

发布时间:2024-07-06 22:56:47


The Three Gorges of the Yangtze RiverThe Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the The Three Gorges are: the Xiling Gorge(西陵峡), Wu Gorge(巫峡)and Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡) Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi TThe Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the G A big power station has been built Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to C【词语解释】①be situated(in) 位于……②large multi-purpose water conservancy project 大型水利枢纽工程③benefit['benifit] v 有益于

Mention China, everyone will think to the Yangtze But many people ignore the upper reaches of the Yangtze River that beautiful and magnificent three The total length of more than 700 in cross-strait three gorges, mountains, heavy the Yan Yan rock like barrier, the river completely surrounded, like a mother for fear that the child would be unharmed If you want to really beautiful scenery, you will be in the spring or winter to the Three Gorges Winter spring season, when you stand on a boat, the first words in front of you, is that green river, the river from time to time Dangqi microwave, but soon will calm At the moment, you will be attracted by the beautiful stone forest water I want to, you must come back to shore, to see the mountain In the woods you, will hear a variety of clear of birds, the birds lead, went to the top of the hill you will see many more in different poses and with different expressions, the Look into the distance, you will see more delicate mountains, this is the real beautiful scenery ah!The fall of the Three Gorges, can use a "hard" to describe the I think, you will How can the word be attract your characteristics? In If you were coming in the fall of Three Gorges, will hear bursts of desolate It was issued on both sides of the ape Listen carefully, you will find that every sound, are Suddenly, you will feel that seem horrible ape, will also have the colorful emotional With listening to the ears of fisherman sings: "Three Gorges Wu Gorge Badong long, monkeys, three voice tears stained clothing!" But you don't feel sad, but feel that, the Three Gorges is a feeding of all things, emotional Although the summer without winter and spring when the Three Gorges of the beauty of autumn, no colorful emotion, but it still has its own If you can come to the Three Gorges in the summer, that can really be On t

Three gorges dam The three gorges dam is located in China's hunan province, the whole project is expected to completion in The flood control and power generation function with the The Yangtze river in the same period a year is always Destroyed crops and homes, even claimed many Because the surface of the lake, the dam will rise by more than 100 meters, and need immigrants millions, the three gorges region of the many places of interest will be



The Three Gorges of the Yangtze RiverThe Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the The Three Gorges are: the Xiling Gorge(西陵峡), Wu Gorge(巫峡)and Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡) Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi TThe Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the G A big power station has been built Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to C

楼下是google 翻译的,慎重啊



Sanxia District (traditional Chinese: 三峡区; Hanyu Pinyin: Sānxiá Qū; Tongyong Pinyin: Sansiá Cyu) is an urban district in the southwestern part of New Taipei City in northern Republic of China (Taiwan) It has an area of 45 km² and a population of 101,839 (May 2010)The old name of Sanxia, Saⁿ-kak-éng (Chinese: 三角涌; literally "triangular surge") refers to the meeting of the Dahan River, Sansia River, and "Horizontal River" (横溪) In 1920, Taiwan's Japanese government designated it an administrative area named Sankyō (三峡; Romaji: Sankyō; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Sam-kiap): "Three G"


The Three Gorges of the Yangtze RiverThe Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the The Three Gorges are: the Xiling Gorge(西陵峡), Wu Gorge(巫峡)and Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡) Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi TThe Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the G A big power station has been built Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to C【词语解释】①be situated(in) 位于……②large multi-purpose water conservancy project 大型水利枢纽工程③benefit['benifit] v 有益于

楼下是google 翻译的,慎重啊


China Three Gorges Museum in Chongqing is to protect, research, display of the history of Chongqing and the Three Gorges area of cultural heritage material and human environment of public cultural and educational institutions is to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit of the important cultural China Three Gorges Museum in Chongqing Museum of the merger and to build, will be linked to two It is located in the top ten Asia in the 20th century classical building of the Chongqing People's Grand Hall is the western end of the two 40,000 square meters to the middle of the Chongqing People's Square, the three together form a "trinity" of the city landmark If the Chongqing People's Grand Hall is a 20th century symbol of the 50's building in Chongqing, then, China Three Gorges Museum in Chongqing is the beginning of the 21st century landmark building, a landscape garden set in the heart of the mountain city of Chongqing shining

