

发布时间:2024-07-05 02:46:35


The Chinese "Red Culture" is the heritage of the revolutionary history since the establishment of China Communist Party, who led Chinese people successfully to overturned the the Three Big Mountains (Imperialism, Feudalism and Bureaucrat-capitalism, which weighed like mountains on the backs of the Chinese people before liberation) through extremely hard and bitter efforts via the Red Army, now the People's Liberation A Chinese people worship the red from ancient times, resembling it as the sun, warmth, jubilance and prosperity, while new connotations have enriched the red for Chinese people with a revlolutionary history, a striving history, known as the Red Culture in C

nd regard for posterity



nd regard for posterity

Chinese and Western cultural differences in the performance of every aspect of daily life from the greeting 、 term diet and cultural differences in the way of thinking in the abstract, such as differences everywhere, from the West focus on the following colors to express the difference between Chinese and Western cultural differences in areas such as a wedding First, in the West to express the color difference Different colors in different languages is not expressed in the same The representative of China in a sense, the West has a meaning that even the "color" to understand the meaning of the (A) red (red) Whether in China or in the English-speaking countries, often in red and festive celebrations or day- Calendar, red font used these days, therefore, red letter day: refers to the "Day" or "happy " It also refers to the red "liabilities" or "loss" because people are always negative in red to So there are these phrases: red figure deficit in the red loss In common with the Chinese "red" words, translated into English, may not necessarily use the "red" for example:   brown sugar brown sugar red wine red wine (B) yellow Yellow in English and Chinese in the extended meaning of the differences are In English, yellow can be said that the "timid, cowardly, despicable," meaning, for example: a yellow dog despicable, cowardly people a yellow livered coward Chinese yellow symbol of the term is sometimes vulgar, vulgar and obscene, indecent indecency means, such as yellow film, erotica, yellow CD, and so These in the name of "yellow" in English and "yellow" has nothing to However, in another English word blue is the color used to indicate the kind of meaning in Chinese, such as the blue jokes (dirty joke), blue films (yellow film) Second, the cultural differences in Western wedding First of all, in Western wedding culture and the first in the West in thinking about the differences: the Chinese people more conservative, like excitement, more old-fashioned thinking, so in the history of China for thousands of years the entire wedding customs did not change The thinking in the West is more open to the requirements of the wedding will be lower, they will be the climax of the wedding in the church: the sacred as the "wedding march" into the red carpet, Jiao Mei's father, the bride linked hands Rose walked slowly to the groom, the bride's father, daughter to the groom's hand on hand, her daughter's life will be entrusted to the groom, all eyes followed the couple, filled with well-being in their Second, the result of cultural differences wedding in the West because the West in a different China is mainly Buddhist, but the West is mainly C Therefore, the Western wedding is to be held in the church and the priest is Zhuhun R China's traditional customs of the most important part of the Bai Tiandi is, the worship heaven and earth even after the ceremony has 中西方文化差异表现在方方面面,从日常生活的打招呼用语、饮食文化等差异到思维方式等抽象方面的差异无所不在,下面着重从中西方颜色表达的差异,中西方婚礼文化差异等方面阐述。 一、中西方颜色表达的差异 不同颜色在不同语言中表达的方式并不一样。在中国代表一种意义,在西方又表示一种涵义,甚至对“颜色”的涵义理解恰恰相反。(一)red(红色)无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。日历中,这些日子常用红色字体,因此,red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。于是就有了这些词组:red figure赤字 in the red亏损汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”例如: 红糖brown sugar 红酒red wine (二) yellow黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如:a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a yellow livered 胆小鬼汉语中黄色一词有时象征低级趣味、色情庸俗、下流猥亵的意思,如黄色电影、黄色书刊、黄色光碟等等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑), blue films(黄色电影)等。 二、中西方婚礼文化差异 首先,中西方婚礼文化差异首先和中西方人在思维方面的差异有关:中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。而西方人的思想则比较开放,对于婚礼的要求也比较低,他们婚礼的高潮则是在教堂中:随着神圣的《婚礼进行曲》步入鲜红的地毯,娇美的新娘挽着父亲手捧玫瑰慢慢向新郎走去,新娘的父亲将女儿的手放在新郎的手上,将女儿的一生托付给新郎,所有人的目光注视着这对新人,幸福洋溢在他们的脸上。其次,造成中西方婚礼文化差异的原因是中西方不同的宗教。中国是以佛教为主,而西方则是基督教为主的。所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中举行而主婚人则是神甫。中方的传统婚俗中的最重要环节就是拜天地,拜了天地以后就算是礼成了。

