

发布时间:2024-07-07 05:12:32


1、英文: China has the history of more than 5,000 years and we are so proud of the profound Every year, we are so looking forward to spending the holiday during the traditional They are the important part of Chinese traditional But for young people, the meaning of these festival is fading When young people are asked about the meaning of traditional festival, some of them have no For example, some young people believe that Mid-autumn Festival is to in honor of the ancestors, or it is a day to eat Actually, most festivals have been advocated by the commercial ads, and they show people to buy more products to spend the festivals Some ads try to implant people the wrong idea about the meaning of festival, just to attract more The loss meaning of traditional festivals brings the negative side to the preserve of traditional The mass media should advocate the essence of the festivals, so as to let the young generation learn more about our culture and be proud of 2、翻译: 中国有着5000多年的历史,我们为这个源远流长的文化感到骄傲。每年,我们都很期待在传统节日里度假,它们是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。但对年轻人来说,这些节日的意义正在消退。 当年轻人被问及传统节日的意义时,有些人根本就不知道。例如,一些年轻人认为中秋节是为了纪念祖先,或者是用来吃月饼的日子。事实上,大多数节日都被商业广告进行宣传,他们让人们购买更多的产品来欢度节日。一些广告还试图植入人们对节日意义的错误观念,只是为了吸引更多的顾客。 传统节日意义的缺失给传统文化的传承带来了消极影响。大众传媒应该宣扬节日的本质,让年轻一代更多地了解我们的文化,并以此为荣。


第一篇:Traditional Culture Won't Be LostIt seems we are living in the conflict between modern and traditional cultures every Hearing the blaring of horns the moment you step out of your house, seeing the so called "pop" the moment you open your eyes, you can't help thinking, "Will the traditional culture be gradually lost?"Many people believe They may put right in front of you all the evidences they can dig They may argue that people are rushing to restaurants instead of cooking at home, listening to pop music but not traditional, wearing in a way people couldn't imagine ten years Modern people like the air of freedom, not to be restrained by They offer this long list, only trying to confirm that this world is full of fashion,competition and temptation and the traditional culture is fadingand will be lost at Though we are now living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy are part of our daily Though this is a skeptical age, and our faith has weakened, our confidence in some aspects of the traditional culture should and would never be Wouldn't you agree that our traditional culture is always credited with modesty, politeness and respectfulness, which have always been treasured for more than five thousand years?Even in this modern world, people still admire those with good manners, those who are polite to others or respectful to old Wouldn't you agree that our Chinese traditional music is beautiful and artistic and our Chinese tea culture is always an appealing treasure to people around the world?So there may just be some changes in our lifestyle or our attitudes towards life, but little change occurs to some fundamental aspects of our traditional culture that people still treasure in The traditional culture will never be lost, I 第二篇:The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional In the city, no one can escape from the fast We eat the popularized fast food and enjoy the popularized "fast food" Since we get so used to such fast things that many traditional things have been neglected, some people believe that the traditional culture will gradually be lost, but I think it will never be Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures still continue to We still regard going to a concert as a Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and And we are still moved by the inspirational spirits of our great Traditional festivals remind us of our disposition to the traditional Our relief in traditional culture gets ready to revive at any To some traditional cultures that are on decline, we have taken active measures to conserve Experts have come up with proper advice on protecting such Many volunteers have dedicated themselves to studying First and foremost,more and more people have discerned the importance of the traditional Therefore, we are sure that our efforts will lead to a brilliant If a culture wants to gain an eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people in its So does our traditional Traditional cultures adhering to modern means appear For example, we make CDs for classic music so that it can not only meet modern needs but also spread further and more successfully in the modern The appearance of traditional culture changes, but the essence will never change and will be well There is no need to worry about whether our traditional culture will be It is an important heritage of the whole human No culture, no We cherish the traditional culture as we cherish our blood in our The traditional culture lies in life, forever 第三篇:In the 21~(st) century, globalization takes great influences not only on the field of economy, but also on that of culture, it means the constant dominance of western One of the aspects is that traditional culture is being treated The treasures from our ancestors are fading out How to maintain it is really an urgent Cultural contact and conflict are very common and unavoidable in the development of The key factor is that how we should face and deal with Another concern for many countries was the dispersal of Indigenous cultural property around the There was concern that objects had been removed from their native territories, often with the consent of Indigenous Pacific Peoples, at times in the past where Indigenous peoples had no control over the collection, trade and importation of such Repatriation of cultural objects is becoming increasingly important for Pacific countries as they now establish their own museums and cultural centres for the recording, display and promotion of their However, there is still much repatriation work to be The Cook Islands delegation reported that there are more traditional cultural objects from the Cook Islands held in overseas museums than in the Cook Islands The Cook Islands National Museum is attempting to repatriate objects from museums abroad, but unfortunately, there are very few legal avenues available for the return of such cultural In most cases, repatriation of cultural objects is dependent on the goodwill of the relevant international museums。

