

发布时间:2024-07-07 00:34:23




You can add this phrase before the article:Acknowledgement:I hereby experss gratitude to my dear partner XXXX, without his effort, this thesis can not be In the process of compilation, he made great contribution on data collecting and Besides, he completed the Chapter x and xx by This thesis is rather a common achievement than a private



just "the first author"或者你要强调 “the first and primary author”

论文中的'第一作者"的英语表达为“First author”论文中的'第一作者"主要是在创新性作品如科研论文、专利等的署名中,对论文贡献最大的人的署名在最前面作为第一作者。例句:我国并列第一作者发文情况调查与分析Investigation and analysis on research papers published by "parallel first authors" in China 并列第一作者,又称“共同第一作者”指的是在论文创作过程中,多人贡献相同或者近似无法判别高下,因此视作相同贡献,并列第一作者。

英文文章第一作者可以有1-4个。英文文章至于共同第一作者的人数,并没有明确的规定,一般来说,一篇英文文章可以有2-4个第一作者最为常见。一篇英文文章中,第一作者只有一人是最好的,但共同第一作者的情况出现,很难避免。不过大家应谨记第一作者人数不应该安排太多。人数过多,反而会让第一作者位置失去了其应有的价值。英文文章作者名字写法:英文文章上经常看到国人作者名字按先姓后名的顺序给出,这如果出现在国内中文杂志上的英文摘要中无可厚非,但在国际英文杂志上则不妥,后果是当别人引用该文时势必引起姓与名混淆。应按照英语国家习惯,先名后姓。有的文章作者名字为先姓后名,但注意中间有一个逗号“,”。有的文章不列出全名,Given name仅显示首字母。对于两个字的名(Given name),有些人喜欢在中间使用“-”,没有问题。



just "the first author"或者你要强调 “the first and primary author”

You can add this phrase before the article:Acknowledgement:I hereby experss gratitude to my dear partner XXXX, without his effort, this thesis can not be In the process of compilation, he made great contribution on data collecting and Besides, he completed the Chapter x and xx by This thesis is rather a common achievement than a private



You can add this phrase before the article:Acknowledgement:I hereby experss gratitude to my dear partner XXXX, without his effort, this thesis can not be In the process of compilation, he made great contribution on data collecting and Besides, he completed the Chapter x and xx by This thesis is rather a common achievement than a private

:第一作者:the Lead author 或 the first author第二作者:the Second author第三作者: the third author通讯作者:Corresponding Author

第一作者:the Lead author第二作者:the Second author

such as A,B,and so


You can add this phrase before the article:Acknowledgement:I hereby experss gratitude to my dear partner XXXX, without his effort, this thesis can not be In the process of compilation, he made great contribution on data collecting and Besides, he completed the Chapter x and xx by This thesis is rather a common achievement than a private

这是一篇标准的外文参考文献格式:[1]Singer SJ, Gaba DM, Geppcrt JJ, et The culture of safety: Results from an organization wide survey in 15 California hospitals [J] Qual Saf Health C 2003,12(2):112-118.其中的“ et ”也就是“等”了,不过一般是要求写成前三位作者的,看各校要求了。

just "the first author"或者你要强调 “the first and primary author”

论文中的'第一作者"的英语表达为“First author”论文中的'第一作者"主要是在创新性作品如科研论文、专利等的署名中,对论文贡献最大的人的署名在最前面作为第一作者。例句:我国并列第一作者发文情况调查与分析Investigation and analysis on research papers published by "parallel first authors" in China 并列第一作者,又称“共同第一作者”指的是在论文创作过程中,多人贡献相同或者近似无法判别高下,因此视作相同贡献,并列第一作者。
