

发布时间:2024-07-06 11:55:21


商务信函写作毕业论文论文编号:YY201 字数:5878,页数:22摘 要 商务英语,比如商务信函、协议、合同、广告、文件以及商务演讲,这些文书都属于实际写作的文书。尽管每种文书都有各自的风格,但所有的实际写作都有他们共同的文体特点。目前,也许大多数同学对大部分的文书还不熟悉,尽管我们以前见过这方面的文书。因此,通过这篇文章我们能进一步了解某种文书——商务英语信函。这篇文章主要讨论的是关于商务英语信函的文体特点分析,整篇文章有三个部分的内容:首 先是说明商务英语信函的内涵;其次是商务英语信函在商务活动中的作用,第三是文体的三大特点分析及其在商务信函中所体现的作用影响,即三大特点:1,词汇使用特点;2,句子结构特点;3,礼貌及委婉语气的准确把握。由于以上的内容环环相扣,所以通过对商务信函的三大特点分析及探讨,从而掌握一定的商务英语技能,了解商务信函的多重作用,以便在涉外商务交往中能准确又规范的进行表达和翻译;并且能在以后自己从事外贸行业中起一定促进作用。我们知道一切外贸活动的过程都离不开用英语表达双方的思想活动,换个角度来说,它能提高国际商务人员恰当地使用英语的能力。所以下面我们就相关知识来探讨商务信函的文体特点。 关键词: 商务信函, 文体特点, 写作, 商务活动 ABSTRACT The business English, such as the business letter, agreement, contract, advertisement, document and the business lecture , all belong to one of the practical Although each of them has its own style of writing, there is a common style in all of At present, maybe most of students are not familiar with most of those practical writing, even if we saw them Therefore, now we can understand some practical writing well further through this This article is mainly about the style features of business English There are three aspects about the First, we will explain the implication of business English letter; secondly, we will talk about the function of business letter in the business activities; thirdly, we will analyze the style features and their influences on the business letter (three features: 1 features of the vocabulary use; 2 features of the sentence structure; 3 accurate confidence of the polite and tactful tone)Because the contents of the above are related with each part, according to the three style features’ analysis and studies of business letter, we can master the use of business English and understand various functions about the business letter, so that we can express it and translate it accurately and normally when we communicate with foreigners , even the whole business which is associated with the foreign affairs, and it can help us be engaged into the foreign trading profession if you want As we know, the process of all the activities in the foreign trading cannot depart from expression both parties’ thought activity in E From another angle , it can also improve the international business personnel ability in using English So we will study the style features in the business English letter with some related knowledge as KEYWORDS: business letter, style feature, writing, business activity 目 录ABSTRACT 3Introduction The implication of business English letter The functions of business English letter in the business activity Analyzing the three style features and their influences on business letter 1 Features of the vocabulary use 1 Using the words normally 2 Accurate expression and strong speciality 3 Thick in simple, thin in polish Please be advised that we have received your invoice NO Your invoice NO248 has been 2 Features of the sentence structure 1 Conventions and completity of the sentence 2 Using the illustrative sentence to express the tactful imperative meaning 3 Using the polite formula massively It can also be used when you get the information of the other 4 Using the inversion sentence 3 Accurate confidence of the polite and tactful tone 17Conclusion 20Bibiography 21Acknowledgements 22以上回答来自: -2/htm

