

发布时间:2024-07-12 10:17:05


好吧,中西方文化最好能从小处写,这有范文一篇Eastern Culture VS Western CultureThe world we live in is composed of an immense diversity of different One of the main contrasts within this diversity of cultures is the differences between the East and W Eastern and Western cultures contrast each other in many different In this essay, I will discuss how the difference in culture between the East and West differs and how it also affects the difference in behaviors of Firstly, I would like to point out that there are apparent evidences to how the two cultures are different from each other from what we can see and For example, the languages spoken at each end of the world are completely different in characters, tone, and What are visible to us from the outside such as clothing, language, behavior are all differences in which everybody can Of course, when we minimize our area of observation rather than the general picture, we must not neglect the fact that there are many different cultures consisting in both the East and West which also vary in very different It is most significant to understand the existence of many different cultures other than your own while having a broad and open mind or else it will be the cause of conflicts and tension between people and This is also because each culture has their own way of portraying something through communication, religion, customs, lifestyles, and so Misunderstandings may arise due to the lack of understanding and knowledge of a person regarding another culture that is not their Following the difference in expressing cultures, let’s let Asia represent the E Asians focus very much on respect and personal distance very They are known to always be very formal and polite even when talking to their own In Asian cultures, when having a conversation with somebody, you will realize that they are not too exposed and only expose a minimum of their expressions such as their They tend to avoid showing their emotions when having a conversation to remain neutral so they do not give any false assumptions to who they are talking Regarding the personal distance, they avoid any contact with the other person and keep to their own For example, in Asian cultures people would bow or tilt their heads as a sign of “hello,” “thank you,” or “goodbye,” whereas in Western culture, a handshake or even a hug is considered to be Asian culture strongly values the hierarchy system in which they very much respect their superiors and anyone above them in the social Rank or status is evident especially in the business culture of Asian countries because the attitude of an employee to their employer shows the at most respect, loyalty, and Treating every person the same way in Asian culture can be considered rude at times because what may be acceptable in the western culture may not be acceptable in Asian For example, the eldest son in a family will not be permitted to talk to his parents or grandparents the same way he talks to his younger This social hierarchy is apparent in Asian schools where people in younger schools act very polite to their This social hierarchy that exists in schools has become a serious issue in recent years because it has become the cause of Next, I would like to discuss the Western culture in contrast to Eastern or Asian The quality of life is strongly valued in western culture where families should be prioritized before Western cultures such as the US are much more laid back compared to Eastern cultures regarding human Western cultures are not as reserved and stand closer together when having It is interesting to see the difference between the East and West when relating their cultures to their In Western cultures, they consider life as a form of service, whether it is toward your business, family, belief, and so In Eastern cultures, life is viewed as a never ending journey, although of course this depends on which Eastern cultural belief we are focused Eastern cultural tend to have a more spiritual approach to their goals where they encourage each individual to lead a virtuous life while striving towards their success, while Western culture is more materialistic which refers to the concrete elements you have in your life such as money and strives towards success through ethical analysis and In conclusion, there are many aspects such as communication, religion, behavior, lifestyles, and so on which can be compared and contrasted with between Eastern and Western The major difference is derived from the different cultural values, beliefs, and teachings in each of the cultures that differentiates the two It is an interesting fact that a completely different culture and people exist directly on the other side of the Each culture has its own unique, significant, and valuable elements which is important to acknowledge when understanding different cultures to avoid

TheculturedifferencesbetweentheEastandWest东方和西方间的不同文化 Asweknow,therearesomanydifferencesbetweencultureoftheEastandWestthatI(众说周知,东方和西方间在不同方面有许多我难以列举的不同之处。) ItisnodoubtthatitisatraditiontousechopsticksforCButpeopleinATAmericanschoosetoeatbeefsteak,bread,andsalad,whileChinesepeoplechoosenoodles,(无疑中国人用筷子是一种传统。但是美国人更喜欢叉子和小刀这不同的结果建立在她们对食物的喜好上。美国人选择吃牛肉片,面包和沙拉然而中国人选择吃面条,薄烤饼和米饭。 Inmyopinion,thestudyinATInaaddition,therateofgoingtoschool,thesalaryofteaching,andthejobofgruduatesarequitedifferent,IthinkthatCIalsoexpecttobeoneday,theWestgivemorecheers (在我看来,在美国学习会更有趣。老师们注重培养学生们对现实生活的理解能力。而且,去学校的上学率,教学的工资和毕业后的工作也大不相同。我认为中国政府应该尽更大的努力改善教育系统。我也期望有一天,西方能给中国更多的鼓励。


