It sounds OK. Then how do you pay the commission? 这还差不多。那么,佣金如何支付? B: We may deduct the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment. 我们可以直接从发票金额中扣除佣金,或在付款后汇给你方。 A: All right. If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately. 那好。如果可以,我们会与你们立即签订代理协议。 B: Think it over. We hope to keep a good business relationship with you. 好好考虑一下,我们希望与你方保持良好的贸易关系。 A: Thank you for your help. 谢谢你们的关照。




i am really happy to be here with you. before coming to this forum, i had very detaileddiscussion with the ceos of major chinese companies. i am sure our interactions today will leadto benefits to the people and businesses of the two countries.

along with me, a number of officials and prominent indian ceos, are also present here.

as you know, china and india are two great and old civilisations of the world. they haveprovided many lights of knowledge on the entire human society. today, we together, representmore than one third of the global population.

india and china have a common history of five thousand years and a common boundary ofover three thousand and four hundred kilometers.

two thousand years ago, at the invitation of the chinese emperor ming, two indian monkscame to china. they brought many sanskrit scriptures on two white horses. they translatedmany buddhist classics and scriptures into chinese language.

it is believed that they introduced buddhism in china. the king built a temple in honour of thisevent. the temple is popularly known as white horse temple. the temple then increased inimportance as buddhism grew within china, and spread to korea, japan and vietnam.

the serenity of buddhism in asian countries is the seed of their success. i strongly believe thatthis century belongs to asia. and buddhism will be a further unifying and catalysing forceamong the asian countries.

your famous scholars like fa hien and hiuen tsang have taught many secrets of chinesewisdom to indians. in addition, they discovered many secrets within india itself. hiuen tsanghad visited my own home town in gujarat. from his works, we know today that there was abuddhist monastery there. when hiuen tsang returned to china he brought with him sanskritscriptures and books of wisdom. the traditional systems of medicine of the two countriesbased on natural elements also have a lot in common.

in recent times too, this stream of knowledge is flowing across our borders. prof. ji xianlin ofpeking university was a great sanskrit scholar. he spent most part of his life in translatingvalmiki’s ramayan into chinese. indian government has honoured him by bestowing aprestigious award in xx.

more recently, prof. jin ding han has translated tulasi ramayan into chinese. translations ofbhagwad gita and mahabharat are also popular with the chinese people. i thank these chinesescholars for introducing indian culture to the chinese people.

friends! india has always been a knowledge society. whereas, you have been an innovatingsociety. ancient china was highly advanced in science and technology. like indians, chinesetoo sailed to americas and distant corners of the world in their ships. they had the mariners’compass and gun powder.

but i must add that during this time, indian astronomy and mathematics were quite popularin china. indian astronomers were appointed on the official boards set up to prepare calendars.

the indian concept of zero and that of nine planets have been helpful in discoveries in , our ideas had a role to play in your innovations.

thus, we have a lot in common and we can do a lot together. as we helped each other growingspiritually, we have to help each other growing economically. there are instances of sucheconomic exchanges in the past. it is believed that china gave silk and paper to india. we bothhave potentials of growth and problems of poverty which we can tackle together. i ampersonally committed to take the co-operative process forward.

that is why even as chief minister of gujarat, i visited china. as prime minister too i amconvinced and committed for exchange and co-operation for socio-economic development ofthe two countries.

i have lot of hope from the relationship which i and president xi are trying to build. during hisvisit to india in september xx, chinese investments worth 20 billion us dollars (rs. 12 lakh-crore) were committed. we signed 12 agreements covering industrial parks, railways, creditand leasing, with cumulative amount of investments of 13 billion us dollars.

we are very keen to develop the sectors where china is strong. we need your scope and potential, the breadth and length of infrastructure and related developmentsis very huge in india. just to give you some examples:

– we have planned to build 50 million houses by 20xx. in addition, we are going to developsmart cities and mega industrial corridors;

– for this purpose, we have refined our fdi policy in construction. we are also coming upwith a regulatory framework for this sector;

– we have targeted 175 giga watts of renewable energy in next few years. in addition togeneration, the issues of transmission and distribution of electricity are equally important forus;

– we are modernizing our railway systems including signals, engines and railway stations. weare planning metro rail in fifty cities and high speed trains in various corridors;

– similar is the case with highways which we want to build in faster way;