苏东坡的文学背景和他的赋SU TUNG-PO’S LITERARY BACKGROUND AND HIS PROSE-POETRY by Qian Zhongshu (Primarily written as a foreword to “Su Tung-Po’s Prose-poems” translated into English With Notes and Commentaries by C D Le Gros Clark, this is published here by kind permission of M Le Gros C Those who are interested in textual criticism may consult M Wu Shih-ch’ang’s review in Chinese which appeared in The Crescent Monthly, V IV, N –E)Of the Sung dynasty, it may be said, as Hazlitt said of himself, that it is nothing if not The Chinese people dropped something of their usual wise passiveness during the Sung dynasty, and “pondered, searched, probed, vexed, and criticized” This intellectual activity, however, is not to be compared with that of the Pre-Chin period, the heyday of Chinese The men of the Sung dynasty were inquisitive rather than speculative, filled more with a sense of curiosity than with a sense of Hence, there is no sweep, no daring, no roominess or margin in their A prosaic and stuffy thing theirs is, on the This critical spirit revealed itself in many directions, particularly in the full flourish of literary criticism and the rise of the tao-hsüeh (道学), that mélange adultere of metaphysics, psychology, ethics and Literary criticism in China is an unduly belated Apart from a handful of obiter dicta scattered here and there, Liu Hsieh’s Literary Mind (刘勰文心雕龙) and Lo Chi’s A Prose-poem on Literature (陆机文赋) are the critical writings that count up to the Sung There is Chung Yung’s Classification of Poets (钟嵘诗品) of But Chung Yung is a literary genealogist rather than a critic, and his method of simply dividing poets into sheep and goats and dispensing praise or dispraise where he thought due, is the reverse of critical, let alone his fanciful attempts to trace literary parentages(1) Ssu-Kung Tu’s Characterisations of Poetry (司空图诗品) is a different matter(2) Ssu-Kung Tu seeks to convey purely with imagery the impressions registered by a sensitive mind of twenty four different kinds of poetry: “pure, ornate, grotesque,” His is perhaps the earliest piece of “impressionistic” or “creative criticism” ever written if any language, so quietly ecstatic and so autonomous and self-sufficient, as it were, in its being but it fails on that very account to become sober and proper It is not until the Sung dynasty that criticism begins to be practiced in Numerous “causeries on poetry” (诗话)are written and principles of literature are canvassed by way of commentaries on individual Henceforth, causeries on poetry become established as the vehicle for Chinese One must note in passing that there do not appear professional critics with the rise of In those good old days of China, criticism is always the prerogative of artists The division of labour between critics and artists in the West is something that the old Chinese literati would scoff The criticism of Sung dynasty, like all Chinese criticismsbefore the “New Literature Movement” with the possible exception of Hsieh’s Literary Mind, is apt to fasten upon particulars and be given too much to the study of best words in best But it is symptomatic of the critical spirit, and there is an end of The Chinese common reader often regards the men of the Sung dynasty as Their high seriousness and intellectual and moral squeamishness are at once irritating and amusing to the ordinary easy-going Chinese There is something paralyzing and devitalizing in their wire-drawn casuistry which induces hostile critics to attribute the collapse of the Sung dynasty to its There is also a disingenuousness in their attempts at what may be called for want of a better name, philosophical masquerade: to dress up Taoism of Buddhism as orthodox C One need but look into Sketches in a Villa(阅微草堂笔记)and Causeries on Poetry in a Garden(随园诗话) to see what a good laugh these two coxcombs of letters, Chi Yuen (纪昀) and Yuan Mei (袁枚) have had at the expense of the Sung philosophers and critics Nevertheless ofe is compelled to admit that the Sung philosophers are unequalled in the study of mental Never has human nature been subject to a more rigorous scrutiny before or since in the history of Chinese For what strikes one most in the tao-hsüeh is the emphasis on self- This constant preying upon itself of the mind is quite in the spirit of the The Sung philosophers are morbidly introspective, always feeling their moral pulses and floundering in their own streams of To them, their mind verily “ a kingdom is” They analyse and pulverize human But for that moral bias which Nietzsche thinks to be also the bane of German philosophy, their vivisection of human soul would have contributed a good deal to what Santayna calls literary The poetry of the sung dynasty is also a case in It is a critical commonplace that the Sung poetry furnishes a striking contract to the T’ang Chinese poetry, hitherto ethereal and delicate, seems in the Sung dynasty to take on flesh and becomes a solid, full-blooded It is more weighted with the burden of Of course, it still looks light and slight enough by the side of Western But the lightness of the Sung poetry is that of an aeroplane describing graceful curves, and no longer that of a moth fluttering in the mellow In the Sung poetry one finds very little of that suggestiveness, that charm of a beautiful thing imperfectly beheld, which foreigners think characteristic of Chinese poetry in Instead, one meets with a great deal of naked thinking and outright It may be called “sentimental” in contradistinction to the T’ang poetry which is on the whole “naïve”, to adopt Schiller’s useful The Sung poets, however, make up for their loss in lisping naivete and lyric glow by a finesse in feeling and In their descriptive poetry, they have the knack of taking the thing to be described sur le vif: witness Lo Yu (陆游) and Yang Wan-li (杨万里) They have also a better perception of the nuances of emotion than the T’ang poets, as can be seen particularly in their Ts’u (词), a species of song for which the Sung dynasty is justly famous(3) Small wonder that they are deliberate artists, considering the fact that they all have been critics in the off hours of their The most annoying thing about them is perhaps their erudition and allusiveness which makes the enjoyment of them to a large extent the luxury of the initiated even among the C (3000字)还有一篇在玩偶之家的身份抗争(6000字)和一篇马丁路德金的《我有一个梦》文体分析(10000字)如果需要就麻烦您告诉我您的邮箱,再给您发过去。

文学太宽泛了,你必须一点点的把你的论文论述的观点缩小,不然你写什么都不知道。 去图书馆找所有与 汤姆叔叔的小屋 相关的所有英文资料,甚至是原文读本序言之类,也有你可以借鉴的句子。 去电子阅览室,搜索所有与 汤姆叔叔的小屋 相关的论文评论,找到你觉得有用的拷下来。 到网上搜索下相关词条,如wiki百科的英文相关词条 最好浏览一遍原文,看不懂的话中英文对照本也行。~ 实例,首先是开头,小说介绍性文字:Uncle Tom’s Cabin, appeared in book form in 1852, is one of the most unusual books of American Edmund Wilson wrote in an important reassessment in 1962 that Stowe’s work is comparable to that of Dickens and Zola (as readers in her own day recognized); and the novel has often been read in Europe, both in the original and in numerous translations, as the masterpiece of social realism George Sand, George Eliot, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Hugo, and Heine found it to be (Wilson, 1962:3-58) (可以写个一两段)然后,就你找到的文献,归类一下,分别说说他们讲了什么论点(顺便记下人名,书名,年份,页数)最后,说说你将在自己论文里阐述的观点,The paper will mainly focus on 。。。



你看下这个吧,虽然不是范文,应该对你写作有点帮助。文章来源:期刊云-论文格式。文献综述的写作及注意事项(供毕业设计参考) 基本概念文献综述是反映当前某一领域中某分支学科或重要专题的最新进展、学术见解和建议。它往往能反映出有关问题的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理和新技术等等。它往往针对某一特定研究领域,分析和描述前人已经做了哪些工作,进展到何种程度,并对国内外相关研究的动态、前沿性问题做出较详细的论述、判断和研究设想,并提供代表性参考文献。这里需要将“文献综述(Literature Review) ”与“背景描述 (Backupground Description) ”区分开来。我们在选择研究问题的时候,需要了解该问题产生的背景和来龙去脉,如“中国铁电陶瓷产业的发展历程”、“国外zhengfu发展复合材料产业的政策和问题”等等,这些内容属于“背景描述”,关注的是现实层面的问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”。而“文献综述”主要是对学术观点和理论方法的整理。另外,文献综述是评论性的(Review 就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着作者本人批判的眼光(critical thinking)来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究成果的流水账。评论的主线要按照问题展开,也就是说,别的学者是如何看待和解决你提出的问题的,他们的方法和理论是否有什么缺陷或不完善?要是别的学者已经很完美地解决了你提出的问题,那就没有重复研究的必要了。要求同学们学写文献综述,至少有以下好处: ① 通过搜集文献资料过程,可进一步熟悉科学文献的查找方法和资料的积累方法;在查找的过程中同时也扩大了知识面; ② 查找文献资料、写文献综述是科研选题及进行科研的第一步,因此学习文献综述的撰写也是为今后科研活动打基础的过程; ③ 通过文献综述的写作,提高归纳、分析、综合能力,有利于独立工作能力和科研能力的提高。文献综述与“读书报告”、“文献分析”、“研究进展”等有相似的地方,它们都是某一方面专题研究论文或报告中归纳整理出来的。但是,文献综述的特点是“综”与“述”:“综”是要求对文献资料进行综合分析、归纳整理,使材料更精练明确、更有逻辑层次;“述”就是要求对综合整理后的文献进行比较专门的、全面的、深入的、系统的论述。总之,文献综述是作者对某一方面问题的历史背景、前人工作、争论焦点、研究现状和发展前景等内容进行评论的科学性论文。 文献检索撰写文献综述一般经过以下几个阶段:即选题,搜集阅读文献资料、拟定提纲(包括归纳、整理、分析)和成文。文献综述选题范围广(对于毕业设计课题的文献综述,则需要结合课题的性质和任务撰写),题目可大可小,大到一个领域、一个学科,小到一种算法、一个方法、一个理论,可根据自己的需要而定。 选定题目后,则要围绕题目进行搜集与文题有关的文献。关于搜集文献的有关方法,可以如看专著、年鉴法、浏览法、滚雪球法、检索法等等。搜集文献要求越全越好,因而最常用的方法是用检索法。下面是文献检索的基本要领:【要领一】:瞄准主流。主流文献,如该领域的核心期刊、经典著作、专职部门的研究报告、重要出版物的观点和论述等,是文献综述的“正餐”。而多数大众媒体上的相关报道或言论,虽然多少有点价值,但时间精力所限,可以从略。建议从以下几条途径入手:一是图书馆的中外学术期刊,找到一两篇“经典”的文章后顺藤摸瓜(留意它们的参考文献)。质量较高的学术文章,通常是不会忽略该领域的主流、经典文献的。二是通过学校图书馆的“中国期刊网”、“万方数据库”、“外文期刊数据库检索”和外文过刊阅览室等渠道,查到一些较为早期的经典文献。三是国家图书馆,有些上世纪七八十年代甚至更早出版的图书,学校图书馆往往没有收藏,但是国图却是一本不少(国内出版的所有图书都要送缴国家图书馆),不仅如此,国图还收藏了很多研究中国政治和zhengfu的外文书籍,从互联网上可以轻松查询到。【要领二】:随时整理,如对文献进行分类,记录文献信息和藏书地点。学习及做研究的时间很长,有的文献看过了当时不一定有用,事后想起来却找不着了,所以随时记录是很有必要的。同时,对于特别重要的文献,不妨做一个读书笔记,摘录其中的重要观点和论述。这样一步一个脚印,到真正开始写论文时就积累了大量"干货",可以随时享用。【要领三】:要按照问题来组织文献综述。看过一些文献以后,我们有很强烈的愿望要把自己看到的东西都陈述出来,仿佛一定要向别人证明自己劳苦功高。文献综述就像是在文献的丛林中开辟道路,这条道路本来就是要指向我们所要解决的问题,当然是直线距离最短、最省事,但是一路上风景颇多,迷恋风景的人便往往绕行于迤逦的丛林中,不知所终了。因此,在做文献综述时,头脑时刻要清醒:我要解决什么问题,人家是怎么解决问题的,说的有没有道理,就行了。 文章撰写文献综述的结构与一般研究性论文的结构有所不同。这是因为研究性的论文注重研究的方法和结果,而文献综述要求介绍与主题有关的详细资料、动态、进展、展望以及对以上方面的评述。因此文献综述的格式相对多样,但总的来说,一般都包含以下四部分:即前言、主题、总结和参考文献。