

发布时间:2024-07-12 05:23:20


Educating Middle School Students About Healthy LivingFocus on Fun and Health, Not Restrictions and SizeStudents spend roughly six to seven hours a day in a Teachers have a huge amount of impact on students' outlook on By using good judgment and a sensitive approach, teachers can use this impact to help make a huge change in how students view weight, exercise and, healthy eating The following guide will get you started on creating your own unique unit on Healthy Living for use in a middle school How to approach the subjectAny time you begin talking about weight and healthy living, people are bound to get This is especially true in Middle School, where students feel as if their bodies are betraying There's a reason people often refer to Middle School as an "awkward " It's very important to be respectful of feelings and to keep from making anyone feel singled A good way to approach the subject is through reading a book, such as The Fat Boy Chronicles, and creating a personal reaction Students will likely empathize with Jimmy and his struggle with The scene with Jimmy and his doctor, where the consequences of being overweight are discussed can lead to a research opportunity for current Focusing on health and not sizeOnce the students have either identified with an unhealthy character, or feel more sympathetic to him, it's time to take a look at how to stay Throughout the unit, it's important to make sure that you focus on making healthy choices as opposed to the number on a scale or a BMI Spending time on what is or is not a "healthy" weight can actually be Underweight students may begin eating unhealthy foods because they're in an acceptable Overweight students may begin unhealthy eating practices just to reach a certain By focusing on health and not size, you are giving your students the building blocks to lead a healthy life, no matter what their body The background activitiesThe following activities will give students the background they need to make healthy choices from day to Reading nutrition labels: These labels can be mystifying to adults, so it's very important that students learn to harness the power these labels give them to make healthy After teaching the basic vocabulary and meaning of the most common terms used, have students bring in labels from food in their Mix up the labels, then put the students in groups with several and put them in order from healthiest food to least Make sure students are looking at the four major categories (calories, fat, sugar, and sodium) while ranking the The food pyramid: A sure-fire way to get students thinking about what they eat is to introduce them to the food Make sure to familiarize yourself with the new food pyramid the USDA has It's focus is on eating a variety of foods as opposed to levels that build on each The website for the new food pyramid is a great place to find interactive tools, worksheets, and coloring pages for Healthy food fair: After learning how to read labels and how to use the new food pyramid, have the students take part in a healthy food Students can create nutrition labels for the foods they bring and fix their plate based on the food Making it personalAfter learning the basics of healthy food choices, it's important to have the students really embrace the knowledge on a personal The following activities are designed to help students incorporate healthy lifestyle Keep a new food diary for a month: One problem that many people (adults included) face when making healthy eating choices is that we get stuck in a We often stick to the same foods prepared the same Have students keep a new food diary for a In this diary, they will keep track of any new foods they eat (healthy or unhealthy), whether they liked it or not, and how it made them feel after they ate it (expect a wide range of unique responses to this question) Have a weekly class update, where students can share new foods they tried and Fun ways to stay active: It's not only healthy eating that keeps us going, but staying physically active is also very There are very few people who genuinely enjoy going to the gym or doing repetitive Help students learn that exercise can be fun by creating a classroom list of ways to stay physically active and still have Help students think outside of the box when it comes to that dirty word "" Healthy choices log: At the end of the unit (or several weeks later) have the students keep a log of the healthy (or unhealthy) choices they've made during a Explain that this is to celebrate the good hoices they've made and learn from the bad, not to punish the moments that we slip You might want to spend time discussing the dangers of being too strict or hard on oneself, and the importance of moving on from By the end of the unit, your students will have learned how to make healthy decisions, focus on staying active, and learn to move beyond unhealthy These skills will lead your students to a life of a healthier self-image and moving beyond the number on a scale to focusing on enjoying life in a healthy

Relish the Moment

The desire for good health is In our competitive society it is important to maintain good On the one hand,people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and On the other hand,a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become There are many ways to keep First,those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their Second,enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and Finally,regular physical exercises benefit one's health a So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of As for me,I like playing tennis in the 良好的健康是一种普遍的渴望在我们这个充满竞争的社会,这是很重要的,保持身体健康一方面,一个健康的人可以工作满怀信心地和他们的进展,在工作依次归因于他们的健康和幸福另一方面,一个生病的人通常是不感兴趣,因此在他周围的一切,他失去了许多的机会,最终获得成功有很多方法去保持它首先,那些总是不停的时候,从早到晚都应该找时间来放松,因为太多的压力会影响他们的健康第二,应该留足够的时间睡觉,因为那将帮助人们成为休息和清新最后,有规律的体育锻炼的健康大有好处所以一个人应该永远记住一定量的运动并不是浪费时间至于我,我喜欢打网球的早晨


学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)


健康与运动:health and sport  As we know, health is more important, sports can keep ourselves healthy and What more, It is very important to exercise and eat the right kind of food to keep You needn’t spend all day doing exercise ,you can keep yourselves Such as, walking to school, cleaning the house or riding a but many people forget these simple and easy ways to keep Such as running, swimming and playing They make you feel They also help you do better at Because we become closer to nature which will help us keep a clear mind in thinking  How to keep your body healthy, I think body exercise is important So our nation physic education department sparkplugs students to attent exercise for one hour every Sport can make a lot of function to the We can know from the view   On the one hand, body exercise can accelerate the blood to flow, the flowing blood bring lots of nutrition to every place of your body, and take away the body waste, and hasten to build the On thd other hand, execrise can stimulate every system of your body, for example, when you play basketball, you jump and run constantly during the basketball Your body weight add more burden to joints, and your muscle shrink frequently, it is demanded to adapt to the exercise, consumes more energy for the task and takes more Then the joint and muscle will grow strong after those stimulating, and will be ready for more stong This mean that exercise make your body grow fast and become The third hand, body excrcise can improve inproves body immunity system, when doing body exercise, your body is perspiring, it not only take away the body waste, but also make fluent to all paths into your Let you feel well after sport, and keep far away So you will be   After we get the view, let’s do exercise every day, do our best to keep healthy  字数应该够了吧