昔日的年画、鞭炮和祭祖活动了无影踪,中国人最传统的新年文化似乎已逐渐被一次年夜饭、一台春晚和几条拜年的短信所取代。然而,安静的新年只是中国传统文化流失的一个表现。当韩国的端午祭申遗成功,当我们内蒙古族的马头琴成为蒙古国的非物质文化遗产,当成影戏成了印度尼西亚的“传统”,当埃及和韩国在争夺中国造纸术的发明权时,每一个中国人都应当在情人节的玫瑰和圣诞节的铃声中觉醒。我们应当重新回顾中国博大精深的传统文化。那昔日的辉煌为什么如此轻易的被我们遗忘?那些正在一日日流失的中国传统文化的出路究竟在何方?   中华的文化有深厚的历史背景,那是几千年来的沉淀和积聚,每一次的民俗民风都有着其最独特的传说和文化背景,每一个节目都有上古的史载和存在流传的价值。西方简明快捷的文化似乎更易被接受,但中国文化的横深和纵深是不容许被遗忘和取代的。在经济平稳快速增长的时代背景之下,每一个中国人,每一个华夏儿女都有责任深思中国传统文化得以保存并流传的方法。在某种意义上,那是中华民族得以稳站世界民族之林的出路,那是一个以礼治国的民族得以丰富和充实的出路。   虽然那瑰宝仍以痛心的速度流失着,但我们还是看到关注的目光正移向它们。   举世瞩目的奥运会开幕式便是最好的例证,在那次盛会上,我们看到了千人击缶的恢宏场面,我们听到了“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”的古诵,我们被昆曲的悠扬感动,我们被活字印刷术的精妙而慑服。张艺谋倾尽心血向世界展示了一个文化悠远的东方古国,也向每一个中华儿女诉说了传统文化的价值和珍贵。   当越来越多的省份开始把民俗民风申入国家非物质文化遗产,当新年的钟声敲响时我们又可以听到喜庆的鞭炮声和飞舞的秧歌彩带时,当在传统节日里我们都有机会去重温过去的习俗时,我们有理由相信,中国传统文化的出路不再是个让人永远担忧的问题,中华儿女终会将每一个传说每一处风俗留给后人,手手相承。   我们看到中国传统文化的出路通向光明。   那静悄悄的新年,有了鞭炮的祝福,有了庙会的欢庆,有了昔日的味道。



Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout C Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by Pop C This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius) These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five C From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely C China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and E中国传统文化正在吸引全世界的注意,尽管在传统意义上被看成是西方文化的流行文化开始在中国广泛传播。尤其是中国功夫,对于那些通过功夫初次了解中国的成千上万的人来讲,有着非常大的影响。由于功夫,他们可能来到中国,学习了解中国文化的其他方面,比如京剧和川剧这样的传统戏剧。亚洲国家很早以前就知道古代中国文化的博大。他们自己的文化混合了本民族的文化和中国文化的特色。韩国和日本很早就把儒教等观念引进了他们的社会当中。甚至在被流行文化冲击的今天,儒教的影响也一直在延续。这种力量来自“四书”(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》和《孟子》)中的思想。这些书是依照“五经”之中所体现的更为早期的思想而著成的。西方人从中了解到了诸如风水等中国所特有的文化概念。中国已经通过向其他国家派遣文化使者并在美国、欧洲等地建立中国文化中心来进一步推广中国文化。



