

发布时间:2024-07-04 16:31:09


日本动漫对中国青少年的影响 摘要 随着动漫的引进,尤其是日本动漫,与我们青少年的关系越来越密切,为了客观了解青少年学习生活受日本动漫的影响,我们拟此课题,希望为社会提供一份引导青少年的参考。 日本动漫业在中国占据着重要的位置,尤其对我们的青少年产生着重要的影响,日本动漫在中国身受广大青少年的喜爱,我们针对这一现状拟此课题,目的在于让青少年能在众多日本的动漫中有选择性地从它们的身上有所借鉴。 我们通过了解电脑、日本动漫发展的概况;并通过制作调查表、调查问卷等了解青少年对日本动漫的态度和心理,获取资料;初步整理,请教老师专家,分析典型事例;查阅社会心理学的相关书籍,分析青少年在对于日本动漫的心理状况;成果汇总,根据调查表、调查问卷及社会心理学的相关知识得出了动漫对青少年的影响的成果。 我们的结果表明:日本动漫对青少年有很大的影响,其中有正面的也有负面的。 日本动漫有利于我们了解各国文化,它涉及的范围广,包括科学、历史等 ,它以青少年喜欢的方式拓展了我们的知识面,丰富了我们的课余生活,调剂了我们在学业中的重负;但同时有些同学沉迷于动漫,花费太多的时间在动漫上,以至于荒废学业,使得学习成绩退步。 因此,我们课题组认为,最优化的方案在于引导,这样才能长久的健康的发展中国的动漫业,使青少年从动漫中受益。 绪论: 从《樱桃小丸子》,到以后的《美少女战士》、《圣斗士星矢》,再到后来逐渐引进的《名侦探柯南》、《灌篮高手》、《魔卡少女樱》等这些日本动漫大片,让在国内的中小学生有了更多的机会接触动漫。所以,现今青少年中喜爱动漫的学生越来越多。逐渐,在全国各地盗版漫画店遍地开花;各地各种形势的动漫画展也越来越多;在网上有关动漫的网站和论坛更是随处可见。 显然,动漫文化的席卷而来是许多人都始料未及的,于是,针对动漫文化的席卷而来,人们对于新鲜事物的态度也是截然不同的。从1980年代末开始,随着动、漫画的进入,中国的青少年开始介入一个动漫时代。同时,在视觉文化的逐步强势过程中间,“读图时代”开始主宰平民化的阅读领域。随着这个领域范围的不断扩大,日本动漫画可以说已经登上了中国动漫市场的首席。长期以来,它以其独特的魅力左右着中国不同年龄动漫迷们的视线。回首中国动漫辉煌的时光,我们不禁感叹,为什么中国的动漫不但没有抢占国外市场反而自己的市场却被日本动漫占领 我国的动漫也曾辉煌过,1986年之前,曾在各类国际电影节上获奖46次,被国际评论认为“达到世界第一流水平,在艺术风格上独树一帜”。但1991年以来,中国动画已经十余年与国际奖项无缘。从1984年开始,连环画艺术系纷纷从大专院校里销声匿迹,美术出版社里原本红火的连环画创作部也人去楼空。上海零点调查有限责任公司与上海电视台财经频道合作的这次调查显示,日本的动漫作品最受欢迎。 青少年是国家的未来,可以说,青少年的精神面貌是一个国家未来的精神面貌,我们的青少年是国家的未来,而现在的青少年接受的都是日本动漫,都是日式的教育色彩和教育方式, 日式的人物形象、日式的思维方式、日式的文化背景……在这种浓烈的日本文化氛围中长大的孩子,以后还能有中国的味道吗? 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。日本动漫席卷中国,早在当年的《铁臂阿童木》就开始了,只不过当时我们还有《孙悟空》之类的动画片可以一争高低。到了今天,打开傍晚的电视,举目皆是日本动画片,多到数不过来,《机器猫》、《忍者乱太郎》、《天空战记》、《灌篮高手》、《足球小子》、《家有贱狗》……连我们的名著《西游记》也有了日本版。