

发布时间:2024-07-07 01:06:45


论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

英语文章不说什么总分总 基本模式是这样 第一段 介绍下背景什么的 引出 文章中心句 thesis statement后面 对上面的中心句进行 论证 给出几个support每个自然段一个support,对每个support进行展开最后 总结

【大学生】 毕业讠仑 文              应该是本科毕业讠仑 文      Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业讠仑 文分为 硕士研究生毕业讠仑 文          和博士研究生讠仑 文 分别为         Master's Thesis和PD Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ



据学术堂了解一篇论文的基本结构大致如下:  题目(title)  [副标题(subtitle)]  摘要(Abstract)  关键字(Keywords)  引言  材料与思路  结果  讨论  总结  致谢  参考文献

(一) 论文的基本结构 论文属于议论文,其基本结构一般包括三部分:论题,论证和结论 论题:指论文真实性需要证明的命题 论证:即论述并证明主要指引用论据来证明论题的真实性的论述过程,是由论据推出论题时所使用的推理形式 结论:即结束语,对文章所下的最后判断其主要作用是:(1)总结全文,点明主题(2)展望未来,增强信心(3)抒发感情,增强感染力 (二)论文组成部分 一篇完整的论文应当包括以下内容: 标题名称(题目) 论文标题应以最恰当,最简明的语词来反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合,尽可能避免使用不常见的缩写省略词,字符,代号,符号和公式等论文标题一般不超过30个字 作者姓名和单位 论文的署名包括:参与选定研究课题和制定研究方案的人员,直接参与全部或主要部分研究工作并做出贡献的人员,参加撰写论文的人员如果是两个或两个以上的人员联合完成的论文,应根据每个人员的贡献大小或根据约定排列名次 论文摘要 摘要即摘录要点,是对论文内容的简短陈述,提示论文的主要观点,见解,论据或概括地简单介绍论文的主要内容摘要文字要简明,确切论文的中文摘要一般以200~400字为宜,重要的学术论文不超过1500字数 关键词(或主题词) 关键词是指用来表达论文全文主题内容信息的单词或术语,供资料查询之用每篇论文的关键词一般选取3~5个词语 提纲 提纲是指论文内容的要点 引言(或称引论,前言,导言,绪论,序论和导论) 引言是论文的起始部分内容复杂篇幅长的论文,称"绪论","序论",要求讲清写作此文的动机,它的内容,意义,欲达之目的主要是用来简要说明研究问题的内容,目的,方法和意义,阐明全文的主要观点(文章论点),借鉴会计领域中前辈及他人的研究情况,知识布局和理论基础,提出作者本人对会计理论和实践的继承与发展的研究设想以及研究方法,达到的预期成果和现实意义等如果是调查报告还可以交代背景,说明调查方法这部分内容具有"提纲挈领"的作用,意在概括与领起全文,但文字以"少而精"为宜在正文里,不用写"前言"二字,一般写1个段落,也有写2个,3个甚至4个段落的写完后,在转入本论时,中间最好空1行 正文 正文是论文的核心部分,也是论文的主体部分,其功能就是:展开论题,分析论证正文的内容就是深入分析文章引言提出的问题,运用理论研究和实践操作相结合进行分析论证,揭示出各专业领域客观事物内部错综复杂的联系及其规律性正文撰写的内容反映出文章的逻辑思维性和语言表达能力,决定了论文的可理解性和论证的说服力正文撰写必须做到实事求是,客观真切,准备充分,思维逻辑清晰,层次分明,通俗易懂转正文撰写时采用的层次结构方式有以下三种形式: 1)直线推论方式由文章中心论点出发层层深入地展开论述,由一点进行到另一点的逻辑推演,呈现出直线式的逻辑深入 2)并列分论方式把从属于基本论题的若干个下位论点并列起来,分别进行论述 3)直线推论与并列分论相结合的方式即直线分论中包含并列分论,而并列分论下又有直线推论,形成复杂的立体结构 论文的正文部分通常采用第三种方式(即直线推论与并列推论相结合的方式)的结构层次 结束语 结尾部分,文止而言尽,要照应开头,要体现全文的整体性全文浑然一体,首尾呼应,既可以给人一种结构上完整的感觉,又可以收到概括全文,突出中心,加深读者印象的效果结尾分总结式结尾,说明式结尾,号召式结尾等三种 "结语","结束语"等字眼,在正文里不必写出,视论文体裁和内容而定,照应开头的,应是一个独立部分,应与上段之间空一行;若是上部分行文言尽而止的,则不用空一行,等于言尽即止,没有全文结束部分 致谢语 致谢语可以作为"脚注"放在文章首页的最下面,也可以放在文章的最后致谢的词语要诚恳,简洁恰当 参考文献 参考文献(资料)附在论文的后面,较多的应加页列出,至少要离开文末四行书写论文引用的文献资料方式,分为直接引用和间接引用两种直接引用原文,需要加上引号;间接引用,只是转述大意,又称意引,不加引号对于引用的文章内容,要忠实原文,不可断章取义,为我所用;不能前后矛盾,牵强附会;论文写作中,作者应表明对引文的观点,立场即称赞或反对的态度

