

发布时间:2024-07-06 13:22:47


这是介绍位置的Power forward :Power forward and center in addition to the consolidation of the basket area, we need to have the backing to become the team's Although the power forward (PF) than the center's height but also because Maria's short stature that the jump in the crash of Merit and let them have gorgeous superior rebounding But with the center have equally basket shots, rebounds and blocks, such as various aspects of offensive and defensive But because only in the restricted areas than in the center of scores of shooting and dribble larger than the capacity center also strong, and had also shot in the distance to attract a restricted zone opponents Therefore PF (power forward) is like the existence of the support team backing, but also can be said to be the most Tough Stadium (tough) the most Powerful 2,Small Forwad:Basketball in the so-called Around Player refers to the small forward Because small forward in addition to internal and external lines shooting ability and superb involvement skills as a key capability, but also the location of the various players, the average basic So sometimes on the pitch at the same time also to the other four players from the So small forward position can be called all the players in the most basketball players sense ball!3,Center:Center whether in attack or defense are the key basket on the restricted area, the patron saint of people like the Dribble and the long-distance shooting capability is weak but tall tall and strong physical condition, as its shots in the basket, rebounding and covered Pot, and other favorable weapons, but also opponents to face in a restricted zone the pressure on the Crash course in the area is the most intense areas, the center in order to win the team needed hard opponents in the restricted areas, and the collision, As the famous modern basketball, "Basketball is the center of the game", the center of the basketball game is very important。4,Shooting Guard:If the center is the patron saint dominated area, then shooting guard on the duties can be said to be responsible for external application lashed a sudden Compared with height, speed and jumping, shooting guard feel more biased towards the needs of long-distance shooting and agility and the ability of In attack mainly three-point line and shoot the arrow as the main fast When the defense is primarily responsible for the rapid return to defense and Also in the point guard was lockdown when they can share the point guard's work, control of offensive In conclusion SG (shooting guard) high hit rate because of the three-pointers and strong breakthroughs in capacity, so the game can always gather everyone's attention5,Point Guard:Point guard must be on the court as teammates offensive attack command Engine Often heard point guard known as "the commander basketball court," So point guard is not greed not always score for the main purpose of their own, but frequently to the precision pass quickly create scoring opportunities for In the attack at point guard skill needed to shake off the dribble technology rivals When the defense needs to move fast and accurate judgment steals opponent of the ball, block opponents offensive Particularly offensive are almost all from the point guard's hands began launching, therefore, point guard has been known as "commando-long", but also in tactics therefore always said PG (point guard) on the 1st

Whether intentionally or not, Larry Bird, the Indiana Pacers' president of basketball operations, touched on a real issue when he said the NBA needs a white Maybe the NBA is too hip-hop for its Maybe the urban culture, with its braggadocio and rebellion, is too much for the predominantly older, whiter ticket buyers and "The league is more commercial and it's all based on image, but hip-hop is basically where a lot of the people in the NBA grew up," Denver Nuggets center Marcus Camby "We grew up in the inner city, we grew up on hip-hop Trying to incorporate (hip-hop) into the basketball society, it never really "Some players said they feel this is part of the reason criticism toward the NBA comes so quick and They said they hear all the time how people are tired of the celebrations, the trash talk and the excessive Hip-hop, or the influx of players influenced by it, is either considered responsible for or directly linked to the so-called waywardness of the NBA"I think a lot of people don't really understand hip-hop," said USC professor Todd Boyd, author of "Young, Black, Rich and Famous: The Rise of the NBA, The Hip Hop Invasion and the Transformation of American C""A lot of times, it's stereotyping; stereotyping young black men - which is the majority of people in the NBA"The NBA has certainly taken advantage of hip-hop's presence in the league, unapologetically marketed to the urban Hip-hop-inspired clothing lines such as Fubu, UNK and D'Funked have been licensed to peddle NBA The league even has its own shoe with Reebok-sneakers with the NBA logo on the Once-rare throwback jerseys, a trend catapulted by hip-hop artists, can now be bought anywhere sweat socks are To capitalize off the throwback craze, the NBA created Hardwood Classic Nights, which are games when teams wear their franchise's old school uniforms-a relative fashion show of And the NBA certainly took money from rapper Jay-Z, who was a part of the ownership group that bought the New Jersey Nets, and new Charlotte Bobcats owner Robert Johnson, who founded the cable television BET, the NBC of hip-hop But is hip-hop fine for profit but offensive on the court? The NBA, at times, seems embarrassed by it's relationship with the Several players have been fined for wearing shorts too long (of course, oversized gear is a staple of hip-hop culture) Allen Iverson's tattoos were airbrushed out on the cover of Hoop Magazine, an NBA The league also discouraged hanging on the rim and taunting via technical "It comes down to a generational difference," said Boyd, who overseas the study of race and popular culture in USC's School of Cinema-T"The gate-keepers of the NBA are older and They want to make the league out to be something to fit them instead of taking the league for what it It's not just There are many black people who don't like hip-hop It's a generational People from older generations want to impose their beliefs on the younger "Los Angeles Clippers forward Elton Brand said a mistake is made when hip-hop is affixed just to those who are boisterous and unruly, to those who show-out on the court and get in trouble off He said people need to realize some of the good guys in the league - the Kevin Garnetts, the Derek Fishers, the Richard Hamiltons - also fit under the umbrella of hip-"Hip-hop is not just gangsta rap and party music," Brand "I'm sure they look at someone living a hip-hop lifestyle as someone with braids, tattoos, they smoke They don't see the other guys as hip-"

