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----英语专业毕业论文题目1 商务英语的语言特色2 “商务行话”在商务交流中的运用3 商务谈判成功要素4 商务交流意义初探5 商务英语翻译技巧6 涉外商务的沟通技巧7 商标名称的翻译与策略8 商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features of English Business Correspondence )9 商务英语谈判中的礼貌策略研究(On the Politeness Strategies in English Business Environment )10 商务英语沟通中的文化因素(On Cultural Elements Integrated into Business English Teaching )11 商务英语谈判的文化差异毕业论文参考网整理收集论文12 商务英语谈判中“赞同”与“否决”句型的巧用13 The Features of Business English 商务英语语言特点14 Etiquette in Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪15 The Cultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异16 A Study on Problems in Business Letter Writing 商务信函写作问题研究17 Business Communication Skills in a Company 涉外公司商务沟通技巧18 商号(商标、公司)名称等的翻译19 广告英语及其翻译



The industry design- future master of Chinese industry"What is the industrial design?" This question caused the people which multitudinous has not involved regarding this has the understanding desire actually to have the psychology which confused, did not know should by among what kind of status, what way And what is more believed that, the industrial design is the simple They cannot understand any is "industry designer" They thought the designer must be the branch industry, for instance designs the toy to call "toy designer", designs the furniture to call "furniture designer", designs the automobile to call "automobile designer" Actually, the industrial design is the outward appearance design not Now is cramped to the industrial design understanding very much, regards as it is the modelling design merely, therefore it must go naturally with the craft comparison, the Chinese industry designer basically all is an outward appearance modelling The handset sells the fire such, actually changging is the outward The plan is others, the patent is others, we only can go to trade the color to trade the outer We only are in tidy up to the product, do not have the solution basic Since the industrial design has said is in fact the Industrial Revolution people's Since the Industrial Revolution appeared the big division of labor, some people study the market specially, some people study the marketing specially, some people study the technical development specially, some people study people's life demand This time, designed is separated, this time design was called the industrial The industrial design takes to the enterprise the huge The industrial design occupies the big ingredient in a product value, not greatly easy quantification, because it is contains in inside, is a soft value, its content is the cultural value, is the national mechanism, the horizontal ability one kind The overseas some similar analogies, like US has this kind of view, certainly is not very precise: In the enterprise if invested in the technical equipment renews has brought benefit, that industrial design brought the benefit was its 5 If invests 1,000 US dollars, brings the benefit on the equipment is 10% speech, that this 1,000 US dollars will throw the benefit which will bring to the design will be 780%, at least 560%, because its added value high, the profit will be England's Madame Thatcher as early as had said in 20 years ago, England may not have the government, but may not not England's success mainly depends on its design The industrial design is belongs to the modern industry product, the product structure, the industrial structure carries on the specialty which the plan design, innovates Its core is take "human" as the center, the design creation achievement must be able fully to adapt, satisfiedly to take "human" the Humanity's demand never can pause on some, thus the industry is the design also is needs "to redesign" the The industrial design is the scientific research technology achievement transforms as the product, forms the commodity, conforms to the demand, the beneficial environmental protection core process, is the technical innovation and the knowledge innovation touchdown target, is system approach which the product, the commodity, the thing, the waste product transforms The industrial design essence is "artificial thing science" Before the reform and open policy, our country basically has not formed own industrial design In the modern industry product, extremely little belongs to our country to Two, under the planned economy system, the product uniform purchase has exclusive selling rights, falls short of demand, is the seller market, under such historical condition, also does not need the industrial In the recent 20 years, our country industrial design enterprise had the very big The at the beginning of 1980s, the universities, colleges and institutes start to establish the industrial design specialty, now, our country had more than 200 colleges and universities to open this specialty, some big enterprises also one after another established the industrial design department, the industrial design started in the product modelling design aspect to win initial As a result of the industrial design advancement, causes the enterprise product modelling diversification, but looked from society's overall, the industrial design still was at the early time development phase in our country, but also has not been able to like the developed country to be same, created the high benefit with extremely active "productive forces" "industrial" The big market concept essence is not by "the modelling" design primarily, but is serves the "user take" as "this" Therefore, the industrial design true duty, is carries on the conceptual design to the new life style demand which the localization of target, the research analysis and determined from This leading direction on for the work which met down had found the very good starting At present " sells fixes production quotas " " the small market " mechanism, the force enterprise falls into vicious circle " noisy crowd ", “the price war " eddy current is inescapably Its primary cause has not grasped industrial design this methodology, therefore has not been able in the enterprise industrial structure, in the product mix adjustment strategy and even " brand ", “in the quality " concept, serves the " customer for central " " the " goal to take truly the enterprise profit the basic condition, but only grasps " hardware ", the technology, the processing quality, the advertisement, the marketing and the enterprise vivid strategy and so on these Does not stress the basic market localization, the market goal variation strategy, namely did not stress the industrial design, enterprise's technological innovation has lost the goal, created the enormous resources waste, finally, enterprise's competition only paused in the low Cites an example to explain malpractice: The developing nation development automobile industry has two paths, one is the South Korean path, through the independent development, the development nationality industry, becomes the multinational corporation the competitor; One take the Latin American nations as representative, runnings in the capital path, degenerates into the multinational corporation the But our country produces early compared to South Korea the automobile for several years, several big automobile group company is basic until now independently has not developed the passenger vehicle Are increasingly many with the foreign joint capital automobile enterprise, in the world the famous multinational corporation nearly all arrived China to pool Most important, uses our technology to fire our brand, carries forward the national industry to need the industrial design in the final In the independent brand time, the design will become the commercial strategy a part, the design strategy becomes the enterprise strategy the important Perhaps the design can create the new business model in this Because is too early, we are impossible to this kind of strategy industrial design understanding in extremely clearly, but some tendencies we are may One is the product image distinguishes into possibly, each brand all must have own individuality, this kind of individuality will also manifest in enterprise's all product family member; Two, the design object can have the Its real situation and the thing equally important, the product and the service is worth taking Not only enterprise sales product, but also sells the Again to looks out into the distance the vision looks, the experience design not does not have Three, in the design method even more emphasized the team cooperation, the team members will come from a broader In fact, because has the special status and the function in the industrial promotion and the development, now many countries already the industrial design took the national innovation strategy the important constituent, establishes the special control section in abundance, the investment huge fund, and gives the support in the industrial England is equipped with National Design Committee, manages the nation industrial design advancement work; Japan proposed " builds the nation on the basis of scientific and technical development, the design leads the way the " national policy, is equipped with the design promotion hall, the design policy hall as well as the industrial promotion in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry can use in advancing this work; South Korean Government is proposed in the industrial development summary that, hoped becomes the world to 2010 to design the powerful Then our country if hoped can through enhance the high-tech product the added value to strengthen our comprehensive strength, then should start from the present to take the industrial design, sets up the special government control section and the profession association, and provides the capital source for Government to industrial design fund investment, also must have the special allocation, set up the Under so environment, not only can develop the native place to design, but also can have the formidable rallying point to attract more international

Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX 璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉狄金森的自然情结A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁伊登自杀因素的分析Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice <<傲慢与偏见〉〉中影响婚姻的因素A Probe into Anti-slavery of Mark Twain--From the Perspective of Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 探讨马克吐温的反奴隶制--对《哈克贝利芬历险记》中吉姆的分析The Use OF Body Language In English Teaching 肢体语言在英语教学中的应用Task-based Language Teaching and Its Application in China 任务教学法及其在中国的应用Various Circumstances That the Inversion Is Used Under and Comparison with Chinese 运用到状的多种情形及与汉语的比较Individual Factos Contributing to Gatsby's Tragedy 导致盖茨比悲剧产生的个人因素The Direct Method and Its Application in Juvenile English Teaching 直接教学法及其在少儿英语教学中的应用On Social Factora to the Failure of the Americam Dream——A Contrast between Gatsby and Willy Loman 论美国梦破灭的社会因素——盖茨比和威力洛曼的比较On the Psychological Development of Tom in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中汤姆的心理变化Study on the Teaching of Culture 浅析文化教学Culture Conmflicts in English Teaching 英语教学中的文化冲突Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words 中英颜色词的文化差异A Research of Rhetoric in Jane Eyre 关于《简爱》中修辞的研究On the Causes of Tess's Tragedy 论苔丝悲剧的原因On Symbolism and Portraiture in The Great Gatsby 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义和人物描写Multianalysis of "the Lost Generation" in The Sun Also Rises 透视《太阳照样升起》中的“迷惘的一代”On Robinson Crusoe's Character 鲁滨逊人物分析The Use of Symbolism in Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中象征手法的运用On the Writing Features Of The Cal l of the Wild 论《野性的呼唤》的写作手法Character Analysis of Santiago in The Old Man and The Sea 《老人与海》主人公——桑提亚哥形象分析Communicative Approach of English Teaching 英语教学之交际法On the Theme of For Whom the Bell Tolls 论《丧钟为谁而鸣》的主题思想How to Be a Good Guide in English Teaching in Middle School 怎样在中学教学中做好引导者

