

发布时间:2024-07-13 16:53:05



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这是我论文开头,后面可以自己分类论述。摘要:小微企业这个概念是由中国首席经济学家郎咸平教授提出的,是小型企业、微型企业、家庭作坊式企业、个体工商户的统称。它的兴起无从追溯,可以说是一个大型企业的源头,也可以说经济体系的支流。这些企业的特点是:绝大部分规模在10人以下甚至少于3人,他们可能都没有办公室而只是在家工作,前期投入相对比较少就可以迅速开始工作,就像淘宝网里面的大部分卖家,但淘宝上的卖家大多是销售实体物品的,一些销售软性商品的企业比如做咨询或者服务行业的,也都属于小微企业。小微企业的规模划分方式有组织规模和经济规模,兼顾私企国企、工商注册规模性质、城乡地区差异、发达和欠发达地区差异,经济规模划分标准会有较大的浮动。关键字:小微企业、特征分析、问题、方案 小微企业在扩大经济总量的同时,还在解决社会就业、缓解就业压力、拉动民间投资、促进市场竞争、保持社会和谐稳定方面发挥着十分重要的作用。在国家政策的扶持下,小微企业群体正在茁壮成长。他们在信息化方面最迫切的需求就是提高工作效率、建立基本的管理规范,本文将针对小微企业的特征所产生的人力资源管理问题进行分析,并提出建议方案。

你这个 我能帮你 具体已经站内发信息你了 记得查看

现代企业人力资源管理战略研究人力资源是企业的第一资源,是企业的核心竞争力。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立,从政府职能到企业的经营管理方式都发生了很大的转变,对企业人力资源管理也提出了新的要求。市场经济形式下,如何进行有效的人力资源管理,关系到企业的生存与发展,是企业要深入研究和解决的课题。【关键词】现代企业;人力资源管理;策略 近年来,企业的人力资源管理问题日益受到专家学者以及经营管理者的关注和重视。全面考察我国人力资源管理的现状,建立健全现代企业人力资源管理制度,对提高企业竞争力有着重要的意义。看员工的满意度。 3、开发人的潜能是企业最主要的管理任务,山于人才成为企业竞争力的源泉,成为决定企业兴衰成败的决定性因素。所以,企业要想在竞争中取得优势,唯一的途径只有利用和开发本企业的人力资源。 4、塑造高素质的员工队伍是组织成功的基础,塑造一支高素质的员工队伍,对企业的发展来说,是至关重要的。在这日新月异的时代,企业应该把培育人、小断提高员工的集体素质,作为一项经常性任务。提高员工素质,也是提高企业的生命力。我们可以在这几个方面来看出到底什么是人力资源管理,其实也就是对于人的回归和实现人的自身的价值的有效手段。一、人力资源管理的概念 人力资源管理已成为目前企业管理的重要内容,但人们对于什么是人力资源,什么是人力资源管理,以及人力资源管理的核心问题是什么,似乎并小清楚。实践中人们对此各持己见,智者见智,仁者见仁。有些教科书避而小谈,认为是小言而喻的事,有人认为这是纯学术的问题。其实小然,这小是一个纯学术问题,而是一个非常重要的认识问题。实践表明,企业之间,山于管理者对这一问题认识的小同。因而采取了小同的管理方式与策略。导致大小一样的结果。因此,我们有必要首先对这一问题的内涵进行探讨。人力资源管理,是在深刻认识人在社会经济活动中的作用的基础上,提出了人是最重要的资源、最宝贵的财富,提出了个性需求和精神健康的理论,在实践中积极推行以人为中心的管理。具体来说,主要包括以下几层含义: 1、依靠人一全新的管理理念,归根到底,一切经济行为都是人来进行的,人没有活力,企业就没有活力和竞争力,人是社会经济活力的主体。 2,尊重每一个人是企业最高的经营宗旨,企业的管理者应当明白,一个企业的成功与否,小能仅看财务报表,而是要二、我国企业人力资源管理的现状及存在的问题 1、人力资源管理观念落后。目前我国很多企业的人力资源管理基础比较薄弱,观念落后,与传统的人事管理相差无异。传统的人事管理是以事为中心,未能树立以人为本的观念,强调一种静态的控制和管理,其目的是控制人,把员工视为被管理和控制的工具;是一种封闭式的、小注重培训与开发的、对员工欠缺激励的落后的管理观念,这种落后的观念已难以适应市场经济的发展,其结果造成企业人才大量流失。市场经济的建立,我国企业面临严峻的挑战,同时也给我们带来了机遇,这将促使我国企业的人力资源管理更新观念。 2、未能建立科学、完善的人力资源管理体系。很多企业的人力资源管理部门按惯例来工作,政策依据小足,制度小健全,领导说了算,人力资源部门忙于应付一般性的事务工作,缺乏积极性和主动性;人力资源管理框架体系小完善,职能小健全,管理混乱,无章可循。有的人力资源管理部门只是办办手续,登记考勤,发放员工工资了事,未能突出人力资源管理的规划、组织、协调、整合的职能;有的人力资源管理部门对员工从来未进行过培训,员工素质低,小能适应市场经济发展的需要。 3、人力资源管理部门定位低。很多企业的人力资源管理部门定位低,领导也小


