

发布时间:2024-07-02 15:52:20



In modern time, some people hold an opinion that those historic and ancient buildings should be torn I set myself against such nonsense with following First and the most important, history is the foundation of existence and development for a Without keeping the history in mind, the nation will inevitably ends with assimilation and Those ancient buildings are reminders of history and symbols of spirit, which means much more than people Second, serving as historical places, oceans of tourists would like to visit them when they At this time, they wander the sites, watch old objects, and worship ancients, which could not only promote economic development but also edify travelers’ Why not preserve ancient structures for killing two birds with one stone? At last, the reason to removing these antique buildings is nothing more than no practical However, this kind of stuff weighs much more mentally than For instance, is it possible to take out statues of Chairman Mao? If you have such a similar thought, you should be careful not be checked your water To sum up, I hold a firm belief that it is essential to protect ancient

_englishwriting/p394780/本篇阅读材料“现代建筑林立凸显伦敦塔不受尊重”选自《卫报》(原文标题:'The surrounding modern buildings show no respect for the Tower of London' 20Bad Unesco may soon strip London's two most prominent tourist sites, Westminster's Parliament Square and the Tower of London in the City of their world heritage Chief reason is the towering Shard, which will be western Europe's tallest building, now looming over both of them from its launch pad on the south side of London B Westminster's grouping of Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Whitehall is probably far enough away to survive the The Tower of London is a different


建筑文化根植于人居自然环境之中 不同的地域自然有不同的自然环境:地形地貌、日照角度、日月潮汐、水流风势、气温、气压、食物、土地、水质、植被等等。作为人与自然中介的建筑,对外应有利于形成小区外部环境,对内应有利于保障人居的室内环境。这些建筑像植物一样,落地生根,合天时,合地利,适宜于地区自然环境的要求,与大自然融为一体。 在东南亚和南亚各国,在中国的海南岛和台湾岛,椰林茂密,气候炎热,人们用椰树叶、棕榈叶盖起了适应热带雨林的茅草房、小木楼,通风、凉爽、轻盈、简洁,建起了热带雨林建筑。 在中亚、西亚,在中国的西部高寒地区,人们用石块垒砌、依山就势盖起了石板建筑,避风、挡雪、保温、御寒,筑成了高原山地建筑。如中国的西藏、青海、四川等少数民族在中国西部依山就势建起了各式各样的山地建筑群。 在中国的黄土高原,漠北戈壁,雨量稀少,气候干燥,人们利用山边、土坡挖洞筑房,建起了具有鲜明特色的生土建筑。甘肃敦煌艺术陈列馆把建筑埋入山坡下,半开敞式入口,山坡挡墙甬道,生土式建筑特征十分明显。 在美国的东部,在澳大利亚,在中国的南方,雨量充沛,气候温和,人们用木材、砖瓦依山就势,因地制宜,盖起了遮阳避雨、通风透气、造型别致的湿热地区建筑。 这些建筑形式多样,风格各异,适宜于不同地区自然环境,与风景、林木、地形融为一体,形成了根植于自然环境的各种建筑文化。建筑既要根植于自然环境,又要服从于自然环境,这是建筑师必须遵循的一条基本原则。 社会时空环境差异造成建筑文化的多元化 不同的地域、不同的国家、不同的民族,有不同的社会历史形态。欧洲国家、美洲国家、亚洲与非洲等发展中国家,国度不同,宗教信仰不同,经济发展状况不同,各地区的文化习俗也不同。不同地区的人居社会时空环境的差异,造成了建筑文化的时空性和多元性,因而产生了古代的或现代的中国建筑文化、俄罗斯建筑文化、东南亚建筑文化、欧美建筑文化、非洲建筑文化等等。欧洲的古希腊建筑、北非的古埃及建筑、南亚的古印度建筑、古代中国建筑是世界民族建筑文化的历史源流。天主教、耶稣教、印度教、伊斯兰教、佛教等宗教的形成和发展,深刻地影响到信仰宗教的国家和地区,也深刻地影响到这些地区建筑,形成了丰富多彩的宗教建筑文化。 中国几千年悠久的历史文化,沿袭至今,既古老又博大,自古以来受到儒家、道家、佛教、禅宗等思想伦理的影响。特别是儒教统治中国2 000多年,根深蒂固。这种文化把儒、道、佛、禅各种思想观念兼收并蓄,融为一体,光辉灿烂,独立于世界民族之林。 建筑文化在一定条件下是可以转化的。地域、民族性的建筑文化在一定条件下可以转化为国际性建筑文化,国际性建筑文化也可吸收、融合新的地区与民族性建筑文化。在当今世界里,建筑文化的发展和进步,既包含前者向后者的转化,也包含后者对前者的吸收与融合。这两者既对立又统一,相互补充,彼此影响,共同发展,只有保护和发展丰富多彩的各民族建筑文化,促进世界建筑文化的多元化构成,最终才能建立一个 “和而不同”的人类社会。 中国古代建筑有着灿烂的成就,在宫室、园林、建筑空间的处理、建筑艺术与材料结构的和谐统一等方面,都有着卓越的创造与贡献,形成了迥别于西方建筑的特殊风貌,在人类建筑史上占有重要的地位。时至今日,建筑文化的特质愈来愈引起人们的重视。从建国后的北京人民大会堂到二十世纪末的香山饭店等建筑都继承了中国传统建筑艺术的精华,又融汇了西方现代建筑艺术的新观念、新技术,成为既有鲜活民族特色,又有强烈时代特征的建筑文化丰碑。