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2006 年1 月  J 2006  天津外国语学院学报  Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University  第13 卷第1 期  Vol 13 N 1  收稿日期:2005 - 08 - 29  作者简介:梁晓晖(1970 - ) ,女,副教授,研究方向:西方文论、英语文体学  从女主人公的性格矛盾  看《傲慢与偏见》的自我解构  梁晓晖  (国际关系学院英文系,北京100091)  摘 要: 《傲慢与偏见》历来被认为是作者为讴歌女性追求幸福婚姻的不懈努力而作。而从分析  女主人公在小说关键情节中的矛盾性格,可以透析作者真正的初衷其实与历来的解读恰恰相反,  她原是为更淋漓地揭露女子在当时的条件下难以得到理想婚姻这一社会现实,于是作家实际要  表达的思想对作品表面上展现的意义形成了解构。  关键词: 《傲慢与偏见》;性格矛盾;解构  Abstract : Pride and Prejudice has traditionally been interpreted as a work praising those women who fought  for a happy However ,when observed from the conflicting character of the heroine Elizabeth , the  work is found to contain a contrary underlying message ,which deconstructs the obvious significance of the  novel In fact , the author intends to expose a reality that a woman at the end of the 18th century can find no  freedom at all to challenge the social   Key words : Pride and Prejudice ;charater conflict ; deconstruction  中图分类号: I 4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 - 665x(2006) 01 - 0049 - 06  一、对《傲慢与偏见》的传统认识  《傲慢与偏见》自诞生不久就成为家喻户晓  的作品,并吸引了历代评论家的关注。很多对  这部作品的评注与关于莎翁、狄更斯、勃朗特姐  妹的文评在数量上同时名列榜首。在众多对这  部小说的述评中,关注的焦点大多集中在作品  女主人公伊丽莎白( Elizabeth Bennet) 的性格展  开上,以及她在婚姻中对金钱与爱情的抉择而  体现的作品意义上;对人物的观察也从小说的  小环境指向当时社会的大背景: 18 世纪末19  世纪初的英国,妇女在经济上从而也在社会与  家庭地位上附属于男性(Brown ,1985 :1 - 26) ,  这一点在财产传男不传女的制度上可见一斑。  小说中伊丽莎白的父亲因无男性子嗣,如果过  世之后,家庭财产将划归其侄子所有,而妻子及  亲生女儿则无权问津。对于像伊丽莎白这样中  产阶级出身但财产微薄的知识女性,要想获得  一种体面的生活和地位,唯一的途径就是嫁给  一个好男人。与此相矛盾的是,社会等级制度  森严,婚姻讲究门当户对,于是这些中产阶级的  姑娘们也只能在中产阶级内部依照个人条件优  劣尽量择优录取配偶了。总之,婚姻是人们寻  求经济保障及社会地位的途径。伊丽莎白的堂  兄柯林斯(Collins Bennet) 深知这一点,所以经济  殷实但庸俗不堪的他在向才貌出众的伊丽莎白  求婚时,认为自己这是便宜了伊丽莎白;伊丽莎  白的好友夏绿蒂(Charlotte Lucus) 也深知这一  点,所以在柯林斯向好友伊丽莎白求婚未果转  而隔天就向自己求婚时她也欣然应允。达西  (Darcy) 、宾礼小姐(Miss Bingley) 都深知这一点,  这两个上流社会的宠儿曾极力想要拆散伊丽莎  白的姐姐珍妮与宾礼先生的结合———珍妮个人  9 4  无论有多么优秀,她的中产阶级身份是难以弥  补的。  只有伊丽莎白鄙视这一点,在历来评注者  的心目中她崇尚以爱情为基础的婚姻,反对以  经济条件或社会地位作为择偶标准(Jones ,  1987 : 28) 。所以她首先不顾母亲的极力反对  拒绝了能给自己带来殷实生活的柯林斯的求  婚;之后又因误解拒绝了能给自己带来奢华生  活及显赫地位的达西的第一次求婚,尽管后者  正在努力逾越等级差别的藩篱。在她周围人包  括在她自己眼中,她都是出类拔萃、与众不同  的。她父亲评价说,自己的女儿们“没有哪一个  值得夸奖的⋯⋯她们跟人家的姑娘一样,又傻,  又无知;倒是丽萃(伊丽莎白昵称) 要比她的几  个姐妹伶俐些”(Austen ,1991 :3) 。在与达西尽  释前嫌后, 当伊丽莎白问及达西喜欢上自己的  原因时,达西说是她的“脑子灵活”吸引了自己,  伊丽莎白自己更补充说“你对于殷勤多礼的客  套已经感到腻烦。天下有种女人,她们无论是  说话、思想、表情,都只是为了博得你称赞一声,  你对这种女人已经觉得讨厌。我所以会引起你  的注意,打动了你的心, 就因为我不像她们”  (Austen ,1991 :338) 。奥斯汀(Jane Austen) 笔下  的这位女子,在批评家眼里是追求自由与平等  的楷模,她“从不允许让他人左右自己的意志,  也从不屈从于传统上妇女的从属地位(does not  permit her‘will’to be dictated to by another ,and she  will never admit the submissive role traditionally as2  cribed to ) ”(Hardy ,1984 :47) 。在读者  心目中她是漂亮、聪慧、勇敢的化身,她不慕金  钱,不依权贵,在200 多年前就敢于冲破世俗的  偏见追求并得到了自己理想中的幸福。  那么,这种美满的结局在当时的英国社会  真的能够出现吗? 一个乡村女性真的能够冲破  等级差别的束缚吗? 在随后半个多世纪里的作  家们的笔下,妇女地位都远没有提升到能够这  样随心所欲的地步。《名利场》( Vanity Fair) 中  的夏普(Miss Sharp) 为寻求一个经济上得以依  赖的伴侣可谓机关算尽也未有所果; 《福罗斯河  上的磨坊》( The Mill on the Floss) 中的玛琪(Mag2  gie) 为追求一份符合道德的情感付出了生命的  代价;简·爱(Jane Eyre) 必须要嫁给一个失去了  健康的老男人才算拥有了一份幸福的婚姻;而  苔斯(Tess) 这样的出水芙蓉也与理想的爱人失  之交臂,花折玉损。那么,奥斯汀为何远在世纪  的交界就编造出这种理想式的神话呢? 这位乡  间的小女子是否真如那些大评论家所言,不谙  世事、不食人间烟火呢(Gillie ,1997 :142) ? 这些  应该能从作品本身找到答案。  二、伊丽莎白的性格矛盾  伊丽莎白是否真如读者及她自己认为的那  样不依权贵,不慕金钱,不媚世俗? 评论家们都  喜欢从她与达西的关系发展中分析出她的上述  性格。  首先,伊丽莎白一直宣称自己不在乎达西  的评判,这是否就能够说明她不慕权贵? 达西  是贵族的代表,不在乎达西,当然是够有骨气的  了。自从舞会上第一次见面被达西冷落之后,  伊丽莎白就一直对达西没有好感,对她而言“达  西只是个到处不讨人喜欢的男人,何况他曾经  认为她不够漂亮不配跟她跳舞”(Austen ,1991 :  19) ,在随后的交往中伊丽莎白抓住所有机会对  达西贵族式的傲慢冷嘲热讽,颇失礼貌;她甚至  在一次聚会中回绝了威廉爵士的撮合,拒绝与  达西跳舞。至此,伊丽莎白的性格是统一的:她  率真,甚至有些刚烈。  但不久,伊丽莎白因要照顾病在宾礼家的  姐姐也滞留在那里时,与达西等人有了几天近  距离接触后,对达西的态度发生了一些转变。  她开始关注达西了:她会一边做针线活一边聆  听宾礼小姐与达西的谈话,甚至开始主动参与  达西等人的聊天,她还注意到达西在关注自己。  故事中说达西对伊丽莎白的关注引起了宾礼小  姐的嫉妒。这对三角关系的对台戏在下面这段  引文中演绎得颇为生动:  宾礼小姐⋯⋯不大一会儿工夫,就站起身  来,在房间里踱来踱去,故意在达西面前卖弄她  优美的体态和矫健的步伐,只可惜达西只顾在  那里一心一意地看书,因此她只落得枉费心机。  她绝望之余,决定再作一次努力,于是转过身来  对伊丽莎白说:  “伊丽莎白·班纳特小姐,我劝你还是学学  我的样子,在房间里走动走动吧。告诉你,坐了  那么久,走动一下可以提提精神。”  0 5  天津外国语学院学报 2006 年第1 期  伊丽莎白觉得很诧异,可是立刻依了她的  意思。于是宾礼小姐献殷勤的真正目的达到了  ⋯⋯达西先生果然抬起头来⋯⋯(Austen ,  1991 :48 - 49)  正如申丹教授所澄清的,叙事声音与叙事声音  是两回事(申丹,1998 :208) 。加点部分的叙事  声音俨然是来自作者,但叙事眼光却可以有两  种理解:如果是作者的叙事眼光, 伊丽莎白当  然是透明的了;但如果作者在此使用了伊丽莎  白的叙事眼光,即这一段是伊丽莎白所观察到  的或是她接受完邀请一起在屋子里溜达后的顿  悟———以她的敏锐及近来对达西和宾礼小姐的  关注,这也是完全有可能的———那么,她的这种  揣摩背后就有了另一层意思:她也在嫉妒宾礼  小姐,在不停地评判宾礼小姐。否则,在接下来  达西笑说她俩在卖弄身姿而宾礼小姐叫着要惩  罚他时,她就不会话里带刺儿了:  “噢,吓坏人!”宾礼小姐叫了起来。“我从  来没听到过这么毒辣的话。⋯⋯亏他说得出,  该怎么罚他呀?”  “要是你存心罚他,那是再容易不过的事,”  伊丽莎白说。“彼此都可以罚来罚去,折磨来折  磨去。作弄他一番吧⋯⋯讥笑他一番吧。你们  既然这么相熟,你该懂得怎么对付他呀。”(Aus2  ten , 1991 :49)  这俨然是在说“你要想惩罚他当然是有办法的  喽,又何必问我呢? 不过你们俩关系那么亲密,  你是舍不得惩罚他的呀”。宾礼小姐一直在露  骨地追求达西,这话(加点部分) 跟她说是没有  问题的。但伊丽莎白已经看出来达西并不怎么  喜欢这位朋友的妹妹,与她毫无亲密可言,这话  冲达西一说就有点挑唆的味道了———对并不怎  么动心的一方说你与另一方多好只能拉远双方  的距离。这与宾礼小姐就达西对伊丽莎白的青  睐而挑衅达西的话简直是异曲同工:  为了挑拨达西厌恶这位客人,她(宾礼小  姐) 常常闲言闲语,说他跟伊丽莎白终将结成美  满良缘,而且估料着这一门良缘会给达西带来  多大幸福。  第二天宾礼小姐跟达西两人在矮树林里散  步,她说:“我希望将来有一天好事如愿的时候,  你得委婉地奉劝你那位岳母出言吐语要谨慎  些,还有你那几位小姨子,要是你能力办得到,  最好也得把她们那种醉心追求军官的毛病医治  好。还有一件事我真不好意思说出口;尊夫人  有一点儿小脾气,好像是自高自大,又好像是不  懂礼貌,你也得尽力帮助她克制一下。”(Aus2  ten ,1991 :45)  当然,伊丽莎白比宾礼小姐聪明,说的话远没有  后者这么直白。但她那段话显然在影射宾礼小  姐对达西的纠缠,这只能引起达西对宾礼小姐  的反感。作为两个漂亮的女性,她们自觉不自  觉地在互相嫉妒,互相攀比,甚至有点互相排  挤。宾礼小姐企图用伊丽莎白不熟悉的话题  (如关于达西小姐的近况) 不让伊丽莎白参与自  己和达西的谈话,伊丽莎白则用智慧使达西的  注意点一直在自己的话题之内而把宾礼小姐排  除在外。  在单独与达西、宾礼这些上流社会的人在  一起的这段时间里,从她态度的些许转变可以  看出伊丽莎白在潜意识中调整了自我,她对达  西不再那么不屑一顾了。正如拉康在自己的镜  像理论中所提及的:人的自我是他者眼中自我  的体现( Eagleton ,1983 ,5 Chaper) 。伊丽莎白的  新自我正是在与宾礼小姐的竞争与认同中建立  起来的:她对达西近来的关注直接产生于宾礼  小姐对达西的追求及对自己的妒忌。在心理  上,她一直讨厌却又转而关注达西是对以宾礼  小姐为代表的上流社会观念最明显的附庸!  伊丽莎白对上流社会观念的附庸,还体现  于她对妈妈在达西等上流人物面前违背礼仪的  行为的过度紧张上;而在中产阶级面前,如与卢  科斯(Lucus) 一家的交往中,她却放松得多。她  对权贵的依附远比她自己认为的严重!  从此出发,就容易解释伊丽莎白在拒绝达  西的第一次求婚后的反常行为了。上次从宾礼  家回来后,伊丽莎白受韦翰(M Wickham) 的蒙  惑,相信达西曾毫无道理地剥夺了他父亲给韦  翰的重报,于是开始鄙视达西的为人。再加上  后来她无意中得知是达西拆散了姐姐与宾礼,  对他就更产生了怨恨之情。在这种情绪中,依  她一贯的性格与作风,她面对达西的求婚拒绝  起来应该是坦然而轻松的。但听完达西的求婚  陈词后,她的反应却远没有那么简单:  1 5  从女主人公的性格矛盾看《傲慢与偏见》的自我解构  尽管她对他的厌恶之心根深蒂固,她究竟  不能对这样一个男人的一番盛情漠然无动于  衷;虽说她的意志不曾有过片刻的动摇,可是她  开头倒也体谅到他将会受到痛苦,因此颇感不  安,然而他后来的那些话引起了她的怨恨,她那  一片怜惜之心便完全化成了愤怒。  In spite of her deeply - rooted dislike , she  could not be insensible to the compliment of such a  man’s affection , and though her intentions did not  vary for an instant , she was at first sorry for the pain  he was to receive ; till , roused to the resentment by  his subsequent language , she lost all compassion in   (Austen , 1991 :168 - 169)  这一段表现出伊丽莎白的心情是矛盾的。如果  按照伊丽莎白的不同情绪重新排列这段文字,  更可以看清她此时心情的矛盾性:  她同情或倾心于达西 她憎恶达西   In spite of her deeply - rooted dislike ,  she could not be insensible  to the compliment of such  a man’s affection , and though her intentions did not vary for an instant ,  she was at first sorry for  the pain he was to receive ; till ,roused to the resentment by his subsequent language ,she lost  all compassion in her   以上三个句子中表达两种情感的分句之间形成  了极其平衡的句式,展现出女主人公内心两种  情感在激烈地斗争。而且除了最后一句,分号  之前的两句都是以对达西的同情为句子重心的  (出现在主句中) 。如果不是被达西随后的言语  激怒,伊丽莎白对达西的同情很可能在最后一  句也占据上风,而对他的宿怨却淡化为“虽然”、  “尽管”后的次要分句了。  我们不禁要问,对于一个自己本来就不喜  欢而且又伤害了自己心上人和亲姐姐的人,这  种宿怨难道能够淡化和抹杀? 更令人不解的  是,达西走后伊丽莎白为了这个自己“不在乎”  的人心潮澎湃、大哭不已。  她心里纷乱无比。她不知道如何撑住自  己,她非常软弱无力,便坐在那儿哭了半个钟  头。她回想到刚才的一幕,越想越觉得奇怪。  达西先生竟会向她求婚,他竟会爱上她好几个  月了! 竟会那样地爱她,要和她结婚,不管她有  多少缺点,何况她自己的姐姐正是由于这些缺  点而受到他的阻挠,不能跟他朋友结婚,何况这  些缺点对他至少具有同样的影响⋯⋯这真是一  件不可思议的事! 一个人能在不知不觉中博得  别人这样热烈的爱慕,也足够自慰了。可是他  的傲慢,他那可恶的傲慢,他居然恬不知耻地招  认他自己是怎样破坏了珍妮的好事,他招认的  时候虽然并不能自圆其说,可是叫人难以原谅  的是他那种自以为是的神气,还有他提到韦翰  先生时那种无动于衷的态度,他一点儿也不打  算否认对待韦翰的残酷⋯⋯一想到这些事,纵  使她一时之间也曾因为体谅到他一番恋情而触  动了怜悯的心肠,这时候连丝毫的怜悯也完全  给抵消了。(Austen ,1991 :172 - 173)  这位一向快乐、开朗、坚强的姑娘表现得极其反  常。我们不禁怀疑,奥斯汀是否向我们隐瞒了  伊丽莎白的真实情感,伊丽莎白本人是否也没  有向自己坦白自己的真实心声? 从引文中可以  看出,达西在她心目中的地位远远要比她所承  认的要高,她早已把他看作是一个不同凡响的  人物了。这样一个人向她求婚本是很让人自得  的,可偏偏这个人又伤害了自己爱的人,同时还  以傲慢的态度伤害着自己的自尊。不拒绝不可  以,拒绝了心里又觉得遗憾,这就是她内心情感  斗争的原因,她性格的矛盾所在。而达西能在  她的心中举足轻重,当然不会是她所一直看中  的人品方面的原因———她现在有足够的理由怀  疑他的人品。可如果抛开了人品,那么除了他  英俊潇洒之外,只能是他那她一向声称嗤之以  鼻的贵族身份在起作用了,所以她才会惊谔,  “达西先生竟会向她求婚!”  看来,虽然伊丽莎白在努力蔑视权贵(而且  她比小说中几乎所有人做得都好,这一点可以  从她在女贵族凯瑟琳·达西家的自持举止中窥  2 5  天津外国语学院学报 2006 年第1 期  视一二) ,但她骨子里还是有崇拜贵族的观念  的。让一个18 、19 世纪的年轻女子做到完全摒  弃等级观念谈何容易!  其次,再来看看伊丽莎白在择偶过程中对  金钱的态度。对柯林斯的态度最能展现她不慕  金钱的气节了。在母亲与柯林斯一齐对她软硬  兼施下,她依然不为柯林斯的地位及金钱所动,  拒绝了他的求婚,放弃了这个当时看来益处颇  多的机会。几天后好友夏绿蒂与柯林斯意外订  婚让她吃惊得不敢相信:  她现在听到这件事,不禁大为惊讶,连礼貌  也不顾了,竟大声叫了起来:  “跟柯林斯先生订婚! 亲爱的夏绿蒂,那怎  么行!”⋯⋯  她不仅为这样一个朋友的自取其辱、自贬  身份而感到难受,而且她还十分痛心地断定,她  朋友拈的这一个阄儿,决不会给她自己带来多  大的幸福。(Austen ,1991 :112 - 113)  此时,伊丽莎白对爱情与金钱的态度是非常明  朗的,夏绿蒂只重经济地位不重情感的婚姻选  择在伊丽莎白看来是自我羞辱,不配再与自己  为友的。她不会静下心来为夏绿蒂考虑一下:  姿色平平的夏绿蒂几乎毫无资产,又将过了待  嫁的年龄,可她也需要吃喝生活呀。  不久伊丽莎白为当地新来的军官韦翰的风  度谈吐所折服,并着迷于他对自己的追求。舅  妈发现了她的感情端倪,劝她不要对没有经济  来源的韦翰用情无拦,她表示会慎重考虑,并保  证起码不再鼓励韦翰追求自己。这时伊丽莎白  对金钱的态度俨然有了松动。  更为突出的是,伊丽莎白对夏绿蒂以金钱  为基础的婚姻选择的严酷态度与后来对韦翰为  了金钱选择了金小姐的宽容态度形成了强烈反  差。韦翰这么快就停止对伊丽莎白的追求而与  金小姐订婚,舅妈指责他贪图金钱,伊丽莎白却  为他辩解说:  美少年和凡夫俗子一样,也得有饭吃,有衣  穿。⋯⋯拿婚姻问题来讲,见钱眼红与动机正  当究竟有什么不同? 做到什么地步为止就算知  礼,打哪儿起就要算是贪心? (Austen , 1991 :  137)  伊丽莎白为韦翰所作的开脱依照她本来的原则  是牵强的。这里,她显然已经接纳了金钱也可  以成为婚姻中所考虑的因素这一观念。  如果说针对韦翰与金小姐订婚一事,她从  原来的反对态度到接纳了在婚姻中对金钱的选  择,那么随后在她自己的婚姻中她可以说是亲  自作出了与金钱有关的选择。  达西第一次求婚失败后写给伊丽莎白一封  信,尽述了韦翰的为人和自己拆散珍妮与宾礼  的原因。两人误解得以消除。次年春天,伊丽  莎白与舅舅、舅妈一齐游玩路过达西的庄园,里  面的秀丽风景及高雅布置深深打动了伊丽莎  白,其中的建筑更是一下子吸引了她的注意。  比起建筑的外观房屋里面的陈设更是让人心  怡,她不禁想到,“我本可以在这儿当个主妇  的!”伊丽莎白这些想法是在再次见到达西之前  产生的。她与达西虽已前嫌尽释,但也还谈不  上感情颇深。这个时候就有了想当达西太太的  想法,物质利益起到了相当重要的作用。  更为关键的是,当伊丽莎白的妹妹莉迪亚  与韦翰私奔之后,达西出高价收买了韦翰,让他  与莉迪亚完婚。达西是用金钱保住了伊丽莎白  本人及其她家人的名誉,从而为两人的婚姻铺  平了道路。在那个年代,有了名誉才有获得婚  姻及幸福的可能,而金钱在这段故事里成了不  可或缺的东西。聪明的伊丽莎白在受惠于金钱  之后是否意识到自己先前对金钱的鄙夷有多么  幼稚,多么不切实际?  小说似在宣扬伊丽莎白一向追求以爱情为  基础的婚姻,应该说她最后得到了爱情。但在  她的择偶过程中,随着性格的发展变化,她对物  质条件有了越来越多的考虑,也在无意中让金  钱成就了自己的爱情。  三、《傲慢与偏见》作品意义的自我解构  《傲慢与偏见》历来被认为是推崇了以爱情  为基础的婚姻,同时批评了以金钱或社会地位  为追求目标的婚配。女主人公伊丽莎白的理想  与追求正是作者所要提倡的观念。然而,从对  伊丽莎白的性格分析中可以看出,任何人的性  格发展都是很难脱离他的时代背景的:在18 世  纪末19 世纪初的英国,一个没有财产的女性是  难以完全摆脱世俗的束缚的,无论她有多么出  众、多么努力。  3 5  从女主人公的性格矛盾看《傲慢与偏见》的自我解构  伊丽莎白不例外,她首先对社会观念作出  了妥协,先是依从了达西的地位并接受了达西  的金钱,而后才确保了与达西的婚姻,从而最终  得到了爱情。小说中女主人公性格的矛盾性实  现了作品意义的自我解构:这部提倡以爱情为  婚姻目标的作品最后竟要书中的楷模附庸权  贵、接受金钱———刚烈如斯也逃脱不了顺应社  会规约的结局。  奥斯汀本人也不例外,否则这位情感无比  丰富的美丽女性怎会一生未嫁,我们很难想像  她在情感的路途中有过怎样与现实难以调和的  理想和难尽人意的无奈。她早期就创作出《傲  慢与偏见》这样一部作品,表达她的理想,暗藏  她的无奈,从反面构成了与她之后人生的巧合:  要么如伊丽莎白选择妥协,要么如自己选择孤  守一生;反叛而拥有幸福是不可能的。这位一  贯描写乡绅、淑女理想式恋爱生活的作家经常  被批驳为与社会现实脱节( van Ghent , 1953 :  99) 。是的,我们在她的作品里确实找不到狄更  斯笔下社会风云的波澜壮阔,哈代那里工业化  的城市对农业化的乡村的侵蚀,乔治·艾略特对  人与社会关系的深入透析。而奥斯汀作品对社  会风潮的只字不提,其实恰恰形成了对社会现  实的有力揭露。为什么呢? 这里存在一个有趣  的悖论:  奥斯汀是位反讽大师,她那开篇名句“凡是  有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条  举世公认的真理”中男人想讨老婆的愿望与其  反语女人对男人的追求同时在篇中得到了体现  ———我们要习惯她在文中言于此而意于彼。于  是大家注意到:小说在人物语言、故事叙述中都  充满了反讽,而小说在人物塑造乃至作品意义  上的自我解构才是作者最大的反讽:作者塑造  了一个敢于蔑视社会规约的女子,而她的性格  发展和结局又告诉我们,一个18 世纪末的年轻  女子是不能逃脱社会规约的。福科在谈到“性”  与“社会权力”时说,人们敢于谈论性的问题,似  乎在表明自己敢于藐视社会权力。而实际上人  们口头上的这一点点大逆不道并不妨碍行为上  的循规蹈矩,同时口头上的假自由又让人们误  以为社会规约有松动性,是民主的,是可以接纳  的———人们是在用自己的貌似反叛维护着社会  规约(Culler ,1997 :5 - 6) 。伊丽莎白正是用自  己的貌似反叛维护着社会规约。  同时,作家奥斯汀则以她注入人物的貌似  反叛实则顺从反叛着这个社会———伊丽莎白的  经历证明了人们无论怎样奋斗还是不得不回到  社会规约之中。这就是奥斯汀这位反讽大师展  现现实的方式:她让人物以貌似反叛顺应了现  实,又让自己以笔下人物的最终顺从批判了现  实。  参考文献:  [1 ] Austen ,J Pride and Prejudice[M] Beijing :Foreign Language Teaching and Study Press ,  [2 ] Brown ,J A Reader’s Guide to the Nineteenth Century English Novel [M] New York :Macmillian ,  [3 ] Butler ,M Romantics , Rebels & Reactionaries [M] London :Oxford University Press ,  [4 ] Cluysenaar ,A Introduction to Literary Stylistics :A Discussion of Dominant Structures in Verse and Prose[M] London :B TBatsford ,  [5 ] Culler ,J Literary Theory ———A Very Short Introduction[M] London :Oxford ,  [6 ] Eagleton ,T Literary Theory[M] Oxford :Basil Blackwell Publisher L ,  [7 ] Gillie ,C A Preface to Jane Austen[M] London :Longman ,  [8 ] Hardy ,J Jane Austen’s Heroines [M] London :Routledge & Kegan Paul ,  [9 ] Jones ,V How to Begin Studying English Literature[M] London :Macmillian ,  [10 ] Selden ,R A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory[M] Kentucky :The University Press of Kentucky ,  [11 ] Van Ghent ,D The English Novel [M] New York :Harper Thorchbooks ,  [12 ] Wellek ,R Concepts of Criticism[M] Yale University Press ,  [13 ] 申丹 叙述学与小说文体学研究[M] 北京:北京大学出版社,  [14 ] 韦勒克·沃伦 文学理论[M] 刘象愚等译 北京:三联书店,  4 5  天津外国语学院学报 2006 年第1 期

"A Dream of Red Mansions" Du Hougan 2005-2-27 字数:1516 Author: Heart of the Ark Source: unknown entry: Anonymous date: 2005-2-27 Volume: 1516 Throughout human history of the evolution of intelligence Love, can be roughly divided into emotional history of prehistoric, ancient and modern history of emotional feelings history of three If the literary history of human emotion is a reflection of the history of reproduction, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of the times in a position to more Like an arch bridge, just across her feelings in ancient history and the end of the beginning of modern history on In view of this, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of our time and the distance is more clear- The classical works show a comprehensive picture so vivid in the past to preserve the impact of the times, so that we can from grade to the ancient and modern people in the area of great emotion and subtle similarities and We Beixijiaojia to see that the history of human emotion and history as a rational move forward in the evolution, despite the evolution of the track is so heavy and slow, step by step, fought, including the cost of blood and life, Zhuanyan Jian burn, Ben Modern people still feel strongly from the destroyed in the Li Yumei, and we have to admit that such feelings of sympathy mixed with water Mochizuki Chiang Kai-shek, the Pioneer Press Baccalaureates told the alienation and More than half of this era when men would choose Spouse Choosing Xue Baochai, as the madness Qingchi Yihong son, the loss of his illustrious door first, he more than half of women in the eyes of it is Modern tears certainly less and less, less than in the past at least one of the Yellow River This means that emotions do not know the barren drought or mental well-being of People become emotionally intelligent volatile and more ignorance They are often insincerely, emotional and rational from the inconsistent state of mind is not ideal but obey the call of They have Qiqingliuyu, but often runs counter to If the classical era of personal feelings of love from family and social tragedy, several non-adjustable, but is, after all, in a Works within its power to complete the mission entrusted to the times, for the emotional history of classical zoned under a colorful


英语翻译毕业论文可以写某个电影或者某本书的翻译,开始也不太会,也是莫文网的高手帮忙的,很靠谱的说应用英语翻译呼唤理论指导大学英语翻译教学:现状与对策商务英语翻译中存在的问题与对策新世纪十年来商务英语翻译研究:回顾与前瞻国内商务英语翻译研究综述顺应理论视角下科技英语翻译切雅实证分析经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学大学英语翻译教学存在的问题与对策语用观视角下的中医英语翻译教学实证研究翻译——找到源语的所指——对规划教材《商务英语翻译》误译译例的批判研究从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译高校科技英语翻译课程设置探讨功能对等理论指导下的商务英语翻译科技英语汉译的英语翻译技巧研究——以船舶英语文本中的汉译为例功能对等视角下的科技英语翻译论商务英语翻译的4Es标准关联理论在科技英语翻译中的应用——以Climate Change and Peak Oil文本的翻译为例大学英语翻译教学:问题与对策英语翻译专业本科生的笔译能力调查分析——以某师范大学英语翻译专业为例中国职业篮球俱乐部体育英语翻译人员现状及发展对策研究从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译试论旅游英语翻译中的创造性论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养试论近代国人英语翻译基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译教学任务型教学法在《商务英语翻译》教学中的运用跨文化因素对商务英语翻译的影响及调整策略商务英语翻译教学存在的问题与改革商务英语翻译与文化信息等值研究大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨东西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响顺序分析在科技英语翻译中的应用——以翻译项目《大气污染排放系数手册》为案例从关联理论分析法律英语翻译中的文化差异及其翻译补偿商务英语翻译原则探讨商务英语翻译中的文化与语用因素研究Advanced Systematic Golf高尔夫技术英语翻译项目的实践报告


Abstract: Jack London is the early 20th century American literature the most critical spirit of realism, writers, the creative thinking of Jack London is the greatest impact Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism and the philosophy of Nietzsche's He's "a dog's novel" The creation of a distinct natural tendency, the traditional view that the text of Jack London's "Call of the Wild" is a natural in the works, shaped by his dog's image in the process, more profoundly He embodies Nietzsche's "Superman" philosophy respected, and Darwin's "of natural selection and survival of the fittest" point of view of Jack London's "Call of the Wild" is an outstanding animal fable novels, reference to "the call of wild nature", it is bound to link its Zi Meipian "White Teeth" and two works to form a complete circle, although the main character is a dog , But the point is the people of the In this paper, "The Call of Wild", "White Teeth" the two most representative Zhongpian mainly 把分给我吧

毕业设计不会做,抄也要讲究方法作为一个已经毕业了的大学生,在做毕业设计的过程中,无论是设计成果的研究还是毕业论文的撰写,不可回避的一个问题就是抄袭。作为一个过来人,我想说的是,做毕业设计难免会有抄袭的现象,但是一定要掌握方法,千万不要盲目的抄完了事,那样做是非常危险的。有的同学看都不看就抄到论文上去了,有的同学拿着别人做完的东西都不研究一下就参加答辩去了。我就听过一个活生生、血淋淋的例子——  老师问:“你这段代码是什么意思?”  答:“我不知道。”  老师又问下一段代码,又不知道,老师问:“这是你做的吗?”  答:“不是,老师给的。”其结果可想而知了。  你们想想,那些东西都是往届毕业生做出来的,老师们能看不出来吗?掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人,大家都是成年人,我想不用多说了吧。  大家在完成毕业设计的过程中肯定会遇到各种各样的现实性困难,成果做不出来了怎么办?论文写不出来了怎么办?外文文献不会翻译怎么办?其实这都好办,世界上再难的技术也是人做出来,没有成果就找个现成的东西;论文写不出来就多看几本书,多引用书里的内容;外文水平不高就用翻译软件。总之一句话,你有张良计,我有过墙梯,物竟天择,适者生存。文章转自 众赏文库 毕业设计论文,专业文档下载


JANE EYRE > is the 19th century British Writer Criticizing realism Scialotti Bronte representative of It has succeeded in shaping the shape of the British literature in the first to love, life, social and religious have taken an independent and active attitude and dare to fight and daring to fight for free and equal status of This major conform to simplicity love character and dignity of the value = love for

One preface Start to talk about the British literature for 16 centuries, no one doesn't remind of a Shakespeare, that is because of his contents abundant, lingering charm endless of the work be a British literary history previous and incomparable precious Mark's thinking height to evaluate him is one of the greatest playwrights in the His history play expressed objection war, hope earnestly the motherland to unify, the people live happily of strong wishes;His comedy embodied a concentrated reflection the optimistic spirit of humanism, praise the comity of earnestness with clean and pure love, and take this as weapon to attack feudal system;His tragedy is also announced to public the ideal and realistic life of the humanism in existent despicable the phenomenon can't temper of Shakespeare's work is thus abundant content and certainly provided never together a leeway of angle appreciate and (Yang2 Hui4 Lin2, 1999) In the comedy, fine love and happiness life is male hostess M persist to pursue of result;In the legend play, person from"the adverse circumstances experience various unexpected obstacleses to acquire successfully and explain the person is in pursuing happy and ideal road, because the society is self-contradict of deep, must experience innumerable of whet difficult then can achieve 《The dream of midsummer night 》is exactly a comedy which takes to have a heavy legend color, it expressed at the Shakespeare in the comedy and the legend play the body want now of humanism This text tries the female image of the reading Shakespeare's style of writing, our detection:they not only is the beautiful lookses in the only male hearts and understanding woman, and at the personality deep place one side which have enthusiasm, brave and One of their flexible image caused a lot of of our 2 beautiful lookses in the male hearts, understanding perfect female The Shakespeare sets out to mold this flexible female image from the intuition of male writer, they are exactly 16 centuries the British society is to the portrayal of female and ideal The female in the work of Shakespeare is life's princess, the young ladies in superior family, they are young, beautiful looks, nobility, understanding, is in the heart of the mans perfect woman and pursue of Their beautiful looks with virtuous all the Tu appears from the heart of dramatic characters thing(BE a particularly male person) vindicate with the 《The dream of midsummer night 》medium black and beautiful Xia and Helen Nuo's beauty and gentlenesses all show from the other people's praise Helen Nuo lauds black and beautiful Xia:"your eyes be two stars, you of sweet voice greener than its wheat hawthorn flower bud seasonal changes send into the song of shepherd skylark within ear still wants "The rice bends Lyu Si praise the United States of Helen Nuo:" beautiful Helen Nuo, she shines in glory a night sky and make the whole brightnesses of the heavy star be gloomy to "England in 16 centuries, the male rules literature creations realm, though the female has an opportunity of be subjected to education, didn't opportunity to write own true Therefore, the female in the play of Shakespeare didn't come out the male eye inside perfect female's 1 INTRODUCTION Talking about the 16th century English literature, no one does not think of Shakespeare, it is because he is rich in content and flavor of the infinite history of English literature works is a unique He spoke highly of Marxism is the world's one of the greatest He expressed the Historical Play against the war and for the reunification of the motherland, the people's strong desire to live and work; his comedy focused on the optimistic spirit of humanism, praise sincere friendship and pure love, and as a weapon to attack the feudal system; his Tragedy is revealed the humanist ideal and the reality of life in the ugly phenomenon of irreconcilable Shakespeare's works so rich in meaning, of course, provided a different perspective and appreciation of room for interpretation (Hui-Lin Yang, 1999) In comedy, a love of life and well-being of men and women is the result of persistent pursuit heroine in the legendary drama, characters from "all kinds of adversity experienced twists and turns was a complete, and that people with vision in the pursuit of happiness on the road, because of the profound social contradictions, necessary Experienced countless hardships in order to "Midsummer Night's Dream" is a rich with legendary comedy, and it showed in the Shakespeare comedy and drama by the legendary should reflect the thinking of This paper read Shakespeare's works Female images, we found that: their beauty is not just the eyes of the men and women Xian-shu, and in the depths of character has a warm, bold and rebellious They live in the personal image and caused us a lot of 2 eyes of the male beauty, the perfect female Xian-shu Shakespeare's male writers from the intuition of everyone to live in shaping the image of women, their 16th-century British society is the ideal personality of the portrayal of Shakespeare's works in women, who live in big advantages in the family of Princess Margaret, who Miss, their young, beautiful, noble, Xian-shu, is the minds of men and women perfect pursuit of the Their beauty and Xiande are from the characters (especially the male characters) declared in the hearts and dialogue process to the "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in the black Mei Xia and Helena's beauty and gentle praise from others are the sound of revealing Helena black Meixia praise: "Your eyes are two stars, your sweet than the voice of green wheat Hawthorn Beilei season into the ears of the shepherd Skylark sounding song " Qu law section meters Andean praise Helena The United States: "beautiful Helena, she light up the night sky, all the bright stars " In 16th century Britain, men dominated the field of literature, although women have access to education, did not write its own aspirations of the O Therefore, the women of Shakespeare's drama is not perfect women out of male eyes in the framework



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American history of literature development along with American historydevelopment, but has produced the different literary work in In the colony time, their work on the one hand described hasdiscovered the new continent and the exploration literary Another yeast is the puritanism The puritanism work mainlyreflects their self- But along with the descendant romanticismtime literature, they take the American as the center, describes thenative place character and style, reflects American own Mainreflection freedom, development and individualism Afterwardsarrives ultra examines the principle take to like silently living asthe Ultra examines the principle to advocate loftyly,discrete, the social reform and the education, the individualism winsto traditional and society's But as a result of the warinfluence, this time work mainly is exposes social the dark These literary works have the thick native place color and thecritical Along with the war eruption, the American literaturealso entered the modernism The modernism literary work all hadthe very big reform in the form and the

Google 一下关键词(英语)应该就能找到的哦,我当年写论文开始也是自己写的,完全不行,后来Google,然后和自己的兑一下,就OK了。查英文的资料还是GOOGLE好一些哈。

Hemingway portrays many "the dauntless man" "The dauntless man"take drinks boldly, fishes, the ski, goes hunting, the boxing, fightscow's natural life as the "Still Raises in the Sun" center,although Hemingway still decided as the lead "the dauntless man"image, but also described dauntless man's man spirit from some sidesto decline, the dauntless man always was suspecting whether own manspirit also did The decline basic reason comes from the warinfluence, serves as contrast the war by a this iceberg jiao theinjury incomparably to be Establishes one kind of correct philosophy of life, Yu Meige theperson is a matter of life AN ART7d death Has lost the life goalperson, is the most unfortunate Has lost the goal, has lost aset of own behavior criterion, did not know should make any matter,should not make any In the novel, the root which all peopleabsurdly displays lies in not the explicit life goal, drinks maytemporarily lull the thought the void, when 酒醒 comes, feelshelpless at a loss the feeling returns to in the brain, only hascontinues to drink can continue to forget this kind of Therefore the liquor to Jake they said more importantly stimulates tothe cerebrum but is not its Younger generation all ideals,the faith is all attacked by the war nothing left, this kind of lossis unable to

Abstract: Jack London is the early 20th century American literature the most critical spirit of realism, writers, the creative thinking of Jack London is the greatest impact Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism and the philosophy of Nietzsche's He's "a dog's novel" The creation of a distinct natural tendency, the traditional view that the text of Jack London's "Call of the Wild" is a natural in the works, shaped by his dog's image in the process, more profoundly He embodies Nietzsche's "Superman" philosophy respected, and Darwin's "of natural selection and survival of the fittest" point of view of Jack London's "Call of the Wild" is an outstanding animal fable novels, reference to "the call of wild nature", it is bound to link its Zi Meipian "White Teeth" and two works to form a complete circle, although the main character is a dog , But the point is the people of the In this paper, "The Call of Wild", "White Teeth" the two most representative Zhongpian mainly 把分给我吧
