

发布时间:2024-07-07 11:37:58


I would like to help you to write this composition,but I don't know what's your really requirement,hence i want to ask some question,if you already need help,please answer 1、How many words appear to this composition?2、Is the planning only for your expected work?3、What's the detail instruction of your major?

Aim after GraduationFirst, fu*ck my college life!(回望过去)Second, fu*ck the evil society!(承认现实,可以把拯救人类具体化)Third, fu*ck the entire boring life!(展望未来)

What Jobs Do College Graduates Want to Take?   It goes without saying that college students have a clear idea about their future Boys are to some extent different from girls in their choices as is seen from the   According to the table, the most striking contrast is in the occupation of teaching: 45% of girl students would like to become teachers after graduation whereas only 5% of boys What boys like to do most is to become managers (40%) and the second largest group is to be businessmen (30%) Girls also like to pursue these two professions, with a percentage of 15% and 25% respectively choosing these two 15% of boys want to become lawyers while 10% of girls prefer this   It can be easily proved that teaching is preferred by females as it provides a more steady Women’s patience also fits the job Boys consider working as managers, businessmen and lawyers more demanding and It is true that more boys want to show their talents in these One thing noteworthy is that the number of girls who want to do business is not This shows that girls want to take challenging and exciting jobs,   Nevertheless, no matter what job you choose, it could be a As for me, I like science and   With the economic growth and social progress, professionals of science and technology will become more and more Therefore I will choose doing scientific research as my

还有就是,目前我在学的ABC天芐英语中心的外教要我明白,如果要掌握好英语是不难的 一定具有好的学习环境及实习口语对象 最关键就是外教水平,最好欧美母语 口语纯正很重要 持续每日口语学习,1&1家教式教学才可以有非常好的学习成效!课后同样要重听课程录音音频 把所学知识融会贯通 实在是真的无口语交谈的人的环境 最好能上听力室或BBC获得课余学习材料练习,多说多练一下子口语能力会进步许多 学习成长是绝对最佳的 The difficulties young Cnese university graduates have had in finding a job over the past few months have been making the headlines in the media and causing concern throughout Education professionals in Cna have all had sometng to about A good number of them, referring to the current phase of social transition in Cna, have come out in favour of the mass education programme that has been practised in recent years in Cnese Others have raised doubts about the reliability of the figure of only 0% as the rate of employment for new graduates, wch they consider to be In fact, according to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Education itself, out of the 1 million graduates in the general gher education sector in 00, 0,000 had not signed a work contract by the end of their studies In these circumstances, it is understandable that in the current labour market in Shanghai, for example, new university graduates are settling for a monthly salary of 1,00 yuan, slightly more than double Shanghai’s minimum wage, at the same time as they are having to face significant overheads (superannuation, unemployment insurance, health insurance, ) If we take into account the cost of living in Shanghai (including accommodation, transport and telecommunications), it would appear that the salary of these graduates is barely enough to cover their basic needs The purpose of ts article is to better understand the current unemployment of young graduates, beyond any proposals being put forward in the context of gher education