%D6%D0%CE%F7&btn=+%CB%D1%CB%F7+ 1、 (英语系毕业论文)中西戏剧发展快慢对比及其原因 摘 要 中西戏剧都有悠久的历史,无论是西方戏剧还是中国戏剧,都起源于民间,并与原始人祭祀神灵,欢庆节日的仪式密切联系在一起的。回顾希腊戏剧产生形成的历史,它发展快,成就高,在世界上的影响很 类别:毕业论文 大小:95 KB 日期:2007-07-14 2、 (英语系毕业论文)从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合 摘 要随着全球化的来临,中国与外界的交流越来越频繁,特别是在商界。本论文主要探讨中美在管理上的交流。如今的商界,如同一个大家庭,参与者遍布世界各地。正是由于这个原因,各国的管理模式也趋于一体化。但是 类别:毕业论文 大小:85 KB 日期:2007-06-26 3、 (英语系毕业论文)在经济全球化下中西方文化差异与跨文化管理 摘 要伴随着世界经济的快速增长,跨国公司的飞速发展, 全球商业活动的猛烈激增,同时伴随着在文化多样化环境下的相关管理问题的出现,跨国公司的人员必须与来自不同文化背景的人打交道,这种文化差异时而会造成 类别:毕业论文 大小:96 KB 日期:2007-06-26 4、 (英语系毕业论文)中西服饰文化差异对语言的影响 摘 要中西服饰受其各自不同哲学和文化的影响体现出不同的特征:儒家思想和大陆文明使中国服饰呈现出繁冗,宽博的特征。它不注重外表的装饰,以宽松的衣服遮掩身体的曲线,在思想上追求人格的完美,以“谦谦君 类别:毕业论文 大小:90 KB 日期:2007-06-25 5、 (英语系毕业论文)快餐食品对中西方传统饮食文化的影响力 摘 要自古以来,中国就是一个以礼待人的礼仪之邦。而在不同的国家、不同的地区,礼仪的形式也有所不同。本文主要从礼仪的角度谈论了礼仪与中西方文化之间的联系及相互影响,目的是为了消除不同国家之间的不同 类别:毕业论文 大小:88 KB 日期:2007-06-25 6、 (英语系毕业论文)从礼仪角度谈中西文化的差异性 摘 要自古以来,中国就是一个以礼待人的礼仪之邦。而在不同的国家、不同的地区,礼仪的形式也有所不同。本文主要从礼仪的角度谈论了礼仪与中西方文化之间的联系及相互影响,目的是为了消除不同国家之间的不同 类别:毕业论文 大小:85 KB 日期:2007-06-23 7、 (英语系毕业论文)中西饮食文化及其差异 摘 要中国悠久历史5000年,西方世界五六百年的社会历程。中国有灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化;西方国家则有精巧专维、自成体系的饮食文明。民以食为天,中国有自己独特丰富的饮食文化底蕴。然而今天除了中国 类别:毕业论文 大小:100 KB 日期:2007-06-21 8、 (英语系毕业论文)中西酒店文化比较及探讨 摘 要在经济蓬勃发展的今天,旅游业风风火火地发展起来了,作为与旅游业相配套的酒店业也相应的完善起来,且更加趋于国际化。中国已经入世,这更给中国的酒店业带来一个新的发展契机,但世界上酒店发展规模空前,

Aspects of Chinese and Western differences Abstract Due to geographical and historical, cultural background and the West Asians have a lot of The West colors article from cultural differences, Chinese and Western cultural differences in areas such as a wedding on a comparison of Chinese and Western culture, with a view to help Key words cultural backgrounds; cultural differences; culture colors in the West Chinese and Western cultural differences in the performance of every aspect of daily life from the words hello, restaurants and cultural differences in the way of thinking in the abstract, such as differences everywhere, from the West focus on the following colors to express the difference between Chinese and Western cultural differences in areas such as a wedding First, in the West to express the color difference Different colors in different languages is not expressed in the same The representative of China in a sense, the West has a meaning that even the "color" to understand the meaning of the (A) red (red) Whether in China or in the English-speaking countries, often in red and festive celebrations or day- Calendar, red font used these days, therefore, red letter day: refers to the "Day" or "happy " It also refers to the red "liabilities" or "loss" because people are always negative in red to So there are these phrases: red figure deficit in the red loss In common with the Chinese "red" words, translated into English, may not necessarily use the "red" for example: brown sugar brown sugar red wine red wine (B) yellow Yellow in English and Chinese in the extended meaning of the differences are 我来帮你吧In English, yellow can be said that the "timid, cowardly, despicable," meaning, for example: a yellow dog despicable, cowardly people a yellow livered coward Chinese yellow symbol of the term is sometimes vulgar, vulgar and obscene, indecent indecency means, such as yellow film, erotica, yellow CD, and so These in the name of "yellow" in English and "yellow" has nothing to However, in another English word blue is the color used to indicate the kind of meaning in Chinese, such as the blue jokes (dirty joke), blue films (yellow film)