漫画就更别提了,沦陷得更彻底。 在动漫迷大军中,青少年的阵容最强大。青少年自然就是漫画读物最忠实也最基础的消费群。那么,赶潮流的青少年喜欢哪些漫画呢?据一次随机调查显示,男生喜欢看战斗科幻类漫画,女生则钟爱少女漫画。对此,我们也做了一个随机调查,我们随机的从学校内找了85个男生85个女生,问其最喜欢的动画片是什么。结果是,喜欢《蜡笔小新》者居多,达48%。《灌篮高手》次之,达85%。另外《百变小樱》,《四驱兄弟》,《足球小子》的受欢迎程度大概在34%~47%之间。与此同时,现在流行的《犬夜叉》,《浪客剑心》,《游戏王》也颇受青少年青睐。由此可见,在沉重的学业压力之下,大部分青少年以轻松搞笑,具有幽默感的动漫画(如《蜡笔小新》)和有积极向上意义的动漫画(如《足球小子》)作为调节剂。大部分日本动漫画营造的正是一种轻松愉快的气氛,能使人放松心神,调节身心。 在此基础上,我们又请这170位随机抽取的青少年学生谈谈他们喜欢日本动漫画的原因。其中,47%和16%的学生被片中人物酷酷的造型和连贯的情节所吸引。最为普遍的一个原因是日本动漫画的搞笑、幽默、轻松吸引了青少年的视线。调查显示,平均每5个学生中便有3个超级日本动漫除此之外,也有人认为片中人物的叛逆性格吸引了他们,这一选项的点击率为27%。这在一定程度上,反映了一部分青少年也同样存在叛逆心理。所以,叛逆人物在一部分人群中深受欢迎也不足为奇!还有其它原因如“前卫时尚”“口袋型漫画小巧,易携带”“科学性强 ”“有点色情,很诱人”“暴力,血腥,刺激,过瘾”等也是日本动漫魅力之所在。从中可以看出日本动漫画其实良莠参半。那么,就此而言,我们青少年在对其丰富有趣的情节顶礼膜拜之余,对其某些不良因素可能也会全盘接受。 另据下一个问题的调查结果显示,有2%的学生认为日本动漫画对他们造成一定的影响,其中“让他们觉得轻松和兴奋”占52%和88%;“让他们对中国动漫画感到悲哀”占46%;“对其中的人物很崇拜”的占37%;“说不出什么影响”的也有37%。除此,还有少数人认为看过动漫画后会促使他们对日本人很警惕,并痛恨其险恶意图。由此可见,日本动漫画对青少年的影响逐渐加强。而其对中国青少年的影响虽大部分是比较积极的(如放松身心,获取一些科学知识等)。但另一项调查也显示了日本动漫画的弊端。平均每10个学生中便有4人有过在课堂上偷看漫画的经历,且有对其产生迷恋的心态。这些表现在一定程度上影响了青少年的学习。这是不可取的。 通过全体成员的分析讨论,我们得出了日本动漫画对青少年造成消极影响的原因。一方面是由于青少年正处于青春期,好奇,赶潮流是这一时期青少年的心理特点。因此极易受某些画质华丽,人物造型独特而空洞内容的迷惑。当然不可否认的是,早期的日本动漫画一直以清朗的面目出现。发展至今,日本动漫画的表现手法日益成熟,在描摹人性方面更经验老到。然而,剥去其诱人糖衣,可窥见其丑陋的精神内涵和一再重复使用的商业元素。在这种背景下,尚未具有足够鉴赏能力的青少年会因部分日本动漫画表现出来的恶俗取向与虚荣心理而走偏路。另一方面,漫画文化在中国得以抬头与日本文化在中国的日渐流行有着很大关系,而且日本漫画没有年龄界限,更是让从成年人到孩子的所有观众群体广为接受。一些劣质的漫画趁空钻入并被接受在所难免的。虽说这种现象已引起老师、家长、教育部门的普遍关注,但其整治的效果还不能令人满意,整治的力度也还有待加强。另外,中国动漫画罕有令广大同学们赞赏之作,同时,在短期内,中国动漫画的水平还难以超过日本动漫画。遗憾的是,老师、家长并没有引导学生正确看待日本动漫画。 