The key to effective cross-cultural communication is First, it is essential that people understand the potential problems of cross-cultural communication, and make a conscious effort to overcome these Second, it is important to assume that one’s efforts will not always be successful, and adjust one’s behavior For example, one should always assume that there is a significant possibility that cultural differences are causing communication problems, and be willing to be patient and forgiving, rather than hostile and aggressive, if problems One should respond slowly and carefully in cross-cultural exchanges, not jumping to the conclusion that you know what is being thought and William Ury’s suggestion for heated conflicts is to stop, listen, and think, or as he puts it "go to the balcony" when the situation gets By this he means withdraw from the situation, step back, and reflect on what is going on before you This helps in cross cultural communication as When things seem to be going badly, stop or slow down and What could be going on here? Is it possible I misinterpreted what they said, or they misinterpreted me? Often misinterpretation is the source of the Active listening can sometimes be used to check this out–by repeating what one thinks he or she heard, one can confirm that one understands the communication If words are used differently between languages or cultural groups, however, even active listening can overlook Often intermediaries who are familiar with both cultures can be helpful in cross-cultural communication They can translate both the substance and the manner of what is For instance, they can tone down strong statements that would be considered appropriate in one culture but not in another, before they are given to people from a culture that does not talk together in such a strong They can also adjust the timing of what is said and Some cultures move quickly to the point; others talk about other things long enough to establish rapport or a relationship with the other If discussion on the primary topic begins too soon, the group that needs a "warm up" first will feel A mediator or intermediary who understands this can explain the problem, and make appropriate procedural Yet sometimes intermediaries can make communication even more If a mediator is the same culture or nationality as one of the disputants, but not the other, this gives the appearance of bias, even when none Even when bias is not intended, it is common for mediators to be more supportive or more understanding of the person who is of his or her own culture, simply because they understand them Yet when the mediator is of a third cultural group, the potential for cross-cultural misunderstandings increases In this case engaging in extra discussions about the process and the manner of carrying out the discussions is appropriate, as is extra time for confirming and re-confirming understandings at every step in the dialogue or negotiating




好吧,中西方文化最好能从小处写,这有范文一篇Eastern Culture VS Western CultureThe world we live in is composed of an immense diversity of different One of the main contrasts within this diversity of cultures is the differences between the East and W Eastern and Western cultures contrast each other in many different In this essay, I will discuss how the difference in culture between the East and West differs and how it also affects the difference in behaviors of Firstly, I would like to point out that there are apparent evidences to how the two cultures are different from each other from what we can see and For example, the languages spoken at each end of the world are completely different in characters, tone, and What are visible to us from the outside such as clothing, language, behavior are all differences in which everybody can Of course, when we minimize our area of observation rather than the general picture, we must not neglect the fact that there are many different cultures consisting in both the East and West which also vary in very different It is most significant to understand the existence of many different cultures other than your own while having a broad and open mind or else it will be the cause of conflicts and tension between people and This is also because each culture has their own way of portraying something through communication, religion, customs, lifestyles, and so Misunderstandings may arise due to the lack of understanding and knowledge of a person regarding another culture that is not their Following the difference in expressing cultures, let’s let Asia represent the E Asians focus very much on respect and personal distance very They are known to always be very formal and polite even when talking to their own In Asian cultures, when having a conversation with somebody, you will realize that they are not too exposed and only expose a minimum of their expressions such as their They tend to avoid showing their emotions when having a conversation to remain neutral so they do not give any false assumptions to who they are talking Regarding the personal distance, they avoid any contact with the other person and keep to their own For example, in Asian cultures people would bow or tilt their heads as a sign of “hello,” “thank you,” or “goodbye,” whereas in Western culture, a handshake or even a hug is considered to be Asian culture strongly values the hierarchy system in which they very much respect their superiors and anyone above them in the social Rank or status is evident especially in the business culture of Asian countries because the attitude of an employee to their employer shows the at most respect, loyalty, and Treating every person the same way in Asian culture can be considered rude at times because what may be acceptable in the western culture may not be acceptable in Asian For example, the eldest son in a family will not be permitted to talk to his parents or grandparents the same way he talks to his younger This social hierarchy is apparent in Asian schools where people in younger schools act very polite to their This social hierarchy that exists in schools has become a serious issue in recent years because it has become the cause of Next, I would like to discuss the Western culture in contrast to Eastern or Asian The quality of life is strongly valued in western culture where families should be prioritized before Western cultures such as the US are much more laid back compared to Eastern cultures regarding human Western cultures are not as reserved and stand closer together when having It is interesting to see the difference between the East and West when relating their cultures to their In Western cultures, they consider life as a form of service, whether it is toward your business, family, belief, and so In Eastern cultures, life is viewed as a never ending journey, although of course this depends on which Eastern cultural belief we are focused Eastern cultural tend to have a more spiritual approach to their goals where they encourage each individual to lead a virtuous life while striving towards their success, while Western culture is more materialistic which refers to the concrete elements you have in your life such as money and strives towards success through ethical analysis and In conclusion, there are many aspects such as communication, religion, behavior, lifestyles, and so on which can be compared and contrasted with between Eastern and Western The major difference is derived from the different cultural values, beliefs, and teachings in each of the cultures that differentiates the two It is an interesting fact that a completely different culture and people exist directly on the other side of the Each culture has its own unique, significant, and valuable elements which is important to acknowledge when understanding different cultures to avoid

