

发布时间:2024-07-07 08:11:49


The key of whether the enterprise can succeed in the market is up to the competitiveness of Now the tobacco industry is in the critical period of reform and development,so how to recognize the situation and to promote the competitiveness of the tobacco companies is the key issues and solutions at this stage which need to be pay attention Based on the analysis of tobacco company internal and external environment, my text give a summary of the main factors of the competitiveness of enterprises and analyse the way of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises from the market, system building, law enforcement environment and building personnel point of view of the way 英语专业自己翻译,。。。

“竞争”一生当中如果没有这两个字,那么,这样的人生是没有任何意义的,也不可能进步,取得更好的成绩。  我们每个人,一生下来,便开始加入这个到处都是竞争的社会里。只要我们一出现在这个世界里,我们注定要学会竞争,因为只有这样,我们才会有自己的立足点,才能在这个社会生活。  现在的社会是一个充满竞争的社会,只有学会竞争,我们才能够与别人去竞争。在竞争中,我们不断地提高自己的成绩,不断地吸取教训。竞争就是我们进步的一个过程。只有通过竞争,我们才能知道自己与别人的差距,才知道唑哪里去努力,取得最后的胜利。  学生时代,我们需要竞争,在竞争的同时,我们又需要互相帮助,互相学习。在每一次的考试,每一次的习题,大家都会比一比,看看谁更细心,谁掌握的知识牢固。大家在一起讨论一下自己的不足,吸取别人的优点,争取在下次考出更好的成绩。大家在这竞争的环境中,取长补短,在一点点地完善自己,争取做到最好。  世界各个国家之间,同样也需要竞争。就在这竞争的过程中,他们互相学习先进的技术,改进技术,从而使国家繁荣富强。如果各国之间没有竞争,世界将停止进步,他们无法制造更加选进的日常用品,人们的生活水平就会停止在这里,不再向前迈出一步。  在我们的生活中,需要竞争,因为只有竞争,才会有进步,我们的生活才会更加有意义。

这么几个字,这么多分,太阔绰了。Whether an enterprise can win in the market depends on its For the moment, the tabacco industry is confronting a critical period of reform and How to clearly understand the current situation and improve the competitiveness of this industry is a key problem to emphasize and This thesis, by analyzing the internal and external environment of the tabacco company, summarizes the major factors affecting enterprise competitiveness and provides methods to enhance that from the aspect of market, system construction, law enforcement environment, human resource cultivation and so


The key of whether the enterprise can succeed in the market is up to the competitiveness of Now the tobacco industry is in the critical period of reform and development,so how to recognize the situation and to promote the competitiveness of the tobacco companies is the key issues and solutions at this stage which need to be pay attention Based on the analysis of tobacco company internal and external environment, my text give a summary of the main factors of the competitiveness of enterprises and analyse the way of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises from the market, system building, law enforcement environment and building personnel point of view of the way 英语专业自己翻译,。。。

这么几个字,这么多分,太阔绰了。Whether an enterprise can win in the market depends on its For the moment, the tabacco industry is confronting a critical period of reform and How to clearly understand the current situation and improve the competitiveness of this industry is a key problem to emphasize and This thesis, by analyzing the internal and external environment of the tabacco company, summarizes the major factors affecting enterprise competitiveness and provides methods to enhance that from the aspect of market, system construction, law enforcement environment, human resource cultivation and so

I have many friends in my They're lovely and I would like to introduce some of Alice is very She's also kind to everyone and she's very She's always ready to help everyone,but she is She always forgets to bring her textbooks,but our teachers always forgive Ben is the most talkative boy in our His nickname is “” He has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh Linda is a quiet She is good at every subject but she never shows Allen is a very tall He plays basketball very well and he is on our school He often says,“playing basketball is good for your How about your classmates?Do you like them?Try to admire your You will be

CompetitionCompetition is a common phenomenon in our social We compete when we play games and when we try to do better than others in our There is constant competition for academic degrees, jobs, customers, money and so In a sense, competition is one of the motive force to the development of In the natural world, the weak will be replaced by the strong and the fittest can live; therefore, the only way to survive is to be Growing in a competitive environment is important for a child because future adult life is Finding a good job, for example, is an extremely competitive Today, most people obtain knowledge through various ways and a large number of people get good There are also many people who have higher degrees in their special The quality of people is rapidly Competition is more violent that what we thought it should The potentially successful job applicant has to be prepared in a stronger position by gaining more qualification and In the sports contests, the strongest will come out as They become our heroes and they are In the business world, to beat your competitors, you must be better than the other Otherwise you will be In fact, the only way our world reward people is to give laurels to the winners, not to the What is more, by attempting to compete at different activities, we learn to win and lose, gain experience and know our strengths and Competition prepares us for the tough things in As a college student, to go ahead, to acquire future potential possessions, we should be Industriousness and ambition are positive Whether in games, in study or in self-improvement alike, the aim is to win the game, the degree, the trophy, and the Learning to be competitive is clearly the best preparation for life, especially for us college