我们在撰写医学论文的时候,尤其是初次撰写时,为了归纳总结出我们临床科研的成果,探讨个人的诊疗体会,甚至提出新的想法及问题的,我们首先会遇到的问题就是如何拟定论文的题目?下面学术堂来为你详细解答:  1、选题的方向要有创新性,突出重点  选题之前,一定要了解本项研究的现状,通过查阅相关的文献,了解相关专业领域的动态,收集相关的信息、资料和设想,无论是前瞻性研究还是回顾性总结都需要了解研究的现状,以此为出发点做科研、选题较容易找到选题的切入点,产生创新性。  在这里给大家一些容易产生创新点的几个选题方向:从国家在医疗行业的方针政策、法规选题;从学术信息中选题,拾遗补缺;从医疗新业务、新技术寻找选题;从临床工作遇到的罕见病和疑难病例,危重病人的诊治经验选题;从专业学科与边缘学科交叉发展中选题;在自己学科发展新领域,读国内外文献、参加学术会议受到的启发,进行技术和方法的移植研究中选题;在临床工作细节中寻找选题;从临床操作规范性的建立和统一中选题。  2、拟题应突显论文的宗旨,体裁明确  首先,拟题之前必须明确写此文的意图是什么?是介绍推广一项新技术研究及成果,一项前瞻性的探讨研究,一篇经验性总结,一项临床报道与体会,还是归纳性的综述。我们应当从标题上就反映出文章的体裁,研究的方向,让读者看完标题,就可知道论文的宗旨,大致了解论文的主要内容。如标题“抗癌药新进展”一看就知文章是一篇综述,作者的意图是介绍国内外研究抗癌药物的新方法、新成果,以便推广应用。  广大的临床、药理、药学工作者以及肿瘤患者,一看标题,阅读全文的兴趣豁然而生。如将标题改为“几种抗癌药物介绍”,宗旨不清、意图隐涩,大家会认为是一则商业广告,读者或审稿人单看题目都不知道介绍的重点是什么。  3、定题体现科技论文三要素,内容详实  定题前我们要明确题目中包含的三要素“研究对象(患者人群、病症类型、技术方法等)、处理因素(用药治疗、诊治方案、新技术、新方法等)、观察指标(实验效应判定途径)”。一个好的标题也必须反映这三个要素,才会对全文起到点石成金的作用,编辑、审稿人、读者初看标题就可以基本上了解文章要讲什么,研究内容是什么,判定文章的独特可取之处。  如标题“核黄素对冠心病血小板聚集和心功能的影响”,其中三要素一目了然,研究对象(冠心病)采取的处理因素(应用核黄素)比较新颖独特,且通过检测血小板聚集和心功能等核心指标来判定实验效应的优劣,三要素齐全且具有一定的新颖性,定题就比较成功。如标题改为“横黄素在冠心病中应用”,即使有研究对象和处理因素,但缺少观察指标因素,就显得吞吐不全、科学性不足。尽管此文是一篇好文章,但读者看了标题以后,感觉无多大意义,会一看了之。  4、抓住编辑、审稿人眼球,突出新颖性  这就要求我们作者在定题提炼三要素的时候,尽量突出重点用药,特色用药,特色的诊断和治疗方法,主要或创新技术方法,代表性的观察指标,观察方法等具体学术名词,让编辑、审稿人和读者通过标题就可以了解到文章研究的主要内容,研究的新颖性及创先点在哪里。另外,定题题目不宜过长,20字左右(外文10个实词以内),过长的学术名词可以用简称代替。  5、把握几个定题原则  先进性原则:可以从空白性研究,发展性研究,验证性研究(国外),实用性研究等为切入点;可行性原则:可以从研究者个人知识水平,研究的客观条件,可采取的研究方法、手段,经费,设备,时间,对象,伦理问题等把握定题的可行性如何;实用性原则:最好应以“减轻病患痛苦,促进健康生活”,处理好理论与实践,近期与远期,基础与应用关系为出发点判定研究的实用性如何;科学性原则:研究内容理论依据一定要科学合理,实验依据一定要客观。


No one can have failed to noticed the fact that psychological problems are becoming serious among college Reports are ofen heard that some collegians committed suicide or murdered their Typical example include the case of a Chinese student named Ma Jiajue and that of a Korean student studying in the USThen what are the causes of these problems among college students?The following might be some of sources of these young men and women's First,as young adults,most of them are at the stage of personality formation and are quite sensitive to their Secondly,they are at a critical point of personal development and are facing pressure from various aspects:love,academy,job-seeking and so To make things worse,most of them are living off home aTo solve the probles for these young people,it is essential that the channel of communication be kept open among students,between students and their superintendents as well as between students and their Besides,psychological counseling should be enhanced and rendered to problem students in Only with these measures taken can we expect sound growth of college d without their parents care and 求采纳,谢谢

Currently the psychologically health should be paid more Ii‘s the recult to lead to an army of healthy