TheculturedifferencesbetweentheEastandWest东方和西方间的不同文化 Asweknow,therearesomanydifferencesbetweencultureoftheEastandWestthatI(众说周知,东方和西方间在不同方面有许多我难以列举的不同之处。) ItisnodoubtthatitisatraditiontousechopsticksforCButpeopleinATAmericanschoosetoeatbeefsteak,bread,andsalad,whileChinesepeoplechoosenoodles,(无疑中国人用筷子是一种传统。但是美国人更喜欢叉子和小刀这不同的结果建立在她们对食物的喜好上。美国人选择吃牛肉片,面包和沙拉然而中国人选择吃面条,薄烤饼和米饭。 Inmyopinion,thestudyinATInaaddition,therateofgoingtoschool,thesalaryofteaching,andthejobofgruduatesarequitedifferent,IthinkthatCIalsoexpecttobeoneday,theWestgivemorecheers (在我看来,在美国学习会更有趣。老师们注重培养学生们对现实生活的理解能力。而且,去学校的上学率,教学的工资和毕业后的工作也大不相同。我认为中国政府应该尽更大的努力改善教育系统。我也期望有一天,西方能给中国更多的鼓励。


提供一些英语专业的论文题目,供参考。语言学研究英语在香港的传播英语在中国文化中的重生英语帝国:是现实还是神话二战后英语发展的非正式化趋势英语的全球化和区域化英语中的性别歧视英语中的女性歧视现象英语中的性别歧视和西方妇女的社会地位女性语言特点及其社会根源论广告英语的语言特点浅析商务信函的文体特征源自英语的汉语表达为汉语和文化注入新鲜血液:一个社会语言学调查语音与语义---音义关系中的非任意性笑话致笑的原因论幽默的因素英语幽默中的语用学幽默的跨文化障碍分析拉丁文对英语词汇的深远影响英语发展史中法语对英语的影响初探网络英语词汇和构词方式网络语言对日常语言的渗透英美民族文化心理及其在词汇中的映射翻译研究浅谈中文标牌语的英译商标的文化内涵及其翻译耶希斯图尔特的短篇小说《劈樱桃树》的翻译与评析意志的力量--短篇小说《无视失败》的翻译与评析英语谚语在口语中的运用及其翻译怎样翻译英语习语隐藏的主角们——《我们的生存之道》的翻译与评析短篇小说《我的俄狄浦斯情结》的翻译与评析跨文化在中菜西译的体现文化差异对旅游翻译的影响论译者主观情感在作品中的体现科技英语中词汇翻译的技巧与策略英汉基本颜色词汇的文化差异及其翻译浅谈机器翻译文化感知与文化翻译翻译中双关语的处理在新的语言中新生---翻译中的转类跨文化研究从“赵燕在美被打”事件看跨文化交际的失败中英科普文章对比研究教育使美国移民融入主流社会:比较犹太家庭与亚裔家庭对子女的教育理念从《成长的烦恼》看中美家庭教育模式之差异奥普拉和陈鲁豫的成功范例给中西方家庭教育的启示现代中西方家庭淡化的透视中英姓名文化内涵比较中西文化礼仪的异同及其反映的文化内涵冲突与融合 —— 好莱坞与亚洲电影的互动跨文化在中菜西译的体现中西方商务礼仪的比较中美跨文化商业行为比较国际商务礼仪中的文化冲突商务礼仪差异对中国涉外商务洽谈的影响国际商务谈判中的决策因素浅析礼貌原则的不同视觉中西方广告的差异中西方时间观差异对比中美婚姻观新视角中美性状比较从文化象征意义、宗教信仰及例行仪式看中西婚礼论中西方恐怖电影的差异论英国骑士精神与中国武侠主义中希腊神话中女性形象的比较研究英汉基本颜色词汇的文化差异及其翻译中英色彩文化与语义对比的研究美国生活方式对中国年轻一代的影响及其原因论跨文化价值观对消费者行为的影响从养生观看民族特性从电影角度看决策中的文化差异幽默的跨文化障碍分析美国文化霸权下的民族文化保护策略---法国叫板美国"文化帝国主义"从<围城>看西方文化对中国文化的影响从王家卫电影看中西方文化交融美国华裔作家谭恩美作品中的中美文化冲突与融合文化意识与跨国交流中国古代太学与欧洲中世纪大学之比较——兼论现代大学的起源从中美英语教学的差异谈如何改进中学英语教学英语教学研究浅谈语境引入在中国高校口语教学中的应用小学英语教学中的语法意识合作学习在小学英语教学中的运用从多元智力原理分析中学生课堂英语学习策略的个体差异性交互式语言教学在乡村英语口语教学中的应用关于多媒体课件对大学英语教学影响的思考构建课堂英语教学新模式——从现代多媒体教学技术入手英语习语的理解和教学论外语习者与二语习者英语词汇扩大的途径教师在英语网络教学中的角色网络教育资源和高校英语写作教学浅谈教师在教学中的中介作用外教在当代中国英语教育中的作用背景知识和听力教学通过问卷调查对农村中学生听力问题的分析和展望英语词汇教学的问题和应用论记忆的联想策略少儿英语教育的问题及策略儿童学习第二语言的优势第二语言从儿童学起的意义寓英语教学于游戏论中国大学生英语阅读技能的提高词汇在阅读理解中的作用非英语专业大学新生的英语学习策略——一项基于实证的研究新加坡与中国在推广双语教学中具体措施的比较与分析英语演讲中的艺术与技巧大学英语写作的措辞缺陷及解决方案大学生英文作文中的中式英语现象从中美英语教学的差异谈如何改进中学英语教学“注意”的规律在中小学英语教学中的重要性及意义英国儿童文学的特色与贡献文学研究从《飘》到《冷山》:看美国南北战争文学作品的变迁俄狄浦斯情节初探论《呼啸山庄》艾米莉勃朗特的哥特情结评呼啸山庄中Katherine自我意识与传统道德间的冲突浅析艾略特诗歌的转变解析《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义逃离“社会”----《哈克贝利费恩历险记》主题分析荒诞与理性 --- 论《第二十二条军规》宿命与现实——从


