

发布时间:2024-07-06 19:14:16






学术堂整理了一部分古代文学论文题目,供大家参考:  中国古代文学传播方式及其影响略论  智慧的启迪:浅谈中国古代文学经典的现代价值  武则天的人格与重要人际关系考论  中国三大神话母题研究  《聊斋志异》中的妒、悍妇群像研究  《儒林外史》与科举制度研究  唐传奇爱情小说中的女性形象研究  媒介环境视域下文学创作的职业化之路--以晚清报人小说家为研究中心  《淮南子》神话艺术解读  唐代青楼题材小说研究  近世京津词坛研究  《盛京时报》小说研究  明清小说与韩国汉文小说女将形象比较研究  宋代出使文学研究  唐前曹植接受史  黄庭坚隐逸诗及其隐逸思想研究  论楚辞《九歌》中的自然崇拜  魏晋南北朝涉医文学研究  明清小说"乡村描写"研究--以名者为中心  牟氏家谱研究牟菲菲中国海洋大学  陆游诗歌的地域文化研究--以绍兴、汉中为中心


How to be a successful businessmanThere are rivers and lakes where there is resentment, with a grudge where there is demand, there is a demand for places on the market, there is a market where there are businessmen,To be a good businessman, you need to understand four words woundA lookOur ancestors look words in the four characters of the first naturally has his reasonsHope is to seeDo let us first lookWhile the game market is what we need to hopeWe need to come up with a lot of time carefully to watchAnd familiar with the various items of market priceMarket on the lack of somethingSell items in which the relatively high priceWhat the end of price comparisonGeneral situation of market on the lack of or high price is the most valuable thing recently and sell itemsIf you know the market supply and demand and the prices of goods that the Wang word you have doneTwo WenGu Mingsi intended to hear isFriends in the game who are trading timeAnd everybody exchangeKnow more about who wants to buy whatWho want to sell nothing more than listen to their opinionListen to their priceTo obtain more market informationThe information age if you enough information accurately and timelyYou might lose money in businessSo a good businessman should use various ways to obtain informationThree QWe can understand for a supply of We can also be understood as the rangeFor example, someone shouting cheaper to sell whatThis time we need to askOf course it also requires skill for a supply of It depends on your own persuasive eloquenceA lot of things the price we are not very clearSo we must use ask askAs much as possible to go to ask friendsDon't be afraid of a troubleThe final pick out a suitable price sale or Four cutIn my opinion must be keenly aware of thatBusiness to do his own experienceNo matter what make money regardless of profit or to accompanyYou have only yourself to do their own tasteYou can get more information to accumulate more experienceNot for the 1 time in 2 with money to give upSometimes money making opportunity in your mind so we must do moreIt is certain to cut moreIf these four words you have learned to handle very Then you may close one paceOpportunityWe don't have a naive ideaDo not think the sky will fall pieTo learn how to search for and find opportunitiesSometimes opportunity often is on your sideSuch as weekly maintenance notice such as previous maintenance announcement Thursday after maintenance need new then equipmentAlthough no was told that we need a lot of beadsBut if we a little attention to the market information and notice it is not difficult to find beads will rise in priceIn a wordBasic + price buy = moneyThat is what we call the scalpingMany of my friends are using estimates of reselling earned a lot of moneyScalping is also in the game, the most popular and most direct way to make moneyThe premise is that you must know the marketPersonally think scalping the baby should be relatively large I thinkReselling the best trick is not immediately sellBut inventoryIf you have moneyCan use information is selected with the appreciation of space goods inventoryIn the relative time shipmentsCan obtain high profitsOf course there are also relative riskWe can be called the directional futuresMeaning is not fixed time and price of the stockIndefinite time and price for shipment only if the profit of high specified number [ investment risk ]Because of the time to write hereThe above is purely his own viewsWish you a leisurely game may you be happy and prosperous!



学术堂精选挑选了二十个好写的商务英语专业论文题目,供大家进行参考:  1、 基于内容的商务英语教学法评估  2、 商务谈判英语中模糊的语用阐释及其效用研究  3、 语篇功能对等视角的商务英语翻译  4、 高职商务英语专业实践课程开发  5、 关联理论在商务英语阅读教学中的应用  6、 成人商务英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养  7、 功能对等理论视角下的商务英语翻译  8、 中职商务英语教学中跨文化交际意识的培养  9、 论商务英语翻译中的文化转向  10、 职前学生商务英语词汇教学法探索  11、 商务英语中模糊语言的应用及其语用分析  12、 从目的论角度看国际商务英语翻译的质量评估  13、 高职院校商务英语精读教学中的任务型教学法  14、 词典类型对翻译与习得商务英语新词作用的实证研究  15、 高职课程的演进及其对商务英语专业项目课程开发的探索  16、 语域理论指导下的商务英语翻译  17、 商务英语写作中介语错误分析的研究  18、 从顺应论的视角分析商务英语信函中的语用失误  19、 商务英语网络课件的评估:TMM个案研究  20、 商务英语新闻中概念隐喻的认知研究


