

发布时间:2024-07-06 00:22:42


The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is an interconnected series of trade routes through various regions of the Asian continent mainly connecting Chang'an (today's Xi'an) in China, with Asia Minor and the M It extends over 8,000 km (5,000 miles) on land and Trade on the Silk Route was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India and Rome, and helped to lay the foundations for the modern Silk road is a translation from the German Seidenstraß The first person who used the term was the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in [edit] Routes As it extends westwards from the commercial centers of North China, the continental Silk Road divides into north and south routes to avoid the Tibetan Plateau: The northern route passes through the Bulgar–Kypchak It travels northwest through the Chinese province of Gansu, and splits into three further routes, two of them passing north and south of the Taklamakan desert to rejoin at Kashgar; and the other going north of the Tien Shan mountains through Turfan and A All of these routes cross high mountain passes to join up at Kokand in the Fergana Valley, and the roads continue west across the Karakum Desert towards Merv, joining the southern route One route turns northwest along the Amu Darya (river) to the Aral Sea, through ancient civilizations under the present site of Astrakhan, and on to the Crimean From there it crosses the Black Sea, Marmara Sea and the Balkans to Venice, another crosses the Caspian Sea and across the Caucasus to the Black Sea in Georgia, thence to C The southern route is mainly a single route running through northern India, then the Turkestan–Khorasan region into Mesopotamia and Anatolia; having southward spurs enabling the journey to be completed by sea from various It runs south through the Sichuan Basin in China and crosses the high mountains into northeast India, probably via the Ancient tea It then travels west along the Brahmaputra and Ganges river plains, possibly joining the Grand Trunk Road west of V It runs through northern Pakistan and over the Hindu Kush mountains to rejoin the northern route briefly near M It then follows an almost straight line west through mountainous northern Iran and the northern tip of the Syrian Desert to the L From there Mediterranean trading ships plied regular routes to Italy, and land routes went either north through Anatolia or south to North A [edit] Railway The last missing link on the Silk Road was completed in 1994, when the international railway between Almaty and Urumqi [edit] Sea The Silk Road on the Sea extends from South China, to present-day Philippines, Brunei, Siam, Malacca, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, and I In Europe it extends from Israel, Lebanon, Egypt and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, to Portugal and S On August 7, 2005 it was reported that the Antiquity and Monument Office of Hong Kong was planning to propose the