As human enters a age of information The advantages and disadvantages becomes increasingly The advantages are that internet made life much more convenient and People can shop, read, learn, interact and a whole lot more from their computer It draws the world closer and makes lifes There are also On the internet, everyone is invisisble, this makes online fraud and identitity theft increasingly popular and Also, on the internet, almost everyone can post or edit information, which means information on the web are not always Therefore, as we become more and more relient on the internt, it' ;s advantages and disadvantages should not be



催化剂  定义:又叫触媒。根据国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)于1981年提出的定义,催化剂是一种物质,它能够改变反应的速率而不改变该反应的标准Gibbs自由焓变化。这种作用称为催化作用。涉及催化剂的反应为催化反应。  催化剂(catalyst)会诱导化学反应发生改变,而使化学反应变快或减慢或者在较低的温度环境下进行化学反应。催化剂在工业上也称为触媒。  初中书上定义:在化学反应里能改变其他物质的化学反应速率,而本身的质量和化学性质在反应前后都没有发生变化的物质叫做催化剂,又叫触媒。催化剂在化学反应中所起的作用叫催化作用。  我们可在波兹曼分布(Boltzmann distribution)与能量关系图(energy profile diagram)中观察到,催化剂可使化学反应物在不改变的情形下,经由只需较少活化能(activation energy)的路径来进行化学反应。而通常在这种能量下,分子不是无法完成化学反应,不然就是需要较长时间来完成化学反应。但在有催化剂的环境下,分子只需较少的能量即可完成化学反应。  催化剂有三种类型,它们是:均相催化剂、多相催化剂和生物催化剂。  均相催化剂和它们催化的反应物处于同一种物态(固态、液态、或者气态)。例如:如果反应物是气体,那么催化剂也会是一种气体。笑气(一氧化二氮)是一种惰性气体,被用来作为麻醉剂。然而,当它与氯气和日光发生反应时,就会分解成氮气和氧气。这时,氯气就是一种均相催化剂,它把本来很稳定的笑气分解成了组成元素。  多相催化剂和它们催化的反应物处于不同的状态。例如:在生产人造黄油时,通过固态镍(催化剂),能够把不饱和的植物油和氢气转变成饱和的脂肪。固态镍是一种多相催化剂,被它催化的反应物则是液态(植物油)和气态(氢气)。  酶是生物催化剂。活的生物体利用它们来加速体内的化学反应。如果没有酶,生物体内的许多化学反应就会进行得很慢,难以维持生命。大约在37℃的温度中(人体的温度),酶的工作状态是最佳的。如果温度高于50℃或60℃,酶就会被破坏掉而不能再发生作用。因此,利用酶来分解衣物上的污渍的生物洗涤剂,在低温下使用最有效。  催化剂分均相催化剂与非均相催化剂。非均相催化剂呈现在不同相(Phase)的反应中(例如:固态催化剂在液态混合反应),而均相催化剂则是呈现在同一相的反应(例如:液态催化剂在液态混合反应)。一个简易的非均相催化反应包含了反应物(或zh-ch:底物;zh-tw:受质)吸附在催化剂的表面,反应物内的键因十分的脆弱而导致新的键产生,但又因产物与催化剂间的键并不牢固,而使产物出现。目前已知许多表反应发生吸附反应的不同可能性的结构位置。  仅仅由于本身的存在就能加快或减慢化学反应速率,而本身的组成和质量并不改变的物质就叫催化剂。催化剂跟反应物同处于均匀的气相或液相时,叫做单相催化作用;催化剂跟反应物属不同相时,叫做多相催化作用。  人们利用催化剂,可以提高化学反应的速度,这被称为催化反应。大多数催化剂都只能加速某一种化学反应,或者某一类化学反应,而不能被用来加速所有的化学反应。催化剂并不会在化学反应中被消耗掉。不管是反应前还是反应后,它们都能够从反应物中被分离出来。不过,它们有可能会在反应的某一个阶段中被消耗,然后在整个反应结束之前又重新产生。  使化学反应加快的催化剂,叫做正催化剂;使化学反应减慢的催化剂,叫做负催化剂。例如,酯和多糖的水解,常用无机酸作正催化剂;二氧化硫氧化为三氧化硫,常用五氧化二钒作正催化剂,这种催化剂是固体,反应物为气体,形成多相的催化作用,因此,五氧化二钒也叫做触媒或接触剂;食用油脂里加入01%~02%没食子酸正丙酯,就可以有效地防止酸败,在这里,没食子酸正丙酯是一种负催化剂(也叫做缓化剂或抑制剂)。