The News Report has always been my favorite TV Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 and wait for the news This has become a part of my    The News Report contains a large amount of information C from the international political situation to the latest foot-ball And the most important character is its fast Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short    In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV It is a way of From this program, people can know and understand world The world thus becomes smaller and I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the How something changed me I don't konw when and how the life changed me to be the one who is typing in this But I know I am changing From the biological aspect, I am changing in My skin will become old and then die, my blood cells need to be replaced by new There are millons of biochemical reations happening in my body every Yeah, that's Compared with the girl wose owned the name' HH', the currently HH is more In these years, I became to have confidence in my At least, I am not so ugly as I usually At the same time, I cam to know what is a In a society, you cannot live You must communicate with When you do everything, you need to meet with some Yes, I need to face the Never to escape from the true world and the relationships in the true I was afraid of meeting with strangers even till But the enviroment pushs me to change I am always an emotional Maybe, more rational thinking should be conducted before I make any Er, I need to learn about Some bad things happened on me when I grew to be the current :( I lost my former interest in reading, maybe because of other media such as movie, TV and I cannot focus on studying as There are many other things I will I am always on my way to find out who I am and who I want to Till now, there is still no Maybe the real answer will not be found till the last But at least, I own my experience today and more in I don't know what I want to be so I need to know more and try more before I get to the right place



The culture differences between the East and WestAs we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and AIt is no doubtthat it is a tradition to use chopsticks for CBut people in America prefer to forks and This different result is based on different food they like Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to CThe famous KFC is very popular at 仅供参考望采纳

Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout C Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by Pop C This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius) These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five C From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely C China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and E中国传统文化正在吸引全世界的注意,尽管在传统意义上被看成是西方文化的流行文化开始在中国广泛传播。尤其是中国功夫,对于那些通过功夫初次了解中国的成千上万的人来讲,有着非常大的影响。由于功夫,他们可能来到中国,学习了解中国文化的其他方面,比如京剧和川剧这样的传统戏剧。亚洲国家很早以前就知道古代中国文化的博大。他们自己的文化混合了本民族的文化和中国文化的特色。韩国和日本很早就把儒教等观念引进了他们的社会当中。甚至在被流行文化冲击的今天,儒教的影响也一直在延续。这种力量来自“四书”(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》和《孟子》)中的思想。这些书是依照“五经”之中所体现的更为早期的思想而著成的。西方人从中了解到了诸如风水等中国所特有的文化概念。中国已经通过向其他国家派遣文化使者并在美国、欧洲等地建立中国文化中心来进一步推广中国文化。

