

发布时间:2024-07-06 13:35:04


1、 中小企业集群现象研究2、 论区域经济一体化和经济全球化的关系3、 广东实现区域经济协调发展的战略选择4、 发展经济学理论在西部大开发中的应用5、 产业政策与竞争政策的关系6、 市场经济条件下政府的功能定位7、 泛珠三角有关问题研究8、 高新技术型中小企业融资模式研究9、 中小企业发展与就业促进10、珠三角城镇化的现状、问题及对策11、企业集群与城镇化研究12、农业产业化和城镇化研究13、论我国经济增长与国民消费的演进14、影响我国城镇居民消费的因素及对策建议15、我国居民消费需求分析及预测16、广东城镇居民消费趋势预测与对策17、我国城镇居民的收入与消费结构变化研究18、科技进步对我国工业发展的贡献率分析19、经济增长点问题研究20、宏观经济学研究的新进展21、微观经济学的新发展22、政府宏观调控问题研究23、对公用事业规制的研究24、市场与政府的关系研究25、西方产业组织理论的形成和发展26、论经济增长方式27、论中国的经济增长28、可持续发展理论研究29、新经济与经济增长方式的转型30、美国宏观经济政策史研究31、新自由主义意识与经济全球化32、经济全球化与中国的经济发展33、制度与经济增长34、诺思的制度变迁理论研究35、虚拟经济研究36、我国的收入分配演变研究37、广东、香港、台湾三地经济发展状况对比38、广州支柱产业选择分析39、广东劳动力市场问题研究40、我国个人所得税制度分析41、国有企业的激励约束机制研究42、我国国有企业委托—代理机制研究43、我国商业银行不良资产形成原因及对策研究44、我国国有企业内部契约关系分析45、相对优势原则与我国经济的有效增长46、腐败的经济学分析47、国民精神素质与经济增长48、李斯特的经济发展思想及对我国的借鉴49、转轨时期的经济思想研究50、相关行业的经济学分析


摘要 In the private international law domain, the closest relation principle is a great importance the principle, its appearance has around the world had the widespread influence, was under the majority national legislations and the practice But this principle's flexibility also entrusted with judge the big freedom to decide after deliberation the power, thus possibly caused judge when handled the case presents phenomenon which the authority abused, created in the closest relation principle operation some Therefore, we must deal with judge decides after deliberation the power freely the issue, enables the closest relation principle to further obtain the consummation, maximum limit displays it in the private international law positive 关键词 The private international law closest relation principle decides after deliberation the power freely

1、网约车违约的法律问题研究  2、论家庭暴力的法律对策研究  3、我国失地农民社会保障问题探讨  4、论环境污染侵权责任制度的完善---以XX县为例  5、校园暴力的成因及法律预防  6、论我国持有型犯罪的立法缺陷与完善  7、论大学生兼职的劳动权益保护  8、论法律行为和情谊行为的区分  9、小额贷款公司法律问题研究  10、论劳动合同法中的竞业限制制度  11、论共同犯罪中刑事责任的扩散  12、论合同诈骗罪  13、论网络时代的隐私权保护  14、企业高管人员适用劳动法问题研究  15、网络交易平台消费者保护法律责任  以上论文题目由学术堂整理提供


学术堂整理了十个好写的国际经济学论文题目,供大家进行参考:  1、电子商务经济学与国际贸易理论和政策研究  2、东亚区域经济合作研究  3、对话与合作:环境问题的国际政治经济学分析  4、汉语国际推广:关于孔子学院的经济学分析与建议  5、共赢性博弈论  6、东亚经济一体化主导问题研究  7、罗伯特?吉尔平的国际政治经济学理论研究  8、国际政治经济学范式论  9、外商直接投资与发展中国家利益的国际政治经济学分析  10、国际海洋争端解决机制的经济学分析:一个“适当论”的视角

学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考: 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels) “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV) 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice) 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice) 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy) 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students) 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach) 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West) 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication) 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism) 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades) 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea) 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)


