

发布时间:2024-07-07 05:49:45


语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入



语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入


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Good environment can make people feel happy and fit To improve the environment means to improve our     We should plant more trees and flowers around us We shouldn’t cut them down We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the     Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into Never spit in Don’t draw on public It’s our duty to protect the

Many people are active in fighting against unfair Many people are active in fighting against unfair Many people are active in fighting against unfair Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so treatment to colored people, women , animals and so treatment to colored people, women , animals and so treatment to colored people, women , animals and so Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our Though the environment doesn't have a mouth Though the environment doesn't have a mouth Though the environment doesn't have a mouth Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have doto deprecate what humans have doto deprecate what humans have doto deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates ne to her, she retaliates ne to her, she retaliates ne to her, she retaliates through In the early years the Chinese cut down through In the early years the Chinese cut down through In the early years the Chinese cut down through In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible As a result, the Huangtu plateau which terrible As a result, the Huangtu plateau which terrible As a result, the Huangtu plateau which terrible As a result, the Huangtu plateau which was onwas onwas onwas once covered with grass and forests was turned into ce covered with grass and forests was turned into ce covered with grass and forests was turned into ce covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer Another example was barrens that supported fewer Another example was barrens that supported fewer Another example was barrens that supported fewer Another example was in several developed Because many chemical in several developed Because many chemical in several developed Because many chemical in several developed Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisocities were covered with so much poisocities were covered with so much poisocities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people nous gas that people nous gas that people nous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed What horrible were killed by the air they breathed What horrible were killed by the air they breathed What horrible were killed by the air they breathed What horrible scene!What we are suffering is only a small part of what scene!What we are suffering is only a small part of what scene!What we are suffering is only a small part of what scene!What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once If we don't take action to show the nature once If we don't take action to show the nature once If we don't take action to show the nature once If we don't take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an respect to the environment, we will have to face an respect to the environment, we will have to face an respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly increasingly increasingly increasingly awful awful awful awful

Protecting the Environment-保护环境Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly Pollution is, in fact, threatening our The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later Fortunately, more and more people have realized these Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the Laws have been passed to stop I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and 全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重。例如汽车污染的空气影响了人们的呼吸,工厂释放污染的气体,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排人河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。事实上,污染正威胁我们的生存。 地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它。庆幸的是,愈来愈多的人们已经意识到这些问题。政府已经采取了很多措施去解决这些问题,法律已被通过以制止污染。我希望这些问题在不远的将来能得到解决,我们的家园变得越来越好。 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make GREat noises and give off poisonous Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly The whole ecological balance of the earth is Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful 全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。随着工农业的发展,汽车制造噪音、排放毒气,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排入河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。整个地球生态平衡正在改变,环境的巨大破坏已带来负面影响,甚至对人类生存带来巨大威胁。我们必须面对现实,采取行动解决环境问题。例如必须通过新的法律严格控制工业污染问题,大众必须接受污染危害的教育等。我们希望这些措施的有效实施能带给我们一个健康的环境Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make GREat noises and give off poisonous Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly The whole ecological balance of the earth is Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful 全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。随着工农业的发展,汽车制造噪音、排放毒气,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排入河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。整个地球生态平衡正在改变,环境的巨大破坏已带来负面影响,甚至对人类生存带来巨大威胁。我们必须面对现实,采取行动解决环境问题。例如必须通过新的法律严格控制工业污染问题,大众必须接受污染危害的教育等。我们希望这些措施的有效实施能带给我们一个健康的环境 我的故乡英语作文My beautiful home, where its spring Spring, my hometown, green grass and flowers are in Out of the tree branches, birds singing in the Looking around is the continuous mountains, mountains and rolling hillsides in the spring, as if a domesticated hen the carpet, until the Graceful flowers blossoming in a dotted mountains, attract colorful butterflies; in the depths of the mountain is the terraced rows of shapes, by definition, is the same as the stairs rice; a winding path to article rice into the ever-changing shape, some like crescent, and some, like boats, some as sickle in the spring, when seedling growth, fresh green color of the home that add still more Summer, sun spit fire, but the hills in the home full of trees, in the shade of the shelter, the very cool; also known bird burst into Kind of ripe watermelon in the mountains, home of the watermelon usually round and bright, and that the air moon, as round; cut, I saw a bright red flesh, sweet and delicious; black seeds, like the eyes of swarthy Autumn is a golden rice, breeze, rice started singing a harmony of the song, when hard-working farmers are harvesting rice; rice harvest of the cheerful sound of voices and interwoven success of the harvest of the symphony Winter, although the trees have been dying, but is everywhere in the roadside grass and wild flowers, which stand at attention in the They tell you: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" This is my beautiful hometown, my favorite home




语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入

Protect environment(环境保护) The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their




我写的是 我国网络教育亟待解决的问题及对策 你可以谢谢,比较新颖 我这有资料

数学是人类文化的重要组成部分,数学意识的形成、数学思想和方法的掌握、数学模型的建立,都对科技的发展起着至关重要的作用。要学会用数学的思维去观察问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题,然后对问题进行概括和创新性研究,只有在素质教育的环竟中实现。当前,学校教育仍然不同程度地存在着“应试教育”的成份,扼杀了学生的创新思维,削弱了学生的实践能力。当然,也欣喜地看到我国正加大教材改革的力度,实施素质教育,广大教育工作者也正努力适应新形势,积极开展素质教育。本文把自己观察到地变化趋势讲述如下。   一、 转变教师角色,以新的理念指导教学   面对21世纪的教育改革,数学教学要充分体现“生活化”、“活动化”、“个性化”特征,要求数学教师必须更新教学观念,不仅要有科学的数学观,还应从数学的哲学层面形成数学文化观念、数学价值观念和数学应用观念,逐步从静态的、绝对主义数学观向动态的、人文主义和科学主义相结合的数学观转变。因此,教学中教师充分尊重学生的人格和学生在数学学习上的差异,激发了学生的兴趣,有利于学生形成积极探索的态度,勤奋好学,勇于克服困难和不断进取的学风。同时教师也开始更新对学生学习评价的观念,既重视学生知识技能的掌握和能力提高,又重视其情感态度和价值观的变化,将评价贯穿数学学习的全过程,及时发现学生的闪光点并加以肯定,突出了数学评价的激励与发展功能,利于增进师生感情,建立和谐的师生关系。新课程教学突出学生的探究能力和合作学习能力的培养,注重三维目标的落实,在教学中精心设计问题,探索、发现解决问题的途径及方法,教师尽当好导演,挖掘学生最大潜能,真正体现以人为本的教育理念。   二、面向全体学生,转变教学组织方式   现代教育观认为,素质教育其实质是对学生实施主动性教育。因此,在课堂教学中教师一改过去地满堂灌为适当引导学生积极主动地参与知识的形成过程,使学生真正感到自己是学习的主人。由于学生在知识、技能和能力方面的发展和志趣、特长等不尽相同,教师因材施教。在组织教学时,从大多数学生的实际出发,并兼顾学习有困难和学习有余力的学生。在数学学习中,个人努力与合作学习相结合则能促进学生对数学的理解。在交流和讨论中,可能澄清认识,纠正错误,这有助于扩展思路,提高能力,加强自信。   三、实施“问题解决”,培养创新品质   问题是数学的心脏,学生的发展离不开丰富的问题及其解决。发现问题,大胆怀疑,探奇索引,也是创造型人才的重要品质。在数学教学中,教师开始注重创设问题情境,提出具有开放性、挑战性的问题,引发学生浓厚的兴趣;鼓励学生在数学活动中发挥自己的想象力和创造性,主动地发现问题、提出问题、探究问题,使课堂教学在学生独立思考、动手实践和合作交流的活动中不断的生成新的问题,在一个又一个问题的解决过程中发展学生的思维,促进学生主动地思考与实践。即使某些问题是可笑的,某些发现是错误的,某些探索是失败的,教师也不挖苦讽刺,而以积极的态度加以鼓励,并帮助学生分析错误和失败的原因,变错误为正确,不挫伤学生的创造积极性,使学生思想中产生的创造火苗得以燃烧和发展,使认识进入一个又一个崭新的高度,从而使学生的创新意识和创新能力得到提高。 四、加强学生学习能力与自学习惯的培养   自学能力是学生独立掌握和运用知识的能力,它对学生毕业后的升学或就业具有十分重要的意义。培养自学能力,在掌握和运用知识、技能的过程中逐步完成。在培养学生自学能力的基础上,进一步培养他们的自学习惯,这不仅是学生今天学习的需要,也是未来工作的需要。忽视自学,学生只能囿于教师讲解的范围,既不能充分思考消化,也不能广泛涉猎知识,开拓视野。因此教师根据每个学生的能力差异和兴趣爱好,培养他们独立自学的习惯。在教学中,教师要引导、鼓励学生积极开展研究性学习,提高自己的学习水平、研究能力和创新能力,从而造就了大批肯动脑筋、勤于实践、富有创新精神的青年学生。   五、加强学生良好思维品质的培养   一个创造型的人,必须善于多向思维,因此教学中,教师经常鼓励学生摆脱固有的模式,善于从不同的角度和方法去思考问题(思维的灵活性),不要满足于停留在表面现象上,引导学生善于概括归类,善于抓住事物的本质和规律,善于预见事物发展的进程,把思维引向一定的深度和广度(思维的深刻性)。鼓励学生思考问题敏捷,反应速度快(思维的敏捷性)。培养学生对自己的作业和结果独立的进行评价和分析,敢于有论据地坚持自己的观点和信念,坚持独立思考,善于发问(思维的批判性)。在课堂教学中,教师鼓励学生奇思妙想,留有足够的时间和空间,让学生自己去想,暴露学生自己的思维,充分相信学生的聪明才智。这样教学,学生与教师都从中受到启发,使得思维在更广阔的空间得到发展。   六、信息技术与数学课程整合,增强学生数学素养   现代信息技术的广泛应用正在对数学课程内容、数学教学、数学学习等多方面产生深刻影响。信息技术提供资源环境,信息技术进入数学教学,突破并扩展以数学教科书及其其他参考资料为主要来源的信息源,用各种相关资料来丰富封闭的、孤立的数学课堂教学,扩充知识容量。在教学过程中,教师应尽量实现信息技术与课程的整合,如,充分利用计算机技术直观演示数学模型所刻画的数量关系,利用计算机软件呈现大量的空间几何体,帮助学生认识其结构特征,培养空间想象能力等等。信息技术与数学课程整合,丰富了学生的数学文化,增强学生的数学素养,大大提高了教学效果。
