

发布时间:2024-07-07 09:53:16


一、一稿多投的定义论文的一稿多投是指同一作者或同一研究群体不同作者,在期刊编辑和审稿人不知情的情况下,试图或已经在两种或多种期刊同时或相继发表内容相同或相近的论文,国际上也称该种现象为重复发表(repetitive publication)、多余发表(redundant publication)或自我剽窃(self-plagiarism)。二、一稿多投的形式1、完全相同型投稿。2、支解型投稿。比如作者把 A 文章分成 B 文章和 C 文章,然后把 A、B、C 三篇文章投递给不同的期刊。3、改头换面型投稿。作者仅对文章题目做出改变,而结构和内容不做变化。4、组合型投稿。除了改换文章题目外,对段落的前后来连接关系进行调整,但整体内容不变。5、语种变化型投稿。比如,作者把以中文发表的论文翻译成英文或其他外文,在国际著作权公约缔约国的期刊上发表,这在国际惯例中也属于一稿多投,是违反国际著作权公约准则的行为。三、一稿多投的条件1、相同作者:对于相同作者的认定,包括署名和署名的顺序。鉴于学术文章的署名顺序以作者对论文或者科研成果的贡献而排列,调整署名顺序并且再次投稿发表的行为,应当从学术剽窃的角度对行为人进行处理。2、同一论文或者这一论文的其它版本:将论文或者论文的主要内容,以及经过文字层面或者文稿类型变换后的同一内容的其他版本、载体格式再次投稿,也属于“一稿多投”。3、在同一时段故意投给两家或两家以上学术刊物,或者非同一时段且已知该论文已经被某一刊物接受或发表的情况下仍投给其他刊物。4、在编辑未知的情况下的“一稿多投”。四、一稿多投的处理方法1、如果在稿件的同行评议过程中被发现,通常会被简单地退稿,有些期刊编辑部可能会在退稿的同时函告作者所在单位的相关部门。2、如果一稿多投行为事实上已经发生(即文章已经发表),相关的期刊有可能会采取以下制裁或处罚措施:在一定期限内拒绝一稿多投作者向该刊继续投稿;在刊物上刊登关于该作者一稿多投的声明,并列入目录次页,以便被检索系统(如美国国立医学图书馆Medline数据库)收录,供同行检索;可能在某特定专业群体的刊物中对一稿多投的行为进行通报;可能通知作者所在单位。



Implicitly conditional on the role of Business English Implicitly refers to non-conditional conditions IF sentence The most common verbs or other parts of speech have come from changes in terms of sentence Terms of the structure of the sentence often contains conditions, reasons, such as semantic This is the English meaning of a sentence Of the structure of English noun phrases commonly used in English letters, documents in a formal Business English the official language, refining, strict terms, standardization, and often a certain format and This is the practical business of English foreign trade in the inquiry message, one of commonly used sentence: "Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly As soon as possible if you reply to our specific inquiry, would be " Sentence subject reply comes from the verb changes in the term part of the whole subject with the semantic The conditions in question the role of business negotiations Question conditions (conditional question) is "a condition of a question sentence +" component, this question can be a special question or general There are two typical sentence: "What + if ?" And "If + then?" In international business activities, the use of the conditions of the particular question with a lot of advantages: to obtain other Offer in the negotiations and offer stage, the question can be used to test conditions for a better understanding of the specific circumstances of each other in order to modify their offers or For example: Our side asked: What would you do if we agree to a two-year contract? Answer each other: What if we modify our specifications, would you consider a large order? Answer from the other side, we can determine the other concern is the long-term Well, after this new information will help the mutual Questions posed by the conditions of offer and acceptance of our proposal is based on the premise of the conditions, in other words, only when the other side to accept our offer when we set up the Therefore, we will not be made unilaterally by the binding site, nor will any party to make unilateral concessions, and only each other concessions in order to be successful (the search for common If the other party refused the conditions we have, we can pose other conditions of the conditions of the new questions, a new round of offers, the other conditions may also be used to question our Both sides are doing mutual concession after concession, until they reached important common instead of the negative N In international business negotiations, as far as possible to avoid direct use of "No" to refuse such a blunt tone, it would seem impolite to make negotiations easier, resulting in the failure of Such as when we can not agree with the other party's request can be made in the form of question For example: Large quantities of home-made washing machines have been popular on the local The quality is good, and the price per set is just 190 How can the wshing machining be salable if we import yours at 380 yuan per set? Recently, in the local market a large number of domestic washing machines are very Their quality good, price is only 190 yuan If we take the price of 380 each import your products, how can it sell? (Solon, 2001) Do not ask each other because they refuse to lose each other's cooperation, but refused to allow the other their own This will continue to cooperate to retain the future to avoid foreign exchange arising from different cultural misunderstanding The culture of countries around the world is not the Therefore, in the international business activities, often in different countries due to cultural misunderstanding Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstanding, and often the use of the Interpretation A Question the use of conditions is a very tactful III Conclusion English sentence in terms of business negotiations, and its language features and frequency of use appears that we are worthy of careful Business English English as a branch, it is increasingly in the international business activities of its References: 、 Solon: "business English" [M] Beijing: China Textile Press, 2001, 54,57,58,555 Liu Central: Business English language translation of the characteristics and [J] Shanghai: foreign language study in June 2006 published in the second half of its Cao Ling Zhao Lei Zhao Xuemei Zhang: Business English negotiation [M] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001,41 Park, LI Kui Liu Zheng: "International Business Negotiation" (second edition) [M] Beijing: Foreign Trade and Economic University Press, 2006, 174 ~ 176