据学术堂了解,国际经济学主要研究对象有国际贸易理论与政策、国际收支理论、汇率理论、要素的国际流动、国际投资理论、开放的宏观经济均衡等,下面分享十五个关于国际经济学论文的题目,供大家进行参考:  1、电子商务经济学与国际贸易理论和政策研究  2、东亚区域经济合作研究  3、对话与合作:环境问题的国际政治经济学分析  4、汉语国际推广:关于孔子学院的经济学分析与建议  5、共赢性博弈论  6、东亚经济一体化主导问题研究  7、罗伯特?吉尔平的国际政治经济学理论研究  8、国际政治经济学范式论  9、外商直接投资与发展中国家利益的国际政治经济学分析  10、国际海洋争端解决机制的经济学分析:一个“适当论”的视角  11、日本海外资源战略的国际政治经济学分析  12、IMF援助效果的国际政治经济学分析  13、1997-1999国际金融危机传播的空间计量经济学分析  14、国际私法法经济学分析评述  15、美元霸权的国际政治经济学探析


Private International LawPrivate international law In the world of civil law and commercial law differences between the cases, the foreign-related factors containing the civil and commercial law, which should be applied to resolve the law of the State's Foreign-related factors also known as the international factors in civil and commercial law, known as the Western tradition of private law, private international law hence its Because generalized civil law could include commercial law, civil law and commercial law to the mutual differences, legal jargon known as the Civil Code of conflict or civil conflict, or conflict with the law or legal conflicts, so long as this sector, which the law the legal conflict with law or conflict of In 1834 the United States jurists J Tito, the first private international law conflict with law as a legal term Then, in German, French created a corresponding vocabulary, in Italy after another, in Spanish has also had a corresponding In China and Japan called on Private International L Because of private international law on national civil law is the applicable law, also known as the law applicable History 1841 German scholar谢夫纳in his book "The development of private international law" in the first use of this The names in China, Germany, Japan, Russia and other Eastern European countries are generally The adjustment of the concept of private international law targeting international civil relations can be called foreign-related civil legal As an international private law of the foreign-related civil adjusted target of legal relationship with the following characteristics: a foreign-related Relations between the concrete expression in the main body of a foreign object and content of factors broad civil and commercial relations will be foreign-related civil conflict The conditions are: ① people of all countries have frequently exchanged visits, some civil legal relations with foreign factors, or had once one or both parties for foreigners, or had once property in a foreign country, or acts or facts had once occurred ② differences between civil law countries, such as the legal marriage age, the legacy of heir share distribution, such as default liability provisions ③ foreign factors containing the civil legal relations, in a certain range with the application of foreign law necessary and For example, with a number of overseas Chinese to give each other mutual legal treaty to be registered trademark and the right to the protection, in the implementation of this treaty, there will be times when the other party is a national corporate legal issue, namely, the issue of nationality of legal On this issue, the law is Major European continent to take management center, and to the corporate community that is home country as the main office location of their home In accordance with the common law and the law of the State to State as a legal entity set up their own, in other words, legal persons in accordance with the laws of the countries which, with the country's China registered trademarks admissibility organs, to decide whether a foreign legal persons in the country of nationality, can only apply the foreign Private International Law is mainly for the domestic law of the factors contained foreign relations provisions of the Civil Code should apply the law of the State where the rules, that is rules of private international law, known as the conflict with the rules, because this is the role of the rule of law to resolve legal conflict with the legal use of the The above example is inconsistent with the rules: the nationality of the application of the corporate legal person of national A State of the sum of these rules conflict with the country on a private international Therefore, sources from the law (see Law), the main rule is inconsistent with national legislation and domestic jurisprudence, only very few from the international treaties In Western countries, the first private international law legislation is the 1756 "Bavaria Civil C" Subsequent legislation on private international law gradually increased, in some countries it in the Civil Code provisions, such as the 1804 "French Civil Code," N 3; it provides some countries in the implementation of civil law, such as in 1896 Germany, "the purposes of the Civil Code "Some developed countries it is one-way, such as the 1975 former Democratic Republic of Germany" on the international civil, family law and labor relations and