这个问题可以搜索一下 学知网,它的对应目录是" 经济管理/管理/人力资源管理/5/htm"

这是我论文开头,后面可以自己分类论述。摘要:小微企业这个概念是由中国首席经济学家郎咸平教授提出的,是小型企业、微型企业、家庭作坊式企业、个体工商户的统称。它的兴起无从追溯,可以说是一个大型企业的源头,也可以说经济体系的支流。这些企业的特点是:绝大部分规模在10人以下甚至少于3人,他们可能都没有办公室而只是在家工作,前期投入相对比较少就可以迅速开始工作,就像淘宝网里面的大部分卖家,但淘宝上的卖家大多是销售实体物品的,一些销售软性商品的企业比如做咨询或者服务行业的,也都属于小微企业。小微企业的规模划分方式有组织规模和经济规模,兼顾私企国企、工商注册规模性质、城乡地区差异、发达和欠发达地区差异,经济规模划分标准会有较大的浮动。关键字:小微企业、特征分析、问题、方案 小微企业在扩大经济总量的同时,还在解决社会就业、缓解就业压力、拉动民间投资、促进市场竞争、保持社会和谐稳定方面发挥着十分重要的作用。在国家政策的扶持下,小微企业群体正在茁壮成长。他们在信息化方面最迫切的需求就是提高工作效率、建立基本的管理规范,本文将针对小微企业的特征所产生的人力资源管理问题进行分析,并提出建议方案。


many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of administration and employee champion, and are seen rather as reactive than strategically proactive partners for the top In addition, HR organizations also have the difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the Only in the recent years HR scholars and HR professionals are focusing to develop models that can measure if HR adds value

good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in   now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xx y major is packaging and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 with a and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in besid*es, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we

