

发布时间:2024-07-06 11:12:20


Diet Culture difference between China and America中美饮食文化的差异The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of Among friends, they will just order enough for the people If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests ( four people, five dishes) If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with These are followed by the main courses, hot meat and vegetable Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the starchy "staple" food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last, but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes, you should say so early





学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)




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现代教师必备素质一个有效率的英语教师应当具备的特征英语教师所应具备的素质优秀的英语教师应该具备的素质论教师的有效性评估与教师自我提高“有效教师”的性格与角色泛读课中的教师角色教师如何理解其教学角色教师在成人教育中的角色教师在英语教学中培养学习自主性的角色浅析中美高校外语专业师生关系的定位比较中美英语教学中的师生合作中美英语课堂中的师生互动课堂教学中的师生关系中学课堂管理策略英语教学方法及其应用交际法及其英语口语教学中的应用交际法教学中的语法教学交际法在基础英语教学中的作用交际法在英语教学中的作用交际法在中国中学英语教学中的作用交际教学法在口语教学中的作用交际教学法在我国中学中的问题及改进方法交际式教学法在中国英语教学中的局限性中学英语课堂交际实践中的问题及改进浅谈提高综合应用语言的能力论提高听力教学的有效方法如何有效的进行英语听力教学运用听力策略提高听力理解怎样进行中学英语听力教学中国学生的英语发音问题英汉语音对比及教学策略词汇表达教学中的文化教学中学英语词汇系统家教学高中英语词汇教学技巧论词汇教学与练习论词汇教学中的上下译文译法论交际化次会教学派生法词汇教学浅论词汇在外语教学中的重要性如何教好高中英语词汇英语作为第二语言的词汇教学技巧阅读中的词汇教学阅读中的词汇突破因特网在中国英语教育中的应用网络环境下的英语教学英语教学中的计算机辅助教育《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的个人主义济慈诗歌中神话典故的研究论 《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻与金钱的关系解读《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的婚姻观论作者对《傲慢与偏见》里的社会态度简奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女意识《傲慢与偏见》中由性格所决定的婚姻句子的省略与成份结构论词意变化的因素浅析矛盾修辞法怎样做一名合格的翻译者关于典故的翻译英汉翻译中长句、难句的处理英汉语言中动物词汇文化内涵之比较中国与西方国家的礼仪对比文化冲击——东西方不同的礼节中美家庭文化及其根源的对比010 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication  011 Ambiguity and Puns in English  012 Some basic consideration of style  013 English by Newspaper  014 English Personal Pronouns: a Preliminary Textual Analysis  015 Thematic Network and Text Types  016 An Inquiry into Speech Act Theory  017 On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing  018 The Inferences of Conversational Implications  019 Context and Meaning  020 The Construction and Interpretation of Cohesion in Texts看够了吗?


现在才看到你的问题,不知能否赶得上?Why Do We Need Friends?Everyone has his Our abilities are limited and sometimes we can't finish our work by ourselves,then we need a help offered by a Meanwhile we'll be lonly and bored if we don't have a A friend can bring us happiness and make our lives Living together with a couple of good friends,talking and laughing,what an enjoyable life it is!For these reasons,we do need Hower,friends can be divided into two kinds, good friends and bad A good friend can give you a hand when you're in He is always with you and share your sadness at The real meaning of friendship lies in As for me,I'd like to make friends with those who can show respect and honesty to each other and help each To make friends,honesty and respect are the most important We should be honest and show respect to others to gain their Besides,be ready to help our friends,especially when they get into