– we are putting up new ports and modernizing the old ones through an ambitious plan calledsagarmala;

– similar focus is on upgrading the existing airports and putting up regional airports toenhance connectivity to places of economic and tourist importance;

– in financial services too, we are moving towards a more inclusive and faster delivery offinancial products including bank loans and insurance;

– for this purpose we opened 140 million bank accounts; increased fdi in insurance up to49% and have set up mudra bank to fund the micro-businesses;

– recently, i have launched innovative schemes for insurance and pension to enhancesocial security of our citizens.

in march this year, i had a discussion with jack ma of alibaba in delhi about possible co-operation for strengthening this micro-credit sector of india.

as you have successfully done, we also want to promote manufacturing in a big wayparticularly to create jobs for our youth who form 65% of our population.

hence, we want to make things in india. for this purpose, we have launched a campaign called“make in india”. it is also the effort of my government to encourage innovation, r&dand entrepreneurship in the country. in this year’s budget, we have set up some innovativeinstitutional mechanisms for that purpose.

we have to learn from you about the development of labor-intensive industries, creatingconditions for sustainable foreign direct investment, skill development, infrastructure creationand export-led development model.

all this is a historic opportunity for the chinese companies. you would already be knowing thedirection of my government and the steps we are taking. we have committed ourselves forcreating and improving the business environment. i can assure you that once you decide tobe in india, we are confident to make you more and more comfortable.

many chinese companies have the possibility of investing in india to take advantage of india’spotentials. the potential lies in manufacturing, processing as well as in infrastructure.

i am here to assure you that india’s economic environment has changed. our regulatoryregime is much more transparent, responsive and stable. we are taking a long-term andfuturistic view on the issues. lot of efforts have been made and are still underway to improvethe ‘ease of doing business’. we do believe that fdi is important and it will not come in thecountry without a globally competitive business environment. therefore, we have rationalizeda number of issues which were bothering the investors.

in particular,

– we are making the taxation system transparent, stable and predictable.

– we have removed lot of regressive taxation regimes. in our very first budget, we said we willnot resort to retrospective taxation.

– we are reducing the complicated procedures, making them available at one platform,preferably online;

– simplifying the forms and formats has been taken up on war footing.

– definite mechanisms for hand holding have been set up in the form of hub and spoke india is the nodal agency for this purpose.

– in this year’s budget, we allowed tax pass through for aifs, rationalization of capital gainsof reits, modification in pe norms and deferring the implementation of gaar for two years.

– we have fast tracked approvals in industry and infrastructure. this includes environmentalclearances, extending the industrial licences, delicencing of defence items, and simplification ofcross-border trade.

– within a very short time, we introduced gst bill in parliament.

similarly, for infrastructure development, we have taken some far reaching steps.

– first of all we have made an all-time high allocation for roads and railways sectors.

– in addition, we are setting up india infrastructure investment fund.

– we have also allowed tax free bonds in the infrastructure sector including roads and railways.

we know that a lot more has to be done. but we are committed to take this process are constantly working to improve the business environment further.

however, our initial measures have helped in building up an enhanced investor sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment are positive. fdi inflowshave gone up by 39% during april-xx and february-xx against the same period inprevious year;

our growth rate is above 7%. most of the international financial institutions including the worldbank, imf, oecd and others are predicting even faster growth and even better in the comingyears. moody’s have recently upgraded the rating of india as positive on account of ourconcrete steps in various economic fields.

friends! india-chinese partnership should and will flourish. i expect very good outcome fromthis coming together. we have complemented each other in the past. we can complement inthe present and future too. as two major economies in asia, the harmonious partnershipbetween india and china is essential for economic development and political stability of thecontinent. you are the ‘factory of the world’. whereas, we are the ‘back office of the world’. yougive thrust on production of hardware, while india focuses on software and services.

similarly, indian component manufacturers have been masters in high-quality precision andthe chinese players have mastered the art of mass production. the component designexpertise of indian engineers and low cost mass production by china can cater to the globalmarkets in a better way. this industrial partnership of china and india can bring about greaterinvestment, employment and satisfaction of our people.

friends! let us work together in mutual interest and for progress and prosperity of our greatcountries.

i would conclude by saying that now india is ready for business. you must be sensing thewinds of change in india. i only advise to you to come and feel the same.

