

发布时间:2024-07-06 21:17:11


因为现在短视频的崛起,任何企业,任何工作室或者个人都需要剪辑大量的视频来包装品牌,发抖音,发朋友圈,发淘宝等自媒体渠道做展示。因为每天都要更新并发布新内容,所以剪辑师根本招不够,供需失衡就造成了剪辑师高薪水(无论是找工作还是自己在家里接私单,月收入轻松过万,两三万也是稀松平常。)【推荐一个免费“短视频剪辑后期”学习网址】: /web/AppWebClient/AllCourseAndResourcePage?type=1&tagid=313&zdhhr-11y04r-46412683 而且剪辑这个技术并不需要高超的电脑技术,也不需要美术音乐造诣,基本都是固定套路,要什么风格的片要什么节奏,经过三四个月的培训可以轻松掌握。但凡有点电脑基础,会用鼠标拖拽,会点击图标,会保存,除非自己不想学,没有学不会的。但要学好学精,自制能力相对较弱的话,建议还是去好点的培训机构,实力和规模在国内排名前几的大机构,推荐王氏教育。在视频剪辑这块,【王氏教育】是国内的老大,每个城市都是总部直营的连锁校区。跟很多其它同类型大机构不一样的是:王氏教育每个校区都是实体面授,老师是手把手教,而且有专门的班主任从早盯到晚,爆肝式的学习模式,提升会很快,特别适合0基础的学生。王氏教育全国直营校区面授课程试听【复制后面链接在浏览器也可打开】: /school/yingshi?type=2&zdhhr-11y04r-46412683 大家可以先把【绘学霸】APP下载到自己手机,方便碎片时间学习——绘学霸APP下载: /Scripts/html

PO是 purchase order。就是采购合同

以下答复杜绝机译,请楼主费心审阅。随着社会竞争的激烈,企业面临着前所未有的压力。采购部门作为企业生产运作的一个重要环节,采购绩效已经成为企业提升运营效率的关键因素。因此,现在很多企业都采用采购绩效评估的方式来判断企业自身的实际经营水平,从而改善企业在采购工作中存在的问题,以确保企业目标的实现,进而提高企业经营能力,降低企业经营成本。 With the severity of social competition enterprises are faced with unprecedented Procurement department as an important link in the production operation of an enterprise, its procurement performance has become one of the critical factors in enhancing enterprise’s operation Therefore many enterprises now use the evaluation of procurement performance as the criterion for judging the practical operation level of the enterprise itself, so as to improve the problems existed in procurement work, ensure the realization of the enterprise targets, and further enhance the operation capability and decrease the operation cost of the 论文论述了采购绩效评估在现代企业中的重要性,并介绍了一般采购绩效评估的各种指标,同时分析了其存在的各种问题。然后本文以GT公司采购绩效评估指标为例,根据该企业现有采购绩效评估指标存在的诸多问题以及建立一般采购绩效评估指标体系应遵循的原则,提出改进建议,以避免企业在采购绩效评估时出现不合理现象,并利用先进的科学技术来提升采购绩效评估指标体系,保证企业各项工作的正常进行。 This article describes the importance of procurement performance in modern enterprises, introduces various indexes for evaluating procurement performance, and analyzes various problems existed in this Then taking the evaluation indexes of procurement performance used in GT company as the example, based on the problems existed in the evaluation indexes of procurement performance of that enterprise and the principles which have to be followed in establishing a general procurement performance evaluation system, this article proposes some improvement measures so as to avoid enterprises from occurring unreasonable phenomena and enhance the procurement performance evaluation system utilizing advanced science and technologies, ensure the work of enterprises to be carried out 关键词:采购绩效;采购成本;绩效评估;供应商;Key Words: procurement performance; procurement cost; performance evaluation; supplier