(一) 论文的基本结构 论文属于议论文,其基本结构一般包括三部分:论题,论证和结论 论题:指论文真实性需要证明的命题 论证:即论述并证明主要指引用论据来证明论题的真实性的论述过程,是由论据推出论题时所使用的推理形式 结论:即结束语,对文章所下的最后判断其主要作用是:(1)总结全文,点明主题(2)展望未来,增强信心(3)抒发感情,增强感染力

论文框架由以下几部分组成:1、介绍简要地总结论文主题,说明为什么这个主题有价值,也许还可以概述一下你的主要结果。2、背景信息(可选)简短地介绍背景信息是必要的,特别是当你的论文涉及两个或多个传统领域时。3、新技术回顾这部分回顾了与论文相关的研究现状。  4、研究问题或问题陈述工程论文倾向于提到一个需要解决的“问题”,而其他学科则是用一个需要回答的“问题”来表述。在这两种情况下,有三个主要部分: 对你的论文所要解决的问题的简明陈述;研究这个问题的原因;  阐述为什么值得研究这个问题。5、描述你如何解决问题或回答问题  论文的这一部分形式更加自由,可以有一个或几个部分和子部分。 6、结论  结论部分通常涵盖三件事,并且每一件事都应该有一个单独的小节: 结论;对成果的总结;未来的研究。7、参考文献  参考文献的列表与第3部分中给出的技术现状综述紧密相关。所有的参考文献都必须在论正文中提及。参考书目可能包括论文中没有直接引用的作品。8、附录  一般来说,太过具体的材料不适合在论文主体中出现,但可供考官仔细阅读,以充分说服他们。