中国的城市建筑无论古代、当代,都是在特定的空间中产生的文化现象,其丰富性与复杂性令所有研究者无法回避。 自近代以来,中国文化开始了艰难的转变过程。从传统社会向现代社会的转变,也是有赖于文化的转变。如果说中国传统文化的历史脉络和演变轨迹是较为清晰的话,那么,近代以来的转变似乎显得非常复杂。中国地域广阔,不同地区的文化和经济差异较大。 在近代以前,中国和西方城市无疑遵循着不同的发展道路,不仅形成了各自的政治、经济和文化制度,而且也形成了各自的城市规划风格和建筑风格。近代以来,随着西方列强的侵入以及文化的传入影响,包括建筑文化在内的西方城市文化,开始对中国产生巨大的影响。由此,包括建筑文化在内的中国城市文化,也开始了从传统到现代的深刻的转型。 当今,在我国的建筑理论和创作活动中,人们喜欢对传统与现代、继承与革新、中国与西方等一类建筑文化问题和现象进行比较和争论,这是必要的。但是争论这些问题应该明确它的目的,那就是它应当促进一种文化的发展和建构,推动它的进步,而不是仅仅满足于依据对这些文化现象做出客观、准确的描述。如:在讨论传统与现代、继承与革新的问题时,许多人热衷于从风格、形式或技术等方面去争论它们的高下、文野,却不是从它们与现代人的生存和生活的根本联系上去探讨它们的意义。在讨论中西方建筑文化时,人们在对中西方空间观念、行为方式和生活态度等等进行详尽比较的基础上,发现和总结出中国人同西方人建筑观念的差异和各自的特点,进而在创作和理论中充分强调和体现这种特点,这当然是好的。但是另一方面,人们却较少从人的存在状态的角度对传统与现代、继承与革新、中国与西方的建筑做出更进一步的价值判断。于是,“传统”“现代”“继承”“革新”“中国”“西方”等等本身变成了目的。建筑文化的比较和争论因此就没有达到应有的目的,不可能导致建筑文化的真正进步。 长期以来,在建筑史研究领域中,存在着一种“西方中心论”的观点,即认为西方城市建筑是历史传统,东方建筑是非历史传统。在弗莱彻尔的《比较建筑史》上刊有一幅“建筑之树”的插图,树的中心主干标明是希腊、罗马、罗蔓式,上端的6根主分枝分别是欧美一些国家哥特式建筑、文艺复兴建筑和近代建筑。却把埃及、印度、墨西哥、中国等都摆在下面一些纤弱的幼枝上,把美国放在这棵树的中心主干的顶端,极为形象地表达了作者的建筑 “西方中心论”思想。无可否认,西方城市建筑在近几个世纪以来确实发展迅速,无论在内容和形式上,还是在科技和理论上、美学形态上都走在世界的前列。但是“西方中心论”的观点无疑是有问题的,世界建筑历史的发展,决不只此西方而别无殿堂,这已成为越来越多的建筑文化史家的共识。①西方后现代主义建筑文化理论家佛朗普顿认为:传统建筑特别是民俗建筑是在特定地点形成的建筑体系,具有功能和结构上的合理性。特别是在处理一些具体因素,如通风、采光、保温等方面具有优良的特点。所以,不能简单否定依地点、体具体的地理情况和人文文化环境发展起来的地方风格。 对中国传统建筑文化的研究,是为了在理论层面上开拓一条中国建筑的健康发展之路。建筑文化学并不局限于解释各种建筑文化现象,它是要为建筑文化的发展提供价值导向。因此,建筑文化应该是批判的与实践的。要提供价值导向,先要作出价值评判,所以必须树立一种价值观。不同的人类都各有自己的文化背景,不同的建筑事件也都有一定的建筑文化影子。然而文化也是一柄双刃剑。一方面,任何文化都是精华与糟粕并存,即便是精华,也往往离不开具体的时空条件;另一方面,传统文化既可能成为一副沉重的十字架,扼杀现代人的创造潜能,也可以成为一座智慧的宝库,丰富我们的想象,扩大我们思维的尺度。 现实及未来生活的复杂要求,远非机械地搬用某一种传统方法、途径,就可以得到满足的,必须博采所长,取我所需。另外,对于本特色的创造仍然是一个严肃的课题,需要结合具体地点、条件,对设计要求作具体分析。在创作方法上,采用“抽象继承、迁想妙得”的原则,可能会找到一条新途径。吴良镛提出所谓“抽象继承”是指从建筑传统中,将传统建筑的设计原则和基本理论的精华部分加以发展,运用到现实创作中来。并且把传统形象中最有特色的部分提取出来,经过抽象,集中提高,作为母题,予以新意,以启发当前设计创作形式美的创造。同时应当摸到中国传统文化的脉搏,挖掘出传统建筑艺术的时间和空间内涵,首先是要重视和恢复建筑艺术的文化价值和精神功能,不能只把建筑艺术作品当作工业产品和生活用品,更不应当只抓其眼前的物质功能。这样的继承,并非形式的抄袭或旧零件的排列组合,既有创作原理的继承与发展,又有形象的借鉴与创造。使设计既求神似,也不排斥某种程度、某一细节的形似,关键是根据地点、条件的需要。而“迁想妙得”,“迁想”是将自己的想象力深入到对象的形象中去,“妙得”是指把握对象的真正神情。② 中国传统文化博大精深,建筑文化也是同样。我们应不仅从形式的角度,而且从文化的深度来理解传统,譬如:属于第一层面的,传统建筑中古典美的屋顶、斗拱、柱廊的造型特征,诗文、书画与工艺结合的装修形式,以及各式门窗菱格、装饰纹样;第二层面的,庭院式布局的空间韵律、自然与建筑互补的环境设计,诗情画意、充满人文精神的造园艺术,形、数、画、方位的表象与隐喻的象征手法;第三层面的,“天人合一”的自然观和注重环境效应的“风水”思想,阴阳对立、互动、相应的哲学思维和“身、心、气”合一的养生观,等等。它们之中蕴含着丰富的内涵、深邃的哲理和智慧。③这些都阐明,传统对现代的价值还需要我们在新建筑的创作中去发掘,去感知。 因此,我们应当努力去寻找传统的现代价值,在保存和发扬其传统精华的同时,摒弃其落后的,不适应现代发展的东西,寻求传统建筑文化和现代发展的结合点,体现传统建筑文化尊天地、重人本、讲亲和的唯物辩证思想。弘扬传统建筑文化还可从传统建筑的设计原理、空间组合、构图手法、意念表达等方面有所启迪、有所继承和运用、有所发展创新,不断探索传统建筑思维与现代建筑思维、传统技术与现代技术、传统审美与现代审美意识的结合方式,把优秀的传统建筑文化结合到现代建筑文化之中。 中外建筑文化的发展与交融 建筑文化处于全球“大文化”系统之中,各民族、各地域的建筑文化在此共生共荣,组成了世界建筑文化的交响曲。全球化的社会进程给文化交流带来了碰撞与会合,冲突与交融。 几千年来,中国受外来文化的影响渊源流长。佛教文化本来发源于印度,随着西汉张骞出使西域,唐代玄奘法师赴印度取经传经,佛教影响中国2000多年。但是,佛教的内容,佛祖的像貌,佛庙的形制与中国文化交融,形成和发展了独特的中国佛教建筑文化。 早在20世纪20年代,中国近代出国留学归国的建筑师,大多数是留美的学者,他们受当时西方学院派建筑文化观念和中国国粹主义建筑文化观念的双重影响,强调中西建筑文化交融的重点在建筑风格上,第一次创造性地设计出了一批精品,开创了中外建筑文化交融的新纪元。例如由第一批留美建筑大师吕彦植先生20年代设计的广州中山纪念堂、南京中山陵等等,在当时中国建筑界的确起到了石破天惊的影响,推动了中外建筑文化的融合进程。 新中国建国初期,中国政体、机制照搬苏联模式,中国各地建设了一批具有俄罗斯建筑文化特征的建筑,形成和发展了中国50年代“社会主义”建筑文化。改革开放以来,我国又一次打开国门,引入西方经济管理模式,模仿“欧陆风格”、港台建筑,后现代主义几乎风靡全国,形成和发展了中国80年代“改革开放”建筑文化。不言而喻,世界各国的建筑文化均要受到当时当地政治体制、经济状况、技术水平的约束,相互冲突,相互交流,相互影响,相互融合。然而,什么样的交融和交流具有生命力,经受得起时空的考验?只有那些吸取了东西方文化精髓,融合为本民族的地区与民族性建筑文化,才具有强大的生命力。 古今建筑文化交融的探索和追求 古今交融,古为今用,用什么?必须分析“古”与“今”在建筑内容上所发生的变化。这些质的变化是社会制度、生产技术、生活习惯、工作方式、文化观念、建筑材料在建筑领域引发的必然结果。正如吴裕容先生在评价法国工程师古斯塔夫。艾菲尔设计的艾菲尔铁塔时指出的:“人们试图让每一种艺术适应人类生活发展的新方向,并且使所有的人类活动与迅速变化中的时代所造成的新情感相适应。”

