

发布时间:2024-07-03 06:09:10



英文的自我评价,主要突出外企比较重视的职业风格,如创新能力、积极主动、计划性、适应性等。例如:为人谦和友善,做事态度认真,有强烈的责任感和良好的团队精神。Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-英语口语流利,具有良好的英语阅读、写作能力;普通话标准。Fluent in oral English, with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-CHaving played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational  曾担任学校社团职务,培养了良好的人际交往技巧与组织能力。Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature 兴趣广泛,喜爱英语口语、音乐、影视以及文学创作。      拓展资料英语简历评价中常用语句:  Mature,dynamic and   思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。  Excellent ability of systematical   有极强的系统管理能力。  Ability to work independent1y,mature and   能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。  A person with ability plus flexibility should   需要有能力及适应力强的人。  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are   个性稳重、具高度责任感。  Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work   能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。  Bright,aggressive   反应快、有进取心的应聘者。  Ambitious attitude   有雄心壮志。

I love the hotel work, and I have good capacity of study and understanding , and I have a certain sense of innovation and innovation I have a solid knowledge of hotel management, and good together with others, flexible use; I`m easy-going personality, self-confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, cheerful, good communication and collaboration, I have a good team spirit; I have a strong sense of social responsibility, I am honest and prudent, I work hard at ease; I have a wide range of adaptability and potential for I have a good command of English listening and speaking ability;My Mandarin is the second-level;I can skilled use of office software and operating procedures Fidelio Main Courses: English Steering hotel management human resources management and hotel management of the lobby of Restaurant Management Hotel Marketing Hotel financial cost control management information

I love the hotel work, has a good understanding of learning and ability and a certain sense of innovation and innovation Solid hotel management expertise, together good at applying their knowledge; easygoing personality, self-confident optimism, enthusiasm, cheerful, good at communication and collaboration, have a good team spirit; strong sense of social responsibility, honesty and prudent, practical work hard; a wide range of adaptation and development I have a good command of English listening and speaking ability, through a Mandarin II examinations, proficiency in the use of office software and operating procedures F My main course: the hotel English, steering management, human resources management, front office and hotel management, catering management, hotel marketing, financial cost control, hotel information systems management;


I'm a common but extraordinary boy with optimism, confidence, having many hobbies and good interpersonal I'm good at negotiation, I have a strong sense of responsibility and sense of I will graduate soon and face new choices and challeges, I'm full of confidence to these! I especially foster qualities and raise abilities by fully using my own free time to expand knowledge and framework of In this day with competition being more and more aggravated, I ensure the person that only has multilevel, full development and acquaintance with professional knowlege can meet the needs of social development and employers' satisfaction and can remian I have gain scholarship many times through hard study, at the same time, I have participated in every activity actively in my college and develop in an all-round way, morally, intellectually, physically and In learning and living, I obtain the trust and admiration of my teachers and classmates through studying hard and helping

Those shoes are not

I was an ordinary but not mediocre boy, optimistic, confident, and hobbies can be a good deal with interpersonal Coordination and communication aspects of expertise, and a strong sense of responsibility and I am about to graduate, in the face of the new options and challenges of life, I am confident! In particular, I focus on training quality and improve the ability to make full use of spare time to expand their knowledge of wild and perfect knowledge In an increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that only a multi-level, comprehensive development and master the professional knowledge of talent, only to meet the needs of social development and the satisfaction of the employer, to be Study hard, I won several scholarships, learning at the same time, I actively participated in school activities, and physically balanced Study and life, hard work and helpfulness won the trust and appreciation of teachers and

Thoughtful、 generous、energetic; honest、 humble and Better self-control, diligence and determination, quick Working with goal、a plan and sticking to it solidly Strong sense of teamwork, good expression, communication skills and strong leadership organization and Environment shape the quality of my hard-working;social work training a serious、 pragmatic style 、 organization and coordination capacity。 many setbacks and failures make me stronger to face life with confidence; I like the challenges、choosing to


6 months in the company of the trial period, I quickly adapted to the new work and integrate into a new team, in the teaching of leadership and the help of colleagues, their ideas, work, learning all aspects some achievements, the overall quality of the individual has also been improved to a certain extent, I now that six months of work, study the situation for a brief summary As a recently graduated university students, although there is professional knowledge, but in practice few things that come into contact, lack of understanding on many As the company has just started, staff are limited, so most of the work during this period are the financial, administrative, a small number of sales assistants to work in unfamiliar刚接触to new areas, the lack of experience and professional knowledge for the need for a re-learning process, their own colleagues in the other's help, can quickly overcome this state into the work of a new Do not understand the problem encountered with an open mind to ask other colleagues to see you do not understand the information on their search to look through the previous records,To solve their problems as far as possible, do not disturb other colleagues, to complete its work independent of the services, will be able to seriously In daily life, I earnestly submit to the leadership of the arrangements to comply with the requirements of the rules and regulations, to develop a good style of In the learning process, I am well aware that there are still a certain degree of their own shortcomings and deficiencies, mainly in the following areas:1, not familiar with the company's processes, the combination of theory and practice of the poor do;2, the company completed tasks can be serious, but enthusiasm is not enough;3, and the company leadership and colleagues to exchange business ideas and not enough work;4, their overall quality of learning and business have yet to be further Over the past three months, is constantly learning and constantly enrich the three months, it is necessary to explore and gradually grow up to three Of course, entering the workplace, it is inevitable lack of experience on the professional knowledge, with their job requirements, there is a certain However, these experiences, let me continue to mature in dealing with various issues to consider more comprehensive and professional skills have been At this point, I would like to thank the tireless effort of the company, as well as my colleagues on the entry guidance and assistance, I thank them for their work appear in the alerts and correcting I also know that graduate school is only a small step,Community is a real Work in the future, I will try to find their own position, to do their best to contribute to the company, but also for their own pursuit of a greater

