

发布时间:2024-07-06 10:38:43




网上搜集 仅供参考目前学术不端检测系统比较完善,在撰写论文时一定要避免抄袭《科技传播》杂志 国家级科技学术期刊中英文目录知网万方全文收录编辑部直接收稿百度空间有期刊详细信息摘 要 本文论述了目前国内外汽车安全气囊控制的一些主要算法,并解释了该算法中的核心内容和研究特点。在结合传统方法的同时,提出了两种新的算法——数据融合控制算法和模式识别控制方法。 关键词 安全气囊;汽车碰撞;数据融合;模式识别1 引言 汽车安全气囊的应用拯救了许多乘员的生命。但随着汽车的应用越来越多,气囊错误弹出的情况也时有发生,这样反而会威胁到乘员的安全,所以必须提高安全气囊的控制性能。因此,我们也需要进一步研究气囊控制算法。 汽车安全气囊技术发展到今天,其优劣已经不在于是否能够判断发生碰撞和实现点火,现代的安全气囊控制的关键在于能够在最佳时间实现点火和对于非破坏性碰撞的抗干扰。只有实现最佳时间点火,才能够更好的保护驾驶员和乘客。 最佳时间的确定在于当汽车发生碰撞的过程中,乘员向前移动接触到气囊,此时气囊刚好达到最大体积,这样的保护效果最好。如果点火慢了,则乘员在接触气囊的时候,气囊还在膨胀,这样会对乘员造成额外的伤害。如果点火快了,乘员在接触到气囊的时候气囊已经可以萎缩,则气囊不能对乘员的碰撞起到最好的缓冲作用,也就不能很好的起到对乘员的保护作用。图1 气囊示意图 第二个是气囊的可靠性问题,也就是对于急刹车、过路坎和其他非破坏性碰撞时引起的冲击信号的抗干扰。汽车在颠簸路面上行驶或以很低速度的碰撞产生的加速度信号可能会令气囊误触发,一个好的控制系统应该能够很好的识别这些信号,从而在汽车产生非破坏性碰撞时不会使气囊系统误打开。 第三个就是气囊控制技术的基本指标,包括避免以下情况:①气囊可能在很低的车速时打开。车辆在很低车速行驶而发生碰撞事故时,只要驾驶员和乘员系上了安全带,是不需要气囊打开起保护作用的。这时气囊的打开造成了不必要的浪费。②当乘客偏离座位或座位上无人,气囊系统的启动不仅起不到应有的保护作用,还可能对乘客造成一定伤害[1]。2 安全气囊点火控制的几种算法 1) 加速度法 该算法是通过测量汽车碰撞时的加速度(减速度),当加速度超过预先设定的阈值就弹出安全气囊。 2) 速度变量法 该算法是通过对汽车加速度进行积分从而得到加速度变化量,当加速度变化量超过预先设定的阈值时就弹出安全气囊。 3) 加速度坡度法 该方法是对加速度进行求导得到加速度的变化量作为判断是否点火的指标。 4) 移动窗积分算法[2] 对加速度曲线在一定时间内进行积分,当积分值超过预先设置的阈值时,就发出点火信号。 1 移动窗积分算法 下面具体介绍一下移动窗积分算法,选定以下几个观察量作为气囊点火的条件指标。①汽车碰撞时的水平方向加速度(或减速度)ax。ax是直接反映碰撞激烈程度的信号,而且ax在最佳点火时刻的选取中起关键作用。②汽车碰撞时垂直方向的加速度ay,气囊控制系统加入ay对非碰撞信号能起到很大的抗干扰作用,当汽车发生正向碰撞时,ay与ax有很大的不一致性[3];而当汽车受到路面干扰,例如汽车与较高的台阶直接相撞时,ay与ax有很大的一致性[3],可以由此来判别干扰信号。结合这几个量,得出一个判断气囊点火的最佳指标。 需要采样一个时间段(从碰撞开始)ax的值,根据这一系列的值才能判断碰撞的激烈程度 气囊点火控制算法应在发生碰撞后20~30ms内做出点火判断,因为气囊膨胀到最大需要时间大概为30ms[4],在碰撞初速度为4km/h时,人体向前移动5inch到达接触气囊的时间大概为70ms,则目标点火时刻为70-30=40ms,所以气囊打开应该在碰撞后的40ms时刻,所以算法必须在20~30ms内做出点火决定。这样可以采样碰撞后的20个加速度值(频率是1kHZ)作为算法的输入值。而对于垂直方向也可以如此采样。则可得两组值:ax(1),ax(2)……ax(20);ay(1),ay(2)……ay(20) 移动窗算法中对ax的处理为(1)式: (1)图2 移动窗口算法示意图 其中t为当前时刻,w为时间窗宽度(采样时间宽度),对ax(t)进行积分,得到指标S(t,w),当S(t,w)超过预先设定值时,则发出点火信号。 写成离散形式,如式(2): (2) n为当前时间点,k为采样点数,f为采样频率。 加上垂直加速度之后,可以提高对路面干扰的抗干扰能力[3],形式如式(3): (3) S(n,k,ρ)为双向合成积分量,n,f,k如上定义;ρ为合成因数,表征两个方向加速度在合成算法中的权重。这种算法主要是考虑了汽车碰撞时的加速度因素,当加速度的积分达到一定值的时候,表示汽车的碰撞剧烈程度也到达一定值,会给乘员带来一定伤害。而且这种算法对于判断最佳点火时刻也是很有优势的,经过实验,利用这种算法得出的点火时刻离汽车碰撞的最佳点火时刻(利用摄像得出)仅差几毫秒[2],符合要求的精度。 但是这种算法也有其不足,例如没有考虑碰撞时的速度以及座位上有没有人的因素,这样当汽车低速运行的时候,还是有可能引起误触发。如果将速度和座位上是否有人的信号引入,则可以进一步减少误触发的机会。2 利用数据融合提出的改进算法 由上面的叙述中我们可以知道,移动窗积分算法对于气囊弹出与否进行判断主要是根据积分量S,现在我们对积分量进行一些改造,可以克服上述缺点。具体做法如下,加入以下几个观察量:(1)汽车碰撞时的水平方向速度v,v可以反映汽车碰撞时乘客的受伤害程度。v越大,乘客的动能就越大,碰撞时受到的伤害就越大。v是判断气囊是否应该打开的最直接的指标。(2)坐位上是否有乘员的信号[5]。坐位上无人时,当发生碰撞则可以不弹出气囊,这样做可以减少误触发的几率,同时避免对其他乘员的伤害。 引入函数,这个函数的波形为:图3 函数波形图 当v超过30km/h的时候,y的值就大于1;反之就小于1。现在普遍采用的标准是,安全带配合使用的气袋引爆车速一般为:低于20km/h正面撞击固定壁时,不应点爆。而在大于35km/h碰撞时,必须点爆。在20km/h和35km/h之间属于可爆可不爆的范围。所以我们取v0=30km/h为标准点,这样结合上面的移动窗积分算法,提出新的S1,则S1为: (4) 这样当v>v0时,汽车点火引爆的灵敏度就比原来大了;而vv0时引爆气囊的灵敏度不需要太大,可以适当调整的系数为1/∏,此时y函数图形如图4。 由图4可看到,采用增加了速度函数的算法后,使到v>v0时的灵敏度适当增加,同时也有效的减少了v P(w2|x),则把x归类于弹出状态w1,反之P(w1|x)


你好!论文结合自己的工作任务,对工作方法及技巧进行总结,并说说自己对问题的解决或技能的掌握过程中的心得体会。三、 选题范围1) 发动机故障的诊断与排除过程2) 汽车底盘方面的故障排除过程3) 汽车电器方面的故障排除过程4) 汽车电控方面的故障排除过程5) 汽车美容操作工艺总结6) 汽车钣金工艺总结过程7) 汽车相关工作(工艺)流程