学术堂最新整理了二十个大学历史论文题目,供大家进行参考:  1、民间借贷中的暴力冲突:清代债务命案研究  2、"冠带荣身"与明代国家动员--以正统至天顺年间赈灾助饷为中心  3、皇帝"私"礼与国家公制:"开元后礼"的分期及流变  4、全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应  5、先秦社会最高权力的变迁及其影响因素  6、出土文献与先秦自然宇宙观重审  7、18世纪中国南北方市场整合程度的比较--利用清代粮价数据的研究  8、逐鹿或天命:汉人眼中的秦亡汉兴  9、明清时期嘉陵江流域水旱灾害时空分布特征  10、秦汉帝国扩张的制约因素及突破口  11、金朝初叶的国都问题--从部族体制向帝制王朝转型中的特殊政治生态  12、清代耕地数据恢复重建方法与实证研究  13、科技考古视野下的商王朝锡料来源与"金道锡行"  14、南宋朝廷与四川地区的文书传递  15、秦军功爵制的经济学分析--兼论秦军功爵制功效何以远超六国

Goose tower (大雁塔) The goose tower is located in the Nanjiao greatly kind graciousnesstemple, was the nation famous ancient architecture, is regarded asancient capital Xi'an the After hands down is Tang Sengcongthe India (ancient India) learns from experienced people, specially isengaged in translates after with the Buddhist scriptures Because imitates the Indian wild goose tower style the constructiontherefore the famous wild goose Because afterwards recommendedin the lucky temple in Chang An to construct a smaller wild goosetower, in order to distinguish, the people on called the goose thetower the kind graciousness temple tower, recommended the lucky templetower to call the small wild goose tower, continuously spreads The goose delivers in person the square shape, constructsin side approximately 45 meters, on high approximately 5 meter Tower seven, first floor length of side 25 meters, by place Surface to tower crest elevation 64 The tower bodybecomes with the brickwork, the polished bricks fitting snuglytogether are firm In the tower has the staircase, maycircle Around each respectively has a brige entry, may leanagainst a railing looks out into the The Chang An style getsa panoramic Around the tower first floor all has Shimen, on thegate mast has the fine line to engrave the image of Buddha, passes onfor the Tang Dynasty big painter Yan Liben writing In the towerNanmen two sides brick niches, inlays has Tang fourth day of a soldierthen good book storytelling legalist schools big tang dynasty pilgrimmonk saint to teach the foreword "and" States Tripitaka Saint To teachForeword To record "two After Tang Mo, the temple repeatedlysays the warfare, the palace burns d




先看看启蒙的书 像什么《建筑师的二十岁》之类 之后可以看看建筑空间组合论 彭老的 还有形式空间和秩序 之类建筑史也要看 工具书的话建筑资料集不错 不过很多啊 建议上网买

大一上学期: 画法几何及工程制图大一下学期: 环境生态学 环境心理学 立体构成 《建筑初步》:渲染大二上学期: 水份表现:无课本 《人体工程学》 《结构力学》 建筑设计原理:以彭一刚的《建筑空间组合论》为基础。





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China built environment the value of cultural significanceAbstract: This paper discusses the traditional Chinese culture in the built environment and value embodied in, and when the built environment and cultural traditions and modern analysis, elaborated on China built environment of the significance of cultural development for the traditional architectural culture and modern development of the bonding In the context of Chinese culture, China's built environment to show with the people and the natural environment for the financial - body balance each Key words:Construction,Environment,Traditional,Modern,CultureChinese ancient