Silk Road on the Sea as a UNESCO World Heritage S [edit] Origins [edit] Cross-continental journeys As the domestication of efficient pack animals and the development of shipping technology both increased the capacity for prehistoric peoples to carry heavier loads over greater distances, cultural exchanges and trade developed In addition, grassland provides fertile grazing, water, and easy passage for The vast grassland steppes of Asia enabled merchants to travel immense distances, from the shores of the Pacific to Africa and deep into Europe, without trespassing on agricultural lands and arousing [edit] Evidence for ancient transport and trade routes The ancient peoples of the Sahara imported domesticated animals from Asia between 7500 and 4000 BC Foreign artifacts dating to the 5th millennium BC in the Badarian culture of Egypt indicate contact with distant Syria [1] In predynastic Egypt, by the 4th millennium BC shipping was well established, and the donkey and possibly the dromedary had been Domestication of the Bactrian camel and use of the horse for transport then followed (see Domestication of the horse) Also by the beginning of the 4th millennium BC, ancient Egyptians in Maadi were importing pottery [2] as well as construction ideas from C By the second half of the 4th millennium BC, the gemstone Lapis lazuli was being traded from its only known source in the ancient world — Badakshan, in what is now northeastern Afghanistan — as far as Mesopotamia and E By the third millennium BC the lapis lazuli trade was extended to Harappa and Mohenjo-daro in the Indus valley, the present day P Routes along the Persian Royal Road (constructed in the 5th century BC) may have been in use as early as 3500 BC Charcoal samples found in the tombs of Nekhen, which were dated to the Naqada I and II periods, have been identified as cedar from L In 1994 excavators discovered an incised ceramic shard with the serekh sign of Narmer, dating to circa 3000 BC Mineralogical studies reveal the shard to be a fragment of a wine jar exported from the Nile valley to Israel (see Narmer) The ancient harbor constructed in Lothal, India, may be the oldest sea-faring harbor

SilkRoad Ancient trade route linkedChina EOriginally caravanroute usedfrom 100BC, 4,000-mi(6,400-km) road started Xi'an,China, followed GreatWall northwest,climbed PamirM, crossed Afghanistan, easternMediterranean Sea, where goods were taken RSilk carriedwestward, while wool, gold, silverwere carried routebecame unsafe; revivedunder MarcoPolo used SilkRoad Maybe you have heard about SilkRoad yourselflong before so youhave already understood constantlychanging endlessbarren desert Maybe you have met numerouswords Haven’t you understood its brilliance hidden ancientroute left ourancestors hasgone through over2000 years doyou still want havebeen pleasant yourears outalong historicalroute goesthrough Asia continuousflow broadancient route? Well, let’s read SilkRoad virtualworld built nettechnology! 