the international economic contract law applicable law "; some countries it scattered in a number of individual provisions of a single law in , such as Romania and Bulgaria, the private international law A private international law by the Legislative simple to complex For example, in 1963 the Czechoslovak "private international law and international civil law" contains 68, 1987 announcement of Switzerland, "the Federal Private International Law" contains 200 Apart from legislation, common law jurisprudence growing private international Even in the European civil law, the customary law jurisprudence also constitute occupies an important For example, the jurisprudence of the Court of France, built a fairly complete system of private international In addition, Latin American countries are still in 1940 concluded on the Montevideo Convention on Private International L As for the private international law provisions contained in the bilateral treaties number As private international law are still low stage of development, some of the rules has not been established, therefore, sometimes on the doctrine of private international law in the international civil proceedings will also have a big Private international law is the applicable law of private international law on civil law is the law applicable law, and not substantive Substantive law that directly address the legal rights and obligations of the Private International Law is that which country should apply the substantive law to address the rights and obligations of the parties, but does not directly address the rights and obligations of the In the aforementioned example, the national law is foreign corporate entities, "corporate citizenship application of the legal person of the national law" rules of private international law, the applicable law rather than substantive According to conflict with the applicable rules of the substantive law of the country concerned, as the applicable The nationality of legal persons as in the above cases linked object, identified as the case known as qualitative corporate nationality, the nationality of legal persons is the link The use of private international law, in dealing with foreign-related civil cases, the first through qualitative and identify targets link, and follow the breach of rules, the decision should apply the applicable law, as the basis for the As the country adopted by the rules of private international law based on different links, sometimes occur, and turn to the China's private international law since the Tang Dynasty due to the fresh, Persians and other foreigners frequent in China trade, 651 (Tang永徽2002) "永徽law" provides that "all of outsiders similar self offenders, under this conventional method; Heterogeneous of offenders, in accordance with the law ", the law that Tang law, or the law of the Punishment for Tang law, there is no clear distinction between the people, this provision is not only international criminal law, international private law Since ancient Tang dynasty mainly taken closed-door policy, the development of private international law could not until the end of the Qing dynasty was slightly 1918 Northern government released "apply the law" provisions on personal law, relatives law, domestic law principle of the law of succession to the parties, but subject to the imperialist countries consular jurisdiction, applicable opportunities are After the founding of People's Republic of China have drawn up a number of rules and regulations relating to private international law, the conclusion of the relevant If in 1951 the Ministry of the Interior, between aliens and aliens in China with the Chinese man married to China and France, and marriage registration In 1960, "McNair consular treaty" provides consular can be authorized under the contributors, both contributors for the marriage registration citizens, but not from the parties or between people abided by local obligations under the A China with the mutual conclusion of the registration and protection of trade marks such agreements require the registration and protection of their application within the laws of the In recent years, China and many countries, such as France, on the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on judicial In order to resolve international trade and maritime disputes, China has already set up a Committee of I "PRC Civil Procedure Law" (see the Code of Civil Procedure) to set up another series, foreign-related civil proceedings to make special

这个论题实际上是研究特定地域内(亚洲)/特定内容(合同 )的国际私法问题。本人写过有关国际消费合同的法律适用问题。 你可以从有关合同法律适用的理论谈起,实际上历史上有关合同法律适用的理论分歧是很多的。比如说“单一论”和“分割论”,“主观论”和“客观论”。意思自治、最密切联系原则、特征性履行方法、合同自体法、强制规则和公共秩序以及合同的特殊方面和特殊合同的法律适用问题也是你在研究冲突法的时候应当深刻把握的。你可以从理论入手(理论毕竟是基础)、然后详细考察各种法律选择方法、对比优劣和可行性结合亚洲国际私法的合作情况和环境得出自己的结论。合同的法律适用问题肯定脱不了我一上说的问题,也肯定以上述问题为主体。只要你把上述的有关合同法律适用的一些基本问题搞清楚,你的研究框架就会出来了。现在这方面的论文挺多的,要看你自己的创新能力了。:)