Middle, purchasing an activity from modern enterprise is to produce the flexible prelude , is in progress for maintaining regularity giving birth to a child , needs to purchase the effective administration being in progress face to Modern enterprise purchasing all in the order form type enterprise producing exactly being studying to transform , this thesis of order form type manufacturing enterprises from original market forecasting Purchase purchasing purchasing to taking supply chain as background also from original tradition therefore the way change, having very important significance to tradition and supply chain purchasing management contrast The thesis has carried out the summary , contrast studies on purchasing management first purchasing characteristic , significance in managing in Have studied the purchasing management content in the field of analysis , achievement effect valuation several controlling the implement and the problem in enterprise Have cost to purchase a plan , purchase mainly to control an implement, this several kinds implements basis implement in being purchasing management;Having adduced the concrete instance, and have brought forward a solution to the problem may appear in purchasing management; Continuing for appraising the achievement effect purchasing management beneficial to estimating that being purchasing management summary part , this part's improves the achievement effect purchasing an Adduce example important effect in having explained that purchasing management is in manufacturing enterprises 关键词:Order form type enterprise, Purchase technological process, Supplier's choice


With the general improvement of the quality of life, the sea and land are not the only ways for people's travel, tourism , as the aviation industry has the advantage of time and gradually,it become the mainstream trend in In order to meet the needs of modern society the concept of a high time for a strong, ticket booking management system for the ticket booking office has brought great The purpose of this paper is to study the management of ticket booking system software development and application of ways, mainly because the management of today's cumbersome ticket reservations to the concept of time has a strong staff of the airline has brought a lot of inconvenience and the lack of a complete airline Booking of ticket management software, for Record of the booking, flight information, such as passenger information to facilitate the management, so the development of this In this paper, VC programming language as a system to support the software to WIN9X/NT/XP operating system as a platform to support the VC to control the operating system Around the machine on database design and programming work in these two areas of practice, through some kind of database products and development tools (Access, SQL Server, Oracle, VFP, PB, VB, VC, Delphi, ) are familiar with and know, for a given of a specific problem, first of all, through its comprehensive analysis of the conceptual model for database design, relational database design logical structure to achieve 3NF or BCNF mode then RDBMS at the finish the design and specific features of the programming module require debugging, testing the success of the final submission of a small database In this paper, through computer networks to the client and the server connected to the database from the client to deal with information received, achieve flight information, ticket generation, sales statistics, General information Cost for the computer center, a computer sales business automation, as airlines reduce costs, improve sales, management decision-making based on timely and Function of the software system at the completion of the internal source code Through the operation manual, the user can know the basic working principle of the Operators only need to input some simple Chinese characters, numbers, can achieve their Keywords: VC, Access, Delphi, SQL S

Abstract: Campus Enterprise E-commerce and e-commerce is developed based on regional e-commerce, as opposed to the latter, it has more advantages and better development This paper analyzes the characteristics of carrying out the campus and advantages of e-commerce, and propose how to operate the campus e-commerce, in order to better promote the development of campus e- Keywords: Campus e-commerce; campus e-commerce advantages; operation

With the fierce social competition, enterprises are facing unprecedented Production and procurement departments, as an important part of the operation, procurement performance upgrade has become a key factor in operational Therefore, many companies now use the methods of procurement performance evaluation to determine the actual operation of the enterprise's own level, so as to improve the enterprises in the procurement of the problems in order to ensure the achievement of business goals, thereby increasing the capacity of business operations, reduce operating Paper discusses the performance evaluation of procurement in the importance of a modern enterprise, and introduces a general assessment of procurement performance indicators, at the same time an analysis of the various problems of their In this paper, the company and then to GT as an example of procurement performance indicators, according to the procurement of enterprise performance evaluation of existing indicators and the establishment of the many problems of general procurement performance evaluation index system should follow the principles put forward suggestions for improvement in order to avoid the performance of enterprises in the procurement assessment unreasonable phenomenon and to make use of advanced science and technology to improve procurement performance evaluation system to ensure that the work of enterprises 希望能帮上你。

Analysis of risk factors in the procurement - A provider of risk and the risk of the procurement decision-making as an example 【Abstract】: Enterprises in the procurement activities are often subject to supplier evaluation and selection of the arbitrary and often uneven demand and forecast deviations from the procurement lead time of instability, such as the impact of uncertainties, thus giving rise to the risk of the corresponding In this paper, the risks posed procurement corresponding factor analysis, and from the performance of suppliers and buyers to assess the two aspects of their risk aversion, and suppliers through a different perceptual model analysis of the supplier, risk analysis and then proceed to choice of risk aversion; Webster and Wendell through analysis of procurement in the procurement decision-making faced by risk factors, and through a certain means and effective measures to prevent and to Key words: procurement risk suppliers to avoid the risk of personal factors