日本动漫在中国的现状 前一些日子, 某市一些少男少女因为打扮成动漫COSPLAY,成群行走在该市热闹地段而被警察因为破坏市容而拘留,为此,在网上各大动漫论坛进行了关于“作为一个动漫爱好者是否也应该有一定的准则”的大讨论。的确,在国内,动漫爱好者大多数都是青少年,加上动漫业在中国还不成熟,动漫对青少年的影响和青少年应该如何正确对待动漫成了我们课题组关心的话题。 目前的内地漫画市场99%以上被日本漫画占据,12岁以上的中国青少年很少有人喜爱国产动画;12岁以下的儿童因为人数、思想、社会影响力方面的限制,不可能是观众的主体。动画最大的市场是14岁至30岁的青年,这个群体不但思想上较为成熟,有判断力,更为重要的是这一群体比较有消费能力,是动画周边产品的主要市场。这一点对于动画制作的良性循环是极为重要 在日本,漫画作为一种产业,年销售额达到2500亿日元以上,年出版漫画7000种以上。仅以周边产品为例,至少就有人偶、模型、午餐盒、镜框、电话卡、日历、毛巾、手绢、钥匙扣、音乐钟、相册、衬衫、手提袋、徽章、信封、信纸、明信片、圆珠笔、瓷杯、纸巾、打火机、海报……与国内的差距显而易见。如果一部影片受欢迎的话,这些周边产品就能为制作商带来丰厚的回报。而制作商也能把收回的资金投入下一部作品中,形成一个良性的循环。在这种制度下,漫画大师鸟山明一个月的税金就是6亿日元。 青少年喜欢动漫的原因有很多,有些是认为适当的高质量动漫可以减轻压力,放松心情,活跃大脑。有些是觉得动漫很有趣,或是认为里面的人物很漂亮。据调查显示,关于喜欢动漫的种类,有54%的学生表示喜欢国产的,其理由无非两个:一是爱国,二是国产的有教育意义。而占3%的学生都表示喜欢外国的。有些学生还特别注明是日本的更受欢迎。其理由很多,归纳如下:形式自由,画面精彩,不拘一格 有趣,内容充实,更适合各个年龄层。 刺激,含技术水平高,很创新。 浪漫,有浓厚的青春气息。作品情节省丰富,“一波未平一波又起”。幽默,手段新颖。而日本动漫除有以上特征外,其内容贴近生活,男才女貌等特征深受广大漫画迷们的喜爱。 当代的学生看过的动漫举不胜举,大多数的人都看过十部以上动漫的作品,而且许多学生谈到这个话题时可谓津津乐道。170名同学当中73%的同学利用课余时间欣赏动漫,15%利用上课时间(看漫画书为主),36%的同学表示不确定。93%的人认为动漫对我们的影响利大于弊,其原因多和为什么喜欢动漫一样,是绝对的动漫迷。52%的认为弊大于利,其原因是认为动漫看得过多会令人心思不能放在学习上,整天沉迷于动漫,给生活和学习带来负面影响,52%的人认为利弊相等。但更多的认为适当的漫画书对我们是有益的。在这里,我们还对30名学生家长进行调查,有19%表示反对,90%的表示适可而止,另外有43%表示不清楚。 家长不支持孩子看动漫的主要原因是个(1)浪费时间和精力(2)影响学习(3)产生不良后果。再加上最近在书店里流行的不健康的“口袋”漫画书更是令家长头疼。“口袋”漫画书是在进入20世纪后在中国流行起来的,主要从日本、台湾引进,其内容不健康,多以色情、暴力等为主。深深毒害青少年的心理,虽然我国各个部门和单位严打销售和租借“口袋”漫画书给青少年,但是这种漫画书还是随处可见,许多家长因此禁止孩子阅读漫画书,以防万一,但也否定了其他无害漫画。针对这方面,在我们所调查的170名学生当中,虽然绝大多数学生表示坚决反对,但他们当中有的还不知道什么是“口袋”漫画书,他们还没认清这种漫画书的害处。而表示支持的学生认为只要好看,看一些是无所谓的。正是由于青少年对“口袋”漫画书认识不够,且存在侥幸心理,才造成“口袋”漫画书到处泛滥,万幸的是,大多数学生认为青少年对待漫画书应该适可而止,不应过于沉迷