i assure you of my personal attention for your success.

thank you, very much































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感觉相关的就行吧,这是我今天刚交老师的Solidarity tradeThe current fair trade movement was shaped in Europe in the 1960s. Fair trade during that period was often seen as a political gesture against neo-imperialism: radical student movements began targeting multinational corporations and concerns that traditional business models were fundamentally flawed started to emerge. The slogan at the time, “Trade not Aid”, gained international recognition in 1968 when it was adopted by the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) to put the emphasis on the establishment of fair trade relations with the developing world. The year 1965 saw the creation of the first Alternative Trading Organization (ATO): that year, British NGO Oxfam launched "Helping-by-Selling", a program which sold imported handicrafts in Oxfam stores in the UK and from mail-order catalogues. In 1969, the first Worldshop opened its doors in the Netherlands. The initiative aimed at bringing the principles of fair trade to the retail sector by selling almost exclusively goods produced under fair trade terms in “underdeveloped regions”. The first shop was run by volunteers and was so successful that dozens of similar shops soon went into business in the Benelux countries, Germany, and in other Western European the 1960s and 1970s, important segments of the fair trade movement worked to find markets for products from countries that were excluded from the mainstream trading channels for political reasons. Thousands of volunteers sold coffee from Angola and Nicaragua in Worldshops, in the back of churches, from their homes, and from stands in public places, using the products as a vehicle to deliver their message: give disadvantaged producers in developing countries a fair chance on the world’s market, and support their self-determined sustainable development. The alternative trade movement blossomed, if not in sales, then at least in terms of dozens of ATOs being established on both sides of the Atlantic, of scores of Worldshops being set up, and of well-organized actions and campaigns attacking exploitation and foreign domination, and promoting the ideals of Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, and the Nicaraguan Sandinistas: the right to independence and self-determination, to equitable access to the world’s markets and consumers. 团结贸易现今公平贸易运动形塑于1960年代的欧洲,公平贸易于这时期通常被视为一种反抗新帝国主义的政治姿态,基进的学生运动开始关注跨国公司,并出现了一种认为传统商业模式基本上是有缺陷的共识,那时的口号“贸易,而非援助”(Trade not Aid),被1968年所召开的联合国贸易及发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,简称UNCTAD)所采用,并得到国际认同,会议中强调与发展中世界建立公平的贸易关系。1965年诞生了第一个另类贸易组织(Alternative Trading Organization,简称ATD):那年,英国的非政府组织乐施会(Oxfam)发起了”以销售来帮忙”(Helping-by-Selling)的活动,一个以邮购及在乐施会商店销售进口手工艺品的计划。1969年,第一个“世界商店”在荷兰开张,这个开创性的构想,是以销售符合公平贸易规则的“发展中区域”的产品,将公平贸易的法则带入零售部门,第一个商店由志工营运,非常成功,之后数十个类似的商店开始在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡及德国等其他西欧国家开始营业。在1960和1970年代,公平贸易运动里很重要的部份是,为那些因为政治因素而被排斥于主流贸易管道的国家,协助他们的产品寻找市场。数千名志工在教会后面和世界商店销售来自安哥拉及尼加拉瓜的咖啡豆,以这些产品从家里和公共场所的摊位传达一个讯息:给那些来自发展中国家的弱势生产者一个公平的机会,就是支持他们自主的永续发展。另类贸易活动的盛行,若不从贸易量来说,至少以在数量上,有数十个另类贸易组织(ATO)在大西洋两岸成立,同时随着世界商店的扩张,有许多计划性的行动与专案,抨击国际间的剥削与支配的现象,宣扬著曼德拉、朱利叶斯•尼雷尔及尼加拉瓜桑定政权的理念:自主及独立的权利,与接触全球市场及消费者的公平管道。


Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary CreditsThis article is an orphan, as few or no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page from related articles; suggestions are available. (October 2009)The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) is a set of rules on the issuance and use of letters of credit. The UCP is utilised by bankers and commercial parties in more than 175 countries in trade finance. Some 11-15% of international trade utilises letters of credit, totalling over a trillion dollars (US) each , the commercial parties, particularly banks, have developed the techniques and methods for handling letters of credit in international trade finance. This practice has been standardized by the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) by publishing the UCP in 1933 and subsequently updating it throughout the years. The ICC has developed and moulded the UCP by regular revisions, the current version being the UCP600. The result is the most successful international attempt at unifying rules ever, as the UCP has substantially universal effect. The latest revision was approved by the Banking Commission of the ICC at its meeting in Paris on 25 October 2006. This latest version, called the UCP600, formally commenced on 1 July and the UCPA significant function of the ICC is the preparation and promotion of its uniform rules of practice. The ICC’s aim is to provide a codification of international practice occasionally selecting the best practice after ample debate and consideration. The ICC rules of practice are designed by bankers and merchants and not by legislatures with political and local considerations. The rules accordingly demonstrate the needs, customs and practices of business. Because the rules are incorporated voluntarily into contracts, the rules are flexible while providing a stable base for international review, including judicial scrutiny. International revision is thus facilitated permitting the incorporation of the changing practices of the commercial parties. ICC, which was established in 1919, had as its primary objective facilitating the flow of international trade at a time when nationalism and protectionism threatened the easing of world trade. It was in that spirit that the UCP were first introduced – to alleviate the confusion caused by individual countries’ promoting their own national rules on letter of credit practice. The aim was to create a set of contractual rules that would establish uniformity in practice, so that there would be less need to cope with often conflicting national regulations. The universal acceptance of the UCP by practitioners in countries with widely divergent economic and judicial systems is a testament to the rules’ latest revision of UCP is the sixth revision of the rules since they were first promulgated in 1933. It is the fruit of more than three years of work by the ICC's Commission on Banking Technique and UCP remain the most successful set of private rules for trade ever developed. A range of individuals and groups contributed to the current revision including: the UCP Drafting Group, which waded through more than 5000 individual comments before arriving at this final text; the UCP Consulting Group, consisting of members from more than 25 countries, which served as the advisory body; the more than 400 members of the ICC Commission on Banking Technique and Practice who made pertinent suggestions for changes in the text; and 130 ICC National Committees worldwide which took an active role in consolidating comments from their the revision process, notice was taken of the considerable work that had been completed in creating the International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP), ICC Publication 645. This publication has evolved into a necessary companion to the UCP for determining compliance of documents with the terms of letters of credit. It is the expectation of the Drafting Group and the Banking Commission that the application of the principles contained in the ISBP, including subsequent revisions thereof, will continue during the time UCP 600 is in force. At the time UCP 600 is implemented, there will be an updated version of the ISBP to bring its contents in line with the substance and style of the new that UCP600 does not automatically apply to a credit if the credit is silent as to which set of rules it is subject to. A credit issued by SWIFT MT700 is no longer subject by default to the current UCP – it has to be indicated in field 40E, which is designated for specifying the "applicable rules".Where a credit is issued subject to UCP600, the credit will be interpreted in accordance with the entire set of 39 articles contained in UCP600. However, exception to the rules can be made by express modification or exclusion. For example, the parties to a credit may agree that the rest of the credit shall remain valid despite the beneficiary's failure to deliver an instalment. In such case, the credit has to nullify the effect of article 32 of UCP600, such as by wording the credit as: "The credit will continue to be available for the remaining instalments notwithstanding the beneficiary's failure to present complied documents of an instalment in accordance with the instalment schedule."eUCPThe eUCP was developed as a supplement to UCP due to the strong sense at the time that banks and corporates together with the transport and insurance industries were ready to utilise electronic commerce. The hope and expectation that surrounded the development of eUCP has failed to materialise into day to day transactions and its usage has been, to put it mildly, minimal. Owing to this lack of usage, it was felt that this was not the right time to incorporate the eUCP into the UCP600 and it will remain as a supplement albeit slightly amended to identify its relationship with updated version of the eUCP came into effect on 1 July 2007 to coincide the commencement of the UCP600. There are no substantive changes to the eUCP, merely references to the Certified Documentary Credit Specialist is a qualification awarded by IFSA US and IFS UK and endorsed by ICC Paris as the only International qualification for Trade Finance Professionals, recognising the competence, and ensuring best practice. It requires Re-Certification every Three years. UCP 600 rules will be included from April 2008 examinations only. CDCS requires some 4–6 months of independent study and a pass in 3 hour examination of 120 multiple choice questions as well as 3 in basket exercises with questions which demonstrate skill in real-world applications of UCP.