从丰田汽车召回谈汽车消费者权益的保护  关键词: 三包;汽车缺陷;召回; 维权  内容提要: 丰田汽车由于刹车装置存在质量问题在全球范围发规模召回,但其在美国和中国对待消费者的召回方案却大相径庭。其原因是有些观点对我国《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》(以下称《消法》)及《中华人民共和国产品质量法》(以下《质量法》)的不当理解;但同时我国相关法律也确实存在不够清晰明确的问题,而对法律法规的曲解导致了丰田公司对我国消费者采取区别对待的召回方案。本文试图纠正公众对我国相关法律的误读、梳理我国现行法律存在的问题,并提出了一些修改意见。  一、丰田汽车在美国召回的方案及受到处罚  丰田汽车2009年底由于加速踏板存在缺陷在美国召回430万辆不同种类的车型。按照美国联邦法律,汽车制造商如确定车辆存在安全缺陷,必须在5天内告知美国国家公路交通安全局并迅速采取召回行动。由于丰田公司未能及时通知美国政府有关汽车缺陷,并采取召回措施,美国交通部于2010年3月5日宣布拟对丰田汽车公司处以超过1600万美元的最高罚款。这将是美国政府向汽车制造商开出的有史以来的最大的一笔民事罚款。美国国家公路交通安全局已于2月16日要求丰田公司上交与大规模召回相关的文件,包括产品数据、客户投诉等信息,以期查明丰田公司在知晓车辆存在安全缺陷后多久才宣布召回。  美国丰田汽车销售公司与美国检察部门研究后,决定对受召回事件影响的美国所有丰田和雷克萨斯车主提供额外服务。此项额外服务主要针对担心汽车送往维修前行驶安全的丰田车主,其中包括为车主提供经济赔偿。这样的赔偿在美国有着严格的法律依据,根据《美国法典》第49编第301章中对于“缺陷与违规赔偿”中的“赔偿方式”的规定,如果机动车或配件存在缺陷,可供制造商选择的赔偿方式包括修理机动车、以等价机动车更换、减去合理折旧退车等。“制造商赔偿规划”条款规定,机动车制造商应该赔偿购买者在修理、更换、退车等合理期间内带来的成本。  二、浙江省工商局依据地方性法规要求丰田汽车公司公平对待浙江的汽车消费者  丰田中国公司在我国境内实施了召回。而在我国,丰田公司给出了与美国不同的召回方案,我国丰田车主只能自驾缺陷汽车至4S店去完成召回。而由此产生的相关应交通费用及经济补偿,丰田公司以我国法律没有相关规定为由拒绝赔付。  丰田公司对中美两国消费者提供不同的召回服务,引起了我国丰田车主的普遍不满。浙江省工商局在3月14日发布了《丰田召回事件浙江消费维权措施通报》,后与丰田公司管理人员进行沟通,要求丰田公司对消费者因此召回造成的损失予以赔偿。经过浙江工商局释法明理,丰田公司作出承诺对我国浙江地区消费者实行补偿措施,但两天后,丰田公司高管出尔反尔,表示丰田公司仅提供免费三选一服务,不向消费者提供补偿。在浙江工商局要求丰田履行承诺下。丰田公司了最终向浙江部分消费者提供了每人约三百元人民币的补偿。  在此次丰田汽车召回事件中,浙江的消费者得到了丰田公司的赔偿,是根据浙江省的地方性法规。《浙江省实施〈中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法〉办法》第三十六条规定:“对实行“三包”的大件商品,应当由经营者负责修理、更换、退货的,经营者应当上门服务或者负责运送;经营者要求消费者运送的,经营者应当承担运输费、误工费、差旅费等合理费用。”而2000年出台的《浙江“三包”商品目录》则进一步明确规定,汽车属于实行包修、包换、包退的商品,其三包期限为“一年或5万公里”。浙江省是目前唯一的将汽车纳入三包规定的省份。  三、正确解读和适用《消法》第45条及《质量法》第41条  1、《消法》第45条明确规定了经营者的三包义务  有人认为浙江消费者之所以能够获得丰田公司赔偿,原因在于浙江的地方性法规对汽车产品有三包规定。而我国法律、行政法规对汽车并没有明确的三包规定,其他地方也没有汽车三包的地方性法规,因此我国其他地区的消费者就无法要求丰田公司对损失进行赔偿。事实上,这是对我国法律的误读。《消法》第45条完全可以作为相关法律依据,解决召回赔偿问题。该法第45条规定:“对国家规定或者经营者与消费者约定包修、包换、包退的商品,经营者应当负责修理、更换或者退货。在保修期内两次修理仍不能正常使用的,经营者应当负责更换或者退货。对包修、包换、包退的大件商品,消费者要求经营者修理、更换、退货的,经营者应当承担运输等合理费用。”,根据该规定,产品三包分为国家规定三包和经营者与消费者双方约定三包。尽管汽车并未没有国家规定的三包,但通常经营者都会与消费者约定在一定期间内进行免费修理,丰田公司与消费者约定两年或5万公里内实行免费修理。该约定虽然未完整涵盖“包修、包换、包退”等三包服务,但明确约定了经营者的包修义务。而《消法》中对三包的规定是并列的,而非递进关系。事实上,三者都是售后服务的一种方式,并不互为条件。也就是说虽然经营者与消费者仅约定了包修,但也是经营者与消费者双方对三包的一种约定。众所皆知汽车是大件商品。对包修的大件商品,消费者要求经营者修理的,经营者应当承担运输等合理费用。这是法律明确规定的,  综上所述,笔者认为丰田等汽车厂家与消费者都有一定期限内包修的约定,因此约定的三包也可以适用《消法》的相关条款,经营者在其约定的三包期限内应对消费者承担相应的责任。  2、因为降低成本,缩短研发时间而导致的产品缺陷不能适用《质量法》第41条的免责规定  有观点认为缺陷产品召回不适用民事赔偿制度,根据是《质量法》第41条。事实上这种理解也是对这一条款的曲解。根据《质量法》第41条规定:“因产品存在缺陷造成人身、缺陷产品以外的其他财产(以下简称他人财产)损害的,生产者应当承担赔偿责任。生产者能够证明有下列情形之一的,不承担赔偿责任:(一)未将产品投入流通的;(二)产品投入流通时,引起损害的缺陷尚不存在的;(三)将产品投入流通时的科学技术水平尚不能发现缺陷的存在的。”笔者认为,只有当今科学技术水平不能发现缺陷存在的,生产者才可以免责。对丰田汽车出现的缺陷不能适用免责条款。第一,并不是所有汽车品牌都存在刹车加速的问题;其次,就丰田汽车来说,也并不是所有车型都存在刹车加速的问题,第三,对于汽车生产者为了竞争而加快新产品的上市,缩短了新产品的研发时间或为降低生产成本,而导致产品的安全出现缺陷的,不能以科学技术水平尚不能发现缺陷的存在而免责。从以上三点结合现现今汽车技术水平及丰田发展的情况来看,丰田汽车的缺陷不能援引产品质量法第41条的规定而免责。四、没有汽车三包的国家规定,《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》法律层级低、对违法经营者处罚轻,相关法律、法规对缺陷汽车产品召回只有原则性的规定,相关法律法规需要进一步完善  1、没有汽车三包的国家规定  1986年,国家经贸委等8部委颁布了《部分国产家用电器“三包”规定》,从此“三包”规定成为我国保护消费者权益的重要行政性规章,并逐步为消费者所认同。1995年,国家经贸委、国家技术监督局、国家工商局、财政部联合发布了《部分商品修理、更换、退货责任规定》。该规定采用了“三包”的运作机制,又兼顾了生产者、销售者、维修者三方的利益,并将“三包”的商品范围从6种扩大到18种,明确了“谁销售、谁负责”的原则,强化了销售者对所销售产品的质量责任,而且写明了消费者申诉的途径。但同时该规定列明实行三包的商品目录。在该目录中中并不包括汽车,在以后,相继出台了电脑三包、手机三包等国家规定,汽车产品一直没有国家规定的三包。  随着我国经济的不断发展,汽车消费在我国越来越普遍。2009年我国汽车销量达到48万辆,首次超越美国,成为世界第一。