architecture has a brilliant achievement, in the palace, gardens, construction of space processing, architectural art and material structure of harmony and unity, , have excellent creativity and contribution to the formation of the regression of other buildings in the West of special character, in the human construction played an important role in the Today, the nature of architectural culture more and more attracted From the Great Hall of the People in Beijing after the founding of the end of the twentieth century buildings, hotels, and other Xiangshan inherited the traditional Chinese architectural art of the essence, but also a combination of modern Western art of architecture new concepts, new technologies, to become both fresh ethnic characteristics, strong characteristics of the times and the construction of cultural China's urban construction regardless of the ancient and contemporary, are in a particular space in cultural phenomenon, its richness and complexity of all the researchers can not be Since modern times, Chinese culture began the difficult process of From a traditional society to a modern social changes, but also depends on cultural If it is said that traditional Chinese culture in history and evolution of the track is more clear, then, the changes in modern times seem very China's vast territory, different parts of the larger cultural and economic In modern times, China and the western city undoubtedly follow a different path of development, not only to form their own political, economic and cultural systems, but also formed their own style of urban planning and architectural In modern times, with the intrusion of Western powers, as well as imported culture, including architectural culture of the Western urban culture, including the start of the Chinese have an enormous Because of this, including the China Architectural Culture urban culture, but also the beginning of the transition from traditionalism to modernization profound Today, in China's architectural theory and creative activity, people fond of tradition and modernity, inheritance and innovation, China and the West, such as a class of architectural culture and the phenomenon of comparison and controversy, it is But the debate of these issues should be made clear its purpose, that is, it should promote a culture of development and construction, and promote its progress, and not just be satisfied with the basis of these cultural phenomena to make objective and accurate Such as: During the discussion of traditional and modern, inheritance and innovation of the issue, many people keen on from the style, form or technology to argue their superiority, the wild, but it is not with the people from their survival and livelihood of the fundamental link go to explore their During the discussion of Chinese and Western architectural culture, people in the space of Chinese and Western concepts, behavior and attitude toward life and so a detailed comparison, based on the discovery and summed up the Chinese architectural concepts with Westerners differences and their respective characteristics, and then in creation and insufficient emphasis on theory and embody the characteristics of this, of