Research for How APCE impact the economy of East Asia

How to be a successful businessmanThere are rivers and lakes where there is resentment, with a grudge where there is demand, there is a demand for places on the market, there is a market where there are businessmen,To be a good businessman, you need to understand four words woundA lookOur ancestors look words in the four characters of the first naturally has his reasonsHope is to seeDo let us first lookWhile the game market is what we need to hopeWe need to come up with a lot of time carefully to watchAnd familiar with the various items of market priceMarket on the lack of somethingSell items in which the relatively high priceWhat the end of price comparisonGeneral situation of market on the lack of or high price is the most valuable thing recently and sell itemsIf you know the market supply and demand and the prices of goods that the Wang word you have doneTwo WenGu Mingsi intended to hear isFriends in the game who are trading timeAnd everybody exchangeKnow more about who wants to buy whatWho want to sell nothing more than listen to their opinionListen to their priceTo obtain more market informationThe information age if you enough information accurately and timelyYou might lose money in businessSo a good businessman should use various ways to obtain informationThree QWe can understand for a supply of We can also be understood as the rangeFor example, someone shouting cheaper to sell whatThis time we need to askOf course it also requires skill for a supply of It depends on your own persuasive eloquenceA lot of things the price we are not very clearSo we must use ask askAs much as possible to go to ask friendsDon't be afraid of a troubleThe final pick out a suitable price sale or Four cutIn my opinion must be keenly aware of thatBusiness to do his own experienceNo matter what make money regardless of profit or to accompanyYou have only yourself to do their own tasteYou can get more information to accumulate more experienceNot for the 1 time in 2 with money to give upSometimes money making opportunity in your mind so we must do moreIt is certain to cut moreIf these four words you have learned to handle very Then you may close one paceOpportunityWe don't have a naive ideaDo not think the sky will fall pieTo learn how to search for and find opportunitiesSometimes opportunity often is on your sideSuch as weekly maintenance notice such as previous maintenance announcement Thursday after maintenance need new then equipmentAlthough no was told that we need a lot of beadsBut if we a little attention to the market information and notice it is not difficult to find beads will rise in priceIn a wordBasic + price buy = moneyThat is what we call the scalpingMany of my friends are using estimates of reselling earned a lot of moneyScalping is also in the game, the most popular and most direct way to make moneyThe premise is that you must know the marketPersonally think scalping the baby should be relatively large I thinkReselling the best trick is not immediately sellBut inventoryIf you have moneyCan use information is selected with the appreciation of space goods inventoryIn the relative time shipmentsCan obtain high profitsOf course there are also relative riskWe can be called the directional futuresMeaning is not fixed time and price of the stockIndefinite time and price for shipment only if the profit of high specified number [ investment risk ]Because of the time to write hereThe above is purely his own viewsWish you a leisurely game may you be happy and prosperous!

Abstract During the last three decades, China has changed its political policies to open itself to foreign With many foreign investors’ helps, China has made great economic progress and has been emerging fast in the global Since more and more foreign enterprisers join the Chinese markets, many questions and problems regarding to the issue of cross-cultural negotiation have been Cross-cultural negotiation has never been an easy A cross-cultural negotiation requires a mutual understanding of culture differences and the practices of applied negotiation This study is to help Western business negotiators better understand Chinese negotiation strategies and techniques, so they can develop appropriate strategies when negotiating in C I INTRODUCTION After China and Taiwan both became the members of World Trade Organization (WTO) in year 2002, the importance of business transaction with Chinese has drawn a huge attention to most businessmen in the As Zhao (2000, 209-237) said, during the last three decades, China has changed its political policies to open itself to foreign With many foreign investors’ helps, China has made great economic progress and has been emerging fast in the global Since more and more foreign enterprisers join the Chinese markets, many questions and problems regarding to the issue of cross-cultural negotiation have been Cross-cultural negotiation has never been an easy As Mintu-Wimsatt and Gassenheimer (2000, 1-15) indicate “Cultural differences, in contrast, increase the complexity of the relationship and the negotiation encounter, potentially jeopardizing the business relationship’s ” Thus, it is important to explore the cultural difference between west and east, and to study different communication II LITERATURE REVIEW By presenting a fruitful literature review, this article explores a greater insight on how western businessmen can establish a long-term relationship with Chinese business A Cultural Differences between West and East Western countries such as US and Canada are called low culture context countries which rely on verbally expressed (Mintu-Wimsatt and Gassenheimer 2000, 1-15) They tend to communicate directly to For example, when an American businessman tries to make a deal, not only a lots of oral presentations will be held but also will place directly on confirming the On the other hands, in highcontext cultures such as Chinese and Japanese cultures provide less information in verbal They prefer an indirect communication style (Mintu-Wimsatt and Gassenheimer 2000, 1-15) For example, when a Chinese negotiator delivers a message no matter in verbal or writing, many variables would need to be considered and decoded in order to fully comprehend the The variables can be individual backgrounds, associations, values, gender, position in company and status in Because of the cultural differences, some factors which affect the effectiveness of successful negotiation would need to be They are: “ differences in decision making, status protocol, social aspects of negotiation, how time is viewed, and personal relationships” (Herbig and Kramer 1992, 287-299) Based on those factors,