汽车保有量巨大,消费者遭遇的汽车质量问题也会越来越普遍,迫切需要汽车三包相关法律的出台,帮助车主维权。但汽车三包规定在我国虽经多方呼吁,却因种种原因始终无法出台。汽车消费者的利益无法得到保障。丰田召回事件让我们看到应加快汽车三包的国家规定的出台。  2、《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》法律层级较底,对违规者处罚轻  《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》由国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家发展和改革委员会、商务部、海关总署联合制定,并于2004年10月1日起开始实施。  由于该规定属于部门规章,处罚力度偏轻。根据《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》第四十二条规定:“有下列情形之一的,主管部门可责令制造商重新召回,通报批评,并由质量监督检验检疫部门处以10000元以上30000元以下罚款:(一)制造商故意隐瞒缺陷的严重性的;(二)试图利用本规定的缺陷汽车产品主动召回程序,规避主管部门监督的;(三)由于制造商的过错致使召回缺陷产品未达到预期目的,造成损害再度发生的。从中可以看出,对于汽车制造商故意隐瞒缺陷的,最高罚款额度仅为三万元。相对于汽车产品的高额利润和汽车召回的高昂成本,制造商完全有可能因违法成本低而超越法律底线。  3、《质量法》对缺陷产品的免责条款的规定容易被经营者滥用  《质量法》也是缺陷产品召回制度的立法重要依据。但根据《质量法》第46条规定:“本法所称缺陷,是指产品存在危及人身、他人财产安全的不合理的危险;产品有保障人体健康和人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准的,是指不符合该标准。”该法对缺陷产品的免责条款规定过于宽泛。由于其它原因导致产品缺陷很容易被经营者以科学技术不能发现的缺陷为借口而不承担应承担的法律责任。  4、《消法》关于召回的条款过于原则且没有相应的处罚规定。  《消法》也是建立缺陷产品召回制度的立法依据之一。根据《消法》第18条规定:“经营者应当保证其提供的商品或者服务符合保障人身、财产安全的要求。对可能危及人身、财产安全的商品和服务,应当向消费者作出真实的说明和明确的警示,并说明和标明正确使用商品或者接受服务的方法以及防止危害发生的方法。经营者发现其提供的商品或者服务存在严重缺陷,即使正确使用商品或者接受服务仍然可能对人身、财产安全造成危害的,应当立即向有关行政部门报告和告知消费者,并采取防止危害发生的措施。”该条款是建立缺陷产品召回制度的立法依据之一,但在《消法》的“法律责任”一章中,没有规定经营者违反第18条应负的法律责任,这对于蓄意违反规定的经营者来说毫无震慑力。  五、完善相关法律法规及制度的建议  我国应借鉴美国柠檬法的相关规定,进一步完善我国的法律法规,切实保障我国消费者的合法权益。  首先,尽快出台汽车三包法规  随着我国汽车销量的逐年上升,消费者可能要面对的汽车质量纠纷将会更加频繁。我国可以借鉴美国柠檬法的相关规定,尽早出台汽车三包规定有助于消费者在维权时有法可依,有章可循。这一规定应该包括:车辆7日内可退、15日可换,在包修期内,主要部件因同一问题维修三次仍然不能正常使用的可换车等等,这样的三包法规的出台将能解决多年来一直困扰汽车消费者的大量投诉。  其次,提升召回规定的层级,加大行政监管和处罚力度  我国虽然已经有《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》,但由于该规定仅是部门规章,层级较低;且囿于《行政处罚法法》及《国务院关于贯彻〈中华人民共和国行政处罚法〉的通知》的相关规定,其所能设定的最高额罚款仅为三万元。罚款数额偏低不足以震慑汽车生产商,因此建议相关部门进行调研并将该规定上升为法律或行政法规。加大对违法、违规的制造商、进口商、销售商等的处罚力度,根据具体违法情形的主观过错、严重程度、涉及产品的数量、销售价格等,确定处罚。明确召回的汽车生产者对车主的补偿机制。对于同样的缺陷问题,召回的方式应该一样,要公平地对待缺陷汽车的消费者,缺陷汽车的生产者要对因汽车召回造成误工、误时、交通费等合理费用的汽车消费者进行合理补偿、赔偿。国家要对汽车召回进行全程监管,使召回制度得以有效实施  第三,《消法》在修订时,笔者有如下建议:  一、应该明确不以价值大小作为认定消费品的标准,应将房屋、汽车等相对价值较大的产品纳入到《消法》的适用范围内。  二、在该法中加入缺陷产品召回听证、处罚制度,明确相应的惩罚措施,并着重要求其具有可操作性。  三、对于第45条,笔者认为应该修改为对实行三包的商品,经营者应当承担运输等合理费用。而不区分所谓的大件商品或一般商品。  四,要增设惩罚性条款  尽管将要实施的《侵权责任法》第47条明确规定了对缺陷产品造成损害的惩罚性赔偿,但《消法》在修订时仍应明确引入,并增强惩罚性赔偿的可操作性。  五、赋予消费者保护组织诉讼的主体地位。  在丰田汽车召回事件中,丰田公司向中美两国消费者提供的召回服务差别很大。丰田公司对待同一件事,却有不同的解决方案,这对我国的丰田车用户非常不公平。但我国丰田车用户单独向法院提起诉讼,维权成本将会非常高。如果赋予消费者保护组织可以自己的名义代表不特定多数的消费者起诉,可以更充分地发挥消费者保护组织的作用。针对当前消费者维权难的现状,可以考虑创设以消费者保护组织为主导的公益诉讼,赋予消费者保护组织诉讼主体地位。当面对不特定多数消费者利益受损时,消费者保护组织作为诉讼主体代表众多消费者诉讼能够切实维护消费者的利益。  通过丰田汽车召回事件,可以看到我国相关法律的不足之处。笔者希望通过本文的写作,可以达到抛砖引玉的目的,能够推动我国消费者权益保护相关法律的进一步完善。





Guide the future development of the concept of automotive vehicles Summary of high-tech popularization and application makes the pace of replacement automotive products faster and faster, also makes the Chinese automotive industry independent research and development level and technical level with the international on the growing gap in the development of the concept car is even more the difference between the very WTO accession for China car alarm sounded, but also tremendous opportunity, our government, as well as automotive companies must increase