Psychological Health of College Students Abstract The author of this research, together with her group members, has recently conducted a survey in university town in Chongqing for the purpose of investigating the current situation of psychological health of college The survey, through a questionnaire, has found out that the majorities of the students attach much importance to friendship and have their own principle of making More than that, most of them are prepared to get over difficulties, even make sacrifices for These phenomena are really But money is a sensitive problem, about one third of the students hold the view that it’s better not to refer to money between friends, which is comparatively Introduction  Simply definite, psychological health is how we think, feel and act as we cope of It’s also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make   It’s well known that college students’ psychological health has gradually became the focus of public College students, as the symbol of knowledge and wealth, are the backbone of the future nation- Their psychological health is not only related to their own development, but also to the training of qualified talents for institute of higher learning and the improvement of the national people’s Recently, Student Magazine, Chinese College Student () did a Web-based survey about college students’ mental health status, which involved the causes current situation and measures of their psychological The result shows that more than 90% students have ever experienced problems in this aspect, which has a   For the purpose of learning the authentic condition, our group carried out this research and the author will share her findings on friendship with Unfortunately, because of our limited capacity and scope of knowledge, we can only do a superficial and incomplete    Methods  In order to find out the current situation of college students’ psychological health, we decided to conduct a Firstly, our group designed a questionnaire, which consists of 30 questions and contains five Each member takes charge of six questions ranging over career, learning, family, friendship and campus Secondly, we prepared 100 copies of the questionnaire which were handed over to the students varying in grades, majors and even schools to obtain the statistics, 95 copies got Of the students who answered our questions, 64 are boys while 31 are Finally, Feng Shiyu dealt with statistics of 30 questions and gave it to Then we had a small meeting with Lily which lasts about one hour to summarize and analyze the Every one of us wrote our own part of the report and mine is as / Data analysis   The answers of the following questions are divided into five degree, they are: 1 represents strongly agree, 2 represents compared agree, 3represents not sure, 4 represents compared disagree and 5 represents strongly (1) Students’ attitude towards friendshipQ Do you agree that friendship is important?   The part of friendship of our questionnaire starts with the college students’ recognition on After all, attitude determines From the diagram we can see that the majority (about 85%) of them hold the view that friendship is important, which is really Now that we human beings can never be separated from society and connection with others is inevitable, we’d better get along well with people Understanding this point is really beneficial for students’ But it worries us a lot that near 15% of the students are not sure or even opponent the importance of Maybe some of them are just kidding, but attention paid on them is There must be some correct (2) Students’ principles of making friendsQ Do you agree that there are numerous kinds of friends and you will do different things with different friends?Q Do you agree that there’s a standard of friends?   After we have a clear cognition about college students’ attitude towards friendship, investigation on their principles is the second In Q20 and Q21, we can analyze that most of college students have legible principles over making They know what types of friends are suitable for themselves and have specific Besides, from Q20, we can see that college students can come into contact with varies kinds of people and contain the difference, which explains that the psychology of them is These phenomenons are absolutely comforting, proofing that college students know right principles of making (3) Students’ consciousness about friendshipQ Do you agree that there are many problems when getting along with friends? Q Do you agree that sometimes you will make some sacrifices for your friends? Apart from knowing the principles of making friends, envisaging the difficulties during being along with friends is From Q22 we know that near half of the students highlight that there are many problems when getting along with Obviously, everyone is individual and has different characteristics, how can there be no frictions? Before we get over these difficulties, we are supposed to find them And through Q22, we are happy to see that almost 80% of the students have the consciousness to make sacrifices for How heart-stirring it is! Tolerant contributes a lot to harmony We can imagine that if everyone thinks a little more from others’ view when conflict happens, there will be much fewer disputes and (4) Students’ opinion over moneyQ Do you agree that it’s better not to refer to money between friends? Money is always a sensitive Students who approve it is better not to refer to money between friends are nearly equal to those who oppose it while 25% are not sure about Personally, although there’s an old saying: for my best pal, we’d better not borrow money from friends or ask them to treat After all, money is others’ fruit of labor, we need to respect Conclusion Although this survey is simple and crude, we gain a lot from   From all the statistics above, we can conclude that the statement of college students’ psychological health, at least a general circumstance around the author, within friendship is pretty Not only do they know the importance of it, but also they have enough consciousness and preparation to deal with   There are some conclusions:   Friendship is really important; everyone should have his/her    We should have our own principles of making friends, only then can we find friends that are suitable for    Problems are inevitable, tolerance makes true    Don’t refer to money unless you have to, no matter whether you are rich or

In recent years, mentally Fit has become a pressing According to a recentsurvey conducted by some organizations, college students' mentally Fit is especially Owing tocomplicated social phenomenon, college students have various Mentally Fit Admittedly, school is supposed to putcollege students ' mentally Fit on the priority It is essential to engage some experienced psychologiststo guide students psychological lectures are beneficial Viewed from my perspective, college students should adopt a positiveattitude towards We regard hardships and frustration as stepping stonesand move forward I am absolutely sure that people who have sound mindand body are successful and In a word, everyone attachgreat importance to college students ' mentally F I sincerely hope that college students are healthyboth physically and