他的意思是:篮球。世界上有史以来最伟大的体育运动。当然,它并没有从世界各地开始。不,总得有人发明它。并有人将詹姆斯奈史密斯。 在阿尔蒙特,安大略省,加拿大,这加拿大体育教师和医生出生不久将在篮球的创始人。这一切都始于1891年12月。奈史密斯在马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德的教学,被卢瑟H古利克,该工程的基督教学校的校长要求做出新的运动。这项运动的主要思想,主要是要发挥它的时候里面太冷外出。新的运动还必须保持与棒球和足球赛季他们最条件的运动员。奈史密斯开始工作。第一场比赛,球是一个足球。 第一个篮子篮子桃子奈史密斯巧妙的挂在墙上的思想。从那里,开始了篮球的遗产。原来,有9名男子,以每队,但目标仍是相同的;在传球给你的团队,把其他球员在对方球队的净,或篮子当时球。从那里,篮球抓获如火如荼。 在1885年highschools和大学开始实行游戏,和1898年,第一个职业联盟的成立。第一场比赛后,比赛,奈史密斯起草的第13的规则和条例,但还有更多的人还在后头。在今天的磨炼,我们知道在1906年发明。他们是钢铁,一个从它的边缘挂网。

【Abstract】: Basketball "Basketball awareness" training, basketball training has been one of the important issues, but also to raise the level of the game of basketball an important In this paper, the game of basketball in a basketball sense the important role of comprehensive and systematic analysis of the status of basketball awareness of the relevant factors and in close contact and made a basketball sense of the formation and training of specific Key words: basketball awareness; culture; the formation of



篮球教会我的不只是篮球NBA教会我的不只是篮球阐述篮球带来的快乐。。最主要的是篮球的某种精神例如:有个镜头我永远都忘不了2001年总决赛第三场球完了后,小艾和科比在快进更衣室门口相遇,当时小艾的眼神足以杀死人,科比抬着高傲的头颅看都不看小艾一眼,小艾主动上去和科比握手,科比装作没看见,头也不回地走了,那一刻小艾显得多么无奈。—— 从那一刻起,科比已经输了,不是输在球技上,而是输在做人上 。科比可以拿着三枚总冠军戒指 81分记录向小艾炫耀, 但是,小艾的精神境界是科比一世都无法企及的。他教会我一件事:“只要认为是对的,即便是对抗全世界,不要被那些舆论所影响、击倒,要有勇气战斗下去。他教会我只要坚持做自己,即便是被人认为是「叛逆」,也要战斗下去。你说他是我的神也好,佛也好,我服膺的是他这种精神,这是一种信仰。有个人站在你面前,他就是这麼做著,他始终忠於他的信念。所谓「武士精神」,亦不过如此,而这正是我所信奉的。我看NBA十多年,不曾带给我这种感动。这种「我要打十个」的气魄,不是只有「英雄主义」而已,而是战斗到底的决心。那些酸AI的人们,他们不懂,因为他们不会、也不敢有这种体验,他们更不会了解,许许多多喜欢AI的人,到底为什麼喜欢他?这不是靠长得帅就可以得到的拥护。”2004年 一个18岁的男孩(凯文 约翰逊)在街上被一群16-20岁的人围住 抢劫 他们抢走凯文身上财务 然后命令凯文脱掉身上穿的艾弗森3号球衣 凯文誓死不从紧紧保护着球衣不让他们抢走 那群歹徒拿出手枪 凯文依旧不让他们把艾的球衣从身上抢走 一声枪响 凯文被后面一个歹徒击中脖子 球衣还是让那伙歹徒抢走 两年过去 一天报纸披露 一个孩子的妈妈让医院使用安乐死 结束她孩子的生命 那个孩子就凯文约翰逊 就这样 这件事被媒体报道出来 艾弗森也知道这件事 他很震惊 他亲自去那座医院 随后艾给凯文安排葬礼 后来凯文母亲说 凯文下葬的时候是穿着艾弗森送的崭新球衣入土的 别人问 你儿子这样做不值得 凯文妈妈说 这是我儿子的选择 你们不知道凯文多么爱艾弗森 我不反对我儿子去追艾弗森 在艾弗森身上 我儿子学到的比我们教的更多


