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本次大学英语四级考试有一则作文题目是考生在就业和创业之间进行选择,这是和大学生生活极为紧密的话题——大学毕业后的选择:工作还是创业,也是每个大学毕业生都会面临的选择题。构思本题可以从以下思路入手,首先开篇明确自己的选择;中间段落具体阐述自己做出这样选择的原因,例如参考范文做出的选择是创业,中间段落具体阐释选择创业的原因是由于爱好和积累经验。结尾段说明无论哪一种选择本身并无对错之分。真题及参考范文如下:【题目】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your You are to make a Write an essay to explain the reasons for your You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 【参考范文】For undergraduates college students, deciding what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision to say the From my point of view, I prefer to launch a My choice can be attributed to the following two driving For one thing, I want to start my own business because I love do what I In my own business, I will be more than passionate to plan, organize and execute my favorite For another thing, running my own business, I can accumulate rich experience, which is not only valuable to problem-solving but also critical to career While the risk of failing is real, what is important part is the lesson Actually, when in comes time for university graduates to decide their next step in life, there is no on right or wrong choice for Rather, each students must reach his or her own 【参考译文】对于本科生来说,决定毕业工作之后做什么毫不夸张的说是一个艰难的决定。从我个人而言,我更喜欢创业。以下两点原因可以解释我的选择。一方面,我是因为想做自己喜欢的事情才选择创业。自己创业时,会投入极大的热情对于自己喜欢的项目进行计划、组织和执行。另一方面,通过创业,可以积累丰富的工作经验,而工作经验对于问题解决还是职业发展都是非常有必要的。虽然失败的风险是真是的,但是重要的是从中吸取教训。事实上,大学毕业之际,每个人在决定人生中的下一步时无所谓对和错。更恰当的说,每个学生都必须做出自己的选择。【范文解析】这次的四级作文再次考了和大学生生活极为紧密的话题——大学毕业后的选择:工作还是创业,这是每个大学毕业生都会面临的选择题。构思本题可以从以下思路入手,首先开篇明确自己的选择;中间段落具体阐述自己做出这样选择的原因,例如参考范文做出的选择是创业,中间段落具体阐释选择创业的原因是由于爱好和积累经验。结尾段说明无论哪一种选择本身并无对错之分。【题目点评】今年的英语四级作文主要围绕“大学毕业生的选择”命题,从已知的题目来看,要么是让大家在创业和工作之间进行选择,要么是在读研和创业之间选择,要么是国企就职和合资企业就职记性选择。题目指令非常明确:首先给出自己的选择,其次给出做出这个选择的原因;所以中间段落考生主要要对自己为何做出这种原因做出解释。破题思路:第一段:话题描述。第二段:表明观点+阐述原因。第三段:观点结论。




翻译如下:大学生就业选择Employment option of College StudentsFirst, the impact of hometown in employment area choosing is College students are more willing to work in the geographical location of their Second, the impact of the degree of the education in employment areachoosing is The more education the person gains, thelarger cities he chooses to work

Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, almost all the graduates have to face a choice: to get a job first or to find the job you like first? As far as I am concerned, the graduates should get a job first and then choose the job they The reasons can be listed as follows:  First of all, for many students, even they themselves don’t know what kind of job they want to For these students, to get a job first can help them find out their favorite job through trying different What’s more, the graduates are all under great employment There are thousands of graduates need to find their jobs every So if the graduates don’t get their jobs as soon as they leave the school, they will miss the best chance to get a Last but not least, one can accumulate experience and broaden horizons in his or her first It’s certain that these experiences will contribute to future As the famous saying goes “One should apply theory to ”, students should apply what they have learned in class to their jobs, thus enhancing their working   Above all, nowadays under the greater employment pressure, the graduates should get a job first and then to choose the job they Since students can have a better understanding of what they like and gain experience in the first


With the development of society, the Chinese university student more, they than their predecessors have learned much knowledge, but employment lower than their fathers Some people think that college students couldn't find a job can oneself to start a business, and create a belong to his job, but some people think that college students starting my own business also exist great I think that although college students learned many knowledge, but this is after all books, but they haven't learned the real experience, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, therefore I encourage the students often go to attempt and experience, whether employment or business, should be conscientious to treat, do help society