石油化工生产技术专业论文题目: 中国的石油中化工产业现状与竞争力分析 中国的石化产业可持续发展研究 工业废水处理技术 我国合成氨工业现状及节能技术 当前我国能源消费形势分析 21世纪涂料工业发展及对策 聚乙烯纳米材料发展现状及前景 纳米在化工生产中的应用 世界聚乙烯烃工业的发展前景 氯碱工业的发展及应用 聚氯化-2-羟丙基-1,1-N-二甲胺的合成及性质测定 矿渣MTC固井技术的应用研究 板式精馏塔的设计 21世纪中国炼油工业发展问题探讨 氯乙烯的合成与制备 中国石油化工产业 乙炳橡胶生产工艺及其经济分析 我国氯碱工业现状及发展研究 丁苯橡胶的技术发展及市场前景 面向21世纪的炼油工业 原油常减压蒸馏工艺流程研究 催化裂化化学反应原理及催化剂的选用 润滑油添加剂的分类与选用 大庆与胜利油田原油的特点并设计适合的加工方案 纳米材料在生产中的应用 永磁材料的发展 炼油用泵的现状研究 化学反应速率的测定方法 二组分系统相图的绘制 浅析燃料电池技术 21世纪涂料工业的现状和前景 石化企业废水处理研究 大王热电厂煤渣综合处理研究 大王镇橡塑企业发展现状及远景 化工企业持续发展应重点研究的几个问题 我国聚酯工业的发展



学术堂整理了十个和中国有关的科技论文题目,供大家选择:  1、李约瑟难题对中国科技史研究的影响  2、改革:中国科技期刊走向国际的必由之路  3、中国科技期刊发展的问题与对策研究  4、中国科技传播体系建设的现状与对策研究  5、谈中国科技服务业发展的若干问题及其对策  6、影响中国科技创新需求的障碍与对策  7、中国科技需要的根本转变:建立竞争优胜体制  8、基于内容分析法的中国科技创新政策研究  9、中国科技期刊进入六大国际检索系统的途径  10、中国科技期刊品牌评价与培育方法研究

采纳以后来我这里拿几个例文。。第一、要坚持选择有科学价值和现实意义的课题。科学研究的目的是为了更好地认识世界、改造世界,以推动社会的不断进步和发展。因此,毕业论文的选题,必须紧密结合社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要,以促进科学事业发展和解决现实存在问题作为出发点和落脚点。选题要符合科学研究的正确方向,要具有新颖性,有创新、有理论价值和现实的指导意义或推动作用,一项毫无意义的研究,即使花很大的精力,表达再完善,也将没有丝毫价值。具体地说,考生可从以下三个方面来选题。首先,要从现实的弊端中选题,学习了专业知识,不能仅停留在书本上和理论上,还要下一番功夫,理论联系实际,用已掌握的专业知识,去寻找和解决工作实践中急待解决的问题。其次,要从寻找科学研究的空白处和边缘领域中选题,科学研究  还有许多没有被开垦的处女地,还有许多缺陷和空白,这些都需要填补。应考者应有独特的眼光和超前的意识去思索,去发现,去研究。最后,要从寻找前人研究的不足处和错误处选题,在前人已提出来的研究课题中,许多虽已有初步的研究成果,但随着社会的不断发展,还有待于丰富、完整和发展,这种补充性或纠正性的研究课题,也是有科学价值和现实指导意义的。第二、要根据自己的能力选择切实可行的课题。毕业论文的写作是一种创造性劳动,不但要有考生个人的见解和主张,同时还需要具备一定的客观条件。由于考生个人的主观、客观条件都是各不相同的,因此在选题时,还应结合自己的特长、兴趣及所具备的客观条件来选题。具体地说,考生可从以下三个方面来综合考虑。首先,要有充足的资料来源。“巧妇难为无米之炊”,在缺少资料的情况下,是很难写出高质量的论文的。选择一个具有丰富资料来源的课题,对课题深入研究与开展很有帮助。其次,要有浓厚的研究兴趣,选择自己感兴趣的课题,可以激发自己研究的热情,调动自己的主动性和积极性,能够以专心、细心、恒心和耐心的积极心态去完成。最后,要能结合发挥自己的业务专长,每个考生无论能力水平高低,工作岗位如何,都有自己的业务专长,选择那些能结合自己工作、发挥自己业务专长的课题,对顺利完成课题的研究大有益处。



中文题目(3号加粗宋体字,居中)作者(4号加粗宋体字,居中)单位(5号宋体字,居中)摘 要:摘要应简明扼要地阐述论文中的主要内容,所采用的方法,主要结果及结论。使用5号宋体字,200字左右。关键词:请使用5号宋体字(不超过5个)(无需英文摘要等)引言(4号加粗宋体字)请用5号宋体,单倍行距。请您按照此概要的格式(包括字体处理,页面设计,打印格式等)进行论文的写作,以使论文的风格统一。1 正文(4号加粗宋体字)请用5号宋体,单倍行距。文稿要求内容重点突出,文字通顺,数据准确,符号、单位规范。在正文中首次出现的缩写词,应先写出中文名词,再在括号内写出英文或拉丁文全称和缩写词。1(5号加粗宋体字)请用5号宋体,单倍行距。表格要求居中,表格中的每一个单元格都应整齐有序。表格的标题应该写在表格正上方,居中。若标题不止一行,请将标题排列适合表格的宽度。表格的插入位置应尽量靠近与正文中相关的部分。文中图形力求少而精,一般不要超过4幅,并排于文中适当位置。图中术语、符号和计量单位等应与正文一致。参考文献[1] 作者(译者),文题,期刊名(或书名、或会议名),出版卷、期、页码、年。书或会议文集应相应列出版次、出版地、出版者、出版年、会议地点时间。小5号字体。(参见学院学报格式)具体要求 : 内容重点突出,文字通顺,数据准确,符号、单位规范,全部论文不超过4页。 稿件页面整洁。图表、照片需清晰,线图成比例。图中术语、符号和计量单位等应与正文一致。图要大小适中,线条均匀,主辅线分明. 文字表格放在文中适当的位置,表与图形、正文内容不能重复。标题在表格的上方,标注在表格的下方。表内文字用中文(中文稿)或英文(英文稿)。 参考文献每条内容应包括:作者(译者),文题,期刊名(或书名、或会议名),出版卷、期、页码、年。书或会议文集应相应列出版次、出版地、出版者、出版年、会议地点时间。专利文献需列出专利性质及专利号。小5号字体。 纸张选用A4纸,页边距: 上面5cm,下面5cm,左边0cm,右边0cm。题目:xx催化研究(工业应用)进展论文要求: 阐述选定某领域催化研究的基本原理、应用(包括应用实例和谱图诠释)、方法进展。 条理清晰,有逻辑层次。 根据自己论文的重点,有选择的参考资料内容,不要生搬照抄。4.4月15日交,交纸制打印版;不按时交扣分。

有没有主题啊 有主题的话 就很简单的格式如下: 题目作者关键词:摘要:论文正文:结论:参考文献:这就是论文的格式啊。你可以去搜索一片论文 下载下来模仿下。你也可以吧主题告诉我 我帮你看看

联合应用Bio-Gide及Bio-oss治疗牙周组织缺损的临床研究 杜毅 山东大学 2007-11-01 硕士 0 15 2 生物农药推广过程中农民决策行为的实证研究 徐健 中国农业大学 2004-06-01 硕士 2 142 3 具有生物活性的多取代-2-氨基嘧啶衍生物及其稠杂环化合物的研究 李景智 上海师范大学 2006-05-01 硕士 0 91 4 生物活性有机化合物的合成及分析方法研究 郭彦玲 上海师范大学 2006-05-01 硕士 0 69 5 蓝舌病病毒生物条形码及荧光定量型生物条形码检测体系的建立与评价 张立营 中国人民解放军军事医学科学院 2008-05-15 博士 0 21 6 麦草原料生物预处理与酚类化合物生物降解动力学研究 李群 天津科技大学 2001-04-01 博士 0 172 7 繁茂膜海绵生物修复和生物监测近海养殖水体的可行性研究 付晚涛 中国科学院研究生院(大连化学物理研究所) 2006-06-27 博士 0 91 8 缺氧/好氧强化生物絮凝—生物膜过滤处理生活污水 杨华仙; 黄慎勇; 马林伟 给水排水 2007-07-30 期刊 0 58 9 生物炼制与生物催化 金涌 化学工业 2007-08-21 期刊 1 166 10 生物絮凝吸附/生物接触氧化处理城市污水研究 张金梅; 王涛 重庆建筑大学学报 2007-12-15 期刊 0 79 11 强化生物絮凝+生物接触氧化处理城市污水研究 张金梅 工程建设与设计 2008-01-20 期刊 0 107 12 废水生物接触氧化处理中生物膜的培养与驯化 邓喜红; 王超 工业水处理 2008-05-20 期刊 0 78 13 高效新型生物填料应用于生物流化床的试验 陈文斌; 王秋红 工业水处理 2008-06-20 期刊 0 42 14 生物絮凝吸附+生物接触氧化除氮机理探讨 刘保伟; 张金梅 工程建设与设计 2008-11-20 期刊 0 13 15 废纸造纸废水生物接触氧化处理过程中生物膜特征研究 马邕文; 刘洋; 万金泉; 周深桥 林产化学与工业 2006-03-30 期刊 3 191 16 生物制剂4号—可湿性粉剂生物防治效果研究 李晓虹; 李学锋; 李君剑; 刘德容 微生物学杂志 2006-09-30 期刊 2 21 17 强化生物絮凝+变速生物滤池复合工艺处理生活污水运行条件的确定 张智; 杨华仙; 张晓卫; 浦军毅 安全与环境工程 2006-12-10 期刊 1 47 18 高效生物亲合性填料应用于生物流化床的试验 王秋红 中国环保产业 2007-03-30 期刊 0 70 19 钛合金表面原位生成钛酸钾生物陶瓷涂层的制备及其生物相容性 崔春翔; 申玉田; 徐艳姬; 李艳春; 王如; 王新; 王超 稀有金属材料与工程 2003-08-30 期刊 4 64 20 微氧生物吸附-好氧生物氧化联合工艺处理污水的试验研究 刘红; 郭清马; 何建平; 王冠桂; 宋瑞平; 胡菊 给

你这是写教育教学类的论文还是只是说要写生物类的论文呀~这样~生物类的论文 你可以去看下(生物过程、计算生物学、微生物前沿)这样的期刊~教育教学的话~你可以去看下(教育进展、创新教育研究)这样的吧