1 是孔子吧2 来中国呗

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韩国民俗韩国传统风俗习惯方面, 像其他许多国家一样, 拜年元月一日是新年开始。韩国自古以来使用阴历, 然而自十九世纪末叶以来, 由於深受外来文化的影响, 迄今已演变成任由百姓选定过阳历的新年或旧历的新年。阳历一月一日起连续三天休假, 阴历一月一日, 也被定为休假日, 连休两天。每逢新年, 家家户户都准备隹肴, 换上新衣, 全家团聚在一起, 行新年祭祖之礼, 这是拜年。阴历正月十四日, 韩国每家都做很多混合各种杂粮的「五谷饭」及菜肴, 以招待访客及邻里乡人, 以增进村里人之间彼此友谊, 加强团结, 以祈求另一个丰收年。阴历四月初八是佛教释迦如来佛的诞生日, 因此, 这一天称为佛诞日或佛浴日, 许多佛教信徒们在全国各地寺庙中, 厌祝、祈求,同时信徒们悬挂许多灯笼。阴历五月五日是端午节, 这天除了摔角的活动外, 尚有专为女子而办的荡秋千活动。而阳历五月五日是儿童节, 为了鼓励儿童们成长强健, 这一天通常举办运动会或游艺节目。 阴历六月十五日称为流头日, 人们在从东方流来的清澈的河水中洗头发, 以除去暑热, 洗去一年的恶运。在这一段暑期中人民可以暂时休假, 在流头日的宴会上, 吟诗作乐, 在酷热的三伏中必须吃人浍、糯米和鸡做成的浍鸡汤, 抑止酷暑热天, 此种风俗已流传迄今, 风行全国许多地方。阴历七月七日称为七夕, 有些家庭, 在这一天也向着北斗七星祭拜, 为不孕的妇女求子。阴历八月十五是秋夕(即中秋节)。 自古以来韩 国人就非常重视秋夕, 在丰盛的秋收后, 准备很多隹肴祭祀其祖先。冬至是表示冬季 以到, 其特色是在一年中昼短夜长最明显的一日, 而和冬至刚好相反的是夏至, 夏至 在这一年中白昼最长, 夜最短。在冬至这一天, 韩国人家家户户都吃红豆汤圆粥, 按 照韩国传统习俗, 相传鬼魅恨红色, 因而用红豆汤圆粥来祭祀,驱除和防止漫长夜里 鬼魅的侵扰。 阴历十二月的最后一天是除夕, 这一天, 家中年青人须向长者行跪拜大礼, 以表示对长辈们的祝福, 这种风俗礼节称「旧岁拜」。这一天, 为了守岁驱除鬼魅的接近, 厨房的灶内彻夜都要保持薪火不断。此外, 全家都要大扫除, 以迎接明日的新年纳福。



An Introduction to Korea  Korea is a beautiful county with a history of over 5,000 It is hard as an American to comprehend a culture that has lasted that long when our history as a country only goes back a few hundred All of the historical sites have been preserved for future These buildings, stone pagodas and lanterns, and other pieces of sculpture are known as National Treasures and are Seven sites have been selected as UNESCO World Heritage S The Korean treasures included in the World Heritage List are Bulguksa Temple and nearby Seokguram Grotto; Haeinsa Temple's Changgyongp'ango (depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks); Jongmyo Shrine; Changdeokkung Palace Complex; Hwaseong Fortress; Kochang, Hwasun and Kanghwa Dolmen Sites; and Gyeongju Historic A More information about the World Heritage Sites can be found ub each of the site's information and in theTeacher A  Even with this rich history from the past, Korea can be seen as a progressive and modern The modern buildings of the big cities rival those of any other modern country, yet scenes from the past coexist with the   The people of Korea are very friendly and loving and are excited to try their E All of the younger children are learning E They know that their future depends upon being able to speak E At this time only the bigger hotels have someone who can speak English but this will The Korean people want foreign  investors to come to Korea to help their Korea will become a major tourist destination as Americans begin to learn about the beauty of K  Korea is a very mountainous country with every square inch of flat ground being used for agriculture or for the With nearly 50 million people, the population is very Seoul, the capital, has over 10 million people in a very small   Most Koreans live in apartments in the older parts of the big cities or they live in new high-rise apartments which all look the same no matter where you are in K  If there are open spaces they are used for All of the flat land is used for growing   Most of the apartments are 20 stories high and exactly the same The only way you can tell your apartment from another is by the designs that are painted on the ends of the   Traditional Hotel Most of the interiors look just like ours in America but some are the traditional Korean style rooms where you sleep on the floor and then roll up your blankets and use the room as a living room during the   Slippers at the market When you enter a Korean home the first thing you do is remove your There are also slippers in the bathroom while you are   A many-course meal at a Korean Koreans eat a lot of rice with vegetables and fruit at every They also eat a lot of pork that is cooked right at the table on a gas cooking They also have kimchi at every meal - and it is hot!  Koreans usually sit on the floor while
