

发布时间:2024-07-03 02:25:42



自从读了(面朝大海,春暖花开)之后,从心里记住了海子这个人,然后买了他的诗选,才开始对海子有一定的了解。我喜欢他,也许是因为在不同的年代会有同感的原因吧。海子的诗,不能令我陶醉,却令我沉沦! 《面朝大海,春暖花开》是海子抒情短诗中的佳作,亦系海子的代表作。全诗共三章。第一章虚构一幅自由独立、远离尘世喧嚣的生活图景,一般清新潮润的气息扑面而来。“从明天起,做一个幸福的人/喂马,劈柴,周游世界/从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜/我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开”。这幅生活图景里有一些清晰的意象(“喂”与“劈柴”“面朝大海,春暖花开”等,我们姑且视动作为意象),其中“大海”是中心意象。大海对海子既陌生(他出生、成长、读书、工作,都远离大海),又极有诱惑力(他有许多诗都写到大海)。诗人理解的“幸福”生活是平凡人的生活(“关心粮食和蔬菜”),是自由、闲散人的生活(“喂马,劈柴”,“周游世界”),是隐逸诗人的生活(“面朝大海,春暖花开”)。他很想走出封闭,走向广袤的大地,走向海边。他想望平凡生活,又不“和其光,同其尘”,而保持清静独立——独立于社会人群边缘。然而这种生活是虚无缥缈的:现实世界何处可以“喂马,劈柴”?他怎能在独居一处,“面朝大海,春暖花开”?“从明天起”才开始这种生活,或许今天过得有些暗淡?在海子的诗心中,“幸福”是田园牧歌的主题,属于未来,属于幻想。在把逃逸当成美和希望之所在,美则美矣,但只能神往而不能身往,有“海客谈瀛洲”的天真,又有 “处河辙以犹欢”的潇洒,还有“从此小舟逝,江海寄余生”的遁世隐情。第二、三章表达对亲情友情的珍惜,一股温暖甜美的气息扑面而来。“从明天起,和每一个亲人通信/告诉他们我的幸福/那幸福的闪电告诉我的/我将告诉每一个人/给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字/陌生人,我也为你祝福/愿你有一个灿烂的前程/愿你有情人终成眷属/愿你在尘世获得幸福/我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开”。我们知道,海子写诗一向是很“自我”的,沉迷在个人王国里孤芳自赏,如《黎明河黄昏》中说“那是诗人孤独的王座”,《秋》中说“秋天深了,王在写诗”。不过《面》诗显示出诗人走出狭小的“自我”,走向广大的社会的意向。该诗后两章由描绘意象转为抒发情感,而且由写个人化情感转为社会人情感,进一步肯定世俗生活,是从新的眼光和立场来看待和肯定世俗生活的。第二章抒发的是亲情,第三章抒发的是友情。从第二章到第三章,情感涉及面次第展开,胸襟逐渐开阔,对“陌生人”的三“愿”中,最后的“愿你在尘世获取幸福”是总括性的,“尘世”二字透露诗人此时此地对于“幸福”的理解。两章四次提到了“幸福”,这“幸福”不仅属于海子,更属于全社会的人,表明海子内心此时洋溢着博爱、泛爱之情。然而,细读之下,我们会发觉海子对尘世幸福的“热爱”是有限的。这首诗两次说“面朝大海,春暖花开”,都表达美好的情感,而情味有所不同。第一次说出,使第一章情调顺向发展,即“喂马、劈柴”等与“面朝大海,春暖花开”是一致的;第二次说出,是第二、三章情调的逆向发展,即本来顺着“愿你”“愿你”的祝祷,最后应是更昂奋的博爱情怀的展露,可是经由“愿你在尘世获得幸福”出人意料的一转,“我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开”,犹言尘世幸福是你们的,他人的,我海子仍旧偏安一隅,独守清高。这后一个“面朝大海,春暖花开”,显示出诗人陷入矛盾境地:刚对世人表露赤诚心怀,很快转过身去,面朝大海,背对大陆,背对众人。在人生观、价值观上既肯定世俗生活,又不甘于堕入尘世成为俗人。诗人心怀始而热情奔放,终而收全封闭。这就是《面》诗的情感发展的线路。有人分析海子说:“柔弱的第一自我和强悍的第二自我的长时间的冲突,使他的诗一再出现雅各森布所说的‘对称’。”所谓“对称”,无非是指二重人格。也就是说,体现出外弱而内强的特点:诗之表有柔弱的外象,“喂马,劈柴,周游世界” ,“面朝大海,春暖花开”,诗情轻柔而清淡,此诗之婉约派者也;然而诗之心也有强悍的本质,言词的背后隐藏着一颗崇高、骄傲的心,“只愿面朝大海”,让人们看到海边站立着一位遗世独立的诗人的形象,那是自封王者的形象。这种二重性格还可以细分出:对众人和世俗生活亲近排拒,对现实生活体验的喜悦与悲忧,在文情表现上的直致与含蓄……作进一步提炼,大约有三重意识:世俗意识,崇高意识和逃逸意识。这三重意识排列在一起不太“和谐”,正好表明海子这首诗在情感的清纯、明净,世俗化的背后蕴蓄着某些复杂性、矛盾性的东西。