撰写文献综述时可按这四部分拟写提纲,再根据提纲进行撰写。【前言部分】主要是说明写作的目的,介绍有关的概念及定义以及综述的范围,扼要说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,使读者对全文要叙述的问题有一个初步的轮廓。【主题部分】是综述的主体,其写法多样,没有固定的格式。可按年代顺序综述,也可按不同的问题进行综述,还可按不同的观点进行比较综述,不管用那一种格式综述,都要将所搜集到的文献资料归纳、整理及分析比较,阐明有关主题的历史背景、现状和发展方向,以及对这些问题的评述,主题部分应特别注意代表性强、具有科学性和创造性的文献引用和评述。【总结部分】与研究性论文的小结有些类似,将全文主题进行扼要总结,对所综述的主题有研究的作者,最好能提出自己的见解。【参考文献】虽然放在文末,但却是文献综述的重要组成部分。因为它不仅表示对被引用文献作者的尊重及引用文献的依据,而且为读者深入探讨有关问题提供了文献查找线索。因此,应认真对待。参考文献的编排应条目清楚,查找方便,内容准确无误。 注意事项:1)要围绕主题对文献的各种观点作比较分析,不要教科书式地将与研究课题有关的理论和学派观点简要地汇总陈述一遍。2)文献综述在逻辑上要合理,即做到由远而近先引用关系较远的文献,最后才是关联最密切的文献。3)评述(特别是批评前人不足时)要引用原作者的原文(防止对原作者论点的误解),不要贬低别人抬高自己,不能从二手材料来判定原作者的“错误”。4)文献综述结果要说清前人工作的不足,衬托出作进一步研究的必要性和理论价值。5)采用了文献中的观点和内容应注明来源,模型、图表、数据应注明出处,不要含糊不清。6)文献综述最后要有简要总结,表明前人为该领域研究打下的工作基础。7)所有提到的参考文献都应和所研究问题直接相关,为文中引用过的,能反映主题全貌的,并且是作者直接阅读过的文献资料。8)文献综述所用的文献,应主要选自学术期刊或学术会议的文章,其次是教科书或其他书籍。至于大众传播媒介如报纸、广播、通俗杂志中的文章,一些数据、事实可以引用,但其中的观点不能作为论证问题的依据。

论文是一个汉语词语,拼音是lùn wén,古典文学常见论文一词,谓交谈辞章或交流思想。当代,论文常用来指进行各个学术领域的研究和描述学术研究成果的文章,简称之为论文。


初中英语教学方面的论文轻风论文网有很多的哦我当时也是找他们帮忙的,很快就给我写好了,非常专业的说建议你看下基础教育课程改革要求英语教师在教学过程中确立一种新的教育观念:教育要面向全体学生,注重素质教育;以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、文化发展为基础,培养学生英语语言综合运用能力;突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;通过感知、体验、合作等方式,在学习过程中进行情感和策略的调整,促进语言实际运用能力的提高;多运用音像、电视、杂志、网络信息等丰富的教学资源来全面引导学生的英语语言学习。在英语教学过程中采用生活性教学”,很好的满足英语新课程的要求。教学方式和方法对于新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学广泛而有效的实施,具有重要的作用。生活性教学方面的研究目前已经有一定的积累了,对于初中英语的生活性教学的研究涉及得还不是很多。本文立足于当前新课程条件下初中英语的教学实际,综合运用文献研究、案例研究等方法,对新课程条件下初中英语关于生活性教学的内涵及特征、生活性教学的原则、方法以及生活性教学的评价等问题进行了比较系统而深入的探讨。 全文分为六个部分: 第一部分。概述了新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学的必要性,国内外生活性教学研究的现状。课题研究的实际意义和理论意义。 第二部分,生活性教学的内涵和特征。剖析“生活”的概念后,对生活性教学的内涵进行了界定,从而揭示出新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学的特征是:具有社会性、实践性、真实性和发展性等特征。 第三部分,新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学的原则。要求,初中英语生活性教学从体现初中英语新课程的要求、学生的发展需要、顺应社会的发展需要以及引领英语课程本身的发展需要这几个方面做了论述如果有不明白的,你参考下轻风论文吧如果对你有帮助,多给我加分哦。呵呵

第一篇Hi,I’m I'm 13 years old and I study in xxx Middle S My school is Every morning I get up at seven and have And then I go to school at half past Lessons begin at eight o’ We have four lessons in the morning and Chinese is my favourite We usually have 10 minute's break between two lessons and at about 12 o'clock we finish our morning I have lunch at school at twelve I like school lunch and I always have rice with meat and After lunch I often talk with my friends or play basketball with In the afternoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four o’ I play games after school with my friends and then go home at half past In the evening I do my homework and then watch TV At ten o’clock I go to It’s really a busy day but I like 第二篇 As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be prosperous第三篇 保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 第四篇保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 翻译如下:这是三十年以来中国开始改革与开始的外部 This 中国开放政策,导致在各个领域发生的巨大变化。 于九年强制 education(九年制义务教育) 程序所有孩子都有机会被 In 在 30 年中国已取得很大进展科技 In 2003、 中国推出其第一次的载人的飞船和完成首次空间行走在 As 经济发展迅速、 人民生活条件大大改善。 此外,也有很大的变化在 The 29 奥运成功承载在北京和中国运动员赢得最大的金牌。 我的确感到自豪的丰功伟绩在过去的 30 It 是共产党的领导和我们中国人作出所有这些 Nowadays,people 正在努力向更先进,和谐 I 确信中国将会有一个光明的前景和中国人民将过幸福生活的努力。电脑利弊:The main disadvantages are: some of the young people are too obsessed with the network control poor, it will trap into the Relevant data show that young people indulge in network performance is more than 89 percent Online games will have a strong young vanity has led to some young people have an unhealthy psychological, severely hampered the normal development of young There are fighting games so that some young people think that real life can be like a virtual network of the world as ruled by the law of the jungle to the world today, leading toward the path of Play the role of those villains, so that boys like girls change, but it's like boys The trap of the second network, some people because of social discontent, the network's own desire to radiation, leading to others on the network by fraud, deceived many examples, list goes Many benefits, save time and effort before the provincial lesson entirely on hand-written, time-consuming and laborious, much more will have to Preparation of a computer is now "semi-automatic", and the school to teach all the prior knowledge input into the computer, after layout, modify, save, and finally print it out; the same can also copy the Computer is time-saving, labor-saving good helper, it gives me more time to study materials, the design of better teaching 第五篇I like badminton and basketball,basketball is my favourite sport,I like basketball I always wear a T-shirt,shorts and runners to play I can throw the basketball in the net, I think it is easy, but someone think it is hard, I can catch the basketball, On Sundays,I am a bbasketball I like to watch basketball game on TV, Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player, I want to be a real basketball player 第六篇Hello everyone !DO you like sports? Let me tell you whate my favorite sport Well I like tennis Becase of playing tennis makes me be healthy and You can run on the playgrond and enjoy it every So I really like playing tennis very mnch! 第七篇a meaningfull activity Last month I went to the hometown with my family,We decided to swim in the river where my father often swim when he was But when we got there,there was only a dirty river,so we thought we got to a wrong But there was a old man,he said:"Here is a place where you want to go"He look so sad when he said Then he said:"Two years ago,here was really a beutifu place,but one day,many visitors come here and threw rubbish The river be dirty and dirty,and it look like this now"When I heard this,I think we should protect our It was really a meaningful activity第八篇Our school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious C” The topic is “ Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization” Bad habits do Some students throw rubbish everywhere or spit in Some wear long Others are even addicted to smoking and We require that the students break away from these bad We urge the students to wear their school uniform and be polite to During the activity, we’ll hold a picture show, a competition of classroom and dormitory decorations and so We all hope that we’ll build each class into a civilized one and our campus into a harmonious 第九篇My Birthday PartyIt’s J Today I am16 years I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to I think we will have a good