their research and automotive design input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle design Keywords concept car designed to develop science, technology and culture Technology start-ups PIONEERINGWITHSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMONTHLY The 21st century, in order to lead and performance of the new century, the development of future automotive trends, a number of international auto companies, one after another at the major auto show in the world to launch its own concept car and new There is, however, must be caused by a phenomenon we are concerned about: As a car big country, but few Chinese car makers to launch its own development and design concept Are one of the main reasons for China's automotive design concepts and methods, as well as the lack of research and development of concept cars do not pay enough It can be said that a self-designed and self-development capacity of the automobile industry, it is difficult to say that is a complete auto Thus we must intensify the study of automotive design and input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle 1 "concept car" is defined The so-called "concept cars" that have not yet begun to enter the market with a design unique and must advance the awareness of the new Its main characteristics are: it must give people are to consider that can guide the new concept It has just the design in general at the time, people's aesthetic ideas, the purchasing power and even the level of motor vehicle manufacturing industry is also Generally it will be it avant-garde design, innovative materials, bold use of a more perfect performance, the new car interior design indicates that the direction of development of the automobile Some of the world's largest car company every year to spend many human and material resources to design their own concept car, and in some large auto exposition on It can be said that with the continuous introduction of concept cars, the near future may occur on some concept cars have today, some features or functions of the But not necessarily a concept car will each eventually evolve into mass production cars to enter the market, the majority of concept cars are finally only a "concept" for people to discuss the 2 concept car, in reality the meaning of 1 concept car design and development of automotive products reflected the development trend of 1 the performance of the highest scientific level and the most sophisticated technology in concept car At the International Motor Show the previous, and the major automotive companies and the introduction of the concept of lot of cars, concept cars to remove these sleek, but also more integrated into a large number of high-tech and modern means of the introduction of the concept car to become Motor Company takes pride in the idea of the concept of automotive research and development are often accompanied by new technologies and the use of new materials with certain forward-looking, herald a new stage of development and the beginning for this reason that car companies the development of the concept