海岩笔下的十二钗- -第2钗——安心 海岩最热卖的长篇小说《玉观音》中的女主角。安心也是海岩笔下迄今为止最具普及性和大众知名度的女性形象。安心的魅力除了美丽的容颜之外,更主要表现在她曲折的命运和情感的悲剧。一个年纪轻轻的女人,竟然有过一次失败的婚姻、一次刻骨铭心的丧夫之痛、一次错误的恋爱、一次心绪纷乱的追捕。她对毛杰的情感,不是一个爱或者恨可以概括的。她与毛杰有杀夫之第1钗——吕月月仇,但她无法逃避生下了毛杰的孩子的宿命。就是这个让人牵肠挂肚的安心,代表着海岩处理复杂人物命运的最高水平,无疑是海岩笔下特别值得骄傲的一个女性形象。当初《玉观音》在《北京青年报》上独家连载时,读者的泪水和强烈反响都印证了安心是海岩一个成功的标志。

安心:海岩最热卖的长篇小说《玉观音》中的女主角。安心也是海岩笔下迄今为止最具普及性和大众知名度的女性形象。安心的魅力除了美丽的容颜之外,更主要表现在她曲折的命运和情感的悲剧,她是海岩笔下特别值得骄傲的一个女性形象。 吕月月:海岩经典长篇小说《一场风花雪月的事》的女主人公。吕月月迄今为止依然是海岩塑造的最有魅力的女性形象。吕月月的美丽得到了海岩饱含激情的讴歌,爱上了可爱却又不能爱的人,为了他牺牲了自己的生活,却又牺牲得不够彻底,最后眼睁睁看着自己的爱人死在自己面前,吕月月的悲剧是一场宿命的悲剧,是悲剧中的最高境界。由此,这个最具命运厚度的女性形象稳坐海岩12钗的第一把交椅。 参考资料:海岩笔下“十二钗”

《一米阳光》 《玫瑰缘》 《一缕彩虹》 《逃离罪爱》 《镜花水月》 《青春无泪》 《海之心天之恋》 《野风》 《水晶情玻璃心》 《偷》 《蓝宝石》 《天伤》 《蓝钻戒》 《红尘》 《情洒上海滩》 《生命中的一个错误》 《爱我就要我,别放弃》 《便衣警察》 《死于青春》 《一场风花雪月的事》 《海岩文集》 《永不瞑目》 《海岩散文》 《玉观音》 《海岩中篇小说选》 《你的生命如此多情》 《海岩长篇经典全集》 《拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》 《煽》 《平淡生活》 《海岩设计》 《深牢大狱》 《我笔下的七宗罪》 《河流如血》 《海岩电视小说书系》 一米阳光、拿什么拯救你,我的爱人、玉观音等都不错