高中英语单词表必背如下: accident〔5AksidEnt〕事故,意外的事 adventure〔Ed5ventFE〕冒险;奇遇 advertisement〔Ed5vE:tismEnt〕广告 ambulance〔5AmbjulEns〕救护车 anxious〔5ANkFEs〕忧虑的,焦急的 apologize〔E5pClEdVaiz〕道歉,谢罪 appearance〔E5piErEns〕出现,露面;容貌 appointment〔E5pCintmEnt〕约会 appreciate〔E5pri:Fieit〕欣赏;感激 audience〔5C:djEns〕观众,听众 average〔5AvEridV〕平均的;普通的平均数 baggage〔5bA^idV〕行李 bamboo〔bAm5bu:〕竹 beard〔biEd〕 (下巴上的)胡须 behaviour〔bi5heivjE〕行为,举止 blame〔bleim〕& 责备;责怪 bleed〔bli:d〕出血,流血 telephone booth电话亭 boring〔5bC:riN〕乏味的,无聊的 breathe〔bri:T〕呼吸 broadcast〔5brC:dkB:st〕(broadcast,broadcast)广播 businessman〔5bIznIsmEn〕商人;企业家 camera〔5kAmErE〕照相机;摄像机 candle〔5kAndl〕蜡烛 carrot〔5kArEt〕胡萝卜 ceiling〔5si:liN〕天花板,顶棚 celebrate〔5selibreit〕庆祝 centigrade〔5senti^reid〕摄氏的 century〔5sentFuri,-tFEri〕世纪,百年 certificate〔sE5tifikit〕证明,证明书 chain store(s)连锁店 cheek〔tFi:k〕面颊,脸蛋 chemistry〔5kemistri〕化学 circle〔5sE:kl〕 圆圈将……圈起来 classical〔5klAsikEl〕传统的;古典的 climate〔5klaimit〕气候 clinic〔5klinik〕诊所 college〔5kClidV〕学院;专科学校 comfortable〔5kQmfEtEbl〕舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 comment〔5kCment〕评论 communicate〔kE5mju:nikeit〕交际;传达(感情,信息等) compare〔kEm5pZE〕比较,对照 composition〔kCmpE5ziFEn〕作文;作曲 conceited〔kEn5si:tid〕骄傲自满的 condition〔kEn5diFEn〕条件,状况 conference〔5kCnfErEns〕(正式的)会议;讨论 congratulate〔kEn5^rAtjuleit〕祝贺 content〔kEn5tent〕甘愿的,满意的内容 convenient〔kEn5vi:njEnt〕便利的,方便的 counter〔5kauntE〕柜台,结账处 countryside〔5kQntrisaid〕乡下,农村 cousin〔5kQzn〕堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 crazy〔5kreizi〕疯狂的 crowded〔5kraudid〕拥挤的 curious〔5kjuEriEs〕好奇的;奇异的 daily〔5deili〕每日的;日常的每天日报 damage〔5dAmidV〕& 毁坏,损害 damp〔dAmp〕 & 潮湿(的) dangerous〔5deindVrEs〕危险的 daughter〔5dC:tE〕女儿 dawn〔dC:n〕黎明,拂晓 deadline〔5dedlain〕最后期限,截止日期 December〔di5sembE〕 12月 delicious〔di5liFEs〕美味的,可口的 deliver〔di5livE〕投递(信件,邮包等) dentist〔5dentist〕牙科医生 describe〔dis5kraib〕描写,叙述 destroy〔dis5trCi〕破坏,毁坏 determine〔di5tE:min〕决定;决心 develop〔di5velEp〕v使发展;使发达;使发育;开发vt冲洗照片 devote〔di5vEut〕把……奉献;把……专用(于) diary〔5daiEri〕日记;日记簿 dictionary〔5dikFEnEri〕词典,字典 dining-room〔5dainiN- ru:m〕食堂,饭厅 disadvantage〔7disEd5vB:ntidV〕不利条件;弱点 disappear〔7disE5piE〕消失 disaster〔di5zB:stE〕灾难;祸患 discovery〔dis5kQvEri〕发现 disease〔di5zi:z〕病,疾病 distant〔5distEnt〕远的,遥远的 district〔5distrikt〕区;地区;区域 disturb〔dis5tE:b〕扰乱;打扰 divide〔di5vaid〕分,划分 dizzy〔5dizi〕头晕目眩的 download〔daun5lEud〕& 下载(计算机用语) drawer〔5drC:E〕抽屉 drunk〔drQNk〕醉的 easy-going〔5i:zI-5^EuiN〕随和的 education〔7edju(:)5keiFEn〕教育,培养 effort〔5efEt〕努力,艰难的尝试 electricity〔Ilek5trIsItI〕电;电流 encourage〔in5kQridV〕鼓励 endless〔5endlis〕无止境的;没完的 enlarge〔in5lB:dV〕扩大 entertainment〔entE5teinmEnt〕娱乐 entrance〔`entrEns〕入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可 envelope〔5envilEup〕信封 environment〔in5vaiErEnmEnt〕环境 especially〔is5peFEli〕特别,尤其 examine〔i^5zAmin〕检查;诊察



