

发布时间:2024-07-03 17:17:02


Currently, people's life standard is becoming more and more high with the country's economic


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尊敬的各位评委,朋友们:大家好!我是来自三原南郊中学的任岩。今天,我演讲的题目是《找寻生命的绿色》。记得小时侯,我喜欢抬起头看那嫩绿的柳条,翠绿的松柏,淡绿的银杏,碧绿的河水,蔚蓝的天空。可不知从哪天起,一棵棵高大的树木被砍了,一片片农田被毁了。污浊的洪流不停地淌进了大地的身躯,小河昔日美丽的面容消失了。大地失去了原有的绿色,被红色、褐色、黑色的液体涂抹得面目全非。面对着阳光下四处飘浮的油污泛出的刺眼的光芒,我们的心被刺痛了。我不禁呼唤着大地的绿色,向往那生命的绿啊!这时候,年轻的我还不曾知道,早在1972年6月5日,人类环境会议在斯德哥尔摩开幕,会上通过了著名的《人类环境宣言》。同年10月,第27届联合国大会通过决议,将以后每年的6月5日定为世界环境日。随后,一系列的环保公约、法规先后出台。尽管在国际上,环境保护已经成为各国有识之士的共识,可是在我们中国,至今仍有许多人对环境保护问题置若罔闻,见利忘义,我行我素,破坏环境,制造污染。举世闻名的长江,是中华民族灿烂文化的象征。“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。”那漫江碧透的长江画景,曾经以豪迈的气势在人们的心中唤起多少美好的回忆……而今天的江水已经失去了绿色,长江边上的某市造纸厂的污水瀑布般倾出,黑乎乎的污水泡沫铺满一江,过往的轮船乘客纷纷掩鼻锁眉,长江的很多港口,江面全都蒙上尘埃和煤屑。如果李白、杜甫再世畅游长江一定会不解,一腔诗兴从何发起?或者白居易的诗该会写成:“一道残阳铺水中,半江乌黑半江浊”。具体的范文模板链接: 提取码: 9jai

Sell radar(the radar kill) first with various kill a gnat to spray, various mosquito-repellent incense, various factories which get rid of gnat perfumed toilet water all would close down, does the business enterprise close down these people how to all do??They want to think a way to have a meal ah, they some people beg for a life in Taiwan probably, some people may make to settle a dispute in Taiwan, then the our national negotiation fail, result severity!Then American day Russia interfere with, global situation once more Again because the company closes the door, the bank funds runs off in great quantities, large of at first kill a Wen2 Ji4 company a labor people will have no rice edible, the government burden aggravates, end unemployed citizen blunt 垮 , who cause the public order is cut up rough, cause a people lack confidence, greatly four dump a stock, the stock market leaps dish, the world bank is compelled to take back a End United States and negotiation in Middle East descend by fighting for an oil price to The Chinese government again reiterates wanting world peace is all countries the important condition of development, the Chinese government means tremendous indignation and deeply heavy regret to this time So mosquito didn't the problem for causing can't imagine, is very important because of protecting good ecosystem

