

发布时间:2024-07-06 21:56:04


八月的一天,我偶尔在网上看到关于抗战胜利的一些文章,就问爸爸抗战是什么一回事?爸爸没回答,只是和妈妈一起带我到图书馆阅读有关抗战的书《南京大屠杀》。读完后,我难过的心情很久也不能够平静下来。 《南京大屠杀》主要讲述了一九三七年十二月十三日,日本侵略者攻破了南京,制造了惨绝人亡的大屠杀事件,遇难者达三十万人。这三十万中国人排起来,可以从南京到杭州;这三十万中国人的血,凝起来有一千二百吨; 那是多让人震惊的事。 我读了《南京大屠杀》后,对于日本帝国主义惨绝人道地杀中国人的行为,感到无比的愤怒;同时对遇难的三十万同胞感到十分惋惜与悲痛。然而,我从报纸上知道还有一些日本人想从根本上否认发生过“南京大屠杀”,只称他们所犯过的错误为“南京事件”,想掩盖他们犯下的滔天罪行。历史是不能让人忘记的,“南京大屠杀”作为日本帝国主义侵略中国的暴行之一,它已公诸于世界。人们牢牢地记住日本帝国主义的侵略行为,记住他们带给世界人民的悲痛。 听爸爸说,今年刚好是抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利六十年周年。我想,六十年过去了,在过去的日子中,多少人为自己的国家而流血牺牲,甚至献出宝贵的生命,目的只有一个,那就是---和平。看看现在世界,不是还有许多国家还在互相打仗吗?我不明白,难道他们不喜欢和平吗?我问爸爸,爸爸也说不出原因,只是告诉我,一打仗,我们的生活就会受到影响,日子会过得艰难。 我虽然不太明白爸爸的话,但我心里久久不平静。世界上的战争不停止,打仗国家的人民会怎样呢?国与国之间互相开战,肯定会有人死亡,这同“南京大屠杀”没有大区别,都是在毁灭人类的家园啊! 世界已经进入新的世纪,我想,假如人们都相亲相爱,那该多好啊!我作为一个小学生,多想告诉所有人:请记住历史的教训,热爱和平,热爱我们的家园,热爱生活。


读后感写作方法指导 内容:把你看过的书本、电影、电视、课文,看后,你对所看内容的感受、想法写下来;把所受的启发、所受的教育写下来。 一、题目: 1、把你所看书本、课文的名字当成题目。通常是,读《······》有感。如:读《她是我的朋友》有感。 2、直接把你对所看书的内容的感受当成题目。如:伟大的友谊读《她是我的朋友》后的感受) 二、开始:(第一段)简单介绍你所看的书或课文是什么名字,看后的总体感受。 如:我了《她是我的朋友》这篇课课文后,感慨万千。 三、过程(第二段,可以是多段) 内容:边写文章内容,边写这一段内容的感受。边叙述内容边抒发感情。 1、首先对文章内容做个概括叙述。 2、接着可以写对文章的总体内容的感受;或哪句话的内容的感受;或写对文章写法的感受;或几句话、一句话的感受。注意:1、文章不以内容为主,而以作者的感受为主。2、文章不要求我们面面俱到,你只需要取最能打动你的一点,加以展开,甚至可以抓住作品的一句话、一个细节,写出自己的想法。 3、感受就是看后你的想法。 四、结果:(最后一段) 读完书或课文后,你对自己今后的学业、生活的感触、信心;对现在社会的一些呼吁、思考。








(1)传闻(口述)材料是有研究价值的,当然,需要经过论证,形成证据链,而材料三、四、五能够综合地佐证南京大屠杀是真实存在的。田中正明的态度反映出他否认日军的侵华历史,为掩盖日本的侵略罪行进行狡辩,这说明当今日本仍存在着反华的右翼势力。 (2)阶级立场和政治需要不同的人对历史的看法会是迥异的(有不同的历史观)。 (3)1945年8月美国在广岛投放原子弹。说明日本法西斯的侵略战争也给日本人民带来了严重的伤害,给我们的启示是要致力于维护世界和平,反对法西斯战争。 (4)这说明日本民众和政府官员中的一些人开始客观地正视历史,反省历史,这有利于保障中日两国之间外交关系的健康发展。中日双方要以史为鉴,面向未来,和平发展。 (5)这是经第三国外交官向国家总统报告的日军屠杀中国平民的记录,可以有力地佐证日军进行南京大屠杀的罪行。. 该题以南京大屠杀为切人点,通过甄别、分析阶级立场不同的人的动机和态度,得出正确的历史观。第(1)题,田中正明认为记述历史“绝对不能以传闻(口述)为证据”,从中可以看出他的立场是否定南京大屠杀的真实性。我们首先要对传闻材料的价值进行判定,传闻材料也有一定的价值,况且,材料三、四都是实物材料,都可以佐证南京大屠杀是真实存在而不是虚构的,材料五也从另一角度证实了这一点。然后再从田中正明这番话的本质上剖析他的动机。第(2)题,我们要从二者所代表的不同阶级立场出发来分析。这属于历史研究方法的范畴。第(3)题,美国在广岛投放的原子弹,给日本人民造成了严重的伤害,这说明日本法西斯搬起石头砸了自己的脚,要从中吸取深刻的教训。第(4)题,《东史郎日记》的公开和田母神俊雄被罢免,说明今天日本民众和政府中的一些官员还是能够客观地对待历史、反省历史的,这有利于中日两国外交关系的健康发展。解答该问还要结合“周总理和田中角荣举杯庆祝中日建交”的史实进行分析。第(5)题,陶德和高斯这两封从不同地点、不同渠道发出韵电报,通过加害者和第三方目击者的消息,相互印证了同一事实:1937年至1938年1月,日军在以占领南京为目标的侵略行动中曾经大量屠杀中国平民,是日军进行南京大屠杀的又一铁证。这也属于历史研究方法的问题。