course, is On the other hand, people are less human existence from the perspective of the state of traditional and modern, inheritance and innovation, Chinese and Western architecture to make further value Thus, the "tradition" of "modern" "inheritance" "innovation" "China" "Western" and so the purpose of turning themselves Building a culture of comparison and debate should therefore not achieve the purpose of architectural culture can not lead to real A long time, research in the field of architectural history, there is a "Western Center on" The view that the West is a historical tradition of urban construction, the East Building of non-historical In弗莱彻尔"comparative Architectural History" on the issue there is a "construction of the tree," with illustrations, the center of the tree trunk is marked with Greece, Rome, Lo Man-style, top of the six main branches are some European and American countries Gothic architecture, Renaissance architecture and modern But Egypt, India, Mexico, China and so before the following number of delicate young branches, the United States on the center of the tree trunk on top, great image to express the author's construction of "Western-centered" There is no denying that the Western Urban Architecture in the past few centuries is indeed developing rapidly, both in content and form, or in technology and theory, aesthetics are taking shape on the forefront in the However, "Western Center on the" point of view is no doubt there is a problem with the development of world architectural history, not just the West, and no hall, which has become more and more consensus building and cultural ① Western post-modernist theorists Architectural Culture Frampton that: traditional architecture, especially folk architecture is the formation of specific locations in the building system with a function and structure is Especially in dealing with a number of specific factors, such as ventilation, lighting, insulation, with excellent Therefore, we can not simply deny according to the location, physical geography of the specific cultural environment and human development of the local Traditional Chinese architectural culture research, is to open up a theoretical level, the health of Chinese architectural Building Cultural Studies is not confined to explain a variety of architectural culture phenomenon, it is to building a culture of value-oriented Therefore, the architectural culture should be critical and To provide value-oriented, we must make a value assessment, it is necessary to establish one set of Human beings are different from their own cultural backgrounds, different building events are also a certain degree of architectural culture But culture is also a double-edged On the one hand, are the essence of any culture coexist with the dross, even if it is the essence, but also often can not be separated from the specific conditions of time and space; On the other hand, both the traditional culture may be a heavy cross, stifle the creative potential of modern people can also be become a treasure house of wisdom and enrich our imagination, expand our scale of Reality and future requirements of the complexity of life, far from being mechanically copy a