1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。 为了纪念奈史密斯博士发明的篮球的功绩,在春田学院校园内修建了美国篮球名人馆-詹姆斯·奈史密斯纪念馆。 起初,奈史密斯将两只桃篮别钉在键身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿距离地面04米,用足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。投球入篮得1分,按得分多少决定胜负。每次投球进篮后,要爬梯子将球取出再重新开始比赛。以后逐步将竹篮改为活底的铁篮,再改为铁圈下面挂网。 到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。 1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。 1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有移种文字出版,发行于全世界,这样,篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。 1936年第11届奥运会将男子篮球列为正式比赛项目,并统一了世界篮球竞赛规则,此后,到1948年的10多年间,规则曾多次修改,与现行规则有关的重要变化是:将得分后的中圈跳球,改为失分队在后场端线外掷界外球继续比赛;进攻队必须在10秒钟内把球推进到前场;球进前场后不得再回后场;进攻队员不得在"限制区"内停留3秒钟;投篮队员被侵犯时,投中罚球1次,投不中罚球2次等。1952年和1956年第15、16两届奥运会的篮球比赛中,出现了两米以上的多人,国际业余篮球联合会曾两次扩大篮球场地的"限制区"(也叫"3分区");还规定,一个队控制球后,必须在30秒内投篮出手。60年代初有关10秒和球回后场的规定,一度因1960年第17届奥运会后取消了中场线改画边线的中点而中止。1964年第18届奥运会后,又恢复了中场线,这些规定又继续执行。1977年增加了每队满10次犯规后,在防守犯规时罚球两次,防投篮时犯规两罚有1次不中再加罚1次的规定。1981年又将10次犯规后罚球的规定缩减到8次。很明显,人员的变化的技术,战术的发展引起了规则的改变,而规则的改变又促进了人员和技术、战术的进一步发展变化。特别是50年代后期以来,规则的改变对篮球比赛的攻守速度,对运动员的身体、技术、战术以及意志、作风等各方面都不断提出新的更高的要求,促进了篮球技术水平的迅速提高,女子篮球是1976年第21届奥运会上才列为正式比赛项目的。 篮球运动是1896年前后由天津中华基督教青年会传入中国的,随后在北京、上海基督教青年会里也有了此项活动。在1910年的全运会上举行了男子篮球表演赛之后,在全国各大城市的大、中学校的篮球活动逐渐开展起来,其中以天津、北京、上海开展得较好,水平也较高,当时的比赛规则很简单,在球场中间画一个约有1米直径的中圈,中锋队员跳球时一只手必须置于背后腰部,任何一足不得踏出圈外。技术也简单,中圈跳球后,谁接到球就自己运球,超过防守人就投篮。当时只会直线运球前进,传球方法是单、双手胸前传球,跑动投篮是用单手低手上篮,立定投篮无论远近都是用双手腹前低手投篮。1925年前后,进攻和防守的5名运动员,有了较明确的分工,中锋对中锋,后卫对前锋,有人盯人,各自盯住自己的对手。但前锋的职责是只管进攻投篮,不管退守;后卫的职责是只管防守抢截球,不管投篮。前锋和后卫很少全场跑动,只有中锋要攻守兼顾。以后又逐渐改为两后卫1人助攻(活动后卫),1人留守后场(固定后卫),两前锋也变为1人留在前场专管偷袭、快攻,1人退守后场助防。技术动作也有所发展,跑动投篮出现了单手、高手投篮,立定投篮出现了双手胸前投篮,传球出现了单、双手击地传球,运球出现了两手交替运球躲闪防守和超越防守向前推进的技术。规则中增加了罚球区和罚球线,队员犯规4次即被取消比赛资格,犯规罚球可由队长指定任何1个队员主罚。比赛时间分为上、下半时各20分钟,中间休息10分钟。每次投中或罚中后,都在中圈跳球,重新开始比赛。而中国篮球运动水平在1926年以后有了较大提高 。





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