10,000-lisilver ribbon, starting Chang’an(Xi’an today), ancientcapital easternshore MediterraneanSea, links up fields, deserts, grasslands, SilkRoad famed worldhistory, firstthoroughfare linksup China W2000 ago, our ancestors opened up greatroad--the Silk R China firstcountry breedsilkworms SilkRoad firstconceived during Q From 138--139BC, Zhang Qian, outstanding Western Han diplomat traveler,first “blazed SilkRoad formallyinaugurated China’s“national road” linking up Holding tasseledstaff “drivingenormous herds bringingquantities goldencoins silk,”Zhang Qian set out twotrips from Chang’an reachedLoulan (around Roujiang today), Yuli, Quick (Kula today), Shula (Kashi today), Yutan (Hotan today) IllRiver valley today), Dayuan,Kanju, kand Dayuezhi, now Amu-DaryaRiver valley CentralA His assistant even went Ansi(Iran) Xindu(India) return,envoys from countriesalso visited China, merchantswere continually 73AD, Ban Zhao embarked westernregion 36-manretinue, ensuring smoothoperation SilkRoad which had once been blocked His deputy Gan Ying reached Daqin (ancient Rome) PersianGulf (Arabic Gulf), extending SilkR ancientSilk Road linked Chinese culture India,Greece, Rome Persianfrom one century other,carried greatChinese inventions silk,gunpowder, papermaking broughtBuddhism, Nestorianism, relatedarts CFrom time immemorial, SilkRoad has been friendlyintercourse between Chinese silk, ironware, gold platinum,bronze mirrors, lacquer bamboowares, drugs smeltingtechnology passed through westernregion EAlfalfa, grapes, sesame, pomegranates, walnuts, cucumbers, carrots, safflowers, lions,peacocks, elephants, camels horsesfrom westernregion also found C passagefrom WestRegion: History HanDynasty, documents tradebetween China foreigncountries: emperor’shousehold pearls,rhinoceros horns Palace officials’ stables were crowded thoroughbredhorses: elephants, lions, mastiffs peacocksroam Exotic articles poured fromevery ” Fa Xian XuanZang, eminent monks TangDynasties, journeyed morethan 30 countries including Kashmir, Pakistan, India SriLanka along SilkRoad FaXian WestRegion XuanZang were important references WestRegion SilkR 1222-1223, Yelu Chucai, Yuandynasty poet, QiuChuji, leader Taoism,traveled west madelively notes scenesalong northern Xinjiang centralAsian ancientSilk Road linked Chinese culture India,Greece, Rome Persianfrom one century other,carried greatChinese inventions silk,gunpowder, papermaking broughtBuddhism, Nestorianism, relatedarts CFrom time immemorial, SilkRoad has been friendlyintercourse between ancientSilk Road yields worldfamous passes,castles, grotto temples, courier stations, burial sites beacontowers shine greaterpart SilkRoad threads its way through X Ancient travelers left behind many historical records remindspeople from time Chinesenation had spread its splendid uniqueancient civilization wholeworld through mainroute so peopleall over worldcould understand its great oriental mainartery culturalexchange between China Different Routes SilkRoad morethan one route