car has invested great human and material resources, with its show car the company's strong momentum of Various high-tech applications, making car slowly evolved into information, communications, entertainment centers and the exchange of information with the outside world, the computer functions and Internet all-round involvement, in-car information and entertainment equipment, advanced navigation equipment, real-time traffic information function of the growing popularity of the inevitable demand of these high-tech automotive designers transcend time and space to establish a new value system, the emergence of various new technologies for the automotive design freely given to a wider Function of motor vehicles for further expansion and development of the concept car, the car gradually from the cold machinery into human information exchange platform, if the concept car has its own way of expressing their emotions with pregnant, anger, sadness and joy, such as facial expression make the concept car than in high volume production cars, become a new symbol of Concept Car Design of automotive products have greater and greater impact, it represents the development direction of the automobile industry and the basic idea of the automobile company design standards and a symbol of scientific and technological 2 human physiological needs and psychological needs of the largest Satisfied --- Automotive Engineering in the Ergonomics Ergonomics are 50 in the early 20th century with the rapid development of a new subject with the aim of research, design and engineering technology to solve the relationship between the human Car body design in ergonomics, it is to people (drivers and passengers) as the center, from the body's physiology, psychology, and exercise the human body, the research body design, layout and equipment in terms of how to adapt to people need to create a manipulation convenient, safe, reliable, beautiful and comfortable driving environment and take the environment, that is the best person to design a - vehicle - environment Automotive Design Human-Computer analysis of the first ministries to human size required for measurement, statistics and analysis, conducting interior layout design as a basis to determine the effective space vehicle, as well as parts, assemblies (seats, dashboard , steering wheel, ) position and dimensions of the relationship between Through the study of human physiological structure, so that the seat design in full compliance with the requirements of human Based on the manipulation of human manipulation of the scope and power to determine the layout of the manipulator position and force size, so that when the human body to manipulate natural, rapid, accurate and lightweight, so as to reduce the degree of manipulation of Through the visual characteristics of the human eye, the effect of vision research, testing, checking driver information system, to ensure that drivers have access to proper driving Exercise in accordance with the characteristics of the human body to study the automobile collision on the human body, a