Choosing Further Study or Jobs after Graduation There is a heated discussion about what college students choose to do after their Some directors conceive that it is of great significance to undertake postgraduate study, which can help graduates cultivate some skills and become more competitive in the job What is more, it is easy for them to have access to job However, Graham, Jordana and some other people perceive that it is more important for students to be devoted to jobs after graduation for the reason that practical skills and working experience are more persuasive than the  College students do find it difficult to decide what to do after their On my personal note, I hold the view that college students should begin their career after There are at least two good reasons accounting for my To begin with, if students choose to work after graduation, it is beneficial for them to develop practical skills and to accumulate valuable working experience, both which they can not learn from the And it is useful for graduates to apply the knowledge to the actual In addition, there is a tendency that many graduates work hard after their graduation to repay their In reality, if students choose to undertake postgraduate study, their parents will have more financial burden and students themselves may have more stress and anxiety, which is more trouble than it is  In conclusion, personally I support the point of view that college students should choose to commit themselves to work after their On account of the financial conditions and fierce competition in this society, it is a good choice to find jobs to make a What is learnt from practical experience is far more significant and important than what is learnt from What employees emphasize is the capacity of employers rather than the superb

英文作文《毕业后考研还是工作》该怎么写?考研还是就业英语作文毕业后范文就业和考研,是我们近年英语作文中的热门话题之一。下面是 给大家整理了选择考研还是就业英语作文,供大家参阅!考研还是就业英语作文篇1Get a Job FirstIt is inevitable that most senior students have to choose between pursuing their studies and seeking employment in a certain Personally, I prefer to procure a job first after To begin with, the current trend is that hands-on experience is as important as a degree if not even more Especially in dynamic subjects like business, international trade and journalism, employers tend to place more focus on experience than academic This point can be illustrated by the fact that most companies require their new employees to have a certain amount of work In addition, even with students who intend to further their study, knowledge learn at work can help them decide what their focus should Otherwise, students enrolled in a postgraduate programme may have to face the challenge of not knowing what his strengths Last, students generally speaking can benefit more from a master's programme when they can relate the knowledge back to tasks at In this way, instead of being confined in a pure academic environment, students can actually apply the knowledge learn in class to real situations, which is undoubtedly the ultimate aim of higher In conclusion, I believe that graduates should gain work experience first before embarking on postgraduate

本次大学英语四级考试有一则作文题目是考生在就业和创业之间进行选择,这是和大学生生活极为紧密的话题——大学毕业后的选择:工作还是创业,也是每个大学毕业生都会面临的选择题。构思本题可以从以下思路入手,首先开篇明确自己的选择;中间段落具体阐述自己做出这样选择的原因,例如参考范文做出的选择是创业,中间段落具体阐释选择创业的原因是由于爱好和积累经验。结尾段说明无论哪一种选择本身并无对错之分。真题及参考范文如下:【题目】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your You are to make a Write an essay to explain the reasons for your You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 【参考范文】For undergraduates college students, deciding what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision to say the From my point of view, I prefer to launch a My choice can be attributed to the following two driving For one thing, I want to start my own business because I love do what I In my own business, I will be more than passionate to plan, organize and execute my favorite For another thing, running my own business, I can accumulate rich experience, which is not only valuable to problem-solving but also critical to career While the risk of failing is real, what is important part is the lesson Actually, when in comes time for university graduates to decide their next step in life, there is no on right or wrong choice for Rather, each students must reach his or her own 【参考译文】对于本科生来说,决定毕业工作之后做什么毫不夸张的说是一个艰难的决定。从我个人而言,我更喜欢创业。以下两点原因可以解释我的选择。一方面,我是因为想做自己喜欢的事情才选择创业。自己创业时,会投入极大的热情对于自己喜欢的项目进行计划、组织和执行。另一方面,通过创业,可以积累丰富的工作经验,而工作经验对于问题解决还是职业发展都是非常有必要的。虽然失败的风险是真是的,但是重要的是从中吸取教训。事实上,大学毕业之际,每个人在决定人生中的下一步时无所谓对和错。更恰当的说,每个学生都必须做出自己的选择。【范文解析】这次的四级作文再次考了和大学生生活极为紧密的话题——大学毕业后的选择:工作还是创业,这是每个大学毕业生都会面临的选择题。构思本题可以从以下思路入手,首先开篇明确自己的选择;中间段落具体阐述自己做出这样选择的原因,例如参考范文做出的选择是创业,中间段落具体阐释选择创业的原因是由于爱好和积累经验。结尾段说明无论哪一种选择本身并无对错之分。【题目点评】今年的英语四级作文主要围绕“大学毕业生的选择”命题,从已知的题目来看,要么是让大家在创业和工作之间进行选择,要么是在读研和创业之间选择,要么是国企就职和合资企业就职记性选择。题目指令非常明确:首先给出自己的选择,其次给出做出这个选择的原因;所以中间段落考生主要要对自己为何做出这种原因做出解释。破题思路:第一段:话题描述。第二段:表明观点+阐述原因。第三段:观点结论。


