

发布时间:2024-07-08 11:08:19


反不正当竞争法是知识产权制度的重要补充,它可为知识产权制度提供兜底性的保护与救济。[关键词]知识产权法;反不正当竞争法;关系 知识产权法与反不正当竞争法是出现得比较晚的两个法律部门。知识产权法作为 论知识产权法的法技术特/html/sifazhidu/list_82_html



摘要:随着国际互联网的发展,以信息为内容的数字网络技术引发了高科技的崛起,同时也对现行的知识产权制度提出了严峻的挑战。 Abstract: with the international development of the Internet, based on the information content of digital network technology triggered a high-tech rise, simultaneously to current intellectual property system proposed severe 由于互联网的虚拟特性使人们对网络作品的定位、网络作品传播过程中涉及知识产权的认识产生了分歧,从而给传统的知识产权体系带来了无尽的侵权纠纷。 Thanks to the Internet virtual properties enabling people to network works localization, the process of transmission network works involving intellectual property understanding differences developed, thus to traditional intellectual property system brings endless infringement 本文从知识产权和网络知识产权的概念入手,通过分析网络知识产权保护的必要性,网络知识产权保护的现状,提出了关于网络知识产权保护的对策。 This article from the intellectual property rights and network knowledge the concept of property right, analyzing the necessity of network of intellectual property protection, the network of intellectual property protection situation, this paper proposes about network of intellectual property protection 关键词:知识产权 网络知识产权保护 保护对策 Keywords: intellectual property network protection of intellectual property protection countermeasures



三、关于知识产权犯罪的主观罪过 刑法学界一般认为,知识产权犯罪的罪过形式是故意,过失不构成本类罪。这是因为:第一,从刑法理论上看,知识产权犯罪可归入法定犯。法定犯作为一定的社会现象,其本身并不一定蕴含着法律所禁止的性质或为社会所责难的性质,国家之所以认为这种行为是犯罪行为,完全是出于某种行政的社会政策的需要。法定犯由于其伦理道德上的可谴责性较弱,不宜对其主观犯意过于苛责,行为人只有在出于故意的情况下,才宜作为犯罪对待。过失行为则通常作为一般违法行为处理。这是刑法人道和刑法谦抑的价值取向的必然要求。第二,从刑事立法来看,考虑到刑事立法以惩罚故意为原则、过失为例外和犯罪故意一般不作规定,过失则明确规定的立法原则,本类犯罪应属故意犯罪无疑。 我国刑法学界对于知识产权犯罪的主观故意的要素和内容还有不同的认识,尤其表现在对于违法性认识和犯罪目的的看法上。 第一,关于违法性认识。对于违法性认识是否为故意的要素,各国刑法有不同的规定,刑法学界争议较大,实际部门也有不同的认识和做法。在此问题上持何种立场和态度对于定罪量刑有重要意义。 第二,关于犯罪目的。对于知识产权犯罪的目的内容,尤其是是否“以营利为目的”,目前,在刑法学界争议甚大。主要有以下三种观点: 第一种认为:知识产权犯罪在主观上,行为人须是出于故意,且以营利为目的;以营利为目的是这类犯罪的共同主观特征,同时也是构成犯罪的主观要件[14](P.460~461)。 第二种认为:侵犯商标权、专利权的犯罪在主观方面只能是基于故意;侵犯著作权的犯罪,在主观方面除了是基于故意之外,还必须是以营利为目的;侵犯商业秘密权的犯罪也不需以营利为目的。 第三种认为:侵犯著作权犯罪的犯罪构成的主观方面是以“营利为目的”,这个范围限制过窄、过死,建议除规定“以营利为目的”外,考虑到行为人在抄袭、剽窃、假冒他人作品时是以秘密方式进行的,是否可增加“以盗窃他人名誉为目的”或“以诋毁他人名誉为目的”等表述,适度扩大对犯罪主观方面的规定。 四、关于知识产权犯罪犯罪构成的描述性要件 在我国刑法中,有些犯罪行为事实只要符合某法定犯罪构成关于犯罪客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面四个要件的规定,则构成犯罪,这被称为行为犯。但有一些犯罪行为,却要求具备诸如“情节严重”、“后果严重”等条件才成立犯罪,这被称为情节犯或结果犯。为便于研究,我们将前述四个要件称为犯罪构成的基本要件,它们对于任何犯罪的成立都不可缺少;将“情节严重”、“后果严重”称为犯罪构成的描述性要件,它们对于情节犯、结果犯等的成立不可缺少。由于我国采取犯罪构成的“立法既定性又定量”的模式(这不同于外国刑法犯罪构成的“立法定性、司法定量”模式),犯罪构成的描述性要件作为立法定量的表现,在司法实践中通常被直接作为行为是否构成犯罪的判断标志,其规定是否适当,意义重大。 我国刑法典对知识产权犯罪的犯罪构成描述性要件的规定有以下5种情况: 以“造成重大损失”作为要件,如侵犯商业秘密罪。 以“销售金额数额较大”作为要件,如销售假冒注册商标的商品罪。 以“违法所得数额巨大”作为要件,如销售侵权复制品罪。 以“违法所得数额较大或者有其他严重情节的”作为要件,如侵犯著作权罪。 以“情节严重”作为要件,如假冒注册商标罪,非法制造、销售非法制造的注册商标标识罪,假冒专利罪。 可以预见,伴随着知识经济时代的来临,改革开放的中国社会必将面临日益严重和复杂的知识产权犯罪问题。如何完善知识产权的刑法保护是摆在刑法学者面前的一个重要课题,我们期待着关于知识产权犯罪的研究进一步深入。