SilkR routesvary due differentdestinations threemain routealong northside TianshanMountain NorthTianshan Route; southside TianshanMountain, SouthTianshan Route alongKunlun Mountain SouthWestern Region R threeroutes called,respectively from north northroute, middleroute, abovethree routes actuallyone route before reachLoulan, Xingjiang, fromXi’an---Lanzhou---the Hexi Corridor---Wuwei---Zhangye---Jiuquan---Dunhuang---Yumen Guan (Yang Guan)---L northroute runs from Loulan---Turfan---Hami---Urumqi---Yining---Yili--west CaspianS middleroute runs from Loulan---Kuche---Aksu---Kashi---west Romealong MediterraneanS southroute runs from Loulan---Qiemo---Yutian---Shache---south A敦煌的鸣沙山、月牙泉以其自然地理奇观之美名已享誉海内外,而可与其相媲美的玉门关雅丹魔 鬼城却鲜为人知。据“辞海”解释,“雅丹--维吾尔语,原义为具有陡壁的土丘,是干燥地区 的一种风蚀地貌”。在距玉门关西85 公里处,有一处典型的雅丹地貌群落,东西长约25 公里, 南北宽约1-2 公里,敦煌人俗称魔鬼城,因此暂且定名为“玉门关雅丹魔鬼城”。 这片雅丹地貌 群落远远超出了辞书中所定义的规模和形态,其个体和整体规模之大,形态之奇异实属举世罕见。 其高度,低的四五米,高的有二十多米,长宽由十几米到几百米不等,其整体,像一座中世纪的 古城。这座特殊的“城堡”,有城墙、有街道、有大楼、有广场、有教堂、有雕塑;其形象生动, 维妙维肖,令世人瞠目。世界许多著名建筑都可以在这里找到它的缩影,北京的天坛、西藏的布 达拉宫、埃及的金字塔、狮身人面像、草原的蒙古包、阿拉伯式的清真寺应有尽有,雕塑有大漠 雄狮,有丝路驼队,有群龟出海,有中流砥柱„„不可胜述。置身其中,宛苦进入了世界建筑艺 术博物馆,让人目不暇接,惊叹不已。这些大自然的杰作,堪称鬼斧神工,奇妙无穷,让人佩服 得五体投地,令游人流连忘返,更引起无限遐思。从钢筋水泥的城市切换到丝路敦煌,面对这瑰 丽多彩的名胜古迹、绮丽迷人的塞外风光,阳关及玉门关虽只余下断壁残垣,置身其间,却仍能 隐隐感受到边关的铁马金戈之气,使人不得不慨叹历史的沉重和苍凉。

I'm wangNan,a student of N1 Middle S I have a gooa friend,JHe' an USA We are both in Class Two,Grade EShe is 15 years old,one year older than We both study I'm good at physices,but she's good at We often help each other with Both of us like helping We both like sports very Jim enjoy playing but Ilike palying She likes green but Ilike Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends




论海上丝绸之路与中外文化交流中国丝绸誉满天下,早在公元前就分海、陆两路向外传播。中外学者对陆上“丝绸之路”的研究,已有不少成果,但还没有系统地研究中国丝绸通过海路外传,以及它在中外文化交流中的影响和所占有的重要地位。其实,中国的丝绸由海路外传,比陆路持续的时间更长,到达的地区更广,在历史上的影响也更大。这些问题值得我们去探讨和研究。我在就个人的初步研究,谈些以下不成熟的看法。一、海上“丝绸之路”的形成时期—唐代(618-907)以前中国丝绸的外传及其影响 从东海(今黄海)起航的船只主要航行朝鲜和日本。据历史记载,早在公元前1112年周周武王封箕子于朝鲜时,就“教其民田蚕织作”。公元199年中国蚕种东传到日本。公元238年倭国女王卑弥呼派使者到中国赠送礼品,魏明帝回赠精美丝织品。这是中国丝绸作为皇帝的礼品而传入日本的最早文献。南朝时,中国派四名丝织和裁缝女工到日本传授技艺。他们对日本丝织工业的发展,起了很大的促进作用。中国海船从南海航路起航,于公元前140-87年,带了大批黄金和丝织品,途经今越南、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸,远航到黄支国(今印度康契普拉姆)去换取上述国家的特产,然后从斯里兰卡返航。这样,早在公元前,中国丝绸就传入上述各国。随着中国政治影响的日益扩大和由于中国精美绝伦的丝绸对世界各地具有的极大吸引力,东南亚、南亚、乃至西亚、欧洲各国都派使节到中国通好,献礼品以求赏赐丝绸和进行贸易交换。便如,据《后汉书》记载,公元131年,今爪哇(当时的叶调国)、公元159和161年今印度(当时的天竺)和公元97、120和131年今缅甸(当时的掸国)都遣使业中国进献方物,换得丝绸。这是中国丝绸传入今日印度尼西亚、印度和缅甸,并通过缅甸到欧洲大秦(罗马)的另一条途径。这个时候的特点如下:中国丝绸从海路外传虽开始很早,但作为商品交换,只限于统治阶级所需的奢侈品,以官方的“朝贡贸易”为主,其数量、次数和规模都不大。其目的只是想在外交上达到“敦睦邦交”和扩大对外政治影响;还未注意到通过海外贸易,在经济上能增加国库的收入。民间的海外丝绸贸易,从外国文献来看似早开始。而在我国史书中却很少记载,可见丝绸作为商品生产和商业活动,还不普及和发达。二、海上“丝绸之路”的发展时期----唐、宋时代(960-1279)中国丝绸的外传 唐朝和日本、朝鲜的海上贸易较前代更加频繁,日本的遣唐使,名义上虽是遣使贡方物而唐亦回赐丝绸作为礼品,裨上是变相的官方贸易。如802年,日本遣使270人到中国,每人赐绢五匹,共计1,350匹。从宋朝开始,出现了民间贸易。据泉州商人李充的原文报告“自置船一只携带各种丝绸和瓷器到日本贸易。”可见当时民间丝绸贸易已很发达。在频繁的民间丝绸贸易的影响下,日本出现了在仿制“唐绫”(中国丝绸)的基础上发展起来的“博多织”的纺织法。朝鲜和中国的贸易也很发达,许多来自新罗的朝鲜的人在中国楚州(今准安)侨居。当时楚州是通往朝鲜、日本的重要海港,这些新罗人经营海上运输,为中日和中朝之间的文化交流和传布丝绸中起了重要的桥梁作用。