

发布时间:2024-07-04 09:22:07


As an important system arrangement concerning the interests of all the Chinese people and the construction of harmonious society, social security has playing a more and more important role in China's political, economic and social Therefore, it is especially important to have a perfect social security system, which has been gradully established in most countries in the Because of the essential role of the system in economic development, social stablity, protection of human rights and realization of social equity, most countries in the world are taking the implementation and improvement of the social security system as one of their basic national In view of the trend of global reform on social security system, it is undoubtedly essential to review and sort out the history and progress of social security system in order to rationally understand and actively promote relevant reform in C

The social security fund is the national social security system, in order to ensure social justice, and promote the social stability and promote economic development has irreplaceable China's social security fund management legal construction startting evening, at present still exist, the lack of perfect backward legislation supervision mechanism and its ability of fund of To establish and perfect the system of social security of our country, we must through the legal agreement, establish clear scientific and reasonable social security fund supervision and management system, ensure the social security funds allocated, such links, perfect regulation system construction work, improve the benefit of investment funds, China's social security fund operation situation of empty Therefore, this article points in four parts to the above questions are discussed in this The first chapter of this study summarized introduction to the background and significance, and puts forward the research purpose is fund supervision system in China, analyzes the status quo of social security fund supervision, problems existing in proposes countermeasures to solve these In addition, it introduces the social security fund supervision and the research status, detailed introduces America, Britain, Germany's social security fund supervision system, to explore how to solve the fund for below oversight in The second chapter of social security funds, expounds the concept of social security fund supervision and regulation of the basic In the third chapter fund regulatory body including national rights authority supervision and administrative regulation, special supervision organization supervision and internal control, judicial supervision, social Organs of state power supervisory and administrative supervision and internal supervision, special supervision, judicial supervision and social supervision for China's social security fund supervision Analysis of the social security fund supervision and regulation related legislation lag exists over-reliance on administrative supervision, administration and supervision mechanism than a loss, the fund supervision mechanism imperfect, the social security fund value of The fourth chapter in the previous questions, improving the social security fund supervision from the legal system, optimize administrative supervision, improve social supervision system, perfecting the social security fund investment operation regulation mechanism, establish fund of market mechanism, improve the oversight of fund of appreciation value ability is 就是这样子抄吧


毕业论文,泛指专科毕业论文、本科毕业论文(学士学位毕业论文)、硕士研究生毕业论文(硕士学位论文)、博士研究生毕业论文(博士学位论文)等,即需要在学业完成前写作并提交的论文,是教学或科研活动的重要组成部分之一。其主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。其主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。毕业论文应反映出作者能够准确地掌握所学的专业基础知识,基本学会综合运用所学知识进行科学研究的方法,对所研究的题目有一定的心得体会,论文题目的范围不宜过宽,一般选择本学科某一重要问题的一个侧面。 毕业论文的基本教学要求是:1、培养学生综合运用、巩固与扩展所学的基础理论和专业知识,培养学生独立分析、解决实际问题能力、培养学生处理数据和信息的能力;2、培养学生正确的理论联系实际的工作作风,严肃认真的科学态度;3、培养学生进行社会调查研究;文献资料收集、阅读和整理、使用;提出论点、综合论证、总结写作等基本技能。毕业论文是毕业生总结性的独立作业,是学生运用在校学习的基本知识和基础理论,去分析、解决一两个实际问题的实践锻炼过程,也是学生在校学习期间学习成果的综合性总结,是整个教学活动中不可缺少的重要环节。撰写毕业论文对于培养学生初步的科学研究能力,提高其综合运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题能力有着重要意义。 毕业论文在进行编写的过程中,需要经过开题报告、论文编写、论文上交评定、论文答辩以及论文评分五个过程,其中开题报告是论文进行的最重要的一个过程,也是论文能否进行的一个重要指标。