While going on a diet is popular among some people,i think it is bad for our y reasons are as Firstly,some people may think it is worth doing this,but in fact it does harm to your body a lot because it may make you so weak that you can not even Secondly,it may make you feel anxious about everything in your life,which will deeply influence your communication with Thirdly,you may not insist doing it,which may cause worse I think we should accept ourselves as we We should konw that everyone is special and learn to enjoy


健康的重要性 英语作文As usual, I got up at 7 on theSunday morning, because I hadto do tutoring and it took meone hour to arrive the student' After finishing the course,again I took a bus to get back The time I arrived atschool, I had been However I didn't go tosleep at once but to watch TVseries on computer for nearly Oh, my so tired and alittle painful in my Maybe Ishould get a Tossing aboutin the bed for ten minutes,gradually I fell Tw


About health Everyone want to be healthy,because it is by health to Source of life in The simplest is running,riding a Whether rich or poor,can do two kinds of movement,can easily do the two movement,but not excessive exercise,it will damage the Keep a good attitude,happiness will always In order to maintain the health,physical exercise is the best Mountain climbing,can practice perseverance; rope skipping,can we grow,and actively participate in physical exercise,less illness,did not have to pay a lot of medical In PE class,we can run on the playground,basketball,skipping can keep In winter,students still do not fear the cold,keep on running in the playground,even Want to be healthy,diet is also The food Pyramid wrote:eat a little salt,oil,sugar,milk,milk,eggs and meat; many vegetables,fruit,plenty of whole The balanced nutrition,to maintain good Every day at noon,schools have a delicious The teacher ordered us to eat all Although we complain a little,but we all know:the teacher is good for We have a" eat like wolves and tigers" out to enjoy the" nutritional lunch" Life is precious,health is to keep the life" defense" If we want a healthy diet and exercise,right from the start! 关于健康 每个人都想健康,因为只有健康才能长命百岁 生命源于运动最简单的就是跑步,骑自行车无论是富人还是穷人,都可以做到这两种运动,都可以毫不费力地做到这两个运动,但不能过度运动,这样会损伤身体时刻保持良好心态,快乐就会时刻相伴 为了保持健康,体育锻炼是最好的方法爬山,可以磨练毅力;跳绳,可以是我们长高~积极参加体育锻炼,可以少生病,不必支出许多医药费 在体育课上,我们可以在操场上跑步、打篮球、跳绳~都可以强身健体在冬天,同学们依然不畏严寒,在操场上坚持跑步,甚至都出了汗 想要健康,饮食也很重要食物金字塔上写着:吃一点点盐、油、糖,一些牛奶,酸奶,鸡蛋和肉类;许多蔬菜、水果,大量的五谷杂粮这样营养均衡,才能保持好身体 每天中午,学校都有好吃的饭菜老师命令我们必须全部吃掉虽然我们有点抱怨,但我们都知道:老师是为我们好我们就一个个“狼吞虎咽”享受掉“营养午餐” 生命是宝贵的,健康就是保持生命的“防御”设备要想健康,就从饮食和运动做起!

The desire for good health is In our competitive society it is important to maintain good On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become There are many ways to keep First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of As for me, I like playing tennis in the 良好的健康是一种普遍的渴望。在我们这个充满竞争的社会,这是很重要的,保持身体健康。一方面,一个健康的人可以工作满怀信心地和他们的进展,在工作依次归因于他们的健康和幸福。另一方面,一个生病的人通常是不感兴趣,因此在他周围的一切,他失去了许多的机会,最终获得成功。有很多方法去保持它。首先,那些总是不停的时候,从早到晚都应该找时间来放松,因为太多的压力会影响他们的健康。第二,应该留足够的时间睡觉,因为那将帮助人们成为休息和清新。最后,有规律的体育锻炼的健康大有好处。所以一个人应该永远记住一定量的运动并不是浪费时间。至于我,我喜欢打网球的早晨。