唐代地理学家贾耽说,中国海船从广州经南海到波斯湾的巴士拉港,全和需时三个月。这条航线把中国和三大地区;:以室利佛逝(今印苏门答腊)为首的东南亚地区;以印度为首的南亚地区;以大食为首的阿拉伯地区,通过海上丝绸贸易连接在一起。这些地区是中国丝绸贸易的集散地;也是当时世界上政治、经济、宗教和文化的中心。这条传布丝绸到外国的航路,在传布丝绸的同时,对促进各国之间的特质文明和精神文明的相互传布和影响,起了重要的媒介作用。赵汝适的《诸蕃志》和周去非的《岭外代答》,两书著者是宁代人,也有与上述相同的记载。综上所述,这个时期的特点表现在:中国丝绸作为商品外传已由陆路转向海路。唐朝开始设市舶司到宋朝又有发展,标志着海外丝绸贸易性质的转变。除原有的“朝贡贸易”外,则以市舶贸易为主;开始从过去只注意政治上扩大对外影响,以达“敦睦邦交”,而发展到把它作为财政经济上的一项重要收入。市舶贸易对宋政权的财政收入起了很大作用。以公元1128年为例,它占国家总收入的百分之二十,除上述官方丝绸贸易外,民间海商住海外进行丝绸贸易的,也蓬勃发展。丝绸作为商品生产和商业活动已经很发达。



I'm wangNan,a student of N1 Middle S I have a gooa friend,JHe' an USA We are both in Class Two,Grade EShe is 15 years old,one year older than We both study I'm good at physices,but she's good at We often help each other with Both of us like helping We both like sports very Jim enjoy playing but Ilike palying She likes green but Ilike Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends

The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is an interconnected series of trade routes through various regions of the Asian continent mainly connecting Chang'an (today's Xi'an) in China, with Asia Minor and the M It extends over 8,000 km (5,000 miles) on land and Trade on the Silk Route was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India and Rome, and helped to lay the foundations for the modern Silk road is a translation from the German Seidenstraß The first person who used the term was the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in [edit] Routes As it extends westwards from the commercial centers of North China, the continental Silk Road divides into north and south routes to avoid the Tibetan Plateau: The northern route passes through the Bulgar–Kypchak It travels northwest through the Chinese province of Gansu, and splits into three further routes, two of them passing north and south of the Taklamakan desert to rejoin at Kashgar; and the other going north of the Tien Shan mountains through Turfan and A All of these routes cross high mountain passes to join up at Kokand in the Fergana Valley, and the roads continue west across the Karakum Desert towards Merv, joining the southern route One route turns northwest along the Amu Darya (river) to the Aral Sea, through ancient civilizations under the present site of Astrakhan, and on to the Crimean From there it crosses the Black Sea, Marmara Sea and the Balkans to Venice, another crosses the Caspian Sea and across the Caucasus to the Black Sea in Georgia, thence to C The southern route is mainly a single route running through northern India, then the Turkestan–Khorasan region into Mesopotamia and Anatolia; having southward spurs enabling the journey to be completed by sea from various It runs south through the Sichuan Basin in China and crosses the high mountains into northeast India, probably via the Ancient tea It then travels west along the Brahmaputra and Ganges river plains, possibly joining the Grand Trunk Road west of V It runs through northern Pakistan and over the Hindu Kush mountains to rejoin the northern