certain kind of traditional methods, approaches, they can be met, we must absorb, draw upon their strengths needed to pick up In addition, the creation of the characteristics is still a serious topic, require a combination of specific locations, conditions, on the design requirements for specific Creative methods, the use of "abstract inheritance, moved like a wonderful" principle, may find a new Wu Liangyong, a so-called "abstract inheritance" means from the construction of traditional Chinese traditional architectural design principles and the basic theory of the essence of part of the development, applied to the reality created in the And the traditional image of the most distinctive part of extracted through abstract and concentrate to improve as a motif, be innovative and creative design in order to inspire the current Formal At the same time, should touch the pulse of China's traditional culture, digging out of the traditional architectural art connotation of time and space, first of all, attention should be paid to the art of architecture and the restoration of cultural values and spiritual function, not only the architectural and artistic works as industrial products and daily necessities, more efforts should not only its immediate physical This kind of inheritance, is not a form of plagiarism or the old parts of the permutation and combination, both creative principle of the succession and development, and the image of the drawing and So that the design of both the spirit likeness seek, nor exclusive to some extent, the details of the shape of a key is based on the location, condition And "want to move too wonderful," "move to" is to their own imagination into the image of the object to, "Miao was" refers to grasp the true expression of the ② Extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture, architecture is the same We should not only from the perspective of the form, and from culture to understand the depth of the traditional, such as: the first level, the traditional beauty of classical architecture in the roof, brackets, shapes portico features, poetry, calligraphy and technology combined with the fitting-out forms , as well as all kinds of doors and windows Prism Grid, decorative patterns; second level, the courtyard-style layout of the space rhythm, natural and architectural environment of complementary design, poetic, full of the humanistic spirit of gardening art, shape, number of paintings, azimuth the appearance of a symbol and metaphor practices; the third level, "harmony between man and nature" of the nature and focus on environmental effects of "feng shui" of thought, yin-yang confrontation, interaction, and the corresponding philosophical thinking and the "body, mind, and gas" competent a concept of health, and so Of them contains a wealth of content, deep philosophy and ③ which states that the value of traditional to modern needs in our new building works to discover, to Therefore, we should try to find traditional, modern values, and carry forward in preserving the essence of their traditional at the same time, get rid of its backward, not suited to modern development of things, to seek traditional architectural culture and the