

发布时间:2024-07-05 23:43:42



take,,,as an example

for example take Jiangxi for example 比如说江西吧。 take swimming for example 拿学游泳作比方for instanceTake me for 以我为例。take for instance the building of a house 拿盖房子作比方

Analysis of Foreign Investment Attracting Strategy: A Case Study of Chengdu


(take) for exampleSome animals have became extinct on our planet, take the dinosaurs for 一些动物在我们星球上绝种了,以恐龙为例。。

for example take Jiangxi for example 比如说江西吧。 take swimming for example 拿学游泳作比方for instanceTake me for 以我为例。take for instance the building of a house 拿盖房子作比方

for example

take sth for example 如果是以某物为例,用上面的短语,如果是加从句,那就用“for example,"


Analysis of Foreign Investment Attracting Strategy: A Case Study of Chengdu

take for / as an example

1、口头表达可以用:“take ……for example”、“take……as an example”、for example。  如:  Take for example those who turn their lens towards the   就以这些将镜头对准工业场景的摄影师为例吧。  For example; I used to be afraid to be myself when I socialized with   例如,当与别人交往时我会感觉害怕,我意识到我害怕的是自己。  2、书面表达可以用:(examples below)举例如下。  如:  You will see this declaration in several examples   您将在下面几个例子中了解到这一点。  3、在专业论文写作中可以用:illustrated by the example of /the case of 或者An Perspective,从的角度看。  如:  Finally, the result is illustrated by the example of a small ball's free   最后通过小球的自由运动实例,说明了该方法的有效性。  Here we provide an perspective of the evolution of logistics and discuss in detail the Third Party Logistics and the Fourth Party L  探讨了物流思想的演进,并结合我国实际,分析了第三方物流和第四方物流的思想及其应用。

for example


1、口头表达可以用:“take ……for example”、“take……as an example”、for example。  如:  Take for example those who turn their lens towards the   就以这些将镜头对准工业场景的摄影师为例吧。  For example; I used to be afraid to be myself when I socialized with   例如,当与别人交往时我会感觉害怕,我意识到我害怕的是自己。  2、书面表达可以用:(examples below)举例如下。  如:  You will see this declaration in several examples   您将在下面几个例子中了解到这一点。  3、在专业论文写作中可以用:illustrated by the example of /the case of 或者An Perspective,从的角度看。  如:  Finally, the result is illustrated by the example of a small ball's free   最后通过小球的自由运动实例,说明了该方法的有效性。  Here we provide an perspective of the evolution of logistics and discuss in detail the Third Party Logistics and the Fourth Party L  探讨了物流思想的演进,并结合我国实际,分析了第三方物流和第四方物流的思想及其应用。

take sth for example 如果是以某物为例,用上面的短语,如果是加从句,那就用“for example,"

take,,,as an example

The research of exchange rate risk method -- to XXX company as an example to circumvent the export trade


take sth for example 如果是以某物为例,用上面的短语,如果是加从句,那就用“for example,"

for example

illustrated by the case of Chengduillustrated by the example of Chengdu 也可以。然后其实很多英文教材书名都会说: An Asia Perspective,你觉得你这里用A Chengdu Perspective如何呢。就是从成都的角度来分析。

take A for example