你眼中的三峡,我们哪里知道呢?  给你看看别人眼中的三峡吧  -----------------------------------------------------------  三峡精神之旅zz  附图:三峡夔门映像(centrial摄)  一支竹篙撑过三峡的湍流,也划过千年的华章。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,三峡,曾是一  代代文人墨客为之倾心的形胜之地,是长江文化源流最光彩照人的一段。世易时移,  屈原归去,李白不复,沿岸的城镇早已更换了名字。而当6月1日下闸蓄水之时,高峡  出平湖,三峡将又一次改变它原有的样子。  值此之际,我们请来各界学者名人,各抒己见,纵论三峡之美。历史的湍流不可  挽留,但有关美的记忆却可在心中典藏。  ——两岸连山,略无阙处。重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日  撰文/刘征(著名散文家、中学课文《过万重山漫想》作者)  与黄河文明比起来,长江文明的特质最重要的便是:人文的、开放的、多元的、  感性的。  我一生三下三峡,三峡至今对我来说仍是人生里极其重要的地方。《过万重山漫想》  是在1979年我第一次去三峡时写的。二期工程以后,三峡将再无险可言,后人们恐怕  再难体会人们最初克服这一天险时的心情了。  开放的另一重意义是冲破,到了三峡,“冲破”变成一件极为艰巨的事情。三峡  险峻,自古就是天堑,北魏的郦道元曾言,“两岸连山,略无阙处。重岩叠嶂,隐天  蔽日,自非亭午时分,不见曦月。”(《水经注》)险滩乱礁,狂风巨浪,三峡在相  当长一段时期里都是生死路。老船工讲,“闯过去了是运气,闯不过去就再无回头路  。”在这样的情况下,除非有极大的勇气,否则是很难下决心走一遭的。  而我眼中的三峡精神正是这样一种开拓精神。古人下峡,长篙短篙拄在礁石上,  每到急流,就用篙将船从逼近礁石的角度上撑开,生死毫发,这样的胆量和气魄实在  太令人感叹了。当初看到宋人夏圭的《巴船下峡图》我震惊了好久,再过三峡时,头  脑里总是反复出现苏轼“古人篙眼似蜂窝”的诗句来,感慨万千。前人眼中的三峡是  生死关,就是这样的生死关,无数的中国人闯过去,留下了无数的故事。许多人说中  华民族是封闭、保守的民族,我想如果他们去走一遭三峡,看看那些与时代与急流险  滩搏斗的艄公,就不会再这么想。  我一直坚持,只有开拓精神才是最大的浪漫,正因为有了这样的开拓,三峡才能  引发人们内心的共鸣,它也因此而最美。  ——美丽的梦留下美丽的忧伤,人间天上,代代相传  撰文/舒婷(我国著名诗人,曾作神女峰组诗)  睽别三峡20余载,我所念念不忘的神女,可还在“巫山之阳,高丘之阻,旦为朝  云,暮为行雨”,于“阳台之下”,为谁望穿秋水?  1981年初夏,我在北京开完会,准备到武汉参观正热火朝天的葛洲坝工程,顺便  游三峡。我们先坐长途汽车,崎岖惊险,年轻不知道害怕,一路颠簸到宜昌,然后上  船。没有导游拉客,只有广播,每到紧要关头轰轰响起。解说者操浓重地方口音,不  是湖北腔便是四川嗓门,初闯江湖的我,听在耳朵里全成了一片紧张嘈杂的防空警报  。只凭着对三峡的一点粗浅常识和周围游客的兴奋度,来揣测西陵峡呀香溪呀兵书宝  剑峡呀等逶迤变幻的山水画廊。  其实看山看水,不必拘泥于名头的响亮与否,而在于入目入耳入心,那一刻的亲  近和融汇。想它是什么便是什么吧。于是拿把椅子,披件同伴的宽大西装,坐在船头  ,任风勒着我,把乱发一根根往后扯直如缰绳。仰望“两岸连山,别无阙处”(北魏  郦道元《水注经》),“肃何千千”、“磐石险峻,交加累积,重叠增益”(楚宋玉  《高唐赋》);俯视江涛水流,汹汹洋洋湛湛,有声有色,有情有义,“感心动耳”  ,回肠荡气。  游客纷纷,说是半夜进巫峡,怪不得楚王邂逅神女,一定是在睡梦中。我非白马  王子,要亲睹倩影只有睁大眼睛,片刻不敢交睫。守侯许久,见众人慌张着鞋加衣,  挤向舷边甲板,我自然不甘人后一涌而出。  微蓝的天幕已经拉开,序曲低溢在浪弦的韵律之间。清月迷朦、冷雾飘忽,山影  幢幢,江氤四起,烘托的悲剧呼之欲出。神女裹着素袍缓缓转过身来,却只是默默侧  聆,幽幽眄视,欲说还休。千言万语只在最不设防的一瞬间,她是我们大家的梦中情  人,随即隐入其他形状,不复重现芳容。  众人还在指指点点。蓦然,我眼眶一热心中刺痛,不由得抽身回到空寂的船舱里。江  涛高一声低一声,都是激越的和弦。  据《巫山县志》记载:“赤帝女瑶姬,未行而卒,葬于巫山之阳为神女”。民间  另有传说:夏禹时代,西王母娘娘的女儿瑶姬带领十一姐妹下凡,协助大禹治水,并  送他一本工具书叫《上清宝经》。瑶姬不但是个杰出的女工程师,还是称职的地方官  员。疏通峡道,解除水患后,奔波流连于三峡,为民办实事,例如为船民擒水妖,为  樵夫驱虎豹,为农人布云雨等。三峡人民把这群叛出天庭的守护女神挽留在人间,化  成奇俏秀绝的巫峡十二峰,最高峰即是为首的瑶姬,被称为神女峰  ——风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。万里悲  秋常作客,百年多病独登台。艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。  撰文/林东海(人民文学出版社资深编辑,李白研究会会员,为寻访李白的踪迹曾多  次游历三峡)  乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,固然是三峡的山川锦绣之美,而巫山云雨,白帝晨昏,亦  是三峡的古今叠映之美。