On December 13, 1937, after the Japanese invading army invaded Nanjing under, directed in Japanese Central China front army commander loose well Shi Gen and 6th division Division Commander Gu Shoufu, carried on more than 40 day-long rank smell of blood slaughters in the entire city, the use collective has gunned down, buries alive, the knife divides, burns down and so on the extremely tragic method, killed the Chinese common people and is captured the serviceman to reach 30 ten thousand On December 13 the morning, Japanese forces Gu Shoufu the 6th division by the brilliance gate, the rain flower gate enters the city, treats as immediately the street on refugee guns down the goal, in the street streets and alleys immediately the flesh and blood in confusion, the corpse vertically and Under Nanjing massacre executioner - - loose well Shi Gen sends under escort in the military police goes to the court to stand trial On April 26, 1947, Nanjing massacre executioner Gu Shoufu is detained goes to the execution grounds On 14th, the Japanese forces large unit inrushes in the city, continues to search for kills in the streets and alleys the refugee; And in the Zhongshan wharf, the Hsiakuan station and so on place to the refugee who gathers the waterfront fire crazily, guns down tens of thousands of On 15th, the Chinese common people and disarmament's serviceman 9000 people have been detained toward the torpedo camp On 16th, Japanese forces date both sides both acknowledged has the neutral status “the safe area” in to hunt down and arrest tens of thousands of youths, ties up goes to the Hsiakuan coal port to gun down, again thrusts the corpse in the On 18th, the Japanese forces float the suburb refugees and the war 70,000 people drive to the Hsiakuan straw sandal canyon, with the machine gun strafe, then in on the corpse which piles up falls on the petroleum to set on fire burning Hereafter, also starts “the clear street movement” in the late December and “the refugee registration” causes the up to ten thousand number of people The Japanese forces slaughter innocently, the method is brutal, makes the blood Some irrigate the gasoline first toward the refugee body on, latter with the gun strafe, a bullet person, the flame ignites along with it, is attacked burns down the refugee, struggles the tuck dive, side of the painful, the Japanese forces applauds laughs After some kills the refugee cuts the number of people, selects on the gun, strolls the street corner, the laughter seeks Japanese forces besides brutal slaughter innocent, but also rapes, the mass rape Chinese women After an occupation month, in Nanjing has 20,000 about to rape the event, including eight, nine year-old young girl and over 70 year-old old women all cannot escape by Many women after suffer devastating to suffer Follows is slaughtering and rapes is large-scale robbing and sets on fire the The Japanese forces are driving the automobile, enters each big company, the store straight, plunders each kind of cargo transports spatially After robs, the Japanese forces everywhere set on fire, the cause major street big building is burnt all Under the catastrophe, in former days the downtown lively the Six Dynasties ancient capital has become a corpse everywhere, the remnant of destroyed building, everywhere the miserable death After the Sino-Japanese War wins, directs Nanjing massacre the executioner loose well stone velamen far east international military tribunal to execute by hanging, Gu Shoufu is extradited to give the Chinese government

同学, 你的论文写得有成果了么?可不可以借我参考一下啊?


In December 13, 1937, an inhuman foreign troops conducted a lasted for several weeks to kill the Chinese in Nanjing, they used the most brutal methods to slaughter the Chinese N Nanjing City corpse mountain, shed blood like water, high streets and back lanes, house, there are CThe Japanese invasion of China in China, in Nanjing left on the most brutal in human history, the most shameful The most hateful is that Japan will now kill our country civil proof fact beautify, say it is a credit for the Japanese, make one's ancestors Now the Chinese people strong, have a certain position in the Our generation is the hope of China, China's future pillar! We must study hard now, master the scientific and cultural The history of the scenes, always told us: do not forget national humiliation! 可自行删减





我就是南京人,对于大屠杀虽然没有亲历,但是我的祖辈都是这次人间悲剧的见证者。关于大屠杀,我能给你的建议:1、从每年12月13日南京城上空的放空警报这个角度引发思考,2、我们铭记历史悲剧是为了不让悲剧重演 3、中日关系的友好发展必须是基于民族历史问题的解决,这是必须的,没有深刻的对于侵略的反省是不要空谈发展友好关系的,即使现在不出问题,也是根基不牢,难以长久的