你可以H!我 我向你推荐一些题目 比如说未解决的问题 有待于完善的规范 只要有题目 你就能自己写出来


据学术堂了解,国际经济学主要研究对象有国际贸易理论与政策、国际收支理论、汇率理论、要素的国际流动、国际投资理论、开放的宏观经济均衡等,下面分享十五个关于国际经济学论文的题目,供大家进行参考:  1、电子商务经济学与国际贸易理论和政策研究  2、东亚区域经济合作研究  3、对话与合作:环境问题的国际政治经济学分析  4、汉语国际推广:关于孔子学院的经济学分析与建议  5、共赢性博弈论  6、东亚经济一体化主导问题研究  7、罗伯特?吉尔平的国际政治经济学理论研究  8、国际政治经济学范式论  9、外商直接投资与发展中国家利益的国际政治经济学分析  10、国际海洋争端解决机制的经济学分析:一个“适当论”的视角  11、日本海外资源战略的国际政治经济学分析  12、IMF援助效果的国际政治经济学分析  13、1997-1999国际金融危机传播的空间计量经济学分析  14、国际私法法经济学分析评述  15、美元霸权的国际政治经济学探析



1、网约车违约的法律问题研究  2、论家庭暴力的法律对策研究  3、我国失地农民社会保障问题探讨  4、论环境污染侵权责任制度的完善---以XX县为例  5、校园暴力的成因及法律预防  6、论我国持有型犯罪的立法缺陷与完善  7、论大学生兼职的劳动权益保护  8、论法律行为和情谊行为的区分  9、小额贷款公司法律问题研究  10、论劳动合同法中的竞业限制制度  11、论共同犯罪中刑事责任的扩散  12、论合同诈骗罪  13、论网络时代的隐私权保护  14、企业高管人员适用劳动法问题研究  15、网络交易平台消费者保护法律责任  以上论文题目由学术堂整理提供


1、 中小企业集群现象研究2、 论区域经济一体化和经济全球化的关系3、 广东实现区域经济协调发展的战略选择4、 发展经济学理论在西部大开发中的应用5、 产业政策与竞争政策的关系6、 市场经济条件下政府的功能定位7、 泛珠三角有关问题研究8、 高新技术型中小企业融资模式研究9、 中小企业发展与就业促进10、珠三角城镇化的现状、问题及对策11、企业集群与城镇化研究12、农业产业化和城镇化研究13、论我国经济增长与国民消费的演进14、影响我国城镇居民消费的因素及对策建议15、我国居民消费需求分析及预测16、广东城镇居民消费趋势预测与对策17、我国城镇居民的收入与消费结构变化研究18、科技进步对我国工业发展的贡献率分析19、经济增长点问题研究20、宏观经济学研究的新进展21、微观经济学的新发展22、政府宏观调控问题研究23、对公用事业规制的研究24、市场与政府的关系研究25、西方产业组织理论的形成和发展26、论经济增长方式27、论中国的经济增长28、可持续发展理论研究29、新经济与经济增长方式的转型30、美国宏观经济政策史研究31、新自由主义意识与经济全球化32、经济全球化与中国的经济发展33、制度与经济增长34、诺思的制度变迁理论研究35、虚拟经济研究36、我国的收入分配演变研究37、广东、香港、台湾三地经济发展状况对比38、广州支柱产业选择分析39、广东劳动力市场问题研究40、我国个人所得税制度分析41、国有企业的激励约束机制研究42、我国国有企业委托—代理机制研究43、我国商业银行不良资产形成原因及对策研究44、我国国有企业内部契约关系分析45、相对优势原则与我国经济的有效增长46、腐败的经济学分析47、国民精神素质与经济增长48、李斯特的经济发展思想及对我国的借鉴49、转轨时期的经济思想研究50、相关行业的经济学分析