route briefly near M It then follows an almost straight line west through mountainous northern Iran and the northern tip of the Syrian Desert to the L From there Mediterranean trading ships plied regular routes to Italy, and land routes went either north through Anatolia or south to North A [edit] Railway The last missing link on the Silk Road was completed in 1994, when the international railway between Almaty and Urumqi [edit] Sea The Silk Road on the Sea extends from South China, to present-day Philippines, Brunei, Siam, Malacca, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, and I In Europe it extends from Israel, Lebanon, Egypt and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, to Portugal and S On August 7, 2005 it was reported that the Antiquity and Monument Office of Hong Kong was planning to propose the Silk Road on the Sea as a UNESCO World Heritage S [edit] Origins [edit] Cross-continental journeys As the domestication of efficient pack animals and the development of shipping technology both increased the capacity for prehistoric peoples to carry heavier loads over greater distances, cultural exchanges and trade developed In addition, grassland provides fertile grazing, water, and easy passage for The vast grassland steppes of Asia enabled merchants to travel immense distances, from the shores of the Pacific to Africa and deep into Europe, without trespassing on agricultural lands and arousing [edit] Evidence for ancient transport and trade routes The ancient peoples of the Sahara imported domesticated animals from Asia between 7500 and 4000 BC Foreign artifacts dating to the 5th millennium BC in the Badarian culture of Egypt indicate contact with distant Syria [1] In predynastic Egypt, by the 4th millennium BC shipping was well established, and the donkey and possibly the dromedary had been Domestication of the Bactrian camel and use of the horse for transport then followed (see Domestication of the horse) Also by the beginning of the 4th millennium BC, ancient Egyptians in Maadi were importing pottery [2] as well as construction ideas from C By the second half of the 4th millennium BC, the gemstone Lapis lazuli was being traded from its only known source in the ancient world — Badakshan, in what is now northeastern Afghanistan — as far as Mesopotamia and E By the third millennium BC the lapis lazuli trade was extended to Harappa and Mohenjo-daro in the Indus valley, the present day P Routes along the Persian Royal Road (constructed in the 5th century BC) may have been in use as early as 3500 BC Charcoal samples found in the tombs of Nekhen, which were dated to the Naqada I and II periods, have been identified as cedar from L In 1994 excavators discovered an incised ceramic shard with the serekh sign of Narmer, dating to circa 3000 BC Mineralogical studies reveal the shard to be a fragment of a wine jar exported from the Nile valley to Israel (see Narmer) The ancient harbor constructed in Lothal, India, may be the oldest sea-faring harbor