How to be a successful businessmanThere are rivers and lakes where there is resentment, with a grudge where there is demand, there is a demand for places on the market, there is a market where there are businessmen,To be a good businessman, you need to understand four words woundA lookOur ancestors look words in the four characters of the first naturally has his reasonsHope is to seeDo let us first lookWhile the game market is what we need to hopeWe need to come up with a lot of time carefully to watchAnd familiar with the various items of market priceMarket on the lack of somethingSell items in which the relatively high priceWhat the end of price comparisonGeneral situation of market on the lack of or high price is the most valuable thing recently and sell itemsIf you know the market supply and demand and the prices of goods that the Wang word you have doneTwo WenGu Mingsi intended to hear isFriends in the game who are trading timeAnd everybody exchangeKnow more about who wants to buy whatWho want to sell nothing more than listen to their opinionListen to their priceTo obtain more market informationThe information age if you enough information accurately and timelyYou might lose money in businessSo a good businessman should use various ways to obtain informationThree QWe can understand for a supply of We can also be understood as the rangeFor example, someone shouting cheaper to sell whatThis time we need to askOf course it also requires skill for a supply of It depends on your own persuasive eloquenceA lot of things the price we are not very clearSo we must use ask askAs much as possible to go to ask friendsDon't be afraid of a troubleThe final pick out a suitable price sale or Four cutIn my opinion must be keenly aware of thatBusiness to do his own experienceNo matter what make money regardless of profit or to accompanyYou have only yourself to do their own tasteYou can get more information to accumulate more experienceNot for the 1 time in 2 with money to give upSometimes money making opportunity in your mind so we must do moreIt is certain to cut moreIf these four words you have learned to handle very Then you may close one paceOpportunityWe don't have a naive ideaDo not think the sky will fall pieTo learn how to search for and find opportunitiesSometimes opportunity often is on your sideSuch as weekly maintenance notice such as previous maintenance announcement Thursday after maintenance need new then equipmentAlthough no was told that we need a lot of beadsBut if we a little attention to the market information and notice it is not difficult to find beads will rise in priceIn a wordBasic + price buy = moneyThat is what we call the scalpingMany of my friends are using estimates of reselling earned a lot of moneyScalping is also in the game, the most popular and most direct way to make moneyThe premise is that you must know the marketPersonally think scalping the baby should be relatively large I thinkReselling the best trick is not immediately sellBut inventoryIf you have moneyCan use information is selected with the appreciation of space goods inventoryIn the relative time shipmentsCan obtain high profitsOf course there are also relative riskWe can be called the directional futuresMeaning is not fixed time and price of the stockIndefinite time and price for shipment only if the profit of high specified number [ investment risk ]Because of the time to write hereThe above is purely his own viewsWish you a leisurely game may you be happy and prosperous!

On Huniu and other representatives of the 1930s fiction writers in the image of the differences between women Abstract: In the 1930s the Chinese Modern Literature is prosperous period novels surge, emerged a large number of outstanding writers, Ba Jin, Mao Dun and Lao She, and Shen Congwen is one of the most representative writer, in the shape of their novels in a series of classic Female images, and in one of the unique image of women - H Although scholars have been to her evaluation of a lot of differences, but she is a very attractive image, she has unwanted side also has a lovely Both the appearance or character, she and other representatives of different stories of women writers, she Ganaiganhen, complete subversion of the male sense of the past, like the cracks in the constant struggle of life, became the literary 1930s The history of the most personalized image of

Lu Xun, some chapters is the theme of the These works depicted the lives of the early twentieth century Chinese farmers, thoughts, and their groans the ocean of life and struggle, the true shape of many farmers and even the world famous image of the Farmers in the image of this long gallery, there is the famous spiritual victory Ah Q, a Xianglinsao dead with fear, a stubborn love pungent Regardless, there are generous and hospitable sixty-one father, there is burdened with the life burden, depression Runtu Description of them, Lu Xun was captured more than a fragment of their lives, or so-called "half story", or from childhood on, until all the earnest after three So that from them and one can see more clearly the history of an era of peasant life, causing them to see Lu Xun to explore the social roots of the

Lu Xun, some chapters is the theme of the These works depicted the lives of the early twentieth century Chinese farmers, thoughts, and their groans the ocean of life and struggle, the true shape of many farmers and even the world famous image of the Farmers in the image of this long gallery, there is the famous spiritual victory Ah Q, a Xianglinsao dead with fear, a stubborn love pungent Regardless, there are generous and hospitable sixty-one father, there is burdened with the life burden, depression Runtu Description of them, Lu Xun was captured more than a fragment of their lives, or so-called "half story", or from childhood on, until all the earnest after three So that from them and one can see more clearly the history of an era of peasant life, causing them to see Lu Xun to explore the social roots of the 差不多就是这样了你看下满意吗?