原文:Hello everyone! Today, about how to protect the environment are important, I think, from the leader's speech to the lot of the appeal to the masses, from here you locking the Diophrys Speech to the our theme - protection of the environment, my love Y Such a problem has been the best  Here, I think, the thought is: how do we protect our environment for the  This is because people live in harmony with the natural foundation, but also decide, and what our city today and what kind of a future? Mentioned this problem, I first think of the children  A year ago this time, my friends from overseas with children, to the park to take a  Children looked beautiful, there is a pair of beautiful  It is a pity that the eyes can not see him, he is  Along the way, he pulled my hand tightly, keep ask me: "Auntie, what are the Yellowstone? Yellowstone United States吗" I told him: Yellowstone beautiful, clean lake Yellowstone and绿绿grassland, and days are  He listened carefully, his face radiates with sun-like 笑不起来can I do, I forgot to tell him: Yellowstone lake is very clear on the lake may have fragmented nauseating trash; grass is green, the grass may have glare on the white plastic bag; days are blue may day side of the chimney there is desperate for a smoke! These may be nothing, but I can only tell him yes, Yellowstone beautiful, clean lake, and the绿绿 Later, the child give me a call that beautiful Yellowstone, even though he smelled the fresh air enough, but his heart has been at Yellowstone such as fairy  I know that the child is blind, although can not see, but he used white paper such as soul, and accepted the Yellowstone and to defend the city's  For such a child, how can I not surprised that he should have what kind of a soul ah! May be a child, then do not mean  When I look back to our children, we can easily find, our kids did not mind looking at this world, and intentions to accept his life in this  In the face of their own "Yellowstone beautiful, clean lake, and grass绿绿, and the sky is blue   soul desire, we are giving them the protection, put everything into reality, make them happy, joy , happiness, sunshine,  or let reality enormous palm stretched out to put them completely torn, shredded and destroyed? what hope do not leave them? No, never! Because we love children, because they are our  Give us new clothes, make food, let them on the best universities, taking most of the wide road, housing the biggest and most beautiful houses! However, these is what we give them in the future? This is the protection? No, they really are not necessary the  They need the future, in their hearts! That is why the face of clear water and blue sky, feel the most happy people there are our children; why after a major environmental pollution accident, the most distressed of the people there are our children; why chimney jungle, the most hated and some people inside they are our children; if they do not have a pure white soul environment, where they pretend to be under the clear water and blue sky of the desire; if they do not have a love of this city and this spiritual environment, they Health, where so many come to love and so hard? Today, if I am not too harsh to the eyes to look at the survival of our city, yes, today is the United States and Yellowstone, which is the result of the efforts of many people, but more beautiful is it not our hearts and minds of these children, and their