摘 要 随着城镇化进程的加快,越来越多的农民失去了他们赖以生存的土地,他们的生存、发展和就业的权利受到了严重的威胁,而目前的安置模式普遍存在补偿数额低,风险不确定等因素不能很好的解决失地农民面临的问题,只有通过"土地换保障"的思路才能妥善的安置失地农民,让他们分享工业化、城镇化带来的一系列成果。  关键词 土地换保障 补偿机制 社会保障 安置模式  1 失地农民的现状  随着我国城市化、工业化的进一步发展,城市空间迅速扩大,为保证城市经济发展对土地的需求,大量的土地被征用。目前,我国已有被征地农民4 000多万(章安友,2004)。按照《全国土地利用总体规划纲要》,从2001年到2010年,全国还需要安排非农建设占用耕地1 850万亩,其中90%以上为集体土地需要征用。按照目前全国人均耕地水平和现阶段每征用1亩耕地大约造成4个农民失去土地进行测算,非农建设占用耕地1 850万亩,将有近2 600多万被征地农民需要陆续安置,年均需要安置失地农民260万人左右。  农民失去土地后就失去他们赖以生存的基础,随之也流失了与土地相关联的一系列权利。因为土地被征用之前,农民主要靠土地来养活自己,土地是他们的立命之本,失去土地就相当于失去了生活的基本来源;而且农民一直是以土地为劳动对象,失去土地也就失去了工作;再者,土地本身就是一笔财富,如果农民利用的好是可以为他们带来增值的,这就意味着农民失去土地后也就失去了一项经济价值极高的财产权利;最后,农民失去土地后,就失去了参与村民自治的积极性,这会间接导致村级干部的寻租行为。可见,土地的丧失会对农民带来不利的影响,如果不及时有效地安置好这些失地农民将会阻碍国家工业化的进一步发展,甚至会引起社会的动荡不安。  2 当前失地农民安置模式分析及其存在的问题  1 以货币安置为主,补偿数额不足以妥善安置失地农民  在实践中,我国征用农村集体土地后,对农民的安置方式目前主要有货币安置、招工安置、农业安置、留地安置、社会保障安置等基本形式,但大多是采取以货币安置为主。征地补偿费主要包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗补偿费。《土地管理法》规定,征用耕地的土地补偿费用为该土地征用前3年平均产值的6~10倍,安置费为4~6倍。如果按最高补偿30倍来算,一亩地平均产值1 000块,补偿费也才只有3万元,远远解决不了农民的"可持续生计"问题。据了解,浙江省由于经济相对发达,其对失地农民的补偿标准与全国平均水平相比略有提高。据统计,1998年以来,浙江省各类征地给村里的补偿费平均每亩12 164元,安置补助费每人2 377元,经过村集体留存,实际到农民手上的土地补偿费平均每亩7 958元,安置补助费平均每人2 078元,青苗补偿费平均每亩498元,农户家庭得到的所有土地征用费总额(包括附着及其实施补偿费)人均8 828元。一大部分农户对此不满,因为这些补偿费只能暂时解决农民近期的温饱问题,如果今后就业困难,农民的基本生活靠什么来维持,更不用谈农民的养老和医疗问题了。在一些经济欠发达地区,农民的安置补偿费更是少之又少,连最起码的基本生活都解决不了,更解决不了农民的培训就业和社会保障问题。  2 以留地安置、招工安置为辅,农民权益得不到根本的保障  留地安置是指在被征用的土地中按一定的比例(10%左右)返还给被征地村合作经济组织,并免缴有关规费,用于发展第二、第三产业,获得稳定的经济收入,农村集体经济组织可以用这部分土地建造标准厂房出租,获得高额的租金收入 ;还可以用留置的土地为村民建造安置房使村民能够安居乐业。从形式上来看,失地农民可以得到保障,可是受资金、技术的限制,一旦村集体经营的产业得不到很好的发展,农民的基本生活就没有了保障。  在招工安置中,用人单位可以暂时解决失地农民的就业问题,但由于农民自身文化层次低,缺乏专业技能,在激烈的市场经济竞争中处于劣势,一旦用人单位裁员时,这些失地农民又将重新面临失业的问题,可见招工安置并不能从根本上保障失地农民的权益。  3 社会保障安置模式的覆盖面窄,体系不完善,失地农民后顾之忧大  失地农民中有一部分已经完成了非农户身份转换,他们理应享受和城镇居民一样社会保障待遇,可是据统计,失地农民加入城镇社会保障系统的人数只占总人数的5%左右。这部分人群主要集中在经济发达地区,他们的社会保险费是主要从土地出让金,土地补偿费和安置补偿费中筹集的,保险费直接列入劳动和社会保障部门设立的"安置费"专户,由劳动和社会保障部门与被征地对象签订安置协议,对符合缴纳社会养老保险统筹费的被征地人员,为其设立社会保险个人账户,达到退休年龄的,按月发放养老金。2003年浙江省嘉兴已有2万名被征地农民参加了养老保险,并实行了"三统一"、"一分别"的安置模式。"三统一"即城市规划区内的建设用地由政府统一实行征地、统一补偿政策、统一办理被征地农民户口"农转非"和养老保险,"一分别"就是对不同年龄段的安置对象分别进行补偿安置,浙江嘉兴的这种社会保险安置模式取得了很好的效果,但在我国大部分地区,大多数失地农民的土地补偿费和安置补偿费并没有用来缴纳养老保险或医疗保险,而这正是失地农民最关心的问题,失地农民成了"无班可上,无田可种,无保可拿"的三无人员,对当地经济的发展造成了恶劣的影响。可见,失地农民的社会保障体系还不完善,没有解决农民的后顾之忧。  3 "土地换保障"是唯一可靠和可持续性的安置模式  安置失地农民的过程实质上就是一个土地换保障的过程,因为在征地前,农民的生活、就业、创业和社会保障都是以土地为依托的。农民失掉土地从某种意义上讲是为了城市的进一步发展,因此随着城市化规模的扩大,失地农民应该随之分享城市化所带来的一系列成果,在市场经济下就表现为,农民可以用土地换回他们生存、就业、发展和获得社会保障的实际社会安置成本。只有失地农民用土地换回了生存权,就业权、发展权和享受社会保障的权利,才能真正的实现城乡一体化的发展,才能逐步实