Last I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to qilianshanby In the morning we came down the I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers We climb up the hill along the mountain Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed, Dad said to me,“Jill, don’t do anything ”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, finally we went finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy




论海上丝绸之路与中外文化交流中国丝绸誉满天下,早在公元前就分海、陆两路向外传播。中外学者对陆上“丝绸之路”的研究,已有不少成果,但还没有系统地研究中国丝绸通过海路外传,以及它在中外文化交流中的影响和所占有的重要地位。其实,中国的丝绸由海路外传,比陆路持续的时间更长,到达的地区更广,在历史上的影响也更大。这些问题值得我们去探讨和研究。我在就个人的初步研究,谈些以下不成熟的看法。一、海上“丝绸之路”的形成时期—唐代(618-907)以前中国丝绸的外传及其影响 从东海(今黄海)起航的船只主要航行朝鲜和日本。据历史记载,早在公元前1112年周周武王封箕子于朝鲜时,就“教其民田蚕织作”。公元199年中国蚕种东传到日本。公元238年倭国女王卑弥呼派使者到中国赠送礼品,魏明帝回赠精美丝织品。这是中国丝绸作为皇帝的礼品而传入日本的最早文献。南朝时,中国派四名丝织和裁缝女工到日本传授技艺。他们对日本丝织工业的发展,起了很大的促进作用。中国海船从南海航路起航,于公元前140-87年,带了大批黄金和丝织品,途经今越南、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸,远航到黄支国(今印度康契普拉姆)去换取上述国家的特产,然后从斯里兰卡返航。这样,早在公元前,中国丝绸就传入上述各国。随着中国政治影响的日益扩大和由于中国精美绝伦的丝绸对世界各地具有的极大吸引力,东南亚、南亚、乃至西亚、欧洲各国都派使节到中国通好,献礼品以求赏赐丝绸和进行贸易交换。便如,据《后汉书》记载,公元131年,今爪哇(当时的叶调国)、公元159和161年今印度(当时的天竺)和公元97、120和131年今缅甸(当时的掸国)都遣使业中国进献方物,换得丝绸。这是中国丝绸传入今日印度尼西亚、印度和缅甸,并通过缅甸到欧洲大秦(罗马)的另一条途径。这个时候的特点如下:中国丝绸从海路外传虽开始很早,但作为商品交换,只限于统治阶级所需的奢侈品,以官方的“朝贡贸易”为主,其数量、次数和规模都不大。其目的只是想在外交上达到“敦睦邦交”和扩大对外政治影响;还未注意到通过海外贸易,在经济上能增加国库的收入。民间的海外丝绸贸易,从外国文献来看似早开始。而在我国史书中却很少记载,可见丝绸作为商品生产和商业活动,还不普及和发达。二、海上“丝绸之路”的发展时期----唐、宋时代(960-1279)中国丝绸的外传 唐朝和日本、朝鲜的海上贸易较前代更加频繁,日本的遣唐使,名义上虽是遣使贡方物而唐亦回赐丝绸作为礼品,裨上是变相的官方贸易。如802年,日本遣使270人到中国,每人赐绢五匹,共计1,350匹。从宋朝开始,出现了民间贸易。据泉州商人李充的原文报告“自置船一只携带各种丝绸和瓷器到日本贸易。”可见当时民间丝绸贸易已很发达。在频繁的民间丝绸贸易的影响下,日本出现了在仿制“唐绫”(中国丝绸)的基础上发展起来的“博多织”的纺织法。朝鲜和中国的贸易也很发达,许多来自新罗的朝鲜的人在中国楚州(今准安)侨居。当时楚州是通往朝鲜、日本的重要海港,这些新罗人经营海上运输,为中日和中朝之间的文化交流和传布丝绸中起了重要的桥梁作用。唐代地理学家贾耽说,中国海船从广州经南海到波斯湾的巴士拉港,全和需时三个月。这条航线把中国和三大地区;:以室利佛逝(今印苏门答腊)为首的东南亚地区;以印度为首的南亚地区;以大食为首的阿拉伯地区,通过海上丝绸贸易连接在一起。这些地区是中国丝绸贸易的集散地;也是当时世界上政治、经济、宗教和文化的中心。这条传布丝绸到外国的航路,在传布丝绸的同时,对促进各国之间的特质文明和精神文明的相互传布和影响,起了重要的媒介作用。赵汝适的《诸蕃志》和周去非的《岭外代答》,两书著者是宁代人,也有与上述相同的记载。综上所述,这个时期的特点表现在:中国丝绸作为商品外传已由陆路转向海路。唐朝开始设市舶司到宋朝又有发展,标志着海外丝绸贸易性质的转变。除原有的“朝贡贸易”外,则以市舶贸易为主;开始从过去只注意政治上扩大对外影响,以达“敦睦邦交”,而发展到把它作为财政经济上的一项重要收入。市舶贸易对宋政权的财政收入起了很大作用。以公元1128年为例,它占国家总收入的百分之二十,除上述官方丝绸贸易外,民间海商住海外进行丝绸贸易的,也蓬勃发展。丝绸作为商品生产和商业活动已经很发达。


论海上丝绸之路与中外文化交流中国丝绸誉满天下,早在公元前就分海、陆两路向外传播。中外学者对陆上“丝绸之路”的研究,已有不少成果,但还没有系统地研究中国丝绸通过海路外传,以及它在中外文化交流中的影响和所占有的重要地位。其实,中国的丝绸由海路外传,比陆路持续的时间更长,到达的地区更广,在历史上的影响也更大。这些问题值得我们去探讨和研究。我在就个人的初步研究,谈些以下不成熟的看法。一、海上“丝绸之路”的形成时期—唐代(618-907)以前中国丝绸的外传及其影响 从东海(今黄海)起航的船只主要航行朝鲜和日本。据历史记载,早在公元前1112年周周武王封箕子于朝鲜时,就“教其民田蚕织作”。公元199年中国蚕种东传到日本。公元238年倭国女王卑弥呼派使者到中国赠送礼品,魏明帝回赠精美丝织品。这是中国丝绸作为皇帝的礼品而传入日本的最早文献。南朝时,中国派四名丝织和裁缝女工到日本传授技艺。他们对日本丝织工业的发展,起了很大的促进作用。中国海船从南海航路起航,于公元前140-87年,带了大批黄金和丝织品,途经今越南、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸,远航到黄支国(今印度康契普拉姆)去换取上述国家的特产,然后从斯里兰卡返航。这样,早在公元前,中国丝绸就传入上述各国。随着中国政治影响的日益扩大和由于中国精美绝伦的丝绸对世界各地具有的极大吸引力,东南亚、南亚、乃至西亚、欧洲各国都派使节到中国通好,献礼品以求赏赐丝绸和进行贸易交换。便如,据《后汉书》记载,公元131年,今爪哇(当时的叶调国)、公元159和161年今印度(当时的天竺)和公元97、120和131年今缅甸(当时的掸国)都遣使业中国进献方物,换得丝绸。