昭君村、白帝城、屈子庙、武侯祠……这些密布于三峡沿岸  的古迹遗踪、情景交融投射下历史的叠影,引无数文人墨客穿过惊涛骇浪走向楚天大  地。  是以如果没有三峡,地图上不仅将抹去一道水流湍急的河道,更重要的是,中国  的文学史一定会因此而改写。巴楚文化的源流浇灌出三峡两岸的风光,壮美的景象催  促屈原宋玉写下楚辞中的不朽篇章,而他们本人也成为后人吟咏的章节。李白杜甫从  这里走过,沿岸的足迹又铸出了三峡新的传说。然后又是陆游、苏轼……古人的身影  在这里穿梭交织,一代代密密层层有如地质层累积。一道巫山云雨,两岸猿声哀啼,  就贯穿了整个中国文学史。  历史上的三峡是各少数民族文化融合之地,同时也遭遇过不少战乱以及历朝历代  的水患。沿岸的民族风情、民生疾苦、英雄史事以及沧桑变化的感叹,和着涛声一古  脑儿都汇入了诗篇。是以在三峡必作怀古诗、咏史诗,千古以来蔚然成风。诗风在李  白之前多为浪漫遐想,在杜甫之后则多为沉郁悲凉。身世的沉浮造就了不同的诗篇,  想来在不同的时代,人们同样欣赏到的三峡风光也是截然不同的吧  ——行神如空,行气如虹。巫峡千寻,走云连风。饮真茹强,蓄素守中。喻彼行健,  是谓存雄。天地与立,神化攸同。期之以实,御之以终。——司空图《二十四诗品》  撰文/鲜于煌(重庆师范学院中文系古代文学导师、三峡文化与社会发展研究院  学者、多年来从事三峡文化的研究工作)  司空图赫赫有名的《二十四诗品》将中国古诗按照美学风格分为二十四种情境,  其中“劲健”一派中有“巫峡千寻,走云连风”的字样,这里的巫峡是泛指三峡。它  清楚地说明了三峡已经作为一种符号,深入中国人的美学观念之中。  黑格尔说:“美感是主体同对角处于和谐统一,主体的感性与理性活动也处于和  谐统一状态时的心意状态。”就三峡来说,山的巍峨、水的急流,以及行舟峡中的跌  宕奇险,很自然地引发文人们内心的激荡不安;灵感,往往由此而来。外在的景色美  冲撞着心灵,景物与心灵和谐契合,反映在文学上,便是触景生情,物我为一。当小  船在冲破激流险滩之际感受良辰美景,不由发出浩浩长叹。  群山万壑、大江奔腾,三峡自古以来就是诗的海洋、画的长廊。李白、杜甫、高  适、岑参、元稹、刘禹锡、苏轼、陆游、黄庭坚、范成大……一连串的诗人铭刻在三  峡的史册上。高耸入云的巫山十二峰、一泻千里的滚滚长江,以及生活在高山密林、  深沟险谷中的苗人、瑶人、羌人、越人等许多少数民族,都曾以三峡特有的地理环境  和色彩缤纷的社会生活激发出创作灵感和激情。最具说明性的是杜甫——他一生50多  年的时间里总共写出的诗篇有1400多首,而他在三峡地区共居住了两年零九个月时间  ,就写出481首,几乎平均每两天就写一首,无论是从数量还是质量上看  ——朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还,两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山  撰文/岑学恭(巴蜀诗书画研究会会长、三峡画派创始人,多年来专门从事三峡  山水与巴蜀风光的绘画创作)  画家眼里的长江三峡是美不胜收的山水画廊。三峡之美,美在雄、险、奇、幽。  瞿塘峡以雄伟峻拔著称,巫峡以幽深秀丽驰名,西陵峡以滩险水急逞胜。在三大峡谷  之间处处风光旖旎,两岸青山,犹闻猿声;数叶扁舟,饶有野趣。千姿百态、相得益  彰,令人心驰神往。三峡的一山一水、一景一物,无不似诗如画。比较起方正平整的  黄河文化来,三峡之美是一种动态之美。要体会出三峡的美,就要在中景、远景处欣  赏。三峡峡谷高且窄并险,但仍有平缓的山势和宽谷。峰峦如削,波涛如怒,湍急的  水流和巨大的落差构成了动态的画面,也因而更能激起书画者的激情与畅想。如能乘  船江上,船动景移,可揽尽山、水、泉、洞之美。  可以想象,如果没有三峡文化,长江就只能是一条“长白江”。  中国长江三峡历史上早有闻名,隋唐时期山水树石,已渐转入独立画科,刘(松年)  、李(唐)、马(远)、夏(圭)画作显示出山水画气势之清劲雄伟,大有李白的“  朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。”之风。美  不胜收的历史上记载了绘画山水,如唐吴道子画嘉陵山水(嘉陵江为长江在重庆、四  川的一大支流)三百余里一日而毕。  三峡画派的形成主要在于巴山蜀水,长江三峡特殊的地形地貌,造就出了一大批绘画  艺术家。三峡画派,把最能反映巴蜀变迁的三峡风光,作为艺术表达的主题,以绘画  方式来描写历史文卷,被感染者愈来愈多,描绘长江三峡历史文化名胜古迹,记录三  峡的新景观,久而久之竟在现代逐渐形成了一个派系。  弹指算来,画三峡近五十年了。我对三峡的风景感兴趣由来已久。小时候读到的地理  课本上面有插图、照片,其中描绘三峡景色,曾使我对景生情,殊为神往。我生长在  “大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的塞北平原,每见到悬崖峭壁、怪石嶙峋的风景照片时  ,总会幻想那远古时代“蜀犬吠日”的四川山川风物的图像……  抗日战争爆发,我被迫离开那莽莽大漠,从西北向西南,踏着三国时邓艾走过的“阴  平小道”,走蚕丛,攀栈道,进入了四川,从此又与三峡结下不解之缘,多次往返三  峡,写生采集素材。李杜的诗句,开阔了我画三峡的胸襟。恩师徐悲鸿先生在抗战期  间也为我写过三峡题画诗。总之,不到三峡,没有身临其境的生活体验,是很难体会  到这些诗句之意境的  (以上文字内容属中国国家地理杂志,详情请见中国国家地理6期)

