

发布时间:2024-07-06 07:18:55


Study on the "contributory infringement" recognition of the search engine service providers Abstract: following by the tort law, the provider of search engine service provides the links for the documentation from the third-party Web site is subject to the "Help" behavior, which attributes to the principle of fault liability, and referring to the recognition of "contributory infringement," the key is to determine the existence of subjective At this point, the exemption mechanism,"safe harbor principles" should be the effective and simple recognition rules of the subjective fault for the provider of search engine service, meanwhile the "Red Flag standards” will be served as the supplement efficiently for the exceptions to this principle in The spirit of "Red Flag standards” should be absorbed in our legislation in order to perfect the recognition rules of "contributory infringement" of search engine and to address the related legal disputes Keywords: search engine, contributory infringement, "safe harbor principles", "Red Flag standards”

Abstract: This article used the water hot process to prepare the CeO2 carrier, again deposited the precipitation method and the co-precipitation law has separately prepared the corresponding Au /CeO2 catalyst, responded take the CO oxidizing reaction as the probe, inspected the catalyst different preparation method to the catalyst performance influence, and diffracted (XRD) and the transmission electron microscope through X beam powder (the TEM attribute method has carried on the attribute to the carrier and the catalyst structure, has analyzed the influence catalyst active The experimental result indicated that, the water used hot process preparation CeO2 carrier particle size small (about 18nm) also the distribution is even, can see clearly from the electron microscope chart to CeO2(111) crystal face crystal lattice In the Au /CeO2 catalyst deposits the Au /CeO2 catalyst gold crystal grain which precipitation method load Au obtains to disperse highly in the carrier surface also the active constituent and the carrier contact is close, compared with the carrier displays the very high catalytic Key word: Au /CeO2 catalyst, water hot process, CeO2 carrier, CO catalytic activity

The actual state, hazards, and prevention and comprehensive treatment of "White Pollution"Abstract: The invention of plastic bag brings people lots of However, with widespread use and lack of environmental awareness, plastic bags have generated some hazards to the life of Along with the development of economy, "White pollution" has been becoming a public which negatively affect the sustainable China has employed various manners to prevent and treat it to return the green to earth Key words:"White pollution", actual state in our country hazard, reasons of formation, prevention manners, comprehensive treatment



Abstract: This article used the water hot process to prepare the CeO2 carrier, again deposited the precipitation method and the co-precipitation law has separately prepared the corresponding Au /CeO2 catalyst, responded take the CO oxidizing reaction as the probe, inspected the catalyst different preparation method to the catalyst performance influence, and diffracted (XRD) and the transmission electron microscope through X beam powder (the TEM attribute method has carried on the attribute to the carrier and the catalyst structure, has analyzed the influence catalyst active The experimental result indicated that, the water used hot process preparation CeO2 carrier particle size small (about 18nm) also the distribution is even, can see clearly from the electron microscope chart to CeO2(111) crystal face crystal lattice In the Au /CeO2 catalyst deposits the Au /CeO2 catalyst gold crystal grain which precipitation method load Au obtains to disperse highly in the carrier surface also the active constituent and the carrier contact is close, compared with the carrier displays the very high catalytic Key word: Au /CeO2 catalyst, water hot process, CeO2 carrier, CO catalytic activity


At present, the industrial route for the production of cyclohexanone cyclohexane oxidation, there are two First cyclohexane catalytic oxidation, and the other is non-catalytic oxidation of The traditional process of production of cyclohexyl alcohol and cyclohexanone (KA oil), the process is complex and serious Therefore, to find a new energy to maximize cyclohexane conversion rate and the selectivity of the alcohol and ketone oxidation method has great Metal porphyrin catalysts to improve the role of traditional crafts shortcomings, showing high activity and selectivity is the main object of study of the catalytic oxidation of The conversion rate of cyclohexane, cyclohexyl alcohol selectivity of cyclohexanone as the indexes were tetraphenylporphyrin copper (TPPCu), four (m-methylphenyl) porphyrin copper (Tm-MPPCu) (3,4 - dimethylphenyl) porphyrin copper (TDMPPCu) and other three metal porphyrin catalyzed oxidation of cyclohexane synthesis of cyclohexyl alcohol and cyclohexanone experiments, the purpose is to explore the tetraphenylporphyrin copper even methyl substituents at the benzene ring, the number of methyl substituted biomimetic catalytic oxidation of cyclohexane The experimental results show that: (1) within the scope of this experimental study, with methyl substituents on the benzene ring of the tetraphenylporphyrin copper, and its catalytic performance has improved, methyl substituted with a base number is more catalytic properties to improve more; (2) three metalloporphyrins have to study indicators of conditions, the optimum catalyst for is TDMPPC Suitable reaction conditions: the pressure 0MPa, air flow 10-12m3 / h, the catalyst concentration of 4 × 10-6g / g conditions, the optimum reaction temperature of 150 ° C, the reaction time was Under these conditions, the cyclohexane conversion rate of 23% of alcohol and ketone selectivity of 1%Keywords: cyclohexane; Metalloporphyrins; catalytic oxidation; methyl substituents the number of