reasonable protection, the right to determine the hinged point seat belts and binding on the human body to study the vibration of the impact on ride comfort, research on and get off at the convenience of passengers, and door openings in order to determine location and According to the body's physiological requirements, reasonable certainty that the air-conditioning system and Research on the psychological characteristics and requirements, to design a comfortable, beautiful, relaxed by the 3 virtual product development technology At present, a growing number of automotive design companies and manufacturing companies to start using virtual product development technology, using three-dimensional virtual reality 3D technology development concept Opel car using 3D virtual reality technology concept car design and Designers can experience floating in the air of a virtual image of car design and manufacturing, saving considerable development costs, and plans to be extended to its North American assembly plant to Britain's Rolls-Royce, Renault, France, Germany Audi, as well as Italy, Sweden and other auto plants are actively engaged in this virtual design and Over the past automotive research and development centers to develop new or modified are first shaped body sludge physical model, is extremely time-consuming Now automotive R & D, in particular the development of concept cars are increasingly seeking the shortest development If the introduction of virtual product development technologies, as long as the computer input data to construct a model figure model, in the laboratory can show an ideal vehicle images, as long as the engineers wear eyepiece, you can see clearly, there is such as a car in front of us true, after all the discussion of design engineers modifications, you can quickly design an ideal new Stereotypes, the computer can use the data, outsourcing trial and trial fitted the new parts and components, assembly achieve zero error, and the development of aging more rapidly than in the 4 the concept of green environment-friendly vehicles to the development trend of Since entering the 21st century, countries around the world have been produced about 5 billion vehicles, according to expert estimates that in 2010 global vehicle production will reach 75 People sigh at the rapid development of automobile industry, but also an increasing awareness of pollution from motor vehicles to harm human beings, so many countries of the vehicle to develop environmental protection measures and regulations to protect the environment for human survival, so automotive environmental protection the design of this new concept car design to be placed in a prominent position on the Improve energy efficiency, improved engine configurations, including electronically controlled fuel injection system, secondary air injection, thermal reactor, exhaust gas recirculation system, catalytic purification device, crankcase ventilation systems, fuel evaporation control The development of alternative fuels, research and development of new environmentally-friendly energy, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, fast charging batteries, hybrid power, hydrogen In the automotive manufacturing process, use of green materials, green packaging, green manufacturing processes and equipment and equipment Green car recycling 2 Concept car indicates road traffic in the evolution of human behavior 1 Concept foretells the future of the way road traffic trends Along with the development of automobile, the vehicle status is also slowly change, now car in people's minds as a symbol, a symbol of wealth and the embodiment of a status, but the car as a way of the nature of road traffic has Concept car design is based on the nature of a car's innovative design Concept car at the design of the way through the daily life of mankind, human beings in road traffic in the use of methods such as behavior and ways of life all aspects of prediction and analysis, it is envisaged to solve the future in the way road traffic between the object harmonious Strong and high-speed in today's technology enables the development of means of transport have a much broader space for development, more and more high-tech continuously applied at a new At present many of the world's major auto companies have realized that the development of the next car is no longer the biggest obstacles are technical limitations, but limits the designers Now appearing in major auto show concept cars are generally two types: one is based on the latest available technology can achieve another kind of concept cars are those who put forward some innovative technology options but is still in the research phase of the concept Able to express their feelings such as car, truck can random shell replacement car, be able to easily change the driving mode of motor vehicles, be able to swim in the water of the amphibious vehicle, able to fly in space vehicles, be able to change Like from Toyota and Sony jointly developed by "POD" cars, will be able to through the car before the lights, mirrors, antenna, as well as the rear seat to the car owners to express their "" Like Volkswagen's Seat International Auto Show in the United States on the introduction of multi-functional concept car "Sal? Juancheng sa", there are sports, comfort and three kinds of urban-type driving mode selection for 2 Concept of culture differences in performance The United States as a world leader in the auto industry, concept cars at the manufacturing are on the forefront in the At the United States because of cultural blending, collision, so the concept car embodies the greater the diversity of cultures; are also caused by a highly developed country commercial, commercial design and pragmatism prevailed, so the design is set up at a deep aesthetic Ethics on the real and solve practical With the American cars are in sharp contrast to the Japanese concept Japan as the world's output of the second car big country, its concept car many practical and imagination, technology is better than art, more concerned about solving technical problems, it can be said in Japan This is the premise of the concept of car