1The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel Usually small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part- or full-time However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all employees Note that some people distinguish a difference between between HRM (a major management activity) and HRD (Human Resource Development, a profession) Those people might include HRM in HRD, explaining that HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop personnel inside of organizations, including, eg, career development, training, organization development, There is a long-standing argument about where HR-related functions should be organized into large organizations, eg, "should HR be in the Organization Development department or the other way around?"The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 Many years ago, large organizations looked to the "Personnel Department," mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying More recently, organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling 2Professional AchievementsOrganizational Development-Change Management-Leadership DevelopmentDesigned organizational effectiveness human resources plan, for intra-departmental diversity practice Result: Target increases in employee recruitment and retention, “diversity-sensitivity” within management and line employee ranks, productivity gains, employee matching to customer Design-Execution of management development Result: Improved leadership communications linked with business plan, increased productivity, litigation Developed guidelines for managing corporate change, to include staff and functional unit restructuring, shift abolishment, management “early-outs,” and HR systems Advisor on HRIS impacts, ERP transitional Result: Ease of employee coping to corporate and business condition changes, staffing shifts, and HR system Created and provided leadership to system-wide teams, processes, protocols for crisis management (critical incidents, terrorist event impacts, natural disasters), threat assessment, and work environment improvement (wei)Result: pioneering urban workforce crisis management model resulted in early identification outcomes leading to decreases in EEO complaints, grievances, workplace conflict, and litigation Outcome: state-of-the-art emergency Leadership to senior and middle management business awareness and productivity enhancement committee: designed district-wide business goal awareness initiatives, using continuous messaging communications and graphics Result: Increased teambuilding between craft and management, productivity gains of 15-20%, and business Strategic PlanningInitiated strategic training and consulting to private, public, governmental and military sectors in US, Canada, Bermuda, Europe and A Developed and negotiated business proposals with federal, state, and local government leaders, private sector CEO's and HR directors, public and military sector As part of follow-up service provision to HR consulting and training clients, provided strategic steps and best practices for local business adoption and further Design and oversight of Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) Formed global business networks in key human resource and business arenas, created consultant relationships with governmental officials, provided training and consulting work products to these target Designed and implemented internal corporate outplacement program for 3,000 executives and line Result: Multiple business referrals from these Increase in teamwork and performance due to team Diversity ManagementDesigned organizational development plan integrating corporate diversity goals and metrics into business growth strategy for 10,000-urban employee private Result: Positive impacts on company culture, and employee Designed, executed, and communicated global diversity (metrics-based) plan for 7,000+-member Result: Re-branding from domestic to global organizational Plan included training, diversity dialogue focus groups, research, marketing and recruitment, and OD outcome-based High impacts on continued worldwide new member growth: international regional membership grew from 4 chapters in 26 countries to 10 chapters in 34 countries, going from 5% to 12% of total global membership over 7 Strongest association gains made in 12 years since inception of diversity director Conceptualized, implemented, and managed first global strategic diversity committee whose mission was to attract membership and drive diversity management Committee included delegates from all USA regions, UK, Canada, Bermuda, Trinidad, Thailand, and AResult: Ongoing awareness of diversity business issues at Board, Chapter, and member Committee membership grew from 0-25 with 5 target area Expert diversity trainer to global and domestic business Result: Improved cross-cultural understanding in leadership to “globalize” WriterWrote and published global association magazine columns on corporate and association diversity best practices; 180-page training guide for industry leaders on crisis management and threat assessment; training curriculum for business audiences on teambuilding, change management, corporate diversity audits, and executive coaching; online web site text for HR small business in consulting and training; multiple newsletter and online articles for hr-related organizations and businesses on relevant HR topics (domestic partnership benefits and HR, diversity best practices, employee recruitment and retention); Corporate outplacement plan for executives and support staff; corporate polices and procedures, publicity and marketing materials for internal HR projects, and HR small business; Marketing Result: Provision of original product deliverables (hardcopy and online) for targeted business goal TrainerTrained business audiences for Fortune 500 companies: US Army Corps of Engineers; Town of Braintree, MA; Honeywell; General Electric; American Transtech (AT&T); Cigna and IBM Groups ranged to 650 persons, from executive ranks, to middle management, employee and support Training aimed at behavioral improvements, policy and protocol implementation, best practice adoption, and awareness Result: Reduced litigation exposure, increased effectiveness of service-product delivery, improved executive-management 3Strategic Human Resources ManagementCertificate ID: ILRSHRC1Become an HR leader by influencing organizational leaders and aligning HR Use diversity and inclusion to increase profits, develop a talent management culture, and engage DescriptionThe development and execution of a human resources strategy that is aligned with organizational goals and matched to an organization's competencies delivers tangible outcomes for an organization's people, customers, and Such a strategy requires transforming HR from a "business partner" to a "business " As a leader, HR plays a significant role, not only in human-capital development, but in how human capital can contribute to the execution of organizational and business This certificate program from Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations develops the leadership competencies required make this The courses in this series focus on several drivers for transforming HR into a world-class function: the HR leader's influence on strategy and organizational leaders, alignment of HR strategy, using diversity and inclusion to achieve bottom-line results, developing a talent-management culture, strategies for employee engagement, and using metrics to measure impact on business Each course explores a topic in depth, with particular emphasis on the role of the HR leader, industry best practices, and short projects that emphasize the application to your particular Effective HR leaders look beyond managing the HR They don't stop at building the talent pool of the organization; they operate at the most senior levels and play a strategic role in the They influence the strategic planning process to ensure alignment with the goals and values of the organization, while managing the process to ensure superior This course is based on the research and industry expertise of Patrick M Wright, PD, Professor and Director of the Center for Advanced Human Resources Studies (CAHRS) at Cornell U It introduces D Wright's SELF Model of Human Resources Leadership that defines the leadership and influencing competencies needed to balance the tradeoffs present in the formation of organizational The SELF Model focuses on HR's role in guiding strategy development to ensure that it will result in the expected Strategic, Ethical, Legal, and Financial outcomes for an This course also introduces the Human Frailties framework, a tool for managing the interpersonal dynamics at the most senior levels of the organization in order to produce the most positive A thorough understanding of your organization's value creation model and ability to develop competencies through processes, technology, and people are essential to ensuring that the HR organization is aligned vertically and horizontally to produce superior With this understanding, HR will be able to articulate how it can improve processes, people and customer outcomes, and financial This course, based on the research and expertise of Christoper Collins, PD, Associate Professor and Director of Executive Education for Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations, develops the skills needed to assess how organizations create value and to align the HR function to execute the organization's Participants analyze the Balanced Scorecard approach as a means of vertically aligning the HR system with organizational They learn how to create a vertical-alignment strategy and use it to improve HR decision-making, people outcomes, processes, customer outcomes, and financial And they learn the skills required to plan and assess horizontal alignment of HR systems and Finally, the course discusses best practices related to workforce partitioning, performance variability, value identification, and employee The management of diversity and inclusion has evolved from handling day-to-day compliance issues to leveraging diversity for competitive Organizations that no longer see diversity as a legal or moral requirement, but as a competitive advantage, have an opportunity to improve performance at the financial, employee, customer, and community Diversity and inclusion practices must be embedded in an organizational culture to make a positive impact on This course summarizes the evolution of diversity and inclusion management; outlines key management practices for improving performance, contextualizes diversity in terms of current challenges, and provides direct linkages between diversity and the bottom line at the organizational and functional D Roberson's model of strategic approaches to diversity and inclusion provides a comprehensive toolkit for strategic diversity management, implementing next generation high-involvement practices, and ensuring stakeholder alignment with strategic The linkage between bottom-line performance and diversity is explored through the varying lenses of legal outcomes, customer and employee outcomes, and business metric In addition to measuring diversity's impact, and being able to create a diversity dashboard, learners discuss the future of diversity and inclusion and the complex relationships between diversity and organizational reputation, business practices, strategic capabilities, and financial As the existing "war for talent" intensifies and becomes increasingly global, organizations must develop strong talent-management practices that are tightly aligned with business Successful organizations build talent management cultures to take advantage of their human They focus on attracting top talent, identifying and developing future leaders, and retaining the best prospects in the high-potential talent This course focuses on developing a strategic approach to managing core Such an approach begins with the development of an employment brand in order to attract the best talent to the organization, promote the organization as a preferred employer, and produce superior recruiting Organizations must then identify and implement an integrated marketing and communication strategy to build brand The complexity of managing employee retention and engagement includes understanding the root causes of talent-retention The course identifies practices and solutions for increasing the likelihood of top talent remaining with the organization and becoming its future HR leaders have the ability to drive business performance by defining, designing, developing, and delivering competitive advantage through A key component of their ability to do so is a solid understanding of the organization's business drivers and a demonstrable competence in matching human capital to strategic Metrics enable HR to demonstrate its competence in terms of its business literacy and adopt a data-driven approach to management and This course focuses on identifying and developing key measures of HR's impact on business It distinguishes between business metrics and HR metrics and relates them in terms of how to measure and communicate HR's Metrics must support the organization's business This course provides models for matching metrics to organizational outcomes and developing business-based metrics including the use of the balanced scorecard tied to financial, customer, process, and people This course also provides frameworks for categorizing and analyzing metrics according the business value they measure, analyzing HR metrics, and building a model to link metrics to organizational goals and Employee engagement can be broadly defined as employees consistently acting in the best interests of the Linked to critical outcomes including absenteeism, turnover, customer satisfaction, operational performance, and financial performance, employee engagement is a vital driver of an organization’s bottom-line This course focuses not only on why employee engagement is important and valuable, but also on how to foster and measure employee engagement and link it to key organizational metrics and It examines the business case to pursue employee engagement as a strategic initiative and evolve beyond the transactional approach of traditional employee relations to a strategic approach focusing on relationship-oriented and emotional measurements of employee It also develops the competencies necessary to build employee engagement in your organization, the risks involved, and the implications for the HR professional in adopting this This course is based on the research of Cornell ILR School Professors Patrick M Wright, Director of the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, and Christopher J Collins, Director of Executive E