实在遍寻不到那就去 k a ᶇ 3 p ⦁ c ᶇ希望你那边可以打开吧;;;;;;;;在你决定放弃我的时候,我还是哭出了声响戏台前水袖翩舞的旦角与谢幕时帘布下的凝视的双眸已是过往总是望着天空发呆曾经,不管握得有多紧,最终都会失去。原来脚步彷徨之间,泪早已滴下原来,你走后,我的心就开出了一朵叫做伤心的花




实在遍寻不到那就去 k a ᶇ 3 p ⦁ c ᶇ希望你那边可以打开吧;;;;;;;;在你决定放弃我的时候,我还是哭出了声响戏台前水袖翩舞的旦角与谢幕时帘布下的凝视的双眸已是过往总是望着天空发呆曾经,不管握得有多紧,最终都会失去。原来脚步彷徨之间,泪早已滴下原来,你走后,我的心就开出了一朵叫做伤心的花




Our teenagers have a more and more intimater relationship with cartoon, especially the Japanese Cartoon makes this theme in order to find out how Japanese cartoon influence teenagers life and And we hope it can be a reference for guiding teenagers by the Japanese cartoon industry occupies an important position in C It beloved by numerous Chinese teenagers and has made a big influence on them On the basis of this present conditions, we make this theme on purpose of making teenagers use Japanese cartoon for reference First, through studying the general situation of computer and Japanese cartoon development and making investigation form and survey paper, we acquire the data and understanding teenagers’ psychology and attitude towards Japanese cartoon; Second, we arrange data, seek advice of teachers and experts, and analyze the typical examples; Third, we look up relevant books about social psychology and analyze teenagers’ psychology of Japanese cartoon; Finally, in terms of the investigation form, survey paper and relevant knowledge of social psychology, we have made a conclusion of what influence cartoon excercises or Our conclusion shows us as follows, Japanese cartoon has both positive and negative influence on On one hand, Japanese cartoon benefit us to understand different It involoves many aspects like science, history, It enlarge our knowledge through the way we enjoy, enrich our extra curricular life, and enliven our heavy burden of On the other hand, however, some students addict in cartoon and waste lots of time on This makes them neglect their Consequently, our research group considers that the optimum program is In this case, Chinese cartoon industry can develope healthly for a long time, and the teenagers can benefit from


Have you even heard your friends talking about something you do not know,for example,"Sword Art Online"or"Date a live"?They are examples of Anime is similar to comics or However,it is It does not look like comics which There are many kinds of anime such as love story,fantasy and Anime is now made in many places all over the 上面是关于动漫的介绍,如果是随便抽一个动漫出来介绍,而不是介绍动漫是什么的话,请再追问,我再码一份。



In the traditional marketing mode gradually into the plight of today, a number of emerging marketing began to come into view to the marketers, the animation marketing marketing is one of the very valuable, but at present our country study is basic in the blank in the field of animation marketing, this article is written based on Anime is first introduced in this paper some basic knowledge of marketing, sums up the two ways of animation marketing, and points out that the anime, the applicable scope of the marketing in China and then investigated the development status quo of Chinese enterprises using the animation marketing, and analyze the China's cartoon animation industry and business marketing existence question, select the animation industry is very developed in Japan in recent years the most commercially successful cartoon animation marketing strategy in the works "weak girl" ?

Abstract: The animation industry, more and more popular around the world and concern, especially in Japanese animation industry has rapidly However, there are many compared to China's lack of animation, which makes the prospect of China's animation industry is relatively Faced with this situation and the situation, China's animation industry to absorb and learn from the experience of the development of Japanese animation, the animation industry in China's bigger and stronger to meet the challenges of the international Keywords: animation industry; culture; economy; cultural expression

实在遍寻不到那就去 k a ᶇ 3 p ⦁ c ᶇ希望你那边可以打开吧;;;;;;;;在你决定放弃我的时候,我还是哭出了声响戏台前水袖翩舞的旦角与谢幕时帘布下的凝视的双眸已是过往总是望着天空发呆曾经,不管握得有多紧,最终都会失去。原来脚步彷徨之间,泪早已滴下原来,你走后,我的心就开出了一朵叫做伤心的花