modern development of the combination of points, reflect the traditional architecture and cultural respect Heaven and Earth,Humanistic, say the pro-and thinking of materialist Carry forward the tradition of architectural culture are also available from traditional architecture design principles, spatial composition, composition methods, ideas have inspired the expression, , have to inherit and use the development of innovation, continuous exploration of thinking of traditional architecture and modern architecture thinking, traditional technologies with modern technology, traditional and modern aesthetic of a combination of aesthetic consciousness, the outstanding traditional architectural culture into modern architecture Notes ①Chen Lixu urban culture and the spirit of the Southeast University P 2002, 142②Wu Liangyong broad architecture, Tsinghua University P 1989, the first 65-66 pages ③ Yang Y Building 100 words, China Building Industry Press, N 62中国建筑环境文化的价值意义内容摘要:本文论述了中国传统文化在建筑环境中的体现与价值,以及时建筑环境文化传统与现代的分析,阐明了中国建筑环境文化发展的意义,寻求传统建筑文化和现代发展的结合点。在中国的文化背景下,中国的建筑环境表现出了与人与自然环境融为—体,互为平衡。 关键词:建筑 环境 传统 现代 文化 中国古代建筑有着灿烂的成就,在宫室、园林、建筑空间的处理、建筑艺术与材料结构的和谐统一等方面,都有着卓越的创造与贡献,形成了迥别于西方建筑的特殊风貌,在人类建筑史上占有重要的地位。时至今日,建筑文化的特质愈来愈引起人们的重视。从建国后的北京人民大会堂到二十世纪末的香山饭店等建筑都继承了中国传统建筑艺术的精华,又融汇了西方现代建筑艺术的新观念、新技术,成为既有鲜活民族特色,又有强烈时代特征的建筑文化丰碑。中国的城市建筑无论古代、当代,都是在特定的空间中产生的文化现象,其丰富性与复杂性令所有研究者无法回避。 自近代以来,中国文化开始了艰难的转变过程。从传统社会向现代社会的转变,也是有赖于文化的转变。如果说中国传统文化的历史脉络和演变轨迹是较为清晰的话,那么,近代以来的转变似乎显得非常复杂。中国地域广阔,不同地区的文化和经济差异较大。 在近代以前,中国和西方城市无疑遵循着不同的发展道路,不仅形成了各自的政治、经济和文化制度,而且也形成了各自的城市规划风格和建筑风格。近代以来,随着西方列强的侵入以及文化的传入影响,包括建筑文化在内的西方城市文化,开始对中国产生巨大的影响。由此,包括建筑文化在内的中国城市文化,也开始了从传统到现代的深刻的转型。 当今,在我国的建筑理论和创作活动中,人们喜欢对传统与现代、继承与革新、中国与西方等一类建筑文化问题和现象进行比较和争论,这是必要的。但是争论这些问题应该明确它的目的,那就是它应当促进一种文化的发展和建构,推动它的进步,而不是仅仅满足于依据对这些文化现象做出客观、准确的描述。如:在讨论传统与现代、继承与革新的问题时,许多人热衷于从风格、形式或技术等方面去争论它们的高下、文野,却不是从它们与现代人的生存和生活的根本联系上去探讨它们的意义。在讨论中西方建筑文化时,人们在对中西方空间观念、行为方式和生活态度等等进行详尽比较的基础上,发现和总结出中国人同西方人建筑观念的差异和各自的特点,进而在创作和理论中充分强调和体现这种特点,这当然是好的。但是另一方面,人们却较少从人的存在状态的角度对传统与现代、继承与革新、中国与西方的建筑做出更进一步的价值判断。于是,“传统”“现代”“继承”“革新”“中国”“西方”等等本身变成了目的。建筑文化的比较和争论因此就没有达到应有的目的,不可能导致建筑文化的真正进步。 长期以来,在建筑史研究领域中,存在着一种“西方中心论”的观点,即认为西方城市建筑是历史传统,东方建筑是非历史传统。在弗莱彻尔的《比较建筑史》上刊有一幅“建筑之树”的插图,树的中心主干标明是希腊、罗马、罗蔓式,上端的6根主分枝分别是欧美一些国家哥特式建筑、文艺复兴建筑和近代建筑。却把埃及、印度、墨西哥、中国等都摆在下面一些纤弱的幼枝上,把美国放在这棵树的中心主干的顶端,极为形象地表达了作者的建筑“西方中心论”思想。无可否认,西方城市建筑在近几个世纪以来确实发展迅速,无论在内容和形式上,还是在科技和理论上、美学形态上都走在世界的前列。但是“西方中心论”的观点无疑是有问题的,世界建筑历史的发展,决不只此西方而别无殿堂,这已成为越来越多的建筑文化史家的共识。①西方后现代主义建筑文化理论家佛朗普顿认为:传统建筑特别是民俗建筑是在特定地点形成的建筑体系,具有功能和结构上的合理性。特别是在处理一些具体因素,如通风、采光、保温等方面具有优良的特点。所以,不能简单否定依地点、体具体的地理情况和人文文化环境发展起来的地方风格。 对中国传统建筑文化的研究,是为了在理论层面上开拓一条中国建筑的健康发展之路。建筑文化学并不局限于解释各种建筑文化现象,它是要为建筑文化的发展提供价值导向。因此,建筑文化应该是批判的与实践的。要提供价值导向,先要作出价值评判,所以必须树立一种价值观。不同的人类都各有自己的文化背景,不同的建筑事件也都有一定的建筑文化影子。然而文化也是一柄双刃剑。一方面,任何文化都是精华与糟粕并存,即便是精华,也往往离不开具体的时空条件;另一方面,传统文化既可能成为一副沉重的十字架,扼杀现代人的创造潜能,也可以成为一座智慧的宝库,丰富我们的想象,扩大我们思维的尺度。 现实及未来生活的复杂要求,远非机械地搬用某一种传统方法、途径,就可以得到满足的,必须博采所长,取我所需。另外,对于本特色的创造仍然是一个严肃的课题,需要结合具体地点、条件,对设计要求作具体分析。在创作方法上,采用“抽象继承、迁想妙得”的原则,可能会找到一条新途径。吴良镛提出所谓“抽象继承”是指从建筑传统中,将传统建筑的设计原则和基本理论的精华部分加以发展,运用到现实创作中来。并且把传统形象中最有特色的部分提取出来,经过抽象,集中提高,作为母题,予以新意,以启发当前设计创作形式美的创造。同时应当摸到中国传统文化的脉搏,挖掘出传统建筑艺术的时间和空间内涵,首先是要重视和恢复建筑艺术的文化价值和精神功能,不能只把建筑艺术作品当作工业产品和生活用品,更不应当只抓其眼前的物质功能。这样的继承,并非形式的抄袭或旧零件的排列组合,既有创作原理的继承与发展,又有形象的借鉴与创造。