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竞争;比赛;对抗例句:If you want to compete with someone, compete with 如果你想同别人竞争,先同自己竞争。

The strength of the competitiveness of enterprises is deciding whether the key to success in the market, but now the tobacco industry is in the critical period of reform and development, how to recognize the situation and to promote the competitiveness of the tobacco companies must pay attention at this stage the key issues and solutions Based on the analysis of tobacco company internal and external environment, to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises summary of the main factors, from the market, system building, law enforcement environment, building personnel point of view of the way to enhance the competitiveness of

关于核心竞争力的最权威英语学术文章—— 下载:61/20060914/b51a0d52-e879-4a8e-a0f4-pdf参考资料: ,


不少人认为,竞争就是你死我活,竞争就不能有合作。竞争双方似乎注定是利益截然对立的“冤家”对头。其实,换一种思路看,情况并不一定是这样。拿有争议的名人名事故地等旅游资源的开发、利用来说,双方何不来个“不同而和”、资源共享、联合开发、共同发展呢?如果双方联手,你把游客送到我这里,我把游客送到你那里,岂不是双赢?而且,游客也学会了比较、增长了见识。当时,我在南阳、襄阳之行前,是通过“臣本布衣,躬耕南阳”、“我本是卧龙岗散淡的人”等文献,把诸葛亮、卧龙岗和隆中连成一条直线的。及至亲临其境,方知卧龙岗在南阳,而隆中则在襄阳。如果不是南阳同志的盛情与大度,我也不会增加这方面知识。 搞市场经济不能没有竞争。有竞争才能激发动力、增强活力,促使企业不敢稍许懈怠,不断推进科技进步,改善经营管理,降低成本,提高质量,增加效益。建设和发展也不能没有合作。有合作才能优势互补、取长补短、收拢五指、攥紧拳头、形成合力。马克思说得好,协作不仅可提高个人的生产力,并且是“创造一种生产力”,产生一加一大于二的神奇效果。聪明的人不但要积极与伙伴合作,也要勇于与竞争对手合作并从中获益。 如今,国外越来越多的大公司通过组建联盟参与全球竞争。竞争之中有合作、合作之中有竞争,这是对传统的竞争理念和模式的超越,是适应形势发展的必然选择。我国也有一些企业开始提出并实践这一理念。实践证明,过去那种仅仅把同行看成是“冤家”,认为有竞争就不能有合作的观点是片面的、有害的,它往往造成不必要的摩擦、内耗及浪费。而把竞争与合作结合起来,既竞争又合作,就能突破孤军奋战的局限,把自身优势与其他企业的优势结合起来,把双方的长处最大限度地发挥出来,既提高自己也提高别人的竞争力,实现双赢或多赢。 团结就是力量,联合就有优势。愿人们更明智地处理竞争与合作的关系,在积极竞争的同时,发扬光大团结协作精神。这样,才能把我们的事业发展壮大,越办越好。选我谢谢了~~

“竞争”一生当中如果没有这两个字,那么,这样的人生是没有任何意义的,也不可能进步,取得更好的成绩。  我们每个人,一生下来,便开始加入这个到处都是竞争的社会里。只要我们一出现在这个世界里,我们注定要学会竞争,因为只有这样,我们才会有自己的立足点,才能在这个社会生活。  现在的社会是一个充满竞争的社会,只有学会竞争,我们才能够与别人去竞争。在竞争中,我们不断地提高自己的成绩,不断地吸取教训。竞争就是我们进步的一个过程。只有通过竞争,我们才能知道自己与别人的差距,才知道唑哪里去努力,取得最后的胜利。  学生时代,我们需要竞争,在竞争的同时,我们又需要互相帮助,互相学习。在每一次的考试,每一次的习题,大家都会比一比,看看谁更细心,谁掌握的知识牢固。大家在一起讨论一下自己的不足,吸取别人的优点,争取在下次考出更好的成绩。大家在这竞争的环境中,取长补短,在一点点地完善自己,争取做到最好。  世界各个国家之间,同样也需要竞争。就在这竞争的过程中,他们互相学习先进的技术,改进技术,从而使国家繁荣富强。如果各国之间没有竞争,世界将停止进步,他们无法制造更加选进的日常用品,人们的生活水平就会停止在这里,不再向前迈出一步。  在我们的生活中,需要竞争,因为只有竞争,才会有进步,我们的生活才会更加有意义。