The key to effective cross-cultural communication is First, it is essential that people understand the potential problems of cross-cultural communication, and make a conscious effort to overcome these Second, it is important to assume that one’s efforts will not always be successful, and adjust one’s behavior For example, one should always assume that there is a significant possibility that cultural differences are causing communication problems, and be willing to be patient and forgiving, rather than hostile and aggressive, if problems One should respond slowly and carefully in cross-cultural exchanges, not jumping to the conclusion that you know what is being thought and William Ury’s suggestion for heated conflicts is to stop, listen, and think, or as he puts it "go to the balcony" when the situation gets By this he means withdraw from the situation, step back, and reflect on what is going on before you This helps in cross cultural communication as When things seem to be going badly, stop or slow down and What could be going on here? Is it possible I misinterpreted what they said, or they misinterpreted me? Often misinterpretation is the source of the Active listening can sometimes be used to check this out–by repeating what one thinks he or she heard, one can confirm that one understands the communication If words are used differently between languages or cultural groups, however, even active listening can overlook Often intermediaries who are familiar with both cultures can be helpful in cross-cultural communication They can translate both the substance and the manner of what is For instance, they can tone down strong statements that would be considered appropriate in one culture but not in another, before they are given to people from a culture that does not talk together in such a strong They can also adjust the timing of what is said and Some cultures move quickly to the point; others talk about other things long enough to establish rapport or a relationship with the other If discussion on the primary topic begins too soon, the group that needs a "warm up" first will feel A mediator or intermediary who understands this can explain the problem, and make appropriate procedural Yet sometimes intermediaries can make communication even more If a mediator is the same culture or nationality as one of the disputants, but not the other, this gives the appearance of bias, even when none Even when bias is not intended, it is common for mediators to be more supportive or more understanding of the person who is of his or her own culture, simply because they understand them Yet when the mediator is of a third cultural group, the potential for cross-cultural misunderstandings increases In this case engaging in extra discussions about the process and the manner of carrying out the discussions is appropriate, as is extra time for confirming and re-confirming understandings at every step in the dialogue or negotiating