楼下是google 翻译的,慎重啊


The Three Gorges of the Yangtze RiverThe Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the The Three Gorges are: the Xiling Gorge(西陵峡), Wu Gorge(巫峡)and Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡) Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi TThe Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the G A big power station has been built Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to C【词语解释】①be situated(in) 位于……②large multi-purpose water conservancy project 大型水利枢纽工程③benefit['benifit] v 有益于

Mention China, everyone will think to the Yangtze But many people ignore the upper reaches of the Yangtze River that beautiful and magnificent three The total length of more than 700 in cross-strait three gorges, mountains, heavy the Yan Yan rock like barrier, the river completely surrounded, like a mother for fear that the child would be unharmed If you want to really beautiful scenery, you will be in the spring or winter to the Three Gorges Winter spring season, when you stand on a boat, the first words in front of you, is that green river, the river from time to time Dangqi microwave, but soon will calm At the moment, you will be attracted by the beautiful stone forest water I want to, you must come back to shore, to see the mountain In the woods you, will hear a variety of clear of birds, the birds lead, went to the top of the hill you will see many more in different poses and with different expressions, the Look into the distance, you will see more delicate mountains, this is the real beautiful scenery ah!The fall of the Three Gorges, can use a "hard" to describe the I think, you will How can the word be attract your characteristics? In If you were coming in the fall of Three Gorges, will hear bursts of desolate It was issued on both sides of the ape Listen carefully, you will find that every sound, are Suddenly, you will feel that seem horrible ape, will also have the colorful emotional With listening to the ears of fisherman sings: "Three Gorges Wu Gorge Badong long, monkeys, three voice tears stained clothing!" But you don't feel sad, but feel that, the Three Gorges is a feeding of all things, emotional Although the summer without winter and spring when the Three Gorges of the beauty of autumn, no colorful emotion, but it still has its own If you can come to the Three Gorges in the summer, that can really be On t

