

发布时间:2024-07-04 17:31:12









学术堂整理了十五个婚姻法论文题目,供大家进行参考:  1、中国婚姻法文化考论  2、婚姻契约观念的限度与嬗变  3、秦汉家族法研究  4、我国民法典亲属法编立法构建研究  5、中美婚内侵权行为之比较法研究  6、当代中国婚姻法与婚姻家庭研究  7、中国维吾尔族婚姻习惯法研究  8、建国初期山东省宣传贯彻婚姻法研究  9、建国初期山西省贯彻婚姻法运动研究  10、论我国离婚诉讼中房产分割的若干问题  11、离婚诉讼中无房女性利益的法律保护问题研究  12、《婚姻法解释(三)》中不动产登记效力研究  13、《婚姻法解释(三)》中夫妻财产制度的研究  14、民国时期婚姻法的文学省思  15、土地革命时期婚姻立法问题研究  16、从社会性别视野看《婚姻法司法解释(三)》对夫妻财产的规定  17、从伴侣法到婚姻法  18、《婚姻法》司法解释(三)中房屋确权问题之探讨  19、建国初期河北省宣传贯彻婚姻法运动研究  20、建国初期重庆地区贯彻婚姻法运动研究(1950-1953)




论我国分居制度的立法构想 论变性问题对我国婚姻法的冲击及其对策 家庭劳务价值及其法律保护研究 论我国夫妻财产约定公证相关法律问题 论我国家事代理制度的完善 婚姻法解释三背景下妇女财产权保护的对策 夫妻忠诚协议的法律效力研究 新形势下军婚特殊保护制度之批判 夫妻个人财产制度比较研究 中外非婚生子女法律保护比较研究 论婚约的法律效力 论婚姻法中私法自治的限制 13论家庭暴力的干预治理机制 亲子鉴定若干法律问题研究 第三者民事责任之立法预期与制度构想 离婚率与离婚标准的互动之实证考察 性权利视角下的婚姻关系法律调整 夫妻债务关系中第三人利益保障研究


浅析我国无效婚姻制度 我国“事实婚姻”制度的弊端与法律对策 论婚姻的成立 《婚姻登记条例》利与弊等等



Love is an essential human attribute, which matures as individual Marriage is a natural and extremely effective milieu for the development of So the love between a man and a woman leads to a Marriage brings about a The family provides a framework for each family member to grow as a person in love and So it is reasonable to say that marriage is a bridge of love and   Love is the base of marriage, and marriage is the development of In the past, people used to marry without their own consent, that is, without their own experience of love, the parents arranged the Two persons, a man and a woman, who were entirely strangers, were united in wedlock, and became husband and They had known nothing of each other before, and of course, love was a sealed book to This type of marriage often leads to Tragic stories about ill-matched couples were often So love is the foundation of marriage, and a marriage without love won’t be a happy And nowadays, with the development of society, love becomes more noble, rich, fine and   Therefore, love is sometimes romantic; the lovers don’t pay too much attention to the trivial of daily Some people fall in love at first sight and rush into They usually neglect the commitment a marriage They may come across with some problems in their marriage that is likely to end up with a This seems to prove that love in a marriage is not so romantic as one often imagines, but as practical as mutual respect and compromise in the common life of a Family in this sense is the extension of A family based on a marriage may last if it fulfills the function of However, nothing can be more effective for a family to fulfill its function than Love between a husband and a wife, love between parents and children and love between all the family members can pave the way for all the family to a bright   The families that could survive the hardships and develop from generation to generation are characterized by love and In a word, love is the base of marriage and One famous man once said,“ In a world of existence, there is indeed no greater power than the power of ” In a marriage, love needs to be manifested in a cooperative and sharing And with a happy marriage, the family will be

The relationship between love and marriage marriage, where is the house we built for is not the tomb of the love without a house will not last too long between to we need to change the partners to keep the feeling of love in the midway while the love with a house can last forever in a living body which can be described as family but not the same as blood the love also can be developed or a man and a woman without blood relation cannot form the stronge relations just like of course , i can not say anything if you have to treat the marriage as the tomb of never overestimate marriage in the emotion of love and never make the love sad by the trivials in the love ,can live in our spiritual world forever and makes our heart lost just like we get drunk while marriage is holding on tegether unromaticly in the most realistic secular life and making two individuals into a pot of They will be 2 same persons ,but love and marriage will be 2 different if they can become one,they themselves get the happiness of seizing the