这是我论文开头,后面可以自己分类论述。摘要:小微企业这个概念是由中国首席经济学家郎咸平教授提出的,是小型企业、微型企业、家庭作坊式企业、个体工商户的统称。它的兴起无从追溯,可以说是一个大型企业的源头,也可以说经济体系的支流。这些企业的特点是:绝大部分规模在10人以下甚至少于3人,他们可能都没有办公室而只是在家工作,前期投入相对比较少就可以迅速开始工作,就像淘宝网里面的大部分卖家,但淘宝上的卖家大多是销售实体物品的,一些销售软性商品的企业比如做咨询或者服务行业的,也都属于小微企业。小微企业的规模划分方式有组织规模和经济规模,兼顾私企国企、工商注册规模性质、城乡地区差异、发达和欠发达地区差异,经济规模划分标准会有较大的浮动。关键字:小微企业、特征分析、问题、方案 小微企业在扩大经济总量的同时,还在解决社会就业、缓解就业压力、拉动民间投资、促进市场竞争、保持社会和谐稳定方面发挥着十分重要的作用。在国家政策的扶持下,小微企业群体正在茁壮成长。他们在信息化方面最迫切的需求就是提高工作效率、建立基本的管理规范,本文将针对小微企业的特征所产生的人力资源管理问题进行分析,并提出建议方案。