这是中国丝绸传入今日印度尼西亚、印度和缅甸,并通过缅甸到欧洲大秦(罗马)的另一条途径。这个时候的特点如下:中国丝绸从海路外传虽开始很早,但作为商品交换,只限于统治阶级所需的奢侈品,以官方的“朝贡贸易”为主,其数量、次数和规模都不大。其目的只是想在外交上达到“敦睦邦交”和扩大对外政治影响;还未注意到通过海外贸易,在经济上能增加国库的收入。民间的海外丝绸贸易,从外国文献来看似早开始。而在我国史书中却很少记载,可见丝绸作为商品生产和商业活动,还不普及和发达。二、海上“丝绸之路”的发展时期----唐、宋时代(960-1279)中国丝绸的外传 唐朝和日本、朝鲜的海上贸易较前代更加频繁,日本的遣唐使,名义上虽是遣使贡方物而唐亦回赐丝绸作为礼品,裨上是变相的官方贸易。如802年,日本遣使270人到中国,每人赐绢五匹,共计1,350匹。从宋朝开始,出现了民间贸易。据泉州商人李充的原文报告“自置船一只携带各种丝绸和瓷器到日本贸易。”可见当时民间丝绸贸易已很发达。在频繁的民间丝绸贸易的影响下,日本出现了在仿制“唐绫”(中国丝绸)的基础上发展起来的“博多织”的纺织法。朝鲜和中国的贸易也很发达,许多来自新罗的朝鲜的人在中国楚州(今准安)侨居。当时楚州是通往朝鲜、日本的重要海港,这些新罗人经营海上运输,为中日和中朝之间的文化交流和传布丝绸中起了重要的桥梁作用。唐代地理学家贾耽说,中国海船从广州经南海到波斯湾的巴士拉港,全和需时三个月。这条航线把中国和三大地区;:以室利佛逝(今印苏门答腊)为首的东南亚地区;以印度为首的南亚地区;以大食为首的阿拉伯地区,通过海上丝绸贸易连接在一起。这些地区是中国丝绸贸易的集散地;也是当时世界上政治、经济、宗教和文化的中心。这条传布丝绸到外国的航路,在传布丝绸的同时,对促进各国之间的特质文明和精神文明的相互传布和影响,起了重要的媒介作用。赵汝适的《诸蕃志》和周去非的《岭外代答》,两书著者是宁代人,也有与上述相同的记载。综上所述,这个时期的特点表现在:中国丝绸作为商品外传已由陆路转向海路。唐朝开始设市舶司到宋朝又有发展,标志着海外丝绸贸易性质的转变。除原有的“朝贡贸易”外,则以市舶贸易为主;开始从过去只注意政治上扩大对外影响,以达“敦睦邦交”,而发展到把它作为财政经济上的一项重要收入。市舶贸易对宋政权的财政收入起了很大作用。以公元1128年为例,它占国家总收入的百分之二十,除上述官方丝绸贸易外,民间海商住海外进行丝绸贸易的,也蓬勃发展。丝绸作为商品生产和商业活动已经很发达。



东海丝路  东海起航线最晚始自周武王灭纣,建立周王朝(公元前1112年)时,他封箕子到朝鲜,从山东半岛的渤海湾海港出发,到达朝鲜,教其民田蚕织作。中国的养蚕、缫丝、织绸技术由此通过黄海最早传到了朝鲜。  南海丝路  古代中国与外国交通贸易和文化交往的海上通道,是唐宋以后中外交流的主要通道,以南海为中心,起点主要是广州、泉州,所以称南海丝绸之路。形成于秦汉时期,发展于三国隋朝时期,繁荣于唐宋时期,转变于明清时期,是已知的最为古老的海上航线。  在隋唐以前,海上丝绸之路只是陆上丝绸之路的一种补充形式。到隋唐时期,由于西域战火不断,陆上丝绸之路被战争所阻断,代之而兴的便是海上丝绸之路。到唐宋代,伴随着我国造船、航海技术的发展,我国通往东南亚、马六甲海峡、印度洋、红海,及至非洲大陆航路的纷纷开通与延伸,海上丝绸之路终于替代了陆上丝绸之路,成为我国对外交往的主要通道。  海上丝绸之路的主港,历代有所变迁。从公元3世纪30年代起,广州取代徐闻、合浦成为海丝主港,宋末至元代时,泉州超越广州,并被与埃及的亚历山大港并称为“世界第一大港”。明初海禁,加之战乱影响,泉州港逐渐衰落,漳州月港兴起。清代闭关锁国,广州长时间处于“一口通商”局面。    自古以来,海上丝绸之路有多条航线。海上丝绸之路因运送其他货物而又有海上陶瓷之路、海上香药之路之称。  海上丝绸之路主要有东海起航线和南海起航线两条主线路,比陆上丝绸之路的历史更为悠久。东海起航线始自周王朝(公元前1112年)建立之初,武王派遣箕子到朝鲜传授田蚕织作技术。箕子于是从山东半岛的渤海湾海港出发,走水路抵达朝鲜。这样,中国的养蚕、缫丝、织绸技术通过黄海最先传到了朝鲜。秦始皇(公元前221年)兵吞六国时,齐、燕、赵等国人民为逃避苦役而携带蚕种和随身养蚕技术不断泛海赴朝,更加速了丝织业在朝鲜的传播。  中日两国之间一衣带水,通过朝鲜半岛或经由日本海环流水路,交往十分方便。日本自古以来就有关于蚕业的传说。传说在公元前219~210年,秦始皇为求长生不老丹,曾派徐福率领童男、童女、船员、百工、数千人东渡日本,传播养蚕技术,日本人民后尊祀徐福为“蚕神”。也有记载说,公元前三世纪,江浙一带的吴地有兄弟二人,东渡黄海至日本,传授蚕织和缝制吴服的技艺。其后,内地人士或经由朝鲜、或从山东出发,三三两两地到日本定居,交往十分密切,并促进了日本蚕业的发展。  据日本古史记载,西汉哀帝年间(公元前6年),中国的罗织物和罗织技术已传到日本。公元三世纪,中国丝织提花技术和刻版印花技术传入日本。隋代,中国的镂空版印花技术再次传到了日本。隋唐时期,日本使节和僧侣往来中国频繁,他们在浙江台州获得青色绫,带回日本作样板,仿制彩色锦、绫、夹缬等,日本至今仍沿用中国唐代的名称,如:绞缬、腊缬、罗、绸、绫、羽等。  唐代,江浙出产的丝绸直接从海上运往日本,丝织品已开始由礼物转为正式的商品。奈良是当时日本的首都,可以说是中国丝绸之路的终点,正仓院则是贮藏官府文物的场所。今日的正仓院已成了日本保存中国唐代丝织品的宝库,其中的很多丝织品即使在大陆也很难见到,诸如彩色印花锦缎、狮子唐草奏乐纹锦、莲花大纹锦、狩猎纹锦、鹿唐草纹锦、莲花纹锦等,还有不少中国工匠当时在日本制作的、兼具唐代风格与日本民族特色的丝织品。  宋代也有很多的中国丝绸被运往日本。元代,政府在宁波、泉州、广州、上海、澉浦、温州、杭州设置市舶司,多口岸向日本出口龙缎、苏杭五色缎、花宣缎、杂色绢、丹山锦、水绫丝布等。明代则是日本大量进口中国丝绸的时期,这一时期,日本从中国输入的生丝、绢、缎、金锦等不计其数。  清初(1644年),统治者担心国内人民出海与明末抗清志士勾结,于是采取海禁政策,后由于国内外的强烈反对而陆续开放。此时,日本仍继续大量进口中国生丝。1633~1672年间,日本每年进口的中国丝仍在20万斤以上,这是由于日本人民服用丝绸十分普遍,而当时的日本国战乱连连、蚕业衰退,国内生产的生丝数量锐减、品质不良的缘故。此时还有山东、陕西、安徽、浙江等地的商人直接从事海上贸易活动,远航至日本等国,以中国的绸绫等换取椒、檀、铜、藤等货物。乾隆二十五年(1760年),中国政府为了换取日本出产的铜,允许中日官方往来,进行丝绸贸易。此后,中国的丝绸更源源不断地被运往日本。  日本在大量进口中国丝绸的同时,积极引进中国的桑种、蚕种和先进技术,并于1868年前后确立了振兴蚕丝业的基本国策,积极学习欧洲的蚕丝实验科学,订立奖励专利政策,兴办科教机构,蚕丝业从此欣欣向荣。1909年,日本出口的生丝已达到8372吨,超过了中国(7480吨),位居国际首位,其后并一直处于领先地位。中国直到1977年产丝量才重又超过了日本。