Now the face of eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs China cannot do without the revolutionary martyrs, they flag dyed with blood, how can you let us respect? Remember Dong Cunrui? That young man dedicated to the Is he seized explosives into the enemy bunkers at the expense of their own, he was only seventeen years old! Dong Cunrui put his body as a powder support frame, with his precious life for the troops opened up the way Dong Cunrui to death are missing the new China, he was saying, for the new China, Chong ah!" How many Chinese people's hearts shocked? Comrade Dong Cunrui, you are unique, and now your story has spread throughout China and A Chinese people cheer for you, cheer for We are proud of you! Dong Cunrui is more than a natural revolutionary China best, the most outstanding is the emergence of many a man of character, as the hero of the Such as Li D When it comes to Li Dazhao, no one will know He is a pioneer of the Communist Party of China, the great Marxist, the outstanding proletarian revolutionary, one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China, Marx, the Communist Party of C Li Dazhao is the national peril on Li Dazhao changed from a patriot to a M But he and most of the revolutionaries, or sacrifice, he was killed by the reactionary warlords, only thirty-eight years We should learn from Li Dazhao, Studying Comrade Li Dazhao's belief in the Marx doctrine, learning his unyielding, fearless of death for a just Li Dazhao left the spiritual heritage is infinite, we want to carry forward the spirit of this good All of the martyrs ah, People's Republic of China did not live up to all your efforts, you see? China's rapid development, China's prosperity, you throw the head, the blood of the exchange, you have to see it? Our seven o'clock sun will carry on your work, we will work hard to build a better Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs!革命先烈永垂不朽中国如今的面貌离不开革命烈士,他们用鲜血染红了国旗,怎么能不让我们肃然起敬呢?还记得董存瑞吗?那个年纪轻轻就献身革命的好同志。就是他抓起炸药包勇闯敌人碉堡却牺牲了自己,他才十七岁啊!董存瑞把自己的身体充当火药支撑架,用自己宝贵的生命为部队开辟了前进的道路。董存瑞到死都挂念着新中国,他那句“为了新中国,冲啊!”震撼了多少个中国人的心灵?董存瑞同志,你是独一无二的,现在你的事迹已经传遍了整个中国、整个亚洲。中国人民为你喝彩、为你欢呼。我们以你为骄傲!革命先烈自然不止董存瑞一个。中国最好、最出色的就是出现了许多有骨气、有作为的革命英雄。如李大钊。说到李大钊,不会有人不认识吧。他是中国共产党主义的先驱,伟大的马克思主义者,杰出的无产阶级革命家,中国共产党的主要创始人之一。李大钊时期是国家和民族濒临危亡的时期。李大钊从一个爱国主义者转变为一个马克思主义者。可他和大多数革命家一样,还是牺牲了,他惨遭反动军阀的杀害,年仅三十八岁。我们要向李大钊学习,学习李大钊同志对马克思主义的坚定信仰,学习他的坚贞不屈、大义凛然。李大钊留下的精神遗产是无限大的,我们要把这种良好的精神品质发扬光大。所有的先烈们啊,中华人民共和国没有辜负你们付出的一切,你们都看到了吧?中国的飞跃发展,中国的繁荣昌盛,是你们抛头颅、洒热血换来的,你们都看到了吧?我们这些七点钟的太阳会继承你们的遗志,我们会努力学习,把国家建设得更美好。革命先烈永垂不朽!