对企业采购互动进行有效管理是提高企业的竞争力的重要途径之一。 关键词:采购;供应链;监督 1 企业采购管理的涵义 采购是经济主体为满足自身的某种需要,通过支付一定代价的方式向供应商换取商品或劳务的经济行为,目的是以最少的支出获得最大的收获。采购过程是提出采购需求,选择供应商,谈判价格,确定交货及相关条件,签订合同并按要求收货及付款的过程。企业采购管理是企业为了实现生产或销售计划,在确保适当品质的条件下,从适当的供应商,用适当的价格,购入必需数量的物品或劳务所采取的一切管理活动。采购的总体目标是:它获得的物料应该是货真价实的(即满足质量方面的要求),数量是符合要求的,并以准确的时间发送至准确的地点,物料必须来源合适的供应商(即一个可靠的、将及时地履行其承诺的义务的供应商)。同时,与之相适应地、还要获得合适的服务(不仅仅是指采购之前,还包括成交之后),当然价格也必须是合理的。 2 加强企业采购管理的对策 1 加强培训,提高采购人员业务能力 采购不仅是购买东西的简单行为,它更是一门专业技术。国外企业的采购人员,往往由工程师来担任,其原因就是因为采购需要专业知识。采购人员应熟悉业务,具有能满足工作要求的业务素质。具体包括:掌握业务合同的谈判、签约的程序和方法:掌握企业采购政策和与采购、采购质量控制有关的书面程序并能在工作中认真贯彻执行;了解顾客和供应商的需求,能熟练使用计算机及其它信息技术;具有考虑综合成本的头脑,能充分领悟整体供应链的要求;具有扎实的专业技术知识,具有与采购货品有关的技术、质量等专业知识,包括理化特征、检验和判定质量好坏的标准和方法等。 2 对采购人员进行激励 激励机制的直接目的是调动采购人员的积极性,谋求组织利益和个人利益的一致。主要有:(1)威胁激励。威胁激励适用于经济萧条、衰退或企业发展面临困境的情况。这时企业市场份额减少,面临破产或被兼并重组的危险。为了渡过难关,企业需要裁员或减少工作岗位,因此员工面临着失业的危险和竞争的压力。这个时候就可以采用威胁激励,促使员工加倍努力工作,争取获得工作和薪水,避免被裁员或降职。(2)奖励激励。奖励激励就是企业采用奖金、红包、付加班费等经济手段鼓励采购人员努力工作,提高工作绩效,以使企业提高采购效率,获得更多的利润。(3)工作丰富化激励。这是指给员工提供更多发展机会,丰富工作内容,增加工作责任。可采取为采购人员提供参与企业管理和决策的机会、更多的培训机会和实现自我的机会等形式。这三种激励基本涵盖了企业对采购人员激励的形式,三者各有利弊,企业应根据具体情况区别对待和解和使用。 3 对供应商进行激励 采购是企业为满足特定需要而发生的外部购买行为,在这种行为中,供应商和客户之间的利益关系并不完全一致,必须在变动的采购利益关系中准确界定企业的利害关系,并以此为基础开展采购行为。对供应商进行激励有:(1)价格激励。价格对供应商有明显的激励效果:高价格能增强企业的积极性,不合理的地价会挫伤企业的积极性。为了实现对供应商的激励而提高采购效率,应该从价格上给供应商一定的优惠,给与一定的几个折扣,保证供应企业与采购企业间合作稳定、运行舒畅。(2)订单激励。对供应商而言,获得更多订单是一种极大的激励。一般情况下,一个制造商拥有多个供应商,这些供应商之间的竞争来自于制造商的订单,给予更多的订单能够起到对供应商的激励作用,促进其行为的合理化。(3)信用激励。信用是企业的无形资产,反映企业的社会地位(包括经济地位、政治地位和文化地位)。信用好坏是影响供应商业务收入的主要因素之一。因此,作为采购方的企业应该在信誉问题上下功夫,通过为供应商作义务宣传提高其信用度,以达到激励供应商的目的。(4)关系或级别激励。