The environment of this city deep love吗? And, is this person and the environment is the key to harmony吗? By the child's question, I think of the US these  In fact, everyone in our heart of hearts, but also are equipped with a green mountains and blue  Only, usually used to realize our heart of hearts desire, but rarely let their actions subject to the  That is why we have to listen to, how important it is to protect the environment, today we can see the city after the green, it was unwilling to want to go deep, green behind the emerging  That is why, in the face of economic interests, it is necessary to again and again to make way for the environmental protection! That is why, at动筷子, the reluctance of fear may have put a contaminated vegetables into his mouth, and finally have no choice but to express the reasons! The face of our children and ourselves, it is nothing they can do us? Why do we not put our hearts into action the desire of power! Why should not our children as we did, put their own inner strength have accumulated released, practical action put the green behind the elimination of various crises, the soul of the mountains那片copied to the reality of our life, the to return to the depths of their souls! Yes, we love Yellowstone, we love children, we love the environment, we should also love their own souls, as Yellowstone's an ordinary members of the public at our beautiful Yellowstone in the Imagination of the future - the ancient capital of bronze, iron and steel the cradle, the hometown of cement, apparel M However, we should be better in those pre-coupled with the idea of a - landscape of Metro do? Let us take action, starting from the soul, let us live in harmony with the natural environment! Yellowstone give a green future!翻译:大家好! 今天,关于保护环境是多么的重要,我想,从许多领导人的讲话到广大群众的呼吁,从在座诸位紧锁的双眉再到我们这次演讲的主题——保护环境、爱我黄石。已经为这样一个问题作了最好的说明。在这里,我所思、所想的是:我们该如何保护我们的心灵环境。因为这是人与自然和谐相处的基础, 同时也决定着,我们这个城市会有怎样的今天和怎样的一个未来? 提到这个问题时,我最先想到的是孩子。 一年前的这个时候,我带着外地朋友的孩子,到公园散步。孩子长得很漂亮,有一双很美的眼睛。可惜的是他的眼睛看不见了,他是个盲人。一路上,他紧紧拉着我的手,不停的问我:“阿姨,黄石是什么样子的?黄石美吗”我告诉他:黄石很美,黄石的湖水清清的,草地绿绿的,天是蓝蓝的。他认真的聆听着,脸上闪耀着阳光般的微笑。可我却笑不起来,我忘了告诉他:黄石的湖水是很清,可湖面上有零碎的令人恶心的垃圾;草很绿,可草地上有刺眼的白塑料袋;天很蓝,可天的那一边有吞云吐雾的烟囱!这些也许算不得什么,但我只能是告诉他,黄石很美,湖水清清的,草地绿绿的。 后来,这孩子给我打电话说,黄石很美,虽然他闻到的空气不够清新,但黄石在他心里已如童话。我知道,那孩子是个盲人,虽然看不见,但他用洁白如纸的心灵,接纳了黄石并捍卫了这座城市的美丽。对于这样一个孩子,我怎能不吃惊,他有着又该是怎样的一颗心灵啊! 也许,一个孩子的话,并不代表什么。可当我回头看看我们的孩子时,我们不难发现,我们的孩子何尝不是用心灵来看这个世界,用心来接纳他生活的这个城市。而面对他们所拥有的“黄石很美,湖水清清的,草地绿绿的,天是蓝蓝的……心灵渴望时,我们是该给予他们保护,把一切变成现实,令他们欣喜、欢乐、幸福、阳光、微笑。还是让现实伸出巨大的手掌来,把他们彻底撕裂、撕碎、摧毁?什么希望都不留给他们? 不,决不!因为,我们爱孩子,因为他们是我们的未来。我们给新衣、做美食、让他们上最好的大学,走最宽的马路,住最大的最漂亮的住房!但这些就是我们在给他们未来?这就是保护?不,他们真需要的未来不在这。他们需要的未来,在他们的心里!这就是为什么面对碧水蓝天,感到最欣喜的人里头有我们的孩子;为什么一次重大环境污染事故之后,最心疼的人里头有我们的孩子;为什么对烟囱丛林,最痛恨的人里头有的又是我们的孩子;如果,他们没有一颗纯净洁白的心灵环境,他们那里装得下对碧水蓝天的渴望;如果,他们没有一颗深爱着这个城市和这片环境的心灵,他们又那里生得出那么多的爱和狠呢? 今天,如果我以不太苛刻的眼光来审视我们生存的这个城市,是的,今天黄石是美的,这是许多人努力的结果,但更美的难道不是我们这些孩子的心灵,和他们对这个城市这片环境深沉的爱吗?而这不正是人与环境和谐相处的关键所在吗? 由孩子的问题,我想起了我们的这些成人。其实,在我们每一个人心灵深处,也都装有一片青山绿水。只是,我们常常习惯于意识到了心灵深处的渴望,却很少让自己的行动服从于心灵。这就是为什么我们一再聆听,保护环境是多么重要的今天,我们看到这个城市绿色之后,却不愿去深想,绿色背后所显现的种种危机。这就是为什么,在经济利益面前,要一而再,再而三的令环保让路!这就是为什么,在动筷子时,情愿担惊受怕的把一颗可能受过污染的蔬菜放进嘴里,最后表示无可奈何的原因!面对我们的孩子及我们自己,难道我们只能感到无奈?我们为什么,就不能把心灵的渴望变成我们行动的动力!我们为什么不能象我们的孩子那样,把自己内心已经积累的力量释放出来,用实际的行动把绿色背后的种种危机消除,把心灵深处的那片青山绿水复制到我们现实的生活当中来,向自己的心灵深处回归! 是的,我们深爱黄石,我们也爱孩子,我们深爱环境,我们应该更爱自己的心灵,作为黄石的一名普通的市民,我们在美好中畅想黄石的未来——青铜的古都,钢铁的摇篮,水泥的故乡,服装的新城。然而,我们是否应该在这些美好的设想前再加上一条——山水的新城呢?让我们行动起来,从心灵出发,让我们与自然环境和谐相处!给黄石一个绿色的未来!


Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life (低碳生活就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度。它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题。)Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so Clean, natural moisture; Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet; Drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;(每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等。干净卫生,自然滋润; 将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味; 喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠;)Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide Low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the "low carbon" life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from (生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说,是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践"低碳"生活,注意节电、节油、节水、节气,从点滴做起。)

protect the environment,大家携手做起

Protection of the enviromTheexvironmental protectionwe have only one world protect the environment,love our earth

Applying Ecological Economic Theory to Land Use Planning P建议在标题中给予更多关于研究内容的信息,如具体研究问题,研究方法,尤其如果要发表至国外期刊时,过于概括性的标题不容易被接受。请参考。


Dear editor: I am writing to you about the discussion we’ve had about the relationship between economic development and environmental Some students think that we should not develop the economy at the cost of damaging the For instance, in order to boost the economy, they built a lot of The waste of the factory polluted the local air, water and The polluted air does great harm to people’s The polluted water and soil causes diseases and Other students argue that the issues of the environment are unavoidable for economic It is just the by- We can solve such issues when we have money and In my opinion, a strict law should be issued to keep the environment under proper We should know that destroying environment means destroying mankind Sincerely yours,Mike

The problem of pollution on campus has been becoming more and more serious, therefore it is necessary to take action to stop it and reduce Pollution on campus would not only bring bad impressions of the school to other people, it would also have negative effects on the environment as a In my opinion, the pollution problem on campus is caused by members of the school being careless and they may not realise the problem that they are causing as they may think they just contribute to a very problem but small problems of many people have eventually become a big Therefore it is necessary to take action to stop and try to reduce the pollution problem on campus and I think that it would be the easiest to ask everybody just to do their little bit and it would then become a great help to the Specific method may be asking members of the school not to throw rubbish in places other than the rubbish bins and to switch off lights when not Little actions will do great help to the environment if everyone tries their best to keep on with these Also it is possible to hold activities such as the "Environmental Friendly Week" in school to encourage students and staff to join in to make the school cleaner and fresher, and it can also have educating effects for

一个良好的环境对于人的日常生活、工作和学习都非常重要。但是,随着时代的变化和经济的发展,人类为了追求经济成长,不断污染环境、破坏资源,使我们的地球有数也数不清的绿色的烦恼:厄尔尼诺现象的烦恼、疯牛病的烦恼、生物灭种的烦恼……    由于环境污染已经到了不得不引起我们去高度重视的地步,因此保护环境已经是每个人的职责,保护环境,从我做起。一是我们爱惜身边的一草一木,不乱掉垃圾,不随地吐痰,积极宣传环境保护的重要性,大搞绿化建设;二是我们发展经济的同时也要考虑随之而来的环境污染,对于那些污染空气、噪音严重的工厂,要设在远离都市的工业区,对于污水严重的工业,要加强对重点建设项目的审批把关和环保指导。     我们希望通过共同努力,营造经济发展、生态良好的优美环境。   A good environment regarding person's daily life, the work and the study is But, along with time change and economical development, humanity to pursue the economic growth, the unceasing pollution of the environment, the destruction resources, cause our Earth to know how things stand also the innumerable green worry: Diversified economy worry, mad cow disease's worry, biological genocide's worry     because the environmental pollution already arrived at the situation which extraordinary does not cause us to go to take seriously, therefore the protection environment was already each person's responsibility, protects the environment, starts from First, we treasure every bit of property, falls trash not randomly, does not spit everywhere, propagandizes the environmental protection importance positively, does on large scale the afforested construction; Second, our develop economy's at the same time must consider that the following environmental pollution, regarding these air pollution, the noise serious factory, must be located in is far away from the metropolis the industrial district, regarding the sewage serious industry, must strengthen to the priority project examination check and the environmental protection   we hoped that through joint effort, building economic development, ecology good exquisite





呵呵,楼上的是学生物的吧!有意思!Sell radar(the radar kill) first with various kill a gnat to spray, various mosquito-repellent incense, various factories which get rid of gnat perfumed toilet water all would close down, does the business enterprise close down these people how to all do??They want to think a way to have a meal ah, they some people beg for a life in Taiwan probably, some people may make to settle a dispute in Taiwan, then the our national negotiation fail, result severity!Then American day Russia interfere with, global situation once more Again because the company closes the door, the bank funds runs off in great quantities, large of at first kill a Wen2 Ji4 company a labor people will have no rice edible, the government burden aggravates, end unemployed citizen blunt 垮 , who cause the public order is cut up rough, cause a people lack confidence, greatly four dump a stock, the stock market leaps dish, the world bank is compelled to take back a End United States and negotiation in Middle East descend by fighting for an oil price to The Chinese government again reiterates wanting world peace is all countries the important condition of development, the Chinese government means tremendous indignation and deeply heavy regret to this time So mosquito didn't the problem for causing can't imagine, is very important because of protecting good ecosystem