摘要:仓储环境的温度和湿度这两个参数直接影响到产品的品质。本设计重点介绍仓库的温湿度监控系统,提出了一种可行的基于单片机对数字信号的高敏感和可控性、温湿度传感器可以产生模拟信号,和A/D模拟数字转换芯片,设计的以8031基本系统为核心的一套检测系统。关键词:温度、湿度、监控、8031基本系统Abstract:Thestorageenvironment'stemperatureandhumidity, thesetwoelements Thedesignisfocusesonthestoragetemperatureandhumiditymonitoringsystem,afeasiblesingle-chipdigitalsignalandbasedonthehighlysensitiveandcontrollable,temperatureandhumiditysensorscan become simulantsignals,andA/Dsimulate-to- Thekeywords:temperature,humidity,monitoring,8031basicsystem(供你参考)

内容摘要:Liability for breach of contract in the legal system is an important system in contract law, is the main part of the study, analysis of system of liability for breach of contract of contract law, the understanding of application of a very important legal The article plans to combine our country current" contract law" of the relevant provisions on the system of liability for breach of contract, property, liability form, to the principles and basic requirements for the liability exemption rough 关键词:违约责任The liability for breach of contract 责任形态Liability form 归责原则Principle of imputation 责任免除Exemption from liability


Abstract: At present, real estate is one of the most indispensible Land Appreciation Tax, being as a taxation lever of state macro-control upon real estate industry, plays an import role in regulating the appreciation income of real estate enterprises and restraining investment Land Appreciation Tax is powerful in guaranteeing the equitable distribution of income and improving the sound development of real Tax authorities at any level are demanded to implement the State Council’s notice and essence, attach great importance to the collection and management of Land Appreciation Tax, reinforce the tax liquidation and enhance tax regulation, meanwhile, combining pre-requisition system and enterprise Key Words: Land Appreciation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax Liquidation, Land Appreciation Tax pre-

Abstract 1、 an excerpt; an abridgement; an abstract; a compendium; a digest; a summary2、to condenseKey words来自谷歌在线翻译,其实也还不错。

Content abstract内容摘要: zhang ailing with a comet, leaving the literature of modern Chinese literature an eternal She's shaping a series of female image, the novel written by cao JinSuo in seven coincidence is one of Cao seven perfect image is three-dimensional, development, the construction conception and sadness by using the texture description shows a psychological weak, a female at that time of Chinese suffer and step to the abyss Keywords关键词: cao seven sadness suggested must skillfully lonely tragedythe literature of modern Chinese literature




【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)

在毕业论文写作过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,尤其是研究生同学,一般导师都会要求阅读一定数量的英文文献,这是因为许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。如何写开题报告,如何写文献综述,如何阅读外文文献,可以说,阅读一定数量的外文文献是毕业论文写作的必经之路。要求如下:1、前言 简要说明写作的目的,有关的概念以及综述范围,说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,所要解决的问题等。一般以 100~200 字为宜,使读者在读完前言后对有关问题获得一个初步的轮廓。2、主体 主体部分是全文的主要部分,具体写法以能较好地表达综述的内容为准则。通常根据内容的多少,将主体部分分为几段,每段有小标题。可按年代顺序综述。也可按不同的问题进行综述,还可按不同的观点进行比较综述,不管用那一种格式综述,都要将所搜集到的文献资料归纳、整理及分析比较,阐明有关主题的历史背景、现状和发展方向,以及对这些问题的评述。主题部分应特别注意代表性强、具有科学性和创造性的文献引用和评述。主体部分每一段落的开始应是综合提炼出来的观点,即论点;接着是文献所提出的实验结果或调查事实,即论据,可见主体部分是按论点和论据组织材料的。总之,综述主体部分是以综合概括的论点开头引路,继之以诸家的资料、实验结果为论据展开层次论证。所以,综述也是一种论证文章的体裁,只是论点与论据都是前人文献所提供。如果前人的观点分散或不甚明确,则需作者整理概括,成为开头。在论述某些观点时,作者可有倾向性,但对相反的观点也应简要如实列出。对存在的矛盾和问题应充分如实描述。3、总结 常见的方式有:①扼要的概括、精练主题部分的主要内容;②介绍尚待解决的问题及对前景的展望;③某些篇幅较小的综述,也可以省略结束语。4、参考文献 通常凡引述的资料和主要的论点都应注明文献出处,以便使读者检索查阅。所引文献应以近 3 年内者为主;另外,未公开发表的资料不宜作为参考文献。在我国许多期刊希望列出重要的参考文献,一般限为 20~30 条为宜;但国际上许多生物医学期刊的综述文章,其参考文献甚多,全篇所列文献常达数百条之多。参考文献的著录格式国内尚不统一,应按各刊「投稿须知」要求撰写。扩展资料:1、如何查询国内专利文献可通过中国国家知识产权局()和中国专利信息中心()网站上的「专利检索」。可以免费检索全部中国专利信息(有文摘)。如需获取专利全文,则需前去中国国家知识产权局查阅,也可通过 CSDL 馆际互借和原文传递系统代为办理。2、如何查询国外专利文献科学院用户可首先选择查询 Web of Knowledge 中Derwent Innovations Index (德温特世界专利索引),它是检索专利的权威数据库,收录全球了 40 多个专利机构的 900 万条基本专利,1800 万项专利,该库大部分有文摘,小部分有全文。3、其它可供利用的网上免费数据库欧洲专利局专利数据库:  (免费 文摘)美国专利商标局专利数据库:  (免费 文摘、全文)WTO知识产权组织:  (免费 文摘)IBM专利数据库资源:  (免费 文摘、部分全文)更多请参见中国专利信息网上的(国外)专利网站:
