

发布时间:2024-07-08 08:53:12


The power of knowledgeAt age 89, Mary Fasano graduated with a bachelor s degree from the Extension School last week and entered the history books as the oldest person to earn an undergraduate degree at H Following is the speech she delivered -- "The Power of Knowledge" -- at the Extension School diploma awarding ceremony: I remember one night a few years ago when my daughter was frantic with After my Harvard Extension School classes, I usually arrived at the bus station near my home by 11 , but on that night I was nowhere to be My daughter was It wasn t safe for a single woman to walk alone on the streets at night, especially one as defenseless as I am: I can slay a mugger with my sharp wit, but I m just too short to do any real physical That night my daughter checked the bus station, drove around the streets, and contacted some But she couldn t find me -- until she called my astronomy professor who told her that I was on top of the Science Center using the telescope to gaze at the Unaware of the time, I had gotten lost in the heavens and was only thinking about the new things I had learned that night in This story illustrates a habit I have developed over the years: I lose track of the time when it comes to How else do you explain a woman who began high school at age 71 and who is graduating with a bachelor s degree at 89? I may have started late, but I will continue to learn as long as I am able because there is no greater feeling, in my opinion, than traveling to a faraway country as I have and being able to identify by sight the painting of a famous artist, the statue of an obscure sculptor, the cathedral of an ancient I have found that the world is a final exam that you can never be prepared enough So I will continue to take classes and tell my Lately it seems that everyone is asking me, "Mary, what advice do you have for other students?" So while I have you all here, I m going to ease my burden of answering you each individually: If the saying is true that wisdom comes with age, you may safely assume that I am one of the wisest people in this hall and possibly at this university So listen to me when I tell you this: Knowledge is My studies were interrupted when I was in the 7th grade, back sometime around World War I I loved school but I was forced to leave it to care for my I was consigned to work in a Rhode Island cotton mill, where I labored for many I eventually married and raised 5 children, 20 grandchildren, and 18 great- But all the while I felt inferior to those around I knew I was as smart as a college I knew I was capable of doing a job well -- I had proved it by running a successful family business for decades that still But I wanted I wanted to feel confident when I spoke and I wanted people to respect my

这个比较简洁的,希望你能看懂哦~~~~Knowledge is power As a popular saying goes, knowledge is With our country developing fast, the importance of knowledge is becoming more and more obvious to us In the very first place, with knowledge, one can easily find It is often said that we are entering a new age of information, and knowledge plays a key role in this For example, if one wants to work in IT field, one needs to improve his knowledge What’s more, knowledgeable people can get quick promotion in their As is often the case, a person in charge of an organization is the one who has most In addition, more knowledge is also needed to make our life rich and Accordingly, we must try hard to acquire as much knowledge as we Luckily, a lot of means may enable us to do Among other things, web proves the best and fastest way to get

兄弟 。。。 。我找到了一篇 你进去看看 你可以根据自己的需要该该这篇只是让你参考。。希望你可以自己依此写一篇不错的作文

哈,我读北大的,不久前才写过,我拷给你吧,记得给我分哦!Knowledge is Power, but knowledge does not always come with Knowledge is "the state of awareness or understanding gained from experience or learning specific information about This means a person has the resourcefulness to obtain and criticize useful and informative information in order to become well informed citizens who can make intelligent decisions based upon their understanding and awareness of everyday Does this make them powerful? Is a question that creeps into ones mind? Well, power is said to be the ability or capacity to act or perform Without knowledge, how can this ability to perform effectively, be possible? Indeed " One may have the knowledge but one should know how to use When you look at America's rise to power during the past war era it is easy as well as trivial to attribute it to the abundance of natural resources and surplus number of new There is something new out there to learn each and every minute of your life, so keep learning!! More importantly than what made America the most powerful country in the world is why it became the most powerful This proves that knowledge is very much a necessity to gain P It is invariably true that every person who is knowledgeable leads a successful A wise man once said:"Cursing, or the use of vulgar language, is just the inability of a feeble mind to forcefully express Education is experienced each and everyday in and outside the classroom, making you strong enough to face the cruel world It wasn't luck, or coincidence or the fact that they had abundant resources but because they laid a firm foundation for their people by educating them and making them valuable members of the society who could meet the demands of the competing It is something that never ends, one can never learn too It is said "When you learn more, you earn more"Education is a crucial part of all It develops critical thinkers and broadens and deepens people's ability to think, act and increases their Education plays an important role in promoting a nations economic growth, as Education is the key to success is one of the sayings that one hears throughout their college It is not only about gaining a degree or diploma from a well known university but to learn the skills of how to apply the knowledge you have gained in the most productive 我用了1分29秒读完,你稍微读慢一点就可凑2分钟了!


这个比较简洁的,希望你能看懂哦~~~~Knowledge is power As a popular saying goes, knowledge is With our country developing fast, the importance of knowledge is becoming more and more obvious to us In the very first place, with knowledge, one can easily find It is often said that we are entering a new age of information, and knowledge plays a key role in this For example, if one wants to work in IT field, one needs to improve his knowledge What’s more, knowledgeable people can get quick promotion in their As is often the case, a person in charge of an organization is the one who has most In addition, more knowledge is also needed to make our life rich and Accordingly, we must try hard to acquire as much knowledge as we Luckily, a lot of means may enable us to do Among other things, web proves the best and fastest way to get

A trip to BeijingIn the summer vacation of last year, I had went to Beijing for a It was so excited, beacuse I visited many places that I had never I visited the Summer Palace, it was famous for its amazing scenes and its I also went to The Berjing Zoo, it's very nice to stay with the Absolutely, I visited the Greet It's a miracle made by Chinese people, and a wonder in the It's very honored when I was in the Great W I had a very happy summer ____________________________________________________________________A model student in my eye Zhang Ying is my good She’s a model She’s clever and she’s helpful, She often helps teachers and young students at She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so She has a lot of She likes painting and And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her Oh yeah, she likes fishing, But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or Zhang Ying is the best friend of I like playing with We always work together and help each Each of us all can became a model student Only if we make our effort to reach So I think the most important thing is that we should believe ourselves Then we must work hard to get to the object we set ____________________________________________________________________Protecting our earth The human can’t exist and develop without the natural We will as affected from the natural environment So we must protect the But the environmental pollution is very hard It’ s harmful to human’s In our city, the rubbish careful and skilful handling of a problem is very The environmentalist collection the garbage and put then into a garbage At last , they find a right place and bury Some of the rubbish is useful and some is So we must classify the Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment Measures to protect the environment is in many For example, we can strengthen discipline the waste water from the And we must put the rubbish into the Why it has environment pollution? We must allow for human We know that it’s good to breathe in fresh country air instead of city smoke So we can do our possible to brain storm to make our city more Protecting the environment is not a difficult thing for us The world won’t be bit for us to live in if we go on polluting So form now on, we must do our best to protect the environment, because the earth is our beautiful ______________________________________________________________________The future school life My school life started when I was At that time, I studied in nursery As a child, I felt happy every Then I went to the primary I spent six years learning lots of knowledge that I didn’t know The fast development of technology has made many changes in our daily Now in the school,the students still sit in classrooms,but they work on their laptops Instead of textbooks,thier lessons rely mostly on information found on the I students can learn at their own They do thier homework on computers and send it to the teachers for Parents can check their children's study on the net at home I have a lot of challenges to face in the Study has no end, I like studying and I love my I will continue my school life and I will work harder and harder every 只写了这么多 其他的等下

哈,我读北大的,不久前才写过,我拷给你吧,记得给我分哦!Knowledge is Power, but knowledge does not always come with Knowledge is "the state of awareness or understanding gained from experience or learning specific information about This means a person has the resourcefulness to obtain and criticize useful and informative information in order to become well informed citizens who can make intelligent decisions based upon their understanding and awareness of everyday Does this make them powerful? Is a question that creeps into ones mind? Well, power is said to be the ability or capacity to act or perform Without knowledge, how can this ability to perform effectively, be possible? Indeed " One may have the knowledge but one should know how to use When you look at America's rise to power during the past war era it is easy as well as trivial to attribute it to the abundance of natural resources and surplus number of new There is something new out there to learn each and every minute of your life, so keep learning!! More importantly than what made America the most powerful country in the world is why it became the most powerful This proves that knowledge is very much a necessity to gain P It is invariably true that every person who is knowledgeable leads a successful A wise man once said:"Cursing, or the use of vulgar language, is just the inability of a feeble mind to forcefully express Education is experienced each and everyday in and outside the classroom, making you strong enough to face the cruel world It wasn't luck, or coincidence or the fact that they had abundant resources but because they laid a firm foundation for their people by educating them and making them valuable members of the society who could meet the demands of the competing It is something that never ends, one can never learn too It is said "When you learn more, you earn more"Education is a crucial part of all It develops critical thinkers and broadens and deepens people's ability to think, act and increases their Education plays an important role in promoting a nations economic growth, as Education is the key to success is one of the sayings that one hears throughout their college It is not only about gaining a degree or diploma from a well known university but to learn the skills of how to apply the knowledge you have gained in the most productive 我用了1分29秒读完,你稍微读慢一点就可凑2分钟了!

A model student in my eye Zhang Ying is my good She’s a model She’s clever and she’s helpful, She often helps teachers and young students at She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so She has a lot of She likes painting and And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her Oh yeah, she likes fishing, But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or Zhang Ying is the best friend of I like playing with We always work together and help each Each of us all can became a model student Only if we make our effort to reach So I think the most important thing is that we should believe ourselves Then we must work hard to get to the object we set





自从地球上有了人类,知识便萌芽在人类的智慧中,从茹毛饮血的远古到高度文明的当代,每一次社会的进步。无不显示出知识的巨大作用。知识的进步,推动了历史的发展,促进了人类的文明。知识就是力量!  当前,世界上流行这样一种说法:看一个国家、一个民族是否繁荣、富强,就看这个国家、这个民族的人民文化知识水平。我认为这种说法不无道理。即使一个国家暂时还不够富裕,但只要它有智慧的人民,有重视知识的传统,那就可以断言:这个国家是有前途的。而如果一个国家、一个民族目前很富裕,却供养着一群“不学无术”之徒,其结果必然是可悲的。它一定会渐渐地衰落下去。  历史上的唐朝之所以形成“开元盛世”的繁荣景象。除了皇帝的开明之外,最主要的原因是当时各行各业科学技术得以充分发展。国内人才济济,国家力量强大、威震四海。  古时候,风雨雷电等自然现象都被视作神的行为。每逢大旱,老百姓就杀猪宰羊。送上祭坛,磕头求神,听命道士呼凤唤雨。在今天看来,这些似乎太愚蠢可笑了,然而它正是没有知识而导致的必然结果。现在我们有了科学知识,有了人工降雨的办法,即使遇上大旱,庄稼照样可以长得很好。“老天”也不能卡我们的脖子了。人定胜天,就是因为人们有了知识。  由此可见,国家的繁荣、富强是离不开知识的。