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【大学生】 毕业讠仑 文              应该是本科毕业讠仑 文      Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业讠仑 文分为 硕士研究生毕业讠仑 文          和博士研究生讠仑 文 分别为         Master's Thesis和PD Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Management of agricultural industrialization, the nature of the market economy the main form of agricultural interests of diverse communities, and to contract as the link for "benefit-sharing, risk sharing," the interests of the joint mechanism, developed from the production, processing and selling Agricultural I Leading enterprises and farmers is the most direct community of Leading enterprises to grow, is to adjust agricultural and rural economic structure, promote agricultural industrialization operation, build modern agriculture, the only way to increase peasant incomes has the benefit of farmers producing standardized, high-quality agricultural products, high yield, high efficiency; are conducive to rural Sheng Yu labor force to achieve specialization, the degree of organization of farmers, against market risk, increase In the agricultural industrialization process, the interests of the joint mechanism is to determine the success of industrial management of the key Development of agricultural industrialization fundamental purpose is to raise the level of modern agriculture, by industrial processing of agricultural products in value-added, farmers engaged in agricultural production greater In practice, establish interest has been the linking mechanism for governments, enterprises, markets, farmers, such as multi game Jiaodian: How Bao Zhang multi-interests, so that enterprises and other economic organizations and farmers Jianli become closer sound of interests, enjoy the industry of the common operating Interests of the association mechanism is the theme of the economy in the interests of mutual respect between the contact relationship between the interaction constraints and regulatory functions, it can be divided into interests of both the creation and distribution of benefits, the composition includes four aspects: the distribution of benefits system , safeguards the interests, the interests and the interests of the restraint mechanism regulating From the theory of agricultural industrialization, agricultural industrialization and the actual cause of industrialization throughout the course of business in connection with the interests of the way, combined with Zhengzhou status of industrial management of agriculture, benefits linked with the main form of Zhengzhou City in promoting agriculture industrialization process, enterprises and other economic organizations and farmers association problems, to study the establishment and perfection of the agricultural industrialization in the interests of the association's strategy and give Links of interest to further improve the mechanism to support growth strategies, including agricultural leading enterprises, vigorously develop rural cooperative economic organizations, establish and perfect the mechanism of regulatory constraints, the system so as to strengthen the Link the interests of industrial management of agriculture can be attributed to the connotation of mechanisms: organizational system in industrial management arrangements, to various types of organizations relying on carrier, through industrial system "non-market arrangements" and combine market forces outside the system, enable the participants to the main body of the system inputs (labor, capital, products, knowledge, technology) and property rights in which they are admitted, to get acceptable returns and benefits of one kind of economic interests of the Promote agricultural industrialization from the practice of, establish and improve mechanisms for the interests of industrialized operation of agriculture, can not do without administrative intervention and macro- Therefore, farmers should focus safeguard the interests of the core to create a level playing field, from reality, flexible options, and study a range of participation, guidance and support policies and measures, coordination between different Interests through the innovative link mechanism, updating the interests of agriculture-related enterprises and the concept of farmers, government support to implement sound policies to promote industrialization of agriculture means more closely link the interests, to promote agricultural industrialization, Zhengzhou City, the healthy development of a significant increase in farmers income


论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)


gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis, MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类

Abstract: At present, real estate is one of the most indispensible Land Appreciation Tax, being as a taxation lever of state macro-control upon real estate industry, plays an import role in regulating the appreciation income of real estate enterprises and restraining investment Land Appreciation Tax is powerful in guaranteeing the equitable distribution of income and improving the sound development of real Tax authorities at any level are demanded to implement the State Council’s notice and essence, attach great importance to the collection and management of Land Appreciation Tax, reinforce the tax liquidation and enhance tax regulation, meanwhile, combining pre-requisition system and enterprise Key Words: Land Appreciation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax Liquidation, Land Appreciation Tax pre-


【大学生】 毕业讠仑 文              应该是本科毕业讠仑 文      Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业讠仑 文分为 硕士研究生毕业讠仑 文          和博士研究生讠仑 文 分别为         Master's Thesis和PD Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

V Thesis Outline:I I                    II On Developing English Reading Skills in Junior High S                                      Current Situation and Problems of Junior High School Students in English R Reasons of Currents Problems in English RⅢ Ways to develop Students’ English Reading S Developing Students’ Reading H Specific Measures in developing Reading S1 Broadening Students’ V2 Improving Students’ Reading I3 Training Students’ Reading Speed While R4 Choose Proper Reading Materials and SⅣ Extending Students’ Eye Shot in Extracurricular RⅤ C扩展资料定义和用法注释:轮廓线不会占据空间,也不一定是矩形。outline 简写属性在一个声明中设置所有的轮廓属性。可以按顺序设置如下属性:outline-coloroutline-styleoutline-width如果不设置其中的某个值,也不会出问题,比如outline:solid #ff0000也是允许的。默认值:invert none 继承性:版本:CSSJavaScript 语法:utline="#0000FF dotted thin"参考资料:百度百科-outline

INDUCTION分总DEDUCTION总分总分总:DEDUCTION AND SUMMARY其实外国人不太喜欢用总分总形式的,一般是分总和总分比较多