中西文化历来是世界文化的两大派系,而饮食在两个文化中部占有非常重要的地位。中西文化之间的差异从而造就了中西饮食文化的差异,在两种不同的文化背景下,中西方饮食习俗,不论在其观念、性质,还是在其方式、对象等诸多方面,所存在的差异是非常鲜明的。笔者根据自己几十年从事西式餐饮的经验,提出以下几点看法,以供参考。  1、中西饮食观念的差异  历史上,中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,有5000年的悠久而厚重的历史,创造了无数的灿烂文明,在这种文化蕴藏中,使中国的饮食更加博大精深。随着时间的流逝以及辽阔国土的地域差异,四大菜系逐渐形成,四大菜系自成体系,各有特点,但共同点是用料复杂考究,制作方法复杂,口味、菜式多种多样,令人惊叹。  西方以欧美为代表,其文化同样源远流长。到中世纪,欧洲文化已十分完善,在此期间,旧西方的饮食文化已经形成。其主要特点为:主食以面粉为主,原料也较为丰富,制作方法较中国简单,但同时也十分注重口味。  由于中西哲学思想的不同,西方人于饮食重科学。重科学即讲求营养。故西方饮食以营养为最高准则,进食犹如为一生物的机器添加燃料,特别讲求食物的营养成分,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素及各类无机元素的含量是否搭配合宜,热量的供给是否恰到好处以及这些营养成分是否能为进食者充分吸收,有无其他副作用。这些问题都是烹调中的大学问,而菜肴的色、香、味如何,则是次一等的要求。即或在西方首屈一指的饮食大国——法国,其饮食文化虽然在很多方面与我们近似,但一接触到营养问题,双方便拉开了距离。  中国五味调和的烹调术旨在追求美味,其加工过程中的热油炸和长时间的文火攻,都会使菜肴的营养成分被破坏。法国烹调虽亦追求美味,但同时总不忘“营养”这一大前提,一味含营养而求美味是他们所不取的。尤其是20世纪60年代出现的现代烹调思想,特别强调养生、减肥,从而追求清淡少油,强调采用新鲜原料,强调烹调过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道,所以蔬菜基本上都是生吃。所以说西方饮食之重营养是带有普遍性的。  2、中西饮食对象的差异  西方人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉、整块鸡等“硬菜”;而中国的菜肴是“吃味”的。所以中国烹调在用料上也显出极大的随意性:许多西方人视为弃物的东西,在中国都是极好的原料,外国厨师无法处理的东西,一到中国厨师手里,就可以化腐朽为神奇。足见中国饮食在用料方面的随意性之广博。  据西方植物学者的调查,中国人吃的菜蔬有600多种,比西方多6倍。实际上,在中国人的菜肴里,素菜是平常食品,荤菜只有在节假日或生活水平较高时,才进入平常的饮食结构,所以自古便有“菜食”之说,菜食在平常的饮食结构中占主导地位。中国人的以植物为主菜,与佛教徒的鼓吹有着千丝万缕的联系。佛教便视动物为“生灵”,而植物则“无灵”,所以,主张素食主义。  西方人在介绍自己国家的饮食特点时,觉得比中国更重视营养的合理搭配,有较为发达的食品工业,如罐头、快餐等,虽口味千篇一律,但节省时间,且营养良好。故他们国家的人身体普遍比中国人健壮:高个、长腿、宽大的肩、发达的肌肉;而中国人则显得身材瘦小、肩窄腿短、色黄质弱。有人根据中西方饮食对象的明显差异这一特点,把中国人称为植物性格,西方人称为动物性格。  3、中西钦食方式、餐具及礼仪的不同  中西方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响。在中国,任何一个宴席,不管是什么目的,都只会有一种形式,就是大家团团围坐,共享一席;筵席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌、共趣的气氛。美味佳肴放在一桌人的中心,它既是一桌人欣赏、品尝的对象,又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。人与人相互敬酒、相互让菜、劝菜,在美好的事物面前,体现了人与人之间相互尊重、争让的美德。虽然从卫生的角度看,这种饮食方式有明显的不足之处,但它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态,反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个范畴对后代思想的影响,便于集体的情感交流,因而至今难以改革。  在餐具方面,差异就更甚明显。众所周知,中国人包括亚洲一些黄种人的国家,使用的是筷子、汤匙,吃饭也用碗盛;而西方人呢,则是盘子盛食物,用刀叉即切即吃,喝汤则有专门的汤匙。筷子与刀叉作为东西方最具代表性的两种餐具,筷子和刀叉影响了东西方不同的生活方式,代表着不同的两种智慧。著名的物理学家、诺贝尔物理奖获得者李政道博士,在接受一位日本记者采访时,也有一段很精辟的论述:“中华民族是个优秀民族,中国人早在春秋战国时期就使用了筷子。如此简单的两根东西,却是高妙绝伦地运用了物理学上的杠杆原理。筷子是人类手指的延伸,手指能做的事它几乎都能做,而且不怕高温与寒冷。真是高明极了!”  在礼仪方面,中西两者更显不同。在中国古代,在用餐过程中,就有一套繁文缛节。《礼记·曲记》载:“共食不饱,共饭不择手,毋放饭,……毋固获,毋扬饭,……卒食,客自前跪,撒饭齐以授相者,主人辞于客,然后客坐。”这段话大意主要是:大家共同吃饭时,不可以只顾自己吃饭。如果和别人一起吃饭,必须检查手的清洁。不要把多余的饭放回锅里,不要专占着食物,也不要簸扬着热饭。吃完饭后,客人应该起身向前收拾桌上的盘碟,交给主人,主人跟着起身,请客人不要劳动,然后客人再坐下。这些礼仪有的在现代也是必要的礼貌。在西方宴席上,主人一般只给客人夹一次菜,其余由客人自主食用:若客人不要,也不便硬让人家再吃,也不要按中国人的习惯频频给客人劝酒、夹菜。吃东西时,也不要发出响声,但客人要注意赞赏主人准备的饭菜。若与人谈话,只能与邻座的交谈,不要与距离远的人交谈。  4、中西饮食性质的差异  饮食观念的不同,使西方饮食倾向于科学、理性,中国饮食倾向于艺术、感性。烹调出自饮食,饮食原来是一个旨在供给维持生命的营养。西方饮食习俗的着重点仅仅是原始的饮食实用性的延伸;而中国饮食习俗中对味的偏重,就把饮食推向了艺术的殿堂。从这两种饮食观可以看出:西方饮食日趋规范化,中,国饮食随意性大。  中西方饮食文化差异是明显的,而且各有长处。随着经济全球化及信息变流的加快,中西饮食文化将在碰撞中不断融合,在融合中相互互补。现在的中餐已开始注重食物的营养性、健康性和烹饪的科学性;西餐也开始向中餐的色、香、味、意、形的境界发展。中西餐饮文化将在交流中共同发展。