我选择养老保险概述:保险的起源。(最早的人寿保险雏形是源自于公元一世纪时罗马的一个宗教团体组织),西方国家养老保险作为一种制度安排,有其深刻的制度文化根源并植根于西方特定的社会结构条件。当前世界各国都养老保险做为社会保险最重要的险种(可以调阅相关普鲁士宰相兼外交大臣——奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Von Bismarck)的相关内容补充)。社会保险制度分析表明,养老保险作为一种制度安排,深深植根于特定制度文化环境和社会结构条件,并产生于特定的历史背景。一、现阶段世界各国对养老保险的管理,并结合我国养老保险的现状(以支定收,略有积累)阐述。1、分析现阶段我国养老保险与世界发达国家养老保险的根本差距;2、我国养老保险存在的问题及原因(例:东西、南北地区差异,利率、替代率等方面);3、养老保险延伸出的其他问题(如:扩面与征缴,社会发展与社平等)。二、现阶段世界各国对养老保险与商业保险的区别,我国养老保险与商业保险。1、分析世界上发达国家的商业保险涵盖范围和我国的商业保险;2、我国的商业保险与社会保险中的养老保险的补充;3、商业保险与社会保险的几大差异(渠道、来源、作用、功能、对象等)。相关材料比较多。三、现阶段发达国家与我国在目的的不同。1、保障能力(以高福利国家为例,参保职工在缴纳时往往由国家提供,参保职工在到达法定退休年龄之前选择不同的缴费额能够在领取不低于某一待遇);2、保障对象(以我国为例,企业在传制时期的特殊政策,这是与西方发达的高福利国家典型差异的地方);3、政策不同(这个你可以在上条的内容扩展,并发挥)四、我国在现阶段,政府在政策方面对养老保险的不足。(可以结合不同地区对此问题展开说明,这方面东西很多,就不列举了)五、收尾并对社保基金的运行作阐述。

社保即社会保险,是指国家为了预防和分担年老、失业、疾病以及死亡等社会风险,实现社会安全,而强制社会多数成员参加的,具有所得重分配功能的非营利性的社会安全制度。社会保险 (Social Insurance) 是一种为丧失劳动能力、暂时失去劳动岗位或因健康原因造成损失的人口提供收入或补偿的一种社会和经济制度。社会保险计划由政府举办,强制某一群体将其收入的一部分作为社会保险税(费)形成社会保险基金,在满足一定条件的情况下,被保险人可从基金获得固定的收入或损失的补偿,它是一种再分配制度,它的目标是保证物质及劳动力的再生产和社会的稳定。官方数据显示,2013年共有3800万人弃缴社保,加大了个人账户空账压力。


1、新型农村合作医疗制度浅析2、城市化背景下农民工社会保障问题的探讨3、关于开征社会保障税的思考4、瑞典、智利个人账户养老保险管理模式及启示5、论我国养老保险个人账户管理的策略6、农村养老保险基金筹集问题的探讨7、美国401K计划对中国企业年金制度的启示8、试论农民工养老保险社会环境与制度创新9、企业年金在我国企业薪酬管理中的激励效用分析10、中国农村社会养老保险的发展与改革探讨11、论我国交强险推出后道路交通事故社会救助基金的建立12、保险公司在我国企业年金制度模式下的发展战略探析13、我国失地农民养老保险制度比较分析14、农民工保险问题探索15、社会转型与家庭养老保险的定位16、全国社会保障基金入市运营的思考和展望17、浅析农村养老保险现状及改革方向18、社会保障基金入市风险管理19、我国农民工医疗保险制度 现状分析及对策20、我国企业年金受托模式的创新——太平养老“2+2”启示21、我国城镇基本养老保险制度的不公平现象探讨22、企业年金在多层次养老保障体系中的定位23、政府在农业保险中的职责和定位24、关于企业年金制度在我国养老保险体系中地位及其发展的探讨25、论我国企业集合年金运营模式选择 我这里有20多个大纲!你可以任意选择或者穿插来写!肯定没问题!