企业应根据与供应商的交易经验,对供应商进行等级评价,依照价格、质量、交货期、信用等标准将供应商划分为不同的等级,与各方面条件都比较好的供应商建立长期合作关系。(5)参与制造。将供应商、经销商甚至用户结合到产品的研究开发工作中来,按照团队的利益展开全面合作,形成一种激励机制,使供应商行为积极化。4 对采购权力进行约束 我国许多企业在采购环节中都存在权力集中现象。采购权力集中于少数领导手中,采购管理部门形同虚设,采购活动失去监控。表现为:采购无计划,盲目采购、乱采购;采购论证、评审不到位,缺乏市场调查分析,资金、生产双受损;采购不公开招标,或招标不规范;签约不认真执行合同法,有的甚至不签采购合同,事后也对合同的执行情况不闻不问,有的报销数额竟大大高出当时市场价格或合同价款,造成损失浪费;采购验收不严,帐物不符,导致经济纠纷,使企业蒙受经济损失等。采购部门应建立规范的内部管理体制,根据采购性质和任务明确各岗位的工作描述,确定采购人员的权利和义务,尽力决策民主、权利受控的采购运行机制。首先有效控制采购决策权,建立权力受控的内部权力制衡机制,对重大采购 活动进行集体、民主决策。其次有效控制采购管理权,将采购计划权、招标询价权、市场采购权、验收结算权等采购管理权的职权主体分离。采购计划权由采购单位掌握,采购管理部门负责对采购计划实施审批权,招标询价权由采购管理部门掌握,市场采购权由采购业务部门验收结算权由采购单位及财务部门掌握。各环节责任明确,互不干预,相互制衡。只有把过于集中的采购权力分散,权力受控,才能有效的遏制采购中的腐败。 5 对采购进行监督约束 监督约束包括两方面:管理者对采购人员的监督和采购人员之间的互相监督。采购环节要形成预防为本、制约到位的监督保障机制。首先,建立廉洁采购奖惩责任制。明确责任,严格考核,增强采购者的管理意识和廉政意识,对采购中严格遵守采购管理制度、节约多、采购质量最高的采购人员给予一定的物质及精神鼓励:对采购决策失职或有不廉洁行为者则予以责任追究。鼓励节约采购成本,提高采购质量,推动廉洁采购。第二,坚持监督部门监督与群众监督相结合,使监督公开化、经常化、制度化通过建立制度,开展企业采购效能监察,让监督部门全程参与到采购活动中,加大人事前监督力度,做到防患于未然:通过发动群众参与监督,从群众中和市场上聘请特邀监察员,对企业采购行为进行公开民主评议和监督举报,对民主评议不合格的采购人员和供应商进行处理,发现违纪违法问题及时查处,并将查处结果公诸于众。3 结语 随着市场经济的发展和完善,采购已由单纯的商业买卖发展成为一种职能、一门专业。现代企业经营管理中,采购越来越重要,外购件与原材料的采购成功与否,大大影响到企业的竞争力。因此,走出传统采购认识的误区,正确理解采购和采购管理的重要性、运作模式与方法,是当今企业在全球化、信息化市场经济竞争中赖以生存的一个基本保障,更是现代企业谋求发展壮大的一个必然要求。

前言摘要Abstract 第1章 绪论第2章 理论研究第3章 公司的现状第4章 公司策略规划与采购管理第5章 结论参考文献致谢 一定要突出特点,原创,文字清晰条理,那就可以了





我写的《W公司采购管理问题与对策研究》,针对公司采购管理过程中出现的各种不良现象进行分析归类,就问题成因提出对策。首先介绍研究背景,即W公司产品及公司发展情况等,接下来对现有采购管理情况做大致介绍,包括采购流程以及采购部具体工作安排,之后对目前出现的采购问题以及成因做出了分析与总结。  论文要想高分还是不容易啊,开始也是没时间写,还是学长给的莫’文网,有专业的帮忙很快就搞定了


前言摘要Abstract 第1章 绪论第2章 理论研究第3章 公司的现状第4章 公司策略规划与采购管理第5章 结论参考文献致谢 一定要突出特点,原创,文字清晰条理,那就可以了
