

发布时间:2024-07-07 08:55:59







驱雾炮弹 科技小论文——兰花枯萎之后 我的神舟八号 科技小论文——柔软的汽车玻璃 篮球充气的孔为什么不会漏气 鸡蛋浮起来了 科学小论文-猫为什么吃老鼠 科技小论文范文—《制造影子》 科学小论文——看电视为什么不能太近? 科技小论文——废旧电池危害大

回答 1)辨别论文真伪,检查是否为答辩人独立撰写的问题;(2)测试答辩人掌握知识深度和广度的问题;(3)论文中没有叙述清楚,但对于本课题来讲尤为重要的问题;(4)关于论文中出现的错误观点的问题;(5)课题有关背景和发展现状的问题;(6)课题的前景和发展问题;(7)有关论文中独特的创造性观点的问题;(8)与课题相关的基本理论和基础知识的问题;(9)与课题相关的扩展性问题。1、自己为什么选择这个课题?2、研究这个课题的意义和目的是什么?3、全文的基本框架、基本结构是如何安排的?4、全文的各部分之间逻辑关系如何?5、在研究本课题的过程中,发现了那些不同见解?对这些不同的意见,自己是怎样逐步认识的?又是如何处理的?6、论文虽未论及,但与其较密切相关的问题还有哪些?7、还有哪些问题自己还没有搞清楚,在论文中论述得不够透彻?8、写作论文时立论的主要依据是什么?






As human enters a age of information The advantages and disadvantages becomes increasingly The advantages are that internet made life much more convenient and People can shop, read, learn, interact and a whole lot more from their computer It draws the world closer and makes lifes There are also On the internet, everyone is invisisble, this makes online fraud and identitity theft increasingly popular and Also, on the internet, almost everyone can post or edit information, which means information on the web are not always Therefore, as we become more and more relient on the internt, it' ;s advantages and disadvantages should not be

题目:面向网络化制造的CRM后台管理系统的设计与实现摘要:本设计是江西教育厅科技项目“面向网络化制造的客户关系管理系统研究“研究内容的一部分。在网络化制造环境下,处于同一网络的制造企业之间的关系管理变得越来越重要,要构造一个完整的、有效率的制造网络就必需开发相应的成熟的客户关系管理系统。 系统的设计思想是在支持前台数据维护的基础上,着重于客户数据的分析,通过对客户信息,交易信息的分析得出有得于公司决策的数据。同时注重体现网络化制造的跨企业合作、信息集成的思想。主要模块包括:对前台信息的管理、呼叫中心、客户跟踪、客户信息分析、交易信息分析、统计报表、销售预测。 关键词:网络化制造 客户关系管理 系统设计 后台管理 Title: Networked Manufacturing Oriented CRM background management system Design and Implementation Abstract: The design of Jiangxi Science and Technology Office of Education project "Networked Manufacturing Oriented Customer Relationship Management System" as part of the In networked manufacturing environment, in the manufacture of the same network of relationship management between enterprises is becoming increasingly important, it is necessary to construct a complete and efficient manufacturing network corresponding to the maturity necessary for the development of customer relationship management System thinking is the future in support of the basis of data maintenance, with a focus on customer data analysis, through to customer information, transaction information, something the company analysis of data in decision- At the same time, reflect the emphasis on inter-network-based manufacturing businesses, the idea of information The main modules include: the future of information management, call center, customer tracking, analysis of customer information, transaction information analysis, statistical statements, sales Key words: network-based customer relationship management system to create the background to the management of design

Title: Networked Manufacturing Oriented CRM background management system Design and Implementation Abstract: The design of Jiangxi Science and Technology Office of Education project "Networked Manufacturing Oriented Customer Relationship Management System" as part of the In networked manufacturing environment, in the manufacture of the same network of relationship management between enterprises is becoming increasingly important, it is necessary to construct a complete and efficient manufacturing network corresponding to the maturity necessary for the development of customer relationship management     System thinking is the future in support of the basis of data maintenance, with a focus on customer data analysis, through to customer information, transaction information, something the company analysis of data in decision- At the same time, reflect the emphasis on inter-network-based manufacturing businesses, the idea of information The main modules include: the future of information management, call center, customer tracking, analysis of customer information, transaction information analysis, statistical statements, sales Key words: network-based customer relationship management system to create the background to the management of design

Networked Manufacturing Oriented CRM background management system Design and Implementation Abstract: The design of Jiangxi Science and Technology Office of Education project "Networked Manufacturing Oriented Customer Relationship Management System" as part of the In networked manufacturing environment, in the manufacture of the same network of relationship management between enterprises is becoming increasingly important, it is necessary to construct a complete and efficient manufacturing network corresponding to the maturity necessary for the development of customer relationship management System thinking is the future in support of the basis of data maintenance, with a focus on customer data analysis, through to customer information, transaction information, something the company analysis of data in decision- At the same time, reflect the emphasis on inter-network-based manufacturing businesses, the idea of information The main modules include: the future of information management, call center, customer tracking, analysis of customer information, transaction information analysis, statistical statements, sales Key words: network-based customer relationship management system to create the background to the management of design


1、经济发展,为科技文化进步提供物质基础; 2、由经济决定的政治状况,为科技文化的发展提供了相应的社会环境; 3、统治阶级重视教育事业的发展,培养了从事科技文化事业的人才; 4、统治者实行开明的对外政策(包括外来宗教),有利于我国科技文化的正常发展; 5、国家的统一和民族融合,加强了各民族各地区的文化交流和发展; 6、前代科技文化成就奠定的基础。 总之,各族人民辛勤劳动,创造了大量物质财富和精神财富,是古代科技文化领先于世界的根本原因。宋元时期,是我国古代科技发展的高峰时期,这一时期的科技,是在隋唐经济高度繁荣基础上的延续。沈括,郭守敬在天文历法方面的成就,李诫在建筑学上的贡献,反映了那个时期我国科学技术在世界上的领先地位 宋元时期,是我国古代科技发展的高峰时期,这一时期的科技,是在隋唐经济高度繁荣基础上的延续。沈括,郭守敬在天文历法方面的成就,李诫在建筑学上的贡献,反映了那个时期我国科学技术在世界上的领先地位 宋元时期,文化高度繁荣的原因是 1.起点高,是在隋唐文化高度发展的基础上继续发展的。 2.宋元时期的政治和经济条件为文化的发展提供了良好的客观环境。宋朝结束了五代十国以来长期分裂割据和混战的局面。那时经济发展,城市繁荣,航海和对外贸易空前活跃。元朝实现了全国性的统一,中外经济文化交流频繁。两大因素的结合,使宋元文化突飞猛进,涌现出一批著名的科学家和文学家、艺术家。