一阵风吹来,袭来幽幽的花香,飘落一地残花,轻踏一地“春残”我悄然探访你,因为我想走进你的心灵世界……     你正值如花的年华,却拥有无限伤感的情思。别人不懂你,总认为“林妹妹”多愁善感,我也疑惑为什么一个美丽如花的女子要“独倚花锄泪暗洒,洒上空枝见泪痕”?你用手帕擦了擦已哭肿的双眼,回忆起父母早逝,寄人篱下的无奈,你的自白使我懂了你,于是,我与你一起回味,一起心酸,一起流泪。     你本是天真烂漫的女子,却又留下了尖酸刻薄之名。这么美丽的潇湘馆在你眼中只是“青灯照壁人初睡,冷雨敲窗被未温”,人们都认为你过分清高。我也不解,这么令人羡慕的荣华富贵,为何不能消除你内心的痛。当我随你一起生活时,我才发现潇湘馆的清寂;当我与你一起和众人嬉笑时,我才发现你的“真”是那么不合群!也许,正因为如此,你才愿意“愿奴肋下生两翼,随花飞到天尽头”吧,你的“尖酸刻薄”正是这烟花美酒中难见的“真实”。于是,我开始品味你,欣赏你,赞美你。     你明知“宝黛恋”并无结果,却仍苦苦追求。你难道不知“金玉之说”远比外孙女更被贾母看重吗?贾母虽好,可毕竟她更疼宝玉呀!这并无结果的恋情为何要死死守护?这也是我最不懂你的地方,我想走进你的世界,理解你的爱恨情仇,在你心中,我看到了“质本洁来还洁去”的你,看到了“抛不尽相思满红豆”的宝玉与你们之间纯洁的爱情,也看到了判词中“可叹停机德,堪怜咏絮才,玉带林中挂,金簪雪里埋”的结局。可是,我也看到了悲惨的结局下仍有“挂中林黛玉”的思念,于是,我懂了你:虽然外界阻挠不断,但两人之间的一切就给了你执着坚守的所有勇气。我于是与你一起守望,一起幻想,一起回忆。     我想走进你的世界,与你一起“试看春残花渐落”与你一起“手把花锄出绣帘”,与你一起“不管桃飘与李飞”,来了解你内心深处的悲喜情愁,来指责不了解你的众人,不公的评判,了解你对花的依恋之因……

People associate colors with different objects,feelings,and ***Red is my favorite ***Red is the color of fire ,heat ,blood and People say red is an active and exciting When someone is very angry,people say that he or she sees And red is used for signs of danger ,such as STOP I like red because when I see red I feel

People associate colors with different objects,feelings,and Red is my favorite Red is the color of fire ,heat ,blood and People say red is an active and exciting When someone is very angry,people say that he or she sees And red is used for signs of danger ,such as STOP I like red because when I see red I feel


Desecration the memory not red and red emotions

I still think you should own what to write it, the red culture into the campus or something like that or myself to think about

Not profane red memory and red emotions




一阵风吹来,袭来幽幽的花香,飘落一地残花,轻踏一地“春残”我悄然探访你,因为我想走进你的心灵世界……     你正值如花的年华,却拥有无限伤感的情思。别人不懂你,总认为“林妹妹”多愁善感,我也疑惑为什么一个美丽如花的女子要“独倚花锄泪暗洒,洒上空枝见泪痕”?你用手帕擦了擦已哭肿的双眼,回忆起父母早逝,寄人篱下的无奈,你的自白使我懂了你,于是,我与你一起回味,一起心酸,一起流泪。     你本是天真烂漫的女子,却又留下了尖酸刻薄之名。这么美丽的潇湘馆在你眼中只是“青灯照壁人初睡,冷雨敲窗被未温”,人们都认为你过分清高。我也不解,这么令人羡慕的荣华富贵,为何不能消除你内心的痛。当我随你一起生活时,我才发现潇湘馆的清寂;当我与你一起和众人嬉笑时,我才发现你的“真”是那么不合群!也许,正因为如此,你才愿意“愿奴肋下生两翼,随花飞到天尽头”吧,你的“尖酸刻薄”正是这烟花美酒中难见的“真实”。于是,我开始品味你,欣赏你,赞美你。     你明知“宝黛恋”并无结果,却仍苦苦追求。你难道不知“金玉之说”远比外孙女更被贾母看重吗?贾母虽好,可毕竟她更疼宝玉呀!这并无结果的恋情为何要死死守护?这也是我最不懂你的地方,我想走进你的世界,理解你的爱恨情仇,在你心中,我看到了“质本洁来还洁去”的你,看到了“抛不尽相思满红豆”的宝玉与你们之间纯洁的爱情,也看到了判词中“可叹停机德,堪怜咏絮才,玉带林中挂,金簪雪里埋”的结局。可是,我也看到了悲惨的结局下仍有“挂中林黛玉”的思念,于是,我懂了你:虽然外界阻挠不断,但两人之间的一切就给了你执着坚守的所有勇气。我于是与你一起守望,一起幻想,一起回忆。     我想走进你的世界,与你一起“试看春残花渐落”与你一起“手把花锄出绣帘”,与你一起“不管桃飘与李飞”,来了解你内心深处的悲喜情愁,来指责不了解你的众人,不公的评判,了解你对花的依恋之因……

nd regard for posterity