中考作文精彩开头 1、生活如诗,诗意有尽情难尽;生活如茶,茶香满口情悠悠;生活如歌,歌到深处情难留;生活如酒,酒将醉时笑语盈……——(无锡市《精彩一幕》) 2、生活是爱的海洋,人人都呼吸着爱,感受着爱。生活就像一片夜空,在流星的精彩瞬间,令人感受到壮丽的美;生活就像一涓细流,在穿石的精彩瞬间,令人感受到坚持的美……但人间最美的,是爱。——(无锡市《精彩瞬间》) 3、抛不完相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼,睡不稳纱窗风雨黄昏后,忘不了新愁与旧愁,展不开的眉头,捱不明的更漏,恰便似遮不住的青山隐隐,流不断的绿水幽幽……——(富阳市《心弦上痴情的景致》) 4、我爱“急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔”那种舞动的劲,带动我青春向上的心灵; 我思“小桥流水人家”那游子的乡愁,牵动我年少的思绪,拨动我心灵的思乡琴弦;, 我悟“日出江花红似火,春来江水绿如蓝”那寂静,那和祥,抚着我年轻狂妄的想法,赋予我冷静的思想。——(厦门市《岸•流水•奔放》) 5、流水清清,荡漾起声与色的韵律,飘逸出生命的华彩与灿烂。 流水柔柔,点染开情感的温和,播洒下爱的春露。 流水蓬蓬,激扬了力与美的交响,迸发出灵魂的坚韧。——(厦门市《水韵悠悠》) 6、当东坡居士在波涛翻涌的赤壁下高唱:“大江东去浪淘尽,千古风流人物……”。我们认为这是激动人心的壮美风景。当易安居士在落红之下低吟浅唱:“红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉,雨打窗棂湿绫绡。”我们认为这是宁静淡泊的风景。当青莲居士在月明星稀时,对长空高歌:“天下摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜。”我们认为这是无奈悠远的风景。 许许多多美的风景组成了我们的泱泱大国,许许多多人文风景组成了我们灿烂丰富的历史。——(富阳市《心景和谐》) 7、夜,好静谧,柔和的月光洒了一地银白;夜,好深沉,父亲那时起时落的鼾声犹如一首动人的月光曲,回荡在夜色上空。望着熟睡中父亲的脸,我的思绪也飘向那片圣洁的夜空……——(金华市《想起了父亲苍老的脸》) 8、“对酒当歌,人生几何。譬如朝露,去日苦多……”曹丞相横槊赋诗慨叹人生苦短。列御寇御风而行,超然洒脱;庄周不畏世俗所累;李白淡薄名利留下千古佳话。而反观周兴、来俊臣之辈贪图钱财,使自己一生不得安宁;卫青曾与霍去病抵抗匈奴立下大功,却为了功名害死李广,自己也忧郁而终。生命应得到善待,但凡追名逐利而不折手段者,其生命也将暗淡无光。 虽然都欣赏“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为自由故,二者皆可抛”的人生哲学,但生命乃是人们最初的珍爱。惟有生命的存在,才有可能言及其它。——(南通市《善待生命》) 9、如果说春天是一组欢快的四季曲,那么阳光便是灵动跳跃的节奏。春天,绿色的使者,希望的象征;阳光,温柔的天使,光明的象征。有了春天,无不生机盎然,繁花似锦;有了阳光,无不温暖人心,心情舒畅。——(江西《让我挺胸沐浴春天的阳光》) 10、“挺胸”是什么?是昂首自立,洁身自好,不与世俗同流合污么?是铮铮铁骨,宁死不屈,舍身而取义么?是飘逸洒脱,张扬个性,不谄媚权贵么?历史上多少名人志士,用他们的行为乃至生命,向我们一次又一次地诠释了这个词的含义……——(江西《挺胸而立》)

Bues are always crowded in rush Students and office workers go to work or go back homeat that There are often full of people and one can hard to get a And so does A mother with a kid is in the An old adult offer a seat for But the young ignore As the youths,I think it's necessary for us to offer seats for those who really need them,such as expectant mothers,disabled people ,old people and so First, it's the behavior of good You are polite enough if you do Second,it's the need of social However,if you can't achieve this, you are probably a definit And as a result,you can't be trust in the social So,let's build a good social order from offering a seats,just from you and

毕业后选择工作的原因英语作文:Virtually everyone has their own dreams, however, it is not easy to find their place in this competitive This requires us to have the extraordinary quality and comprehensive scientific and cultural One of the most important is to have self-knowledge and can very well position ourselves。My profession is Environmental Engineering ,but under the current situation the employment rate is very It is more difficult to find a job in the environmental monitoring station or designing institute。 So I would like to do something beyond my To be honest, I want to be a marketing staff On the one hand to expand my insight, on the other hand exercise my eloquence,Life should have the courage to imagine and the courage to have taken the first step in caree。Human life is a continuous learning process step by step, To be a marketing staff can better contact with all sectors of society so that I can adapt to the social I choose my first job on a realistic Work without good or bad, as long as able to achieve self-worth。

英文作文《毕业后考研还是工作》该怎么写?考研还是就业英语作文毕业后范文就业和考研,是我们近年英语作文中的热门话题之一。下面是 给大家整理了选择考研还是就业英语作文,供大家参阅!考研还是就业英语作文篇1Get a Job FirstIt is inevitable that most senior students have to choose between pursuing their studies and seeking employment in a certain Personally, I prefer to procure a job first after To begin with, the current trend is that hands-on experience is as important as a degree if not even more Especially in dynamic subjects like business, international trade and journalism, employers tend to place more focus on experience than academic This point can be illustrated by the fact that most companies require their new employees to have a certain amount of work In addition, even with students who intend to further their study, knowledge learn at work can help them decide what their focus should Otherwise, students enrolled in a postgraduate programme may have to face the challenge of not knowing what his strengths Last, students generally speaking can benefit more from a master's programme when they can relate the knowledge back to tasks at In this way, instead of being confined in a pure academic environment, students can actually apply the knowledge learn in class to real situations, which is undoubtedly the ultimate aim of higher In conclusion, I believe that graduates should gain work experience first before embarking on postgraduate



i will take on working after gratuating from the university

After university, I will work in translator of E

毕业后从高中毕业后,我有一些梦想实现。 首先,我想选择一个dreamable的大学和主要的什么我真的This的想法激励我更加努力地学习。 然后,它可能是有意义的,对我来说做一些兼职After,毕业后,我有这么多的业余时间,使自己的钱,这不仅可以使我更加独立,但也放松我的父母。 最后,探访听起来There的在世界各地有这么多美丽的地方,我可以前往北京或上海省作为精美礼品,并采取了一些照片。 我期待着实现我的梦想。 高中毕业后大学毕业后,我想实现的梦想。 首先,我想进入理想的大学,并学习我喜欢的专业。这个理想一直激励着我继续更加努力地学习。 二,有意义的事情,我做的兼职工作。毕业后,我有很多自己赚钱的备件,这不仅让我更加独立,但也可以让父母少的压力。 最后,旅游业是一个非常有吸引力的事情。在世界上有这么多美丽的地方,我可以去北京或上海,并拍照留念。 我期待着实现自己的梦想。


毕业后从高中毕业后,我有一些梦想实现。 首先,我想选择一个dreamable的大学和主要的什么我真的This的想法激励我更加努力地学习。 然后,它可能是有意义的,对我来说做一些兼职After,毕业后,我有这么多的业余时间,使自己的钱,这不仅可以使我更加独立,但也放松我的父母。 最后,探访听起来There的在世界各地有这么多美丽的地方,我可以前往北京或上海省作为精美礼品,并采取了一些照片。 我期待着实现我的梦想。 高中毕业后大学毕业后,我想实现的梦想。 首先,我想进入理想的大学,并学习我喜欢的专业。这个理想一直激励着我继续更加努力地学习。 二,有意义的事情,我做的兼职工作。毕业后,我有很多自己赚钱的备件,这不仅让我更加独立,但也可以让父母少的压力。 最后,旅游业是一个非常有吸引力的事情。在世界上有这么多美丽的地方,我可以去北京或上海,并拍照留念。 我期待着实现自己的梦想。

三百六十行,行行出状元,只要确实是有技能有素质的精英人才,用一句说废了的话讲就是,是金子总会发光的,是金子总会发财的。所以,还在象牙塔里的莘莘学子们,当务之急,不是心里对未来就业的一片茫然,而是树立信心,务实当下,苦修内功,才能致使毕业不是失业之母,而是自己主宰的人生沙场,古时沙场名将岳飞说,莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。是对今天的我们仍然受用的。 找好人生的站牌,才能搭乘理想的彼岸。 第一路车:正视现状,着眼未来。 我想,还是得八仙过海,自显神通。神通是怎么练就的呢?首先,正确关注当下经济形势,以及了解一定的国家政策,当然,不是一头扎进新闻堆里那种看法,而是关注国家针对大学生就业难所出台的一些改革措施,择其善者而从之,时常揣摩一下政府的关心和用意,或者与政治课老师多做交流,多求求经,问问道。当然,许多人要疑惑,没有在逆境中历练出一身果敢的精神和优秀的处事风格,光以理论做先驱,自己的发展必定是会跛足的。因此,学生会和许多社团活动的参与就是显得犹为重要。从我的观察来谈,愿意在各种活动中积极表现的同学是能够得到锻炼的,在相当多的活动中,我们自身的参与和与集体的融会,就是未来工作环境的小小模拟,大环境,小圈子,小圈子,大环境。就是这个道理吧! 美好的未来是给现在是在困难中被包围的人的,我愿意相信,纵使应届毕业生多如过江之鲫,千军万马,正视现状,并把握了当下的人,只要今天你着眼了未来,明天未来必定会着眼于你的。 第二路车;认识自己,扬长避短。 而我们的孔圣人也叹道:“不畏不知人,畏不己知。”故了解自己,开发自己,营销自己就是漫漫人生路上的一门永久的必修课。 尤其在当下,大学生对自己的分析和认识的迫切性是以往任何时候和其他人都不能企及的,把自身的各项能力和素质中最突出的一面,镀上金镶玉,才是成为精英的金牌之道。诚然,面对大学生活,压力,焦虑,浮躁,无聊一直是我们清醒认识自己的天敌,就在这么忙碌或是放松休闲中,在我们的美好时光里,却是不能抽出时间,把认识自己进行到底。 “逆风知劲草,路遥知马力。”逆境中的生存之道持之以恒才是难能可贵的,所以,你必需抽出甚至挤出时间,去好好的探究一下,如何去认识自己这个问题,自己的优点,缺点,能力,性格不一可缺。大学毕业面临严峻的就业形势,产生焦虑心理情绪是在所难免的,若要顺利就业,你没得选择,重新认识自我,分析自我,以结合社会认识才能让你在就业中如虎天翼,扬长避短,再在面试和找工作中保持一颗平常心,冷静选择,你就与优秀的岗位渐行渐近了。 第三路车:苦练内功,外修气魄。 或许你的大学功课学得很不错,能拿到不错的分数,偶尔也能与奖学金接近接近,再或许你的大学成绩一塌糊涂,毫无亮点。但基于这两种情况或是更多种情况,都是不能对你就业前景有所定论的。已经是领跑者的,无须骄傲,还在后面追赶或是在看风景者,你也不能放任自逐,如果尝过了自己种下的苦果,自怨自艾自缢都是不能解决问题的。 惟放宽心态,人生之路是一场盛大的马拉松比赛,赢在起点不如赢在终点。落后五十步勿笑百步者,对与所有的参赛者来说,对于每一个面临求职问题的学生来说,在这样的背景下,在专业技能方面多下苦功,多学习课外知识,借鉴,融会贯通许多成功人士的经验和见识才能使自己在未来的工作中更能够脱颖而出。 温故而知新,在学习新课程的时候切忌丢了旧的知识,比较可悲的状况是我们到了星期天就不知道还有星期一。 广泛学习和阅读习惯也必是不可抛弃的。很欣赏我们学校图书馆的寄语,书籍-----当代的真正大学。从我涉猎的书籍中,我开始明白,身怀绝技的是大侠,胸怀世界的是大师,不用细数你我眼中曾看过的无数名人名言,记住连小学生都知道的毛主席的话:“天天学习,好好向上”就足矣! 补充: 第四路车:韬光养晦,适机而出 纵观我国的古代历史,我们必须悲观的承认,历史是永远记载有过大动作的人的。当然,不是说不要妄想能名垂千古。不过,情同此理,要明白的是,我们在高唱:“我要飞的更高,飞的更高时。”不是因为我有多轻,而是我有多“重”,“重”从何来,渊博的知识才是我们羽翼上最强有力的肌肉。 社会上这样形容应届毕业生的,一张白纸,说得再明白点,其实是说,我们的一纸文凭如一张白纸。师傅领出门,绘画在各人,要让我们白纸一样的人生变成一张壮丽的画卷,让他增殖,涨价,以至具有收藏价值的唯一方法,就是发挥你的最大水平作好画,这是一个必需持久沉淀与积累的过程。当然,毕业是我们对自己的最好经验和提升,要想社会给你提供有价值的机会,你就得证明你有能给这个机会增值的能力,慎重的评估一下自己,好好掂量一下自己,如果你还不够“重”,那么,美好的幻想是可以打住,以后再进行的,给自己找好一个位置,明确一个方向,久久的充一下电吧! 第五路车:黄金心态,白金品质 金融界的现在的最强音就是信心比黄金还重要,这句话对大学生来说,我想是同样适用的,信心的品质是给我们的专业技能做保险的,信心是给我们的职业人生做推销的,我们知道,毛遂只是自荐却不自贱的,尽管我们仍如一张白纸,我们的某些重要素质还是一贫如洗的,但只要我们抓牢信心这块黄金,无论通货怎么膨胀,它是不会贬值的,再加之,我们拥有的和正在获得的各项能力素质,这些珍贵如白金的品质并定能和我们的黄金心态一定就能给我们打造一个金光闪闪的明天。 或许,我所言及的几个方面还不够全面,我所追求的自我还不够完善,但我愿意学海泛舟,书山行路,人海里更要知足,也愿我的这五路车能搭载各位驰往梦想开始的地方,音乐巨人贝多芬的一句话送给大家,我要紧紧扼住命运的咽喉,相信政府相信我们的党,没有过不去的冬天,因为也没有过不去的火焰山。冬天有多寒冷,春天就有多温暖,梅花就有多么的幽香,愿所有与我一同向前跋涉的勇者们能及早的闻到花香。 追问: 能不能帮我改动的比较像大学生写的文章呀?就是水平不要这么好、、额、、辞藻不要这么太华丽的==~~~老师不怀疑我是抄的才怪呢、、555 回答: 作为一个大学生,抄要会抄,你可以把词语用模糊点,就完全可以蒙混过关的