学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性、预测性上具有的新的科学研究成果、创新见解和知识的科学记录。学术论文也是某种已知原理应用于实际上取得新进展的科学总结,用以提供学术会议上宣读、交流、讨论或学术刊物上发表,或用作其他用途的书面文件。学术论文就是用系统的、专门的知识来讨论或研究某种问题或研究成果的学理性文章,具有学术性、科学性、创造性、学理性。按写作目的,学术论文可分为交流性论文和考核性论文。 学术论文是对某个科学领域中的学术问题进行研究后表述科学研究成果的理论文章。学术论文的写作是非常重要的,它是衡量一个人学术水平和科研能力的重要标志。在学术论文撰写中,选题与选材是头等重要的问题。一篇学术论文的价值关键并不只在写作的技巧,也要注意研究工作本身。在于你选择了什么课题,并在这个特定主题下选择了什么典型材料来表述研究成果。科学研究的实践证明,只有选择了有意义的课题,才有可能收到较好的研究成果,写出较有价值的学术论文。所以学术论文的选题和选材,是研究工作开展前具有重大意义的一步,是必不可少的准备工作。学术论文,就是用系统的、专门的知识来讨论或研究某种问题或研究成果的学理性文章。具有学术性、科学性、创造性、学理性。基本类别按研究的学科,可将学术论文分为自然科学论文和社会科学论文。每类又可按各自的门类分下去。如社会科学论文,又可细分为文学、历史、哲学、教育、政治等学科论文。按研究的内容,可将学术论文分为理论研究论文和应用研究论文。理论研究,重在对各学科的基本概念和基本原理的研究;应用研究,侧重于如何将各学科的知识转化为专业技术和生产技术,直接服务于社会。按写作目的,可将学术论文分为交流性论文和考核性论文。交流性论文,目的只在于专业工作者进行学术探讨,发表各家之言,以显示各们学科发展的新态势;考核性论文,目的在于检验学术水平,成为有关专业人员升迁晋级的重要依据。

人生的选择 人生路漫漫,我们选择宏伟的目标,毅然奋进在前进中我们披两肩霜花,洒一路豪歌,谱写了一曲又一曲优美的乐章选择,我们愿选择美丽的人生 花儿面对更替变换的四季选择绿意盎然的春天,青松面对辽阔的大地选择峻峭悬崖,腊梅面对大地选择了冰天雪地的北国,大自然是丰富多彩的,与众不同的精灵们都有着与众不同的选择 智者信仰着真理选择桀骜不驯,勇者渴望超越选择了奋斗不息,善者祈祷和平选择了舍生取义是什么样的人就有什么样的选择,但无论是什么选择,我们都要让它成为我们的骄傲 选择一颗炽热的心,可广交天下之友;择一颗平和的心,可以享受“采菊东篱下”的悠闲;择一颗博爱的心,可挑起万家忧乐的重任;择一颗不凡的心,可以作出惊世的创举 陶渊明不为五斗米而折腰,选择了归园田居,享受着“飞鸟相与还”的乐趣;孟子面对生与义,主张“舍生取义”,才有了我们今天的正义观今天不少的大学毕业生,一走出校门便选择了落后的西北地区,这是他们的有价值的选择,是无悔的青春心! 雄鹰搏击蓝天,海燕喝退惊雷,只要放飞自己,无愧于心地选择,我们就是雄鹰,我们就是海燕 人生与选择 “高手也有失手的时候”一句古朴又别有趣味俗语,为何能流传千百年,甚至成为广大群众喜爱的一句口头禅?答案其实很简单,它道出了人性灵魂的本质,人无完人,世上有几个人是十全十美,就连我国伟大教育家孔子遇美玉也会掩面自叹人生的路径有多条,每条都可以到达充满光明的彼岸,要看你如何选择 上海的某个电视节目的内容大概如下:选手每轮五道题,答题时间有限,能在规定时间内得分较多的即为优胜者类似这样的竞争数不胜数,有些选手认为时间重要而忽视了答题效率,而有些选手认为时间重要而忽视的结果,这两类选手最终还是无法站到领奖台上虽有满肚子墨水却不懂得用最佳方法来诠释,最后还得怨天杞人忧天,真是可悲至及极 生命如烟火,是短暂的,也是璨灿的如何才能在这看似平凡的人生之路上创造出一番不一样的事业,如何才能在自己的人生问卷上填上最佳的答案,如何才能……总总如何,都只在于你的一个选择当你选择了权利地位,而背弃了亲朋如友时,用富兰克林的话说,你就是为了一个消子而付出了惨重代价的愚蠢的人当你恣情于享受,而践踏灵魂,出卖尊严时,用我的话说,你就是连一个消子也不如 人生有太多选择,无论怎样谨慎,还是会有出错的时候,只是“贤者能勿忘耳矣”就拿“管宁割席”这个故事来说吧,管宁因为看不惯华歆因贪图享乐而荒废学业,便与华歆割调节绝交,从此互一相问夕日形影不离的好友只因管宁一个选择便形同陌路人,是对是错,不得而知管宁因友人一些过错便与之绝交,却不翻心教导,独自一人飞黄鸿达,在后人看来,管宁是个不义之人原是华歆之过却换来了管宁声名的损败,也只 缘于管宁一个错误的决择 一个正确的选择可以把一个平凡的人生过渡到精彩的彼岸,走错了一步,则全盘皆输人生要如彩虹绽放七彩,要如瀑布飞溅美丽浪花,那就请走好你的每一步 选择人生 选择人生, 不能太随便, 因为人生的未来就在这弹指之间;选择人生, 不能太随便, 因为选择可以让我们的人生改变;因为可以选择, 我们不懂珍惜;因为可以选择, 我们轻易抛弃;因为可以选择, 我们错过良机;因为可以选择, 我们贪婪无比;人生在获得的同时, 总会有失去, 不要老想着过去那失去的梦想, 还要看看手中的实际让努力给人生铺路, 让拼搏为人生搭桥, 无论成功是否, 不要轻言放弃选择人生, 一定要深思熟虑;选择人生, 一定不要放过时机;人生仅一次, 既有熊掌又有鱼, 别以为失掉了苹果还会有梨 人生的选择 —— 朋友与幸福 财富 父母 权利 事业 爱情 子女 诚信 朋友 地位 名誉 脸面 知识 健康 幸福 今天这堂作文课,老师让我们做了一次“人生的选择”老师叫我们在14个词中选择对你最重要的两个词 我望望14个词,提起笔,第一个划去了财富我想:俗话说得好“金钱是万恶之源”如果因为眼前的一笔财富而忘记一切,导致走向恶路,那才会失去得更多! 接着,我沉思了一会儿,有将地位排除在外因为人们都说咱们社会主义是人人平等的,不在乎地位的高低无论你做的官有多大,如果只是一个压制别人的工具的话,你的地位就是空纸一张! 然后我又一一划去了事业,爱情,名誉,脸面……只省下了父母,朋友,与幸福从小把我养到大的父母,知心知己的朋友,令人向往的幸福,三个都那么美好,使我舍不得下笔 这时,我想到妈妈对我说过的一句话“我和你爸爸希望你长大之后能自力更生,靠自己的双手开辟自己的天地”对呀,我总有一天要离开父母,面对陌生的世面,我还能再去依赖父母吗?我要学会自己开创道路,迎来快乐,用自己的力量造福于父母于是我轻轻地划去了父母 终于我找到了自己人生的选择——朋友与幸福 选择朋友是因为有句话说得好“在家靠父母,出外靠朋友”在我懂事以来,朋友帮助我的事已经数不清了无论是借东西,还是伤心时的安慰,就算朋友的爱再小再小,也能使我无比开心相信我长大后,朋友依然使我骄傲! 我又选择幸福,是因为我想幸福,爱我的人也希望我幸福我想幸福可能是一个终点,一个目标再苦累的人也能用双手追求幸福,同样,原本幸福的人也希望自己更幸福幸福虽然难求,但它永远是激励我一生的词 我选择朋友与幸福! 人生的选择 随着14次春去秋来,我就经历了自己也无法数清的各种选择,而几乎每一次选择都伴着一次徘徊,等待我的呢,是我无法预知的无穷无尽的选择、选择…… 清晨,公共汽车上的人们像未睡醒似的迷迷糊糊,即使是窗外的狂风也不能刺激人们的神经 我坐在软软的车座上,随着车身的摇动一起一伏,脑子里满是英语单词我努力记忆着,尽量把他们莫名其妙的塞进脑子,直到满意才停止 这时耳边响起了一个雉嫩的声音:“妈妈,为什么明天不接我了?”“以后你就天天住在幼儿园里,和小朋友一起玩,一块睡我一星期接你回家一次,这样你就不用天天早起了”显然是母亲的回答我抬眼一看,好可爱的一张小脸,此时却皱着眉头,眨着眼睛望着他的妈妈:“那……那我要天天回家嘛?”“那你就天天早起,可你又起不来”说着,母亲又向孩子的口中塞了一块面包,一阵沉默孩子终于自言自语地开了口:“我要天天回家……还不要早起” 我听了这话,心里一紧,调开头,望着窗外冷清的马路 “有点像小时候的‘买冰棍’不是吗?”我心里想着,从幼时起,我就听到卖冰棍的老太太和蔼地问:“要奶油的还是要小豆的?”那时我也会犹豫一下,虽然这种选择是经常的,但我还是不能很果断这就好比鱼和熊掌不能都得,天地尚无完体,何况人间诸多事物除了选择,又能怎么样呢? 随着14次春去秋来,我就经历了自己也无法数清的各种选择,而几乎每一次选择都伴着一次徘徊,等待我的呢,是我无法预知的无穷无尽的选择、选择…… 长大了,自己当然会买东西了,于是自由购买着喜爱的物品当我看见精美的装饰品时,当我在两个物品中不断徘徊时,我好为难,它们都时那么美,那么好让我好不犹豫,到底买哪个呢?现在想起来,只觉得它就像这人生中无数选择之一多少次徘徊,却无法知道选择的结果是什么 “只能要一个,对不对?”孩子无奈的问话把我拖回现实看着他委屈的样子,我有一种同病相怜的感觉“那我不要这么早起来了,一个星期接我一次吧”孩子低头说完 汽车“嘎”地停住了,该下车了打开的英语书上,那些早已熟悉的句子又一次映入眼里,又是一个选择疑问句:Do you want tea or coffee ?我麻木地合上书,在无意中脱口答道“I want some tea ”

以选择为话题的作文篇一:幸福的选择以选择为话题的作文篇二:我选择坚强   以选择为话题的作文篇三:快乐需要选择   以选择为话题的作文篇五:选择勇敢