Some other religious customs of Shinto Japanese allude to unknown origins, and in each case a close relation to Jewish religious tales and traditions can be Take for example, both the entrances to Shinto shrines and Jewish synagogues hold golden bells that are to be rung before entering or engaging in The floor plan of the Shinto shrine is very similar to that of a Jewish The "torii" or "gate" that is the entrance to a Shinto shrine, is almost exactly the same design as the "taraa" gate / entrance to a Jewish At a traditional Shinto festival "Ontohsai" the ancient tradition was to sacrifice seventy-five deer, followed by the symbolic (simulated) sacrifice of a young boy who is saved shortly before death by another priest playing the role of a "kami" or "god (spirit)," this is comparable to the Hebrew story of Abraham's near sacrifice of I This similarity is compounded by the fact that the Hebrew ceremony also called for a sacrifice of seventy-five However, since there were originally no sheep in Japan, it is believed that deer were substituted because they are kosher; never mind the fact that animal sacrifice plays absolutely no role in any other Shinto traditions and seems to go against the very nature of Shinto itself (it was eventually outlawed in the Meiji era, and is now simulated with stuffed animals) And finally, a rumor that the holy mirror in the Shinto shrine of Ise contains an actual Hebrew phrase (scripted in Hebrew) On three separate occasions, and by three unrelated people(2), this phrase has been translated as the Hebrew name of God, meaning "I Am That I A"Some Hebrew social traditions also may have found their way into Japanese culture, such as bowing as a form of greeting, the imagery of mountains as holy places of enlightenment and spiritual discovery, similar styles of folk-dancing amongst both Hebrew and Japanese peoples, and the sowing of salt before an important (or religious) undertaking as a symbol for Not to mention the similarities between the royal crest of the Japanese imperial family carrying the exact same design as the seal over Herrod's Gate in Jerusalem (one of the most important entrances to the holy city)With all of these findings to consider, one can easily see why the influence of Jewish mysticism is so strong in Japanese And the introduction of Christianity to Japan in 1549 by Jesuit Francis Xavier, and its reintroduction in 1859 after Japan's two centuries of seclusion, has also served its part in shaping the religious and social lives of the J Although true freedom of religion did not show itself in Japan until the Allied occupation in 1945, it has long been the nature of Shinto to tolerate and even absorb certain aspects of other religions(3) Shinto-ized versions of Christian angels and demons have found their way into Japanese art and Naturally, with the strong apocalyptic tendencies of Japanese entertainment, one can see how the Christian idea of angels as saviors, while also being juxtaposed as the bringers of Armageddon, would be a fascinating subject for the J One example can be found in "Wish," a Japanese manga by the leading female artist group CLAMP, which tells the story of a young angel, Kohaku, sent to earth to find another missing angel, H While these angels are depicted in the traditional Christian manner (white wings, halos, white robes, etc…) they are assigned very pagan There are four archangels, but they are not the typical four found in Christian mythology, instead they are given Japanese names, and represent the elements of nature: fire, wind, water, and Kohaku himself represents a fifth element, that of spirit, and he is assigned with the role of "hatching" new angels from the "tree of life," (possibly a Qabbalistic association with Jewish mysticism) Coincidentally, God's "messengers" are hares, a traditional Shinto myth animal-association with communication, sending warnings or A situation which illustrates the angel as destructor can be found in the anime "Neon Genesis E" These "angels" are certainly not represented in the typical Christian fashion as far as looks are concerned - they are definitely given a Japanese flavor by being portrayed as giant mecha - but their arrival in Neo-Tokyo is seen as a sign of the coming of the destruction of the These current trends of including Western religious symbolism in Japanese tales do seem on the surface to be not much more than a sprinkling of the exotic to Japan's "Western-crazed" fads, but I strongly believe it to be a reflection of distant past influences to their religious and social traditions, the memory of which may have been lost for many (2) The three people were: Arinori Mori (the cultural minister of Japanese education, culture, and science, around 1899), D Sakon (a professor at Aoyama-Gakuin University, around 1947), and Yutaro Yano (a Shinto priest, in 1978) Yutaro Yano actually copied by hand the scribing on the back of the holy mirror, and this picture can be found in his book which was handed down through his Shinto tradition to his daughter who has recently published The drawing clearly shows the Hebrew phrase, but it is not known if the drawing is an accurate representation due to the fact that few other people have been allowed to look at the holy (3) In Shinto, notions of "purity" and "cleanliness" are very Blood is considered unclean, as well as artifacts associated with death or corpses, therefore the tasks of funeral rites and burials were meted out to Buddhists, who have no strong aversion to dealing with This tradition continues into the present 参考:_htm