海岩·生平简介 海岩,原名侣海岩,1954年出生于北京。1969年应征入伍,曾做北京市公安局干部、北京新华实业总公司管理处处长、昆仑饭店总经理、董事长,现任锦江集团有限公司副总裁,锦江集团北方公司董事长、总经理。1988年加入中国作家协会。 代表作 1.海岩:平淡生活 2.海岩·河流如血 3.海岩成名作:便衣警察 [海岩] 4.深牢大狱: 海岩小说经典 [海岩] 5.永不瞑目: 海岩小说经典 [海岩] 6.平淡生活: 海岩小说经典 [海岩] 7.玉观音: 海岩经典小说集 [海岩] 8.一场风花雪月的事: 海岩小说经典 [海岩] 9.便衣警察: 海岩小说经典 [海岩] 10.河流如血 [海岩] 11.永不暝目 [海岩] 12.深牢大狱 [海岩] 13.玉观音 [海岩] 14.谁之罪——评海岩的《死于青春》 [海岩] 15.英雄气未短儿女情方长——海岩谈新作《玉观音》 16.便衣警察 [海岩] 17.一场风花雪月的事 [海岩] 18.永不瞑目 [海岩] 19.记得要忘记 [海岩] 20.在这样的城市不适.... [海岩] 21.无花果的枯萎 [海岩] 22.杯子空了 [海岩] 23.从此尘封 [海岩] 24.你的生命如此多情 [海岩] 25.拿什么拯救你,我的爱人 [海岩] 26.死于青春 [海岩] 27.平淡生活 [海岩] 28.海岩文选 [海岩] 29.我为什么写缉毒的小说 [海岩] 30.舞者 [海岩]



Ernest Hemingway is the 20th century, one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, and finally shot to the head end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became confused during the last century generation of 20 representative works of the later generations have had a profound impact. Since the advent of his works from the date of the academic study of his works on has never been interruption. . scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" is the history of modern American fiction classic. From the novel come out so far in 1926, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and America have a great impact, even in the United States lead to a literary revolution. Study abroad, for "The Sun Also Rises" The initial comments and research, by the time the information restrictions, and a post-war American history and culture-specific context of the impact, it is more concentrated in the novel and the "Lost Generation" of the relationship between the scope of the topic of the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to young people and Hemingway's own life experiences linked, saying the author is the "Lost Generation" spokesmen. 30 era of the 20th century, by the economic impact of the Great Depression, people of "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. 40 era of the 20th century by the impact of the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", the Jack is the only one in pain adhere to the norms of personal conduct of people. Wilson disagreed with the Milken亨利赛德al. His novels of the 19th century with the Anglo-American literary tradition, after a comparative study concluded that the 19th century hero of the novel regardless of the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, but "in" The Sun Also Rises "All of the figures is the lack of good moral character will not have any form of willpower." "They have no moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University professor of literature Carlos Baker's book "as an artist --- writer Ernest Hemingway" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker, the first of "The Sun Also Rises" characters in a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi turka in the " Love's death" a text that focus on Hemingway's novels reveal the age of 20 from the 20th century, the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of this universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to profound insight and sensitivity, showing the humanity in a given era, as well as the survival of the state of the spirit of the hardships suffered mill Patrick course. Domestic Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" Research has never stopped. 2003 published by the Gu Ling How can they become a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises" in the "Lost Generation" Perspective. Her description of the specific thesis of "The Sun Also Rises" in the "Lost generation" characteristics. Shiyan 2002 Vocational and Technical College, the LU Wei and孙媛published "How can they become a wandering soul - An Analysis of" The Sun Also Rises "in several major figure in the spiritual world" of the novel in several the main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the characters of" The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" from his novel of the four main character's image to reveal the theme of the novel. Journal of Xuchang Teachers College in 1996 on Cui Wansheng, Zhang Hui thick. Published "prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "On their analysis from the four angles of" The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University newspaper published Bamboo Health "confused the two sides of life - On" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed the status of a loss of life. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few people three-dimensional, from the multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises" theme. In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, on the performance of his existential philosophy of life: In the absurd world, in the emptiness of the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and the creation of the significance of the order of the United