好吧,中西方文化最好能从小处写,这有范文一篇Eastern Culture VS Western CultureThe world we live in is composed of an immense diversity of different One of the main contrasts within this diversity of cultures is the differences between the East and W Eastern and Western cultures contrast each other in many different In this essay, I will discuss how the difference in culture between the East and West differs and how it also affects the difference in behaviors of Firstly, I would like to point out that there are apparent evidences to how the two cultures are different from each other from what we can see and For example, the languages spoken at each end of the world are completely different in characters, tone, and What are visible to us from the outside such as clothing, language, behavior are all differences in which everybody can Of course, when we minimize our area of observation rather than the general picture, we must not neglect the fact that there are many different cultures consisting in both the East and West which also vary in very different It is most significant to understand the existence of many different cultures other than your own while having a broad and open mind or else it will be the cause of conflicts and tension between people and This is also because each culture has their own way of portraying something through communication, religion, customs, lifestyles, and so Misunderstandings may arise due to the lack of understanding and knowledge of a person regarding another culture that is not their Following the difference in expressing cultures, let’s let Asia represent the E Asians focus very much on respect and personal distance very They are known to always be very formal and polite even when talking to their own In Asian cultures, when having a conversation with somebody, you will realize that they are not too exposed and only expose a minimum of their expressions such as their They tend to avoid showing their emotions when having a conversation to remain neutral so they do not give any false assumptions to who they are talking Regarding the personal distance, they avoid any contact with the other person and keep to their own For example, in Asian cultures people would bow or tilt their heads as a sign of “hello,” “thank you,” or “goodbye,” whereas in Western culture, a handshake or even a hug is considered to be Asian culture strongly values the hierarchy system in which they very much respect their superiors and anyone above them in the social Rank or status is evident especially in the business culture of Asian countries because the attitude of an employee to their employer shows the at most respect, loyalty, and Treating every person the same way in Asian culture can be considered rude at times because what may be acceptable in the western culture may not be acceptable in Asian For example, the eldest son in a family will not be permitted to talk to his parents or grandparents the same way he talks to his younger This social hierarchy is apparent in Asian schools where people in younger schools act very polite to their This social hierarchy that exists in schools has become a serious issue in recent years because it has become the cause of Next, I would like to discuss the Western culture in contrast to Eastern or Asian The quality of life is strongly valued in western culture where families should be prioritized before Western cultures such as the US are much more laid back compared to Eastern cultures regarding human Western cultures are not as reserved and stand closer together when having It is interesting to see the difference between the East and West when relating their cultures to their In Western cultures, they consider life as a form of service, whether it is toward your business, family, belief, and so In Eastern cultures, life is viewed as a never ending journey, although of course this depends on which Eastern cultural belief we are focused Eastern cultural tend to have a more spiritual approach to their goals where they encourage each individual to lead a virtuous life while striving towards their success, while Western culture is more materialistic which refers to the concrete elements you have in your life such as money and strives towards success through ethical analysis and In conclusion, there are many aspects such as communication, religion, behavior, lifestyles, and so on which can be compared and contrasted with between Eastern and Western The major difference is derived from the different cultural values, beliefs, and teachings in each of the cultures that differentiates the two It is an interesting fact that a completely different culture and people exist directly on the other side of the Each culture has its own unique, significant, and valuable elements which is important to acknowledge when understanding different cultures to avoid

TheculturedifferencesbetweentheEastandWest东方和西方间的不同文化 Asweknow,therearesomanydifferencesbetweencultureoftheEastandWestthatI(众说周知,东方和西方间在不同方面有许多我难以列举的不同之处。) ItisnodoubtthatitisatraditiontousechopsticksforCButpeopleinATAmericanschoosetoeatbeefsteak,bread,andsalad,whileChinesepeoplechoosenoodles,(无疑中国人用筷子是一种传统。但是美国人更喜欢叉子和小刀这不同的结果建立在她们对食物的喜好上。美国人选择吃牛肉片,面包和沙拉然而中国人选择吃面条,薄烤饼和米饭。 Inmyopinion,thestudyinATInaaddition,therateofgoingtoschool,thesalaryofteaching,andthejobofgruduatesarequitedifferent,IthinkthatCIalsoexpecttobeoneday,theWestgivemorecheers (在我看来,在美国学习会更有趣。老师们注重培养学生们对现实生活的理解能力。而且,去学校的上学率,教学的工资和毕业后的工作也大不相同。我认为中国政府应该尽更大的努力改善教育系统。我也期望有一天,西方能给中国更多的鼓励。


The key to effective cross-cultural communication is First, it is essential that people understand the potential problems of cross-cultural communication, and make a conscious effort to overcome these Second, it is important to assume that one’s efforts will not always be successful, and adjust one’s behavior For example, one should always assume that there is a significant possibility that cultural differences are causing communication problems, and be willing to be patient and forgiving, rather than hostile and aggressive, if problems One should respond slowly and carefully in cross-cultural exchanges, not jumping to the conclusion that you know what is being thought and William Ury’s suggestion for heated conflicts is to stop, listen, and think, or as he puts it "go to the balcony" when the situation gets By this he means withdraw from the situation, step back, and reflect on what is going on before you This helps in cross cultural communication as When things seem to be going badly, stop or slow down and What could be going on here? Is it possible I misinterpreted what they said, or they misinterpreted me? Often misinterpretation is the source of the Active listening can sometimes be used to check this out–by repeating what one thinks he or she heard, one can confirm that one understands the communication If words are used differently between languages or cultural groups, however, even active listening can overlook Often intermediaries who are familiar with both cultures can be helpful in cross-cultural communication They can translate both the substance and the manner of what is For instance, they can tone down strong statements that would be considered appropriate in one culture but not in another, before they are given to people from a culture that does not talk together in such a strong They can also adjust the timing of what is said and Some cultures move quickly to the point; others talk about other things long enough to establish rapport or a relationship with the other If discussion on the primary topic begins too soon, the group that needs a "warm up" first will feel A mediator or intermediary who understands this can explain the problem, and make appropriate procedural Yet sometimes intermediaries can make communication even more If a mediator is the same culture or nationality as one of the disputants, but not the other, this gives the appearance of bias, even when none Even when bias is not intended, it is common for mediators to be more supportive or more understanding of the person who is of his or her own culture, simply because they understand them Yet when the mediator is of a third cultural group, the potential for cross-cultural misunderstandings increases In this case engaging in extra discussions about the process and the manner of carrying out the discussions is appropriate, as is extra time for confirming and re-confirming understandings at every step in the dialogue or negotiating