陈、 浅" 及共选率偏高的问题论文写作教材中常用的narrow down只能解决题目太大的问题要有效解决 "泛、陈、 浅" 及共选率偏高的问题, 必须结合 "论文写作" 课提前选题、 增加选题途径、 旧题新作和扩大选论文类别:英语教育毕业 人气:205 论文属性:职称论文摘要:英语专业本科毕业论文存在一些问题,主要体现在选题、表达规范、写作态度等方面为了帮助学生提高英语写作水平,必须加强选题方面的指导,强调学术规范,并不断完善教学管理模式     本科毕业论文质量是衡量高校本论文由


论语言和交际的关系[摘 要] 语言是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类的思维工具和最重要的交际工具,是一种音义结合的符号系统。语言在社会交际中具有非常重要的作用,是人类社会的最重要的交际工具。人们通过使用用语言进行交际,交流思想,以便在认知现实、改造现实的过程中协调相互之间的行为,以取得最佳的效果。[关键词] 语言 交际当你面对与他人复杂的人际关系的时候;当你需要拒绝他人无理请求的时候;当你调解纠纷,化干戈为玉帛的时候;当你想要说服别人同意你观点的时候;……有一样东西能为你实现目标,那便是------语言。现实中,语言存在于说话和所说出来的话中,说明语言在社会交际中具有非常重要的作用,因为不会说话人就失去了它的本质,与动物无异。人们用语言进行交际,交流思想,以便在认知现实、改造现实的过程中协调相互之间的行为,以取得最佳的效果。所以,语言是人们的一种交际工具。“虽然人类的交际工具不止语言一种,其它如文字、手势、表情等也都能实现交际的任务,也是交际工具,但它们与语言相比重要性就要差多了。根本上说人类各种辅助性交际工具,都是在语言基础上制定的,没有语言基础,这些工具也就失去了存在的意义。总之,语言是人类最重要的交际工具。其他交际工具,可以说是语言的补充,是用来辅助语言交际的。”那么什么是语言?一、语言的概述“按照常人的理解,语言就是说话。”[1]然而这是一个比较狭隘的定义。语言不是说话,也不是所说的话。说话是运用语言跟人们交流思想的行为,是语言能力的外在表现形式,本身不等于语言。“语言是说话和表达思想、交流思想的工具,而说话是运用语言进行思想交流的行为,说出来的话则是人们运用语言工具生产出来的‘产品’”。 (一)语言的定义:“语言是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类的思维工具和最重要的交际工具,是一种音义结合的符号系统”。 [2](二)语言的组成部分:语言是由语音、语法、词汇三部分组成。(三)语言的特性:社会性、全民性、符号性。(四)语言的起源:“语言是从劳动中并和劳动一起产生出来的,这个解释是惟一正确的解释……”——恩格斯语。(五)语言发展的特点:语言发展是缓慢的、渐变的,语言随着社会的发展而发展,语言各个部分的发展是不平衡的,语言成分发展中的一致性,语言成分由具体到抽象的发展。学者曹志希、何玲梅认为“语言具有无限的表达和理解功能 主要原因之一是 ,与其它文际形式相比 ,它最具有系统化的特征语言学家认为 ,语言之最惊人的特点是它能够帮助编造或理解以前从未有过的句子。” [3]二、语言与交际的关系现代社会是一个竞争与合作的社会,有的人在竞争中失败,有的人在合作中成功,这其中奥妙何在?生意场上有“金口玉言”,“ 利言攸先”之说;政治场上有“领导过问了”,“ 一言定升迁”之说;文化界有“点睛之笔”,“破题之语”,生活中常有生死荣辱系于一言之说。可见,在现代交际中,能否成功运用语言的影响力,实在影响着一个人的成功和失败。 在社会上,人们的能力有高有低,快速了解他们,不妨看看他们语言运用能力的高低,其主要表现是说话的艺术,语言的力量能征服世界上最复杂的东西——人的心灵,通过成功的口才这一媒介,不熟识的人可以熟识起来,长期形成的隔阂可以消失,甚至单位之间,社会集团之间,国家之间的矛盾有时也可以通过它得到解决,若是语言运用不当,也可能交际失败,甚至损害自身的形象。我国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,不仅有四大发明,万里长城,唐诗宋词等等所代表的辉煌的传统文化,而且在口才与交际艺术上也是世界上高度发达,首屈一指的,历史上,孔子运用口语艺术开展教育;苏秦以雄辩之才挂起六国相印;张仪四处游说建功立业;范睢说秦王;蔺相如“完璧归赵”;诸葛亮联吴抗曹,舌战群儒……到了近代和现代,也出了梁启超、孙中山、鲁迅、毛泽东、周恩来、闻一多等等许多能言善讲的大师巨擘。 “听君一席话,胜读十年书。”的确,跟那些有知识且具有口才的人交谈,比喝了壶酒更令人兴奋,比听交响乐更能振奋精神,良好的话语可以带给人愉悦和欢畅,帮助你增加知识和修养,激发你的创造力,也可以增进人们感情的融洽。 语言的运用能力确实是我们提高素质,开发潜能的至要途径,确实是我们驾驭生活、改善人生、追求事业成功的无价之宝,通观古今中外,凡是有作为的人,都把口才作为必备的修养之一,如古罗马共和国末期的政治家西塞罗,是一们雄辩家,我们敬爱的周恩来总理,美国总统林肯等等,毫不夸张地说,口才是一门语言的艺术,是用口语表示思想感情的一种巧妙的形式,懂得语言艺术的人,懂得相处之道的人,他不会勉强别人与自己有相同的观点,而巧妙地引导他人到自己的思想上来,那些善于用口语准确、贴切、生动地表达自己思想感情的人、办事往往圆满,反之,不懂得语言艺术的人,最后自己也会陷入困境。 大文豪莎士比亚说过:“世间有一种成就可以使人很快完成伟业,并获得世人的认识,那就是讲话令人喜悦的能力”[4],人才也许不是口才家,但有口才的人必定是人才,口才是现代智能型人才的基本素质、思维敏捷、能言善辨是事业成功的保证,一个善于说话的人,首先必定具有敏锐的观察力,能深刻认识事物,只有这样,说出话来才能一针见血,准确地反映事物的本质;其次,还必须有严密的思维能力,懂得怎样分析,判断和推理,说出话来才能滴水不漏,有条有理,最后,还必须有流畅的表达能力,间接来说,知识渊博,话才能说的生动通顺,正因为口才具有综合能力的特征。语言是人类社会的最重要的交际工具,语言与交际相互影响,语言与社会的相互依存。其表现在:第一、交际中用语言打破尴尬美国前总统里根第一次访问加拿大的时候,遭到了反美的人群示威反对,他的演说不得不时时中断,让陪同的加拿大总理觉得很难堪。 可是,面对如此难堪的场面,一向幽默的里根总统却仍是一脸的轻松,他满面笑容的说:“这种事在美国时有发生。我想这些人一定是特意从美国来到贵国的,他们想使我有一种宾至如归的感觉。”第二、交际中用语言捍卫尊严周恩来总理接待记者来访。一美国记者发觉总理拥有一支派克钢笔。便问:“请问总理阁下,连您也拥有一支派克钢笔,是否说明中国人都喜欢我们美国的钢笔呢?” 周恩来一听,顺手拿起派克钢笔,意味深长地笑了一笑:“ 这支钢笔是一位朝鲜朋友送给我做纪念的,他说这是抗美战争的战利品。它让我们想起那并肩战斗的年代。这样,我便有了一支贵国的钢笔。” 第三、“语言是组成社会的不可缺少的因素。”人类的生活、劳动、社会斗争、人际关系协调、文化知识的积累和传授等等,都离不开语言,没有语言,社会就要解体。 第四、“语言一视同仁地为社会全体成员服务。”无论什么阶级、阶层、团体,语言同样地为之服务。语言在人们的使用中会发生变异,出现种种社会方言。 第五、“个体学习和运用语言均受到社会的制约。”其一,人离开社会无法掌握语言;其二,人生长在不同的社会就能掌握不同的语言;其三,个人使用语言必然打上特定社会的烙印。第六、“语言依赖社会而存在。”其一,不同的社会形成不同的语言;其二,语言随着社会的发展变化而发展变化,社会如果消亡,语言也随之消亡。[2]我认为,交际是人们社会生活的重要内容之一,自我的发展、心理的调适、信息的沟通、各种不同层次需求的满足、人际关系的协调,都离不开交际。每一个人,都希望善于交往、都希望通过交际建立起和睦的家庭关系、亲属关系、邻里关系、朋友关系、同学、同事关系…而这些良好的社会关系可以使个人在温馨怡人的环境中愉快地学习、生活和工作。那么如何有效的运用我们的语言来达到良好的交际,是一个值得我们思考和学习的问题。我们应该积极探索语言与交际的关系,从而形成良好的社会人际关系。[参考文献] [1]伍铁平普通语言学概要(第二版)高等教育出版社,1993年5月[2]叶蜚声,徐通锵语言学纲要北京大学出版社,1997版[3]曹志希 何玲梅解放军外语学院学报1997年第6 期 总第90 期[4]杨茂平感悟生活:帮你能说会道九州出版社,2008年10月





小学生英语词汇教学调查报告 一调查的提出 英语词汇是语言的建筑材料,与语音、语法、句型、课文相结合;另一方面在听、说、读、写之中体现。要记的词汇很多。《九年义务教育小学英语教学大纲》中明确规定:六年制的学习中必须掌握近1000个单词和相关固定搭配,在口、笔头练习中能够运用。很多学生认为,节节新课有生词,每节课都要记好几个单词或用语,当天记住了,可是过了几天又忘了,而且有些单词或用语很难记,甚至有些单词的构成、读音等看起来十分相似,很容易混淆,确实不容易记,对小学生来说要记住确实有一定的困难。其中显而易见的困难包括: 课时少,重复练习机会少,其他课业重,要掌握的词汇中有许多为较难掌握的常用词。在学生中进行的一次问卷调查中,有64%的学生认为从英语课文中学到的词很有限(黄小萍,2000)。相当数量的学生感到自己掌握的词汇量小,读一篇文章耗时长,读起来难以产生兴趣,因而阅读量就小;阅读量小,学到的词汇就少;学到的少,读起来就慢。许多学生就处在这样的负循环之中。 二调查过程 (一)调查内容 英语词汇自主学习的实质性提高:五年级词汇中的重点词为目标词,这些词课文未曾涉及到,为较难掌握的生词。将课文中出现了的单词在词汇表上一一标出,从而凸现课文中未出现过的单词。选择这些词既可以实验词汇学习方法又可以帮助学生掌握这些较难掌握的词汇。 英语词汇自主学习的能力提高:能根据教师的引导,运用教师提供的方法,自我创设情景进行词汇的自主学习。 检测教师进行研究的方法的可操作性与实效性:认为有两种措施是可行的:一是给学生挑出重点词并设定明确的记忆目标;二是提供短而有趣且配上图画的短文和短信息。据此,设计了两种词汇学习方法:一是 短句法;二是短文加图画法。 (二)调查对象 全体五年级学生(五年一班为A 组,五年二班为B 组) (三)调查标准 本次调查的因素为英语词汇测试成绩。实验组(A班)使用的词汇学习方法为短文加图画方法,具体的做法是从《21世纪报》等英文报上剪取含有目标词的带图画的小段文章,拼组成页,在目标词下划线,复印发给A班学生去记每份材料中所含的15个目标词 。对照组(B班)使用的词汇学习方法为短句法,其做法是将A班所用材料中的目标词列出,每一词给一个含有该词的句子发给B班去记忆。每次发材料时在两班对目标词作相同的少量讲解。受试在学习阶段结束时的成绩为因变量。 (四)调查方法 本次调查的主要运用问卷法、提问法和谈话法。 问卷法:针对学生对词汇的学习掌握进行测试和衡量,得出较为准确地调查结果。 提问法:通过与学生的实时交流,掌握调查过程中学生对所给学习方法的积极认同和掌握程度。 谈话法:调查学生是否需要此类学习方法及学习之后对自主学习能力的提高是否有帮助。 具体调查步骤: A.调查理论依据 Craik和Lockhart(1972)提出了“加工水平说”(levels of processing),认为感知事物包括在各个层次上对刺激的分析。初始阶段为诸如线条、角度、亮度、声调以及响度等物体的 、感官的特征;后面的阶段涉及到将输入的信息与脑中储存的抽象概念相配,即进行模式的识别和意义的判断。当一个词被识别时,会引发学习者过去对该词的体验、形象和联想。这 一理论又称“深度加工说”(depth of processing)。此处“深度”指更大程度的语义分析 ,亦称深编码法(elaboration coding)。这种深编码法会产生更持久、更强的记忆痕。 ? Craik和Tulving(1975)的研究显示,记忆得以加强与包含目标词的上下文构成一个结合体的程度相关,并指出与被解码的上下文结合有助于词的记忆,因为一个被解码的语言单之所以 构成一体根据的是记忆者以往的经历。这种构成一体的过去的学习记录,在回忆时便能作为提示重建最初的解码。根据这一理论,为学生提供含有目标词的上下文并配上图画可使学生 有 机会进行初始编码和深编码,从而更有效地记忆这些目标词。 B.调查具体实施: 在A班使用方法一,B班使用方法二。每周第一次上课A、B两班各发一组材料;第 二次上课便测试上次发的材料中的目标词,在下课之前分发第二组材料;总共发了6组材料 ,并进行了6次小测试,然后进行总测试。 调查过程中每发一次材料后进行一次小测试,小测的题目可从15个目标词中

背单词要背得好,要背得快,最基本的原则是脑子不断地想单词,让单词不断地从脑子里过,看书看10遍,还不如脑子过一遍。要做到单词在脑子里过的次数比在书本上过的次数多得多,要做到完全抛开书本,不依赖书本,不拿书的时候也在想单词、背单词。要尽量在单词被忘记之前在脑子里过一遍,可以用单词风暴这样的软件按遗忘规律去复习,提高复习效率。这样,它留给你的印象要深得多,就算以后忘记,也很容易记起来。 背单词时还要注意在单词之间建立联系。当然,刚开始时可能能建立的联系很少,但要注意培养这种意识,争取一串串地背单词,看见一个,就能想起一串。比如,同义的单词一块儿记,反义的、形似的、分类的、词根的,背单词一段时间之后,就应该看到该单词,想一想以前学过什么同义的,如果只有印象而想不起来,最好在笔记本上记一笔,下次碰到该单词时,特别注意。比如,背单词一段时间后,应该问自己:我一共学了多少关于衣服的词?如果你只记得中文意思,想不起英文,下次就要特别注意了。或者你看到plane的时候是否能想起plant,plank? 可以看单词风暴里的词根词缀分解和头脑风暴单词,进行联想。3.背单词时不要在一个单词上花的时间太多,根本不用超过一分钟,像扫描般一掠而过。只是重复的次数要多,特别在脑子里重复的次数要比在书本上重复的次数多得多。其他方法还有听录音带等等。英语有句谚语"repetition is the mother of skill(重复是技能之母)"。你可以回忆一下你学习任何一种技能的过程。无论是游泳还是骑自行车,都是重复同一类动作的过程。任何技能的获得,当然包括英语这项语言技能,均来自重复。在刚开始学习英语口语和单词时,重复原则就更为重要。记得在单词风暴软件中有个按艾宾浩斯遗忘点重复复习的功能,它就是让你能够不断的跟读、重复,可以在不断重复跟读的过程中找到自己的差距并加深记忆。

