

发布时间:2024-07-06 22:51:42


introduction of how objectives will be achieved (methodology) Method (how the results were achieved): explanation of how data was collected/generated · explanation of how data was analyzed explanation of methodological problems and their solutions or effects SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESEARCHanalysis: classes of data are collected and studies conducted to discern patterns and formulate principles that might guide future actioncase study: the background, development, current conditions and environmental interactions of one or more individuals, groups, communities, businesses or institutions is observed, recorded and analyzed for stages of patterns in relation to internal and external parison: two or more existing situations are studied to determine their similarities and lation-prediction: statistically significant correlation coefficients between and among a number of factors are sought and interpretedevaluation: research to determine whether a program or project followed the prescribed procedures and achieved the stated design-demonstration: new systems or programs are constructed, tested and evaluatedsurvey-questionnaire: behaviors, beliefs and observations of specific groups are identified, reported and experiment: one or more variables are manipulated and the results heory construction: an attempt to find or describe principles that explain how things work the way they d analysis: predicting or forecasting the future direction of

Methodology是一整套方法,比较系统的那种 比如“数据统计分析的方法” 也可以是哲学上说的方法论 qualitative data collection; quantitative data collection; or the mixed-methods (which means the combination of the two methods above) Positivism; Constructivism结构性预算平衡方法论和智利中央政府预算,1987-2001a methodology for developing science teaching materials for pupils with learning difficulties参考资料:





introduction of how objectives will be achieved (methodology) Method (how the results were achieved): explanation of how data was collected/generated · explanation of how data was analyzed explanation of methodological problems and their solutions or effects SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESEARCHanalysis: classes of data are collected and studies conducted to discern patterns and formulate principles that might guide future actioncase study: the background, development, current conditions and environmental interactions of one or more individuals, groups, communities, businesses or institutions is observed, recorded and analyzed for stages of patterns in relation to internal and external parison: two or more existing situations are studied to determine their similarities and lation-prediction: statistically significant correlation coefficients between and among a number of factors are sought and interpretedevaluation: research to determine whether a program or project followed the prescribed procedures and achieved the stated design-demonstration: new systems or programs are constructed, tested and evaluatedsurvey-questionnaire: behaviors, beliefs and observations of specific groups are identified, reported and experiment: one or more variables are manipulated and the results heory construction: an attempt to find or describe principles that explain how things work the way they d analysis: predicting or forecasting the future direction of


introduction of how objectives will be achieved (methodology) Method (how the results were achieved): explanation of how data was collected/generated · explanation of how data was analyzed explanation of methodological problems and their solutions or effects SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESEARCHanalysis: classes of data are collected and studies conducted to discern patterns and formulate principles that might guide future actioncase study: the background, development, current conditions and environmental interactions of one or more individuals, groups, communities, businesses or institutions is observed, recorded and analyzed for stages of patterns in relation to internal and external parison: two or more existing situations are studied to determine their similarities and lation-prediction: statistically significant correlation coefficients between and among a number of factors are sought and interpretedevaluation: research to determine whether a program or project followed the prescribed procedures and achieved the stated design-demonstration: new systems or programs are constructed, tested and evaluatedsurvey-questionnaire: behaviors, beliefs and observations of specific groups are identified, reported and experiment: one or more variables are manipulated and the results heory construction: an attempt to find or describe principles that explain how things work the way they d analysis: predicting or forecasting the future direction of






在进行Methodology写作的过程中,要对我们所使用的方法和研究手段进行详细的描述,保证其清晰度和准确性,并解释我们为什么选择这种方法。在这个过程中,详细的方法介绍是极为必要的,因为这样其他人才能够从我们的解说和介绍中学到问题解决的方法和精髓,这有助于其他人积极地开展工作研究。在Methodology的写作过程中,需要注意以下几个方面:阅读的受众;不同类型的方法;论文Methodology的方法;确定我们的研究方式。在Methodology的写作之初,一定要指定是否用定量方法来测量数据、定性的方法来描述现象或两种方法同时进行研究。在进行问题研究的时候,一定要对我们选择的framework(框架)进行解释说明,并说明我们选择的原因。例如,如果我们要对一种new behavior modification program(新的行为修改程序)进行研究分析,以便了解其是否减少了课堂上的捣乱行为,那么我们就要提到我们所研究的方法,并解释我们所采用这种定量方法的原因,以及探索学生不当行为的干预和频率之间的关系。描述数据收集过程在Methodology的写作中,我们要详细叙述我们是如何收集原始数据或档案检索信息的。如果我们的研究涉及到人或动物以及他们的状态,就需要说明我们获得了学校机构审查委员会的批准,以便说明我们这样做的合理性。在定量研究中,我们还要对实验过程的信息进行分析、测试或调查,这也包括分段取样的过程,另外,我们还需要引用数据收集工具的信度和效度。如果我们进行了定性研究,我们需要通过调查方法对相关数据进行解释,如案例研究、参与观察、分析或焦点小组,这个时候我们需要采用相关的参考文献来增加论文的可信度。讨论数据分析总结用于分析经验数据的策略,并搜集学习过程中汇聚在一起的主观报告的意义和价值,例如,如果调查每周工作20小时以内的学生是否平均分高于每周工作20个小时或更多的学生,我们可能会使用卡方检验来比较两组的平均分;如果描述定性的分析,就需要透露任何影响我们解释的个人偏见,并提及使用的软件工具,以便识别主题和进行叙事。注意潜在的局限性在进行Methodology写作的过程中,记得叙述出任何研究的弱点以及可能混淆的结果。这样的例子有很多,例如:调查回收率低、小样本尺寸、感叹词的不可预见性或不参加焦点小组等等。评论限制可能会扭曲数据和结论,而承认局限性并不一定影响有效性;相反,它作为一种识别领域需要得到进一步的研究和学习。