The News Report has always been my favorite TV Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 and wait for the news This has become a part of my    The News Report contains a large amount of information C from the international political situation to the latest foot-ball And the most important character is its fast Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short    In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV It is a way of From this program, people can know and understand world The world thus becomes smaller and I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the How something changed me I don't konw when and how the life changed me to be the one who is typing in this But I know I am changing From the biological aspect, I am changing in My skin will become old and then die, my blood cells need to be replaced by new There are millons of biochemical reations happening in my body every Yeah, that's Compared with the girl wose owned the name' HH', the currently HH is more In these years, I became to have confidence in my At least, I am not so ugly as I usually At the same time, I cam to know what is a In a society, you cannot live You must communicate with When you do everything, you need to meet with some Yes, I need to face the Never to escape from the true world and the relationships in the true I was afraid of meeting with strangers even till But the enviroment pushs me to change I am always an emotional Maybe, more rational thinking should be conducted before I make any Er, I need to learn about Some bad things happened on me when I grew to be the current :( I lost my former interest in reading, maybe because of other media such as movie, TV and I cannot focus on studying as There are many other things I will I am always on my way to find out who I am and who I want to Till now, there is still no Maybe the real answer will not be found till the last But at least, I own my experience today and more in I don't know what I want to be so I need to know more and try more before I get to the right place

There are some cultural differences between Chinese and western inorder to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding caused and First, Chinese concept of privacy isrelatively People count on their in-group to look after each Sothe Chinese are often very willing to understand other people's ups and downs, andthe others are willing to But to the westerners, violation of personalprivacy does not allow, For example, we tend to ask one's age, marital status,children, occupation, or income when first met each other, which is a polite inChinese, but in the West it will be considered as a violation of their Second, westerners deeply believe that time ismoney, so they are much cherished time in life, and they often do a carefulplanning at a fixed time, they have a good habit of Keep the appointment on But Chinese people are not very focused on Westerners have often feltuncomfortable about Third, Chinese people are willing to be When communication with others, we often praises others and belittle ourselves,we think that modesty is a For example, when we were praised, we often say"No, I am I just did what I should ” But in the same case the Westwill always say” Think you” to So we always think that westerners aretoo-confident and pride, and when hear the Chinese people that deny otherstheir own praise, westerns would be very surprised and think that the Chinese peopleare Finally, the Chinese nation's fine traditionof hospitality is In social situations, Chinese people often toast eachother and offering each other cigarettes, even if filled with delicious food,the owner has always used to say a few words such as” bear with me” Sometimesthe owner will use chopsticks to take their food the guest's bowl, using a varietyof ways to persuade the guests more than a bite, drink But in Westerncountries, people have respect for individual rights and personal So theywill not use various means to persuade guests to drink, you will not need todrunk so 您采纳,我很开心。