使设计既求神似,也不排斥某种程度、某一细节的形似,关键是根据地点、条件的需要。而“迁想妙得”,“迁想”是将自己的想象力深入到对象的形象中去,“妙得”是指把握对象的真正神情。② 中国传统文化博大精深,建筑文化也是同样。我们应不仅从形式的角度,而且从文化的深度来理解传统,譬如:属于第一层面的,传统建筑中古典美的屋顶、斗拱、柱廊的造型特征,诗文、书画与工艺结合的装修形式,以及各式门窗菱格、装饰纹样;第二层面的,庭院式布局的空间韵律、自然与建筑互补的环境设计,诗情画意、充满人文精神的造园艺术,形、数、画、方位的表象与隐喻的象征手法;第三层面的,“天人合一”的自然观和注重环境效应的“风水”思想,阴阳对立、互动、相应的哲学思维和“身、心、气”合一的养生观,等等。它们之中蕴含着丰富的内涵、深邃的哲理和智慧。③这些都阐明,传统对现代的价值还需要我们在新建筑的创作中去发掘,去感知。 因此,我们应当努力去寻找传统的现代价值,在保存和发扬其传统精华的同时,摒弃其落后的,不适应现代发展的东西,寻求传统建筑文化和现代发展的结合点,体现传统建筑文化尊天地、重人本、讲亲和的唯物辩证思想。弘扬传统建筑文化还可从传统建筑的设计原理、空间组合、构图手法、意念表达等方面有所启迪、有所继承和运用、有所发展创新,不断探索传统建筑思维与现代建筑思维、传统技术与现代技术、传统审美与现代审美意识的结合方式,把优秀的传统建筑文化结合到现代建筑文化之中。 注释 ①陈立旭都市文化与都市精神.东南大学出版社.2002 第142页 ②吴良镛,广义建筑学,清华大学出版社.1989,第65—66页 ③杨永生.建筑百家言,中国建筑工业出版社,1998. 第62页 仅供参考,请自借鉴希望对您有帮助

The Most Incredible ArchitectureThe Great Wall of China is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the Although it was once thought to have been built entirely during the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 208 BC, it is now believed to have been started 中国的长城被视为惟一能从月球上看到的人造工程。人们曾认为长城全部修建于公元前22l到208年的秦朝,但现在人们相信长城的修建要开始得更早。The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide, 1,500-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading To the common people of the empire, who had been forced to build the wall, it was not worth it, The wall, and other public works completed by the Qin Dynasty,had caused great losses of wealth and human life in the As a result,an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty,and in 207 BC the Han Dynasty 修建这一高15英尺,宽20英尺,长1500英里的建筑无疑是用来抵御外敌入侵的。但对帝国中被迫修建长城的百姓而言,实在不值得。秦代建筑的长城再加上完成的其他公共工程给这个国家的财产和生命带来了巨大损失。结果,一群愤怒的人揭竿而起反对秦朝,公元前207年汉朝开始。Because of its rich history and magnificent appearance,the Great Wall attracts tourists, scientists, and historians to this day and will continue to do so for 长城有着悠久的文化和宏伟的外观,因此直到今天还在吸引着旅游者、科学家和史学家前来参观,而且在今后许多年仍会如此。

_englishwriting/p394780/本篇阅读材料“现代建筑林立凸显伦敦塔不受尊重”选自《卫报》(原文标题:'The surrounding modern buildings show no respect for the Tower of London' 20Bad Unesco may soon strip London's two most prominent tourist sites, Westminster's Parliament Square and the Tower of London in the City of their world heritage Chief reason is the towering Shard, which will be western Europe's tallest building, now looming over both of them from its launch pad on the south side of London B Westminster's grouping of Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Whitehall is probably far enough away to survive the The Tower of London is a different

Nowadays,there is a phenomenon that a plenty of history architecture relics are Some people think it is necessary to distory these history architectures because our society is developing and these buildings would stop the developement of But just as an old saying goes"every coin has two sides"We can't ignore the negative aspects of distorying the history These buildings had its history in the past and would give us a chance to know the past of our What's more,they are symbols of the civilization of our Distorying them will be just a loss of In my opinion,we can distory some useless and dangerous buildings and reserve the valuable We can't let these buildings stop our development as well as don't lose our valuable