社保即社会保险,是指国家为了预防和分担年老、失业、疾病以及死亡等社会风险,实现社会安全,而强制社会多数成员参加的,具有所得重分配功能的非营利性的社会安全制度。社会保险 (Social Insurance) 是一种为丧失劳动能力、暂时失去劳动岗位或因健康原因造成损失的人口提供收入或补偿的一种社会和经济制度。社会保险计划由政府举办,强制某一群体将其收入的一部分作为社会保险税(费)形成社会保险基金,在满足一定条件的情况下,被保险人可从基金获得固定的收入或损失的补偿,它是一种再分配制度,它的目标是保证物质及劳动力的再生产和社会的稳定。官方数据显示,2013年共有3800万人弃缴社保,加大了个人账户空账压力。


As an important system arrangement concerning the interests of all the Chinese people and the construction of harmonious society, social security has playing a more and more important role in China's political, economic and social Therefore, it is especially important to have a perfect social security system, which has been gradully established in most countries in the Because of the essential role of the system in economic development, social stablity, protection of human rights and realization of social equity, most countries in the world are taking the implementation and improvement of the social security system as one of their basic national In view of the trend of global reform on social security system, it is undoubtedly essential to review and sort out the history and progress of social security system in order to rationally understand and actively promote relevant reform in C

The social security fund is the national social security system, in order to ensure social justice, and promote the social stability and promote economic development has irreplaceable China's social security fund management legal construction startting evening, at present still exist, the lack of perfect backward legislation supervision mechanism and its ability of fund of To establish and perfect the system of social security of our country, we must through the legal agreement, establish clear scientific and reasonable social security fund supervision and management system, ensure the social security funds allocated, such links, perfect regulation system construction work, improve the benefit of investment funds, China's social security fund operation situation of empty Therefore, this article points in four parts to the above questions are discussed in this The first chapter of this study summarized introduction to the background and significance, and puts forward the research purpose is fund supervision system in China, analyzes the status quo of social security fund supervision, problems existing in proposes countermeasures to solve these In addition, it introduces the social security fund supervision and the research status, detailed introduces America, Britain, Germany's social security fund supervision system, to explore how to solve the fund for below oversight in The second chapter of social security funds, expounds the concept of social security fund supervision and regulation of the basic In the third chapter fund regulatory body including national rights authority supervision and administrative regulation, special supervision organization supervision and internal control, judicial supervision, social Organs of state power supervisory and administrative supervision and internal supervision, special supervision, judicial supervision and social supervision for China's social security fund supervision Analysis of the social security fund supervision and regulation related legislation lag exists over-reliance on administrative supervision, administration and supervision mechanism than a loss, the fund supervision mechanism imperfect, the social security fund value of The fourth chapter in the previous questions, improving the social security fund supervision from the legal system, optimize administrative supervision, improve social supervision system, perfecting the social security fund investment operation regulation mechanism, establish fund of market mechanism, improve the oversight of fund of appreciation value ability is 就是这样子抄吧

There are 14 days away from the issue of the end of 3 hours National Social Security Fund is the material basis of the social security system, while ensuring social equity, promote social stability and promoting economic development, and so plays an irreplaceable China's social security fund management of the legal system started late, at present, there are still legislative lag, lack of proper monitoring mechanisms and the Fund's ability to preserve and increase the problem of poor Establish and improve China's social security system, it must pass a clear legal agreement, to establish a scientific and reasonable social security fund supervision and management system to ensure that the social security fund collection, a legal basis for the allocation of other sectors, improve the regulatory system, and raise funds investment returns and changes in China's social security fund to run an empty account the status To this end, this paper is divided into four parts of the above issues are Chapter Introduction This study outlines the background and significance of the study presented in this paper was aimed at China's social security fund monitoring system status, analyzing the social security fund supervision problems in order to provide countermeasures to address these In addition, the paper introduces the supervision of the social security fund research situation, detailing the United States, Britain, Germany, the regulatory system of social security funds, hoping to explore how to solve the following problem in the fund provide the basis for The second chapter on the social security fund, the Social Security Fund and the Fund's regulatory supervision of the concept of the basic The third chapter describes the main body of China's social security fund supervision, including supervision of the State authorities, administrative supervision, specialized oversight body for the supervision, internal controls, judicial supervision, social Organs of state power supervision, administrative supervision, internal oversight, specialized supervision, judicial supervision and supervision by society to form the regulatory system in China's social security Analysis of the Social Security Fund regulatory lag exists in the relevant legislation, regulatory over-reliance on administrative supervision, administered by too many doors, lack of social supervision mechanism, the Fund's investments regulatory mechanism is imperfect, weak social security fund preservation The fourth chapter in the previous chapter the issues raised, respectively, from a sound legal system, the social security fund supervision and optimize administrative supervision, improving the social monitoring system, improve the social security fund investment operations monitoring mechanism, establishment of a fund regulated market mechanism, enhance the value of preserving and increasing the capacity of the Fund of the 这是电脑翻译的、应该不会错吧、