中西文化历来是世界文化的两大派系,而饮食在两个文化中部占有非常重要的地位。中西文化之间的差异从而造就了中西饮食文化的差异,在两种不同的文化背景下,中西方饮食习俗,不论在其观念、性质,还是在其方式、对象等诸多方面,所存在的差异是非常鲜明的。笔者根据自己几十年从事西式餐饮的经验,提出以下几点看法,以供参考。  1、中西饮食观念的差异  历史上,中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,有5000年的悠久而厚重的历史,创造了无数的灿烂文明,在这种文化蕴藏中,使中国的饮食更加博大精深。随着时间的流逝以及辽阔国土的地域差异,四大菜系逐渐形成,四大菜系自成体系,各有特点,但共同点是用料复杂考究,制作方法复杂,口味、菜式多种多样,令人惊叹。  西方以欧美为代表,其文化同样源远流长。到中世纪,欧洲文化已十分完善,在此期间,旧西方的饮食文化已经形成。其主要特点为:主食以面粉为主,原料也较为丰富,制作方法较中国简单,但同时也十分注重口味。  由于中西哲学思想的不同,西方人于饮食重科学。重科学即讲求营养。故西方饮食以营养为最高准则,进食犹如为一生物的机器添加燃料,特别讲求食物的营养成分,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素及各类无机元素的含量是否搭配合宜,热量的供给是否恰到好处以及这些营养成分是否能为进食者充分吸收,有无其他副作用。这些问题都是烹调中的大学问,而菜肴的色、香、味如何,则是次一等的要求。即或在西方首屈一指的饮食大国——法国,其饮食文化虽然在很多方面与我们近似,但一接触到营养问题,双方便拉开了距离。  中国五味调和的烹调术旨在追求美味,其加工过程中的热油炸和长时间的文火攻,都会使菜肴的营养成分被破坏。法国烹调虽亦追求美味,但同时总不忘“营养”这一大前提,一味含营养而求美味是他们所不取的。尤其是20世纪60年代出现的现代烹调思想,特别强调养生、减肥,从而追求清淡少油,强调采用新鲜原料,强调烹调过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道,所以蔬菜基本上都是生吃。所以说西方饮食之重营养是带有普遍性的。  2、中西饮食对象的差异  西方人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉、整块鸡等“硬菜”;而中国的菜肴是“吃味”的。所以中国烹调在用料上也显出极大的随意性:许多西方人视为弃物的东西,在中国都是极好的原料,外国厨师无法处理的东西,一到中国厨师手里,就可以化腐朽为神奇。足见中国饮食在用料方面的随意性之广博。  据西方植物学者的调查,中国人吃的菜蔬有600多种,比西方多6倍。实际上,在中国人的菜肴里,素菜是平常食品,荤菜只有在节假日或生活水平较高时,才进入平常的饮食结构,所以自古便有“菜食”之说,菜食在平常的饮食结构中占主导地位。中国人的以植物为主菜,与佛教徒的鼓吹有着千丝万缕的联系。佛教便视动物为“生灵”,而植物则“无灵”,所以,主张素食主义。  西方人在介绍自己国家的饮食特点时,觉得比中国更重视营养的合理搭配,有较为发达的食品工业,如罐头、快餐等,虽口味千篇一律,但节省时间,且营养良好。故他们国家的人身体普遍比中国人健壮:高个、长腿、宽大的肩、发达的肌肉;而中国人则显得身材瘦小、肩窄腿短、色黄质弱。有人根据中西方饮食对象的明显差异这一特点,把中国人称为植物性格,西方人称为动物性格。  3、中西钦食方式、餐具及礼仪的不同  中西方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响。在中国,任何一个宴席,不管是什么目的,都只会有一种形式,就是大家团团围坐,共享一席;筵席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌、共趣的气氛。美味佳肴放在一桌人的中心,它既是一桌人欣赏、品尝的对象,又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。人与人相互敬酒、相互让菜、劝菜,在美好的事物面前,体现了人与人之间相互尊重、争让的美德。虽然从卫生的角度看,这种饮食方式有明显的不足之处,但它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态,反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个范畴对后代思想的影响,便于集体的情感交流,因而至今难以改革。  在餐具方面,差异就更甚明显。众所周知,中国人包括亚洲一些黄种人的国家,使用的是筷子、汤匙,吃饭也用碗盛;而西方人呢,则是盘子盛食物,用刀叉即切即吃,喝汤则有专门的汤匙。筷子与刀叉作为东西方最具代表性的两种餐具,筷子和刀叉影响了东西方不同的生活方式,代表着不同的两种智慧。著名的物理学家、诺贝尔物理奖获得者李政道博士,在接受一位日本记者采访时,也有一段很精辟的论述:“中华民族是个优秀民族,中国人早在春秋战国时期就使用了筷子。如此简单的两根东西,却是高妙绝伦地运用了物理学上的杠杆原理。筷子是人类手指的延伸,手指能做的事它几乎都能做,而且不怕高温与寒冷。真是高明极了!”  在礼仪方面,中西两者更显不同。在中国古代,在用餐过程中,就有一套繁文缛节。《礼记·曲记》载:“共食不饱,共饭不择手,毋放饭,……毋固获,毋扬饭,……卒食,客自前跪,撒饭齐以授相者,主人辞于客,然后客坐。”这段话大意主要是:大家共同吃饭时,不可以只顾自己吃饭。如果和别人一起吃饭,必须检查手的清洁。不要把多余的饭放回锅里,不要专占着食物,也不要簸扬着热饭。吃完饭后,客人应该起身向前收拾桌上的盘碟,交给主人,主人跟着起身,请客人不要劳动,然后客人再坐下。这些礼仪有的在现代也是必要的礼貌。在西方宴席上,主人一般只给客人夹一次菜,其余由客人自主食用:若客人不要,也不便硬让人家再吃,也不要按中国人的习惯频频给客人劝酒、夹菜。吃东西时,也不要发出响声,但客人要注意赞赏主人准备的饭菜。若与人谈话,只能与邻座的交谈,不要与距离远的人交谈。  4、中西饮食性质的差异  饮食观念的不同,使西方饮食倾向于科学、理性,中国饮食倾向于艺术、感性。烹调出自饮食,饮食原来是一个旨在供给维持生命的营养。西方饮食习俗的着重点仅仅是原始的饮食实用性的延伸;而中国饮食习俗中对味的偏重,就把饮食推向了艺术的殿堂。从这两种饮食观可以看出:西方饮食日趋规范化,中,国饮食随意性大。  中西方饮食文化差异是明显的,而且各有长处。随着经济全球化及信息变流的加快,中西饮食文化将在碰撞中不断融合,在融合中相互互补。现在的中餐已开始注重食物的营养性、健康性和烹饪的科学性;西餐也开始向中餐的色、香、味、意、形的境界发展。中西餐饮文化将在交流中共同发展。