1)人生充满竞争。 人生其实就是在踢一场足球,那白色的球门便是一种永恒的诱惑,只要你一息尚存,就必须去争抢,去冲撞,去射门,摔倒了要爬起来,受伤了得咬紧牙关……赢球的疯狂,输球的痛苦,平球的遗憾,这就是竞争! 竞争意味着求新,意味着突破,意味着活力,意味着发展。 自然界发展的历史就是“物竞天择”淘汰的历史;人类发展的历史就是“百问争流’境争的历史。 竞争与风险同在。竞争就好比大海中弄潮的小舟,可以被推上波峰,也可以被抛下浪谷;可以让你随浪花一起开得璀璨,也可能让你随泡沫一同跌得粉碎。 胆小的人无法体会到竞争那惊心动魄的魅力,永远都感觉不到冒险的乐趣;胆小的人视冒险为人生之大忌。其实,不敢冒险,才是人生最大的忧患。 同是登山,有人认为跟在后面走不会有什么危险;有人则大声疾呼,你这样,永远也得不到第一。同是下棋,有人一次失误,便再也不肯博弈;有人却懂得,一着失误并不意味着 重复的磨难使人痛苦,也使人坚忍而执著;重复的喜悦使人欢乐,也使人美丽而幸福;重复的失望使人目光深远;重复的希望使人心胸宽广。 每一次重复都是机遇,都是启迪。 每一次重复都是转折,都是进取。 重复的梦幻与现实给世界以智慧;重复的呼唤与理解给人们以力量;重复的探索与开拓给科学以昌明光大;重复的真诚与善良给社会美德以隽永。 只有弱者才畏惧重复,乐观、坚强的人在重复中坚定终生的信念,在重复中选择全新的道路,在重复中改变自己陈旧的命运。


在鹿特丹世乒赛上,中国队又包揽了全部冠军,在自豪骄傲的同时,一些极具忧患意识的人也表示对中国长期垄断某项体育比赛可能会不利于发展的担忧,我认为这应该引起人们的重视垄断必能会造成不公平,打击选手的积极性,缺乏竞争力,从而在一定程度上不利于发展,竞争力越强,发展的动力越大曾经女排、乒乓球、跳水都是中国的“垄断项目”,可为了这些项目的长期进步与发展,我们不保留“核心技术”积极与其他国家的选手与教练交流与合作不垄断,促竞争,使中国及世界的体育事业繁荣发展在中国教练郎平的指导下,俄罗斯女排成绩骄人;在外籍教练米卢的辅导下,中国男足第一次成功出线!公平的竞争促进了体育事业的发展在文化发展的道 今天小编和读者一起来高考作文辅导,这是一篇来自北京高考满分作文,题目是《有竞争才有发展》,这篇满分作文范文很好的体现的文章的主旨,有竞争才有发展,要留给自己一个对手,应该感谢那些使你成长的人们, 幸福使人麻木,而痛苦却让人成长往往带给你幸福的人,我们记得不甚清晰,但是给予你巨大伤痛的人,我们却记得刻骨铭心一个没有对手的人生是一个不完整的人生所以有竞争才有发展路上,竞争亦促进发展,春秋战国时期是中国历史上第一个也是最为瑰丽丰富的文化繁荣期孙子提倡“仁者爱人,克己复礼”;孟子主张“为政以德”;老子崇尚“清静无为”;庄子曾经梦蝶化仙;墨子力行“兼爱非攻,节葬节用”;韩非子开创“法、术、势”令人叹为感观止……是竞争促成了百家争鸣的文化繁荣局面,这是“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”后的文化“大一统”事情无法达到的高峰在经济发展的道路上,道与理亦然在20世纪80年代我国国营企业逐渐丧失活力而成为国家财政负担,造成了不利于经济发展的局面,政府开始了大力阔斧的企业改革,创新地打破了单一公有制,实行以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展的经济政策;以宏观调控为主,加大企业自主权;将深化国有企业公司股份制改革作为目标与重点,在竞争中,国有企业积极改革与创新,再次焕发了生机与活力是竞争促进了经济的发展宗教改革打破教会垄断教育,培养了无数启蒙运动的先驱;打破官窑垄断,民窑技艺更胜一筹;百家讲坛引起电视电视国家说教热后,后起之秀----文化中国、开坛等使国学热得以持续与发展……竞争是发展的强大动力在竞争的压力下,我们前进、突围、避险、拼搏……竞争不是成功的坟墓,而是成功的摇篮,有竞争,才有发展!