self appraisal

自我评价_百度翻译自我评价 [词典] evaluation; [例句]进行自我评价向来很难。

I am an potential orginal,outgoing,sincere,and optimistic,with pretty good ability of regulization and organization as well as of adaping to environment quickly and fine Moreover,team activities is my pleasure time so that I take my role well putting forward valuable of my qualities is never to say giving up to my work of high intense,so I do have confidence which lies foundation of my favorable psychological diathesis that rend me hold on facing setbacks and What I myself attach importance to is I try things in my all efforts and persuit it best!自己翻译的,自我感觉还行。不知道够你需要的水平不。


Those shoes are not


self appraisal

【毕业论文自我评价范文一】 一篇优秀的论文不是写出来的,而是修改出来的,这需要的是耐心,还要用心。在网站的制作过程中,我遇到的问题很多,有些是在自己技术所在范围之外,每当无法实现自己的想法或者运行不下去的时候,我就会出现浮躁的情绪,但是我没有放弃,而是适时地调节自己的心态,在同学老师的帮助下,完成了初次的设计。越是不懂的东西才要去学,在学习的过程中你会收获很多,其中一点就是互相学习是最好的学习途径,在学习之后你会感觉到很有成就感,这也是我在完成网站制作之后体会到的。 各方面工作都做好之后就剩毕业论文答辩了,在未进行之前,我自己感觉论文答辩可能很难,心里难免有些许担心。真正经历之后才发现,任何在你认为难得事情都是因为你没有很好把握或者是准备工作没有做好。毕业论文答辩稿是我花了两天的时间写的,在答辩的过程中,自我感觉还是不错的,虽然开始有些紧张,两分钟之后就进入状态,因为是自己在讲解自己做的东西,感觉轻车熟路,流畅地给老师同学们论述了我的毕业设计。 在整个毕业论文设计的过程中我学到了做任何事情所要有的态度和心态,首先我明白了做学问要一丝不苟,对于出现的任何问题和偏差都不要轻视,要通过正确的途径去解决,在做事情的过程中要有耐心和毅力,不要一遇到困难就打退堂鼓,只要坚持下去就可以找到思路去解决问题的。在工作中要学会与人合作的态度,认真听取别人的意见,这样做起事情来就可以事倍功半。 论文的顺利完成,首先我要感谢我的指导老师张永芳老师以及周围同学朋友的帮助,感谢他们提出宝贵的意见和建议。另外,要感谢在大学期间所有传授我知识的老师,是你们的悉心教导使我有了良好的专业课知识,这也是论文得以完成的基础。 【毕业论文自我评价范文二】 个人认为这个世界上并不存在完美的人,每个人都有自己的优点缺点,但关键是能否正视并利用它们。四年来,我不断的自我反省,归纳了一些自己的优缺点。我的优点是诚实、热情、性格坚毅。我认为诚信是立身之本,所以我一直是以言出必行来要求自己的,答应别人的事一定按时完成,记得有好几次,同学或老师约了我见面,我答应以后必定按时到达指定约会地点,即使有急事也从不失约,给他们留下了深刻的映像。由于待人热情诚恳,所以从小学到大学一直与同学和老师相处得很好,而且也很受周围同学的欢迎,与许多同学建立起深厚的友谊。 在学习知识的同时,我更懂得了,考虑问题应周到,这在我的毕业论文设计中充分展示了出来。我这个人有个特点,就是不喜欢虎头蛇尾,做事从来都是有始有终,就算再难的事也全力以赴,追求最好的结果,正因为如此,我把自己的意志视为主要因素,相信只要有恒心铁棒就能磨成针。 一个人最大的敌人不是别的什么人,而是他本身。这么多年来,我一直都是在跟自己作战,准确地说,是和自己的意志战斗。现在回想起来,我确实比以前坚毅了许多,但我不会松懈下来的。以上这些优点,是我今后立身处世的根本,我应该继续保持,并不断以此鞭策自己奋发向上。



英文的自我评价,主要突出外企比较重视的职业风格,如创新能力、积极主动、计划性、适应性等。例如:为人谦和友善,做事态度认真,有强烈的责任感和良好的团队精神。Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-英语口语流利,具有良好的英语阅读、写作能力;普通话标准。Fluent in oral English, with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-CHaving played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational  曾担任学校社团职务,培养了良好的人际交往技巧与组织能力。Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature 兴趣广泛,喜爱英语口语、音乐、影视以及文学创作。      拓展资料英语简历评价中常用语句:  Mature,dynamic and   思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。  Excellent ability of systematical   有极强的系统管理能力。  Ability to work independent1y,mature and   能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。  A person with ability plus flexibility should   需要有能力及适应力强的人。  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are   个性稳重、具高度责任感。  Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work   能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。  Bright,aggressive   反应快、有进取心的应聘者。  Ambitious attitude   有雄心壮志。

Personal Statement (PS)

Those shoes are not