从《老人与海》中看英雄的“孤独”及悲剧命运 在海明威最为著名的《老人与海》中,他以其简练的笔墨,栩栩如生地塑造了具有强烈个性的、尊敬人生奋斗的老渔夫桑提亚哥,歌颂了老渔夫与大自然抗衡时的英勇不屈,也歌颂了劳动者的英勇气概。老人在大海上三天经历做出壮观而又富有悲剧色彩的描写,使人读后对主人公的悲壮行为充满了伤感之情。老人具有的勇气、尊严和忍受能力等高尚品德,成为一代又一代后人崇敬和赞美的典范。海明威也因这个作品而获得1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。文章中,老人与大海的关系是压迫和反抗,老人为了自身的价值、尊严、生存以及冥冥中的使命而出海,向命运挑战、搏击——结局早已注定,但老人即使在像失败的旗帜一样的破帆下,也不承认自己失败。鲨鱼则是无时不在的困难和艰险。老人自身的意识中棒球冠军的想象以及无意识(梦)中对狮子的发现,也是人类自身性格的喻现——胜利欲望和不服输的念头。小说以老人梦见狮子作为结尾,还原了作品的主题——决不服输,继续向命运挑战。 虽然这个作品中昂扬着积极向上的人生态度,但是仍旧无法摆脱硬汉内心的孤独,桑提亚哥这个具有海明威硬汉全部品性的英雄,只身一人搏斗在远离人烟的大海上。在博大、深邃、凶悍神秘莫测的大海面前显得如此孱弱、渺小。他终于忍受不了这种“属于老年人”的孤独感,喊出了“要是孩子在这里该多好啊!”这句震撼人心的呼声,并多次反复出现!是何等的孤独啊!一个独臂挥舞的英雄,如置身于毫无边际的荒原,该是怎样的悲哀啊! 一位位硬汉们在孤零零的和自己的灵魂和世界的搏斗中,过着最紧张的内心反省生活,永远没有安宁,桑提亚哥在费尽九牛二虎之力捕到大鱼后又被鲨鱼吃光的惨象中,领悟到人生原是一场打不赢的仗,就像老人那张“用好多面粉袋补过的旧帆,看上去像一面永远失败的旗帜!”由此,也可以看出海明威的内心世界是一个躁动不安的世界,渗透着对人类本质和生存意义的无休止的探求。在他看来,在人生这场战斗中,人是孤独的,狂风、暴雨、惊涛骇浪、鲨鱼结成了一群同谋者,周围充满了莫名其妙的野蛮的一致性。在强硬的背后,表现了无法改变现实的软弱感、绝望感,以及理想幻灭后的焦虑、苦恼和困惑。 由于追求的坚定和道路的孤单,常常必须强大的自信和自制,方能保持足够乐观的心态持续自己的道路,然而海明威笔下的人物最终还是无法远离孤独和怜悯,这就像一个几十年如一日到处宣称自己年轻的人突然服了老一样,委实令人震惊,也令人感动。没有人可以击垮他,打败他的是自己内心的脆弱。而这不是一个随意的比方,这也正好是个事实:在《老人与海》的字里行间,海明威第一次显出了老态。他写了老人;不仅如此,——因为写了什么并不足以证明你就是什么,更重要的还与他的写作方式的转变有关:他的叙述不再以蒙太奇的手法体现生硬和突兀,结尾不再戛然而止,人物一直在自言自语;同时,他还写了孩子,不过不再是他自己的童年,而是一个老人眼里的孩子,一个宽厚的声音里的孩子,一个和老人同样不缺乏坚韧但却拥有孤独的孩子。



Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. . scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.



关于海明威宣扬的硬汉子性格的再思考 摘要:海明威作品中宣扬的硬汉子精神及其他本人所具有的这种性格特征,几乎征服了全世界的读者。但是,要是盲目地崇拜这种性格并身体力行地模仿它,肯定会发现美丽的光环下有着一定的陷阱,所以,辨证而又清醒地看待海明威硬汉子性格有着深刻的现实意义。 关键词:海明威 硬汉子性格 魅力 陷阱 一、硬汉子性格的形成 海明威是一个硬汉子,他的一生都是大动作。。。。



平平仄仄是诗歌的音符,则奇妙的音符将我领入诗的瑰丽殿堂,我的心也因诗歌而高贵。(论据)推开历史的大门,拨开历史尘封的书页,我看见:尼采在黑夜中奔向山顶,怒吼道:“我是太阳!”我看见戴望舒用残损的手掌,去抚掠那无限的江山,追寻着太阳,追逐着永恒的中国;我看见鲁迅在黑夜中嘴角牵出一抹弧度,抽出了冰冷的宝剑;我看见海子对尘世生活的眷恋以及“面朝大海,春暖花开。”的心境;我看见……他们的思想让我望尘莫及,他们的人格魅力始终把我的心深深撼动着,同化着,并且使我高贵而富有诗意。(论据) 轻拂历史的尘烟纱缦,我倾听先人的声音。谪仙在长安受到权贵的排挤被放逐出京,他是一个神话。他的浪漫撩起了我的情怀,他的笔墨丰富了我的精神世界。 漫步在历史的隧道中,为了追求心灵的永恒而不断提高着自己的境界。我的诗歌——我的爱。 (论据) 我的心因诗歌而高贵。论点: 我的心因诗歌而高贵.