一、选题 选题在学术论文写作中具有头等重要的意义。这是因为,只有研究有意义的课题,才能获得好的效果,对科学事业和现实生活有益处;而一项毫无意义的研究,即使研究得再好, 论文写作得再美,也是没有科学价值的。钱学森教授认为:“研究课题要紧密结合国家的需 要。……在研究方法上要防止钻牛角尖,搞烦琐 哲学 。 目前 在 社会 科学中,有的人就古人的 一句话大作文章,反复考证,写一大篇论文,我看没有什么意思。”因此,我们要选择有科 学价值的课题进行研究和写作。那么,应该根据哪些原则来选题呢?(一)具有科学性。它应包括:急待解决的课题;科学上的新发现,新创造;学科上短 缺或空白的填补; 通行说法的纠正;前人理论的补充;等等。(二)有利于展开。指的是:要有浓厚的兴趣;能发挥业务专长;先易后难,大小适中; 已占有一定的资料;能得到导师指导;在一定时间内能完成;对题目加以限定。注意事项1、摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。2、不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。3、结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。4、用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。5、要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。6、除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。7、不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。8、缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。


At present, the social security system generally is defined as providing citizens with a series of national basic livelihood security to enable citizens in old age, sickness, unemployment, disasters and the loss of the ability to work under such circumstances, from the state and social system of material China is an agricultural country with a large population, in perfecting the social security of farmers in China need to implement all aspects of the To keep up with the real purpose of the policy needed to achieve a more scientific system to formulate and more effective management However, due to demographic, economic, management and other reasons, China's farmers to develop the social security system and unsatisfactory, on the whole social security system, the peasants in our country there are many Low level of social security in rural areas, coverage of small, largely as a result of urban-rural dual structure of the At present, it seems the city has established a relatively sound social security system, but the majority of farmers in rural areas "has been on Health, medical services and a sense of security," the desire has not been fully

As concern all national vital interests component harmonious great system of society arrange social security, been already occupying more and more important status in the politics, economy, social development process of our country, so, it is important that the complete social security system shows World most countries have already set up comparatively intact social security system gradually at present, because this system is playing an important role in developing economy, the stability society, ensuring human rights and realizing the society is fair , nowadays most countries regard implementing and improving the social security system as one's own fundamental state policy in the world, ensure that reform surge forward today such as system in the whole world, review and in the wrong history of social security and develop the train of thought, it is undoubtedly very essential for our rational knowledge to actively promote the reform of China's social security

Currently for social security system is the definition of a country to provide a series of basic life safeguard citizens, in old age, illness, unemployment, and labor ability loses such circumstance, from the state and society help system of China is a big, agricultural population in perfecting the social security of China's farmers need of Want to achieve the goal of true with policy more scientific system still need to formulate and more effective management However, due to the population, economic and management etc, farmer's social security system development and unsatisfactory, from the whole Chinese farmers' social security system exists many The rural social security level is low, small coverage, this is mainly because both urban and rural structure of the It has established a perfect urban social security system in rural farmers, however, have BingYouSuoYi "by old and desire has not been fully

Finance social security spending is social security system implementing the key links, it shows that the government for social security work value In recent years, zhejiang finance social security spending increase year by year, to promote the development of zhejiang province social security plays a positive Based on the data of zhejiang province, zhejiang province, on the basis of fiscal expenditure on social security and the analysis of existing problems, aiming at the aging, facing urban and rural differences and finance social security spending is still low and so on, this paper thinks to should raise money to deal with many the problem of aging population, and take effective measures to alleviate aging pressure; Public finance to rural tilt, to be better coordination of urban and rural development, break the dualistic structure of social security; In increasing financial social security spending at the same time, strengthen the responsibility of local governments, local government financial transfer spending