design, each model is to solve one kinds of technical problems The Japanese car model to maintain a small, simple, style characteristics of the economy and harmonious relations between man-machine deal with the Japanese are reflected as a delicate oriental thinking and compromise approach to solve the The United States put the design of commercial operation as an important aspect, Japan put out of Products Designed to accelerate as a tool, Germany put Designed as a social and cultural foundation, while the French took the design as a designer of stage From various countries so the concept of car design in different styles, we can see different countries, different concepts, as well as their different cultural backgrounds 3 Concluding remarks The future of automotive design as the development of the inevitable progress of Automotive Technology with each passing day, many of the artistic style of the designer will make it even more widely and more strongly reflected in the car design, and give people a wider Under high-tech, and personality of the car more humane 21st century will be the necessity of the development of the automobile industry, because it is consistent with human culture, the pursuit of individuality and Therefore, the increase in automobile design concept of the attention and input, will be the development of China's automobile industry has played a great role in pushing References 1尹定邦 Introduction to Study Design [M] Hunan: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 1999 2张洪欣 Auto Design [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 1997 3 Tang Jia-Ti, Han Xiao Jian had --- Product conceptual design theory, methods and techniques [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2002





红灯短暂而生命长久(小学生交通安全知识演讲稿)随着经济的日益发展,平湖已变得越来越美丽,马路上车辆川流不息的景象随处可见。然而由于有些人交通 安全意识的淡薄,在车水马龙的马路上演了一幕幕不可挽回的悲剧。当你看到一个个鲜活的生命消失于车轮之下,当你发现一阵阵欢声笑语湮没在尖锐的汽笛声中,当你面对那些触目惊心的场景时,能不感到痛心疾首吗?道路交通安全事故依然是各种事故领域的“头号杀手”。 而导致悲剧发生的一个重要原因,就是我们欠缺安全防卫知识,自我保护能力差,因此对少年儿童进行安全教育的形势相当紧迫。有专家指出,通过安全教育,提高我们小学生的自我保护能力,80%的意外伤害事故是可以避免的。为加强对中小学生的安全教育,1996年2月,国家教委、公安部等六部委联合发出通知,把每年3月最后一周的星期一定为全国中小学生安全教育日,建立全国中小学生安全教育制度,敦促安全教育工作的开展。 红灯短暂而生命长久,为了更好地宣传交通安全法规,增强学生交通安全意识,教育部将今年3月28日中小学生安全教育日主题定为“增强交通安全意识,提高自我保护能力”。为了更好地宣传交通安全知识,更好地珍视我们生命,在此,学校向全体师生发出倡议: 1、我们要认真学习交通安全的法律法规,遵守交通规则,加强安全意识,树立交通安全文明公德; 2、当我们徒步行走于人来车往的马路时,请时刻保持清醒的头脑,不在马路上嬉戏打闹; 3、当我们时马路时,多一份谦让与耐心,不闯红灯,走人行横道,绝不能为贪一时之快,横穿马路; 4、严禁12周岁以下的学生骑自行车。放学回家一定要排好路队。 记得有一个故事。几个学者与一个老者同船共渡。学者们问老者是否懂得什么是哲学,老者连连摇头。学者们纷纷叹息:那你已经失去了一半的生命。这时一个巨浪打来,小船被掀翻了,老者问:“你们会不会游泳啊?”学者们异口同声地说不会。老者叹口气说:“那你们就失去了全部的生命。” 虽然这只是一个故事,但其中蕴含的哲理却耐人寻味。灾难的发生对每个人来说,不分贫富贵贱,不论性别年龄。孩子、学子、工人、知识分子,人民公仆……无论咿呀学语,还是学富五车,无论幼小纤弱,还是身强力壮,如果缺少应有的警惕,不懂起码的安全常识,那么,危险一旦降临,本可能逃离的厄运,却都会在意料之外、客观之中发生了。 遵章守纪,就是尊重生命,尊重自我。当我们能做到这一切的时候,我们的社会便向文明的彼岸又靠近了一步。重视交通安全,是我们每个人的义务,更是我们每个人的责任。让我们携起手来呵护这文明之花,让我们远离伤痛,珍爱彼此的生命吧。 今天是第十个全国中小学生安全教育日,我们希望这个日子能够再次唤醒同学们对交通安全的重视。大地苏醒,春风又绿。我们要把平安的种子撒播进自己的心田。当它发芽开花、长成参天大树,我们必将收获更多的祥和、幸福和安宁。

你好!论文结合自己的工作任务,对工作方法及技巧进行总结,并说说自己对问题的解决或技能的掌握过程中的心得体会。三、 选题范围1) 发动机故障的诊断与排除过程2) 汽车底盘方面的故障排除过程3) 汽车电器方面的故障排除过程4) 汽车电控方面的故障排除过程5) 汽车美容操作工艺总结6) 汽车钣金工艺总结过程7) 汽车相关工作(工艺)流程