What Jobs Do College Graduates Want to Take?   It goes without saying that college students have a clear idea about their future Boys are to some extent different from girls in their choices as is seen from the   According to the table, the most striking contrast is in the occupation of teaching: 45% of girl students would like to become teachers after graduation whereas only 5% of boys What boys like to do most is to become managers (40%) and the second largest group is to be businessmen (30%) Girls also like to pursue these two professions, with a percentage of 15% and 25% respectively choosing these two 15% of boys want to become lawyers while 10% of girls prefer this   It can be easily proved that teaching is preferred by females as it provides a more steady Women’s patience also fits the job Boys consider working as managers, businessmen and lawyers more demanding and It is true that more boys want to show their talents in these One thing noteworthy is that the number of girls who want to do business is not This shows that girls want to take challenging and exciting jobs,   Nevertheless, no matter what job you choose, it could be a As for me, I like science and   With the economic growth and social progress, professionals of science and technology will become more and more Therefore I will choose doing scientific research as my

还有就是,目前我在学的ABC天芐英语中心的外教要我明白,如果要掌握好英语是不难的 一定具有好的学习环境及实习口语对象 最关键就是外教水平,最好欧美母语 口语纯正很重要 持续每日口语学习,1&1家教式教学才可以有非常好的学习成效!课后同样要重听课程录音音频 把所学知识融会贯通 实在是真的无口语交谈的人的环境 最好能上听力室或BBC获得课余学习材料练习,多说多练一下子口语能力会进步许多 学习成长是绝对最佳的 The difficulties young Cnese university graduates have had in finding a job over the past few months have been making the headlines in the media and causing concern throughout Education professionals in Cna have all had sometng to about A good number of them, referring to the current phase of social transition in Cna, have come out in favour of the mass education programme that has been practised in recent years in Cnese Others have raised doubts about the reliability of the figure of only 0% as the rate of employment for new graduates, wch they consider to be In fact, according to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Education itself, out of the 1 million graduates in the general gher education sector in 00, 0,000 had not signed a work contract by the end of their studies In these circumstances, it is understandable that in the current labour market in Shanghai, for example, new university graduates are settling for a monthly salary of 1,00 yuan, slightly more than double Shanghai’s minimum wage, at the same time as they are having to face significant overheads (superannuation, unemployment insurance, health insurance, ) If we take into account the cost of living in Shanghai (including accommodation, transport and telecommunications), it would appear that the salary of these graduates is barely enough to cover their basic needs The purpose of ts article is to better understand the current unemployment of young graduates, beyond any proposals being put forward in the context of gher education


My aspiration after graduating from the University There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and But different people choose different jobs as their ideal This is because everyone has his own As for me, I have made up my mind to be a I choose to do so mainly for three First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my And I can have the opportunity to keep on Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them But teaching is no easy job at I must study cleverly to obtain more And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's

With the development of contemporary life, the youths are facing a plight that is how to elect profession, only with their interests or considers more, such as future and family and so on, which is a controversial It is true that when young generations realize that they want to do about choosing occupation, they may feel strong sense of achievement when they gets access to successful and be relaxing and calm, and won’t follow other’s step to find a In this way, they may develop the ability to create and There is no deny that the graduated students who without working experience and practical skills, if they only make decision for a job according to their They may have great hopes of winning at the start, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, therefore, once the hope went up in smoke, they may be depressive about However, as some people think the youths should be considerate about their When they be realistic to select work, they are supposing to have a sense of responsibility and direction, and others may consider he or she is a very reliable Nevertheless, when people have to think about more means having more stress, which do harm for their physical and psychological healthy to some Different people have different motives to look for Personally, I believe that people should follow their heart when they elect work, and only they know what they interest to do, they may have more passion to keep job

Job hunting has always been a headache for college Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are Most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go working even a long time after The reasons for this phenomenon are On the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities enrolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on that the number of graduates was greater than the need in the On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities without suitable job to do than go to the I reckon this problem can be solved if both college

I would like to help you to write this composition,but I don't know what's your really requirement,hence i want to ask some question,if you already need help,please answer 1、How many words appear to this composition?2、Is the planning only for your expected work?3、What's the detail instruction of your major?