Knowldge 知识篇 Activity is the only road to knowledge (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist) 行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳 G) A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books (Thomas Jefferson , American president) 一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。(美国总统 杰斐逊 T) A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the (Adams Franklin , American humorist ) 我的大部分知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外的发现了另上的资料。(美国幽默作家 富兰克林 A) If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林 B) Imagination is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein , American scientist ) 想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦 A ) Knowledge is power (Francis Bacon , British philosopher ) 知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根 F) The empty vessels make the greatest sound (William Shakespeare , British dramatist ) 满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W)


Europe and the United States Anti-diluted trademark and its significance in China[Abstract] With the development of the times, for trademark infringement of a complex situation, "confusion" is no longer the only form of trademark infringement, trademark to dilute the protection of trademarks in particular the protection of well-known trademarks has put forward higher R The United States is the world's anti-trademark protection legislation and judicial downplay the most advanced countries, the paper to weaken against the US trademark protection system as the entry point of the Island of the US law and federal anti-dilute the anti-dilute the main content of the Bill, and faded in the form of Finds that the US trademark system weakened against the judicial practice, and on the EU's trademark anti-desalination system and China's trademark protection against dilute the status quo on the international art trade mark weakened against the Chinese system of Key words: well-known trademarks, trade faded, the Federal Anti-diluted bill我改了,还有吗?

Europe and the United States Anti-diluted trademark and its significance in China [Abstract] With the development of the times, for trademark infringement of a complex situation, "confusion" is no longer the only form of trademark infringement, trademark to dilute the protection of trademarks in particular the protection of well-known trademarks has put forward higher R The United States is the world's anti-trademark protection legislation and judicial downplay the most advanced countries, the paper to weaken against the US trademark protection system as the entry point of the Island of the US law and federal anti-dilute the anti-dilute the main content of the Bill, and faded in the form of Finds that the US trademark system weakened against the judicial practice, and on the EU's trademark anti-desalination system and China's trademark protection against dilute the status quo on the international art trade mark weakened against the Chinese system of Key words: well-known trademarks, trade faded, the Federal Anti-diluted bill


知识产权(英语:Intellectual property),指“权利人对其所创作的智力劳动成果所享有的专有权利”,一般只在有限时间期内有效。各种智力创造比如发明、文学和艺术作品,以及在商业中使用的标志、名称、图像以及外观设计,都可被认为是某一个人或组织所拥有的知识产权。主要分类有:专利权,商标权,著作权(版权)等。  广泛使用该术语“知识产权”是一个在1967年世界知识产权组织成立后出现的,最近几年才变得常见。简称IP。

The domain name right infringement present situation and protects Abstract Along with the network time's arrival, the domain name importance more and more knew for the people that the domain name dispute also starts to appear, and increasingly As the network time's new thing, the domain name is very difficult to integrate traditional the legal Although our country had already released "China Internet Domain name registration Temporary Policing method", theoretically discusses the domain name right infringement dispute principle of management and the plan work also has many, but the people still has the very big difference in the concrete some Therefore, this article plans from our country's truth to embark, pointed out that has the important meaning in our country consummation domain name legal protection, and to questions and so on domain name management and legal protection launches the analysis and the discussion, helps the people to solve the domain name dispute Key word :Domain name right infringement Intellectual property rights Dispute

范文背诵How to Protect Intellectual PropertyAlong with the advance of the society, more and more technologies and innovations are put forward by scientists and other people, thus we attach much importance to protectingthese immaterial things by resorting to intellectual property Although these things are intangible, they are as crucial as the tangible assets we Recently there appear a lot of cases which violate the intellectual property rights and affect the interests of people How should we deal with this problem?To begin with, measures should be taken to arouse public awareness so that the majority may acquire a comprehensive understanding of this special Next, individuals and organizations who enjoy the property must equip themselves with adequate knowledge of related laws and Once violated, it's of great importance for them to refer to the useful Last but not least, it's the governments responsibility to perfect the system of safe As I see it, intellectual property represents the progress of society, so we should exert ourselves to protect And the issue of being violated will be solved ultimately if the above measures can be put into >>亮点词汇①进步,前进②革新,创新③attach importance to认为……很重要④非实物的,无形的⑤无形的⑥resort to求助于⑦关键的,重要的⑧全面的,综合性的⑨with使有准备,使能够(做某事)⑩参考,查阅xert oneself尽力,努力最后,最终