一、一稿多投的定义论文的一稿多投是指同一作者或同一研究群体不同作者,在期刊编辑和审稿人不知情的情况下,试图或已经在两种或多种期刊同时或相继发表内容相同或相近的论文,国际上也称该种现象为重复发表(repetitive publication)、多余发表(redundant publication)或自我剽窃(self-plagiarism)。二、一稿多投的形式1、完全相同型投稿。2、支解型投稿。比如作者把 A 文章分成 B 文章和 C 文章,然后把 A、B、C 三篇文章投递给不同的期刊。3、改头换面型投稿。作者仅对文章题目做出改变,而结构和内容不做变化。4、组合型投稿。除了改换文章题目外,对段落的前后来连接关系进行调整,但整体内容不变。5、语种变化型投稿。比如,作者把以中文发表的论文翻译成英文或其他外文,在国际著作权公约缔约国的期刊上发表,这在国际惯例中也属于一稿多投,是违反国际著作权公约准则的行为。三、一稿多投的条件1、相同作者:对于相同作者的认定,包括署名和署名的顺序。鉴于学术文章的署名顺序以作者对论文或者科研成果的贡献而排列,调整署名顺序并且再次投稿发表的行为,应当从学术剽窃的角度对行为人进行处理。2、同一论文或者这一论文的其它版本:将论文或者论文的主要内容,以及经过文字层面或者文稿类型变换后的同一内容的其他版本、载体格式再次投稿,也属于“一稿多投”。3、在同一时段故意投给两家或两家以上学术刊物,或者非同一时段且已知该论文已经被某一刊物接受或发表的情况下仍投给其他刊物。4、在编辑未知的情况下的“一稿多投”。四、一稿多投的处理方法1、如果在稿件的同行评议过程中被发现,通常会被简单地退稿,有些期刊编辑部可能会在退稿的同时函告作者所在单位的相关部门。2、如果一稿多投行为事实上已经发生(即文章已经发表),相关的期刊有可能会采取以下制裁或处罚措施:在一定期限内拒绝一稿多投作者向该刊继续投稿;在刊物上刊登关于该作者一稿多投的声明,并列入目录次页,以便被检索系统(如美国国立医学图书馆Medline数据库)收录,供同行检索;可能在某特定专业群体的刊物中对一稿多投的行为进行通报;可能通知作者所在单位。



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可以使用Google翻译,但是这种翻译准确度取决于句式 结构简单的句子准确度高一些 翻译之后,还是需要通篇检查,并将对应的术语/否定/疑问等句子仔细检查,并校对,确保译出语与原文保持同样的意思


推荐用一般过去式(时) I published the paper/article/essay(推荐前2者) entitled(提名为) *** in the journal/periodical(2选1) *** 其中,两部分***都需斜体表示(张伶俐无法显示) 供参

论文(Paper)或:dissertation(论文)或:thesis(论文)经常说的:)~English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

thesis 论文 (一本, 如硕士,博士论文)。paper 文章(发表在杂志上的一篇 一篇的) ÄÕÂ

翻译:have published some papers in the journal【详释】在期刊上:in the journal,地点状语放在句尾发表了:have published,谓语动词,根据语境用了现在进行时论文:(some) papers,宾语,英语语言习惯加上some,也可以用a paper表示单一的论文。



gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis, MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类

写论文摘要时以一般现在时为主。介绍背景知识时,要用一般现在时,例如:Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into 叙述研究现状时,也可以用一般现在时,例如:This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate 叙述研究结果时,大多数用一般过去时,例如:Our text achieved the possibility