国际贸易相关英语词汇accepting bank 承兑银行 adept 内行 adulterated 冒充物agreement 同意书 air parcel 航空邮包 amendment修正书area 面积 bankrupt 破产 beneficiary 受益人bilateral trade 双边贸易 bill of landing 提单 bill of exchange汇票billing 开发票 blind competition恶性竞争 boom 生意兴隆delay延误 shoes store 鞋子专卖店 breakage破损 air cargo 航空货运 certificate of origin原产地证明 bulk cargo 散装货discount折扣 business is inactive 市面萧条 buyer买主cancel 取消 can not afford 买不起 capacity 容积capture market 争取市场 certificate fee 签证费 certificate of inspection检验证claim 索赔 close 结关 close date 结关日close door 歇业 collection 托收 confirm 确认commercial credit 商用信用 commission 佣金 consignee 收货人consumer 消费者 contract 合约 container 货柜costprice 成本价 cost & freight 货运及运费 cost & insurance 货价及保险cost insurance & freight (CIF)成本保险费加运费价 counter 货柜台 counterfeit 仿冒 customer 顾客 customs 海关customer broker 报送行 dealer 贩卖商 deferred payment 延迟付款deficit 亏空 delivery date 交货期 deliver from go down 出仓department store 百货公司 depression 不景气 destination 目的地direct trade 直接贸易 distribution 分销 documentary 押汇documentary acceptance bill 承况汇单 documentary payment bill 付款汇单double check 复查 drawee 付款人 dumping 倾销enlarge 扩充 export 出口 exporter 出口商export declaration 出品申请书 faulty goods 劣足迹 foreign exchange 外汇free on board (FOB,离岸价) gross weight 毛重 handle with care 小心轻放horizontal competition 同业竞争 import 进口 importer 进口商import permit 进品许可证 indirect trade 间接进口 inquiry sheet 询价单inspector 验货员 inspection sheet 检验单 instalment 分期付款international trade foreign trade 国际贸易 invoice 发票limited price 限价 loading port 输出口岸 main mark 正唛manufacture 制造 marg in profit 利润 managenment 管理制度manufacturer 制造商 market 市价 mass production 大量生产multilateral trade 多边贸易 negotiated purchase 议价 netback price 厂价net weight 净重 no transshipment permitted 不准转运nominal price 标价 notary 公证人 offer 报价on board 已装船 only one price 不二价 open tender 公开投标order 订单 output 产量 packing list 包装单partialloss 部分损失 payee 收款人 penalty 违约金,罚金paying bank 付款银行 peak season 旺季 place of delivery 交货地点post office 邮局 price bargain 讨价还价 price cutting 减价,削价price list 价目表 process 流程 production control 生产管制proforma invoice(一般译为“形式发票”简写为“PI”) purchase 购买quality control 品质管制 received for shipment 待装船 reduced price 减价regular customer 老主顾 reorganization 改组 repacking 改装restricted tender 比价 resume business 复业 retail 零售returned check 退票 retailer 零售商 sale 销售rock bottom price 最低价 sale on credit 赊账 salesman 推销员sea port 港口 service 服务 segment delivery 分批交货shipper 货主 shipping advice 装船通知 shipping company 船务公司或海运公司 shipping date 装船日期 shipping dock 装船码头shipping document 装船文件 shoddy 粗制滥造 unpacking开箱shopping rush 抢购 shortage 缺量 yielding 获利show window 橱窗 slack season 淡季 special customs invoice 海关特种发票 specification 规格 standard brand 正牌子steady 稳定 stock 存货 stylist 款式设计师supplier 供应商 supply & demand 供求 terminal market 批发市场telegraphic transfer 电汇(T/T) time of delivery 交货日期 trade company 贸易公司travelers checks 旅行支票 title 抬头 top quality 上等货total loss 全部损失 trade mark 商标 trial order 试销货unfavorable trade balance 逆差 uniform invoice 统一发票 unilateral trade 单边贸易warehouse 仓库 unsaleable 滞结 upset price 底价useful load 装载量 wholesaler 批发商 letter of credit 信用状revocable letter of credit 取消信用状 irrevocable letter of credit 不可取消信用状sight letter of credit 即期信用状 usance letter of credit 远期信用状assignable letter credit 可转让信用状 unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用状destination 到达口岸 export declaration 出口申请表 quotation form 行情表
